
    Jack Smith STRIKES BACK as WALLS CLOSE IN on Trump

    enFebruary 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Manhattan and Georgia hearings scheduled for Trump this weekTwo crucial hearings are set for Trump in Manhattan and Georgia, discussing trial dates and potential damages exceeding $350 million in the Manhattan case. Trump may attend the former, while the latter won't be televised.

      This week brings significant developments in various legal cases involving Donald Trump. Two important hearings are scheduled for Thursday, February 15th, in the Manhattan District Attorney case in New York and the Fulton County District Attorney case in Georgia. Trump is expected to attend the Manhattan hearing, where the trial date and other matters will be discussed. The Manhattan hearing, unlike the one in Georgia, won't be televised or broadcasted. The New York Attorney General's civil fraud case verdict is also anticipated, with potential damages exceeding $350 million. Trump has filed an application for a stay of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruling regarding his claim of absolute presidential immunity. Additionally, Judge Eileen Cannon's docket continues to be a source of intrigue and incompetence. These legal proceedings highlight the ongoing investigations against Trump and the various outcomes that could unfold.

    • Trump's Manhattan Trial Proceeds as PlannedDespite Trump's attempts to dismiss the case, the Manhattan DA's office is preparing for the trial to proceed as planned. Trump is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow, with the judge ruling on several motions. The trial is expected to move forward, with the length depending on the complexity of arguments.

      The trial for Donald Trump's case, which was previously tentative for March 25th, is expected to proceed as planned. The Manhattan DA's office is reportedly working diligently on the case, and Trump himself is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow. The judge will rule on several motions Trump has filed, including one arguing for dismissal based on selective prosecution and statute of limitations. However, these arguments are unlikely to succeed due to New York's unique circumstances during the pandemic and Trump's presidential tenure. The trial is expected to go forward, with the motions hearing being the first order of business when court convenes. The length of the hearing will depend on the complexity of the arguments and the judge's pace. Trump's team may also file additional motions in the future. Overall, the legal process is expected to move forward in the coming weeks.

    • New York Court Hearing for Trump: Focus on Pretrial MotionsThe upcoming New York court hearing for Trump will focus on ruling on various pretrial motions, including evidence exclusion and jury selection. The trial date is expected to remain the same unless discussed privately.

      The upcoming court hearing for Donald Trump's case in New York is primarily focused on ruling on various motions filed by both sides, which have been submitted on papers. The hearing is expected to last around an hour to an hour and a half, with potential oral arguments on specific issues such as speedy trial arguments and grand jury secrecy. Other topics to be discussed include jury selection, jury questionnaires, and motions in limine. These pretrial motions involve requests to exclude certain evidence or testimony. The Access Hollywood tape, where Trump made controversial remarks about women, is an example of such evidence that may be a subject of debate. A trial schedule and a ruling on the motions in limine may also be set during the hearing. The March 25 trial date is expected to remain the trial date after the hearing, unless there have been private discussions between the judge and the parties.

    • Two criminal cases against Trump's associates with significant hearingsNew York judges may coordinate on a case with multiple charges against the same defendant, while a Georgia hearing addresses allegations of a romantic relationship between a prosecutor and special counsel, possibly impacting the cases against Trump and his associates.

      Two ongoing criminal cases involving Donald Trump's associates, one in New York and one in Georgia, are set to have significant hearings. In New York, judges Chutkin and Meershon may coordinate on a case with multiple pending charges against the same defendant. In Georgia, a hearing will address allegations of a romantic relationship between a prosecutor and a special counsel on the case, which some argue could result in her disqualification. However, the relevance and potential impact of these relationships on the cases remain unclear. The New York hearing is expected to take place at the end of March, while the Georgia hearing is happening on February 15th. The outcome of these hearings could potentially impact the ongoing investigations and trials against Trump and his associates.

    • Judge McAfee rules against discussing special prosecutor's qualifications, focuses on potential conflicts of interestJudge McAfee focuses on potential conflicts of interest instead of qualifications for special prosecutor Nathan Wade in Georgia hearing, common practice in Georgia to hire special prosecutors on an hourly basis.

      During a hearing in a case in Georgia, Judge McAfee ruled that the qualifications of a special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, would not be discussed, focusing instead on potential conflicts of interest. Wade had previously been supported by the defense attorney, who now argued he was not qualified. The judge stated that as long as Wade had a bar card, he could be hired. Potential conflicts of interest include defense attorneys or prosecutors being paid on a contingency fee or having represented the same person previously. The judge noted that in Georgia, hiring special prosecutors on an hourly basis is common and not considered a conflict of interest. The hearing will address potential conflicts based on personal relationships between Wade and Fonnie Willis, the judge, and any potential distractions or delays from the defendants in the New York attorney general civil fraud case.

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      There are simple ways to make your life easier, save time, and help the planet, like switching to Earth Breeze's eco sheets for laundry. Meanwhile, protecting your personal data online is crucial in today's digital age. Services like Delete Me can help remove your personal information from the largest people search databases and prevent potential identity theft, doxing, and phishing scams. As a podcast host in the high-profile US law and politics space, I've experienced personal data breaches and their consequences, including threats and harassment. Don't let your private information fall into the wrong hands. Take control of your data and keep your private life private by signing up for Delete Me. And for a limited time, get 20% off your Delete Me plan by going to join delete me.com/legalaf and using promo code legalaf at checkout. In other news, stay tuned for updates on the New York attorney general civil fraud case, Donald Trump's application for a stay with the US Supreme Court, and the mysterious actions of Judge Eileen Cannon.

    • Media Hypocrisy Towards Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Public FiguresMedia should hold Trump accountable for his adjudicated rape and sexual assault allegations, while treating Fawnie Willis fairly for a consensual relationship. NY AG expected to deliver verdict soon in Trump's civil fraud case, potentially resulting in large financial penalties.

      There is a significant double standard when it comes to how society and media handle allegations of sexual misconduct against public figures like Fawnie Willis compared to figures like Donald Trump. Trump, who has been found liable for sexual assault and has publicly bragged about assaulting women, continues to hold power and influence, while Willis faces a hearing for a consensual relationship. It's important for media to call out this hypocrisy and clearly label Trump as an adjudicated rapist. Additionally, the New York attorney general is expected to deliver a verdict soon in the civil fraud case against Trump and the Trump Organization, with potential remedies including the return of illegally gained funds and bans on Trump and his adult children from conducting real estate in New York. The requested disgorgement amount is over $370 million, which could reach close to half a billion with interest and penalties.

    • Trump's Unhinged Behavior Towards Judge and FamilyTrump's conduct towards Judge Gonzalez and his family during the trial included posting conspiracy theories, photos, and personal info, leading to gag orders, security concerns, and death threats. His actions, if done by another defendant, would likely result in additional sanctions or legal repercussions.

      Former President Donald Trump's conduct towards Judge Arthur J. Gonzalez and his family during the trial has been described as unhinged, lawless, and threatening. Trump's attacks included posting conspiracy theories, photos, and personal information, leading to gag orders and security concerns. If any other defendant had behaved similarly, they would likely be in jail. Trump's actions have resulted in death threats and accusations of racism towards various prosecutors. Despite being a criminal defendant in multiple cases and released on bail with conditions, Trump's behavior continues to violate those conditions. The consequences for Trump's actions, in terms of potential additional sanctions or legal repercussions, remain to be seen.

    • Trump's unique behavior towards the judiciary and defendantsExpect legal consequences, including restraining orders, financial penalties, loss of businesses, and significant bonds for Trump's attacks on individuals and disregard for the First Amendment.

      The legal consequences and actions against Donald Trump are being treated differently than other defendants due to his unique behavior towards the judiciary and those involved in the cases against him. The expectation is that the judicial system will eventually put a stop to this, possibly through permanent restraining orders or significant financial penalties. Trump's attacks on individuals and his disregard for the First Amendment limits could lead to severe consequences, such as losing his businesses in Manhattan and potentially having to post large bonds to appeal. The ongoing independent monitorship, which has uncovered financial discrepancies and potential illegal activities, is a new process that could lead to additional lawsuits and penalties. The true power of this lies in the ability to impose conditions on Trump and other defendants, making this the beginning of a lengthy legal process even after the verdict.

    • Significant fraud charge against Trump in NY trialDespite multiple charges against Trump and others in the NY trial, the established fraud charge is the most significant and could lead to convictions. Financial consequences, including a large bond and potential felony status, are possible for Trump.

      The ongoing trial against Donald Trump and others in the New York criminal case involves multiple charges, with some requiring a higher burden of proof than others. The persistent fraud charge, which has already been established, is the most significant and likely to result in convictions. However, the outcome of the trial for other charges and defendants may vary, which could help insulate the judge's decisions on appeal. The case against Trump could potentially result in significant financial consequences, including a large bond and potential felony status. Additionally, the Manhattan District Attorney's decision to pursue a different case against Trump, one with a higher burden of proof, highlights the challenges in proving these additional charges. The Washington DC federal criminal case also continues to develop, with Trump seeking a stay at the Supreme Court and special counsel Jack Smith filing his reply earlier than expected.

    • Discussing Personal Care and Wellness with Jack SmithJack Smith kept his promise, discussed Lume's long-lasting deodorant, Beam's sleep aid, and Bond Charge's holistic wellness products with special discounts.

      Jack Smith kept his promise and filed within the expected time frame. Meanwhile, the discussion also touched on the importance of personal care and wellness. Lume was introduced as a game-changing whole body deodorant that provides confidence with its long-lasting odor blocking formula. The sponsor's special offer for new customers was highlighted, offering a discount on the starter pack. Another topic was sleep, and Beam's dream powder was presented as a science-backed healthy hot cocoa for sleep, with a special discount for listeners. Lastly, Bond Charge was introduced as a holistic wellness brand offering a range of evidence-based products to optimize various aspects of life. The infrared sauna blanket from Bond Charge was specifically mentioned as a game changer for relaxation and privacy at home.

    • Infrared Sauna Health Benefits vs Legal NewsThe BonCharge sauna delivers quick health benefits like calorie burn, detox, and endorphin release, while the legal news about Trump's case remains uncertain.

      The BonCharge infrared sauna offers numerous health benefits, including burning up to 600 calories per session, detoxifying the body, releasing endorphins, and being easy to use with a quick heat-up time. In contrast, the legal news involves the ongoing criminal case against Donald Trump, with the Supreme Court currently considering his application for a stay in the proceedings. Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is handling the case, has opposed the stay and signaled that the trial could begin very soon. The takeaway here is that the sauna provides immediate health benefits, while the legal situation is ongoing and uncertain.

    • Special Counsel Urges Supreme Court to Expedite Trump CaseSpecial Counsel Jack Smith is advocating for a swift resolution in the ongoing legal case against former President Trump, emphasizing the importance of a verdict before the upcoming presidential election and the potential harm to public interest if the case is delayed further.

      Special Counsel Jack Smith is strongly advocating for a swift resolution in the ongoing legal case involving former President Donald Trump, arguing against a stay that would pause the trial and all pretrial proceedings. Smith's filing emphasizes the importance of a verdict before the upcoming presidential election and the potential harm to the public interest if the case is delayed further. The DC Circuit's denial of a stay in this case and Smith's previous attempt to leapfrog the circuit to the Supreme Court signals the urgency of the situation. Smith is urging the Supreme Court to quickly grant certiorari and schedule oral arguments without a lengthy briefing schedule.

    • Judge Cannon's handling of Trump's cases causes delays and confusionThe Colorado Supreme Court disqualification and Trump's case before Judge Cannon have been marked by unnecessary delays and complications due to the messy handling of classified information procedures by the judge, raising concerns about competence and impartiality.

      The handling of the legal proceedings involving Donald Trump's cases, specifically the Colorado Supreme Court disqualification and the case before Judge Eileen Cannon, has been marked by unnecessary delays and complications. Jack Smith, the special counsel, urged for a quick resolution and setting an oral argument in March to avoid further delay tactics. However, the messy and seemingly incompetent handling of classified information procedures by Judge Cannon has resulted in numerous hearings and confusion, leading to delays and questions about security and separation of confidential information from Trump and his lawyers. The overall situation raises concerns about the competence and impartiality of the judges involved and the potential for further appeals and complications.

    • Judge's Delay in Trump's Case Frustrates SpeakerDespite potential national security implications, Judge Eileen Cannon repeatedly denies government requests to expedite Trump's trial, causing frustration. Trump benefits from delay tactics but may not win in the long run.

      The delay in the trial of Donald Trump's case before Judge Eileen Cannon is causing frustration due to the judge's repeated denial of government requests, despite the potential national security implications. The speaker expresses surprise and disappointment, as judges are typically expected to rise above advocates and do the right thing. The delay tactics are seen as beneficial for Trump, who wants to avoid accountability. The speaker suggests that Trump's approach is not a winning strategy and that it would have been more advantageous for him to expedite the trial before Judge Cannon. However, the ultimate outcome may be good for justice, as the DC case and the Manhattan District Attorney case are expected to be tried before the election.

    • Two potential felony trials for TrumpTwo separate juries could decide Trump's guilt or innocence based on facts and evidence, bringing closure to ongoing legal proceedings and potentially ending political debates.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump in Manhattan and DC Federal Courts could potentially result in two separate felony trials and convictions by the end of summer. The trials would allow a jury of Trump's peers, chosen by him, to determine the verdict based on facts and evidence presented in the courtroom, free from political influences. This jury's decision would be the final word in the matter and could help put an end to any claims of witch hunts or persecutions. It is essential to remember that the legal process provides a fair and impartial platform for determining the guilt or innocence of an individual. The American people have a right to witness this process unfold, and the outcome, regardless of the verdict, will be based on the rule of law.

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    Trump SENTENCING Nears + Supreme Court BOMBSHELLS
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    Trump CAN’T ESCAPE From Latest Supreme Court RULING
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    Jack Slips POISON PILL into Brief before Judge Cannon

    Jack Slips POISON PILL into Brief before Judge Cannon
    The DOJ just fired at Cannon, judge Cannom that is, and to support their motion to gag Trump, gave her real time examples of Trump and his MAGA ecosystem of podcasters, fundraisers, advisers, PAC spokespeople, members of Congress, elected officials, and lawyers, FALSELY claiming that President Biden and the Attorney General operate assassination hit squads to kill Trump and his family. Michael Popok explains it all on his latest hot take. Head to https://manukora.com/legalaf to receive $25 off your starter kit today! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Trump’s GOON Gets SLAPPED DOWN by Supreme Court
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    GOP House Leaders STEP IN PILE OF S*** with RESOLUTION

    GOP House Leaders STEP IN PILE OF S*** with RESOLUTION
    Michael Popok reports on the MAGA HOUSE up to its old, dirty tricks again, trying to pass a house resolution to encourage the United States Supreme Court and its mega right wing to overturn its own initiative the 34-count New York State criminal conviction of Trump. Head to https://Lumen.me/legalaf and use code: LEGALAF to get 15% off your lumen today! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    MAGA Creates NIGHTMARE of Their OWN MAKING at RNC Event

    MAGA Creates NIGHTMARE of Their OWN MAKING at RNC Event
    It’s the First Amendment v. the Second Amendment on full display during the upcoming Republican Convention in Milwaukee to nominate Trump, with Wisconsin’s “open carry” gun laws and the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment permission slip potentially coming together in the “First Amendment protest zone” in a park directly across from the site’s convention center. Michael Popok analyzes how we got here with the MAGA Supremes turbocharging gun rights over all the other constitutional freedoms and rights we enjoy. Head to https://Aeropress.com/legalaf to save 20% at checkout! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Judge LOOSE Cannon SCREWS UP 40 Years of Precedent in AN INSTANT

    Judge LOOSE Cannon SCREWS UP 40 Years of Precedent in AN INSTANT
    Judge Cannon refuses to understand 50 years of Supreme Court precedent that a special counsel or prosecutor is A VALID APPOINTMENT of the Attorney General, as she spars with Jack Smith’s office publicly over whether she will throw out THE WHOLE Mar a Lago criminal case against Trump. Michael Popok reports on a recent hearing in which Cannon demonstrates a profound misapprehension of the Special Counsel law AND the Nixon v US president from 1974. Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to https://shopbeam.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Trump GETS EXPOSED with his CORRUPT Judge Cannon

    Trump GETS EXPOSED with his CORRUPT Judge Cannon
    Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok are back for the weekend edition of the top-rated Legal AF podcast. On this episode, the anchors discuss and debate: (1) Judge Cannon’s 3 part hearing in the Mar a Lago criminal case against Trump, and whether she will dismiss the indictment and/or suppress major evidence against him; (2) the MAGA Supreme Court walking about Clarence Thomas’ ruling just 2 years ago that would give a gun back to a person convicted of domestic violence; (3) whether the DC Election interference case against Trump can ever be tried given the MAGA Supremes’ delaying tactics in issuing their “immunity” ruling; (4) whether Judge Merchan will lift the gag order against Trump given the increased death threats to all the civil servant participants in the criminal justice system; and so much more at the intersection of law and politics. Join the Legal AF Patreon: https://Patreon.com/LegalAF Thanks to our sponsors: Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/LEGALAF and use the code LEGALAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Beam: Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to https://shopbeam.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Timeline: Go to https://timeline.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF to get 10% OFF your order. Prolon: Head to https://ProlonLife.com/LEGALAF to get 15% off their 5-day nutrition program. Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Trump Gets DENIED, DENIED, & DENIED AGAIN Ahead of Trial
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    Trump Is DECOMPOSING at Criminal Trial
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    Trump Lawyer CLAIMS He CAN’T MAKE IT to Court

    Trump Lawyer CLAIMS He CAN’T MAKE IT to Court
    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reposts on the court filing by Donald Trump’s lawyer who claims he is no longer free for two weeks. This is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://BetterHelp.com/MEIDAS today to get 10% off your first month and get on your way to being your best self! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Trump REEKS OF FEAR at Criminal Trial
    Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok are back with a new episode of the weekend edition of the top rated Legal AF podcast. On this episode, they debate/discuss week 1 of the NY Trump criminal election interference trial; the upcoming hearing where the NY judge will either accept or reject Trump’s posted bond for $175mm to stay collection of the $465mm l; the reasons Judge Cannon in Mar a Lago denied Trump’s co conspirators’ attempts to avoid trial and have their indictment dismissed, the Supreme Court’s oral argument on a main criminal charge against Jan6 defendants and whether they should be dismissed and their sentences reversed, and so much more at the intersection of law and politics. Join the Legal AF Patreon: Patreon.com/LegalAF Thanks to our sponsors! Neurohacker: Go to https://neurohacker.com/Truth for up to 50% off and use code TRUTH at checkout for an additional 15% off. Moink: Keep American farming going by signing up at https://MoinkBox.com/LEGALAF and get FREE BACON for a YEAR! Reel: Head to https://reelpaper.com/LEGALAF and sign up for a subscription using code LEGALAF at checkout to get 30% off your first order and FREE SHIPPING! Henson Shaving: Visit https://HensonShaving.com/LEGALAF to pick the razor for you and use code LEGALAF for two years worth of free blades! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coalition-of-the-sane/id1741663279 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    What is Iran's endgame?

    What is Iran's endgame?

    On Saturday night, Israel warned its citizens to go to a safe room and prepare to spend the night there.

    Two hours later, Iran began sending drones into Israeli territory - revenge for the killings of 7 men in the Iranian consulate two weeks ago in Damascus, Syria.

    Of the 350 drones, 99 percent were intercepted. Tragically -and miraculously - there was only one reported injury - a 7 year old Israeli bedouin child.

    So what happens next? Does Israel retaliate? Or heed it's allies and 'walk away with a win'. We talk to Tim Marshall and Yaakov Katz who know this war well.

    Later, Liz Truss tells our colleague Iain Dale she has 'unfinished business'. Is that a sign she's coming back? Her new book is out tomorrow. His interview with her is out tonight. We give you the sneak peak.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producers: Laura FitzPatrick

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/