
    Israel-Gaza: Two of our Jewish writers reflect on the past two weeks

    enOctober 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring LinkedIn for Hiring Professionals and UnitedHealthcare FlexibilityLinkedIn is a powerful hiring tool with access to a vast talent pool. UnitedHealthcare's flexible insurance plans cater to individuals in transition or starting their own businesses.

      LinkedIn is an essential platform for small businesses looking to hire professionals. It offers access to a large pool of potential candidates, many of whom may not be actively seeking new jobs but could be open to the right opportunity. Moreover, the flexibility of UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans is another important consideration, especially for those in transition or starting their own businesses. The discussion also highlighted the significance of the events in Israel on October 7th and the impact they had on the Jewish community, both in Israel and abroad. As British Jews, we are connected to Israel by bonds of blood and history, and the unfolding situation there is an anxious predicament that requires exploration. In summary, LinkedIn is a valuable tool for hiring professionals, and the flexibility of UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans is essential for many individuals. The events in Israel serve as a reminder of the complex and deep-rooted connections between Jews around the world and the importance of understanding and addressing the challenges faced by the Jewish community in Israel and beyond.

    • The Impact of Israel's Conflict on British JewsThe events in Israel triggered a sense of trauma and disconnection for British Jews, causing them to feel deeply affected while feeling disconnected from their immediate circumstances.

      The conflict in Israel and its impact on the British Jewish community is a deeply personal and emotional issue for many. The events of October 7th, 2022, triggered a sense of trauma and bifurcation for British Jews, causing them to feel disconnected from their immediate circumstances while being deeply affected by the unfolding situation in Israel. This was a departure from the usual day-to-day reporting for investigative journalist, who found herself questioning the relevance of her work during this time. The impact of events in Israel on British Jews can be traced back to buried traumas and memories, as highlighted in the book "Jews Don't Count" by David Bedell. The connection between the two communities is complex and deeply rooted, and understanding this relationship is crucial in shedding light on the experiences and emotions of the British Jewish community.

    • Connection to Israel for Jewish DiasporaDespite religious and institutional ties, Jewish diaspora's connection to Israel goes beyond, leading to travel, prayer practices, and family ties. However, this comes with increased antisemitism and security concerns, especially on campuses.

      For many Jews in the diaspora, particularly in the UK, there is a strong connection to Israel that goes beyond religious or institutional ties. This connection is reflected in the large number of Jewish youth who travel to Israel, the religious practice of facing Jerusalem during prayer, and the significant number of Jewish families with members living in Israel. However, this connection also comes with the unfortunate reality of increased antisemitism during conflicts in the Middle East, leading to heightened anxiety and the need for permanent security measures in Jewish communities. On campuses, the situation is similar, with a lack of empathy and understanding from some leading to painful experiences for young Jewish students. These issues are not unique to the Jewish community, as there is also an increase in Islamophobic incidents. Overall, the connection to Israel and the resulting challenges are an integral part of Jewish existence in the diaspora.

    • Jewish community's response to Israel-Palestine conflictThe contrasting reactions to the Israel-Palestine conflict left many Jews feeling silenced and unsupported, while the Palestinian death toll received widespread attention and activism. However, the community found unity and solidarity amidst the challenges.

      The recent conflict between Israel and Palestine brought about a profound response from the Jewish community, who felt a sense of shock and disconnection due to the lack of empathy and understanding from some quarters. The indiscriminate attacks on Jewish people, both in Israel and outside of it, left many feeling silenced and unsupported, while the Palestinian death toll garnered widespread attention and activism. This stark contrast between reactions was disheartening for many, leading to a desire for more nuanced discussions and acknowledgment of the complexities of the situation. Despite the challenges, there was also a sense of unity and solidarity within the Jewish community, as people came together in grief and support.

    • An extraordinary display of Jewish solidarityJewish communal gatherings foster unity, belonging, and profound impact on individuals and families.

      The Yom Kippur experience at Aleph Synagogue in Finchley was an extraordinary display of Jewish solidarity and belonging, with a large turnout of people wanting to be among their community. The speaker, who had planned to host dinner that night, instead chose to join the masses, connecting with long-lost acquaintances and family members. This sense of unity and ethnic identity transcends the religious aspect, encapsulating the idea of being part of a people or an ethnic religious group. The British Jewish relationship to Israel is also complex and varied, a topic to be explored further. The speaker's personal experience highlights the importance of communal gatherings and the profound impact they can have on individuals and families.

    • Jewish community's complex feelings towards IsraelThe Jewish community holds diverse opinions on Israel, with some prioritizing it over domestic issues, some avoiding the topic, and others focusing on supporting Jewish life there. The community experiences intense debates and emotional pressure regarding Israeli politics, but recent trends show a move towards unity in the face of adversity.

      The Jewish community holds diverse opinions on Israel, with some prioritizing Israeli issues over domestic ones, some trying to avoid the topic due to its complexity, and others focusing on supporting Jewish life there. The community has experienced intense debates regarding the rightward drift of Israeli politics and the resulting conflict. The Times and Sunday Times, with its large number of Jewish columnists, reflects this diversity of opinion. Giles Curran's piece last Saturday showcased the emotional impact of the ongoing conflict and the pressure felt by Jews to defend their views publicly. Despite these differences, there has been a recent trend towards unity in the face of adversity. However, this unity may not last as the war continues to develop. The conversation around Israel remains a complex and emotionally charged topic within the Jewish community.

    • Complexity of the Israel-Palestine Conflict and its impact on British PalestiniansThe Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex issue causing distress for various communities. British Palestinians may feel underrepresented, while reporting should be responsible to avoid harm and misinformation.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex issue with strong opinions from various sides. While some are passionate about speaking out against Palestinian deaths and seeking representation in the media, others may feel uncertain about the situation. British Palestinians, in particular, may feel underrepresented. The images and news of the conflict can cause distress, both for those who sympathize with the Palestinians and for Jewish communities, who may face increased antisemitism. Reporting of the conflict should be responsible and factual to avoid endangering lives or spreading misinformation. The situation is emotionally charged and requires careful consideration and understanding from all sides.

    • Reporting the Seder Massacre in GazaInitial assumptions of Israeli responsibility for the Seder Massacre led to negative impact on Jewish community in Britain, emphasizing the need for nuanced reporting and evidence-based claims.

      The reporting of the 2001 Seder Massacre in Gaza required a more nuanced approach, as initial assumptions of Israeli responsibility were later found to be incorrect. The media's hasty repetition of Palestinian officials' claims, without sufficient evidence, led to a negative impact on the Jewish community in Britain. Despite this incident, the speaker maintains that Britain remains a benign place for Jews to live, but acknowledges the increasing sense of unease and the importance of community in times of conflict. The ongoing situation in the region continues to be a source of concern, and further discussions on the complexities of reporting such events are necessary.

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.com/thestory


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    Host: Luke Jones

    Clips: Sky News; Boris Johnson/Facebook.

    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.com

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.co.uk/thestory

    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.co.uk 

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

    Further listening: Keir Starmer: Up close and personal 

    Host: Manveen Rana.

    Guest: Michael Crick, broadcaster and journalist. 

    Clips: Channel 4, BBC, ITV, TikTOk/@nigel_farage, Without Me / Eminem / Shady / Aftermath and Interscope, Sky, European Parliament.

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.com/thestory


    Guests: Ben Hoyle, Foreign Editor, The Sunday Times.

    Host: Manveen Rana.

    Clips: Joe Biden's Twitter, Guardian News, The Telegraph, CTV News, TPM TV, Bloomberg TV, AP Archive, MCamericanpresident Youtube. 

    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.co.uk

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

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    Clips: BBC News, The Sun.

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.co.uk/thestory

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    Clips: Netflix/My Octopus Teacher.

    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.co.uk 

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

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    Guest: Josh Glancy, News Review Editor, The Sunday Times.  

    Host: Manveen Rana.

    Clips: The Times, Spiked, Talk TV, Sky News, Channel 4 News. 

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    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.co.uk 

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    This is Planet Hope, a podcast from The Times in partnership with Rolex and its Perpetual Planet Initiative. 

    This podcast is advertiser funded.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.co.uk/thestory

    Guests: -Wayne Hunt, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Mount Allison University in Canada,  and,

    -Danny Finkelstein, columnist, The Times.

    Host: Luke Jones.

    Clips: Times Radio, BBC, CBC, CPAC.

    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.co.uk 

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.co.uk/thestory


    • Matilda Davies, Data Journalist, The Times and The Sunday Times.
    • Lara Spirit, Red Box Editor, The Times.

    Host: Jane Mulkerrins.

    Clips: TikTok/@uklabour, Sky News, TikTok/@ukconservatives, TikTok/@libdems, TikTok/@nigel_farage, Twitter/@rishisunak. 

    Further listening: 

    Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.co.uk 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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