
    Jerusalem - Rafah - Washington - with Nadav Eyal

    enFebruary 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden administration's stance on Israel-Hamas conflict shiftingThe Biden administration is urging Hamas to lay down arms and criticizing Israel's actions, signaling a potential shift in US policy towards the Israel-Hamas conflict.

      The Biden administration's approach towards Israel's conflict with Hamas may be shifting, as indicated by recent comments from administration officials criticizing Israel's actions and urging Hamas to lay down its arms. This change in tone marks a departure from the administration's previous stance of supporting Israel's defensive actions against Hamas and condemning the group for hiding behind civilians. The shift could be linked to the administration's efforts to broker a larger peace agreement in the Middle East and the ongoing prisoner swap negotiations in the south. Israeli leaders may be concerned about the implications of this change in US policy, particularly given the administration's previous criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza. The situation remains fluid and will continue to be closely watched.

    • Israeli forces rescue two hostages from HamasIsraeli military successfully rescued two hostages from Hamas in Gaza Strip, demonstrating their intelligence, planning, and operational capabilities.

      Israel's military forces, including the IDF, SWAT teams, Shin Bet operational force, and Israeli Air Force, successfully rescued two hostages, Fernando Merman and Luis Herr, who had been held by Hamas terrorists in Rafah, Gaza Strip, for over five days. The operation involved tracing the location of the hostages through intelligence, practicing for a long time, and identifying a specific operational window. The forces managed to release the hostages unharmed, and no Israeli soldier was seriously injured during the operation. This is the second successful hostage rescue operation for Israel, and it required extensive planning, observation, and organization to wait for the right moment to strike. Despite facing resistance from Hamas terrorists, the forces were able to bring the hostages back to Israel through a sophisticated campaign to divert attention.

    • Israeli military's complex mission to free hostages from Gaza StripIntelligence gathering and careful planning minimize casualties in Israeli military operations to free hostages from Gaza Strip. Human intelligence from captured terrorists leads to crucial discoveries.

      The Israeli military's operation to release kidnapped Israelis from the Gaza Strip is a complex mission that requires extensive intelligence gathering and careful planning to minimize casualties. The IDF has been following intelligence on the hostages' locations and has been assisted by the United States. Decisions to launch such operations are made only when there's a good chance of releasing people without harm. The IDF has been capturing terrorists alive for interrogation, which led to the discovery of a massive data center in Gaza City. Human intelligence, obtained through interrogations, is crucial in such operations, and the Israeli intelligence services have different units focusing on various types of intelligence gathering. Israel employs a significant air presence over the Gaza Strip for intelligence gathering, and the recent operation resulted in the release of two hostages in relatively good condition, who were not hidden in tunnels.

    • Parents of slain IDF soldier express belief in justness of warThe ongoing conflict in Gaza continues to claim lives, touching many Israelis personally. Discussions about Rapha, a border area between Gaza and Egypt, remain a potential flashpoint in US-Israel relations.

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas continues to claim lives, with the recent loss of two IDF soldiers, Adi Al Dor and Alon Kliman, in an anti-tank missile attack. The parents of Adi Al Dor spoke before his funeral, expressing their belief in the justness of the war and the importance of bringing back every kidnapped Israeli. The war, which is the longest in Israel's history, has touched many Israelis personally, including the producer of this podcast, Alon Benatar, who is connected to the family of the other soldier, Alon Kliman. The US-Israel relationship remains a significant factor in the conflict, with ongoing discussions regarding the role of Rapha, a border area between Gaza and Egypt, in the conflict. The future of Rapha and its impact on the broader conflict remains a potential flashpoint in the relationship between the two nations.

    • Significant Hamas stronghold in Rafah, Gaza StripDespite Israeli efforts, Hamas maintains over 100,000 fighters in Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, making it a crucial target due to its historical role as a major smuggling corridor and Hamas' use of tunnels for weapons and training.

      Rafah, a city in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, is a significant stronghold for Hamas, with at least 4 regiments of Hamas fighters remaining untouched by Israeli forces. These regiments have grown into large quasi-military units, numbering over 100,000 fighters in total. Israel's efforts to dismantle Hamas' military presence have led them from the north to the south of the Gaza Strip, but Rafah remains a crucial target due to its historical role as a major smuggling corridor, known as the "Philadelphia route." Hamas has used this area to smuggle weapons and receive training in tunnels. Egypt, who shares a border with Gaza, has played a role in securing the border, but smuggling through tunnels has continued to be a significant issue. Israel's goal is to finish the job of dismantling Hamas' military presence in Rafah and beyond, as it poses a significant threat to Israeli security.

    • Securing the Gaza-Egypt border to prevent Hamas rearmingIsrael crucial to secure Gaza-Egypt border to prevent Hamas rearming, uncertain number of tunnels and capabilities, securing Rafah could be a peace deal bargaining chip

      The destruction of the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt and securing the Philadelphia corridor is crucial for preventing Hamas from rearming and ensuring peace in the region. This issue gained significance during the presidency of Mohamed Morsi in Egypt, who turned a blind eye to smuggling activities. However, the exact number of tunnels and their capabilities are uncertain, making it essential for Israel to assume the worst and secure the area. The current priority for Israel is to finish military operations in Gaza and release kidnapped Israelis, and securing Rafah could be a potential bargaining chip for a peace deal.

    • Biden administration's tone towards Israel's actions in Gaza shiftsThe Biden administration's critical language towards Israel's actions in Gaza could influence Hamas' decision-making and signal a new approach to the conflict, acknowledging the challenges Israel faces in conducting military operations due to Hamas' use of civilian structures.

      The recent shift in language from the Biden administration towards Israel's actions in Gaza marks a significant change in tone and could potentially be used as leverage in negotiations with Hamas. The administration's previous stance, which defended Israel's military actions, has given way to more critical language, including accusations of disproportionality and dehumanization. This change in tone could signal a new approach to the conflict and may influence Hamas' decision-making regarding a potential ceasefire and hostage release. The administration's acknowledgement of the challenges Israel faces in conducting military operations in Gaza, due to Hamas' use of civilian structures for military purposes, adds complexity to the situation and underscores the difficulties of finding a peaceful resolution.

    • US Politics and Israel's Gaza Operation: Influenced by Elections and Voter DemographicsThe upcoming US elections may influence US politics towards Israel's actions in Gaza, as certain voter demographics seek stronger stances on the Israel-Palestine conflict. The White House's concerns about civilian casualties and the potential impact on Biden's base highlight the complexity and sensitivity of the issue.

      The recent shift in US politics towards criticizing Israel's actions in Gaza may be influenced by the upcoming elections and the desire to win over certain voter demographics. The White House's concerns about Israel's planned operation in Rafa, where a large number of Palestinian civilians have been relocated, have raised questions about how Israel intends to carry out the operation without causing further civilian casualties. Some believe that Israel's war in Gaza has become a major issue for Biden's progressive base, who are less enthusiastic about his reelection and are looking for ways to express their frustration. The Arab American community in Michigan, a key battleground state, has also threatened to stay home in 2024 if Biden does not take a stronger stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. However, the size of this demographic is relatively small, and it remains to be seen whether their absence would significantly impact Biden's chances in the state. Overall, the elections are likely playing a role in shaping US politics towards Israel, but the situation in Gaza remains a complex and sensitive issue that requires careful consideration and diplomacy.

    • Biden administration trying to de-escalate Israel-Hamas tensions in GazaThe Biden administration is working to prevent further conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, pushing for diplomacy and acknowledging military operations are currently impossible.

      The Biden administration is trying to de-escalate tensions between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, particularly in Rafah, to prevent further conflict and maintain peace. The administration's approach includes pressuring Israel to engage in diplomatic talks with Hamas and acknowledging that military operations in Rafah, with its large population of Palestinian refugees, are currently impossible. The administration's efforts come amidst tension within the Israeli leadership and concerns about Israel's actions being perceived as sabotaging the administration's efforts. The president's conversation with Netanyahu was seen as an opportunity to clarify the administration's stance and reaffirm support for Israel's response to the October 7th events. Overall, the administration's strategy is aimed at finding a long-term solution to the conflict in Gaza and avoiding further escalation.

    • Israeli Leadership Disagrees on Military Operations and DiplomacyDespite US efforts for truces and prisoner swaps, Israeli leadership disagrees on military action vs diplomacy towards Hamas and Hezbollah, with Netanyahu pushing for swift action and IDF advocating caution. Israel proposes a compromise with Hezbollah, but resolution is uncertain due to complexities and logistical challenges.

      There are significant disagreements within the Israeli leadership regarding military operations and diplomatic efforts, particularly in relation to Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Netanyahu is pushing for swift action, while the IDF advocates for more preparation and caution. The US is attempting to facilitate truces and prisoner swaps, but progress depends on Hamas' willingness to cooperate. Additionally, Israel's proposed compromise with Hezbollah in the north, allowing them to withdraw 10 kilometers from the border, is a significant concession. However, the complexities and dynamics of the situations in Gaza and Lebanon, as well as potential logistical challenges, make a smooth resolution uncertain.

    • US push for Palestinian statehood raises Israeli concernsIsraelis skeptical of US-Saudi push for Palestinian statehood, fearing instability and lack of commitment

      The recent shift in US language regarding a "time-bound and irreversible" path to a Palestinian state has raised concerns in Israel about potential risks and instability in the region. This language marks a departure from past peace processes, which have always been predicated on milestones rather than instantaneous statehood. Israeli officials are skeptical of the Saudi-led push for normalization deals and Palestinian statehood, viewing it as a White House political consideration rather than a genuine demand from Riyadh. Despite the potential benefits of such deals, many Israelis believe that the timing is not right and that the US commitment to the process may not be serious or sustainable. The Israeli government is working to find a viable phrasing that would address both Palestinian aspirations and Israeli security concerns, while also satisfying the Saudis and advancing the broader regional peace process. Ultimately, the success of this effort will depend on the ability of all parties to navigate complex political dynamics and find common ground.

    • Bipartisan support crucial for US-Saudi defense relationshipSecuring bipartisan support for a US-Saudi defense relationship upgrade requires a ceasefire and Israeli political will for peace, but potential Palestinian Independence Day commemoration could complicate matters.

      For any advanced diplomatic defense relationship or defense pact between the US and Saudi Arabia, requiring a 2/3 vote in the Senate, it's crucial to have bipartisan support. This could potentially lead to a significant win for Israel and the US, but it hinges on a ceasefire and political will from leaders like Netanyahu to take risks for peace. However, given Netanyahu's current political situation and lack of trust from the Israeli public, it's uncertain if he'll make such a move. Additionally, the potential interpretation of October 7th as a new Palestinian Independence Day could create domestic political issues in both Israel and the US.

    • Israeli voters not ready for Palestinian statehoodIsraeli voters prioritize domestic issues over Palestinian statehood, making it a risky move for politicians to compromise with Palestinians despite potential diplomatic benefits.

      Israeli voters currently have no appetite for concrete steps towards the formation of a Palestinian state, despite potential diplomatic benefits from normalizing ties with Saudi Arabia. Netanyahu, who understands the political climate, can use the rhetoric of Palestinian statehood as a tool to secure regional alliances while avoiding any real action towards statehood. Israeli voters are aware of Saudi Arabia's lack of genuine concern for the Palestinian cause and are more concerned about domestic issues. This political environment makes it a risky move for Israeli politicians to compromise with the Palestinians, even if it comes with security assurances or US guarantees.

    Recent Episodes from Call Me Back - with Dan Senor

    Bonus Episode: Noa Tishby and Emmanuel Acho

    Bonus Episode: Noa Tishby and Emmanuel Acho
    *** Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/ydvnv2ry *** Since October 7th, many of us have had uncomfortable conversations we could never have imagined having. October 7th sparked debates and discussions that got very awkward very quickly. But what’s unique about our guests today is that they were having these conversations prior to October 7th. Not only were they having these conversations, they were working on a book that chronicled these difficult conversations. Their book is called “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew”. It’s by Noa Tishby and Emmanuel Acho. Emmanuel is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and the host and producer of an online series called "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man". Emmanuel was nominated for an emmy award for this series. He’s also a 2021 Sports Emmy winner, a Fox Sports Analyst. And, perhaps most importantly, Emmanuel is a former NFL linebacker. Noa Tishby is the New York Times bestselling author of Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth. A native of Tel Aviv, she served in the Israeli army before moving to Los Angeles and launching a career in the entertainment industry. An award-winning producer, Tishby made history with the sale of In Treatment to HBO, the first Israeli television show to become an American series. She has had an extraordinary career in Israeli television and film. To order their book: Amazon - https://tinyurl.com/4k3uv8av B&N - https://tinyurl.com/mv2xfxsp

    Where was the IDF on Oct 7? - with Ronen Bergman

    Where was the IDF on Oct 7? - with Ronen Bergman
    *** Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/yvesakat *** One of the questions we repeatedly get from you, our listeners, is - "Where was the IDF on October 7th?" It's a topic that we have strenuously avoided. After the war, there will be a formal commission of inquiry that attempts to understand all that went wrong and why. There will be a time and a place for that. And yet, as the war in Gaza winds down, and as Israel prepares for another possible war, this question re-emerges. What lessons can be learned? More and more journalists in Israel are exploring the topic. So, we are going to dedicate an episode from time to time in the weeks ahead to try to understand what these journalists are learning. Our only caveat is that this is a difficult topic to explore - for all the obvious reasons. The information is uneven... there is still an element of fog of war. When I was in Israel last week, I visited Ronen Bergman in his home in Ramat HaSharon, to have a long conversation about what he has pieced together. Ronen is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine and Senior Correspondent for Military and Intelligence Affairs for Yedioth Ahronoth, an Israeli daily. Ronen recently won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on this war and the pre-war intelligence failures. He has published numerous books, including: “Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations” - https://tinyurl.com/mwbmchaj And also, “The Secret War with Iran" - https://tinyurl.com/2p8sh9u Ronen is also a member of the Israeli bar (he clerked in the Attorney General’s Office), and has a master’s degree in international relations, as well as a Ph.D. in history from Cambridge University. Read Ronen's piece in The New York Times here: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html

    The ‘Day After’ Document - with Prof. Netta Barak-Corren

    The ‘Day After’ Document - with Prof. Netta Barak-Corren
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/yc8jb3m6 Is now the time for Israeli decision-makers to begin serious internal deliberations and planning for the “day after” in Gaza? According to Nadav Eyal in his column last Friday in Yediot, over 95% of Hamas rockets are gone, Hamas’s smuggling routes have been closed, and its munitions production capacity is zero. Is progress in defeating Hamas appears much better than one would think from reading popular press accounts? It’s against that backdrop that we’ve learned of a 28-page document -- this is not publica -- and is circulating among Israeli military leaders and war strategy decision-makers within the government. Some we spoke to suggested that this document is being treated as the basis for ‘day after’ planning in the government. It’s called: "From a murderous regime to a moderate society: the transformation and rehabilitation of Gaza after Hamas". The researchers are Prof. Netta Barak-Corren, a law professor who works on conflict resolution; Prof. Danny Orbach, a military historian; Dr. Nati Flamer who specializes in Hamas and Hezbollah; and Dr. Harel Chorev, an expert on Palestinian society. To help us understand these recommendations, we are joined today by one of its authors, Prof. Netta Barak-Corren, who is a legal scholar with degrees from the Hebrew University (where she is a professor). She clerked for the Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, and then pursued doctoral studies at Harvard, graduating in 2016. She currently is on leave from Hebrew University, while she’s visiting faculty at Princeton. She’s previously taught at University of Pennsylvania and University of Chicago.

    Call me Back LIVE - with Michael Rapaport

    Call me Back LIVE - with Michael Rapaport
    Share on X: https://rb.gy/un15s6 Today in this special episode, we are releasing the first episode of the Call me Back podcast recorded before a very enthusiastic live audience at the Comedy Cellar in Manhattan. Our guest was actor, director and comedian Michael Rapaport. The focus of our conversation is about how Michael became such an energetic, provocative, and hilarious voice on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people since 10/07, as well as his observations on why more Jews from the creative arts and entertainment industry have not been as outspoken as him (or, even worse, why so many have remained silent). We also discuss his reaction to those who criticize Israel “as a Jew”, and his experience dealing with the professional cost of proudly advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. You can follow Michael on X here: https://x.com/MichaelRapaport And on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/michaelrapaport/ Find Michael's podcast, I AM RAPAPORT here: https://www.iamrapaport.com/

    Is Israel headed for a two-front war? - with Nadav Eyal

    Is Israel headed for a two-front war? - with Nadav Eyal
    First, a housekeeping note: many of you filled out the survey we published in our previous episode, and we are very grateful for that. If you haven't filled out this short survey, we would greatly appreciate it if you took 2 minutes to fill it out. It is extremely helpful to us in thinking through ways to improve the podcast and understand our audience. Please follow this link to the survey: https://forms.gle/nZh8ZRA5YjJxmdEW6 - As for today's episode - I've been in Israel for the past couple of days, for my 4th visit here since 10/07. Something that has struck me in my conversations with Israelis is the degree to which a war with Hezbollah is not discussed in terms of IF, but rather in terms of WHEN. And as for the WHEN, some are suggesting quite soon. In fact, Defense Minister Gallant said that the goal should be that for those Israelis evacuated from the North, they should be back in their evacuated communities and homes in time for the next school year.  This would put to the test the IDF’s capacity to fight a multi front war. In other words - while the IDF is getting closer to the point of defeating Hamas in Gaza - it might also be at the early stages of a war with Hezbollah. - To help us understand what’s going on here, our guest today is NADAV EYAL, who returns to the podcast. I sat down with him today in Tel Aviv. He is a columnist for Yediot. Eyal has been covering Middle-Eastern and international politics for the last two decades for Israeli radio, print and television news.  - Nadav's latest column, which we discussed in this episode: https://tinyurl.com/msk43n53

    Divisions in Israeli society - with Dr. Micah Goodman

    Divisions in Israeli society - with Dr. Micah Goodman
    First, a housekeeping note: Over the past eight months the audience for this podcast has grown in ways we could never have imagined, but there is no real way for us to know who is listening - age group, ideological leanings, the country you are living in, etc. These are all very helpful data points for us to improve the podcast and understand our audience. So, please fill out this 2 minute survey: https://forms.gle/nZh8ZRA5YjJxmdEW6 And one other item we wanted to bring to your attention. We are repeatedly reminded how the NYPD has continued to bravely protect our community— most recently 10 days ago at the Nova Music Festival exhibition where a mob of antisemitic rioters attempted to intimidate Jewish New Yorkers, and just before that when the NYPD helped ensure a smooth Israel Day Parade here in New York in which over 100,000 people participated. To express our thanks for helping to keep our Jewish community and all New Yorkers safe, The Paul E. Singer Foundation is matching donations up to $200,000 made to the New York City Police Foundation. Donations must be made Monday, June 24, 2024. Join us to meet and exceed this goal. If interested in donating, you can do it here: https://secure.anedot.com/nycpolicefoundation/thepesfoundation As for today's episode, as we discussed at length in our last episode -- "Haviv Unplugged!" -- the issue of a military service exemption for Haredi Jews (ultra-Orthodox Jews) is coming to a head right now, as Israel is at war. Or maybe it's coming to a head with such ferocity precisely because Israel is at war, and it's raising all sorts of questions about whether Israel has the manpower to fight a continued war in Gaza and possibly other fronts that could open up. It does seem like Israel is in an entirely new military environment, across multiple fronts. Also, are some parts of the Israeli population paying a disproportionately high price? These are questions that are being considered right now by Israel's government. These are questions that are weighing especially heavy on society after 12 soldiers over the past few days. Dr. Micah Goodman is our guest today, to help us unpack all of this. Micah is on the speed-dial of a number of Israeli political leaders – from right to left, but especially on the center-left and the center-right. He is a polymath, a podcaster and one of Israel’s most influential public intellectuals, having written books ranging from biblical lessons for the modern age to Israel’s geopolitics. One book in particular, had an outsized impact in terms of its framing of the conundrum that Israel has been in with the Palestinians since 1967. That book is called "Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War", Not only have all of his books been bestsellers in Israel, he essentially created a new genre; books that bring core texts of Jewish thought to a general, secular audience. In his new book – called "The Eighth Day", which Micah wrote in a four-month sprint after October 7th – Micah tries to understand the implications of the nation’s trauma and what it means for the other ‘day after’ (not the ‘day after’ in Gaza, but the ‘day after’ inside Israel). What does this moment mean for Israelis? How will 10/07 re-shape Israeli society…and its politics? Micah Goodman’s books: Catch-67 — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/catch-67-micah-goodman/1128089735?ean=9780300248418 The Wondering Jew — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-wondering-jew-micah-goodman/1136574622?ean=9780300252248

    Haviv Unplugged!

    Haviv Unplugged!
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/2s4x4j2h In recent days, there have been a lot of war-related developments that have taken place in Israel and outside of Israel. So it was good that we had the opportunity to catch up with Haviv Rettig Gur as Shavuot came to a close in Israel. In this episode, we wound up having a spirited conversation about: I.The mood in Israel days after after Operation Arnon, and also why the day after the successful resuce operation we saw Benny Gantz's long anticipated exit from the unity government; II. The ultra orthodox or 'Haredi' IDF exemption bill that passed in the Knesset; and III. Hamas's rejection (yet again) of Israel's ceasefire proposal.

    OPERATION ARNON - with Nadav Eyal

    OPERATION ARNON - with Nadav Eyal
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/ymmv7m8u We have just witnessed one of the most extraordinary 48-hour periods in Israel since October 7th, as we learned news of an extremely complex military, intelligence and hostage rescue operation. We are seeing — and many of us are experiencing — the impact that this development is having on Israeli society, and on the Jewish people worldwide. This operation has been renamed OPERATION ARNON, after Colonel Arnon Zamora, who was the chief inspector of the Israeli Police’s special commando Counterterrorosim Unit. He was the only Israeli to have fallen in this operation. May Arnon's memory be a blessing. To learn more about Arnon's life, you can read here: https://www.timesofisrael.com/hero-of-israel-thousands-pay-last-respects-to-officer-killed-in-hostage-rescue-op/ In this episode, NADAV EYAL provides a comprehensive picture and analysis of what actually happened in this operation. Nadav is a columnist for Yediot. He has been covering Middle-Eastern and international politics for the last two decades for Israeli radio, print and television news. To read Nadav's piece in Yediot: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syo00lyxs0

    The Great Powers and the War in Gaza - with Walter Russell Mead

    The Great Powers and the War in Gaza - with Walter Russell Mead
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/ytm9656f Over the past 8 months, we've focused most of our attention on Israel's perspective and the American perspective since October 7th. But what we wanted to do today is gradually zoom out from Israel and Gaza, to the perspective of other regional players in the Middle East, and finally examine this war from the perspective of the global powers, especially China and Russia. Has the Israel-Hamas war advanced their interests or reversed them? Our guest today is Walter Russell Mead. He is at the Hudson Institute, he is the Global View Columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He was previously the Henry Kissinger fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He also has a terrific podcast at Tablet Magazine, called What Really Matters: https://www.tabletmag.com/podcasts/what-really-matters He is also a prolific author. His most recent book is -- The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People, which you order here -- shorturl.at/bdhpz

    The last Israeli to negotiate with the Palestinians - with Tzipi Livni (Part 2)

    The last Israeli to negotiate with the Palestinians - with Tzipi Livni (Part 2)
    Share on Twitter/X: https://tinyurl.com/nvmznb7m Tzipi Livni has served as a minister of eight different cabinet ministries under three prime ministers: Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, and Benjamin Netanyahu. Her positions have included Justice Minister, Foreign Minister and Vice-Prime Minister. She has also been the official leader of the opposition. As foreign minister, Tzipi Livni led negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, she was a key government figure during Israel’s disengagement from Gaza and during Hamas’s subsequent takeover of Gaza. She was foreign minister during Israel’s Second Lebanon War and during Israel’s operation to take out Syria’s nuclear reactor. She began her service as a member of the Likud Party, and then the Kadima Party, and later the Hatnua Party and Zionist Union. Earlier in her career, Tzipi served in the Mossad (including in the elite unit famous for being responsible for the assassinations following the Munich massacre). No major Israeli political figure has had more recent experience trying to negotiate a two-state solution than Tzipi Livni.

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    Danielle Gilbert, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University

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    ****SPECIAL CALL OUT TO MY VIEWERS**** Please join me in helping to support those in need in Israel right now. I've partnered with the International Fellowship for Christians and Jews to raise money for their emergency fund. The money goes to assist Israelis in some of the hardest-hit areas. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to provide more than 1,000 hot meals to the victims of these terror attacks, as well as some toys for the children. You can contribute by clicking this link HERE : https://bit.ly/IFCJTrish or, by CALLING: 1-800-248-8881.

    Also, I would like to THANK our Show Sponsor https://LegacyPMInvestments.com for offering to MATCH all of your donations. CEO Charles Thorngren texted while we were live on air and said his firm would match all dollars that you donate. So, this helps to compound our efforts. Please consider whatever you can, even if just $1.

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    00:00:00 Meet Byron Donalds - The Potential Speaker of the House

    00:10:33 Biden administration faces criticism

    00:16:39 Middle East conflict grows more serious

    00:29:11 Ilhan Omar's controversial statements 

    00:33:43 Rashida Tlaib criticizes the Trump administration.

    00:40:05 Obama's Iran deal criticized.

    00:49:19. Iran's actions disrupt Middle East peace.

    00:53:39 Media bias in reporting conflicts.

    00:58:31 Media bias in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    01:09:18 Believe in opportunity and success.

    01:11:17 Stay positive and be grateful.

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