
    John Fetterman and Symone Sanders-Townsend on House Chaos (Live from DC!)

    enOctober 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unprecedented chaos in US Congress over Speaker electionCongress gridlocked due to lack of clear leadership and deep-rooted disagreements between parties, preventing legislative progress and leaving government uncertain.

      The ongoing struggle to elect a new Speaker of the House in the United States Congress has resulted in chaos and gridlock, with Republicans blaming Democrats and vice versa. Kevin McCarthy's failure to secure the position after being ousted 16 days ago has left the party without clear leadership and direction. The lack of a cohesive party platform and the inability of its members to work together have made the situation even more complicated. This impasse has prevented any legislative progress and has left the government in a state of uncertainty. The situation is unprecedented and has led to widespread embarrassment and frustration. The only way out of this mess is for the parties to come together and find a compromise, but with deep-rooted animosity and disagreements, it remains to be seen how this will unfold.

    • Republican infighting during speaker electionRepublicans prioritized personal gain, TV appearances, and fundraising over effective governance, leading to extreme policy views and toxic behavior that the majority of Americans reject.

      The current state of the Republican Party and its right-wing media are characterized by individuals who prioritize personal gain, television appearances, and fundraising over collaboration and effective governance. This was exemplified in the recent speaker election, where representatives like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and others acted more like toddlers playing in parallel rather than a cohesive team. Despite being in districts won by Joe Biden, some Republicans still voted for Jordan, potentially making them political liabilities in the future. It's crucial for the narrative to be shared that these representatives supported an agenda with extreme policy views and toxic behavior, which the majority of Americans reject. The speaker race may not be a topic a year from now, but the story of Republican extremism and its consequences will remain important.

    • Impasse in US House Speakership ElectionThe US House Speakership election remains unresolved, with Jim Jordan holding on to votes and no clear Republican frontrunner. The lack of a Speaker could lead to a government shutdown, emphasizing the need for a bipartisan solution.

      The Speakership election in the US House of Representatives is at an impasse, with no clear resolution in sight. Jim Jordan is holding on to votes despite poor meetings with holdouts, and there seems to be no Republican with enough support to secure the position. The government faces a funding deadline, and the lack of a Speaker could lead to catastrophic consequences. A bipartisan solution may be necessary, as it was in the past to keep the government running. Meanwhile, John Fetterman, the junior senator from Pennsylvania, shared his recovery progress after a stroke and spoke about the importance of technology for people with disabilities. He also opened up about his struggle with depression and the decision to seek help and speak publicly about it.

    • Overcoming Adversity: Personal Struggles and Political ChallengesRecovering from physical or mental adversity needs resilience and seeking help. Mental health awareness is crucial, and those struggling should seek assistance. Political life presents challenges like media scrutiny, but focusing on larger issues is essential for positive impact.

      Overcoming adversity, whether it be physical or mental, requires resilience and the willingness to seek help when needed. The speaker discussed his personal experience of recovering from a stroke and dealing with depression, emphasizing the importance of mental health awareness and encouraging those struggling to seek help. He also touched on the challenges of political life, including the media scrutiny and the importance of focusing on larger issues rather than trivial matters. Despite the difficulties, he emphasized the importance of perseverance and the potential for positive impact.

    • Speaker supports Israel, criticizes Hamas and media, calls for Menendez resignation, expresses confidence in Biden for 2024Speaker advocated for Israel, criticized Hamas and media for false narratives, called for Menendez resignation, and expressed faith in Biden's reelection efforts

      During a discussion on the ongoing conflict in Gaza, a speaker expressed their strong support for Israel and criticized Hamas, emphasizing the importance of neutralizing the militant group despite potential civilian casualties. They also criticized some media outlets for spreading false narratives about the source of a hospital explosion. Regarding domestic politics, the speaker called for the resignation of Senator Bob Menendez amidst allegations of bribery and acting as a foreign agent, expressing disappointment that some Democrats have not followed suit. Finally, the speaker expressed confidence in President Biden's ability to keep Pennsylvania in the Democratic column in the 2024 election.

    • Biden's Diplomacy in Israel Yields ResultsPresident Biden's diplomacy in Israel resulted in humanitarian aid to Gaza and $100 million in aid to Palestinians, marking his bold approach to foreign policy and emphasizing the importance of supporting allies for national security.

      President Joe Biden's recent diplomatic efforts in Israel have yielded significant results, including convincing Prime Minister Netanyahu to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza and pledging $100 million in aid to the Palestinian people. This marks Biden as the only president to visit two active war zones and emphasizes the importance of supporting America's allies for national security. The trip and subsequent Oval Office address came after intense planning and high stakes, with domestic political considerations likely playing a role. Despite some concerns about the perception of America's involvement in Israel's response, Biden's diplomacy aims to encourage caution and potentially save civilian lives. Overall, Biden's bold approach to foreign policy demonstrates his commitment to addressing complex global issues.

    • Biden's Israel visit driven by ties, expertiseThe administration faces criticism for prioritizing foreign policy over domestic issues and humanitarian crises in Gaza. Generational divide and shifting US priorities require a nuanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      President Joe Biden's decision to visit Israel during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas was driven by his deep personal and political ties with Israeli leaders and his long-standing expertise in foreign policy. However, the administration faced criticism from some Democrats, particularly younger ones, for not addressing domestic priorities and humanitarian issues in Gaza sooner. There's a generational divide within the Democratic Party regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the administration needs to acknowledge and address these concerns to maintain support. Additionally, there's a growing sentiment among Americans, especially younger generations, that the US should prioritize domestic issues and allocate more resources to address them. The administration's $100 billion aid package for Israel, Ukraine, and domestic priorities did not mention the latter in the president's speech, which could be a vulnerable spot going forward. The conflict has exposed the need for a more nuanced and inclusive conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian issue, focusing on the importance of both Israeli and Palestinian security and the necessity of a two-state solution.

    • Recognizing the Complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictSupport both sides' humanity and rights, avoid violence and terrorism, educate ourselves, and strive for understanding, nuance, and compassion.

      It is essential to recognize the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and support the humanity and rights of both Israelis and Palestinians. It is possible to believe in Israel's right to exist and defend itself while also acknowledging the suffering and poor representation of people in Gaza and the West Bank. The use of violence and terrorism by organizations like Hamas only pushes people away from supporting both sides. Additionally, it is crucial to educate ourselves on the history and context of the conflict and avoid equating groups like Hamas with social justice movements. The information environment we live in can make it challenging to take a pause and recognize the common humanity between people on both sides. Ultimately, we must strive for understanding, nuance, and compassion in our discussions of this complex issue.

    • Record-high distrust in US politicsAmericans hold deep distrust towards politicians and institutions, impacting voter support for indicted politicians and requiring Democrats to reconsider messaging to connect with disillusioned voters

      The political environment in the United States is more cynical, distrustful, and angry than ever before, and this could explain why Donald Trump's indictments have not significantly impacted his support among voters. According to a recent Pew poll, 85% of Americans believe that politicians don't care about people like them, and 8 in 10 think the political system doesn't work. Distrust of the federal government, Supreme Court, Congress, and media is at an all-time high. These findings suggest that the old models of politics may no longer apply, and Democrats need to reconsider their messaging to address the deep-seated distrust and frustration among the electorate. Ultimately, saving democracy may be the goal, but appealing to voters who feel disconnected from the political system will be crucial for success.

    • Effective communication goes beyond foreign policyCandidates need to address domestic concerns and offer solutions to connect with voters, while media should ask questions beyond foreign policy to allow for a comprehensive discussion of plans for the economy, healthcare, and other key issues.

      In the current volatile political climate, candidates like Joe Biden need to effectively communicate their message beyond just criticizing their opponents. While addressing international crises is important, they must also address domestic concerns and offer solutions to connect with voters. The media also has a role to ask questions beyond just foreign policy and allow candidates to discuss their plans for the economy, healthcare, and other key issues. By doing so, candidates can present a compelling case for why they should be voted for, rather than just focusing on what their opponents have done wrong. This approach can help Democrats win over voters in key races, including the presidential, senate, and gubernatorial elections.

    • Middle East peace talks and domestic issues connectedBiden's foreign policy impacts domestic issues, Virginia's political landscape uncertain, potential Republican trifecta could undo recent Democratic progress

      The Middle East peace talks and their potential impact on domestic issues like gas prices are interconnected in the minds of many Americans. Biden's foreign policy decisions, such as visiting Israel to prevent a proxy war, can have significant domestic consequences. Meanwhile, in Virginia, the state's political landscape remains tenuous, with a Republican governor pushing for an abortion ban in a state that has not yet enacted one since Roe v. Wade. A Republican trifecta in Virginia could undo recent Democratic progress on issues like Medicaid expansion, gun safety legislation, and teacher pay increases.

    • Virginia Elections Could Impact Women's Rights, Education, and Federal ProgressRepublican win in Virginia could lead to restrictive abortion laws, book bans, and federal dysfunction, but Democrats must focus on their progressive agenda and address voter concerns while emphasizing positive policy impacts.

      The 2023 Virginia elections are of paramount importance as they could impact women's rights, education, and the federal government's progress. If Republicans win, they could potentially enact restrictive abortion laws, ban books, and cause federal dysfunction. Virginia serves as a bellwether state, and its outcome could influence the country's future, including the presidency and the US Senate. Republicans have a history of effective messaging, often based on divisive issues, but Democrats must stay focused on their progressive agenda and the importance of their actions. In Virginia, issues like education and abortion rights remain contentious, but it's crucial to remember the bigger picture and the long-term implications of the election. While the economy and inflation are concerns for some voters, Virginia's low unemployment rate shows that the state's economy is thriving. Democrats should address these concerns while emphasizing their commitment to progress and the positive impact of their policies.

    • Addressing voter concerns on crime, safety, reproductive rights, and vulnerable communitiesDemocrats need to address pressing voter concerns with stronger messaging and action, while Jennifer Carol Foy's campaign donates to Virginia candidates and encourages involvement to protect democracy. A new book, 'How to Save Democracy (or Else)', supports Vote Save America and other campaigns.

      Despite Virginia's economic success under Democratic leadership, there are pressing concerns among voters about crime and safety, as well as reproductive rights and the protection of vulnerable communities. Democrats must address these issues with stronger messaging and action. Additionally, Jennifer Carol Foy's campaign has donated over $150,000 to Virginia candidates and encourages supporters to get involved and help protect democracy in the state. A new book, "How to Save Democracy (or Else): 10 Easy Steps," co-authored by Crooked Media, will be released in June 2024, with profits going towards supporting Vote Save America and other campaigns.

    • Fear and courage in humanitarian crisesChef Jose Andres shares experiences of losing team members while helping in war-torn Ukraine, but remains motivated to make a difference. He emphasizes taking risks, speaking up, and being present on theground for meaningful change.

      Fear and courage can coexist, especially in the face of humanitarian crises. Chef Jose Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen, shared his experiences of losing team members while trying to feed people in war-torn Ukraine, yet feeling more motivated than ever to make a difference. He emphasized the importance of taking risks, speaking up, and being present on the ground to bring about meaningful change. World Central Kitchen, which started as a response to the Haiti earthquake in 2010, has expanded its operations to include countries like Ukraine, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, where they provide essential aid and support communities in need. Despite the challenges, Andres remains committed to creating longer tables where people can come together, respect each other, and find common ground.

    • Unity, respect, and understanding in a diverse worldJose Fernandez emphasized the importance of unity, respect, and understanding, and encouraged more women in leadership roles. He also emphasized the need for better leaders and bipartisanship. In a fun moment, Jose participated in a blind TikTok food trend ranking game.

      Regardless of our religious or cultural differences, we should come together, respect each other, and learn from one another to build a better world. Jose Fernandez emphasized the importance of having more women in leadership roles, as they bring a unique perspective based on their experiences as mothers. Jose also expressed his thoughts on the need for better leaders and the importance of bipartisanship. In a lighter moment, Jose participated in a game ranking TikTok food trends, but with a twist - the rankings were blind. Despite the challenge, Jose remained a gracious and entertaining participant. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of unity, respect, and understanding, as well as the power of humor to bring people together.

    • A playful discussion about food and politicsThrough humor and wit, the speakers engaged in a thoughtful and respectful dialogue about food and politics, emphasizing the importance of democracy and diverse viewpoints.

      Despite the seemingly chaotic and absurd nature of the conversation, the speakers were engaging in a playful and creative discussion about food and politics. They debated the merits of various dishes and politicians, using humor and wit to express their opinions. The conversation showcased the speakers' unique perspectives and demonstrated the power of language to bring people together, even in the midst of disagreement. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of democracy and the value of diverse viewpoints. While the specific dishes and politicians discussed may not have been of great consequence, the conversation itself highlighted the importance of engaging in thoughtful and respectful dialogue.

    • Tasting and Rating Unconventional DishesThe group enjoyed unconventional dishes, with Fruit Roll Up ice cream receiving the highest rating and counter nachos sparking controversy. Personal experiences and political views added depth to the conversation.

      The group discussed and rated various dishes, including Fruit Roll Up ice cream, deconstructed burritos, and counter nachos. The Fruit Roll Up ice cream received the highest rating, while the counter nachos, which involved eating them directly off the counter, received a controversial yet intriguing assessment. The group also touched upon their personal experiences and shared their political views, adding an entertaining and thought-provoking layer to the discussion. Ultimately, the conversation showcased the unique dynamics and perspectives of the hosts, making for an engaging and entertaining episode.

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    Legacy media fails to understand that when they attack the Republican—in the case of Herschel, one of Georgia’s favorite sons—while ignoring all the radical past and leftwing politics of Raphael Warnock, the Democrat, that imbalance is seen and understood by Peach State voters.

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    Hewitt: Legacy Media's Diminished Ability to Influence Elections

    Hewitt: Legacy Media's Diminished Ability to Influence Elections

    The 2022 election has been fun to watch. First, legacy media came at J.D. Vance in Ohio, and the attacks bounced off. J.D. will win comfortably. Then legacy media came after Dr Oz and ignored both the left-wing extremism of John Fetterman—and now his disability from a stroke. Oz has surged. So now legacy media wants to destroy Herschel Walker over anonymous and unproven allegations.

    Legacy media fails to understand that when they attack the Republican—in the case of Herschel, one of Georgia’s favorite sons—while ignoring all the radical past and leftwing politics of Raphael Warnock, the Democrat, that imbalance is seen and understood by Peach State voters.

    They know that President Biden and Chuck Schumer have Warnock’s vote 100 percent of the time. 

    When Herschel wins on November 8, legacy media will get an assist—because you can’t fool Georgians about elites from Manhattan and the Beltway pushing their agenda through the politics of personal destruction.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.