
    'It’s so potluck where you’re born!'

    enAugust 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected podcast connections during travelEncountering fans in person and online reinforced the hosts' impact and the dedication of their audience.

      The hosts, Luana and Elle, had enjoyable holidays but encountered unexpected connections to their podcast and community even while traveling. During a BA flight home, a flight attendant recognized Luana from their podcast and praised it, while on social media, a fan's father offered to drive them to the airport with car seats. These experiences highlighted the far-reaching impact of their show and the dedication of their audience. Additionally, they shared their experience of traveling with young children, emphasizing the joy of having them learn to swim and the relief it brings to parents. Overall, the episode showcased the hosts' relatable experiences and the strong connection they have with their listeners.

    • Mixing luxury and rustic charm in travelTravel experiences offer a unique blend of luxury and rustic charm, and everyone carries a piece of their hometown with them. Allowing iPads during vacations can help balance screen time and outdoor activities.

      Travel experiences can offer a mix of luxury and rustic charm, making each journey unique. The speaker fondly recalled her all-inclusive 5-star resort in the Maldives, appreciating its high-end dining while also enjoying a simple jerk shack by the beach. She admitted her preference for the rustic takeaway over the posh dining, reflecting how everyone carries a piece of their hometown with them. Additionally, the speaker shared her experience of traveling with kids and managing their iPad usage. She only allows iPads during vacations, creating a balance between screen time and outdoor activities. Her recent blog post about flying during the pandemic received an overwhelming response, indicating that many people are still curious about the travel experience in the current situation. Despite some anxiety about COVID-19, the speaker found the actual flying experience to be manageable with proper planning and preparation. She acknowledged that flight paths have been consolidated due to the pandemic, resulting in layovers. However, she emphasized that it was all part of the journey and that her family remained COVID-free throughout their travels.

    • Navigating Health Issues During TravelDespite COVID-19 uncertainties, travel can still be enjoyable with proper preparation. Antigen tests and reliable medical care can help manage health concerns.

      Even during uncertain travel times due to COVID-19, going on holiday can still be an enjoyable experience, but it's important to be prepared for unexpected health issues. The speaker shared her experience of getting stuck on the red list for Turks and Caicos and having to cancel flights, but she eventually made it to her destination and encountered health issues with her daughter. However, she was grateful for the excellent medical care she received at the Caribbean resort, which helped them recover quickly. For those with health anxiety, it's important to remember that there are resources available, such as antigen tests and reliable medical care, to help manage any concerns during travel. Overall, the speaker's message is to not let fear hold you back from taking a much-needed break.

    • The Love-Hate Relationship with Social MediaSocial media offers financial rewards but also brings negative experiences like online trolls and time-consuming maintenance. Finding a balance is key.

      Social media can bring both financial rewards and negative experiences. The conversation between the speakers reveals their love-hate relationship with social media. While they acknowledge the financial benefits it brings to their podcast, they also express their frustration with online trolls and the time-consuming nature of maintaining an online presence. The speakers also discuss their physical injuries and how they have affected their ability to attend events and interact with fans on the red carpet. Despite these challenges, they find humor in their situation and look forward to attending the National Teddy Awards. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex relationship people have with social media and the importance of finding a balance between the rewards and the drawbacks.

    • Speakers share stories of tour's successful sales and a humorous incidentSpeakers share excitement over sold-out shows and consider adding more tour dates, with a lighthearted moment involving an embarrassing fart incident

      The speakers are excited about the successful sales of their tour tickets, with many shows sold out and only a few remaining. A notable exception is Cardiff, where they may have offended the locals with past comments. Amidst this excitement, one speaker shared a humorous story about an embarrassing fart incident in an American coffee lobby, where a polite man continued making his coffee in silence after the speaker's loud fart. Despite the awkwardness, the speaker found the situation amusing. The tour's success is a significant development, and the team is considering releasing additional tour dates.

    • Unexpected connections and momentsEmbracing the unexpected can lead to meaningful connections and experiences, whether embarrassing or exciting.

      Unexpected moments, whether embarrassing or exciting, can significantly impact our experiences and connections with others. Imo shared an embarrassing encounter with a coffee shop customer who passed gas and then left without acknowledging it. However, she later found out that the same woman recognized her from the podcast, leading to a surprising and proud moment for Imo. Immo and her co-host celebrated their 3-year podcast anniversary and reflected on the growth of the podcast industry. They expressed their gratitude for their listeners and their position as pioneers in the field. Imo also expressed her frustration with the saturation of mom-focused content and the ordinariness of motherhood. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing the unexpected and finding joy in unexpected connections.

    • Parenting content: Irritating for some, necessary for othersPeople have differing opinions on the value of parenting content, with some finding it irritating and others finding it necessary for support and learning

      Society's obsession with mom bloggers and parenting content, including discussions about breastfeeding, nappies, and children's development, can be irritating for some people. They believe that parents should be free to raise their children as they see fit and that there is no need for constant comparison or competition. Additionally, the pressure to present a perfect image online, including dressing children in expensive clothing, can be unnecessary and impractical. Furthermore, young children ask a lot of questions and it can be challenging for parents to keep up with their curiosity, making it unappealing to hear about others' parenting experiences. Ultimately, parents should be allowed to do what works best for them and their families without judgment.

    • Family gatherings can lead to misunderstandings and tensionDespite best efforts, sensitive topics and family dynamics can cause discomfort and conflict during gatherings. Cherish time with loved ones, but be mindful of potential triggers.

      Despite our best efforts, family dynamics and sensitive topics can still lead to misunderstandings and tension. The speaker, despite trying to hold it together during a dinner conversation about music preferences, brought up her concerns about Celine Dion's relationship with her late husband, which was significantly older than her when they met. This topic upset the in-laws, leading to an uncomfortable car ride home. The speaker expressed that even when she's trying her best, she still "fucks it up," and that family gatherings can be stressful for her due to the potential for triggering conversations. The speaker is looking forward to a upcoming trip to the South of France with her husband, but is apprehensive about spending time with her in-laws and their colleagues, fearing more potential conflicts. The speaker also mentioned her love and appreciation for her family members, recognizing the importance of cherishing time with older family members.

    • Being cautious and trusting instincts in uncomfortable situationsAppearances can be deceiving, and uncomfortable situations can escalate quickly. Trust your instincts and be cautious when encountering new people or situations, and offer support and compassion when loved ones are going through tough times.

      Sometimes, appearances can be deceiving and uncomfortable situations can escalate into something even more unpleasant. In the first story shared, a woman went on a Tinder date with a man who turned out to have a problem with flatulence during their date. Things took a turn for the worse during their intimate moment, leaving the woman feeling disgusted and violated. In the second story, a woman is dealing with the emotional pain of her aunt's lack of support during a family crisis. The aunt's absence and insensitivity have caused tension and frustration, leaving the woman contemplating confrontation but fearful of the potential consequences. Both stories serve as reminders to be cautious and to trust our instincts when encountering new people or situations, and to be supportive and compassionate towards our loved ones during difficult times.

    • Considering the impact of words and actions in emotional situationsBe mindful of your motivation and potential outcome before expressing strong feelings, as it can have unintended consequences.

      Expressing feelings, whether it's through an email or social media, can have consequences. In the discussed scenario, Louisa and the speaker had different approaches when reaching out to their sister. While Louisa went all out with her emotions, the speaker opted for a more passive-aggressive tone. The life coach in the conversation suggested considering the motivation and potential outcome before sending the message. The speaker also shared a personal story about a time when they publicly called out someone who owed them money, which led to getting their money back. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the impact of our words and actions, especially when it comes to sensitive and emotional situations.

    • Creativity and resourcefulness in unexpected situationsIn uncomfortable circumstances, we can find ways to cope and even find humor in the situation, demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness.

      In challenging situations, creativity and resourcefulness can help us find unexpected solutions. The speaker shared a hilarious and embarrassing story about her desperate need to use the restroom during a heavy snowstorm, and how she managed to relieve herself in her car using a Tupperware and a plastic bag. Although the situation was far from ideal, her quick thinking and determination allowed her to find a solution and even manage to laugh about it later. The story serves as a reminder that even in the most uncomfortable circumstances, we can find ways to cope and even find some humor in the situation. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of staying informed about current events and having open discussions about difficult topics.

    • The Fall of Kabul: Chaotic Scenes and Heart-wrenching SeparationsThe fall of Kabul resulted in devastating consequences for civilians, including heart-wrenching scenes of family separations and babies being left behind during chaotic airport scenes. The lack of compassion towards refugees raises questions about the effectiveness of military intervention.

      The sudden fall of Kabul to the Taliban, despite significant military efforts and resources from Britain and America over the past 20 years, resulted in devastating consequences for civilians. The chaos at the airport led to heart-wrenching scenes of families being separated and babies being passed to soldiers for survival. The experience was described as barbaric and awful, with women giving birth in queues and newborns being left behind. The attack at the airport further compounded the tragedy, resulting in the death of a father and two children, leaving a mother in England with her surviving baby in a hospital in Afghanistan. The speaker expressed disbelief and anger over the situation, questioning the effectiveness of the military intervention and the lack of compassion towards refugees. The speaker also emphasized the importance of compassion and the fortunate circumstances that allow us to live in liberal countries.

    • Perspective and EmpathyRemember that while we may face challenges, there are those who have experienced far greater hardships. Empathy and perspective are crucial in understanding the struggles of others.

      While some may view their struggles as hardships, such as living on a low income or dealing with an outdated kitchen, it's important to remember that there are far greater hardships faced by others. The speaker shares stories of people who have experienced unimaginable trauma, including those who have lost loved ones or had to flee their homes due to war and persecution. The speaker also discusses the situation with OnlyFans and how the platform, which started as a British company, faced backlash from banks and private equity firms due to its association with explicit content. Despite initial plans to ban explicit content, the platform has since reversed its decision. This conversation underscores the importance of empathy and perspective, and the reminder that while we may face challenges in our own lives, there are those who are dealing with far greater hardships.

    • JPMorgan Chase's Policy Reversal Leads to Unusual Content on OnlyFansJPMorgan Chase's change in policy towards sex work on OnlyFans has resulted in a surge of unique and unusual content on the platform, from queefing on command to poop logging apps.

      JPMorgan Chase had previously been aggressive in closing accounts associated with sex work on OnlyFans, but due to assurances from banking partners, the platform is now able to support all genres of creators. This reversal of policy has led to a surge in content and creators on the platform. During the podcast, the hosts shared some unusual but entertaining stories. The first was from a listener named Brenda, who has the ability to queef on command. She has found this ability useful for post-sex douches and has even shown it to a select few friends. The second story came from Emma, who and her friends use an app called Poop Map to log and rate their poops, as well as enter leagues based on the number of poops. Despite the seemingly bizarre nature of the app, Emma and her friends find it hilarious and enjoy the daily belly laughs it brings them. The hosts found both stories to be weird but brilliant in their own way, with poop map being the standout as the weirdest yet most entertaining idea of the week. They recommended the app to their listeners and shared their own experiences with market saturation and the need for unique content to stand out. Overall, the podcast showcased the unique and often bizarre content that can be found on OnlyFans, as well as the creative ways in which users find entertainment and connect with each other.

    • Building meaningful connections and fostering a positive communityEffectively communicate by engaging your audience, making them feel valued, and inspiring positive reviews through meaningful connections and a memorable experience.

      Effective communication goes beyond just speaking. It's important to engage your audience and make them feel valued. The speakers expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to present and encouraged the audience to leave a positive review. They also looked forward to continuing the conversation in the future. Overall, the emphasis was on building meaningful connections and fostering a positive community. It's not just about delivering information, but also about creating an enjoyable and memorable experience for all involved. So, whether you're speaking to a large audience or having a casual conversation, remember to make them feel heard and appreciated. And who knows, you might just inspire a 5-star review!

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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