
    About this Episode

    Is this it?!

    Do you Google it?

    I used to, I was sure there had to be more to life than the groundhog day routine of work, kids, dinner etc but everyone around me seemed content with their lot

    There is so much more to life than this

    If you are asking yourself the same question it is a sign that your life is not aligned to who you truly are - it is time for something to shift - that shift begins with truly knowing who you are

    Here is the link to my free higher self meditation as promised


    Recent Episodes from School of Sacred Self Care

    What's your story?

    What's your story?

    We all tell ourselves thing which feed the 'not enough' beliefs

    In this episode I talk about some of the stories I noticed I was telling my self and invite you to look at some of yours

    When we see the negative stories for what they are we can choose to let go of them and exercise our ability to just let the thoughts float on by rather than getting caught up in them all and sabotaging our inner peace

    School of Sacred Self Care
    enOctober 05, 2023

    What even is success?

    What even is success?

    What even is success?

    Success is a feeling, it comes from inside of you.  Society will have you believe success is shown through external stuff you have or own, it isn't! That is why so many people are unhappy.  Chasing a version of success that isn't aligned to who you truly are and then tying our self worth, our good enoughness to the meeting of that is what ties us up in knots and leaves us wondering where we have gone wrong.

    As promised here is the link to the Rewrite Your Success Story download


    Lots of love Rachel x