
    Jared Polis and Bill Kristol: Live from Denver

    en-usJune 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Airports misinformationDespite claims by former President Trump, airports are not failing and America is not a third world nation, as shown by record numbers of flights and low cancellation rates.

      Former President Donald Trump continues to spread misinformation and make false claims, this time about the state of American airports and elections. During an interview with his former press secretary, Sean Spicer, Trump claimed that airports are failing and that the U.S. has become a third world nation. However, facts show that air travel has been at an all-time high, with record numbers of flights and low cancellation rates. Trump's false statements are a tactic to denigrate America and divert attention from more serious issues. It's important to fact-check and hold public figures accountable for their words, especially during an election year.

    • Trump's military remarks denialTrump's denial of past military remarks and staff's attempts to prevent him from addressing it could be a vulnerable point in the upcoming debate

      Former President Trump's continued denial of his past disparaging remarks about the military, despite evidence to the contrary, highlights his tendency to lie and blame others. This issue, which first surfaced in 2020, continues to simmer and could be a vulnerable point for him in the upcoming debate against President Biden. Trump's staff's alleged attempts to prevent him from addressing the issue publicly adds to the intrigue. The use of AI in political discourse and the baseless accusations against President Biden's mental acuity and drug use have also become major talking points. In the debate, Biden should focus on painting a clear picture of the dangers of a Trump second term and highlighting potential accomplishments in a second term. It's important for him to remain forward-looking and avoid getting bogged down in defending his past record.

    • Supreme Court and presidential debateDuring the upcoming debate, Biden should focus on Trump's record and the potential consequences of another term, emphasizing the stakes and the potential extremism of Trump-appointed judges to appeal to swing voters.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump presents an opportunity for Biden to address key issues, particularly the Supreme Court, while also highlighting the dangers of a second Trump term. Biden should focus on Trump's record and the potential consequences of another four years, rather than just presenting a positive vision. The final week of the Supreme Court term, with decisions on Dobbs and other controversial cases, provides a timely context for Biden to discuss the importance of the courts and the potential impact of Trump appointments on American liberties. By emphasizing the stakes and the potential extremism of Trump-appointed judges, Biden can appeal to swing voters and make a compelling case for his presidency. Additionally, Biden should avoid engaging Trump directly and instead speak to the American people, conveying a sense of disdain for Trump without alienating potential voters. Overall, the debate provides an opportunity for Biden to effectively communicate the risks of a second Trump term and make a persuasive case for his own presidency.

    • Democratic Party PrimariesProgressive vs moderate Democrats face off in primaries, contrasting with the Republican Party's trend of extremist elements primarying moderates, raising questions about the Democratic Party's stance on business and social issues

      There are intriguing primary races taking place in the Democratic Party, particularly in New York where George Latimer is being challenged by progressive candidate Jamaal Bowman. While Bowman has the support of prominent figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Latimer is seen as more responsible and moderate. Meanwhile, in Colorado, two left-wing Democrats in the state house are facing challenges from more mainstream Democrats. This trend contrasts with the Republican Party, where the more extreme elements are primarying the more moderate candidates. These primaries raise questions about the direction of the Democratic Party and its stance on business and social issues. Additionally, during the interview with Colorado Governor Jared Polis, the topic of feelings and progress in regards to LGBTQ+ rights was discussed, highlighting the significant strides made in recent years.

    • Addressing hateful rhetoricAddressing hateful rhetoric is essential for individuals to grow and thrive, and it negatively impacts communities. Leaders should focus on a clear vision for improving everyday Americans' lives and not get bogged down in negative rhetoric.

      Respect and acceptance are crucial for individuals to grow and thrive, regardless of differences. The governor discussed the importance of addressing hateful rhetoric and the negative impact it has on communities. He also emphasized the importance of focusing on the future and the need for leaders to present a clear vision for improving everyday Americans' lives. The governor shared his concerns about Colorado potentially becoming like California, with high costs and regulations, but assured that they are taking steps to avoid this. He encouraged learning from other states while maintaining a unique identity for Colorado. The governor also advised President Biden to focus on his vision for America and not get bogged down in negative rhetoric.

    • Balancing priorities in governanceEffective governance balances competing priorities such as housing, energy, and immigration, while ensuring public safety and individual freedom. Colorado focuses on smart growth, renewable energy, and a balanced approach to immigration and gun control.

      Effective governance involves balancing competing priorities, such as housing, energy, and immigration, while ensuring public safety and individual freedom. California and Montana provide examples of successful housing policies, but Colorado aims to avoid the negative aspects of California's growth model. Colorado is focusing on smart growth, allowing people to live closer to job centers and transit. The state is also working on renewable energy and improving energy transmission. In regards to immigration, Colorado would like to grant work permits at the state level but is limited by federal enforcement. The state needs a balanced approach to secure the border and support the economy, including industries like agriculture and hospitality. The gun issue is a complex one, with Colorado implementing a three-day waiting period for gun purchases and longer processes for transgender individuals seeking hormone therapy prescriptions. Effective governance requires addressing these issues with empathy and understanding, while maintaining a balance between public safety and individual freedom.

    • Colorado governance, gun laws, cannabisColorado Governor Jared Polis implements stricter gun laws and legalizes cannabis for public safety, respects individual choices as long as they don't harm others, and supports good ideas from all political parties.

      Colorado's Governor, Jared Polis, is implementing common-sense measures to enhance public safety, including stricter gun laws and the legalization of cannabis. He believes that these measures, though not a silver bullet, have a positive impact when combined. Polis also emphasizes the importance of respecting individual choices as long as they don't harm others. The conversation also touched upon the unique political landscape of Colorado, where both major parties represent a diverse range of views. Polis expressed his support for good ideas, regardless of their origin, and his belief that the focus should be on creating a positive vision for the future. When asked about personal experiences, Polis shared that he has never smoked weed, but if he were to do so, he would choose to do it with Dolly Parton and the President of Argentina. The conversation ended with a discussion about decriminalizing non-violent crimes and respecting individual choices.

    • Colorado PrideColorado celebrates inclusivity and diversity during its Gay Pride event, emphasizing its commitment to being an inclusive and welcoming state.

      Colorado, with its great quality of life and successful reputation, aspires to continue improving, and this weekend, the state celebrates inclusivity and diversity during the Colorado Gay Pride. The podcast will conclude with the classic gay pride anthem "It's Raining Men" as an outro song for listeners to enjoy. Colorado's commitment to being an even better state and embracing diversity is a key aspect of its identity. The podcast, produced by Katie Cooper with audio engineering and editing by Jason Brown, aims to share these messages with a wider audience.

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    show notes:

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    David Frum on the debate
    Tim's playlist 

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    show notes:

    Kevin Williamson piece Tim mentioned

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    show notes:

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    show notes:

    Symone's interview on Project 2025
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    show notes:

    Reid Hoffman's reply to David Sacks
    Tim interviews Reid Hoffman
    Tim's playlist 

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    show notes:

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    show notes:

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    show notes:

    Detroit reporter shared images from Trump's Black church event
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