
    Joe Biden visits Kyiv & what is Alexander Lukashenko thinking?

    enFebruary 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • US President Joe Biden's surprise visit to Ukraine amid conflict with RussiaBiden's visit to Ukraine marks a historic move, as he is the first US president to travel to a country at war without US military control. Discussions at the Munich Security Conference focused on the impact of Russia's invasion on energy markets and geopolitical stability. Shoppers can find jewelry gifts at Blue Nile, with quick shipping and special deals.

      During a surprise visit to Kyiv, President Joe Biden sent a strong message of US support for Ukraine amid ongoing conflict with Russia. This visit marked an unprecedented move for a US president to travel to a country at war without US military control of the critical infrastructure. Meanwhile, at the Munich Security Conference, there was a reflection on the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with attendees discussing the impact on energy markets and geopolitical stability. Additionally, Mother's Day shoppers can find stunning jewelry gifts at Blue Nile, with most items shipping overnight and special deals available.

    • UK concern over depleting resources in helping UkraineEuropean nations increase defense spending, UK may be depleting resources, urgency to train Ukrainian pilots on advanced jets, Putin regrouping, Harris comments on war crimes, immediate action needed

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has elicited emotional and heartfelt responses from world leaders, who have acknowledged the atrocities committed while also discussing diplomacy and politics. A senior Whitehall source expressed concern that the UK may be depleting its resources by continuing to help Ukraine without replenishing its military stockpiles. European nations are increasing defense spending to prepare for potential future conflicts. Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator, urged for immediate training of Ukrainian pilots on advanced jets like the F-16. The urgency to act now was a recurring theme, as the conflict is not over and Putin is regrouping. Graham also praised Kamala Harris's comments on war crimes and the need for immediate action.

    • Urgent Need for Speed in Responding to Russia's Aggression in UkraineNATO leaders emphasize the importance of acting quickly to support Ukraine against Russia's aggression, with a focus on taking control of key towns and roads to sever Russian supply lines, as the situation remains volatile.

      Key takeaway from the Munich Security Conference and recent developments in Ukraine is the sense of urgency and the need for speed in responding to Russia's aggression. NATO leaders, including Sunak, have emphasized the importance of acting quickly to support Ukraine. The Russian offensive in Ukraine is continuing, with limited success for Russia due to the challenging terrain and the better-equipped Ukrainian forces. The focus is on taking control of key towns and roads, such as Crimea, which would sever Russian supply lines. The urgency to act is heightened as the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, and the international community must continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to defend its territory.

    • Intense Fighting in Donbas: Russia Makes Gains but Suffers Heavy LossesDespite making gains in the Donbas region, Russia's elite units have suffered heavy casualties and the offensive may result in a stalemate due to limited reserves.

      The ongoing conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine has seen Russia make gains in areas like Bakhmut and Volodar, but at great cost. The towns of limited operational significance have seen intense fighting, with Russia's private military company, the Wagner Group, making progress but suffering heavy losses. The terrain around Volodar, particularly, has been heavily mined and defended, making it difficult for Russia's regular forces to advance. The British defense intelligence report indicates that elite Russian units have sustained high casualties in the fighting around Volodar, leaving them likely combat ineffective. Overall, the offensive in the Donbas is ongoing, but Russia may not have much left in the way of reserves to exploit success or plug holes in their lines. The pattern for the near future is likely to be a stalemate, with neither side making significant gains unless and until there is a major mobilization or breakthrough.

    • Russia and Ukraine's Donbas stalemate with new military leadershipDespite new military leadership, Russia's offensive in Ukraine's Donbas region results in limited gains and significant troop exhaustion. Ukraine holds on, plans to receive more aid and train personnel before advancing.

      The current situation in Ukraine's Donbas region is in a state of muddy stalemate, with both Russia and Ukraine making limited gains due to the exhaustion of troops and lack of sufficient resources. The recent change in Russian military leadership from General Sarovkin to Gerasimov, who is pushing for a manpower-intensive offensive, has resulted in limited success but significant troop exhaustion. Meanwhile, Ukraine is holding on, planning to receive more western military aid and train more personnel before making their own advance. President Biden's historic visit to Kyiv on the anniversary of the 2014 Maidan Revolution was a powerful show of support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

    • Bipartisan Support for Ukraine from Republicans Could be Criticism of Biden's ActionsAnxiety remains among Ukraine supporters regarding GOP's stance, especially if Trump returns, and US hesitancy on Crimea causes concern. Britain leads in training F-16 pilots and maintaining bipartisan support.

      While there are positive signs of bipartisan support for Ukraine from senior Republican figures, it's important to note that this could also be thinly veiled criticism of President Biden's actions. Anxiety remains among Ukraine supporters regarding the Republican Party's stance, particularly if Trump were to become president again. Russia is also looking at the situation long-term, potentially seeing opportunities in a resurgent Republican Party and war fatigue. The US administration's hesitancy regarding supporting Ukraine in taking back Crimea is causing anxiety as well. Britain, on the other hand, is leading in terms of training F-16 pilots and maintaining bipartisan support for Ukraine. Career-wise, Pavel Slinkin started talking about Belarus when Lukashenko was democratically elected, but later faced repression and was forced to leave the country. He now lives in Ukraine and works in the field of international relations.

    • Signs of liberalization in Belarus before 2020 electionsBelarus had hints of democratic change before fraudulent elections led to mass protests, resulting in repression and the speaker's exile.

      Belarus has a long history of authoritarian rule under President Lukashenko, who has repressed dissent and maintained power through manipulated elections. However, in the years leading up to 2020, there were signs of liberalization and growing civil society, which led to massive protests against the fraudulent elections that year. Lukashenko responded with repression, arresting political opponents and activists, and this was a turning point for one speaker, who had hoped to bring about change from within the foreign ministry but ultimately had to flee the country. Despite international condemnation and sanctions, Lukashenko has remained in power, and the situation in Belarus remains volatile.

    • Unexpected and historic negotiations in Minsk, 2015Despite short notice and uncertainty, world leaders reached a landmark agreement in an unprecedented 17-hour negotiation session, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and perseverance in international diplomacy.

      The negotiations between world leaders Putin, Poroshenko, Hollande, Merkel, and Lukashenko in Minsk in 2015 were unexpected and unprecedented. The NOMAD summit was announced just 45 hours before the delegations were set to arrive, leaving everyone scrambling to prepare. The negotiations, which lasted an astonishing 17 hours, were the longest recorded in modern European history. Putin, following Merkel's lead, appeared unsure of his role and the talks were delayed further when separatist leaders in Ukraine needed to approve the agreement. Despite the exhaustion, the leaders ultimately reached an agreement and traveled to Brussels for an EU Summit. This experience highlighted the unpredictability and complexity of international diplomacy.

    • Putin's control over Poroshenko and Merkel during Debaltseve conflictPutin's control over key leaders during negotiations gave him an advantage, while Belarus's economic dependence on Russia has led to its involvement in the conflict, but there's no evidence of direct military involvement.

      During the 2015 Debaltseve conflict, Putin used his control over Poroshenko and Merkel by repeatedly attacking Debaltseve, forcing them to negotiate under pressure. Meanwhile, Putin's ability to take short breaks for rest during negotiations gave him an advantage. In the case of Belarus's involvement in the current conflict, Lukashenko's political survival relies heavily on Putin's support, leading him to take a different stance from his neutral position in 2014. Belarus has become increasingly dependent on Russia economically, with Russia helping Lukashenko bypass economic sanctions and providing low prices for natural gas and oil. There is no evidence of Moscow pressuring Lukashenko to send his army to Ukraine. Instead, Belarus has provided Russia with military and civil infrastructure, and Russian troops have used Belarusian territory to shell Ukrainian cities. Both Russia and Belarus seem content with their roles in the war in Ukraine.

    • Belarus' Role in Russia's Invasion of UkraineBelarusians oppose their military involvement in Ukraine's conflict, fearing Russian aggression and devastating consequences of war. Lukashenko's decision not to send troops has been met with public approval.

      Belarus, under Lukashenko's leadership, is currently not actively participating in Russia's invasion of Ukraine due to the unprofessional nature of their military and the strong public opposition to the war. The Belarusian economy and society have been impacted politically and socially by Lukashenko's authoritarian rule and the ongoing conflict next door. The public opinion in Belarus is divided, with some supporting Lukashenko due to fear of Russian aggression and others advocating for closer ties with Ukraine. However, a large majority of the population, around 90-95%, does not want Belarusian soldiers to be involved in the conflict in any way. The economic ties between Belarus and Russia are significant, with Belarusian industries providing resources and support for the Russian invasion. Despite this, Lukashenko's decision not to send the Belarusian army to Ukraine has been met with approval from the Belarusian public, who see it as a way to avoid the devastating consequences of war.

    • Belarus's Dependence on Russia: Economic and Political IsolationBelarus's dependence on Russia increases due to international isolation, giving Russia control over Belarusian economy and society, and posing risks for individuals and lack of support from Western partners.

      Belarus's increasing dependence on Russia, economically and politically, is a result of its isolation from the international community due to Lukashenko's involvement in the war in Ukraine and crackdown on independent media. This dependence gives Russia more control over Belarus's economy and society, as seen through the blockage of exports to other countries and the arrest of those following independent media. The situation is dangerous and a positive outcome seems unlikely without a Ukrainian victory in the war and Russia's withdrawal from Belarusian affairs. For individuals like Pavel, returning to Belarus could result in imprisonment and torture. The lack of support from Western partners during Ukraine's invasion in 2014 allowed Russia to gain more territory and control, repeating a pattern that continues today. Putin's behavior in negotiations may appear juvenile, but it effectively maintains Russia's influence and control over its neighboring countries.

    • Perspectives and realities shaping the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Western responseMisunderstandings and continued tension in the Russia-Ukraine conflict stem from different perspectives and realities between involved parties, requiring diplomacy and dialogue to find a peaceful solution.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the West's response to it, is influenced by different perspectives and realities between the involved parties. Putin, as a Russian leader, may see the situation differently than Western leaders and the Ukrainian people, leading to misunderstandings and continued tension. In the case of Belarus, Western engagement and cooperation were successful in fostering economic growth and civil society, but the deep Russian influence made it difficult to maintain Belarus's Western orientation. Regarding the Minsk Accords, their ultimate success or failure will depend on the political will and commitment of all parties involved to implement the agreements and find a peaceful solution to the conflict. The West's role is crucial in providing support and pressure to ensure compliance with the accords, while also engaging in diplomacy and dialogue with Russia and Ukraine.

    • Minsk agreements: A missed opportunity for the WestThe Minsk agreements bought Ukraine time but also solidified Putin's control over seized territories. Ongoing tensions and potential new attacks require vigilance, while the international community must address concerns from the Global South.

      The Minsk agreements of 2014, while buying Ukraine time to prepare for an invasion, were also a missed opportunity for the West to provide more support and potentially prevent the conflict. From the Ukrainian perspective, the agreements allowed them to fortify their defenses, but from Putin's perspective, they solidified his control over illegally seized territories. Looking ahead, it's essential to consider the implications of the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the growing frustration from leaders in the Global South who feel that the international community is overly focused on the conflict. In the coming days, it will be crucial to watch Putin's anniversary speech regarding the invasion and any potential new attacks on Ukrainian positions. Additionally, the relationships between Russia, Belarus, and Lukashenko remain a significant concern. Overall, the Minsk agreements serve as a reminder of the complex geopolitical landscape and the need for a more comprehensive approach to international security.

    • Tensions between Russia and the West over Belarus and potential sanctionsExperts discuss ongoing Ukraine conflict and potential Russian offensive, predicting significant losses for Ukrainian forces. Listen for insights on Russia-West tensions and staying informed on Ukraine news.

      There are ongoing tensions between Russia and the West, particularly regarding Russia's involvement in Belarus and the potential for increased military cooperation, as well as the anticipated new sanctions package against Russia. In a recent podcast episode from The Telegraph, Colonel Richard Kemp discussed the ongoing war in Ukraine and the potential for a Russian offensive, predicting significant losses for Ukrainian forces. The Telegraph offers various podcasts, including "Off Script," which features long-form interviews with experts on various topics. To stay informed on Ukraine news, listeners can subscribe to "Ukraine the Latest" or sign up for the Ukraine newsletter. The podcast is available on various podcast apps and YouTube. Additionally, listeners can engage with the show by emailing Ukraine pod at telegraph.co.uk or following The Telegraph on Twitter. The podcast is produced by Louisa Wells and Giles Gere.

    Recent Episodes from Ukraine: The Latest

    Sabotage & armed struggle: resistance in occupied Ukraine

    Sabotage & armed struggle: resistance in occupied Ukraine

    Day 861.

    Today, as well as diplomatic and battlefield updates, we look at the who, how, where and why of Ukrainian resistance movements behind Russian lines.


    Dominic Nicholls (Host). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Dr Jade McGlynn (Research Fellow at The Department of War Studies at King's College London). @DrJadeMcGlynn on X.

    Articles/Reports Referenced: 

    'Crossing Thresholds: Ukrainian Resistance to Russian Occupation' (Dr Jade McGlynn)


    The Ukrainian resistance is torching Putin’s dreams of conquest (Jade in The Telegraph


    Viktor Orban announces plans to create Right-wing EU alliance (Joe Barnes in The Telegraph)


    The critical cog in Putin's machine and how British firms help to keep Russian gas flowing into Europe (Sky News)


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Belarus threatens nuclear use as Russia blamed for jamming GPS signals to British military jets

    Belarus threatens nuclear use as Russia blamed for jamming GPS signals to British military jets

    Day 860.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from Ukraine, look at how Russia has been blamed for jamming GPS signals on British military jets and ask quite why Belarus - a country hosting Russian nuclear missiles - is rattling the nuclear sabre once more.


    Dominic Nicholls (Host). @DomNicholls on X.

    Gareth Corfield (Transport Correspondent). @GazTheJourno on X.

    Ben Butcher (Data Editor). @bienbutcher on X.

    Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (Former Tank Commander, Chemical and Biological Weapons Expert). @HamishDBG on X.

    Articles referenced:

    London Ukrainian Review


    Pre-order for Victoria Amelina’s book:


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Saving lives on the frontline: from D-Day to Ukraine with an ambulance convoy

    Saving lives on the frontline: from D-Day to Ukraine with an ambulance convoy

    Day 857.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from Ukraine and have a special report from Francis Dearnley’s recent trip across Europe from the D-Day commemorations with the charity Ukraine Focus.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles22 on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Ukraine Focus (Ambulances):

    To learn more about their work, visit:


    Or you can email: info@ukrainefocus.org

    Upcoming events:

    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 28, 2024

    North Korea to send engineering troops to help Russia in Ukraine

    North Korea to send engineering troops to help Russia in Ukraine

    Day 856.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battle front, analyse North Korea’s reported decision to send engineering and construction troops to Ukraine, and discuss the Voldymyr Zelensky’s visit to Brussels to sign a Security Pact with the European Union.


    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent, Host). @RolandOliphant on X

    James Rothwell (Berlin Correspondent). @JamesERothwell on X.

    David Knowles (Journalist). @djknowles22 on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Articles referenced:




    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 27, 2024

    Biden ‘to allow Pentagon contractors to deploy to Ukraine’ & Mark Rutte appointed new head of NATO

    Biden ‘to allow Pentagon contractors to deploy to Ukraine’ & Mark Rutte appointed new head of NATO

    Day 855.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, analyse the appointment of former Dutch PM Mark Rutte as the new head of Nato, and discuss reports that the Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Articles Referenced:

    'US could halt weapons deliveries if Ukraine refuses peace talks' (The Telegraph)


    'Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine' (CNN)


    'A Methodology for Degrading the Arms of the Russian Federation' (RUSI report)


    'IT Army attacks Russian banking system, disabling Mir payment system' (Ukrainian Pravda)


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 26, 2024

    War crimes warrant issued for top Russian generals & how Chinese trade is underwriting the Russian military effort

    War crimes warrant issued for top Russian generals & how Chinese trade is underwriting the Russian military effort

    Day 854.

    Today, we bring you updates from Ukraine as Zelensky again changes his top team, we analyse a deadly fire at a Russian research institute and discuss the impact that trade from China is having on the Russian war effort. 


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on X.

    With thanks to Joe Webster, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC. @Joe_Webster_CRR on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 25, 2024

    Ukraine suspected of ATACMS strike on Russian space control centre in Crimea

    Ukraine suspected of ATACMS strike on Russian space control centre in Crimea

    Day 853.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, analyse suspected Ukrainian ATACMS strike on a Russian space control centre in Crimea, and discuss this weekend’s terrorist violence in Russia’s Dagestan region.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Article Referenced:

    'The West’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic' (Nigel Farage in The Telegraph) -


    'Why it’s too late to stop World War 3 – according to one of Britain’s greatest military historians' (Richard Overy in The Telegraph) -


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 24, 2024

    Ukraine reinforces Chasiv Yar amid fierce fighting & rage, love and memory with Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed

    Ukraine reinforces Chasiv Yar amid fierce fighting & rage, love and memory with Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed

    Day 850.

    Today, we bring you updates from the front lines, discuss Ukraine’s ongoing bid for NATO membership and we interview Ukrainian writer and soldier Oleksandr Mykhed.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    With thanks to Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed. @mykhed_o on X.


    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 


    Article Referenced:

    Exclusive Olena Zelenska interview (The Telegraph)


    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY2UD11kbmE

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 21, 2024

    US to redirect key Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine & analysing Russian diplomacy in Vietnam and South Korea

    US to redirect key Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine & analysing Russian diplomacy in Vietnam and South Korea

    Day 848.

    Today, we bring you the news from Ukraine, analyse Vladimir Putin’s diplomacy in Vietnam and North Korea, and we speak to Ukrainian teenagers in Warsaw on studying abroad and adapting into Polish society more than two years since the start of the war.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Gabriella Jozwiak (Freelance Journalist). @GabriellaJ on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 



    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 20, 2024

    Russia accused of beheading Ukrainian soldiers & Kim Jong Un signs ‘groundbreaking’ security pact with Vladimir Putin

    Russia accused of beheading Ukrainian soldiers & Kim Jong Un signs ‘groundbreaking’ security pact with Vladimir Putin

    Day 848.

    Today, we bring you the news from Ukraine, continue analysing Putin’s state visit to North Korea, and talk to Security Analyst Jimmy Rushton in Kyiv on the situation on the front line and Ukrainian strategy for the year ahead. 


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Jimmy Rushton (Security Analyst). @JimmySecUK on X.

    You can read Jimmy's Substack here:


    Articles Referenced:

    The haunting pictures of emaciated Ukrainian prisoners of war (The Telegraph)


    ‘This country gave me a lot’: the Vietnamese people staying in Ukraine (The Guardian):


    Niall Ferguson: 'We’re All Soviets Now' (The Free Press)


    To hear Francis on The Daily T, listen here:


    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 



    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 19, 2024

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    Zelensky says Ukraine will join Nato 'when war ends' & deep dive into Ukraine's counter-offensive

    Zelensky says Ukraine will join Nato 'when war ends' & deep dive into Ukraine's counter-offensive

    Day 503.

    Today, we bring you news from NATO’s summit in Lithuania, look in more detail at the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south and around Bakhmut; and David speaks to an American listener who hosted a Ukrainian family for many months last year.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Tony Diver (Whitehall Editor). @Tony_Diver on Twitter.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant

    Find out more: 

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Zelensky fires top general and why does the EU continue to buy Russian gas?

    Zelensky fires top general and why does the EU continue to buy Russian gas?

    Day 633.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from the frontline, including President Zelensky's decision to sack a senior general, and why the EU is still buying Russian gas.


    Dominic Nicholls (Host, Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter.

    James Kilner (Editor of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin). @jkjourno on Twitter.

    Find out more:

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 1457 - Is Ukraine Going To Be A Stalemate?

    Ep. 1457 - Is Ukraine Going To Be A Stalemate?

    Defense analysts say that the war in Ukraine may be a stalemate; Russia claims it used a hypersonic missile; and China continues to play both sides.

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    Russia captures town in battlefield ‘victory’ & how to open a new front in Putin’s propaganda war

    Russia captures town in battlefield ‘victory’ & how to open a new front in Putin’s propaganda war

    Day 732. Today, we assess the latest battlefield developments as Russia seizes settlements around Avdiivka, discuss important political debates about armament, and look at what advice history gives in combating Russian propaganda and how to open a new front in the information war.


    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    With thanks to Peter Pomeransev. @peterpomeranzev on X.

    Peter's book, How to Win an Information War, is out now.

    Antony Beevor on Putin’s Stalin-like blunders, Lenin and Hitler: https://youtu.be/DFW5V4IB_PA

    Two Year Anniversary Special, Live from Kyiv:


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.