
    About this Episode

    Jared Latigo is just a normal guy that found out God's plan is better than anything he could think of himself. So he decided to chase the dreams given to him and help others along the way. With a vast background in web design, he has now geared his efforts towards helping coaches, speakers and small businesses with their branding efforts. You can connect with Jared via Twitter or find him at JaredLatigo.com

    Recent Episodes from The Iron Jen Show

    How Shaq O'Neal and Gainsville police can teach us simple steps on how to lead

    How Shaq O'Neal and Gainsville police can teach us simple steps on how to lead
    NBA super star Shaq O'Neal recently teamed up with Gainsville police to create a memorable experience for some unexpecting kids. From this encounter, we can learn a simple, yet valuable lesson on our ability to use our leadership positions to positively impact others. To see the video on this, please go to: http://www.theironjen.com/shaq/ Please contact me if I can serve your team's needs through trainings, workshops, or keynotes or find out more about my limited 1:1 coaching at www.TheIronJen.com.

    David Bowie and Glenn Frey, what can we learn from them?

    David Bowie and Glenn Frey, what can we learn from them?
    After a much needed hiatus, I am back with the relaunch of my show. So excited! In this episode we will look at some great things to help us unleash our best in how we live our day-to-day lives.  Often times in our busy days we get caught up in just making it through. We look at folks such as Glen Frey and David Bowie and it is easy to see their success and think they have it made, however just like us, their days are final. In this episode we will look at the top 2 regrets of the dying inspired by Bronnie Ware's book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing. For more information on how I can serve your group or how to work with me 1:1, please visit my website at www.TheIronJen.com.

    How to survive the crazy in-laws during the holidays

    How to survive the crazy in-laws during the holidays
    The holidays are here. For many of us that means….the crazy in-laws are coming. Join me this week as Kingsley Grant and I share our Surviving the Crazy Teleseminar highlights on my show this week. Find out more info at www.TheCrazyRelative.com. So what do we do when we know the crazy in-laws are coming? You know what we mean by crazy… There is the one crazy in-law that drives you crazy. He’s always finding ways to criticize what you do. When he have had a few drinks and sometimes even without a few drinks, he becomes obnoxious and crude.Then there is the other crazy in-law whose conversations tend to veer towards religion and politics and when it does, she becomes even more obnoxiously opinionated. Lets just say she wasn’t given the gift of sensitivity…when that was being handed out, she was out of the room.How about the in-law that tries to bully others by getting really loud. This becomes very uncomfortable for you. You want to do something about it, but you aren’t sure what to do. In the past when you’ve tried, it only got worse.

    Teen Suicide - How to Prevent It: Stomp Out Suicide Founder Sean Haines Join Us

    Teen Suicide - How to Prevent It: Stomp Out Suicide Founder Sean Haines Join Us
    Join me as Haines, Founder of Stomp Out Suicide Sean Haines shares the experience of how his daughter's sucide is reaching others.  Stom Out Suicide was created out of love and hope in memory of Alissa M. Haines of Wyoming, MN. Stomp Out Suicide is a local organization dedicated to the prevention of suicide through public awareness and community outreach. Our goal is to educate and increase discussion about suicide prevention and awareness. Suicide occurs most often in those who suffer from mental illnesses. Depression is the most common mental illness. Depression is not just a bad mood or a phase; it is a serious medical condition. In most cases depression and other mental illnesses can be treated, but the problem needs to be diagnosed by a professional. Suicide can have lasting harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities. While its causes are complex and determined by multiple factors, the goal of suicide prevention is simple: Reduce factors that increase risk, and increase factors that promote resilience.  One of the most important aspects of suicide prevention is support. The person who is struggling needs to know that you support and love him or her, and that you are willing to help them find hope in life again. Our goal at Stomp Out Suicide is to reach others like Alissa, and to prevent this tragedy from happening to people like her. Visit www.TheIronJen.com/StompOutSuicide for the show notes and links or visit www.StompOutSuicide for more info.

    Armed Service Personal - Steps to Career Transition into Civilian Life

    Armed Service Personal - Steps to Career Transition into Civilian Life
    Career coaches Mike Skiff and Tristan Manning join me this week as they give tips for armed service / military personnel who are looking to make a career transition to civilian life.  We will also explore some of the challenages miliatry personnel face and how our families, communities, and organizations can help with these transitions. You can find the show notes and links mentioned in the show notes over at www.TheIronJen.com. If you are enjoying these shows, please take a moment to share them with others as we very much appreciate it.

    Taylor Tagg: The Healing Power of Forgiveness

    Taylor Tagg: The Healing Power of Forgiveness
    Taylor Tagg has a passion for helping people breakthrough emotional barriers and resolve internal conflicts. He is the author of two personal development books Enrich Your Sunrise and The Path to a Peaceful Heart. Taylor is an international speaker on Emotional Intelligence, specializing in Workplace Forgiveness and currently serves Southwest Tennessee Community College as a Workforce Development Advisor and Instructor. At the heart of Taylor’s work is assisting people in becoming the healthiest version of themselves. In addition to 20 years of Corporate Experience at AutoZone, ServiceMaster, and FedEx, Taylor is a Certified Leadership Instructor of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and a Certified Forgiveness Educator and Coach from the Midwest Institute for Forgiveness Training.  To know more about Taylor, please visit his website or follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

    3 Easy Steps to Dig Deep Into the Root of Our Problems to Create the Ta-Da Life

    3 Easy Steps to Dig Deep Into the Root of Our Problems to Create the Ta-Da Life
    Our society today is more overweight, in dept, stressed, and relationship broken than any generation before. What are the barriers that stand in our way to living out the life we dream? In this episode we will dive into 3 easy steps to dig deep into the root of our problems in order to create the Ta-Da life we all are capable of living.  Find out more about Jen at www.TheIronJen.com.

    How to have a happier life even with a painful past with Kingsley Grant

    How to have a happier life even with a painful past with Kingsley Grant
    This week I interviewed Kingsley Grant around how to to have a happier life even with a painful past. Many people find the pursuit of happiness to be an elusive task. They go from one thing to another, one relationship to another, one job to another, one drug to another … seeking to find happiness.  Some do experience those momentary feelings of happiness and wish that it lasted longer than it did.  Why couldn’t they “hold” onto that happiness feeling? What interfered with the process?  What gets in the way of them having longer lasting happiness?  Is it fear?  Worry?  Drama in their lives?  Unforgiveness?  Past painful experiences?  Frustration with their current situation?  These are just some of the hindrances that gets in the way of longer lasting happiness. Thanks for listening and find out more at www.TheIronJen.com/KingsleyGrant.

    James Divine: Forgive - One man’s story of being molested

    James Divine: Forgive - One man’s story of being molested
    As a little boy, James was known as Jimmy. He loved to eat Italian food, play with his dog Snoopy and spend time with his best friend Manny. At the age of 18, he began his career as an Army band musician. He spent three years performing in Japan (where he once greeted Kenny G on a train platform). He now calls himself a musical storyteller. Using music, he shares his story of being molested as a boy and his forgiveness journey. James believes that lack of forgiveness is holding many back financially, spiritually and emotionally from becoming all they were meant to be. At the age of 30, James began to share this Forgive & Live message to audiences all over the United States and Mexico. James wants to see everyone start his own Forgive & Live journey. In addition to speaking he is a music teacher, a podcaster (The Music Ed Podcast), an author and a recording artist. James’ mother was on welfare when he was a child. Nobody in his family had been to college. James earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees while working full time and being a parent. He believes in life-long learning. James married his beautiful high school sweetheart. She has put up with him for 28 years.  They have four wonderful kids and the two most beautiful, terrific granddaughters in the universe. They make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. One of his life goals is to act his shoe size, not his age. Find out more about James at www.divinemusic.com or follow him on Twitter at @jamesthedivine.

    Fr. Dan Brandt: How to Stay Strong During Difficult Times

    Fr. Dan Brandt:  How to Stay Strong During Difficult Times
    Fr. Dan Brandt has been active in the Police Chaplains' Ministry since 2004, assisting his predecessor, Fr. Tom Nangle. Dan was ordained a Priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago in May of 1999. A northwest side native, he has served as Associate Pastor of St. William Parish (in 025), then as Pastor of Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Bridgeport (in 009), before replacing Fr. Nangle upon his retirement in 2011. Now the full-time Director of the Chaplains' Unit, Fr. Dan resides at a parish in Logan Square. Fr. Brandt and the whole Police Chaplains Ministry aimed to provide pastoral care and crisis ministry to members of the CPD family. Police chaplains serve in a wide variety of ways. They may be called upon to assist and support victims in times of crisis, assist in death notifications, respond to suicide incidents, and serve as part of a crisis response team. This episode is an opportunity to tell you about chaplains' work with police officers and also provide advice to members of our communities who face moments of crisis, difficult times, or tragedy. For more details, you can visit Police Chaplains Ministry website or follow them on Facebook.