
    The Lindberghs

    Erik and Lyn Lindbergh celebrate people thriving through challenges and living their second chances. Erik is the grandson of famous aviator Charles A. Lindbergh.
    enLyn Lindbergh84 Episodes

    Episodes (84)

    Season Four Finale!

    Season Four Finale!
    It's been an honor and a wild ride to have produced four seasons of The Lindbergh's Podcast. In this episode we each voted for our favorite episodes and shared why. If you are new to the podcast, this is a great way to get a sense of this season's content and where to begin.
    We are closing for the season but look forward to being with you again in March - May of 2022 where we will be marking the 95th anniversary of Charles A. Lindbergh's 1927 historic flight from New York to Paris.
    The top episodes of season four according to Erik and Lyn Lindbergh.
    The Most Fun
    Robert Ragazzino
    Impacted Lyn Personally the Most
    Barry Schiff
    Impacted Erik Personally the Most
    Jon Lindbergh
    Lyn: If you can only listen to one episode
    Dr. Daniel Mollicone
    Erik: If you can only listen to one episode
    Gordon Hempton
    Lyn wants Erik to listen to this episode again
    Gordon Hempton
    Erik wants Lyn to listen to this episode again
    Reeve Lindbergh & Dr. Francis Levine
    Voted Most Inspiring by Lyn
    Reeve Lindbergh & Dr. Francis Levine
    Voted Most Inspiring by Erik
    Jim Lovell
    Voted Most Inspiring by Erik
    Max Gurney and Captain Tim McCully

    Jim Lovell - Apollo 13, 50 years later

    Jim Lovell - Apollo 13, 50 years later

    What an honor to speak with Jim Lovell, Apollo 13 Astronaut, 50 years after his historic mission.


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.





    Dr. Daniel Mollicone - Fatigue

    Dr. Daniel Mollicone - Fatigue

    Dr Daniel Mollicone has helped pioneer the field of fatigue risk management. If you have been tired this week, or this year, then this is a conversation you don't want to miss. 

    See the full show notes here: https://thelindberghs.com/82 


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Kermit Weeks - Fantasy of Flight

    Kermit Weeks - Fantasy of Flight


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.


    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.

    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.



    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Erik and Lyn are Reemerging

    Erik and Lyn are Reemerging
    If you follow our podcast to learn more about us, this is the episode for you. Top secret skeletons, Tarzan, and tasty squirrels.


    The Lindberghs ALL SHOW NOTES



    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Turning 100 with Max Gurney and Captain Tim McCully

    Turning 100 with Max Gurney and Captain Tim McCully

    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    The Lindberghs
    enOctober 24, 2021

    Gordon Hempton - Sound Tracker

    Gordon Hempton - Sound Tracker

    Acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton has circled the globe three times in pursuit of the Earth’s rarest sounds. 

    See the full show notes at https://thelindberghs.com/78


    The Lindberghs ALL SHOW NOTES



    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Barry Schiff - Flying Then and Now

    Barry Schiff - Flying Then and Now

    Erik and I recently had an extraordinary opportunity to talk with someone who has been in aviation his entire life, flown more than most, and is an award winning journalist who has covered aviation for over 30 years.

    Barry Schiff is the perfect compliment to last week's episode because he is able to speak from the perspective of multiple generations. He has seen how aviation has changed and how culture around aviation has also grown and changed for both the good and the bad.

    I hope you enjoy this special episode with Barry Schiff.


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Thorny Topics with Reeve Lindbergh and Dr. Frances Levine

    Thorny Topics with Reeve Lindbergh and Dr. Frances Levine

    In this very special episode we bring together two of the foremost experts on Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh history and ask many of the hard questions.

    See the full show notes here: https://www.thelindberghs.com/post/charles-lindbergh-thorny 



    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    Jon Lindbergh

    Jon Lindbergh
    About this Episode
    See the full show notes at: https://www.TheLindberghs.com/74
    Hi friends, it's Lyn.
    This summer of 2021 Erik's father, Jon Lindbergh passed away. Jon was the oldest surviving child of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Anne was pregnant with Jon when they lost their first born, Charles Junior.
    In this episode Erik and I sat down together in our studio and talked about Jon, what it was like for Erik to be his son, and how it informed who Erik is today. I'm proud of my hubby Erik for taking on this episode.
    This is a special recording. Erik and I twice tried to record this episode over the past couple of months but the timing wasn't right, there was still much process and grieve. We once even sat in front of the microphones, took a deep breath, and then abandoned the recording. Erik understandably wasn't ready. This week, the timing was right and Erik was ready to share. At the end of the recording we added a couple of clips of Jon Lindbergh sharing his favorite childhood memories. It is difficult for us to hear Jon's voice with his loss still so new and raw, but we wanted to share these voice clips to help keep his memory alive.
    I hope this episode brings you hope and healing among the parent-child relationships in your life.
    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode
    It was still bubbling and burbling and it comes and goes in waves. You feel great and then it hits you again.
    How to we navigate this stuff? It's painful no matter how you look at it.
    I'm a glass half full kind of guy.
    Keep talking to them [your children] because they may act like they are not listening, but they are.
    I have compassion for him [Jon Lindbergh] because he grew up in very different circumstances. He was always loving, but awkward.
    My dad, Larry Sanstrum, family was his life. Family was what he loved and thrived in. Family was his priority. Whenever I came home, Dad would stop everything he was doing and talk with me.
    It was sort of a right of passage with my Dad when you could go on the high-hunt in the North Cascades. It was a bonding and empowering experience we had over the years. This is what we did.
    I feel somewhat lucky in that I forgave him for his inadequacies, and I feel empathy for him, and I feel like he did the best he could which was inadequate. I'm probably inadequate as a father to my son, but I try and I try to do better, and give more, and give better. In that way we are all part of a circle. To forgive him is to forgive myself because it gives you permission to be who you are.
    When you have compassion for yourself, you can have compassion for others around you.
    Sometimes we say good parents have good kids, but we all know kids raised in amazing circumstances who end up screwed up, and we know the opposite.
    We need to be who we are, and that begins today.
    The house was not haunted when we lived there, it was probably us who haunted that house.
    Have empathy and love for the stuff that hurts and the stuff that doesn't make sense.
    Mentioned in this Episode
    The Lindberghs
    enSeptember 26, 2021

    The Press with Diane Murphy

    The Press with Diane Murphy
    About this Episode
    View the full show notes here: https://www.thelindberghs.com/74 
    Hi friends, it's Lyn.
    When I first started dating Erik almost eight years ago I did what any smart women does, I Googled him. Among his search results were a TEDx talk, a Wikipedia page calling him an American Aviator, and images of him standing on the wing of a small airplane raising his arms in victory. My favorite image was of him laying on his stomach on the ground next to that same plane giving the ground a kiss.
    Over the coming months I learned that these were images of his 75th Anniversary flight where he flew a single engine plane from New York to Paris solo to recreate his Grandfather's Flight. This flight was one piece of a larger story that helped jump-start the private space flight industry that we are seeing often in the news today.
    In today's episode, I had the opportunity to interview Erik along side his publicist Diane Murphy. I met Diane at my first XPRIZE Visioneering event. At the time I was finishing my 20th year as a corporate employee in a soul-sucking job. The people at Visioneering were so much more alive, vibrant, and excited to network and connect. These were my people! It was such a contrast to my current corporate management role where I constantly felt like I had to keep my personality partially under-wraps because I was too much, too loud, too optimistic, too happy. Diane was one of the amazing people I met and it was at this event that I realized I wasn't a complete weirdo. There was a world filled with humans that are full of life who also believed that problems are solvable and optimism is critical. It felt great!
    I went into this interview with Diane and Erik thinking it would be a rehash of history I had already heard a billion times. I left the interview reminded of how important human connections are and how making connections with others is what typically changes the trajectory of our lives. I left feeling a greater sense of accountability to my own ability to help others make connections in their own lives.
    This interview has pushed me to think more about the larger topic of networking and how the advantage goes to the person who has the connections. Proximity is everything. It reminded me to take the connections I have seriously and to help others also make connections with others. I've been thinking about this a lot.
    I hope you enjoy this interview and it also inspires you to look at the resources and connections you have and remember they are powerful tools to help others make the word a better place.
    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode
    What do I do? I chase stories. When you look at a story, you have to look at different tiers. When you add the personal element into a story, this is what makes the story.
    The numbers were staggering. We did 2,000 print stories, 1,700 radio and TV stories. This was before Social Media which was amazing. There were 1,000 internet stories which is amazing because this was before people really used the internet.
    We started practicing for your interviews. We went through every single possible question. I wasn't trying to change Erik's response, I was trying to get him to have clarity with his answers.
    That's the value of practicing in advance. You never should have to be thinking in the moment. Practice help this.
    I was hustler, I was a single mother of two kids and I needed money, and I wanted to be somebody. You can learn to take risks, and you can learn to chase those risks. I have no interest in taking on a client where everything is fine and good. All of my clients are doing something that nobody has done before. This is what excites me, this is what leads you to interesting people. Interesting people lead you into many, many, many different and interesting directions.
    When goes out of their way, your circle gets bigger, and your ripples get bigger.
    If I inspire one person by doing what I did, it's all worth it.
    Mentioned in this Episode


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.



    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.




    James R. Hansen - More History

    James R. Hansen - More History

    James Hanson - More history.

    About this Episode
    Hi It's Erik. During the first year of the Covid 19 pandemic, The Lindbergh Foundation shut down our external programs and met regularly over the phone. My question at that time was what asset do we have that has the most value to bring to the world?
    The answer kept coming back to us that our stories were the most important.
    The stories that started with Anne and Charles Lindbergh about their work in the world, and how the ripples that emanated from their exploration, innovation and writing inspired countless people to do leading edge entrepreneurial work that continues to ripple outward. The Jaques Custeau’s, the Neil Armstrongs, the Bertrand Piccards and the Sylvia Earles of the world who were in turn influencing and inspiring others like Gordon Hempton to do positive work on the planet.
    I started referring to the "Innovation Ecosystem” that my grandparents obviously cultivated in their lives that allowed them to have such a powerful influence on the 20th century. When our book committee interviewed author and historian James R. Hansen to author a book about this innovation ecosystem we were anticipating that the needed to include my Grandmother as an equal partner, and it should include the people my grandparents influenced and those who the Lindbergh Foundation supported over its 45 year tenure and how those people were continuing to change the world.
    Hansen, the author of First Man, a book about Neil Armstrong, was our unanimous choice as the right person to write such a book not only because Neil Armstrong was a friend and had many similar characteristics as my Grandfather, but because Hansen himself reminded us of Charles Lindbergh. He was fact oriented and deeply principaled. He was also fun and interesting to talk to, perhaps as a result of his experience teaching at Auburn University.
    His process of research and writing the prospectus for this book led to a conclusion that the best topic would be about my Grandparents relationship together. Life often gives us a place to consider our trajectory and pivot. James' conclusion was that the relationship between Charles and Anne gave us the perfect insight into these two people as we move toward the 100th anniversary of the New York to Paris flight.
    This episode is a fascinating discussion about two people who are still changing the world, but are as magnificent and they are flawed. I couldn’t imagine a better time to focus on this relationship than this age of the polarization, cancel culture, and the ever changing questions and needs of people in relationships today.
    I have been deeply moved by my conversations with James R. Hansen and hope you enjoy this interview with him.
    Erik Lindbergh
    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode
    I had thought that as a historian of flight with a long career, I thought I knew everything I might need to know about Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, but it blew my head thinking through what I have learned doing my research.
    It was me moving through Anne Morrow's diaries that led me to a better understanding of not only Anne, but of Charles and their relationship. I found a number of surprises there that I had not thought of before.
    Reeve [Lindbergh] said that the real thing that needs to be looked at to understand [Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh] is their own marriage and their relationship. The only way you can really make the case of the innovation ecosystem is to show how this was at work and growing together through [Anne and Charle's] relationship.
    The biographers job is to explain circumstances, attitudes, and decisions as best as I can so people will have a better understanding of what happened. I'm not looking to sensationalize anything, but the best, most thoughtful, and mature way to share the story.
    It's tricky. You don't want a history or biography book to be determined simply by today's values. If you apply certain social ideas, or economic ideas, or political ideas, or sexual ideas from today and you use them to go back and judge [these people in history] they lived in a different age and time with different mores. The best you can do is to try to explain them within the context of their time. There are some readers who are never going to understand that well enough. They are going to be too judgemental, they are going to use today's definitions of things and decide whether or not they like someone else's behavior in the past based on what is appropriate today. I don't know what to say to that except please consider the context [and] consider the time. The biographer who is looking at context and is not apologizing for it or defend it, but are trying to explain it. You want readers to be open minded and more historically sensitive to the time, the period and geography and everything that impacts culture. But sometimes that's a lot to ask of readers. This is especially at play with someone like Charles Lindbergh.
    You sometimes hear the criticism of the term Revisionist History. I more or less believe in the thought of defending revisionist history. The idea is when it's seen in its most negative light people are changing history to line up with some sets of values and attitudes from today. But the truth is historians are always revising. We are revising based on new material. For example if I had written a Lindbergh book 40 years ago and then I am going to write a Lindbergh biography today, to think that I'm not going to change my approach or findings is wrong because so much has been learned, there's new information, there's all of the writings of Anne published later in her life. It's not that you want to negate or cancel out, every generation has to come to terms with powerful issues in society and culture so that's part of it, but there is also new information. At what time will you say, "Now we've got it, there's nothing more." Who knows, there could be lost diaries or more information so you have to change it.
    When you're thinking of the 100th Anniversary, there needs to be look back at all of this; all of the things that have been written and perceived about them and all of it has to be taken into account. For 2027 there needs to be a comprehensive reexamination of the whole Lindbergh legacy. It's not to come up with new defenses, it's not to come up with new apologies, it's not to come up with new attacks. It's [simply] let's get our hands around this. Let's see what really is there, let's try to explain this as clearly and thoughtfully as we can, so people can come out of it with a better understanding of it all. Let's have a careful look at it all, put the truth out, and let the truth stand.
    We have to open to our mistakes and our failures. We learn more from them than from what we do right. Everything from mechanical things like your refrigerator, to married life. We have to be open to the idea that we can make mistake and we can fail. You have to look at what happened and why and then look at better ideas that can bring better outcomes. Life is full of ups, downs, challenges, and opportunities. Things will go wrong, identify them and then build from them.
    The parent is the child of the man.
    Mentioned in this Episode


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.





    Robert Ragozzino - SOS2

    Robert Ragozzino - SOS2

    Robert Ragozzino and the Spirit of Saint Louis 2!

    About this Episode
    Hi friends, its Erik here. This interview with Robert Ragozzino really struck a cord with me. I had retraced my Grandfather’s flights in 2002 on the 75th anniversary so I know a fair amount about flying across the Atlantic in a small single engine airplane. Maybe I know too much.
    During my preparation and flight training people asked me if I was flying in a replica of the Spirit of St. Louis. I said no, that would be crazy! And besides that, some guy did it 75 years ago. But now we are approaching the 100th anniversary and Robert Ragozzino has built a flyable near exact replica of the Spirit of St.Louis. He is in flight testing and planning to fly it across the Atlantic soon!
    I could say Robert is crazy. I’m qualified to say that because I too was crazy enough to do such a flight. However, Robert is imminently qualified. He flew an open cockpit biplane around the world. Roberts personality, candor, and humor shine in this podcast.
    There are those that don’t want Robert to do the transatlantic flight in the Spirit of St. Louis 2 (SOS2) and there are some who are concerned about the risk. My Grandfather faced the same pressure and criticism. The XPRIZE faced a very similar conundrum where the CEO’s and marketing people in a company saw huge potential, but the lawyers could only see their company logo on an experimental rocketship that could explode and damage their reputation. I hate this kind of mentality. We need to be able to take risks in this world or we become complacent and stagnant. I really appreciated getting to know Robert and am behind him one hundred percent.
    We hope you enjoy this episode with Robert Ragozzino as much as we did.
    Erik Lindbergh
    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode
    We are handcrafting a near exact replica of the Spirit of Saint Louis.
    We all know that crossing the Atlantic in an antique plane is risky. Only a fool would cross the Atlantic in an exact replica.
    I took six and a half years to build a 450 Super Stearman and I flew it solo around the world. This is the only solo open cockpit flight around the entire globe. 24 Countries, 54 fuel stops, every ocean, desert, jungle and polar region. Every leg was a challenge, whether it was weather, or maintenance, or machine gun toting guards in Pakistan, or generals sitting behind a desk glaring at you. The bottom line is the world treated me very well. When you show up in a red and white painted plane I was treated very well. It was an unbelievable experience.
    The lower you fly [in elevation] the more engaged you are.
    The only way to do it is to forge ahead against all odds. You wrestle it and in the end you have a beautiful crafted plane.
    At this point in the project I'm very familiar with the risk and the challenge. But the bottom line is, it's The Spirit and we love it.
    Next time you plan a family vacation, just try making your car.
    The Spirit is a national treasure.
    Lyn: What drives you to do this?
    Robert: You know there's a song, Don't let your son grow up to be a cowboy. When you hand-feed your child aviation, and the child grows up with a hunger and thirst for aviation, this is where you end up. You have an innate and historic thirst. I find myself turning the lights off in the hanger, looking at the Spirit and asking myself how you get here. How do you get here? You get here because it's a passion. It's not an obsession, it's a beautiful passion. It's way too much work with very little reward. It's comical the things people will say about an endeavor like this, but the strength comes from within. Why do you do it? You do it because you love airplanes.
    It's cliché, but follow your dreams.
    Mentioned in this Episode


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop, and Executive Producer of this podcast.





    Season 4 Premier!

    Season 4 Premier!

    Welcome to the season 4 premier of The Lindberghs Podcast.

    About this Episode

    Hi, it's Erik Lindbergh. Welcome to the season 4 premier of The Lindberghs Podcast! This season we are organizing our theme around the idea of the "Ripple Effect.” This is the idea that our work creates ripples that reverberate outward from our lives that touch, affect and inspire other people, and their work in turn ripples outward.


    My Grandparents both created ripples that spread around the world and are still rippling today. This season gives us an opportunity to explore some of those ripples and the people who are creating positive change in the world today. But life isn’t always a still pond, sometimes life rough and we struggle to breathe and stay afloat. Sometimes we cause negative ripples - does that define who we are? Why do people still call my Grandfather an antisemite? What is cancel culture? What happens when we rewrite history? What ripples are we each making today? How can you make a difference in the world today?


    As I write this I am grieving the death of my father Jon and quite literally struggling to breathe above the turbulent waters in my recent life. It helps me to move forward knowing I have things to look forward to and to strive for. How can I make strong ripples and inspire others to do the same? How can we balance advancing technology with preservation of the environment? Our future literally depends upon what we do consciously today and what we plan to do tomorrow. 


    In many ways this is the most exciting season yet. We have a formal partner in The Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation (which makes perfect sense), and we have guests that are leading edge thinkers, writers, hysterians (a pun at guests James Hansen and Frances Levines expense ;-) explorers and even a centenarian Max Gurney who is our honorary ambassador to Monaco and introduced me to HSH Prince Albert II who has agreed to become a centennial circle member helping with the 100th anniversary of my Grandfather's (hysteric ;-)) 1927 New York to Paris flight. 


    I hope that this season gives you inspiration and vision to help you spread positive ripples outward in your life.  Perhaps to have a positive influence on someone or make the connections for someone that can change someone else’s life for the better. That is my hope and our payload - Enjoy!



    Erik Lindbergh


    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode


    He was a great amazing quiet guy who chose the sea instead of the sky. [referencing Jon Lindbergh]



    The gift of the sickness reminded me that all of the other drama in my life doesn't matter without my health.



    When I look at what we've dealt with this summer of 2021 I realize that everything is solvable. I get a lot of comfort knowing issues can be solved.




    Mentioned in this Episode


    Season 4 of The Lindberghs Podcast was made possible by The Lindbergh Foundation.



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop and Executive Producer of this podcast.





    Season 3 Finale (2021) - Civics, Politics, and The Wool Face Mask Debate

    Season 3 Finale (2021) - Civics, Politics, and The Wool Face Mask Debate

    Hi there friends, it's Lyn.

    As I close out Season 3 of The Lindberghs Podcast I find myself drifting back to Spring of 2019 when we first started talking about bringing this show to you. Erik, the eternal optimist who is first in line to say anything can be done said, "No way...that's way too much work for a hobby." Me, the project manager by trade who can pull out an Excel sheet rapid-fire list every obstacle to success said, "Heck yea, we've gotta do this!"

    Friends, this was Spring of 2019. In Season One we were on a tra-la-la dance through the 40 episodes produced that season. We brought in amazing discussions about our world, aviation, Charles Lindbergh, and even produced an XPRIZE mini-series. I learned that I was actually a really great interviewer. Erik cried online - twice. I had the moves like Jaggar.

    We were flying high. Then blammo: 2020. How could I continue to produce uplifting podcasts in Season 2 without sounding tone-deaf? Where would we find guests when the events we normally attended had vaporized? And how do we keep funding this hobby when most of our work and speaking engagements were postponed until 2021. Cancel-culture had arrived in full-force. How could we continue to be true to ourselves without fear of being cancelled? 

    In other words, what the heck should I do with Season Two?

    I decided to call baloney-bunk on all of the swirl, not live in fear, and instead surf this wave of 2020 together with you. We started by dedicating an entire episode to listening skills because it seemed the world had completely forgotten how to listen. Then Erik and I came on and talked about our experiences in quarantine, the US Presidential Elections, and at one point took to drinking while recording. I remember one episode where Erik said, "We are doing good" and I quickly piped up, "No, I'm not good. I'm struggling. The isolation is killing me." 

    In comes Season 3. We are still in isolation with hints of the skies parting. We are somewhat back to normal but have this sense that normal no longer is relevant. Our episodes are a bit of an unbuckled road trip where we forgot our map at the gas station. One episode is about a man conquering world records, while another episodes is about me struggling with health issues and my struggle to get off a perspiration medication. Another episode highlights the very cool VeriJet company, while another talks of Pain and what our guests call The Great Ache. 

    My lesson, sometimes the best adventures can be unplanned.


    I am so grateful for this podcast and all of the connections and friends I have made. Yes, I'm talking about you! Our guests and our listeners give me more than I've ever given back. I smile more, I reflect more, I am reminded that I am not alone. For that, I'm forever grateful.

    Most podcasts die after six weeks or six episodes. We've made it two years and 70 episodes; and that makes me proud. Look ma, it did it!

    Season 4 begins runs September through November.

    I'll see you there!





    Our Favorite Quotes from this Episode


    Oh help, something's on fire!



    If you get an invite to have lunch with the prince, you go.



    Are you afraid they're going to lock you in a dungeon?



    My prediction is there will be a few blips and a few things that are a pain in the pewdinski, but I predict it will work out just fine.



    I have a pain in my pewdinski too.



    The more I get to know the Lindbergh history and the ripple effect; it is not all about airplanes but rather it's all about the preservation of the environment, preserving nature, and helping to develop the first heart-lung machine. There is a lot of goodness that came out of his legacy that people are not aware of.




    Mentioned in this Episode


    View the blog for this episode: www.thelindberghs.com/70


    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.

    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop.




    Dr. Pat Anderson: VTOL in 2021 Part Two

    Dr. Pat Anderson: VTOL in 2021 Part Two
    Our Favorite Quotes from Dr. Pat Anderson
    We are working in green aviation. Fuels is a hot topic again. There is one [fuel] that is looking to be promising.
    Fuel is what holds you away from earth.
    I'm all for being green. [To get there] you have to make a half-step first to get there. It's not only "can you do it" but it's also " is it commercially viable?"
    The energy content of liquid gas is 73x more energetic per pound than a battery pack. With an airplane, weight is the whole ball of wax.
    Mentioned in this Episode



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop.




    Eric Bartsch & Erik Lindbergh: VTOL in 2021 Part One

    Eric Bartsch & Erik Lindbergh: VTOL in 2021 Part One
    This is the first of two episodes on VTOL in 2021.
    Our Favorite Quotes from Eric Bartsch
    For all of the things we want to do in the industry, you're going to wait a lot of time for it to happen. If you want it now it's going to take hybrid systems.
    There are a lot of people captivated by the Tesla of the air. We are enamored by them and their stock price going up. The reality is there was 25 years between when the first hybrid electric cars hit the market and now. We need everything to be even higher performance and safer.
    To the point of hype, I think that happens in every industry. Anything that is exciting enough to be compelling will have a reality based side to it and a hype based side to it.
    It's a lot harder to do things in the real world than the virtual simulated world.
    In general [working during COVID] went better than we had expected. We were able to operate, function, and keep things going. But there were times in there where it looked scary, which was true for everyone.
    They [VerdeGo Aero employees] deserve a huge amount of credit for getting us through two generations of the best hybrid electric hardware in the world during covid. There's such a huge amount of dedication to getting the job done. We've got great people and that's what it comes down to. You need a strategy to get it going but you need great people to get the job done. I'm really thankful for the whole team we have on board and how they made progress doing really hard things that have never been done before.
    We are becoming the premier hybrid-electric team in the world.
    It's been a hard year. You've got to have a vision to get to the place on the other side. This last year there were a lot of individuals, families, and companies that were getting hit from so many directions. You've got to take time to put things together.
    As a leader you have responsibility for more than yourselves at all times. You have the responsibility to not only go through it yourself, but to help others get through it too.
    In December of 2019 I said okay [my health and fitness] has to change. You can't get around getting older, but the quality of life if you are able to get ahead of some of these [negative health] trends, it's a whole lot easier. Everyone's personal struggle is unique to them and getting ahead helps your quality of life immensely.
    I had to get [my health] in balance without any fad diet. I had to figure out how to do this for the rest of my life in a way that worked for me. For me it was about taking the mentality of balance.
    Mentioned in this Episode


    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop.





    The Lindberghs
    enMay 02, 2021

    Scott James, Post Pandemic Prepardness

    Scott James, Post Pandemic Prepardness

    Scott James leads one of the top performing preparedness organizations in the United States. In this episode he shares his perspective on the Covid pandemic and what we can do to prepare for the possibility of another one.

    See the full show notes here: 



    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop.




    The Great Ache - Brooke Dooley and Erahm Christopher

    The Great Ache - Brooke Dooley and Erahm Christopher
    Our Favorite Quotes from Brooke Dooley and Erahm Christopher
    Everyone seems to be in pain, and no one is listening. How do we heal?
    ~The Great Ache
    Listen: To pay attention to. When you truly begin to listen, you begin to discover that everyone lives a life of pain. ~Erahm
    The process of working on these project is so rewarding. It's very therapeutic for myself. There is therapy in the process...if you let it be. ~Brooke
    It helped me get in touch with my emotional side [and] what pain I have in my life. With different types of trauma we can detach ourselves and go into autopilot. We want people think about how the pain in their lives can be coped with. You don't have to disassociate from it but you also don't have to let it take over. ~Erahm
    A very traumatic incident in my life prompted me to explore the concepts in this work. It's interesting that it brought me back to pain. ~Eraham
    Everybody has their own definition of the word pain. Most people go to the physical definition of pain and only some go to the concept of emotional pain. The Great Ache is a universal ache that we all experience. Your pain might be associated with loss, my pain might be associated with a relationship, but this Great Ache is something we all deal with. We are not alone in dealing with pain. ~Eraham
    I found I was able to look at my emotional pain when my physical pain became unbearable. ~Erik
    People are afraid of the pain. ~Eraham
    We both realized the importance of creating content that provokes people to see a different perspective of themselves and of others, so they may have an ah-ha moment that will shift how they see themselves, and how they see others. ~Eraham
    We are trying to provoke your ability to see the good inside of themselves. ~Eraham
    I think the worst pain in any relationship of mine is when I don't feel heard. ~Erik
    When you give someone the opportunity to be heard, it's amazing what will change. ~Erahm
    Trauma is what happens when you have a difficult experience in your life without an having an empathetic witness. ~Lyn quoting Benjamin Hardy
    I grew up in an era where you needed to be strong and face the bullies with strength, no tears. It was a man-culture thing. I think this can be extremely unhealthy because you stuff these things and they go underground and they manifest in other ways constantly under your skin like an infection. ~Erik
    In 2020, not being okay become okay. I hope we can hold onto this lesson and remember that we are still human. ~Lyn
    It's so complex. Pain, vulnerability, trauma, mental illnesses, what does it mean to be masculine and feminine is so complex. The more that we talk about these words and not be afraid of sharing how we feel is a key thing. ~Brooke
    I used to be afraid of sharing what I feel because I didn't want my feelings to bother someone else. It's such a twisted way to think. Everyone should have the freedom to be able to share how they feel and not feel like they will be hurt, judged, attacked, or put in a box...and then have someone on the other end to listen. ~Brooke
    It's very curious when we pay attention to our bodies and our triggers. This is an important doorway to help us be aware of how we are feeling. ~Brooke
    Mentioned in this Episode
    • Erahm Christopher - Co-producer of The Great Ache
    • Brooke Dooley - Co-producer of The Great Ache
    • The Great Ache
    • The Body Keeps the Score by Bressel Van Der Kolk, M.D.


    The Lindberghs Podcast is a production of Erik Lindbergh and his wife Lyn Lindbergh.


    Erik is the Chairman of The Lindbergh Foundation, Executive Chair of VerdeGo AERO, and an expert back country skier.




    Lyn is an award winning author, Host of The Health and Fitness Motivation Podcast, Founder of Couch to Active, and Creator of ListeningSkills.Shop.


