
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Common Ground through Shared ExperiencesDespite differences, enjoying shared experiences and simple pleasures can bring people together.

      Despite our differences, we can still find common ground and enjoy the moment. This was evident in the conversation between Kayla and Steve, who initially seemed to have little in common, but ended up bonding over music. The excitement over the new KFC chicken nuggets also served as a reminder that simple pleasures can bring people together. Kayla's enthusiasm for the new KFC nuggets showcased her appreciation for delicious food and the joy it brings. Meanwhile, Steve's role as a music producer highlighted his expertise and passion for music. Despite their different interests, they found common ground in their love for music and had a laugh over their shared experience of enjoying it. Moreover, the conversation demonstrated the importance of being present and enjoying the moment, as emphasized by Kayla's reminder to "just enjoy the moment" and not worry about joining in or fitting in. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of shared experiences and the importance of appreciating the simple pleasures in life.

    • Friends sharing music through a listening partyHonesty and genuine connection are essential when sharing and appreciating music with friends

      The discussion revolved around two friends, Joe and the speaker, sharing and reacting to music through a listening party. The speaker curated a list of songs, being honest about their feelings towards each one, without trying to impress or win favor. They intentionally kept the titles hidden from Joe to maintain an unbiased listening experience. The first song they listened to was "Velvet, Gloves, and Spit" by Timber Tomba. Joe expressed his dislike for the song due to the lack of vocals in the beginning. The conversation was filled with humor and playful banter, adding to the overall enjoyment of the experience. The friends' dynamic showcased the importance of honesty and genuine connection in sharing and appreciating music.

    • Discovering a deeper connection with 'Velvet Gloves and Spit'Initially dismissive, Joe found deeper appreciation for a new band's unique sound, reminding him to keep an open mind to new music.

      Despite initial reservations, the song "Velvet Gloves and Spit" by Timbre & Tonbre grew on Joe, revealing a deeper connection and potential appreciation for the band's unique sound. The song's melancholic tone and late-night cinematic vibe eventually resonated with him, evoking feelings of sadness and introspection. Although Joe initially found the band's title a bit try-hard, he acknowledged that there might be more to them than just this one song. Overall, the experience served as a reminder to keep an open mind and give new music a chance, even if it doesn't immediately grab your attention.

    • Power dynamic in music selectionBeing informed and knowledgeable about music influences final selection, and different approaches to curating playlists exist.

      The power dynamic in their music selection process shifts significantly when one person has more knowledge and experience than the other. In this conversation, Joe is the more knowledgeable one, and his opinions carry more weight. The other person, who initially expresses their own opinions, ends up just agreeing with Joe and hanging on his every word. They also discover that a song they both liked ended up on Joe's playlist instead of their own. This highlights the importance of being informed and having a strong understanding of music to influence the final music selection. Additionally, the conversation reveals that both individuals have different approaches to curating their playlists, with one preferring to keep adding to an existing list and the other considering starting new ones for specific genres or moods.

    • Sharing the Joy of Discovering New MusicDiscovering new music can bring joy and a desire to share it with others. Consider exploring an artist's discography for more gems.

      The speaker deeply enjoyed the music they discovered and wanted to share it with the listener. They appreciated the build-up of the track with additional instruments and vocals, and the overall mood it created. The speaker has a habit of getting attached to songs and listening to them excessively, but in this case, they recommended checking out the whole album from the band Phoenix, which they hold in high regard. They mentioned that the first album from Phoenix, released in 2005, is their favorite and encouraged the listener to explore the band's discography. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for the music was contagious and led to a recommendation for the listener to give it a try.

    • Music preferences are subjective and influenced by personal experiencesPeople appreciate or dislike songs based on their musical tastes and how they perceive others' reactions

      Sometimes people's musical preferences can be subjective and influenced by their personal experiences and perceptions. During a podcast discussion, a listener recommended the song "Blender" by Belgian artist Charlotte Adégérie, describing it as electro-experimental and political with dark humor. However, another listener, who is a fan of pop music, found it confusing and less enjoyable due to its minimalistic and experimental nature. The discussion touched upon the idea that people might appreciate or dislike a song based on how it aligns with their musical tastes and how they perceive others' reactions to it. The listener who was less fond of the song felt a bit irritated and unsure of his opinion, drawing parallels to the Emperor's New Clothes story. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of respecting individual musical preferences and understanding that everyone's experiences with music can be unique.

    • Subjective nature of music appreciationMusic taste is influenced by personal preferences and education. Keep an open mind to new genres and artists.

      While some people may find minimal, spoken-word music intriguing and artful, others might not immediately connect with it. Personal preferences and musical education can influence one's perception of such music. The speaker in the conversation found a particular track minimal and hard to remember, but acknowledged that it might grow on them with time and education. They also compared it to other minimal, spoken-word artists like Wet Leg. Overall, the conversation highlights the subjective nature of music appreciation and the importance of keeping an open mind.

    • The Influence of Social Pressure on Music ChoicesSocial pressure can impact our music preferences, but it's essential to trust our instincts and express our opinions confidently, even if they differ from popular opinion. Knowledge and expertise in music can also enhance our enjoyment and ability to articulate why we like certain songs.

      Music taste is subjective, and it's important not to let the opinions of others dictate our own preferences. In the conversation, Joe was hesitant about adding a new song, Charlotte Adigiuri, to his playlist due to concerns about what others might think. However, he eventually realized that his friends' opinions were more important to him than his own initial reaction to the song. This highlights the influence that social pressure can have on our music choices. Additionally, the conversation revealed that Steve, who had a more immediate and positive reaction to the song, knew more about music and was able to articulate why he enjoyed it. This demonstrates the value of having knowledge and expertise in a particular area and being confident in sharing our opinions. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of trusting our own musical instincts and not being afraid to express our preferences, even if they don't align with the popular opinion.

    • Appreciating each other's unique music tastes and the joy of sharingThrough sharing music playlists, individuals can deepen connections by appreciating each other's unique tastes and enjoying the anticipation and discovery of new music together.

      During their conversation, the speakers expressed their appreciation for each other's unique perspectives and the enjoyment they get from sharing music through playlists. The speakers found joy in the anticipation of hearing each other's opinions on various songs and the discovery of new music. They also discussed the organization and personalization of their playlists, comparing it to radio stations and creating a connection through their shared love for music. The conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and the power of music to bring people closer together.

    • Exploring music preferences and listening habitsPeople have different ways of creating playlists - some prefer entire albums, while others select by year or genre, and appreciate artists with strong political messages. The shift from physical media to digital streaming platforms continues.

      Our conversation revealed the differences in listening habits between creating playlists based on whole albums versus selecting individual songs. While one person prefers to listen to entire albums, the other creates playlists by year and occasionally includes single songs. The conversation also touched upon the appreciation for artists with strong political messages and the shift from physical media like CDs and vinyl to digital streaming platforms. Additionally, there was a shared enjoyment for French pop and avant-pop artists. The conversation was an enjoyable exploration of music preferences and the evolution of listening habits.

    • Appreciating unique perspectives and insightsEmbrace curiosity, learn from each other, and appreciate the value of unique perspectives and insights, even if individual knowledge gaps exist.

      Knowledge and expertise come from various sources and experiences. In the discussion, it was acknowledged that some people may not know as much as others, but that doesn't diminish their value or intelligence. Instead, it's essential to appreciate the unique perspectives and insights each person brings to the table. Furthermore, the conversation highlighted the importance of sharing knowledge and discovering new things together. Listening to an album, such as "Permanent Shade of Blue by Rocheford," was suggested as a way to deepen understanding and enjoyment of a topic. The act of creating a playlist and sharing music also fosters connection and collaboration. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing curiosity and learning from one another, regardless of individual knowledge gaps. It's through these exchanges that we can broaden our horizons and grow both personally and collectively.

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    Spirit Machines on Van Sessions at The Monarch

    Spirit Machines on Van Sessions at The Monarch

    Recorded during Ogden's First Friday Art Stroll. Supported by a generous grant from Ogden City Arts along with love from The Monarch!


    Thanks to everyone who came out to the live show! Join us every First Friday for recordings at The Monarch Building in Ogden, Utah.





    Song 1 - Terminal 51

    Song 2 - Zober

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    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/04OoBhcDI15hx2mvPzh6g4?si=rdtJ268bR7Ggc8grCBTKtg





    The Monarch Building: https://themonarchogden.com/

    Ogden City Arts: https://ogdencity.com/707/Arts

    Locals Rock: https://www.instagram.com/localsrock/



    Producer / Host: R. Brandon Long, The Banyan Collective

    Logistics / Bookings: Todd Oberndorfer, The Banyan Collective

    Audio Mix: Scott Rogers, The Proper Way

    DOP: Dixon Stoddard https://www.instagram.com/studios_d21/

    Video Assistant: Isla Ryan Long

    Photography: Avery Atkinson



    Van Sessions Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vansessions/

    Van Sessions Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thevansessions

    Van Sessions YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@vansessionspod


    Our “Patreon,” Like what you hear, buy us beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/banyanmedia


    The drive behind Van Sessions is to create a music discovery community for Northern Utah musicians to share their work, refine their craft, and network with other artists.


    Van Sessions helps support local musicians, photographers, and videographers through our project. Show your support for local artists by subscribing to Van Sessions on YouTube @vansessionspod or search "Van Sessions Podcast" on your favorite podcast platform.


    Join us live at the Monarch in Ogden every First Friday to be a part of the free concert and video podcast recording.


    Bookings: todd@thebanyancollective.com


    #spiritmachines #vansessions #thebanyancollective #music #podcast #localmusic #musicdiscovery

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