
    Israel Prepares, Biden's Aid for Gaza, and "Insurrection" in DC, with Bethany Mandel, Karol Markowicz, and Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 651

    enOctober 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • President Biden Announces Aid to Gaza, Sparks ControversyDespite controversy, President Biden announced humanitarian aid for Gaza, while Israeli first responders shared harrowing accounts of recent violence and antisemitic rhetoric continued to spread.

      During a rare Oval Office address, President Biden focused on foreign policy issues in the Middle East and Ukraine, announcing a deal for humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. However, this decision infuriated some due to the ongoing hostage situation and the perceived missed opportunity to use aid as leverage. Meanwhile, disturbing accounts from Israeli first responders have surfaced, detailing the gruesome discovery of tortured bodies in the wake of recent attacks. Amidst this turmoil, Jewish communities in America and beyond are reeling from the violence and antisemitic rhetoric. The voices of those speaking out against the atrocities, like Bethany Mandel and Carol Markowitz, have provided a much-needed source of optimism and solidarity for those affected.

    • Speaking out against hate during times of conflictDuring conflict, it's important to call out hate speech and actions, support each other, and not downplay the gravity of the situation.

      During times of conflict and uncertainty, it takes immense courage to call out denial and apathy towards hateful actions. The recent events in Israel have revealed the true colors of some individuals, who downplay the severity of the situation and prioritize their own safety over the rights of others. This indifference is particularly concerning when it comes to the defense of Jewish communities, both in Israel and in the United States, where synagogues and other Jewish institutions have become targets. The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up against hate speech and actions, as silence and indifference only embolden those who seek to harm. It's crucial for individuals and communities to come together and support each other in times of crisis, rather than turning a blind eye or downplaying the gravity of the situation.

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Israel-Hamas ConflictAmerica should prioritize its own security, but military escalation comes with risks and uncertainties. Empathy and understanding all perspectives are crucial for a peaceful resolution.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes and significant human consequences. The speaker expresses his policy preference for America to prioritize its own security concerns, but acknowledges the potential risks and uncertainties involved in military escalation. He emphasizes the humanity of those affected by the conflict, including the Israeli soldiers who are called up to serve and the civilians on both sides who have lost loved ones. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding the perspectives of all parties involved and the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Ultimately, he calls for empathy and a recognition of the shared desire for peace and security among all people.

    • Israeli Crisis: Safety of Loved Ones and Innocent Civilians at StakeThe Israeli conflict with Hamas has led to a crisis, with the economy at a standstill, able-bodied men called up for military service, and civilians, including women and children, caught in the crossfire. The speaker expressed concern for hostages, criticized Hamas's use of humanitarian aid, and urged for a peaceful resolution prioritizing civilians' safety.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to a crisis in Israel, with every able-bodied man called up for military service, leaving the economy at a standstill. The Israeli public is deeply concerned about the safety of their loved ones, with some even missing or held hostage by Hamas. The situation is particularly dire for the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, including women and children. The speaker expressed frustration with the lack of attention given to the hostages, especially by the Biden administration, which has pledged $100 million in aid to the Palestinians. The speaker also criticized Hamas for using humanitarian aid for military purposes and questioned the wisdom of providing such aid given Hamas's history of violence and cruelty. Overall, the speaker emphasized the urgency of the situation and the need for a peaceful resolution that prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of all civilians involved.

    • American hostages in Gaza: Families report mixed signals from Biden administrationDespite some families reporting positive interactions, there's skepticism about Biden admin's ability to negotiate hostages' release, with some suggesting IDF could be better positioned. Perception of chaos and lack of action, with concern and hope for success.

      There is ongoing concern about the safety and release of American hostages being held in Gaza, and while some families have reported positive interactions with the Biden administration, there is skepticism about their ability to effectively negotiate their release. The speaker, who is a conservative commentator, expressed hope that the administration would show strength and prioritize bringing the hostages home but expressed doubts about their capacity to do so. The IDF was suggested as potentially better positioned to facilitate their release due to their familiarity with the region. Despite some families reporting positive interactions with the Biden administration, there is a perception of chaos and lack of action on the part of the administration, and the situation is not receiving the same level of attention as past hostage crises. The speaker expressed a desire for the administration to succeed and praised them if they do, but expressed skepticism and concern until the hostages are safely returned home.

    • U.S. Aid to Palestinians Sparks ControversyThe speaker raises concerns about potential misuse of U.S. aid to Palestinians, fearing it may end up funding Hamas and contributing to terrorism against Israelis. They criticize past U.S. policies and express frustration with current political dynamics, advocating for policies prioritizing regional security and stability.

      The speaker in the discussion expresses concern over the Biden administration's decision to provide financial aid to Palestinians, fearing that the funds will end up in the hands of Hamas and be used for terrorism against Israelis. The speaker also criticizes previous U.S. policies, including those under the Trump administration, and expresses frustration with the current state of American politics and the inability of Congress to effectively address the issue. They also mention the UN's past financial mismanagement and anti-Israel bias, adding to their skepticism about the aid's intended use. Overall, the speaker's perspective is rooted in a desire for U.S. policies to prioritize security and stability in the region, rather than providing funds that may be used for violent purposes.

    • Speaker criticizes Rashida Tlaib and other Democrats for their stance on Israeli-Palestinian conflictsSpeaker criticized Tlaib for peddling disinformation and encouraging unrest, condemned Capitol Hill insurrection, and highlighted hypocrisy of using Jewish symbols during protests without being religious Jews. Called for truthfulness and acknowledgement of complexities to prevent harm to innocent lives.

      During a discussion about the recent protests at Capitol Hill, the speaker expressed strong criticism towards Rashida Tlaib and other Democrats for their stance on Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. They accused Tlaib of peddling disinformation and encouraging unrest, while also condemning the actions of those involved in the Capitol Hill insurrection. The speaker also highlighted the hypocrisy of those using Jewish symbols during protests, despite not being religious Jews. The overall message was that political leaders need to be truthful and acknowledge the complexities of the situation, rather than contributing to the divisiveness and potential harm to innocent lives.

    • Perceived double standard in protest treatmentSome voices in protests are dismissed or labeled, while others are given more credence. There's a call for fairness and accountability in how protests and related issues are addressed.

      There is a perceived double standard when it comes to protests and the treatment of certain groups, with some voices being dismissed or labeled as "astroturf" while others are given more credence. This was highlighted in discussions surrounding Jewish groups and their involvement in protests for peace, as well as the response to the January 6th Capitol protests. The inconsistency in how these situations are handled and the selective application of cancel culture were also points of contention. Additionally, there were concerns about the misreporting of events and the impact of disinformation on public perception. Overall, there is a call for accountability and fairness in how protests and related issues are addressed.

    • Societal Debates: Blurred Lines and Harmful ExtremesThe lines of what's considered acceptable in societal debates have become blurred, leading to harmful extremes. It's essential to have open discussions while maintaining individual freedoms and safety.

      The discussion touched upon the inconsistencies and extremes in today's societal debates. From the University of Missouri firing a white cop for wearing blackface before being hired, to Northwestern students being told not to consume Mexican culture on Cinco de Mayo, to a Princeton acapella group facing backlash for a seemingly harmless song performance, it's clear that the lines of what's considered acceptable have become blurred. However, the stakes are significantly higher when it comes to supporting or condoning violence against Jews and Israel. The speaker expressed concern over the normalization of such views and the potential harm it could inflict on the Jewish community. The speaker also advocated for holding individuals accountable for their actions and beliefs, whether it be through cancel culture or other means. Ultimately, it's crucial to have open and honest discussions about these issues while recognizing the importance of maintaining individual freedoms and safety.

    • Tensions Between Israel and Its Neighbors: A Larger Conflict?Israel faces potential conflicts on multiple fronts with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. While Iran and its allies may provoke, they likely lack the support they once had, and Israel is weighing options including ground invasions and engaging Hezbollah.

      The current tensions between Israel and its neighbors, particularly Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, could lead to a larger conflict involving multiple fronts. However, despite the potential threats and provocations, it's unlikely that Iran and its allies have the support they once had, and they may choose to exercise caution. Meanwhile, Israel is considering various options, including a ground invasion into Gaza and engaging Hezbollah in Lebanon. The decision on which path to take rests with a war council in the Israeli government, and the outcome could have significant consequences for the region and beyond. The ongoing situation underscores the complex geopolitical dynamics at play and the potential for unintended escalation.

    • Middle East geopolitics: Israel's adversaries and the delicate balance of powerThe Middle East's complex geopolitical situation involves constant threats to Israel, hidden weapons, potential coalition governments, perceived US weakness, and radical Islam, increasing the risk of larger conflicts involving the US and its allies.

      The complex geopolitical situation in the Middle East, particularly regarding Israel and its adversaries like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, involves a delicate balance of power and potential threats. The existence of Israel is perceived as being under constant threat, and nations like Lebanon and Gaza have hidden weapons that cannot be easily discriminated or targeted without causing significant damage. The coalition government in Israel, which may include more left-leaning parties, could potentially result in less restraint on military action. Arab countries, while not openly supportive of Palestinians, may not intervene directly against Israel due to their own perceived weakness in relation to the United States and the perceived ineffectiveness of American deterrence. The United States, despite its military might, is viewed as weak by some Middle Eastern nations due to recent events, and financial aid to these countries may indirectly support their adversaries. The situation is further complicated by the autocratic nature of many Middle Eastern governments and the influence of radical Islam. Ultimately, the potential for a larger conflict involving the United States and its allies remains a real possibility.

    • Iran's precarious position in the face of conflictIran's unpredictability and perceived weakness make it a less effective deterrent, with potential conflicts in Gaza and the risk of stronger responses limiting its options.

      Iran's position is precarious due to its lack of support and the potential for a strong response if it continues to provoke conflict, particularly with Israel. Deterrence relies on both the ability to protect interests and the willingness to use force. Iran's unpredictability and perceived weakness make it a less effective deterrent. The ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, which Iran supports, presents a dilemma for Iran. If Hamas fails to achieve its goals, Iran risks losing its investment. However, intervening directly could lead to a larger conflict with Israel and potentially the United States. Iran seems to be testing the limits of what action it can take without triggering a stronger response. The potential for a decisive retaliation from Israel or the United States keeps Iran on edge and limits its options.

    • Addressing the Crisis in Gaza: Concerns and StrategiesSpeakers discuss the complex situation in Gaza, express concern for human cost, acknowledge security threats, and emphasize the importance of diplomacy and minimizing harm to civilians.

      The situation in Gaza and the potential intervention by Israel and other global powers is complex and uncertain. The speakers express concern about the potential for escalation and the human cost of conflict, while acknowledging the need to address security threats. The Israeli military's strategy appears to involve weakening Hamas' command and control, as well as targeting key installations, while minimizing harm to civilians. The speakers also discuss past military interventions and their implications for the current situation. Ultimately, the outcome of the crisis depends on various factors, including diplomatic efforts, military strategies, and the actions of all parties involved. The speakers emphasize the importance of considering the potential consequences of any action and the need for empathy and understanding in resolving the conflict.

    • Current administration's approach to radical Islamist groups may not be reciprocated with moderationHistorical ignorance and perceived weakness in current administration's approach to radical Islamist groups like Hamas and Iran could lead to more violence and be exploited, while a strong and unpredictable stance can deter provocations.

      The current administration's approach to radical Islamist groups like Hamas and Iran, marked by magnanimity and a belief in extending the hand of friendship, may not be reciprocated with moderation but instead lead to more violence. This perception of weakness can be exploited, as history has shown. The administration's apparent sympathies towards Iran and its actions, such as lifting sanctions and appointing Iran sympathizers, are seen as signs of a desire to appease these groups, rather than a deterrent strategy. Contrastingly, a strong and unpredictable stance, as demonstrated under the previous administration, can create deterrents and prevent provocations. The historical ignorance displayed by some in the current administration regarding diplomacy with hostile powers can have serious consequences.

    • Obama administration's Middle East policies continue under BidenThe Biden administration's continuation of Obama's policies in the Middle East, including empowering Iran and its proxies, sets the stage for ongoing conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Israel.

      The current foreign policy team under President Biden, including figures like Jake Sullivan, Anthony Blinken, and Robert Malley, represents a continuation of the Obama administration's policies in the Middle East. These policies, as discussed, included a deliberate strategy to empower Iran and its proxies, leading to the current out-of-control situation with Iran and its conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Israel. The Obama administration's lack of moral distinction between democratic Israel and the murderous Iranian theocracy, and its failure to take proportionate action against Iran's aggression, set the stage for the current crisis. The fact that key figures in the Biden administration were part of the Obama team adds to the concern that history may repeat itself. The moral clarity and decisive action shown by European nations like France in response to the conflict is a stark contrast to the current administration's approach.

    • Proportional responses in warfare may lead to deadlockHistorical examples show that disproportionate responses can ultimately end conflicts by demonstrating consequences, while restraints could embolden radicals and prolong conflict, causing human tragedy.

      Proportional responses in warfare may lead to deadlock and further conflict instead of resolution. Victor Davis Hanson used historical examples like the American Civil War and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to illustrate this point. He argued that disproportionate responses, while morally complex, can ultimately bring an end to conflicts by demonstrating to the enemy that they will face significant consequences for their actions. Hanson also criticized the notion of imposing restraints on certain nations, suggesting that it could embolden radical elements and lead to further conflict. The discussion also touched on the tragic story of a 12-year-old Israeli girl, Noida Dawn, who was killed during the Hamas terror attack on her grandmother's house, highlighting the human cost of the ongoing conflict.

    • Hamas' violence against civilians and spread of hateful rhetoricHamas' actions and rhetoric fuel violence against innocent civilians, including children. Some refugees in the US spread hateful rhetoric, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and violence.

      Despite repeated promises to focus on domestic affairs, Hamas has continued to incite violence and harm innocent civilians, including children. This was evident in the horrific attack at a holiday and rock concert in Gaza, where captives were taken and murdered. Hamas' charter, which calls for the destruction of Israel, fuels this violence. Individuals, such as the Miami dentist and the Chicago art professor, have added to the problem by spreading hateful rhetoric against Israelis. It's concerning that some refugees, who have found safety and prosperity in the United States, use their newfound platform to support the very systems they fled from, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and violence. It's important to hold individuals and organizations accountable for their words and actions, and to promote peace and understanding instead.

    • Discussing the importance of protecting American values and selective immigrationFormer leaders and guests on Megyn Kelly Show advocated for a thoughtful approach to immigration policy, emphasizing the need to protect American values and be selective about who enters the country due to potential security risks.

      Former President Donald Trump's travel ban on certain countries was a necessary measure to prevent the importation of hatred and hypocrisy into the United States. Guests on the Megyn Kelly Show, including Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis, have advocated for revoking student visas for those protesting in favor of groups like Hamas. Victor Davis Hanson, a guest on the show, emphasized the importance of protecting American values and being selective about who is allowed into the country. The conversation underscored the need for a thoughtful and strategic approach to immigration policy, particularly in light of potential security risks.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The 2nd part of an interview with terrorism specialist Phil Gurski on religions that become hazardous. This episode discusses Judaism, Zionism, anti-Semitism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, atheism, Marxism, the role of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), etc.

    As Phil Gurski says, most people, religious or not, are kind and helpful. A very small percentage go down the "dark path" to inflict heavenly "wrath" on unbelievers, to the point of engaging in terrorism. We discuss who they are and how national security intelligence services can keep their population safe.

    Be sure to check out the Study Guide for the program! Click on the top left where it says "Pdf" above the date! https://multi-hazards.libsyn.com/

    Phil Gurski's Bio in Brief:

    President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. and Programme Director for the Security, Economics and Technology (SET) hub at the University of Ottawa’s Professional Development Institute (PDI). He worked at CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), the Communications Security Establishment (CSE – Canada’s signals intelligence agency), senior special advisor in the National Security Directorate at Public Safety Canada, as consultant for the Ontario Provincial Police’s Anti-Terrorism Section (PATS) and the Director of Security and Intelligence at the SecDev Group. He gives frequent presentations, has written some excellent books, writes articles for Ottawa's The Hill news and other Canadian and international media. He regularly blogs and podcasts on terrorism at his website: www.borealisthreatandrisk.com and tweets at @borealissaves.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Husam Zomlot and Orly Goldschmidt

    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Husam Zomlot and Orly Goldschmidt

    On tonight's episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored, Piers is joined by the Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot and Israeli Diplomat Orly Goldschmidt as Piers asks, How far should the US go to back Israel in this war?

    Watch Piers Morgan Uncensored at 8 pm on TalkTV on Sky 522, Virgin Media 606, Freeview 237 and Freesat 217. Listen on DAB+ and the app. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Korea at the crossroads: The view from Europe

    Korea at the crossroads: The view from Europe

    Over the course of five episodes, all published this week, John Nilsson-Wright, the Korea Foundation Fellow in the Asia-Pacific Programme at Chatham House explores the strategic relations of Korea, asking how the country is seeking to protect its interests in an increasingly contested Pacific region.

    In this, the fourth episode, John is joined by Nathalie Tocci, Director of Italy’s Istituto Affari Internazionali.

    They discuss the European perspective on the politics of the Korean peninsula, identifying opportunities for deeper engagement between the Republic of Korea and the European Union.


    Speaker: Nathalie Tocci

    Hosts: John Nilsson-Wright

    Editor: Jamie Reed

    Producer: Ben Horton

    Recorded and produced by Chatham House

    1/29/24: Neocons Demand Iran War, Biden Cuts UNRWA Funding, Pelosi Says Ceasefire Protests Are Putin Puppets, Michigan Mayor Torches Biden On Israel, Taylor Swift Deepfake AI Outrage, And Young Men Rightwing Realignment

    1/29/24: Neocons Demand Iran War, Biden Cuts UNRWA Funding, Pelosi Says Ceasefire Protests Are Putin Puppets, Michigan Mayor Torches Biden On Israel, Taylor Swift Deepfake AI Outrage, And Young Men Rightwing Realignment

    Krystal and Saagar discuss neocons demanding war after US troops killed in Jordan, Biden cuts UNRWA Gaza aid, Pelosi says ceasefire protests are doing Putin's bidding, Dearborn Mayor torches Biden on Israel, outrage over Taylor Swift deepfake AI, and realignment of young men globally to the right.


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