
    Is the Dam Breaking On The COVID Vax? (Ep 1952)

    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns and Personal DecisionsRegret over vaccine, emphasize informed medical decisions, heartwarming story, FDA-cleared device for nausea relief, fact-checking, critical thinking, personal autonomy

      The discussion on the show touched upon the concerning data emerging about the COVID-19 vaccine and the media's response to it. Dan expressed his personal regret about getting the vaccine and emphasized the importance of individuals making their own informed medical decisions. Additionally, the show featured a heartwarming story about Asbury University in Kentucky and introduced Relief Ban, an FDA-cleared anti-nausea device that can be worn as a band, offering 20% off and free shipping to Dan Bongino show listeners with the promo code Bongino. The show also acknowledged the seriousness of the questions surrounding the vaccine and encouraged fact-checking. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of critical thinking and personal autonomy in making medical decisions.

    • Growing concerns about potential risks of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly heart incidents among young peopleExperts suggest more research is needed to understand the cause-effect relationship between vaccines and heart issues, while acknowledging potential risks and asking questions is crucial.

      There is growing concern about the potential risks of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly regarding cardiac incidents among young people. A recent study revealed a 30% increase in heart attack deaths among 25 to 44-year-olds in the US during the pandemic. However, the media's response has been dismissive, with some figures like Joe Schultz infamously claiming "I know nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing." Regarding the potential link between vaccines and heart issues. Experts suggest that more research is needed to understand the cause-effect relationship. Meanwhile, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential risks and ask questions, rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Ignoring these concerns could lead to serious consequences and hinder progress in understanding the full impact of the vaccines.

    • COVID-19 Vaccine and Heart Health ConcernsLeading mRNA technology scientist Dr. Robert Malone raises concerns about potential impact of COVID-19 vaccine on heart health, specifically myocarditis and cardiac incidents. Reported incidents of young, healthy individuals experiencing cardiac incidents after vaccination, but risks not common.

      There are concerns about the potential impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on heart health, specifically with regards to myocarditis and cardiac incidents. Dr. Robert Malone, a leading mRNA technology scientist, has raised questions about the vaccine's affinity for heart tissue. This issue has not been widely covered in the media, and there have been reported incidents of young, healthy individuals, including professional athletes, experiencing cardiac incidents after receiving the vaccine. While it's important to note that these incidents are not common, the potential risks cannot be ignored. It's crucial for individuals to be informed about both the benefits and potential risks of the vaccine, and for the media to provide accurate and comprehensive coverage of this important issue. The full interview with Dr. Malone will be aired on the speaker's Fox show.

    • Growing concerns over government control and surveillance of unvaccinated individualsThe vaccine and mandates are seen as a means for the government to assert control over individuals' bodies and lives, potentially leading to medical tyranny and the collection of data on unvaccinated individuals.

      There are growing concerns about government control and surveillance, specifically regarding the tracking of unvaccinated individuals. The speaker expresses worry about the shift from wokeism to statism in the left wing media and the potential for medical tyranny. The vaccine and mandates are seen as a means for the government to assert control over individuals' bodies and lives. The speaker also mentions the collection of data on unvaccinated individuals and the potential consequences for those who refuse to comply. The situation is seen as a dry run for more authoritarian measures to come. The speaker encourages questioning everything and subscribing to their newsletter for more information.

    • Vaccines added to childhood schedule with indemnity for manufacturersCOVID-19 vaccines added to childhood immunization schedule granting manufacturers indemnity for future injuries or deaths, raising transparency concerns.

      The COVID-19 vaccines are being added to the childhood immunization schedule despite concerns over their safety and effectiveness. According to Dan Horowitz, a frequent guest on the show and conservative commentator, this move grants the vaccine manufacturers complete indemnity for any potential deaths or injuries that may occur in the future. The vaccines' addition to the schedule comes as officials plan to end the emergency declaration in May, meaning the long-term consequences of the vaccines will be with us for years to come. Horowitz emphasizes that this situation raises questions about transparency and the suppression of negative information regarding the vaccines. The implications of this situation extend beyond just the health concerns, as it highlights the importance of open and honest communication in matters of public health.

    • Left's ideology creates divisions among peopleThe left's ideology fosters racism by creating divisions among people based on race, gender, and other factors, distracting from individual freedoms loss in areas like healthcare and education.

      The left's guiding ideology is based on creating divisions among people and acting as a distraction mechanism to take away individual freedoms. They do this by partitioning America into various groups based on race, gender, union status, immigration status, and more. This strategy keeps people focused on their differences rather than the loss of personal control over issues like healthcare and education. The speaker argues that this approach is rooted in a hardcore racist belief that people should be judged based on the color of their skin. An example of this was given with the Georgia Democrat state senator, Emmanuel Jones, who criticized the building of a statue for Justice Clarence Thomas, an African American Supreme Court Justice. Jones was labeled as an "Uncle Tom" in the black community for betraying his own community. The speaker calls for an end to this divisive rhetoric and for recognizing the true racist nature of the left's ideology.

    • Commentator Criticizes Emmanuel Jones for Racist Attitudes Towards Justice Clarence ThomasCommentator calls out figure for derogatory remarks, questions legitimacy as black community representative, educates audience on origin of 'Uncle Tom' term, and exposes Democratic Party's history of racism.

      During a political discussion, a commentator expressed concern over a figure named Emmanuel Jones, who claimed to speak for the black community but demonstrated a lack of historical knowledge and made derogatory remarks towards Justice Clarence Thomas. The commentator criticized Jones for his racist attitudes and questioned his legitimacy as a representative of the black community. Additionally, the commentator took the opportunity to educate the audience about the origin of the term "Uncle Tom," which comes from Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The commentator emphasized that the Democratic Party, as it currently stands, is a racist organization and urged listeners to recognize and challenge this form of racism. The commentator also promoted a skincare product, Genucel, during the break.

    • Democrats promoting racist Critical Race Theory in schoolsDemocrats push CRT, a racist theory that judges people by skin color, in schools, while hiding it with euphemisms. Prominent figures like Ibram Kendi advocate for discrimination. We must treat all equally, regardless of skin color.

      The Democrats, who have a history of racism, are now promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools despite efforts to remove it due to its inherently racist nature. CRT requires judging people based on the color of their skin, which is the definition of racism. School officials have been caught on undercover camera admitting they're not supposed to teach racist CRT but find ways to do so through euphemisms. Ibram Kendi, a prominent figure in promoting CRT, openly advocates for present and future discrimination. The left's commitment to racism and division is so strong that they're willing to go to jail to promote it. The solution is to dedicate our lives to treating humanity equally, regardless of skin color or any other irrelevant characteristic. The misuse of terminology and the promotion of discrimination by those who claim to fight it is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed.

    • Improve sleep quality with Bowling Branch sheets, Appreciate effective communicationInvest in high-quality sheets for better sleep and recognize the importance of eloquent communication in inspiring change

      Good quality sleep is essential for overall well-being, and investing in high-quality sheets from Bowling Branch can significantly enhance the sleep experience. Joe Biden's communication skills were also highlighted as a key strength, despite his occasional lies. During a discussion on Fox and Friends, it was pointed out that even though Biden's truthfulness is questionable, his ability to communicate effectively is unmatched. The importance of effective communication was emphasized, as it can help define a nation and inspire change. Additionally, despite accusations of racism and corruption, there is hope for redemption, as even those with questionable pasts can find salvation through their abilities. So, prioritize your sleep with high-quality sheets from Bowling Branch, and appreciate the power of eloquent communication.

    • Biden's economic claims vs. realityDespite Biden's claims, real wages decreased, and inflation rose. The deficit reduction in 2022 was due to COVID spending ending, but Biden's spending increases led to a larger deficit compared to Trump's. Democrats aim to keep high spending levels, while Republicans try to reduce it, and the growing debt problem is acknowledged by the New York Times.

      Despite President Biden's claims of reducing inflation and increasing real wages, the reality is different. According to various sources, real wages have decreased, and inflation has risen. The deficit reduction in 2022 was due to the end of COVID spending, but Biden's spending increases led to a larger deficit compared to Trump's largest non-COVID deficit. The Twitter fact check on Biden's deficit cutting claims was sourced from left-leaning outlets, highlighting the inconsistency in his statements. It's essential to consider the context and move beyond the COVID spending anomaly to understand the current economic situation accurately. The Democrats aim to keep the high spending levels, while the Republicans are trying to reduce it. Even the New York Times acknowledges the growing debt problem in the US.

    • U.S. Faces Large Budget Deficit Amidst COVID-19 and Border ConcernsThe US faces a $1.4 trillion budget deficit in 2022 due to COVID-19 spending and Biden's proposed budgets, significantly increasing from pre-pandemic deficits. Concerns about border security and an increase in Chinese nationals add to the challenges. Amidst these difficulties, some find hope in spiritual renewal at Asbury University.

      The United States is facing a significant budget deficit, projected to be $1.4 trillion in 2022. This deficit is a result of increased spending during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Biden's proposed budgets aiming for an average of $2 trillion annually over the next decade. This represents a significant increase from pre-COVID deficits, which were already substantial under the Trump administration. Additionally, there have been concerns about an increase in Chinese nationals crossing the southern border, potentially raising security concerns. Amidst these challenges, some see signs of a spiritual reawakening in the form of ongoing prayer services at Asbury University in Kentucky, which have attracted large crowds from around the world. Despite the difficult times, the speaker expresses optimism and a belief that history shows that such periods are followed by renewal and renaissance.

    • Appreciating Community SupportEngaging with the audience and encouraging them to subscribe or follow on various platforms helps maintain the show's position and attract new listeners.

      The host of the show values the support of his audience and encourages them to subscribe or follow the show on various platforms like Apple, Spotify, and Rumble. This action not only helps the show maintain its position on top charts but also makes it easier for new listeners to discover the content. The host expresses his gratitude to the current subscribers and invites new listeners to join the community. He also mentions that they recently gained 100,000 new subscribers on Rumble alone. The host also shares his appreciation for geese, implying they help him stay grounded and focused. In essence, the host's message emphasizes the importance of community support and encourages active engagement from the audience.

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    Stop AAPI Hate stopaapihate.org 

    Asian Americans Advancing Justice advancingjustice-aajc.org/

    National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association www.naapimha.org

    Center for Asian Pacific American Women: apawomen.org

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