
    Jennifer Urezzio - Discover Your Soul Languages

    enMarch 16, 2022

    About this Episode

    I am so blessed to have with me once again an incredible person who is a return guest on my show. Jennifer was originally on my show as part of the Superconscious Success Summit an entire year ago and I have been looking forward to having her back on the show and catching up again. Jennifer is the founder of soullanguage.us which helps people to discover their souls mission and how they relate to the world around them. Jennifer is a master intuitive, author, teacher and speaker and her purpose is to help people to connect to themselves, to each other and to the divine. I guess this is one of the reasons we resonate so well with each other, and aside from us having the same name, I believe connection is also my purpose in life. So now lets get onto the interview and see what Jennifer has to say.

    This episode includes:

    1.    Her story;

    2.     What the ego is and how the ego can stop us from expanding.

    3.     What a soul language is and some examples of some of the soul languages.

    4.    How to delve into the personal soul languages and also the business soul languages;

    5.     How we can utilise the information given today to help us manifest wealth and abundance.

    6.     How we can utilise the information given today to help with our relationships.

    7.     So much more...

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    • What the spirit teams are and what they are composed of;
    • The role of the spirit teams in guiding and assisting individuals on their life journeys;
    • Practical tips and techniques for you to start connecting with your higher selves and spirit teams;
    • The importance of meditation, mindfulness and intuition when it comes to establishing this connection; and
    • The significance of understanding and working with your higher self and spirit teams in achieving both personal growth and success.

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    • How thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences;
    • Significance of setting clear and specific intentions;
    • How our beliefs play a crucial role in our manifestation;
    • Importance of aligning your emotions with your desired outcomes;
    • Techniques to amplify the manifestation process;
    • Importance of inspired action when manifesting; and
    • Power of affirmations and affirmative statements.

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    Higher Self Mastery is a brand that myself and Eleni have co-created and will be bringing you a lot of content very soon. However, whilst Eleni completes a couple of her other projects I have decided to start doing some solo episodes on topics that are going to help you get a gist of what we are all about.

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    Hi all, welcome back to the Superconscious Success Youtube Channel or Podcast. My name is Jennifer Matthews and I run the Superconscious Success platform and the associated brands underneath it. This video is part of the Higher Self Mastery segment of the channel and myself and my co-creator soul sista Eleni have created this platform to show you how you may connect with your spirit team and your higher self to live a life of flow and ease.

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