
    Podcast Summary

    • Infiltration of Critical Theory into EducationCritical Theory, a Marxist ideology, infiltrated education in the 1960s and 70s, impacting K-12 curricula and leading to harmful consequences for children, including redefinition of terms and radicalization.

      Critical Theory, including Critical Pedagogy, is not just a set of ideas but a cult that has infiltrated education, particularly K-12, with potentially harmful consequences for children. This process began in the 1960s and 1970s with a deliberate effort to bring Marxist ideology into institutions, including education, to address what communists called the "problem of reproduction." James Lindsay, a mathematician and writer, exposed this issue in his book "The Marksification of Education," detailing how organizations and curricula have been influenced by Marxist thinking for decades. This includes the UN's shocking curriculum handed to the US, the radicalization of children, and the redefinition of words and phrases like democracy and social-emotional learning. The consequences of this infiltration are significant and can be easily spotted in classrooms, making it essential for parents and educators to be aware.

    • The Role of Critical Pedagogy in Modern EducationCritical pedagogy, a radical education theory advocating for political education, influenced the transformation of the educational system in the late 20th century, leading to a shift in focus and curriculum towards political awakening and critical consciousness.

      The educational system's transformation over the past few decades was driven by a radical education theory known as critical pedagogy, which holds that true education is political education. Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist educator, advocated for this approach, suggesting that academic material should serve as a medium for political conversations to awaken students' critical consciousness. This theory gained influence in colleges of education starting in the 1980s and, by the 1990s, had become widespread. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 facilitated the implementation of this theory in schools, leading to a significant shift in the educational system's focus and curriculum. In essence, the goal was to use academic content as a means to political awakening and critical consciousness.

    • Education's Political Nature and Critical MarxismCritical Marxists argue education reproduces societal issues, but their methods can impose a political agenda, requiring an open, inclusive environment for students to explore various perspectives.

      Education is inherently political as it shapes our understanding of the world and our place in it. However, the debate lies in whose politics are being imposed and whether they are acknowledged or hidden. Critical Marxists argue that education reproduces problematic structures in society, such as racism, sexism, and classism, and they criticize other political theories without presenting a clear alternative. They use the term "consciousness raising" or "consciousnessization" to describe the process of awakening students to critical Marxist ideas. However, this process can be seen as imposing a specific political agenda, which some may find problematic. It's essential to recognize that political means more than one thing - there's a foundational political perspective that shapes our understanding of the world, and then there are specific political programs. The challenge is to ensure that education fosters an open and inclusive political environment where students can explore various perspectives and develop their own political consciousness.

    • Understanding the political context of our livesExplaining political context, critically analyzing content, and making it personal can help identify and challenge injustices. Protect privacy with tools like ExpressVPN, but beware of radical ideas infiltrating institutions.

      Our lives are deeply political, and understanding the political undercurrents can help us identify and challenge injustices. This process involves abstractly explaining the political context, reading and problematizing the content, and making it personal to radicalize learners. For instance, the seemingly harmless collection of data by tech companies is actually a political issue with problematic consequences. To protect ourselves, we can use tools like ExpressVPN to maintain our privacy. The success of this approach can be attributed to the open-mindedness of the American mind towards critique and the desire to appear progressive. However, this openness led to an over-acceptance of radical ideas, allowing them to infiltrate institutions and undermine classical liberalism. This resulted in a rapid collapse of these institutions in the late 1960s to the 1980s. It's essential to engage in critical conversations while ensuring that the other party intends to argue in good faith.

    • Academics overlooking ulterior motivesThe pursuit of approval and openness among academics has led to the overlooked infiltration of Marxist ideologies, resulting in a lack of resistance and moral authority loss.

      The desire to appear progressive and open-minded among academics has led them to overlook ulterior motives and double meanings in arguments, allowing Marxist ideologies to infiltrate institutions and distort the truth. This failure to exercise critical thinking and vigilance has resulted in a lack of resistance to attacks on the system and a loss of moral authority for those once in power. The absence of a systemic immune response and the pursuit of approval have left many institutions vulnerable to manipulation and distortion. As noted by Shelby Steele, this dynamic was evident in the student protests of the 1960s, and it continues to shape society today. The importance of maintaining a balance between openness and critical discernment cannot be overstated.

    • The cycle of dependency and manipulation between those seeking approval and those holding intellectual authorityPeople seeking approval from those with intellectual and moral authority can become trapped in a cycle where they feel weak and vulnerable due to the complex language and shifting narratives used by the authorities to maintain their power.

      People, particularly those who have historically been marginalized, seek approval from those who hold significant moral and intellectual authority, often using this approval as a means of control. Simultaneously, these authorities challenge the established moral frameworks and use complex language to assert their intellectual dominance. This leaves those seeking approval feeling weak and vulnerable, as they struggle to understand and keep up with the constantly shifting narratives. An example of this can be seen in the influence of critical theorists like Herbert Marcuse, who challenged societal norms and demanded a two-dimensional perspective, while also using intellectual jargon to maintain their authority. This creates a cycle of dependency and manipulation, where those seeking approval are constantly trying to prove their worth and understanding, while the authorities maintain their power through complexity and moral suasion.

    • Decades-long process of ideological infiltration into educationIdeas infiltrated education through books, tenured professors, and legal framework changes, leading to widespread adoption of critical race theory, gender theory, and other progressive ideologies.

      The infiltration of ideologies into educational institutions was not an overnight process, but a long-term strategy involving a few dedicated individuals. They used various tactics, including getting books into curriculums, tenuring like-minded individuals, and leveraging legal framework changes. This process started decades ago and culminated in the widespread adoption of critical race theory, gender theory, and other progressive ideologies in classrooms today. The speaker emphasized that this was not a conspiracy theory but a documented historical process. The legal changes, such as the Every Student Succeeds Act, came after the slow takeover of educational institutions from within. The speaker also mentioned the importance of understanding the role of activists who facilitated this process through their "praxis," or theory made flesh. The end result is a significant shift in the educational landscape over the last few decades.

    • The administrative burden on teachers due to educational accountability and standardizationEducational accountability and standardization have led to an increase in paperwork and reporting requirements for teachers, taking time and resources away from instruction and potentially resulting in a one-size-fits-all approach to education. Some critics also argue that the focus on social-emotional learning may have unintended consequences.

      The push for educational accountability and standardization, starting with No Child Left Behind in the late 1990s, has led to an increasing burden of paperwork and reporting requirements for teachers. This trend continued with the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015, which added a focus on non-academic competencies. Meanwhile, organizations like the Collaborative for Academic Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) were ready with products and services to help schools meet these new requirements, creating a lucrative market. The result is a system that places a heavy administrative burden on teachers, taking time and resources away from instruction and potentially leading to a one-size-fits-all approach to education. Additionally, some critics argue that the focus on social-emotional learning may have unintended consequences, such as promoting a particular ideology or encroaching on personal privacy.

    • SEL as a tool for political agendasSEL, marketed as life skills, can introduce political conversations under guise of academic subjects, transforming every subject into socially and emotionally charged one, often taught through equity or inclusion lens, linked to various political ideologies, and influenced by UN's SDGs.

      Social-emotional learning (SEL), while marketed as a program to teach children essential life skills, has been criticized for potentially serving as a vehicle for promoting certain political agendas. The discussion highlights how SEL, which focuses on areas like self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness, can be used as an entry point to introduce political conversations under the guise of academic subjects. This can result in the transformation of every subject into a socially and emotionally charged one, often taught through an equity or inclusion lens. Moreover, the SEL movement has been linked to various political ideologies, such as Marxism, and has received support from influential figures like Linda Darling-Hammond. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals have also started to influence SEL curriculums, further raising concerns about the potential political undertones. The extent to which educators are aware of these implications varies. While some may be unknowingly implementing SEL, others may consciously be part of the effort to use it as a tool for promoting specific political agendas. The line between awareness and deliberate manipulation remains blurred, adding to the complexity of the issue.

    • SEL and educational initiatives can have cult-like dynamicsBe aware of potential power dynamics in educational settings, encourage open dialogue, and promote transparency to prevent SEL and other initiatives from having cult-like structures.

      The implementation of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and other educational initiatives in schools can sometimes resemble the structure of a cult, with an inner circle of leaders who fully understand the political agenda, a committed middle group, and an outer group of teachers and students who may have doubts but are often silenced or convinced they're not committed enough. This process can be subtle, with seemingly innocuous activities or lessons used to generate political conversations. For instance, a math problem about an amusement park can lead to discussions about socialism, redistribution, or parental authority. Some teachers may be uncomfortable with this but may not speak out due to fear of repercussions. The ambiguity and vagueness of the characterization make it difficult to label any given teacher as evil, as they may not be aware of the full extent of the agenda. It's crucial to be aware of these potential power dynamics and to encourage open dialogue and transparency in educational settings.

    • Balancing Equity and Learning in EducationFinding a balance between promoting equity and inclusion, and maintaining focus on core subjects like math can be challenging in education.

      The push for equity and inclusion in education can sometimes overshadow the intended focus of lessons, such as a math class. This can lead to lengthy discussions on unrelated topics, potentially taking away from valuable learning time. The hiring process for businesses can also be time-consuming, but using tools like ZipRecruiter can help streamline the process and find qualified candidates efficiently. In the education sphere, there is ongoing debate between those who advocate for traditional teaching methods and those who support more progressive approaches. The former argues that allowing diverse perspectives within an institution is crucial, while the latter fears that this could lead to those with opposing views undermining the institution. Ultimately, the ideal solution may lie in finding a balance between openness and critical discourse.

    • Critical pedagogy in K-12 education: Indoctrination or effective teaching?Critical pedagogy's emphasis on blurring the lines between adults and children in K-12 education can lead to ideological grooming, raising concerns for a healthy learning environment and student vulnerabilities.

      Critical pedagogy, a key component of critical theory, can be seen as a form of indoctrination when applied to K-12 education. The dynamic between teachers and students in this context is not equal, and the authority figure's role in shaping young minds is crucial. Critical pedagogy's emphasis on blurring the lines between adults and children can lead to ideological grooming, which is a significant concern. This practice is not conducive to a healthy learning environment and can result in vulnerabilities for students. While the university setting might be a debatable ground for critical pedagogy, it's essential to recognize the potential risks and limitations when implementing it in K-12 education.

    • A Productive Debate on Critical Race Theory and the Use of 'Groomer' Has DevolvedThe debate on critical race theory and the term 'groomer' has become unproductive due to a focus on intentions and semantics, rather than intellectual substance.

      The debate surrounding critical race theory and the use of the term "groomer" has devolved into an unproductive argument about intentions rather than intellectual substance. Critical race theory is not a theory to be critiqued, but the actions and motivations of those promoting it. The term "groomer" originally referred to ideological indoctrination, not sexual predation. However, the left has attempted to reframe the discussion, leading to accusations of transphobia and homophobia. The Washington Post asked for evidence of teachers attempting to groom children for sex, but that was not the original intention behind the term. The use of the term "drag queen" in educational settings, as discussed in the "Drag Pedagogy" paper, is seen as a generative practice that introduces children to queer ways of living and being. The debate has become a stalemate of accusations and semantic manipulation, rather than a productive intellectual discussion.

    • Normalizing drag performances in schools under the guise of promoting queer ways of livingSchools promoting drag performances under the guise of inclusivity and acceptance may expose children to inappropriate content and ideological grooming, shifting the burden of proof to parents to defend traditional gender norms.

      The normalization of drag performances in schools under the guise of promoting "queer ways of living and being" and "alternate modes of kinship" raises serious concerns about the potential for ideological grooming of children. Despite claims that these performances are family-friendly and generative, they encourage confusion and questioning of traditional gender norms, and may even involve provocative and sexual content. The burden of proof for justifying these practices has shifted to parents, who are now expected to defend the "natural" roles of men and women. This trend reflects a broader shift towards transgressivism, where breaking rules and transgressing boundaries is seen as a positive good. It's important for parents and educators to be aware of these developments and to advocate for clear guidelines and oversight to ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate content in the name of progressive ideology.

    • Manipulating Children and Society through Autonomy and TransgressionIdentify and remove individuals promoting harmful transgressive ideologies in education and society to prevent further implementation of manipulative practices.

      Certain educational and corporate entities are using the concept of autonomy and transgression to manipulate children and society, with the ultimate goal of transmitting and transforming the economic structure and people to fit their ideology. This is achieved through breaking societal rules and norms, and hiring individuals based on their "woke" credentials. The objective is to create a hegemony where these new values become the norm. To counter this, it's essential to identify and remove those in positions of power who are promoting and enforcing these transgressive ideologies. This includes activists, administrators, and even corporations. By understanding the manipulation tactics and taking action, we can prevent the further implementation of these harmful practices in education and society.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    www.commsolutionsmn.com- Our public education system is in shambles. Most people would go find another solution, but they have worked hand in hand with government to shut out every other option. So while there are other types of schools, the rewards to attend public schools make the hurdles to try other forms way too high. We see graduation rates lowered. Electives are being removed, and it hurts students from finding their way into trades they might enjoy. Kids spend less time in school today than ever before. Public school is rife with social-emotional learning, Critical Theory, Comprehensive sex education, and all sorts of things that have nothing to do with preparation for life.

    School choice may be one of the biggest issues for the next few years. Parents have to be able to choose to put their kids in a public, private, charter, or home school. They have to be free to find programs that fit their kids interests and abilities. As long as government and teacher's unions have a stranglehold on the way our kids get educated, then we are never going to see an incentive to change the direction that big education is headed in. There's got to be a much better way of doing this. Send us your ideas!

    We also discuss an article on Yahoo News that accuses Fox News for bolstering the Russian war on Ukraine. They claim reasons like talking about the border and criticizing President Biden. There’s so much disinformation floating around. Who’s propaganda is closest to the truth? There’s a fight for a reassigning of the current world power structure, and the good ol’ U.S. of A. is not trying to stay on top.  …and Jason goes on another rant about today’s popular music. You will get off his lawn.

    Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode, Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

    Don’t forget that you can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify!

    What the Woke?! w/ Iona Italia & Rod Graham (Series Premiere)

    What the Woke?! w/ Iona Italia & Rod Graham (Series Premiere)

    We're very excited for the premiere of our newest show "What the Woke?!", aiming to foster a greater understanding of social & societal issues. In this first episode, we explore the concepts of "whiteness", "equality vs equity" and more.

    Iona Italia is an Enlightenment scholar, tango dancer, copyeditor and translator and the author of the books Anxious Employment and Our Tango World. She will take over from Helen Pluckrose as editor-in-chief of Areo magazine from 4 May. She is also the host of the podcast Two for Tea.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IonaItalia​​

    Rod Graham is an Associate Professor of sociology and criminal justice at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. When he is not playfully provoking people on Twitter, he researches and teaches cybercrime. He also has a YouTube channel where he has conversations with folks about social issues.

    Website: http://roderickgraham.com​.
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yo...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/roderickgraham
    Sulha Socials 

    Adar’s Socials
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    Is College Overrated?

    Is College Overrated?

    LaylaK and MJ talk education reform! Is it just them, or does the system need an overhaul?

    They cover everything from graduates drowning in student debt with limited job prospects to the incredibly competitive market for trained, skilled labor.

    What do YOU think? Is college overrated? How do we best serve our students and society?

    Be sure to follow Is It Just Me on Apple PodcastsSpotify, etc., to never miss an episode. Fresh ones drop every two weeks.

    And remember, it may not just be you, but it could be!

    Show notes:

    Here's how the cost of Harvard has changed throughout the years (Business Insider)

    Cost to attend California State University Los Angeles (CollegeCalc)

    Unemployment rate of recent US College grads by major (Statista)

    Average Salaries of College Graduates, 2023 (Forbes)

    95 People who dropped out of college and became millionaires anyway (Bored Panda)

    Abbi Wills-Sovereign Bodies Learn Here

    Abbi Wills-Sovereign Bodies Learn Here

    Initiate change in education through embodied consciousness and freedom. Dive into a new level of self-awareness in learning environments as our amazing guest Abbi Wills, co-founder of Shanti Generation, explores what it means to teach embodiment, student power, and self-compassion in order to facilitate optimal learning and growth.

    1:53 Intro Abbi Wills
    7:08 Sovereign Bodies Learn Here
    12:00 Facilitating Optimal Learning
    15:45 How to Manage a Sovereign Bodies Classroom
    20:04 Inviting Agency vs Forcing Compliance
    25:49 Encouraging Self Exploration and Self Compassion
    31:50 What embodied awareness looks/feels like
    33:10 Fostering Self Advocacy

    Abbi's First Interview with Yoga In My School

    CONNECT with Abbi Wills

    Learn more about Shanti Generation and their work https://shantigeneration.com/

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