
    Is There Ever Such Thing as a Self-Made Millionaire?

    enJuly 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the Benefits of ShareSite for InvestingShareSite is a popular online investment dashboard with over 400,000 users, offering comprehensive portfolio management for 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, integration with 200+ platforms, and special deals for annual premium plans.

      ShareSite, an online investment dashboard, has revolutionized the way over 400,000 investors manage their portfolios. With support for over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, and integration with more than 200 platforms, ShareSite offers a comprehensive view of financial performance, including analyzed reports, dividend gains, and currency fluctuations, through intuitive graphs and visualizations. Plus, for those who want to share their portfolio with friends, ShareSite is offering a special deal of four months free when purchasing an annual premium plan. Sim and Sonya, your millennial hosts of Girls That Invest, are here to help you navigate all things investing and personal finance. In today's episode, they discuss the benefits of ShareSite and share their thoughts on being millennials. They also thank their season sponsor, Perla, an Aussie investing platform that makes it easy for anyone to invest in the stock market and build a diversified portfolio, with powerful tools and supportive community connections. The topic of the episode is whether there is such a thing as a self-made millionaire.

    • The Debate Over Self-Made MillionairesWhile some argue that self-made millionaires have accumulated wealth alone, studies suggest most have had help from connections, privilege, and luck.

      The label of "self-made millionaire" is a subject of ongoing debate, with some arguing that wealth is never truly accumulated alone, while others believe that a significant number of millionaires have achieved their status through their own efforts. According to studies, a majority of millionaires, particularly those with substantial wealth, are considered self-made. However, this definition may not fully capture the complexities of wealth creation, as it does not account for factors like connections, privilege, and luck. These elements can significantly influence an individual's ability to amass wealth, and it's essential to acknowledge their role in the wealth-building process. In essence, while some people may have started from humble beginnings and worked hard to build their fortunes, others have had considerable help along the way. It's a nuanced issue that requires a more nuanced discussion.

    • Factors beyond financial resources contribute to millionaire statusMillionaires aren't just financially well-off, they also benefit from various forms of support and privileges that contribute to their wealth and success.

      Becoming a millionaire can come from various paths - being a specialist in a niche field, entrepreneurship, or living below your means and saving over time. The Fidelity study revealed that assets, including investments and compensation, were the top sources of wealth for millionaires. However, what sets these individuals apart is not just their financial resources, but also the support and privileges they had, such as connections or stable upbringings. These factors can significantly impact one's ability to succeed and accumulate wealth. Therefore, being "self-made" goes beyond just financial resources and encompasses various forms of support and privileges.

    • Head start in life impacts financial successIndividuals with a head start in life have more freedom to focus on business growth and are more likely to invest in various assets, while those without face significant challenges in gaining opportunities and resources.

      The head start one receives in life, whether it's through inherited wealth or an affluent upbringing, significantly impacts an individual's ability to build wealth and succeed financially. A Bank of America study revealed that almost half of the surveyed ultra-wealthy individuals had a head start. This head start can provide freedom to focus on product development, marketing, and business growth, rather than worrying about funding and investments. Conversely, individuals without such advantages often face significant challenges in gaining access to opportunities and resources. The study also found that the way people acquired wealth influenced their financial decisions, with self-made ultra-wealthy individuals more likely to invest in stocks, crypto, and alternative investments. This highlights the importance of acknowledging and understanding the role of head starts in building wealth and recognizing the unique challenges faced by those without them.

    • The Debate of Self-Made vs. Community-Made WealthThe speaker challenges the notion of self-made millionaires and billionaires, emphasizing the importance of community, family, and upbringing in financial success. She raises ethical concerns about wealth distribution and identifies herself as 'community-made'.

      While some individuals may have amassed significant wealth on their own without inheriting it, the concept of a "self-made" millionaire or billionaire is debatable. The speaker believes that the support and privileges from one's community, family, and upbringing play a crucial role in an individual's financial success. The speaker questions the ethics of having wealth and the desire to pass it down to future generations, acknowledging the wealth distribution issues in society. Ultimately, the speaker identifies herself as "community-made" rather than "self-made," recognizing the impact of her upbringing and the people around her on her financial success.

    • Parental support during childhood impacts opportunities and successGrowing up with financial and emotional support from parents can lead to better academic performance, more focus on personal interests, and the ability to take risks, shaping future success.

      Growing up with financial and emotional support from parents can significantly impact an individual's opportunities and success in life. Having the privilege of living at home during education, receiving financial assistance, and being encouraged to pursue goals without the pressure of immediate financial independence can lead to better academic performance, more focus on personal interests, and the ability to take risks. This can be particularly prevalent in Asian and South Asian communities where parental support is not stigmatized. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of these factors in shaping their own success and the potential disadvantages faced by those without similar support.

    • Backgrounds Shape PerspectivesUnderstanding different socio-economic backgrounds can lead to empathy and recognition of the impact on individuals' lives. Allow children to focus on education and childhood, not financial stress.

      Growing up in different socio-economic backgrounds can significantly impact one's perspective and experiences. The speaker and Sonya, for instance, attended the same school but had vastly different upbringings. While the speaker enjoyed a privileged childhood, Sonya and her family faced financial struggles. These disparities influenced their motivations, relationships, and outlooks on life. Moreover, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not burdening children with financial stress and allowing them to focus on their education and childhood. They also discuss the defensive nature of people who label themselves as "self-made," and suggest that community support plays a crucial role in success. The conversation also touches upon the significance of understanding and acknowledging the various forms of privilege that exist. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and recognizing the impact of socio-economic backgrounds on individuals' lives.

    • Benefits of contactless payments with iPhone and StripeAccepting contactless payments through iPhone and Stripe increases revenue, expands reach, and enhances customer experience with no additional hardware and quick setup.

      Accepting contactless payments through tap to pay on iPhone and Stripe offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes, including increased revenue, expanded reach, and enhanced customer experience. This solution is particularly valuable for businesses looking to scale quickly and stay flexible, as it requires no additional hardware and has a quick setup process. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the notion that nothing is truly self-made, and that everything is interconnected. Entrepreneurs often place a high value on their productivity, and feeling that success comes solely from their actions can be a source of defensiveness. However, it's essential to recognize that we all have privileges and external factors that contribute to our success. The Western view of being self-made can be limiting, as it often overlooks the interconnectedness of our actions and the role of external factors. In summary, tap to pay on iPhone and Stripe can significantly benefit businesses, and it's essential to acknowledge the interconnectedness of our successes and the role of external factors.

    • Success is shaped by external factorsAcknowledging external factors in success stories makes them more relatable and inspiring to others

      Success is not solely determined by individual effort, but also by external factors such as timing, luck, and the support of others. Sonya and I, founders of Girls That Invest, acknowledge the role these factors played in our success. We understand that if we had started our community in a different market or lacked the right connections, our growth might have taken much longer. This transparency doesn't diminish our accomplishments but rather creates a more realistic and fair picture. Using the analogy of a magical sunscreen created by someone with wealthy parents, the product's value isn't diminished by the creator's privileges. Instead, acknowledging these advantages makes the success story more relatable and inspiring to others. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey to success is unique and shaped by various factors. By being open about our experiences, we can encourage and motivate others to overcome their own challenges and reach their goals.

    • The myth of the self-made millionaireSuccess is rarely solely due to personal effort, but rather a result of a complex interplay of factors including personal effort and external resources.

      The concept of a "self-made" millionaire is a misnomer. While many millionaires may appear to have achieved their wealth on their own, they often had significant resources and advantages that contributed to their success. These resources can take many forms, including financial capital, educational opportunities, and social connections. For example, Warren Buffett, often cited as a self-made billionaire, actually had the advantage of his father's stockbroker background and the guidance of Benjamin Graham, the author of the influential investment book "The Intelligent Investor." Therefore, it's important to recognize that success is often the result of a complex interplay of factors, including personal effort and external resources. As the hosts of Girls That Invest concluded, "there is no such thing as a self-made millionaire." Instead, we should celebrate the many ways that individuals and communities contribute to each other's success.

    • Take heed of Girls That Invest's advice, but don't rely on it aloneGirls That Invest offers valuable insights, but always do your own research and analysis before making investment decisions.

      While the advice from Girls That Invest can provide valuable insights, it should not be the sole basis for making investment or financial decisions. Each person's financial situation is unique, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and use your own judgment. The advice given by Girls That Invest is general in nature and may not consider individual circumstances. Therefore, it's crucial to approach investment decisions with caution and due diligence. In essence, the information shared by Girls That Invest is meant to be educational and inspirational, but it should not replace your own research and analysis. Always remember to trust your instincts and make informed decisions based on your financial goals and circumstances.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    Topics Covered:

    0:00 Intro
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    26:17 The Fundamentals
    29:48 Mania or Bubble Territory?
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    1:30:53 Closing & Disclaimers


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    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: