
    Joe Biden and the Democrats’ dilemma

    en-gbJuly 10, 2024
    What is the significance of the NATO summit for Biden?
    How has Biden's age affected perceptions of his candidacy?
    What action did the Supreme Court take regarding former presidents?
    Why is Biden's performance at the NATO press conference crucial?
    What challenges does Biden face in the 2024 presidential race?

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden's Fitness for OfficeBiden's performance at NATO summit is crucial to reassure voters of his fitness for a second term amid concerns over occasional confusion and clarity during debates.

      This week is a pivotal moment for Joe Biden as he faces international leaders at the NATO summit and seeks to prove his fitness for a second term in office. Meanwhile, The Guardian's new cooking app, Feast, offers a diverse range of delicious and easy-to-make meals for users. However, Biden's performance in the first presidential debate raised concerns about his competence and clarity, particularly regarding his age and potential fitness for another term. His occasional confusion over leaders' names has added to these concerns, as America's role in global affairs relies heavily on its president's ability to remember key figures. Biden's ability to answer questions coherently and robustly during Thursday's NATO press conference will be a significant opportunity for him to reassure voters and counteract these concerns.

    • Biden's debate performancePoor debate performance raised doubts among Democrats about Biden's ability to defeat Trump, with some suggesting he drop out, but Obama offered support and Biden tried to regain momentum through controlled interviews

      The poor performance of Joe Biden in the presidential debate sparked concerns among Democrats and polls showed Trump gaining ground. Immediate reactions from pundits and advisors like David Axelrod suggested that Biden should consider dropping out of the race. Despite attempts at damage control, Biden did not give many unscripted interviews to address concerns and some close allies showed hesitation in offering a full-throated endorsement. Obama weighed in, reminding voters of the choice between Biden and Trump. The days following the debate saw uncertainty among Democrats about Biden's ability to defeat Trump in November, leading to legitimate questions about whether Biden is their best chance.

    • Democratic Donors, Biden's CampaignDespite concerns from major Democratic donors and a poor debate performance, Biden's campaign saw a surge in donations and he remains determined to stay in the race to defeat Trump.

      The financial support of major Democratic donors has become a significant factor in the US presidential race, with some expressing concerns about Joe Biden's candidacy and even threatening to withhold their funds. However, Biden's campaign saw a surge in donations following a poor debate performance, indicating strong grassroots support. In his first major interview since the debate, Biden failed to completely silence criticism of his candidacy, raising alarm among Democrats who fear a second Trump term as a threat to American democracy. Biden's insistence on staying in the race, despite mounting pressure, was further emphasized in a letter to congressional Democrats and a call-in to an MSNBC show. Despite the challenges, Biden remains determined to stay in the race and focus on defeating Donald Trump.

    • Biden's presidency in 2024 uncertaintyJoe Biden is not officially the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential race, leaving room for potential chaos if he drops out, but it's unlikely anything will change before the convention due to his belief in his ability to win and lack of a clear alternative.

      As of now, Joe Biden is not officially the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential race, despite being the presumptive nominee with the majority of delegates. This technicality means that if Biden were to drop out of the race, the delegates could potentially choose another nominee, leading to potential chaos. However, with no clear mechanism to force Biden out and no public indication from his family or congressional Democratic leaders for him to step aside, it's unlikely that anything will change before the convention in Chicago. Biden's belief in his ability to win and the lack of a clear alternative candidate keep him in the race, making him the presumptive nominee for now.

    • Democratic nominee challengeIf Biden drops out, Harris isn't automatically the nominee, but she's currently the frontrunner. Democrats face challenges in choosing a nominee with millions already voting for Biden, and a contentious floor fight could harm their chances in November.

      If President Joe Biden were to drop out of the presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris would not automatically become the Democratic nominee. However, she is currently the frontrunner due to her national profile and her previous appearance on the ballot with Biden. The Democratic Party faces a challenge in choosing a nominee when millions of Democrats have already voted for Biden. Harris's reputation may be damaged due to her responsibility for addressing difficult issues in the Biden administration and her unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2020. Potential nominees like California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg also face challenges in introducing themselves to the American public and making a compelling case against Donald Trump with only two and a half months before the election. If the Democrats end up having a contentious floor fight to determine their nominee, it could negatively impact their chances in November.

    • Democrats' handling of Biden's age issueDespite concerns about Biden's age, Democrats waited too long to address the issue, missing the opportunity to replace him on the ballot during the midterm elections. This delay may distract from the real threat of a Trump comeback.

      The Democrats' handling of the conversation around Joe Biden's age and potential replacement on the ballot for the 2024 presidential election has been criticized for being too late. Factors such as Biden's incumbency, past victory against Trump, and accomplishments in his first term have kept the conversation at bay. However, voters' concerns about his age have been voiced for a long time, and the opportunity to replace him on the ballot seems to have passed with the midterm elections in November 2022, where Democrats performed better than expected. Now, with less than four months until the election, the conversation is finally happening, but it comes with risks, including distracting from the real threat of a Trump return to the White House. Trump is reportedly exploiting the situation by staying relatively quiet and letting the Democratic Party "light its hair on fire."

    • Trump's immunity, Biden's focusThe Supreme Court's decision on Trump's immunity could impact his ongoing election case and force Biden to refocus the race on their differences to increase his chances of winning a second term.

      The Supreme Court's decision granting former presidents absolute and limited immunity could significantly impact the ongoing federal case against Donald Trump regarding his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump's legal issues have been a major focus during his 2024 presidential campaign, leading him to pay less attention to the day-to-day mechanics of his campaign. For Joe Biden, he must refocus the race and make it a comparison between himself and Trump to increase his chances of winning a second term. Biden's strong performance at the NATO press conference and ability to answer unscripted questions effectively are crucial this week. Democrats plan to argue against Trump's re-election by emphasizing that they are not Trump. The outcome of the election depends on whether the race becomes about Biden's candidacy or the differences between Biden and Trump.

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