
    Jesus and the Study of Scripture

    enJune 04, 2024
    What did Jesus demonstrate at the Feast of Tabernacles?
    How did Jesus gain his understanding of the scriptures?
    What example did Jesus set for studying scriptures?
    Who conveyed the scriptures of the new covenant?
    How can we deepen our relationship with God?

    Podcast Summary

    • Jesus' profound understanding of scripturesJesus amazed scholars with his deep scripture knowledge from personal study, prayer, and divine wisdom. We can deepen our relationship with God and gain a better understanding of His word by diligently studying the scriptures.

      Jesus, an uneducated man in the eyes of the Jewish scholars, amazed them with his profound understanding of the scriptures during the Feast of Tabernacles. His extensive knowledge came from personal study and prayer, as well as his divine wisdom and authority as both God and man. Jesus set an example for us to diligently study the scriptures and grow in wisdom and favor with God. Beyond authenticating the former scriptures, Jesus also conveyed the scriptures of the new covenant through his apostles and prophets. By following Jesus' example and studying the scriptures, we can deepen our relationship with God and gain a better understanding of His word.

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