
    Jon Lindbergh

    enSeptember 26, 2021

    About this Episode

    About this Episode
    See the full show notes at: https://www.TheLindberghs.com/74
    Hi friends, it's Lyn.
    This summer of 2021 Erik's father, Jon Lindbergh passed away. Jon was the oldest surviving child of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Anne was pregnant with Jon when they lost their first born, Charles Junior.
    In this episode Erik and I sat down together in our studio and talked about Jon, what it was like for Erik to be his son, and how it informed who Erik is today. I'm proud of my hubby Erik for taking on this episode.
    This is a special recording. Erik and I twice tried to record this episode over the past couple of months but the timing wasn't right, there was still much process and grieve. We once even sat in front of the microphones, took a deep breath, and then abandoned the recording. Erik understandably wasn't ready. This week, the timing was right and Erik was ready to share. At the end of the recording we added a couple of clips of Jon Lindbergh sharing his favorite childhood memories. It is difficult for us to hear Jon's voice with his loss still so new and raw, but we wanted to share these voice clips to help keep his memory alive.
    I hope this episode brings you hope and healing among the parent-child relationships in your life.
    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode
    It was still bubbling and burbling and it comes and goes in waves. You feel great and then it hits you again.
    How to we navigate this stuff? It's painful no matter how you look at it.
    I'm a glass half full kind of guy.
    Keep talking to them [your children] because they may act like they are not listening, but they are.
    I have compassion for him [Jon Lindbergh] because he grew up in very different circumstances. He was always loving, but awkward.
    My dad, Larry Sanstrum, family was his life. Family was what he loved and thrived in. Family was his priority. Whenever I came home, Dad would stop everything he was doing and talk with me.
    It was sort of a right of passage with my Dad when you could go on the high-hunt in the North Cascades. It was a bonding and empowering experience we had over the years. This is what we did.
    I feel somewhat lucky in that I forgave him for his inadequacies, and I feel empathy for him, and I feel like he did the best he could which was inadequate. I'm probably inadequate as a father to my son, but I try and I try to do better, and give more, and give better. In that way we are all part of a circle. To forgive him is to forgive myself because it gives you permission to be who you are.
    When you have compassion for yourself, you can have compassion for others around you.
    Sometimes we say good parents have good kids, but we all know kids raised in amazing circumstances who end up screwed up, and we know the opposite.
    We need to be who we are, and that begins today.
    The house was not haunted when we lived there, it was probably us who haunted that house.
    Have empathy and love for the stuff that hurts and the stuff that doesn't make sense.
    Mentioned in this Episode

    Recent Episodes from The Lindberghs

    Season Four Finale!

    Season Four Finale!
    It's been an honor and a wild ride to have produced four seasons of The Lindbergh's Podcast. In this episode we each voted for our favorite episodes and shared why. If you are new to the podcast, this is a great way to get a sense of this season's content and where to begin.
    We are closing for the season but look forward to being with you again in March - May of 2022 where we will be marking the 95th anniversary of Charles A. Lindbergh's 1927 historic flight from New York to Paris.
    The top episodes of season four according to Erik and Lyn Lindbergh.
    The Most Fun
    Robert Ragazzino
    Impacted Lyn Personally the Most
    Barry Schiff
    Impacted Erik Personally the Most
    Jon Lindbergh
    Lyn: If you can only listen to one episode
    Dr. Daniel Mollicone
    Erik: If you can only listen to one episode
    Gordon Hempton
    Lyn wants Erik to listen to this episode again
    Gordon Hempton
    Erik wants Lyn to listen to this episode again
    Reeve Lindbergh & Dr. Francis Levine
    Voted Most Inspiring by Lyn
    Reeve Lindbergh & Dr. Francis Levine
    Voted Most Inspiring by Erik
    Jim Lovell
    Voted Most Inspiring by Erik
    Max Gurney and Captain Tim McCully

    Jim Lovell - Apollo 13, 50 years later

    Jim Lovell - Apollo 13, 50 years later

    What an honor to speak with Jim Lovell, Apollo 13 Astronaut, 50 years after his historic mission.


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.





    Dr. Daniel Mollicone - Fatigue

    Dr. Daniel Mollicone - Fatigue

    Dr Daniel Mollicone has helped pioneer the field of fatigue risk management. If you have been tired this week, or this year, then this is a conversation you don't want to miss. 

    See the full show notes here: https://thelindberghs.com/82 


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Kermit Weeks - Fantasy of Flight

    Kermit Weeks - Fantasy of Flight


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.


    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.

    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.



    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Erik and Lyn are Reemerging

    Erik and Lyn are Reemerging
    If you follow our podcast to learn more about us, this is the episode for you. Top secret skeletons, Tarzan, and tasty squirrels.


    The Lindberghs ALL SHOW NOTES



    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Turning 100 with Max Gurney and Captain Tim McCully

    Turning 100 with Max Gurney and Captain Tim McCully

    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    The Lindberghs
    enOctober 24, 2021

    Gordon Hempton - Sound Tracker

    Gordon Hempton - Sound Tracker

    Acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton has circled the globe three times in pursuit of the Earth’s rarest sounds. 

    See the full show notes at https://thelindberghs.com/78


    The Lindberghs ALL SHOW NOTES



    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Barry Schiff - Flying Then and Now

    Barry Schiff - Flying Then and Now

    Erik and I recently had an extraordinary opportunity to talk with someone who has been in aviation his entire life, flown more than most, and is an award winning journalist who has covered aviation for over 30 years.

    Barry Schiff is the perfect compliment to last week's episode because he is able to speak from the perspective of multiple generations. He has seen how aviation has changed and how culture around aviation has also grown and changed for both the good and the bad.

    I hope you enjoy this special episode with Barry Schiff.


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Thorny Topics with Reeve Lindbergh and Dr. Frances Levine

    Thorny Topics with Reeve Lindbergh and Dr. Frances Levine

    In this very special episode we bring together two of the foremost experts on Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh history and ask many of the hard questions.

    See the full show notes here: https://www.thelindberghs.com/post/charles-lindbergh-thorny 



    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.


