
    Podcast Summary

    • The future of prompt engineering may not be as lucrative as anticipatedExperts predict AI systems will generate effective prompts themselves, Microsoft's APO research supports this trend, and individuals with expertise may find using generative AI easier

      The future of prompt engineering, a skill set gaining popularity due to the potential disruption of jobs market, may not be as lucrative as some anticipate. According to experts, AI systems are increasingly capable of figuring out what users need and generating effective prompts themselves. Microsoft's new research on Automatic Prompt Optimization (APO) further supports this trend, offering a more efficient solution to prompt engineering. Additionally, it was suggested that individuals with subject matter expertise may find it easier to use generative AI in their respective fields compared to beginners. Overall, the experts advise focusing on building a strong foundation in your area of expertise rather than solely investing in prompt engineering as a future career.

    • Exploring the Depths of Generative AIGenerative AI is a tool to expand capabilities, not a shortcut to mastery. Amazon's Astro robot could use it for contextual understanding and complex tasks, while Unreal Engine 5.2's deformer tools simulate muscle flesh and cloth. European Parliament's proposed AI regulation may impact open source developers with significant fines for unlicensed models.

      Generative AI is not a shortcut to mastering a field, but rather a tool to delve deeper and expand capabilities with a solid foundation in place. This was discussed in relation to both image generation and the potential advancements in Amazon's Astro robot using Burnham's generative AI technology. The robot could provide more contextual understanding and even initiate complex tasks, such as identifying hazards and prioritizing solutions. Additionally, the excitement surrounding Unreal Engine 5.2's deformer tools, which simulate muscle flesh and cloth, was mentioned. Lastly, the European Parliament's proposed AI regulation was addressed, with potential implications for American open source developers who make models or code available in Europe. The regulation could result in significant fines for unlicensed models and GitHub for hosting them. This is just a small part of the extensive regulation, which also includes broad jurisdiction, mandatory registration and expensive risk testing, and vague definitions of risks. Overall, these developments highlight the potential impact and importance of generative AI, as well as the need for careful consideration and adherence to regulations.

    • EU AI Regulations May Disadvantage Smaller StartupsEU regulations may disadvantage smaller AI startups due to high compliance costs, potentially driving them to seek alternatives like the UK.

      The EU's upcoming AI regulations may disadvantage smaller startups and make it more difficult for them to compete with larger tech companies. This is due to the burdensome compliance costs that favor incumbents. The UK could potentially capitalize on this situation by becoming a haven for European AI startups looking to avoid EU regulations. However, the situation is not unique to Europe, as similar regulatory challenges are being faced in the US, particularly in areas like crypto. The debate over Bard versus ChatGPT continues, with some claiming that Bard's recent upgrades make it superior. However, ChatGPT's access to the internet is about to be expanded, which could level the playing field. The testing of these two AI models across various categories, including creative storytelling, is ongoing to determine which one truly outperforms. The regulatory landscape for AI is complex, and its impact on innovation and decentralization is a cause for concern. Regulators' actions may inadvertently favor incumbents and hinder the progress of smaller companies. It's crucial to monitor these developments closely and adapt accordingly.

    • Exploring AI models for creator storytelling: ChatGPT vs. BardChatGPT demonstrates a better ability to understand and adhere to context, resulting in more cohesive and engaging outputs compared to Bard when generating creative text for children's stories.

      While both ChatGPT and Bard can generate text based on prompts, ChatGPT demonstrates a better ability to understand and adhere to the given context, creating more cohesive and engaging outputs. During the discussion, the speaker explored various use cases for these AI models, including coding for non-coders, business strategy, travel planning, and research. However, the focus was on creator storytelling, where the speaker asked both AI models to write a children's story in the style of Roald Dahl. The results were quite different. Bard, while technically following the prompt, produced a story that lacked coherence and depth. It was written from the perspective of a 9-year-old boy and included a dragon, but the narrative was weak and lacked the poetic quality desired. ChatGPT, on the other hand, produced a high-quality story titled "The Adventures of Leo and Ember, the Unlikely Duo." This story featured a 9-year-old boy named Leo and his dragon friend, Ember, and included a well-defined narrative arc, engaging details, and a satisfying conclusion emphasizing the value of friendship. These examples illustrate ChatGPT's superior understanding and application of context, making it a more effective tool for generating creative and engaging text.

    • Creating a Website or Business with AI: Bard vs ChatGPTBard suggests a 7-step plan for creating an AI-focused website using a CMS, while ChatGPT offers a more detailed and comprehensive plan for starting an ecommerce business with generative AI.

      While both Bard and ChatGPT can help guide you through the process of creating a website or starting a business, their approaches and levels of detail vary. Harnessing the power of a simple website like Hacker News, Bard suggested creating an AI-focused version by following seven steps: choosing a domain name, installing a content management system, selecting a theme, creating pages and posts, adding content, customizing the look and feel, and promoting the website. Although this was a start, Bard could have gone further by utilizing its native internet connection to gain a clearer understanding of the original website and its unique features. On the other hand, ChatGPT provided a more comprehensive and detailed plan for creating a simple ecommerce business using generative AI. Its steps included defining requirements, choosing a tech stack, designing the database, developing the back end and front end, testing, deploying, and iterating. Under each step, ChatGPT provided additional recommendations and actions to help learners gain a clearer understanding of what they needed to do. In conclusion, while both Bard and ChatGPT can offer valuable insights and guidance, ChatGPT's more detailed and comprehensive approach may be more beneficial for those looking to start a business or create a website from scratch. However, it's essential to remember that each situation is unique, and the best approach may depend on individual circumstances and goals.

    • Leveraging Generative AI for Personalized Product Design BusinessUse AI for unique designs based on customer preferences, research target audience, develop business plan, choose ecommerce platform, design website, market and advertise, fulfill orders, provide customer service, budget $300 for AI, $29/month for website, $300 for marketing, and use print on demand to avoid upfront costs.

      Generative AI can be a valuable tool for starting an online business, particularly in the field of personalized product design. By using AI to create unique designs based on customer preferences, businesses can offer a wide range of stylish and one-of-a-kind products. To get started, research and identify a target audience, develop a business plan, choose an ecommerce platform, design and develop a website, market and advertise the business, fulfill orders, and provide customer service. A suggested budget could include $300 for AI model development, $29 a month for website development, $300 for marketing, and using print on demand services to avoid upfront costs. For best results, work with the AI to hone in on specific ideas, assess competition, and refine strategies. Generative AI's access to the latest information may give it an edge over other models for business ideation. For example, Bard can be challenged to focus on more specific and niche ideas, and can provide assessments of competition and strategy design.

    • Comparing ChatGPT and Bard's responses on historical topicsChatGPT offers more detailed and accurate responses to historical queries, providing specific causes, roles of international community, and lasting impacts, while Bard's answers are more generic and miss crucial details.

      While both Bard and ChatGPT can generate itinerary suggestions and provide information, ChatGPT offers more detailed and accurate responses, particularly when it comes to historical topics. For instance, when asked about the Nigeria Biafra civil war, ChatGPT provided a more comprehensive answer, mentioning specific causes, the role of international community, and the conflict's lasting impact on humanitarian aid. In contrast, Bard's response was more generic and missed some crucial details. Overall, ChatGPT demonstrated a better ability to provide specific and accurate information, making it a more effective tool for research and itinerary planning.

    • Comparison of ChatGPT and Bard: Unique Strengths and WeaknessesChatGPT excels in creative tasks, coding for non-coders, travel planning, and long form content summarization. Bard is effective in business strategy and is integrated with Google's suite of tools. Both models have their unique offerings, and the choice depends on individual needs and preferences.

      According to the discussion, ChatGPT and Bard, two popular large language models, have their unique strengths and weaknesses. While ChatGPT excelled in creative and storytelling, coding for non-coders, travel planning and research, Bard was more effective in business strategy, and had the advantage of being integrated with Google's suite of tools. However, ChatGPT had an edge in summarizing long form content and writing Python functions. Brian Kent's comparison on the Apricot blog and tech.co's extensive comparison revealed that both models had their respective wins in various categories. For instance, Bard was better at processing images as prompts and integrating with Google's services. Nate Chan's tweet added an interesting perspective, suggesting that the eventual convergence of large language models might make the debate about which one is better obsolete. Google, having missed the first-mover advantage, still has opportunities to retake the lead with its extensive suite of services. Despite the ongoing competition, ChatGPT currently holds the title of being better than Bard, but the longevity of this lead is uncertain. It's essential to keep in mind that both models have their unique offerings, and the choice between them depends on individual needs and preferences. If you have any insights on areas where Bard clearly outperforms ChatGPT, please share them in the comments. Keep exploring and stay updated on the latest developments in AI technology.

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    Generative AI News Rundown - ChatGPT Goes to College, The Government Investigates Gen AI, Google Faces Precarious Choices, and More - 370

    We have sixteen generative AI news stories again for you this week on the Generative AI News Rundown (GAIN). Watch the video discussion above or click the links below to read the news.

    ChatGPT went to college this week as Arizona State University announced a partnership with OpenAI, while Washington State adopts new generative AI guidelines encouraging public school systems to “embrace AI.” Those two stories reflect a very different attitude from what the rise of generative AI faced in education circles in early 2023.

    Beyond that, we have a spotlight on Google relating to a new study showing a decline in search results quality and a thesis from Michael Spencer at AI Supremacy

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    S5 Episode 12: Susie Alegre on Generative AI, ChatGPT and the freedom to think

    S5 Episode 12: Susie Alegre on Generative AI, ChatGPT and the freedom to think

    Does Generative AI restrict our freedom to think if we ask it to do everything for us?

    To answer this question, I spoke with international Human Rights Lawyer, Author and Speaker and author of  “Freedom to Think: The Long Struggle to Liberate our Minds.Susie Alegre.

    We last spoke to Susie on the podcast in 2022, before the Generative AI tool ChatGPT had been released, so in this show, Susie provided an update on her views on ChatGPT and AI in general.

    We looked at the current trends in AI, and Susie provided some advice for the big tech companies about how they take the next steps with these powerful tools.

    In a recent interview, she said: “If artificial intelligence doesn’t know the answer, it simply makes up plausible response, but it automates the prejudices of our societies and delivers them with the confidence of a crypto salesman”.

    She asks the question we're all asking - Chat GPT: What is it for?

    To end the podcast, she provided three actionable tips on how to best use Generative AI tools:

    1. think about why you're using it instead of using your own brain or your own time

    2. Don't believe a word it says; double check possibly through Google or maybe go to a library
    3. Play with it. But don't trust it.

    This show provides a fascinating update to our previous podcast and is very timely.

    More on Susie can be found on her website.
    You can purchase her book here.
    Listen to our first podcast here.

    Your Host: Actionable Futurist® & Chief Futurist Andrew Grill
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    EP 88: Back To School: The Students vs. Teachers and ChatGPT Dilemma

    EP 88: Back To School: The Students vs. Teachers and ChatGPT Dilemma

    Here in the US students are heading back to school. But there's one problem that hasn't been solved yet. Using AI and ChatGPT in the classroom. Some schools have started to embrace it while others still reject it. What should schools do about it?

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan questions about ChatGPT and education
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    [00:01:15] Daily AI news
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    Topics Covered in This Episode:
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    - Meta (Facebook's parent company) launches Code Llama, a new AI code tool
    - Alibaba updates its AI chatbots to understand images and have more complex conversations
    - Big-name companies, including Nvidia, Amazon, Google, Intel, AMD, IBM, and Salesforce, invest in the open-source platform Hugging Face
    - Personal Opinion
    - Jordan shares his views on AI in schools
    - College students using AI to write papers
    - Current AI detectors are not accurate

     AI content, Meta, Facebook, Code Llama, AI code tool, Alibaba, AI chatbots, images, complex conversations, Nvidia, Amazon, Google, Intel, AMD, IBM, Salesforce, open source platform, Hugging Face, AI in schools, college students, AI detectors, accuracy.