
    About this Episode

    There was a time when times were tough. There was a time when men were men and by God women liked it.

    There was a time when we all went outside and used the s****** in the freezing cold with no lights and electricity. Gosh that don't sound very comfortable does it?

    There's a time we used to pump water from a well. Hell bro there was a time when people didn't have a well. How far back we going here?

    Let's face it modern day technology is making us a bit lazy ain't it? The endorphins though! Bro we wake up feeling good going to bed feeling good and in between I hope to hell you are feeling good. Except Kevin, he's a tool.

    Recent Episodes from Eric Spotts Biker Fitness

    My girlfriend just had a widowmaker heart attack.

    My girlfriend just had a widowmaker heart attack.
    She fought for her life. She's stronger than me.

    Life is precious my friends.

    In life never think you're exempt from death. My girlfriend was very healthy. Young, strong, beautiful... she sure didn't LOOK life a heart attack waiting to happen. Yet...

    When I go to bed I keep my closet door cracked open. If the closet monster wants a shot at me bring it on.

    The closet monster wouldn't dare mess with my girlfriend. She beat the all time winner.

    If she can beat death clearly the closet monster has no chance.

    Let's talk about HOW she beat the widow maker.