
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 20

    enFebruary 05, 2022
    What is the role of community connections during uncertainties?
    How does Neighbor to Neighbor network foster community relationships?
    What political dynamics exist between Canada and the U.S.?
    How did decentralized military command affect Germany's success in wars?
    What does 'The Next Conservatism' by Lind advocate for?

    • Building Community Connections and Financial EmpowermentFostering relationships with neighbors creates a more connected community during uncertain times. Financial empowerment and unlearning limiting beliefs can lead to a comfortable and financially free lifestyle.

      In times of uncertainty, building strong community connections can bring hope and prepare us for various challenges, including natural disasters. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of fostering relationships with neighbors to create a more connected community. Meanwhile, financial empowerment and unlearning limiting financial beliefs can lead to a comfortable and financially free lifestyle. ZYN nicotine pouches offer a convenient and discreet solution for nicotine satisfaction. The ongoing conversation about Canada's political climate involves various grassroots groups and their activities, with the recent "trucker convoy" being a topic of discussion. These groups have been organizing since 2018, and their efforts have gained momentum through various events and initiatives.

    • Anti-vaccine movement in Canada gains momentumCanadian anti-vaccine movement exploits hatred towards Trudeau, raises over $6M, and taps into deeper grievances beyond mandates

      The anti-vaccine movement in Canada has gained significant momentum, with groups like WEXIT and the yellow vests using it as a recruiting tool. The recent trucker convoy protesting vaccine mandates in Ottawa has garnered widespread attention and massive financial support, despite the Canadian government having no control over the US entry requirements causing the issue. The movement's success lies in its ability to tap into a deep-seated hatred and grievance towards the Canadian prime minister, Trudeau, and has exploited false narratives about mandates causing shortages. The movement has raised over $6 million, and its supporters are driven by more than just the specific issues at hand.

    • Protests in Ottawa: Chaotic and Confusing with Capitol Insurrection ComparisonsProtests in Ottawa, led by the Freedom Convoy, have become chaotic and confusing with some protesters comparing it to the Capitol insurrection, despite earlier distancing themselves from the event.

      The ongoing protests in Ottawa, Canada, led by the "Freedom Convoy," have become increasingly chaotic and confusing, with some protesters calling for their own version of the Capitol insurrection in the United States. The movement, which started as opposition to vaccine mandates, has seen shifting rhetoric and support from various political figures. Some protesters have made vague demands, while others have called for the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The convoy, which started in British Columbia and is heading towards Ottawa, is expected to reach its destination on Saturday, potentially leading to larger crowds and increased tension. The movement's connection to the January 6th Capitol insurrection is concerning due to the potential for physical confrontations and government disruption. The rhetoric surrounding the event has shifted, with some previously distancing themselves from the insurrection now viewing it as a positive comparison.

    • Protest in Ottawa: Unclear Goals, Uncertain OutcomesThe upcoming protest in Ottawa, Canada, organized by the Freedom Convoy movement, has unclear goals and uncertain outcomes, with estimates suggesting lower attendance numbers than claimed and motivations ranging from disruption to tradition.

      The upcoming protest in Ottawa, Canada, organized by the Freedom Convoy movement, has unclear goals and numbers of participants. While organizers claim that 50,000 people or trucks will attend, estimates from reporters on the ground suggest much lower numbers. The protest's motivations are also unclear, with some wanting to cause disruption and others following in the tradition of previous anti-vaccine and anti-mask protests. Additionally, some protestors have previously exaggerated attendance numbers, leading to skepticism. The protest's impact and outcomes are also uncertain, with some comparing it to previous protests that were mostly peaceful with large crowds. However, some protestors have faced criticism for their hypocrisy, as they have previously condemned indigenous protests that blocked roads and trails.

    • Canadian Protests: Complex Origins and Controversial FiguresCanadian protests against vaccine mandates and restrictions involve complex motivations, including financial and political factors, and have been fueled by controversial figures making divisive statements.

      The ongoing protests in Canada, led by truckers and supporters against vaccine mandates and government restrictions, have gained significant attention and resources, but the movement's origins and goals are complex and potentially dangerous. A family member of a prominent figure in the movement has been exposed for making controversial statements about indigenous people and Anglo-Saxon bloodlines, adding to the controversy. The protests have been fueled by a general sense of frustration and financial and political motivations, not just the vaccine issue. Despite the large number of vehicles and participants, the number of people mobilized is relatively small compared to the resources and funds raised. Some participants have openly called for civil war, raising concerns about the potential for escalation and the spread of extremist views. Canada, which is often seen as a safe haven from political turmoil, is not immune to these issues, and it's important to acknowledge and address them.

    • The anti-vaxx movement in Canada linked to far-right politics poses a serious threat to public safetyThe anti-vaxx movement in Canada, fueled by far-right politics, has grown significantly and poses a serious threat to public safety through violent protests and calls for civil war. Extremist groups like the People's Party of Canada legitimize this dangerous rhetoric, and politicians engaging with them increase the risk of violent confrontations.

      The anti-vaxx movement in Canada, tied to far-right politics, has grown significantly over the past two years and poses a serious threat to public safety. This was highlighted by the recent trucker convoy protest in Ottawa, where threats of violence and calls for civil war were made. The rhetoric against those perceived as leftist is dangerous and has led to the legitimization of extremist groups. The People's Party of Canada, with its controversial leaders and members, is one such example. Despite warnings from authorities, some politicians have chosen to engage with these groups, increasing the potential for violent confrontations. The tactics used, such as blockading cities, are becoming a powerful tool for protests and insurgencies, and their applicability in various contexts is a concerning cultural shift.

    • Canadian Truckers Protest: Conservatives vs. Far-RightThe blurred lines between conservatives and the far-right in Canada create a larger, financially backed movement against PM Justin Trudeau, drawing in both groups with anti-Trudeau sentiment.

      In the United States, there exists a more distinct divide between conservatives and the far-right movement compared to Canada. In the U.S., there is a clear distinction between these two groups, whereas in Canada, the lines are more blurred. Many Canadians, even those considered regular conservatives, may express extreme views against specific political figures, such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and be drawn into far-right rhetoric. This anti-Trudeau sentiment can be validating for both conservatives and those on the far-right, leading to a larger movement with significant financial backing. Americans may recognize this dynamic from the shift from anti-Clintonism to Trumpism. Dan, who was a guest on the podcast, plans to live tweet about the situation unfolding in Ottawa, Canada, where a large convoy of truckers is protesting against vaccine mandates and other restrictions. For more information, follow Dan on Twitter @spinelessl. Additionally, the Canadian Indian Network and Ottawa media are covering the event extensively. Elon Musk has also shown support for the Canadian truckers. This situation serves as an intriguing example of how politics and culture intertwine and how such rhetoric can successfully attract a large following.

    • Embracing change and renewal during Chinese New YearMalcolm Gladwell's podcast 'Revisionist History' shares how Ebay Motors revitalizes old cars, while 'It Could Happen Here' explores Chinese New Year traditions and the Chinese diaspora's experiences, inspiring us to cherish change and joy

      The spirit of transformation and renewal, as symbolized by the Chinese New Year, extends to various aspects of life, including personal projects, favorite traditions, and community connections. Malcolm Gladwell, in his podcast "Revisionist History," highlighted the role of Ebay Motors in helping people breathe new life into their old cars. Meanwhile, during this Lunar New Year's edition of "It Could Happen Here," Jay n and Jane Hsieh discussed their favorite Chinese New Year's foods and shared insights on the experiences of being part of the Chinese diaspora. Whether it's through food, car repairs, or community, the Chinese New Year encourages us to embrace change and cherish the things that bring us joy.

    • Experiences with Nangal and discussions on anti-Asian violenceThe conversation emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing unique struggles faced by different communities, and challenging divisive narratives that pit marginalized groups against each other.

      The experiences with Nangal, a traditional Chinese dessert, vary greatly between different communities. While some may have additional toppings and are closer to a sweet dessert, others are more plain with red beans stirred into the dough. However, the conversation took a more serious turn as the speakers discussed the issue of anti-Asian violence and police brutality within the Chinese diaspora. This topic was sparked by the spike in anti-Asian violence in the past few years and the attempts to downplay it or link it to anti-Black Lives Matter movements. The speakers shared their concerns about the complicity of Chinese institutions and organizations in the systemic issues, as well as the ongoing police brutality against marginalized communities in Canada. The conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging and addressing the unique struggles faced by different communities and the need to challenge the divisive narratives that pit marginalized groups against each other.

    • Debate over police presence in addressing anti-Asian hate crimesThe debate over addressing anti-Asian hate crimes involves discussions on the role of law enforcement, systemic racism within the police force, and the definition of anti-Asian hate. Finding a solution that resonates with victims and addresses root causes is key.

      The increase in reported anti-Asian hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a contentious debate about the role of law enforcement in addressing these incidents. Some argue that more police presence is necessary to ensure safety, while others believe that systemic racism within the police force and the criminal justice system as a whole makes this solution ineffective or even harmful. This debate was highlighted by the killing of a South Asian elderly woman in Vancouver, where some city councilors called for the dismantling of tent cities housing marginalized individuals, while others advocated for increased police presence. However, the term "anti-Asian hate" and who gets included in this definition have also been subjects of controversy, with some arguing that it collapses different experiences into one category and overlooks other forms of violence and discrimination. Ultimately, the challenge lies in finding a solution that resonates with those who have been victimized and addresses the root causes of hate crimes, rather than relying on the police as the sole solution.

    • Community Safety: Balancing Self-Protection and Inclusive SolutionsUnderstand the complexities of community safety in gentrified areas, involving affected populations and exploring alternatives to policing like mental health resources. Acknowledge traumas and respect survival instincts, while addressing abusers and community fragmentation in community-led solutions.

      Addressing safety concerns in communities, particularly those experiencing gentrification and trauma, requires careful consideration and community involvement. The desire for self-protection and community solutions is understandable, but it's crucial to ensure these initiatives come from and serve the most affected populations. The call for more police is not a simple solution, and mental health resources can be an alternative to policing. However, it's essential to have compassionate and respectful conversations around these issues, acknowledging and validating each other's traumas and survival instincts. The complexities of community solutions are further complicated by the need to address the inevitable presence of abusers in these groups and the fragmented nature of communities, especially those with diverse populations and histories. Ultimately, a successful approach requires a commitment to community-led solutions that are inclusive, respectful, and effective in addressing the root causes of safety concerns.

    • Navigating Tensions in Diaspora CommunitiesBuilding new institutions and bridging divides in diaspora communities is complex due to fragmentation, power dynamics, and differing political beliefs. Open dialogue and finding common ground are essential but challenging.

      Organizing within diaspora communities, particularly those of Chinese descent, can be challenging due to fragmented communities, power dynamics, and differing political beliefs. The speaker shares their experiences with this in the context of Hong Kong diaspora groups, where business associations hold significant power and advocacy for Hong Kong often comes at the expense of local and domestic issues. The speaker also acknowledges their own rigidity in working with those whose beliefs they disagree with. The complexity of these dynamics makes it difficult to build new institutions and navigate tensions between communities. The speaker expresses the need for open dialogue and finding common ground, while acknowledging the challenges of doing so.

    • Building Community Connections in Uncertain TimesForming meaningful social bonds with neighbors can help communities prepare for disasters and improve everyday life. Navigating complex dynamics and fostering understanding between different groups is essential for a more connected and equitable society.

      Building and strengthening community connections is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors and forming meaningful social bonds. This can help prepare communities for natural disasters and everyday life. Meanwhile, platforms like High 5 Casino offer entertainment and distraction, while companies like Ebay Motors provide necessary resources for maintaining personal vehicles. In the world of organizing, it can be challenging to navigate complex dynamics, especially when dealing with contentious issues. The ongoing struggle between different ideological groups, such as those with pro and anti-CCP factions, can create a triangular conflict. It's important to acknowledge the complexity of these situations and the historical context that shapes them. Ultimately, fostering understanding and dialogue between different groups is crucial for creating a more connected and equitable society.

    • Building diaspora communities: Complex challengesSupport grassroots initiatives, promote solidarity, avoid cooptation, and use education and careful discourse to build strong, inclusive communities.

      Community building and organizing, especially within diaspora communities, can be complex and challenging due to historical tensions, government manipulation, and differing perspectives. Cooptation is a significant issue, with governments using diaspora frameworks to demand loyalty and target guilt. Radical positions taken without nuance can perpetuate violence and harm relationships. It's crucial to support grassroots initiatives and promote solidarity with marginalized communities worldwide, while being cautious not to support state discourses that demand blind loyalty. Education and careful discourse are essential for steering new organizers into non-dogmatic directions. The balance between being understanding and firm is crucial to building a strong and inclusive community.

    • Merging Stalinist and capitalist ideologies in left circlesThis complex dynamic can result in a lack of effective intervention and organization, instrumentalizing individuals and communities, and ignoring Chinese humanity. It's important to find sustainable ways to challenge these systems without replicating them.

      The merging of Stalinist and capitalist ideologies in certain circles of the left creates a complex and frustrating dynamic, particularly when it comes to discussions around China and Chinese communities. This ideology can be used to channel guilt, both diaspora and white leftist, into a faux anti-racism that ignores the individuality and humanity of Chinese people. It also results in a lack of effective intervention and organization due to the instrumentalization of individuals and communities. The loneliness of taking a hard line against this ideology further complicates matters, as there is often a lack of community outreach and communication between different organizations and groups. Ultimately, it's crucial to find ways to make this work sustainable and to use available resources to challenge these systems without replicating them.

    • Navigating Complexities in Social Justice MovementsStaying true to principles is important, but pragmatic action is necessary. Be aware of potential divisive forces and their motivations.

      The experience of being a marginalized group in the fight for social justice can be isolating and challenging. The speaker expresses frustration with the disconnect between present-day struggles and academic texts that may erase or overlook their experiences. They also express concern about the potential for divisions within the left, particularly when it comes to fundamental principles versus pragmatic action. The speaker shares their experience with the destructive influence of certain groups who may appear radical but ultimately undermine leftist movements through manipulation and cooperation with authorities. The importance of staying true to principles is balanced against the need for practical action and the potential consequences of both approaches. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexities of organizing and the potential pitfalls of both ideological purity and pragmatic compromise.

    • The infiltration of far-right ideologies into leftist movementsThe infiltration of far-right ideologies into leftist movements can complicate shared goals and lead to destructive consequences. Nuanced approaches and inclusive activism are crucial for authentic progress.

      The infiltration of far-right ideologies into leftist movements can lead to destructive consequences, making it difficult to distinguish between shared goals and fundamentally different agendas. This issue has become increasingly apparent as the geopolitical landscape shifts, with external forces narrowing the choices for grassroots organizations. The appeal of well-funded groups promoting simplistic narratives can attract newly radicalized individuals, further complicating the situation. One major strategic mistake made by some groups is attempting to push a new cold war agenda with China at a time when US-Russia tensions were heating up, leaving them off balance when the situation changed. Another factor weakening these groups is the internal split caused by the anti-vaxx movement, which is rooted in racism, ableism, and anti-Chinese sentiment, making it difficult for them to maintain a cohesive message. Overall, the complexity of these issues requires a nuanced approach and a commitment to authentic, inclusive activism.

    • Intersection of ableism, anti-vaccine sentiments, and political ideologiesAbleism within the left, anti-imperialist accounts taking anti-vaccine stance, and ignoring negative impacts on marginalized populations can lead to complex and problematic situations, emphasizing the importance of considering real-life experiences and impacts of politics.

      The intersection of ableism, anti-vaccine sentiments, and political ideologies can create complex and problematic situations, particularly when it comes to marginalized communities. The speaker highlights the issue of ableism within the left and the lack of awareness or care for disability justice. They also discuss the perplexing situation where some anti-imperialist accounts take an anti-vaccine stance, using historical instances of racial injustice in US medicine to justify their position, while ignoring the negative impacts of anti-vaccine sentiments on marginalized populations. The speaker argues that these groups may not be the same and that there is a risk of cognitive dissonance leading to the eventual breakdown of these beliefs. They also emphasize the importance of considering the real-life experiences and impacts of politics, especially during times of isolation and disconnection.

    • Building social bonds and trust during uncertain timesEmphasize the protective benefits of vaccines, resist fear-mongering, promote connection, and engage in community-building efforts to build trust and resilience during uncertain times.

      During times of uncertainty and disconnection, building meaningful social bonds and trust within communities is essential. This was a recurring theme in the discussion, with the importance of resisting fear-mongering and promoting the protective benefits of vaccines being highlighted. The speaker emphasized the need to bring people in rather than pushing them away, and the power of human psychology in shaping public opinion. Additionally, the importance of community-building and helping neighbors was emphasized through the introduction of Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network. The discussion also touched on the power of art and creativity in raising awareness and funds for important causes. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of connection, trust, and community in navigating uncertain times.

    • The Evolution of Warfare: From 1st to 4th Generation4th generation warfare is a new era of conflict characterized by hybrid battles, disinformation campaigns, and political instability, blurring the lines between military and civilian populations.

      We are currently experiencing a new era of warfare, referred to as 4th generation warfare, which is characterized by hybrid conflicts that involve a mix of physical and cyber battles, disinformation campaigns, and political instability. This concept was introduced by military analyst William S. Lind in 1989, who was influenced by the United States' losses in Vietnam and Afghanistan, as well as the Russian experiences in Afghanistan. Prior to this, wars were categorized as 1st and 2nd generation, with 1st generation warfare beginning after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 and featuring tightly ordered groups of men using inaccurate weapons, and 2nd generation warfare relying on linear fire and movement with heavy artillery support. However, the advent of machine guns and semiautomatic rifles marked the end of 2nd generation warfare and the beginning of 3rd generation warfare, which saw decentralized, guerrilla-style conflicts. Now, in 4th generation warfare, the lines between military and civilian populations have blurred, and conflicts can occur anywhere, making it difficult to define a clear battlefield or enemy. This type of warfare is seen in modern examples such as the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, where disinformation campaigns and political instability play a significant role.

    • Understanding the Evolution of Warfare: 2nd to 5th GenerationWilliam S. Lind's theories on different generations of warfare have influenced strategic thinking, but their accuracy is debated. Physical combat remains crucial in conflicts, such as the Russian intervention in Ukraine.

      The concept of different generations of warfare, starting from 2nd generation to 4th and potentially 5th, describes the evolution of warfare tactics and strategies. William S. Lind's theories, which include the importance of physical, mental, and moral aspects, have been influential but also criticized for oversimplification and historical inaccuracies. For instance, the idea that physical combat is the least important aspect in 4th generation warfare, such as the conflict in Ukraine between Russia and the West, is not supported by the evidence. The physical component is crucial, as seen in the Russian military intervention, which prevented the separatists from being wiped out by the Ukrainian military. Despite criticisms, understanding the concept of different generations of warfare is essential as it shapes how conflicts are perceived and approached by various actors.

    • US military failures: lack of effective battle doctrineHistorian Michael Lind argues US military failures stem from inadequate battle strategies, using Prussian and French armies as examples. However, his views align with fascist ideology and oversimplify complex conflicts.

      Michael Lind argues that the US military's repeated failures in conflicts are not due to choosing unwinnable wars or corrupt use of military force, but rather a lack of effective battle doctrine. He uses historical examples like the Prussian army and the French army to illustrate this point. However, it's important to note that Lind's perspective ignores the complex realities of the conflicts in question and suggests that the solution is to kill more people. Lind's views align with a fascist ideology, as seen in his advocacy for cultural separation and his early promotion of the concept of cultural Marxism. His belief in metapolitics, which holds that politics is downstream from culture, shapes his understanding of warfare as being influenced by culture rather than abstract military engagements.

    • William S. Lind's Influence on Modern StrategiesLind's ideas, though controversial, have significantly shaped modern strategies, particularly in media warfare and culture jamming.

      William S. Lind's ideas about war and conflict, although containing elements that are inaccurate or misguided, have been influential in shaping modern strategies, particularly in the realm of media warfare and culture jamming. Lind, a cultural conservative with a strong affinity for monarchism and Hegelian philosophy, has been successful in altering international responses to conflicts and eliminating left-wing support for liberatory movements. Despite his controversial views on history and leadership, his impact on strategic thinking is significant. His emphasis on the importance of culture and propaganda in conflict cannot be ignored.

    • Applying complex philosophies directly to political movements or military strategies can lead to failureAttempting to blend Hegelian ideas with Maoist ideologies, Nazi actions, and Iraq war planning resulted in misunderstandings and eventual collapse. Understanding limitations of philosophies before applying them is crucial.

      Attempting to apply complex philosophical concepts like Hegelian dialectic directly to political movements or military strategies can lead to catastrophic failures. This was evident in the Chinese Revolution, the actions of the Nazis, and the planning of the Iraq war. The individuals involved in these events tried to blend Hegelian ideas with Maoist ideologies, resulting in misunderstandings and eventual collapse. Similarly, some insurgent groups, like the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, have attempted to use elements of 4th and 5th generation warfare but have not fully succeeded in either the physical or cultural sense. The concept of 5th generation warfare, which involves military social engineering, misinformation, and cyber attacks, is still a relatively new idea and has not yet produced consistent success. It is crucial to understand the limitations and complexities of these philosophical and strategic concepts before applying them to real-world situations.

    • 5th Generation Warfare: Blending Information and Physical ConflictUnderstanding the synthesis of 4th and 5th generation warfare, where disinformation and physical violence intermingle, is crucial for grasping contemporary conflicts and their complex outcomes. Adapt to new realities with a bias towards action.

      The concept of 5th generation warfare, despite its criticisms, offers a new perspective on modern conflicts, particularly in the context of the omnipresence of information warfare in the digital age. This idea of constant conflict, where information and physical battles intermingle, is a significant departure from traditional warfare. The case of the January 6th insurrection serves as an example of this synthesis of 4th and 5th generation warfare, where disinformation and physical violence come together. It's important to understand these evolving dynamics of warfare to better grasp contemporary conflicts and their complex outcomes. Moreover, the idea of a bias towards action, as proposed by Lind, can be valuable in adapting to these new realities. Ultimately, the success or failure of a conflict is determined by its results, not by adhering to a specific doctrine or tactic.

    • German military advantage in WW1 and WW2 due to decentralized command structureDecentralized military command structure leads to greater autonomy and agility, contributing to success on the battlefield. We need to adopt a bias towards movement and aggressive decision-making to address political problems and avoid self-destructive military interventions.

      The Germans in World War 1 and 2 had a significant advantage due to their decentralized military command structure, which allowed for greater autonomy and agility at the unit level. This contributed to their success on the battlefield and resulted in a lopsided casualty ratio. However, other forces were not as quick to adopt this tactic, leading to losses for those countries. The speaker argues that we have strayed too far from this approach and need to adopt a bias towards movement and aggressive decision-making by officers. The military's effectiveness in gunfights is not enough to win wars, and political problems cannot be solved through military means alone. The speaker also criticizes those who cannot distinguish between war and politics and believe there is a military solution to every political problem. This mindset has led to self-destructive behavior, as seen with the neocons and their failed attempts to conquer other countries. The trend is moving towards addressing political problems culturally and selectively in other countries, rather than through military intervention. Trump and Lind are mentioned as examples of those who have recognized the importance of cultural solutions. The Next Conservatism, a book by Lind, promotes cultural conservatism and specific policies such as reducing immigration, America First trade policy, and investments in infrastructure.

    • The Rise of 4th Generation Warfare: Cultural and Psychological AspectsWilliam S. Lind's concept of 4th generation warfare emphasizes the importance of cultural and psychological aspects in conflicts, blurring the lines between military and non-military actions. His ideas, influenced by his disdain for modern political structures, have influenced various groups, including terrorist organizations.

      William S. Lind, a military strategist, warned in the 1990s about the rise of non-state conflicts and the possibility of wars on American soil. He introduced the concept of 4th generation warfare, which emphasizes cultural and psychological aspects, and feared its influence could extend beyond military conflicts. Lind's ideas, as expressed in his article and fiction book, have been influential among various groups, including terrorist organizations, due to the blurred lines between terrorism and 4th generation warfare. Lind's primary motivation appears to be anger over the absence of a monarchical ruler, making him a significant figure in understanding modern conflict dynamics, particularly the concept of omnipresence. His ideas have had a profound impact on the right and continue to shape current conflicts.

    • Building Community ConnectionsDuring uncertain times, fostering relationships with neighbors, playing social games, maintaining vehicle ownership, and staying informed on current events can help build and strengthen communities.

      Community connections are essential, especially during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizes the importance of building relationships with neighbors and preparing for emergencies together. Meanwhile, High Five Casino offers a chance to win real prizes and connect with others through social casino games. Elsewhere, Ebay Motors provides the tools to keep vehicles running and maintain a sense of ownership. The NFL schedule release presents a shared excitement for the upcoming football season, while the discussion on the It Could Happen Here podcast updates listeners on the trucker convoy protests in Canada and the importance of respecting diverse opinions. Ultimately, these examples highlight the power of community, connection, and shared experiences.

    • Demonstration in Ottawa causes chaos and gridlockThousands of protesters caused significant disruptions in Ottawa, blocking major streets and affecting local businesses, with no clear solution or ending in sight

      The ongoing demonstration in Ottawa, Canada, which began on Saturday, has caused significant disruptions and gridlock in the city. The police chief, Peter Sloly, has suggested that there may not be a policing solution to the situation. The convoy of trucks and caravans arrived from various parts of the country, with thousands coming from Quebec alone. The occupation has resulted in major streets being blocked, including residential and commercial roads, driveways, and emergency routes. Local businesses have been affected, with many closing due to the disruptions. The area is hard to gauge due to the fluid nature of the occupation, with streets being retaken and then reoccupied. The political response has been divided, with some politicians, including Erin O'Toole, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, endorsing the convoy. The situation has led to chaos, partying, and a lack of clear ending in sight.

    • Canada's Conservative Party Leadership Change and Its ImplicationsThe recent Conservative Party leadership change in Canada and the tactics used in the Ottawa protest could have far-reaching consequences, including the potential for increased radicalization and societal unrest.

      The recent events in Canada involving the Conservative Party and the convoy protest in Ottawa led to Erin O'Toole's removal as party leader. This change in leadership could have significant implications, particularly concerning the handling of controversial figures and policies within the party. The concern extends beyond Canada's borders as well, as the tactics used in this protest bear resemblance to those seen in other places, such as Portland in 2020. These large-scale disruptions, even without violent intentions, can negatively impact a city's population and infrastructure, especially when the police are unable or unwilling to intervene. The potential danger lies in the outsourcing of societal protection to increasingly radicalized groups, which can ultimately harm those they were meant to protect.

    • Ongoing protests in Ottawa disrupt daily life and cause incidents of harassment and violenceProtests against COVID-19 restrictions in Ottawa have escalated into hooliganism, causing disruptions and incidents of harassment and violence towards individuals and businesses, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities.

      The ongoing protests in Ottawa, Canada, although involving a relatively small number of people, have led to significant disruptions and incidents of harassment and violence against individuals and businesses. The protests, which started as a truck convoy demonstration against COVID-19 restrictions, have escalated into hooliganism and have spread to other parts of Canada and even the US-Canada border. The situation has reached a tense point, with no clear resolution in sight, leaving many concerned about potential further escalation. The protests have also disproportionately affected marginalized communities, with reports of harassment and violence towards women, racial minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community. The authorities have expressed concern and are investigating several incidents, but the protests continue, causing significant disruptions to daily life in Ottawa and beyond.

    • Protests in Ottawa: Small but EffectiveSmall group of protesters effectively occupied Ottawa, raising concerns for political stability and long-term implications

      The recent protests in Ottawa, Canada, led by truckers opposing vaccine mandates, have raised concerns about potential escalation and the implications for political stability. Despite the relatively small number of protesters compared to the city's population, their strategic occupation of key areas gave them significant control over the situation. The situation remains tense, with community members discussing taking direct action and uncertainty about the role of the military. The success of this occupation has raised questions about the potential for similar events in other cities and the political implications beyond the conservative leadership. The situation is especially alarming due to the occupation's effectiveness with a relatively small number of people and the long-term ramifications for residents' lives. There have been reports of counter-protests, but it remains unclear if and when they will take place. The lack of a clear response from authorities and the mixed feelings among police officers have added to the uncertainty. While the situation is tense, it is important to remember that all men die, and liberty will never perish as long as men are alive.

    • Supporting Ottawa's marginalized communities through local initiativesGet involved in local community-building efforts to support marginalized groups impacted by protests, like ROSE Ottawa, Trans Is Beautiful OTT, and Ram Ranch. Utilize platforms like Zello Chats for counteracting negative impacts and connect with networks like Neighbor to Neighbor for stronger communities.

      Community responses and mutual aid funds are crucial for addressing the concerning situation unfolding in Ottawa, Canada due to the ongoing convoy protests. Organizations like ROSE Ottawa, Trans Is Beautiful OTT, and Ram Ranch are making a difference by supporting marginalized communities affected by the protests. It's essential to support these initiatives and consider getting involved in local community-building efforts to foster long-term solutions. Additionally, platforms like Zello Chats have emerged as entertaining and effective ways to counteract the convoy's negative impact. For those interested, you can find the speakers mentioned on social media, such as @spinelessl on Twitter. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, is another valuable resource for building stronger, more connected communities.

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    ‘Cyber Mercenaries’: Israel’s Spyware Industry Is Getting Slammed Around the World - Israel News - Haaretz.com (archive.is)

    Hackers Reveal Offers to Spy on Corporate Rivals - The New York Times (nytimes.com)









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    Behind the Bastards
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    Part One: That Time eBay's Private Spies Went To War With Some Bloggers

    Part One: That Time eBay's Private Spies Went To War With Some Bloggers

    Robert sits down with Jason Pargin to lay out the insane story of how eBay corporate security, with the tacit endorsement of their executives, waged a relentless shadow war against two elderly bloggers for no reason really.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube!

    New videos every Wednesday and Friday.

    (Backlog episodes on Saturdays until we catch up)

    Subscribe to our channel: Youtube.com/@behindthebastards 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 145

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 145

    All of this week's episodes of It Could Happen Here put together in one large file.

    1. Kamala Shuts Down the DNC
    2. Imane Khelif and the Co-option of the Mexican Terfs
    3. The Battle of Karbala
    4. Transnational Repression of Sikh Independence Activists
    5. Political Cults: The Democratic Workers Party feat. Andrew

    You can now listen to all Cool Zone Media shows, 100% ad-free through the Cooler Zone Media subscription, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. So, open your Apple Podcasts app, search for “Cooler Zone Media” and subscribe today!


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enAugust 31, 2024

    Part Two: Thomas Kinkade: the Evil-est Painter

    Part Two: Thomas Kinkade: the Evil-est Painter

    Robert and Randy conclude the story of Thomas Kincade by talking about the massive fraud he committed and also some sex crimes.

    Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube!

    New videos every Wednesday and Friday.

    (Backlog episodes on Saturdays until we catch up)

    Subscribe to our channel: Youtube.com/@behindthebastards 






















    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enAugust 29, 2024

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