
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 144

    enAugust 24, 2024
    What themes does Molly Conger address in her podcast?
    How did the Tet Offensive affect public perception of the Vietnam War?
    What urgent issue was highlighted during the DNC panel on Palestine?
    What was the focus of the Bodies Outside Unjust Laws protest?
    How did the protest address the U.S. arms deal with Israel?

    Podcast Summary

    • Looking beyond surfacesExplore the complexities of individuals and events shaping our world, from podcasts and newsletters to historical events and political figures.

      Behind the masks of monsters and political figures, there are complex and often misunderstood individuals. Molly Conger, host of Weird Little Guides, encourages listeners to look beyond the surface of those trying to destroy America. Meanwhile, Katie Couric invites readers to join her newsletter, Body and Soul, for expert advice on physical and mental health. Elsewhere, podcasts like There and Gone and Academy explore intriguing real-life stories and historical parallels, respectively. In the political sphere, the 1968 Democratic National Convention serves as a compelling example of how seemingly similar situations can lead to vastly different outcomes. The Tet Offensive in Vietnam played a pivotal role in revealing the US's lack of progress in the war and LBJ's unpopularity, ultimately vindicating the anti-war movement. Today, we can learn from these stories and look deeper into the complexities of the individuals and events that shape our world.

    • MOBA coalition preparation for protestsDespite a common goal, the MOBA coalition during the 1968 Democratic National Convention faced challenges due to sectarian infighting and lack of preparation for police tactics, resulting in ill-preparedness for the violent police response.

      The MOBA coalition during the 1968 Democratic National Convention was a complex endeavor consisting of various political groups, some with opposing ends such as socialist revolution versus preventing war and tax dollars for military spending. Despite their common goal of opposing the war, the coalition faced challenges due to sectarian infighting and differing tactics. The planning stages of the protests saw a deliberate attempt to avoid confrontations with the police due to fear of violent reactions, as evidenced by their unpreparedness for police tactics like the use of tear gas. The lack of dedicated street medics and understanding of police tactics further hindered their readiness for potential confrontations. From our current perspective, it's clear that the MOBA coalition was ill-prepared for the police response, and their attempts to adopt techniques from other movements, such as the Japanese student movement, were unsuccessful. The state's capacity for violence has significantly increased since then, making it much more challenging to confront the police in the ways these activists attempted.

    • 1968 Democratic National Convention protestsThe 1968 Democratic National Convention saw two distinct protest groups, MOBA and Yippies, with different tactics: MOBA challenged politically, while Yippies resisted unconventionally, including hijacking media. Yippies' plan failed, but generated media coverage.

      The 1968 Democratic National Convention marked the beginning of modern crowd control policing, with two distinct groups, the MOBA and the Yippies, employing different tactics to resist and challenge the political establishment. The MOBA, a politically explicit group, aimed to conventionally challenge the system through their political beliefs, while the Yippies, a counterculture group, sought to resist through unconventional means, including hijacking the mass media machine and promoting a festival of life. The Yippies, who coined the term "Yippie," were known for their stoned state and intentional semi-coherence, and their plan to hijack the media was inspired by the French 60ators' theory of the society of the spectacle. However, unlike other 68 uprisings where protesters were effective in fighting the police, the Yippies were not, and their peaceful protests were met with police brutality, generating media coverage they hoped to hijack.

    • Democratic National Convention protestsComplex relationships between various activist groups hindered effective protesting during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. International and domestic pressures led some groups to prioritize order over confrontation, while others saw confrontation as necessary.

      During the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968, the protests were influenced by complex relationships between various activist groups, particularly MOBE and the Yippies. Mayor Daley's strategy was to isolate the moderates by threatening them with harsh police actions and denying permits. However, unexpected opposition came from the Communist Party USA and other old left parties, who wanted to maintain order and avoid confrontation due to international and domestic pressures. Despite their shared goal of ending the Vietnam War, MOBE and the Yippies hated each other, with MOBE viewing the Yippies as unserious and the Yippies seeing MOBE as self-righteous. The vibe shift of the time, marked by LBJ's withdrawal and RFK's entry into the race as an anti-war candidate, made it difficult for the protesters to effectively showcase an alternative to the political establishment. Ultimately, the assassination of RFK led to widespread despair and further chaos.

    • 1968 Democratic National Convention manipulationThe Democratic elite manipulated the 1968 convention to favor Hubert Humphrey, despite widespread opposition from the anti-war base, leading to intense protests and violent police response.

      The 1968 Democratic National Convention was a pivotal moment in American politics, marked by intense anti-war protests and a contentious nomination process. The anti-war candidate Eugene McCarthy was expected to challenge front-runner Hubert Humphrey, but it became clear that the Democratic elite would manipulate the convention to favor Humphrey, despite widespread opposition from the base. The police response to the protests was brutal and reminiscent of the current state of policing in the US. The anti-war movement of 1968 was largely made up of middle-class students, while today's movement is more diverse and includes workers. Planning for the protests was hindered by permit issues, internal disagreements, and extensive federal infiltration, leading to chaos and violence. Despite these challenges, the protests brought important issues to the forefront of the political conversation and set the stage for future activism.

    • 1968 Democratic National ConventionThe 1968 Democratic National Convention was marked by significant political turmoil and violence, leading to a fractured Democratic Party and a shift towards conservative politics.

      The Democratic National Convention in 1968 was marked by significant political turmoil and violence. The Yippie movement's attempts to hold a concert in Chicago resulted in brutal police attacks, leading to the deployment of the National Guard. The organizers' treatment by the police sparked widespread anger and violence, causing the Democratic Party to fracture. Senator McCarthy, a liberal anti-war candidate, was scheduled to endorse Humphrey on live TV but instead denounced the police tactics, leading to a heated exchange with Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley. The divisions within the party were evident, and the damage was significant. Unlike the 2024 election, where the Democrats almost beat Nixon despite losing by less than 1%, the ground had shifted, and the protests were highly unpopular. The unrest of the 1960s, including the Holy Week uprisings and the Democratic National Convention, paved the way for a backlash that eventually led to the rise of conservative politics. Today, we may be witnessing a similar backlash to the events of 2020, with the political landscape shifting in unexpected ways.

    • DNC ProtestsAlthough the immediate impact of protests at the DNC might be minimal, their long-term effects could contribute to a larger movement and potentially bring about change.

      The ongoing protests at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago may not resemble the historic 1968 convention due to the different political climate and the way the state interacts with protests. Although the immediate impact of protests might not be significant, the long-term effects could be substantial, as seen in the Vietnam War era. The anti-war movement didn't stop the war directly but played a role in radicalizing the military and ultimately ending the conflict. The current protests may not lead to an immediate change but could contribute to a larger movement in the future. Additionally, the number of protesters at the DNC has been lower than expected, with estimates ranging from 2,000 to 5,000, compared to the expected 30,000 to 50,000. Despite the smaller turnout, the protests have been peaceful so far, with more protesters than police in attendance.

    • Chicago DNC ProtestsProtests at the Chicago DNC focused on various issues, were relatively peaceful, and effective crowd control measures kept disruptive elements away from the main march

      The protests at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago were met with heavy police presence and controlled events, with many protesters preferring to gather in Union Park due to its size. The protests focused on various issues including Palestine, LGBTQ rights, and abortion, with counter-protesters also present. A notable incident involved a group called PSL, who planned to disrupt the protests and were effectively walled off by a protest safety team. While some smaller groups and individuals caused conflict, the overall event was relatively peaceful. The presence of undercover journalists and controversial figures added to the tension, but the vast majority of protesters remained focused on their causes. Despite some hesitation towards crowd control tactics, the effectiveness of keeping disruptive elements away from the main march was noted.

    • Police-led protests at DNCThe protests at the DNC were largely led by police, reducing their impact and potentially giving ammunition to those who argue the issue is not a priority for Democrats

      The protests at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago were largely led by police, with the actual protest being a small fraction of the overall presence. Despite the large number of people gathered, the protests lacked significant impact due to the police presence and the focus on various political ideologies rather than a clear message or action. An older man who survived the Srebrenica genocide was a moving encounter, highlighting the personal connections and motivations behind the protests. However, the low turnout compared to expectations may give ammunition to those who argue that the issue is not a priority for the Democrats.

    • Palestinian liberation, reproductive justiceProtesters in Chicago during the DNC advocated for Palestinian liberation as part of reproductive justice, highlighting maternal deaths, healthcare restrictions, and family separation in Gaza. A diverse crowd, including anti-Trump supporters, socialists, and communist groups, attended the mostly peaceful protest, which also addressed U.S. arms sales to Israel and its use against Palestinians.

      The Bodies Outside Unjust Laws protest in Chicago during the DNC was focused on Palestinian liberation as part of reproductive justice. Protesters aimed to raise awareness about the deaths of mothers, restriction of healthcare, and separation of families in Gaza. The protest drew a diverse crowd, including anti-Trump supporters, socialists, and communist groups. Despite the large presence of police, the protest remained mostly peaceful, with some minor conflicts expected for the upcoming protest at the Israeli consulate. The protest also highlighted the U.S. government's $20 billion arms deal to Israel and the concern among protesters about the use of these weapons against Palestinians. The monsters at the protest weren't unfathomable evils, but just some weird little guys trying to make their voices heard. The investigation into the disappearance of Danielle and Richard continues on the "There and Gone" podcast. Don't miss the I Heart Radio Music Festival presented by Capital One, streaming live on Hulu, September 20th and 21st.

    • DNC Protests DisruptionsProtests during the DNC led to significant disruptions, including breaches in security and long wait times, achieving the protesters' goal of disrupting the event while frustrating attendees and causing major inconvenience.

      Protests during the Democratic National Convention caused significant disruptions, including a breach in the security perimeter that led to a massive bottleneck and long wait times for attendees. This not only caused frustration and anger among those trying to enter the event but also achieved the protesters' goal of disrupting the DNC. Despite some arrests and tension, Chicago PD seemed to be cautious about using excessive force and opted for a more hands-off approach. However, their large presence and preparedness meant that even minor disruptions could lead to major delays and inconvenience for those attending the convention.

    • DNC Security MeasuresLocal police and community engagement dominated DNC security measures, with out-of-state officers kept away to prevent conflicts and incidents.

      The security measures for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago have been influenced by recent events, leading to a local police presence and a focus on community engagement. Protests have been smaller than anticipated, with most officers being from the Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police. The decision to keep out-of-state officers away was made to prevent potential conflicts and avoid any incidents similar to the police shooting in Milwaukee. At the DNC itself, events like Dempalooza have been met with mixed reactions, with some panels attracting large crowds and others being poorly attended. One panel, Voices for Justice, Democrats for Palestinian Human Rights, was particularly popular and focused on advocacy for Palestinian human rights. Overall, the DNC has been characterized by a strong focus on community engagement and addressing pressing issues.

    • DNC panel on PalestineThe DNC panel on Palestine drew a large crowd and strong reactions, highlighting the urgent need for political action to address the crisis and protect civilian lives, but attendees felt uncommitted without concrete steps from the party and expressed frustration over the Biden administration's ambiguous stance.

      During the DNC, a panel discussing Palestine drew a large crowd and strong reactions, with attendees expressing their desire for meaningful action but feeling uncommitted without concrete steps from the party. The event, featuring speakers like Dr. Tanya Hashasan, a pediatric intensive care doctor who has worked in Gaza and the West Bank, highlighted the devastating impact of the ongoing conflict on civilians. Despite the overwhelming response, the Biden administration's stance on the issue remains ambiguous, with some attendees expressing frustration over the lack of commitment to hold Israel accountable. The panel underscored the urgency for political action to address the crisis and protect civilian lives.

    • DNC Reception of AOCAOC's reception at the DNC was overwhelmingly positive, despite a chaotic experience trying to join the delegate floor area. She called for a ceasefire in Gaza and is now fully embraced by the Democrat machine.

      The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was an electric event, particularly with the appearance of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). She opened the convention informally, and her reception was overwhelmingly positive. However, our attempt to join the delegate floor area was a mistake, as it was a chaotic experience. AOC's call for a ceasefire in Gaza was met with enthusiasm, and she is now fully embraced by the Democrat machine, preparing for a long political career. The crowd's love for Hillary Clinton was unexpected, despite her divisive nature. Joe Biden's emotional speech received a long standing ovation, marking the end of his political career. The DNC highlighted Biden's past achievements and tied him to the unions, emphasizing his pro-labor stance. Overall, the DNC showcased a mix of old and new faces, with a focus on unity and progress.

    • Democratic National Convention and Climate ChangeThe Democratic National Convention focused on various issues including union messaging, gun safety, immigration, abortion rights, and foreign policy, with minimal mention of climate change. The election has seen little discussion on this issue, allowing the Democratic Party to criticize the Republicans for their stance on fascism instead.

      The Democratic National Convention focused on union messaging, gun safety, immigration, abortion rights, and foreign policy, with minimal mention of climate change. The election has seen little discussion on this issue, allowing the Democratic Party to criticize the Republicans for their stance on fascism instead. The convention also highlighted achievements such as passing a gun safety bill and the potential for Harris to sign abortion rights into law. The need for a prosecutor in the White House was emphasized, and Harris was introduced as the next president. The speech touched on foreign policy issues, including the need to end the war in Gaza and free hostages. Biden acknowledged the protests, which was not scripted, but the reaction was mixed, with some attendees physically aggressive towards those displaying a "stop arming Israel" banner. The overall vibe was more positive than previous years, but the acceptance of authoritarian aims and tactics remains a concern.

    • DNC encountersUnexpected encounters with security and podcast hosts at the Democratic National Convention, and the presence of protests with graphic visuals

      The Democratic National Convention in Chicago was an event filled with political speeches, protests, and unexpected encounters. Molly Conger, the host of Weird Little Guys podcast, almost stumbled upon the presidential motorcade and encountered heavily armed security personnel. She also had a brief interaction with Andrea Gunning, the host of a different podcast, but it was nothing more than a friendly exchange. The convention also saw the absence of Lil Jon, much to the disappointment of some attendees. Meanwhile, there were various protests, including a pro-Israel event with graphic visuals, and plans for a protest at the Accenture Tower, which houses the Israeli consulate. Overall, the DNC was a significant political gathering with various intrigues and surprises.

    • Protests at Israeli consulateA peaceful protest at the Israeli consulate in Chicago escalated into a confrontation between protesters and law enforcement, highlighting the potential for conflict during political demonstrations.

      During a protest at the Israeli consulate in Chicago, tensions rose between protesters and law enforcement. A clash ensued when protesters attempted to march towards the consulate, resulting in a brief standoff. The protest, which started with around a hundred participants, grew to potentially over 200 individuals. The event was marked by the presence of various groups, including a woman with a Nazi banner, private security, and heavy police presence. Despite the confrontation, the protest remained peaceful overall, with speakers addressing issues related to US imperialism and the situation in Gaza. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential for conflict during political demonstrations.

    • Chicago protests violenceViolence erupted in Chicago protests, resulting in numerous arrests and use of force by police to disperse crowds. Protesters were trapped in small areas, leading to confrontations and more arrests.

      The protests in Chicago turned violent with numerous arrests being made. Police used force to disperse the crowds, trapping some protesters in small areas. Both sides regrouped and attempted to march again, but were met with a heavy police presence. Police communications revealed targeted arrests and media were asked to leave before mass arrests began. Protesters were trapped in a tight area with no evacuation routes, leading to a shoving match and more arrests. The remaining protesters were eventually let go, but many were arrested in a small patio area. The situation remained tense as the night progressed.

    • Police handling of DNC protestsDespite lack of violence or property damage, police arrested several journalists during DNC protests, while avoiding use of excessive force to prevent embarrassment for city government.

      During a protest covered by NBC, the police superintendent praised his officers for showing restraint despite the protestors' intentions of committing acts of violence and vandalism. However, no vandalism or significant violence occurred. The protestors were mostly trying to disperse and go home but were prevented from doing so by the police, resulting in numerous arrests, including journalists. The exact number of arrests is still unclear, with reports ranging from 22 to 70. Despite the lack of violence and property damage, at least four journalists were arrested, and one had his camera broken by police. The police appeared to be under orders to keep things peaceful and avoided using weapons or excessive force due to the potential embarrassment for the DNC and city government. The protestors' goal of shutting down the DNC was not achieved, and it remains unclear whether the protest had any significant impact.

    • DNC preparation and crowd responseThe DNC was better prepared for chaos than 2020 protests and received positive crowd response with an aggressive tone towards President Trump

      The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was better prepared than the chaotic protests seen in 2020, such as the George Floyd uprising in Portland. The energy inside the DNC was electric, reminiscent of the 2008 optimism, despite some speakers receiving mixed reactions. Bernie Sanders' speech focused on economic issues, while Kamala Harris and Governor J.B. Pritzker were well-received. The roll call was more chaotic and energetic compared to the RNC, with each state having a song and a playlist circulating. The crowd responded positively to the more aggressive tone towards President Trump, showing that going "low" can be effective in politics.

    • DNC 2020 messagesThe DNC 2020 emphasized hope, unity, and family, with Michelle Obama's speech resonating deeply and Kamala Harris' family being successfully defended against attacks

      The Democratic National Convention (DNC) of 2020 was marked by a strong emphasis on family, hope, and unity. Doug M. Hoff's speech focused on his wife and their blended family, while Michelle Obama's speech resonated deeply with the crowd, igniting a wave of enthusiasm and energy reminiscent of the 2008 and 2012 conventions. The crowd's reaction to Michelle Obama was significantly louder than for Doug Hoff, highlighting her popularity. Despite attempts to discredit Kamala Harris' family, the attacks failed to gain traction, and the DNC effectively deflected attention from protests and demonstrations. The convention's messaging of hope and unity, as well as the reclamation of liberal patriotism, has left many feeling optimistic about the future. However, there are concerns that a win for the Democrats may lead to increased hostility towards opposing views and a lack of impactful change unless there is a clear plan for action.

    • Challenges for Vice President HarrisThe political landscape may pose challenges for Vice President Harris, including increased conflict and hostility towards progressive views, and the popularity of potential Republican candidates may impact her effectiveness.

      The Obama presidency faced significant challenges, particularly in terms of making substantive progress and dealing with war crimes. The current political landscape, with a potentially resurgent Republican Party and increasing hostility towards progressive views, may pose similar challenges for Vice President Kamala Harris. The monoterization of patriotism and liberalization of traditional American values could lead to increased conflict and hostility towards left-leaning individuals and groups. The popularity of vice presidential candidates Tim Walz and JD Vance varies, with Walz having a more favorable image and stronger support among Democrats. The DNC has been exhausting for attendees due to the large number of protests and extensive security measures.

    • DNC Viewership vs RNCThe DNC has seen higher viewership numbers than the RNC, with speeches by former presidents Obama and Michelle Obama drawing large audiences and protests remaining mostly peaceful.

      The Democratic National Convention (DNC) has seen higher viewership numbers compared to the Republican National Convention (RNC), indicating a strong level of engagement and interest in the Democratic Party. The DNC speeches, particularly those by former presidents Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, drew large audiences, surpassing the RNC viewership by a significant margin. Additionally, the protests outside the DNC have continued, with some arrests made, but overall, the scene was less chaotic than the previous nights. JD Vance, the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, faced criticism for his awkward interaction with employees at a donut shop in Georgia. The uncommitted movement, consisting of Democrats expressing solidarity with Palestinians, has been present at the DNC, advocating for more action on the issue. The tone of their speeches has remained within the bounds of acceptable Democratic Party rhetoric.

    • DNC and Palestinian causeThe DNC has acknowledged the Palestinian cause during the convention but has not shown a strong commitment to take actionable steps, leading to peaceful protests demanding a permanent ceasefire and arms embargo.

      While there have been some efforts from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to acknowledge the Palestinian cause during the convention, such as mentions of ceasefires and a panel with doctors from Gaza, there has not been a strong commitment to take actionable steps. Protesters, led by Palestinian American Democrats, staged a sit-in inside the convention to demand a permanent ceasefire and arms embargo, but the DNC has not shown willingness to engage. Outside protests were also peaceful, but the image of Democrats leaving the event and plugging their ears as names of dead Palestinian children were read out created a negative public perception. The lack of trust and acknowledgement of the Palestinian cause within the DNC is a significant issue, and the peaceful protests, particularly the sit-in, have had a greater impact than the more radical protests outside.

    • DNC themesThe DNC emphasized individual freedom and opposition to government overreach, with speakers criticizing Republican efforts to interfere in personal matters and highlighting Democratic achievements in areas like education and healthcare.

      The Democratic National Convention (DNC) focused on the themes of democracy and freedom, with speakers emphasizing the importance of maintaining these freedoms and opposing government intrusion into personal matters. The crowd responded positively to this messaging, which was similar to libertarian ideologies. Speakers also criticized Republican efforts to interfere in people's lives and highlighted Democratic achievements in areas like education and healthcare. Additionally, there were conservative speakers at the event, including law enforcement officials, who spoke about border security and criticized Democrats for not inviting Palestinian speakers. Overall, the DNC emphasized a message of individual freedom and opposition to government overreach.

    • Transgender rights, Trans healthcareDuring the DNC, transgender rights and trans healthcare were noticeably absent from discussions, despite Republican attacks on these issues. The Democratic Party may be strategically linking these issues with the larger LGBTQ community rather than addressing them separately, leaving advocates concerned about their commitment.

      During the Democratic National Convention (DNC), there was a notable absence of discussion on transgender rights and trans healthcare, despite the Republican Party's consistent attacks on these issues. The DNC also declined to let Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) deliver a speech addressing Palestinian rights. Some speculate that the Democratic Party may be strategically linking trans issues with the larger LGBTQ community rather than addressing them separately. The absence of these topics on the national stage is concerning for advocates and raises questions about the Democratic Party's commitment to these issues.

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    Behind the Bastards
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