

    en-usApril 01, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Social media popularity can shift rapidlyNoah Beck shared his experience of going from a buzzworthy figure to feeling less relevant on TikTok, emphasizing the evolving nature of social media platforms and the public's shifting perception.

      The dynamics of popularity and influence in the social media world, specifically on TikTok, can change rapidly. Noah Beck, a guest on the podcast, discussed his experience of going from being a buzzworthy figure to feeling less relevant. He mentioned how the media attention and public perception can shift, leaving some individuals feeling like they've lost their "it" status. Beck also shared his observations on the evolving nature of social media platforms, noting that the constant buzz around certain individuals or events can eventually subside. Despite these changes, Beck expressed that he and the podcast hosts maintain a positive relationship, with mutual respect and admiration for each other.

    • Navigating Demographic Shifts and Criticism as a Social Media PersonalitySocial media growth and demographics can change, requiring adaptability and collaboration. Content can be perceived differently, but maintaining authenticity and enjoyment is key.

      The excitement and buzz around new social media personalities can fade over time, and demographics can shift as content evolves. The speaker shared their experience of rapid growth in followers, mostly females, but then expanding to a more balanced demographic as they collaborated with other influencers and showcased different content. They also discussed the misconception that they use their podcast for clout and the challenges of scheduling interviews with high-profile guests. Additionally, they reflected on a past incident where they unintentionally danced to a news clip of the White House burning down and the backlash they received. Overall, they acknowledged that their content and public image can be perceived in various ways, but they see their work as simply enjoyable and not problematic.

    • Making tough career decisions based on personal reasonsIt's important to prioritize personal fulfillment and happiness in career decisions, even if it goes against the conventional path.

      Making a drastic career decision, like giving up a potential professional soccer career for personal reasons, can be a difficult and complex process. During the conversation, it became clear that the speaker had a strong drive to succeed in soccer and was on the brink of turning pro. However, he ultimately chose to prioritize his personal life and well-being over his career aspirations. The speaker's decision was met with surprise and intrigue, as it's not a common choice for someone with his level of talent and potential. It's important to remember that everyone's priorities and circumstances are unique, and making a decision that goes against the conventional path can be a valid and meaningful choice. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that personal fulfillment and happiness are essential components of a successful and fulfilling life.

    • Following your passion can lead to unexpected opportunitiesPassionately pursuing a dream can result in financial rewards and unexpected opportunities, even if it means deviating from a traditional career path.

      Following your passion can lead to unexpected opportunities and success, even if it means giving up a traditional career path. The speaker, who had a dream of becoming a professional soccer player, found himself turning to TikTok when he was sidelined due to the pandemic. He quickly gained a large following and was approached with brand deals, which presented an opportunity that was too good to pass up, despite the financial differences between TikTok earnings and a soccer salary. The speaker's family supported his decision, and he was able to purchase a Tesla with his earnings. While he still misses soccer, he acknowledges that he made the right choice. The conversation also touched on the differences in salaries between soccer and TikTok, with the speaker noting that a top TikToker's earnings are significantly less than a professional soccer player's salary.

    • Past misunderstandings and complications between speakers lead to heated exchanges and public commentsDespite past complications, speakers found humor in some situations and acknowledged potential negative consequences of public comments and rumors in social media.

      The speakers in this conversation had complicated relationships and encounters with each other in the past, leading to misunderstandings and confusion. One speaker expressed concern over another's relationship with an ex, leading to heated exchanges and public comments. Another speaker mentioned a group of friends, known as the Nuggies, who were rumored to have fake relationships for social media. The speakers also discussed a prank involving a stripper that went viral and caused reactions from them. Despite the past misunderstandings and complications, the speakers seemed to have moved on and found humor in some situations. However, the conversation also highlighted the potential negative consequences of public comments and rumors in social media.

    • Impact of context and societal norms on reactionsMisunderstandings and societal norms can lead to overreactions. Considering other perspectives and empathizing with people can help resolve conflicts. New experiences can lead to personal growth and exciting opportunities.

      People's reactions can be influenced by the context and information they have. In the discussed situation, a misunderstanding led to an overreaction because one person didn't have all the facts. Additionally, societal norms and expectations can impact how people perceive and respond to certain actions, especially when they challenge gender roles. The individual in the conversation learned to consider other perspectives and empathize with people in different situations. Furthermore, the experience opened up new opportunities for him, such as modeling, which he found exciting and fulfilling. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of communication, understanding, and being open to new experiences.

    • Discussing the creation of a TikTok house and drafting influencersChoosing influencers with a strong online presence and dynamic brand image can lead to lucrative brand deals and ads in the digital age.

      The group was discussing the concept of creating a TikTok house, where they would each draft a male and female TikToker, a YouTube star, and an influencer for their virtual house. The conversation revolved around the importance of choosing individuals with a strong online presence and dynamic brand image to maximize potential earnings through brand deals and ads. The group debated the merits of different strategies, including drafting themselves and considering canceled individuals, ultimately deciding against formal drafting. The conversation also touched on the importance of considering individuals with a sense of humor and the ability to make light of themselves. The group's discussion showcases the importance of strategic thinking and understanding the value of online presence in the digital age.

    • Discussing ideal collaborators for a hypothetical projectConsidering factors like popularity, brand fit, and potential financial gain, individuals prioritize collaborators based on potential benefits and dynamics.

      The discussion revolves around a group of individuals choosing their preferred collaborators for a hypothetical project, prioritizing factors such as popularity, brand fit, and potential for financial gain. The conversation reveals the importance of considering the dynamics of a potential collaboration and the potential benefits it could bring. Additionally, the use of strong language and emotional reactions highlights the intensity and competitiveness of the situation. It's important to note that this conversation is not a reflection of actual events, but rather a hypothetical scenario.

    • The Blurred Line Between Influencers and EntrepreneursElon Musk, Gary Vaynerchuk, and others show the overlap between having a strong online presence as an influencer and building a successful business as an entrepreneur.

      During a conversation about influential figures, the line between being an influencer and a successful entrepreneur became blurred. The speakers discussed various individuals, including Elon Musk and Gary Vaynerchuk, and debated whether they should be considered influencers due to their significant online presence. The discussion also touched upon the topic of boxing and the impact of losses on a person's reputation. Ultimately, the speakers agreed that being an influencer or a successful entrepreneur involves having a strong online presence and engaging with a large audience. The conversation highlighted the importance of understanding the nuances of these roles and the overlap between them.

    • The Influencer World: Diverse Sources of IncomeSome influencers earn most from brand deals, while others gain wealth through equity and consulting. Griffin, for instance, is predicted to be rich due to smart business moves. Production quality also plays a role, with some reaching late-night TV standards.

      The influencer world is a dynamic and lucrative landscape, with various individuals making significant money through different means. During a conversation, Noah discussed the various houses in the influencer world, revealing that some make the most money through brand deals, while others earn through equity and consulting. For instance, Griffin, who is often overlooked, is predicted to become one of the richest social media influencers due to his smart business moves behind the scenes. Additionally, the production quality of influencer content continues to rise, with some, like Dixie's, reaching late-night TV standards. Overall, the influencer world is a complex ecosystem where success can come from various sources, and those who can navigate it effectively will reap significant rewards.

    • A possible setup for a fight between Bryce Hall, Taylor Holder, and Stromedy at BoaOnline personalities may intentionally provoke conflict for clout and views, blurring the lines between real and staged interactions.

      The interaction between Bryce Hall, Taylor Holder, and Stromedy at Boa was likely a setup for a fight, with Stromedy attempting to goad Bryce into a physical altercation for the sake of clout and views. The conversation, which was recorded and shared online, featured Stromedy making provocative comments and challenges towards Bryce, who remained calm and avoided engaging. Stromedy's team later reached out to the podcast to propose an interview, but no decision had been made at the time of the discussion. The incident highlights the blurred lines between real and staged conflict in the online world, with both parties potentially benefiting from the attention and engagement generated by the situation.

    • Understanding missed opportunities with influencersBeing aware of current situations and prepared to act quickly can help you capitalize on opportunities with influencers. Missed collaborations with David Dobrik and the Super Bowl selfie kid illustrate this importance.

      Social media can be unpredictable and timing is everything when it comes to collaborations or interactions. The speakers in this conversation discussed missed opportunities with influencers David Dobrik and the Super Bowl selfie kid. Dobrik reached out to them for a potential collaboration, but the timing didn't work out due to negative publicity. The Super Bowl selfie kid, on the other hand, had repeatedly tried to get in touch with them, but they weren't interested due to his fame for taking a selfie. These examples illustrate the importance of being aware of the current situation and being prepared to act quickly when opportunities arise. Additionally, the speakers discussed the breakup between Mads Lewis and Jaden Hossler and how Mads unfollowed both Jaden and Nessa. They speculated that Mads may have done this because she was no longer living with them and saw no reason to continue following them. Overall, this conversation highlights the dynamic nature of social media and the importance of being adaptable and aware of the latest trends and developments.

    • Unexpected challenges to trust and loyalty in friendshipsCommunication and understanding are crucial in navigating difficult situations in relationships. Trust can be fragile and requires an open mind and empathy.

      Trust and loyalty in relationships can be put to the test in unexpected ways, even among close friends. During a company meeting, the speaker received disturbing information through a TikTok video involving his best friend Jaden and his ex-girlfriend Nessa. The speaker's initial reactions were a mix of protecting his friend's reputation and acknowledging the potential for jealousy and hurt feelings. The incident highlighted the complexity of relationships and the importance of communication and understanding in navigating difficult situations. The events unfolded in real-time, and the speaker and his friend Josh discussed their thoughts and reactions before sharing them publicly. The experience served as a reminder that trust can be fragile and that it's essential to approach situations with an open mind and empathy.

    • The complexities of relationships and external factors fueling emotionsUncertainty and external factors can lead to jealousy, confusion, and sadness in relationships. Communication and trust are crucial for navigating these emotions.

      Relationships can be complex and the uncertainty of a situation can lead to feelings of jealousy, confusion, and sadness. The speaker is currently dealing with the emotional aftermath of a break from his girlfriend, Nessa, who has been focusing on her mental health and personal growth. Simultaneously, he has witnessed the public perception of her collaborating with another artist, Jaden, which has fueled rumors and jealousy. The speaker's emotions are further complicated by Jaden's apparent reach-out, leaving him unsure of the situation and feeling like he's been kept in the dark. Ultimately, the speaker expresses his belief that someone is intentionally causing drama and lying, but he acknowledges that the truth will eventually come out. This experience has highlighted the importance of communication and trust in relationships and the potential for external factors to negatively impact one's emotions.

    • Friend's relationship falloutRelationships can be complicated, public splits can add to the confusion, and open communication is key.

      Relationships can be complex and messy, especially when external factors come into play. The speaker in this conversation is dealing with the fallout of a friend's relationship, and feeling torn between supporting the people he cares about while also trying to navigate the situation himself. He expresses frustration over the public nature of the breakup and the assumptions being made about the situation. Ultimately, he believes that there were underlying issues in the relationship that led to its demise, and that the public nature of the split has only added to the confusion and pain. The speaker also acknowledges the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunications in relationships, and the importance of open and honest communication. Despite the challenges, he remains committed to being there for the people he cares about and finding a way forward.

    • The Complexity of Social Media and Fan CommunitiesSocial media can lead to confusing situations, especially for public figures and fan communities. It's important to practice responsible moderation and communication to avoid unnecessary drama and potential harm.

      Social media can lead to complex and confusing situations, especially when it comes to public figures and fan communities. The discussion revolves around a situation where a content creator, Nessa, was allegedly an admin of a group chat where fans were body shaming Mads Mikkelsen. Nessa reportedly read the messages but did not intervene, leading to backlash and accusations. The speaker expresses frustration with the situation, questioning why Nessa was even an admin in the first place and why people would start drama by making her an admin and then taking screenshots. The speaker also shares their own experiences with group chats and unwanted messages on social media. They suggest that it's best to avoid engaging in personal life with fan pages and to use the restrict mode to avoid unwanted interactions. The controversy surrounding Nessa and the situation with Mads Mikkelsen highlights the potential downsides of social media and the importance of responsible moderation and communication.

    • Navigating complexities of social media relationshipsGive credit to creators of social media trends to maintain authenticity and respect in digital friendships.

      Social media can bring unexpected interactions and challenges, even between individuals who may seem to have a strong connection. The speaker's interaction with Addison, a young influencer, led to a misunderstanding and anxiety, but ultimately resulted in a deeper friendship. However, the discussion also highlighted the importance of giving credit where it's due, especially in the context of social media trends and viral dances. The speaker expressed frustration over the lack of acknowledgement for the creators of these trends and the potential consequences of not giving credit. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexities of navigating relationships and social norms in the digital age.

    • Artists pushing boundaries and sparking controversyArtists like Lil Nas X and Chet Hanks challenge norms and provoke strong reactions through their work, blurring the lines between art, entertainment, and personal expression.

      Artists like Lil Nas X continue to push boundaries and spark controversy with their work, as seen in his recent music video featuring him and the devil. The reaction to this video has been intense, with some people expressing outrage over the use of religious themes and imagery. Meanwhile, Chet Hanks has made headlines for his own rules for white boys, aiming to help them evolve and avoid certain fashion trends. The lines between art, entertainment, and personal expression remain blurred, leading to ongoing debates and discussions. It's clear that these artists are not afraid to challenge norms and provoke strong reactions from their audiences.

    • Chet Hanks' Cultural Appropriation and Communication MishapsMisunderstandings and mistakes can happen, but it's important to own up to them and find a way to move forward.

      Chet Hanks, a public figure, has faced criticism for appropriating Jamaican culture and attempting to change his name to distance himself from his perceived "white boy" image. Meanwhile, the speakers share their own experiences with miscommunications and misunderstandings, including accidentally sending messages to the wrong people and inviting the wrong guests to events. Despite these mishaps, they emphasize the importance of owning up to mistakes and finding a way to move forward. In a lighter moment, they also discuss the origin of their term "smoke show" and the meaning behind the word "hardo." Overall, the conversation touches on themes of identity, communication, and the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Misunderstandings in relationships and communicationApproach new relationships casually, communicate openly, and avoid jumping to conclusions to prevent misunderstandings.

      Miscommunications and misunderstandings can lead to awkward situations. Whether it's accidentally inviting the wrong person to an event or sending the wrong message to the wrong person, these mistakes can cause discomfort and confusion. In the case of romantic relationships, it can be challenging to discern someone's true intentions. The advice given was to approach situations casually and not get too attached until after getting to know someone better. Ultimately, it's important to communicate openly and honestly to avoid misunderstandings and to approach new relationships with a clear mind. Accidents happen, but it's how we handle them that matters. So, take things slow, communicate clearly, and don't jump to conclusions.

    Recent Episodes from BFFs with Dave Portnoy, Josh Richards, and Brianna Chickenfry



    We’re back with a new episode to discuss this week’s headlines - Justin Timberlake’s arrest ahead of his World Tour, Taylor Swift’s murderous Kim K mashup & performing with Travis, the viral Hawk Tuah girl, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Dave had the time of his life at the Celtics Parade, Josh has returned from Cannes & Kouvr/Alex’s wedding, Bri wants to set up Dave & Tara Yummy, Tana & Brooke proved Dave wrong, and we Read Comments. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Chill out this summer with Raising Cane’s Iced Tea! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Visible: Switch now at https://www.visible.com Topgolf: Book A Bay Today! For more details, visit https://topgolf.com/bffs ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We’re back with Moobie and Kelly filling in for Josh once again while he’s away at Cannes to discuss this week’s headlines - Joe Alwyn finally opens up about his split with Taylor Swift, Bill Belichick is dating a 24-year old, Dave reacts to Chappell Roan, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Bri celebrated her 25th birthday, Dave reveals why he didn’t attend the Celtics’ winning game, and we have a Guess The Meme Rematch. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Chill out this summer with Raising Cane’s Iced Tea! Order online at https://www.raisingcanes.com. Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers. One Love. Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). Visible: Switch now at https://Visible.com ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We’re back with a new episode to discuss this week’s headlines - Caitlin Clark was left off the Olympics team, Dave reacts to the Please Please Please music video, Bri talks about Zach’s new album. We finish with BFFs Corner where Alex Cooper was asked to throw the first Red Sox pitch before Dave, Dave’s celebrity encounters at the Celtics, Bri addresses her friendship rumors, and we Read Comments. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Summer with Raising Cane’s Iced Tea! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Visible: Switch now at https://Visible.com ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We're back with special guest Adam22 while Bri is away. We discuss Adam22's BMX beginnings, his rise to fame, No Jumper, his relationship with Lena the Plug, and whether or not he broke up Sean Evans and Melissa Stratton. The boys then get into this week's headlines - Caitlin Clark & Chennedy Carter, Jake Paul V Mike Tyson is postponed, Alix Earle & Xandra at Sports Illustrated Swim, Josh and half of TikTok were onstage with Zach Bryan, and more. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Grab Life By The Chicken Fingers And Savor The Day! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). Visible: Switch now at https://Visible.com ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We’re back with a new episode to discuss this week’s headlines - Taylor Swift vs Billie Eilish, North West’s Lion King performance, Nicki Minaj’s arrest, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Alex Cooper replies to the Moobie theory, Josh addresses the rumors, Miss Peaches went missing, and we read comments. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Grab Life By The Chicken Fingers And Savor The Day! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). Visible: Switch now at https://Visible.com ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We are joined this week by our Josh replacement, Moobie and Smelly. We discuss all that’s changed for Moobie since she last appeared on BFFs, her stump and new catchphrases, graduating college, Smelly being hired at Barstool, and the rumors that Alex Cooper is stealing Moobie from Dave. The group then gets into this week's headlines - Harrison Butker’s controversial commencement speech, J Lo and Ben spark divorce rumors, Landon Barker covered his Charli D’Amelio tattoo, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Bri met Lana Del Rey, Miss Peaches received the Bone to Miami, and we play Guess The Meme. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Satisfy your Cane’s fix today. There really is no other option. Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We’re back with a new episode to discuss this week’s headlines - Netflix removed the Stoolies Kim K boos, Drake surrenders, Eras Tour updates, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Sage Steele responds to Dave, Dave’s CHD episode released, Ryan Garcia’s DMs with Gabi, and we play a new game, Who Posted It. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Grab Life by the Chicken Fingers and savor the day! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Visible: Switch now at https://Visible.com Topgolf: Visit https://topgolf.com/bffs to book a bay and come play around. ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We’re back with a new episode to discuss the Drake and Kendrick beef and diss tracks, Tom Brady’s roast, the best and worst looks at the 2024 Met Gala, and this week’s top headlines. We finish with BFFs Corner where Jaden took shots at BFFs, Dave’s Call Her Daddy experience, Dave squashes his beef with Grace, and we Read Comments. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Come for the chicken fingers and stay for sauce! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We’re back with a new episode to discuss this week’s headlines - Dave at the Heat game, the fallout from The Tortured Poets Department, Noah Cyrus comments on her alleged love triangle with her mom, Alex Cooper’s wedding, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where Miss Peaches was the guest of honor at her first Gala, a fan got engaged in a BFFs hoodie, and Dave puts Grace in the hot seat. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Come for the chicken fingers and stay for sauce! Order online at https://RaisingCanes.com Gametime: Download the Gametime app or go to https://gametime.co, enter your email, and redeem code BFF for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). Visible: Switch now at www.Visible.com ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod



    We're back with a new episode to discuss this week's headlines - Dave reacts to Taylor Swift's new album, Bri comes for the Swifties, diss tracks galore, and more. We finish with BFFs Corner where we get an Eras Tour jacket update, Bri asks Dave a very important question, and we Read Comments. ----------------------------------------------------- Support Our Sponsors! Raising Canes: Come for the chicken fingers and stay for sauce! Order online at RaisingCanes.com Rhoback: Visit Rhoback.com, and use the code “BFF” for a generous 20% off your first purchase through the end of this week. ----------------------------------------------------- Check out the BFFs Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bffspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BFFsPod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bffspod Discord: https://discord.com/invite/QpnRVGTCMU Follow Dave Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoolpresidente/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stoolpresidente?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjzu5cycWNzMl4G803BA8jIKbLAjqyptl6tS74NCymRyGl72NCg65DXJl1czTQ0gqsPZqoKeVmGTS0PLJIwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAINC_ElRR-l1RCcnEjOZhNO-9wOzAMf-YHXqRY8vvG9bEhMRa6iu23TaE3JPZYXBD&share_author_id=6659752019493208069&share_link_id=B4EBAADC-E562-4E55-9052-BA7E38708665&tt_from=sms&u_code=d4kdeamhi4b7m6&user_id=6659752019493208069&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6882816990987027974&is_from_webapp=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente Follow Josh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshrichards/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshrichards?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshRichards Follow Brianna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briannalapaglia/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@briannachickenfry?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/bchickenfry?lang=en Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.com

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod

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    Discovering Clarity One Bite at a Time course is now available!



    “Every single one of us is born without self belonging…somewhere along the way our self belonging forms in that space” - Paul Haury


    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Brown bottle flu reference

    Belonging by Owen Eastwood. 
    Brain Rules by John Medina. 


    About Paul Haury:

    “I guide people to experience belonging, in self-belonging, in their own brilliance, and within their company tribes, to really live & perform better than they ever imagined. In my most recent endeavors, I've served as VP of people & culture and as a professional coach, specializing in belonging and optimal performance for individuals and OrgDev. I believe we perform at our highest when we belong, and believe in shared purpose together. There, we simply fear less and aspire more.”

    Check out Paul’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.



    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.