
    Jane Coaston: He's So Not a Badass

    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Silicon Valley tech bros and TrumpDespite Trump's promises to ease immigration, Silicon Valley tech bros' support for him can be explained by his shift from appealing to the little guys to promising them whatever they want, and their fatigue with the bottom-up revolt against him in 2016. Not all colleges are equal in the eyes of the tech industry, and regional differences in perceived threats also play a role.

      The phenomenon of Silicon Valley tech bros supporting Donald Trump can be attributed to Trump's shift from appealing to the little guys to promising them whatever they want in exchange for support, as well as the fatigue among tech elites with the bottom-up revolt against Trump in 2016. Trump's promise to make it easier for the best and brightest from around the world to immigrate to the US, as discussed in a recent podcast interview, may seem like a good policy, but it's important to consider the underlying complexities. Jane Kosten suggests that what Trump is proposing already exists in the form of highly skilled worker visas, and it's worth noting that not all colleges are created equal in the eyes of the tech industry. The regional difference in perceived threats also plays a role, with those living in areas where liberalism is most annoying to them being more likely to be drawn to the rhetoric of the far right.

    • Trump's Immigration PoliciesTrump's inconsistent actions on immigration, despite his promises for reform, reveal the importance of examining actions over words to understand his true intentions.

      Former President Trump's inconsistency and selective memory regarding his immigration policies continue to confuse and divide opinion. During his presidency, he promised various immigration reforms but often put restrictionist figures like Stephen Miller in charge, leading to policies that contradicted his promises. This inconsistency has continued post-presidency, with Trump seemingly endorsing policies he once criticized, such as granting green cards to Harvard graduates. The confusion surrounding Trump's stance on immigration highlights the importance of examining his actions rather than just his words to understand his true intentions.

    • Trump's support among young Black menThe increase in Trump's support among young Black men could be due to various factors, including polling difficulties, economic conditions, and cultural elements. The gender gap and machismo may play a role, and inflation could be a significant factor in working-class communities.

      The recent polling showing a significant increase in support for Donald Trump among young Black men is a complex issue that may be influenced by various factors, including polling difficulties, economic conditions, and cultural elements. The gender gap in Trump's support among African Americans is a long-standing phenomenon, and some experts believe that the machismo or toxic masculinity aspect may explain why Trump is doing better among young men, regardless of race. Additionally, inflation has disproportionately affected working-class communities, including many Black neighborhoods, and some voters may be looking for alternative solutions. The polling data may not necessarily predict the future but could be reflective of a moment in time and an expression of dissatisfaction with the current administration. It's essential to avoid oversimplifying the issue and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

    • Identity Politics, Media and Social PlatformsThe use of media and social platforms by controversial individuals and groups can create division and controversy, with complex issues like identity politics being a common source of conflict.

      The discussion revolved around the controversial and divisive nature of certain individuals and groups, who use various platforms to spread controversial views and create conflict. Whether it's rappers with criminal records being glorified on stage, or right-wing figures making inflammatory comments on dating sites or social media, these individuals often stir up controversy and division, leaving many questioning their motivations and impact. In the case of Caitlin Clark, a white female basketball player, she has become a target of bullying and harassment from some in the black community, with some accusing her of only gaining popularity because of her race. The media and various commentators have weighed in on the situation, with some arguing that reverse racism is at play, while others defend the actions of the black women involved. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and often contentious nature of identity politics and the role of media and social platforms in shaping public discourse.

    • Perception of Women's BasketballDespite impressive stats and high-level play, women's basketball faces unnecessary criticism and lack of appreciation, reflecting a larger issue of how women's sports are perceived and discussed. It's important to take women's sports seriously and challenge the disconnect.

      There is a disconnect between the way people engage with and discuss women's sports, particularly basketball, compared to men's sports. This disconnect often results in a lack of understanding and appreciation for the athletes and their achievements. Caitlyn Clark, a professional basketball player, is an example of this phenomenon. Despite her impressive stats and high-level play, she is often subjected to unnecessary criticism and commentary that reflects a lack of knowledge about the sport. This trend is not unique to Caitlyn Clark, but rather reflects a larger issue of how women's sports are perceived and discussed. It is important to recognize and challenge this disconnect by taking women's sports seriously as legitimate and enjoyable forms of athletic competition, rather than treating them as a source of content for sensationalism or controversy.

    • Sexualization of the internetThe internet's sexualization goes beyond pornography, leading to a skewed perspective on sex and its importance in society, and the wielding of sex for power and attention can negatively impact relationships.

      The internet's sexualization has evolved beyond just pornography, now tethered to content generation for power and attention, leading to a skewed perspective on sex and its importance in society. The speaker expresses frustration with the wielding of sex for content, whether it's through porn bots or public figures, and the impact of purity culture messaging on attitudes towards sex and having children. To build relationships, it's essential to focus on shared memories and non-political topics, recognizing that deeper issues may be at play for those who seem overly fixated on politics and divisive media.

    • Finding common groundFocusing on shared interests and experiences beyond politics can help find common ground with people, even during contentious times. Building meaningful interactions and community is essential.

      Finding common ground with people, especially during contentious times, can be achieved by focusing on shared interests and experiences beyond politics. The speaker shares personal examples of connecting with others through sports and board games, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful interactions and building community. Additionally, the value of living in a place where one has a strong support system and sense of belonging, even if the politics are not ideal, was highlighted. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of finding ways to connect with others and fostering relationships that go beyond political differences.

    • Creating a strong communityCreating a strong community can provide a sense of security and resilience against the challenges of the world. Building supportive relationships with friends and family can serve as a bulwark against external politics.

      Creating a strong community and feeling at home can provide a sense of security and resilience against the challenges of the world. Jim Kosten emphasized the importance of having a supportive network of friends and family, which can serve as a bulwark against external politics. However, it's important to remember that while building community is beneficial, it's not a solution to all the complexities of modern life. Tune in to the Bullard podcast next week as they continue to explore various topics, including an interview with Colorado Governor Jared Polis and news of the day. The podcast is produced by Katie Cooper with audio engineering and editing by Jason Brown.

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