
    Podcast Summary

    • Criticizing Polls and 'Fake News'Kyle Kalinsky argues polls are inaccurate due to response demographics and criticizes the misuse of 'fake news'. The group stresses the importance of questioning media sources and practicing critical thinking.

      The reliability of polls and news, particularly the term "fake news," is a topic of debate during the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Kyle Kalinsky, a guest on the show, argues that polls are not an accurate representation of public opinion due to the demographic of those who respond. He also criticizes the use of the term "fake news," stating that it was originally used by Hillary Clinton and has since been misconstrued as a Trump-coined term. The group also discussed the media's role in shaping public opinion and the importance of questioning the sources of information. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism towards information presented by the media and pollsters.

    • Propaganda and Fear Driven Iraq WarPolitical leaders manipulated fear and propaganda to push for war in Iraq without concrete evidence, supported by sensationalist media. Authoritarian regimes use repression and fear to maintain power, and history shows the path to dictatorship is not impossible. Trump's rhetoric and failure to end wars raise concerns about potential power abuse.

      During the build-up to the Iraq War, political leaders like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Colin Powell used fear and propaganda to push for immediate action, despite lacking concrete evidence of weapons of mass destruction. This disinformation campaign was supported by the media, who prioritized sensationalism over fact-checking. Meanwhile, authoritarian regimes like Iran continue to execute citizens for peaceful protests and hold power through repression and fear. History shows that the path to dictatorship is not impossible, and the expansion of surveillance and security states under previous administrations sets a dangerous precedent. Trump's rhetoric about wanting to be a dictator and his failure to end wars highlights the potential for abuse of power. The intelligence agencies are powerful entities, and challenging them can have serious consequences.

    • Continued military interventions and wars fueled by economic incentivesBoth Democratic and Republican administrations have prolonged conflicts for economic reasons, raising concerns about the military-industrial complex's influence on politics and media's role in shaping narratives and avoiding controversial topics.

      Despite the political rhetoric, both Democratic and Republican administrations have continued military interventions and wars, raising questions about the economic incentives behind prolonged conflicts. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of action to end wars and the influence of the military-industrial complex on politics. The conversation also touched on the media's role in shaping narratives and avoiding controversial topics. For instance, Chris Cuomo's handling of his brother's involvement in nursing homes during the pandemic and the controversy surrounding his workout videos. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the strange case of Wolf Blitzer and the jobs argument regarding weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and contradictions in American politics and media.

    • Turning the tables in politicsEffective use of offensive strategies in politics can divert attention from scandals and shift focus back to issues. Agencies' power can provide benefits and raise concerns.

      In today's political climate, going on the offensive and flipping the script can be an effective strategy for overcoming scandals. As an example, during the 2016 presidential debate, Donald Trump brought Bill Clinton's accusers to the debate and turned the tables on Hillary Clinton when asked about the Access Hollywood tape. This strategy diverted attention from the scandal and shifted the focus back to the issues. Additionally, the power and reach of executive agencies, such as the NSA, can be a double-edged sword, providing benefits in terms of national security but also raising concerns about privacy and potential misuse.

    • Balancing security and individual rightsThe conversation addressed concerns over effective and impartial courts, potential overreach in legal surveillance, and the impact on privacy and individual freedoms.

      While following the Constitution and due process are essential for legal surveillance activities, concerns exist regarding the effectiveness and impartiality of certain courts and the potential for overreach. The NSA's mass collection of metadata raises questions about privacy and individual freedoms. The historical context of political assassinations during the 1960s and the ongoing nature of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were also discussed. The conversation touched upon the need for productive outlets for violent tendencies and the complexities of societal norms towards violence. The debate highlighted the importance of adhering to the rule of law and the ongoing challenges of balancing security and individual rights.

    • Historical political rivalries and individual libertiesThroughout history, intense political rivalries have led to significant events, raising questions about individual liberties and government intervention. Some places still allow duels, and the issue of when law enforcement should intervene remains debated.

      Throughout American history, there have been intense political rivalries that have led to significant events, such as the famous duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. These incidents, which predate modern law enforcement and regulatory agencies, raise questions about individual liberties and the role of government intervention. Today, some places still allow duels or mutual combat, and the issue of when law enforcement should intervene remains debated. In the context of the current political climate, recent polling shows a larger lead for Joe Biden compared to past elections, but history has shown that election outcomes can still be unpredictable.

    • National polling close between Biden and Trump, Florida crucial for Trump's victoryBiden maintains lead in national polls, Trump needs Florida to win, older population in Florida leans towards Biden due to COVID-19 and Kobe Bryant handling.

      While the national polling numbers may not be significant in determining the outcome of an election due to the importance of the electoral college, the current race between Biden and Trump is exceptionally close. Biden has never fallen behind in national polling, but Trump's path to victory is narrow, and he must win Florida to have a chance. The state, which has a significant older population, is currently leaning towards Biden due to Trump's handling of the Kobe Bryant tragedy and the COVID-19 pandemic. The conversation also touched on the controversial figure of Alex Jones, who has made controversial statements about vaccines but also provides some accurate information. Jones has a history of mental health and substance issues, and his delving into conspiracies can be detrimental to his mental wellbeing.

    • 2020 US Presidential Election: A Close Race with Unprecedented TensionJoe Biden leads in polls but Trump can still win by focusing on Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Ohio. Mail-in votes may cause significant swings, and results might not be clear on election night, leading to potential unrest.

      The 2020 US Presidential election is expected to be a close race, with Joe Biden currently leading in the polls but Donald Trump having a narrow path to victory. This path includes winning Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Ohio, as these are the only swing states where Trump is currently ahead in the average of polling. However, the counting of mail-in votes could lead to significant swings throughout the night, making it important for people to wait for a significant percentage of votes to be counted before making conclusions. The election is also unprecedented in terms of political tension, with a high likelihood of unrest if the results are not clear on election night.

    • Society's Distractions Prevent Full-Blown Civil WarWhile societal tensions persist, the abundance of distractions and entertainment keeps civil war at bay. Confusion over charges and jurisdiction in the Kyle Rittenhouse case illustrates this, with historical context suggesting societal trends of hopelessness and disillusionment fueling violence and extremism.

      Despite the tensions and unrest in society, it's unlikely that a full-blown civil war will occur due to the abundance of distractions and entertainment available to people. Regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse case, there was confusion over the charges and jurisdiction, with Illinois not pressing charges but Wisconsin doing so. The family's actions and background were also discussed, with some believing they drove him to the protest. The broader societal trends of hopelessness and disillusionment were suggested as potential contributing factors to the rise in violence and extremism. The historical example of Hitler and the Treaty of Versailles was given as context.

    • The U.S. could have handled the economic situation better during COVID-19Instead of corporate bailouts, policies like wage replacement or UBI could have supported struggling individuals during the pandemic. Other countries effectively managed the crisis with limited shutdowns, mask policies, and wage support.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. could have handled the economic situation better by implementing policies like wage replacement or universal basic income instead of providing corporations with bailout money. Many people are struggling to pay bills and are facing eviction, and some have turned to hustling and grinding as a solution. Other countries, such as Japan and European nations, have effectively managed the crisis by implementing limited shutdowns, universal mask policies, and paying citizens a significant percentage of their wages until the situation improved. The lack of such measures in the U.S. has left many people in a precarious financial situation, and the expiration of protections like unemployment benefits and eviction moratoriums is only adding to their struggles.

    • Political gridlock in US response to COVID-19Despite calls for stimulus checks and relief packages, political gridlock and prioritization of political gain over public health hindered effective pandemic response in the US.

      While there are cultural differences between countries in their approach to government and individual freedoms, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States was marked by political gridlock and a lack of decisive action from certain leaders. This contrasted with other countries where more robust government intervention and support for their populace was implemented. In the U.S., calls for stimulus checks and relief packages came from various political figures, including the Democratic Party, but were met with resistance from some, including Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell. Trump and Mnuchin, on the other hand, supported stimulus checks as a means to boost their popularity before the election. The lack of a unified response and the prioritization of political gain over the well-being of the people was a significant hindrance to effective pandemic response.

    • Flint Water Crisis: Neglect of Basic Needs and InfrastructurePoliticians prioritize corporate interests, neglecting essential services and the needs of everyday people, as seen in the ongoing Flint water crisis.

      The Flint water crisis in Michigan, which started during the Obama administration and continues today, highlights the importance of addressing basic needs and infrastructure issues. Politicians often prioritize the interests of corporations and billionaires over their constituents, leading to neglect of essential services. Trump's successful 2016 campaign focused on addressing these concerns, but the economy was already struggling before the pandemic. The economy's health, as indicated by low unemployment and a strong stock market, does not necessarily reflect the well-being of the majority of people. The Flint water crisis serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing the needs of everyday people, regardless of political affiliations.

    • Exploring the interconnected issues of economic exploitation and ethical standardsThe pursuit of profit and political corruption can lead to exploitation and corruption in the economic system, resulting in a weakened middle class and questionable ethical standards. Consumers must consider the ethical implications of their purchases and corporations must be held accountable.

      The economic system, particularly in relation to globalization and corporate practices, can lead to exploitation and corruption, resulting in a weakened middle class and questionable ethical standards. The speaker argues that issues like outsourcing jobs, low wages, and unethical labor practices are interconnected and perpetuated by the pursuit of profit and political corruption. The use of technology, such as smartphones, can also contribute to these issues due to the exploitation of workers in manufacturing processes. The speaker challenges consumers to consider the ethical implications of their purchases and questions the responsibility of corporations to address these issues. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and interconnected nature of economic and ethical issues and the need for greater transparency and accountability.

    • Ethical concerns of technology productionDespite individual choices, systemic change requires collective action and international cooperation to address ethical concerns in technology production, including potential involvement of slavery and environmental impact.

      Our reliance on technology, particularly smartphones, raises ethical concerns, specifically regarding the sourcing of materials and the potential involvement of slavery in their production. The speaker expresses frustration with the constant need for new technology and the environmental impact, but acknowledges the complexity of regulating and ensuring ethical practices across the global supply chain. Ultimately, while individuals can make some choices, systemic change requires collective action and international cooperation. The conversation also touches on the paradox of using technology to raise awareness about ethical issues while potentially contributing to those same issues. It's a complex issue without easy answers, but the conversation underscores the importance of considering the broader context and impact of our consumer choices.

    • Fairphone's Ethical Production ChallengesFairphone's ethical production faces challenges due to the complexities of the supply chain and the need for systemic change, with corporations and consumers both playing roles in ensuring ethical labor practices.

      The production of fair phone products, free from child labor and slavery, is a complex issue that requires systemic change. The Fairphone, which boasts a 46-megapixel camera and Android 10 operating system, is not available in Vatican City due to ethical concerns. The organization behind it, Fairphone, plans to expand sales to other countries but faces challenges in making this happen quickly. The issue goes beyond individual consumer choices; it's about the entire supply chain, and the responsibility lies with corporations to ensure their suppliers adhere to ethical labor practices. Apple, known for its elegant design and financial success, is an example of a tech company with significant resources but faces criticism for its role in the supply chain. The problem extends beyond individual instances of slavery and requires systemic change. The conversation touched on the history of military intervention for resources and the parallel between past and present situations. The discussion underscored the importance of holding corporations accountable for their role in the supply chain and the need for consumers to make informed choices.

    • Politics and Power: Complexities and HypocrisiesPoliticians' scandals highlight unequal justice and power dynamics. Education affordability can reduce societal issues and create opportunities.

      The discussion touched upon the complexities and hypocrisies in politics and power, as illustrated by examples of alleged sexual misconduct by political figures and the unequal application of justice. The conversation also highlighted the issue of non-violent drug offenders being incarcerated while some politicians, who have been involved in scandals, have received lenient sentences. The importance of education and its affordability was also emphasized, with the suggestion that making it free and eliminating student debt could help reduce societal issues and create more opportunities for individuals. Overall, the conversation underscored the need for transparency, accountability, and fairness in politics and the criminal justice system.

    • Student loan debt crisis: A call for reformThe student loan debt crisis demands innovative solutions due to individuals acquiring debt for outdated education and overwhelming burden. Experts, not establishment figures, should lead the conversation towards practical, long-term solutions.

      The current student loan debt crisis warrants serious consideration and reform. Many individuals are accumulating debt for outdated or irrelevant education, and the burden can be overwhelming. Kanye West's thoughtful response to the issue, although unconventional, highlights the need for experts and innovative solutions. Additionally, the revolving door of career insiders in government perpetuates the status quo, hindering progress on critical issues like student debt. Trump's administration, despite campaigning as a populist, ultimately surrounded himself with the same establishment figures, leading to a lack of meaningful change. The media's relentless focus on scandals and personal attacks rather than policy debates further hinders productive dialogue and progress. It's crucial to shift the conversation towards practical, long-term solutions for the student loan debt crisis.

    • The Power of Political Campaigns and ControversiesTrump's unconventional campaign, allegations of Russian collusion, and divisive politics led him to win the presidency, highlighting the importance of understanding campaign nuances and media impact.

      Despite allegations of collusion with Russia during the 2016 election, Trump remained in power, and there were other forms of corruption at play. The discussion also touched upon Trump's populist campaign promises, his unconventional ads, and comparisons to other political figures. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the divisive nature of American politics and the power of the political establishment. Despite criticisms and controversies, Trump's message resonated with a significant portion of the population, leading him to win the presidency. The conversation also showcased the importance of understanding the nuances of political campaigns and the impact of media and entertainment on public perception.

    • Pennsylvania's Mail-In Votes Determine 2020 US Presidential Election OutcomeTrump leads in Florida, but needs Pennsylvania for re-election. Mail-in votes, which favor Biden, are still being counted, making the outcome uncertain. Record-breaking turnout for early and mail-in votes.

      The 2020 US Presidential election is a close race, with Pennsylvania being a crucial state for both candidates. Trump is currently leading in Florida, but needs to win Pennsylvania as well to secure his position. The mail-in votes in Pennsylvania, which have a strong lead for Biden, are still being counted, making the outcome uncertain. The turnout for early and mail-in votes has been record-breaking. Trump's campaign has released controversial ads attacking Biden, but their effectiveness remains questionable. The situation is fluid and the outcome is still uncertain.

    • Person's reasons for not voting in 2020Despite opposing both major candidates, some individuals chose not to vote due to pandemic concerns, belief in insignificant impact, and personal disagreements with candidates' past policies.

      This individual chose not to vote in the 2020 presidential election due to their opposition to both major candidates and the method of voting during a pandemic. They believe that Joe Biden is a lesser evil, but couldn't bring themselves to vote for him due to his past support for wars and policies they disagree with. They also felt that their vote wouldn't make a difference in a safe state like New York. The conversation touched upon the minimum wage, the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, and the importance of engaging in political discourse.

    • Unfair targeting of individuals by authoritarian governmentsAuthorities can misuse power to label and target individuals unfairly, while individuals in power should not overstep their boundaries and infringe on personal freedoms.

      Authoritarian governments can use their power to unfairly label and target individuals, as seen in the case of men from Long Island who were selling cars and trying to help people access credit, being painted as criminals. Confidence and appearance can be deceiving, as seen in the case of a California governor who was ruled to have exceeded his powers during the pandemic. It's important to remember that individuals in positions of power should not assume the role of lawmakers, and that infringements on personal freedoms, such as singing during Thanksgiving, can be seen as abuses of power.

    • Disagreement over COVID-19 singing restrictionDuring uncertain times, fact-check information before spreading it to prevent confusion and misinformation.

      During a discussion about potential new COVID-19 restrictions in California, there was a disagreement regarding the accuracy of information being shared. Some believed that the restrictions included a ban on singing at private gatherings, while others thought it was a hoax. After further investigation, it was found that the singing restriction was indeed part of the new guidelines, but the information had been misconstrued and taken out of context. It's important to fact-check information before spreading it, especially during times of uncertainty, to avoid confusion and misinformation.

    • Mandatory face coverings during singing, chanting, or exercising at gatheringsFollow mask rules during singing, chanting, and exercising at gatherings to reduce COVID-19 transmission risk. Maintain physical distancing beyond six feet for added safety.

      During gatherings, face coverings are mandatory while singing, chanting, or exercising due to the increased risk of COVID-19 transmission through respiratory droplets and aerosols. It is strongly recommended to maintain physical distancing beyond six feet during these activities. However, there are concerns about the enforcement mechanisms and the feasibility of implementing these rules in large gatherings, especially among younger populations. It's important to approach information from various sources with caution and be aware of potential biases.

    • Balancing Content Regulation and Freedom of ExpressionYouTube's content regulation practices raise concerns for independent creators, who may feel unfairly targeted and deprioritized, while platforms prioritize accurate information and respected news sources.

      The responsibility of content regulation on large platforms like YouTube is a complex issue. While smaller creators may feel unfairly targeted and deprioritized, platforms have to balance the need for accurate information with the freedom of expression. The speaker in this conversation expresses concerns about being labeled "borderline" and deprioritized on YouTube, despite having impressive view numbers. They believe this may be due to not being affiliated with a larger organization. However, the platform denies any intentional manipulation and attributes the shift in recommendations to a focus on respected news outlets. The speaker also criticizes the notion of designating certain outlets as "real" or "fake," and questions the credibility of sources making extraordinary claims without sufficient evidence. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the ongoing debate around content regulation and the potential consequences for independent creators.

    • Political Email Manipulation and Media AccountabilityConcerns over manipulated political emails and media's role in spreading false information. Emphasis on truth, transparency, and independence.

      The discussion revolves around the disturbing discovery of edited emails used as evidence in political conversations, specifically between Comey and Cruz. The speaker expresses concern over the manipulation of information by those in power and the lack of accountability for such actions. The speaker also criticizes mainstream media outlets for spreading false information and not acknowledging their mistakes. The importance of independence and staying true to facts is emphasized. The conversation also touches upon the influence of comedians like Jimmy Dore and the challenges of staying unbiased and unsponsored in media. The speaker expresses frustration over being accused of having a woman's voice directing the show and the ongoing tension and violence in politics. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of truth, transparency, and independence in a world where information can be manipulated and misrepresented.

    • Surprisingly close race in Texas and other statesThe 2020 U.S. Presidential election is a tight race, with Biden leading in electoral votes and Trump ahead in popular votes. Texas, a traditionally Republican state, is showing a close race, possibly due to population density, urbanization, crime rates, and government intervention in cities.

      The 2020 U.S. Presidential election is a close race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, with Biden leading in the electoral vote count but Trump ahead in the popular vote. The discussion also touched upon the surprising results in certain states like Texas, where the race is closer than expected. The group was surprised that Texas, traditionally a Republican state, was showing a close race. They speculated about the reasons for this, suggesting that population density and urbanization might play a role in voting patterns. The group also mentioned the impact of crime rates and government intervention in cities on voting trends. They noted that even Republican governors like Arnold Schwarzenegger have been elected in Democratic-leaning states like California during times of crisis or dissatisfaction with the status quo. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and nuanced nature of U.S. politics and the importance of understanding the various factors that influence voting patterns.

    • Texas Governor's Fund Shuffle and Political RealignmentGovernor Abbott's fund shuffle gave the appearance of defunding the police, but the money was still being used for the same purposes. Political realignment in Texas could impact Abbott's career. Uncertainty surrounds the presidential election, and potential use of the 25th Amendment raises concerns about a slippery slope.

      During a discussion about political developments, it was noted that Governor Abbott of Texas had shuffled funds from the police department to another agency, giving the appearance of defunding the police, but the money was still being used for the same purposes. This is part of a larger political realignment in Texas, and if the state stays blue, it could mean the end of Governor Abbott's political career. The conversation also touched on the upcoming presidential election, with uncertainty about the outcome and concerns about the competence of both candidates. There was a discussion about the potential use of the 25th Amendment to remove a president deemed unfit, but it was pointed out that this could be a slippery slope, as both parties could use it to their advantage. The importance of considering the universality of actions and the potential consequences was emphasized, using examples of violence and spying. The conversation ended with a reflection on the need for a principled approach to violence and self-defense.

    • Understanding the Dangers of Instigating ViolenceInstigating violence without considering consequences can be harmful. Veterans, who have experienced violence, should avoid promoting it. The political climate may not lead to a civil war, but manipulation and distractions are present. Always question motives and approach sensitive issues with reason.

      Calling for violence without understanding its consequences can be dangerous. Those who have experienced violence, such as veterans, should be the last ones to instigate it. However, the current political climate may not lead to a civil war, as there are distractions and positive changes like marijuana legalization initiatives. It's important to be aware of the potential manipulation by organizations like the FBI and to question their motives. Overall, it's crucial to approach sensitive issues with reason and understanding rather than resorting to violence.

    • Discussing the challenges of ethics, labor, monopolies, and free speech in the digital ageCorporations must address root issues like fair wages and labor conditions, tackle industry consolidation, treat social media as public utilities, apply consistent standards to online harassment, and promote ethical and kind discourse.

      The complex issues of corporate ethics, labor practices, monopolies, and free speech in the digital age require action from those in power. The conversation touched upon the absurdity of corporations paying lip service to social causes while not addressing the root issues, such as fair wages and labor conditions. The consolidation of power in industries like tech and telecommunications is a problem, and monopolies can stifle competition and freedom of speech. The new public square being social media platforms necessitates treating them as public utilities and expanding free speech protections. It's crucial to address the harm caused by online harassment and hateful messages, but it's essential to apply consistent standards and not let our biases dictate our responses. The medium of digital communication can be flawed, and it's essential to recognize the impact of our words on others and strive for ethical and kind discourse.

    • The importance of accurate information during electionsExcessive consumption of unverified information can lead to heated arguments and incorrect conclusions during elections. Patience and fact-checking are crucial for understanding the true outcome of the election, particularly in key battleground states like Pennsylvania.

      The current state of information distribution is akin to consuming processed food, which can be detrimental to one's wellbeing when consumed excessively. People, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, have become heavily reliant on online communication, leading to heated arguments and the spread of unverified information. The ongoing U.S. presidential election is a prime example of this, with individuals and media outlets eagerly sharing and interpreting partial information, often ignoring contradictory evidence. The importance of fact-checking and waiting for complete results cannot be overstated. The election outcome largely depends on the results in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, where mail-in ballots are still being counted. Trump's chances of winning hinge on his performance in these states, particularly Pennsylvania, which is currently reporting only 17% of the results. The election is far from over, and the importance of patience and accurate information cannot be overemphasized.

    • Skepticism about polls and the potential of independent candidatesThe political climate is uncertain, with skepticism about polls and the potential of independent candidates like Kamala Harris to make a difference.

      The current political climate is filled with uncertainty, as evidenced by the ongoing debate about the outcome of the Nevada election and the enthusiasm gap between supporters of the two major candidates. The speaker expresses skepticism about the polls and suggests that Kamala Harris might have a better chance as a presidential candidate if she were running independently. The conversation also touches on the perceived lack of authenticity and political instincts from some candidates, as well as the media's role in focusing on distractions rather than substance. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a desire for a more substantive discussion about policy and a move away from the sensationalism and distractions that often dominate the political landscape.

    • Framing of healthcare issues impacts public opinionUnderstanding how issues are presented shapes our views, such as healthcare, where differing framings lead to contrasting opinions on taxes and implementation methods.

      The way issues are framed and presented to the public significantly influences people's opinions and decisions. Healthcare, for instance, is generally agreed upon as a necessity for all, but opinions diverge when it comes to the implementation, such as socialized medicine versus private insurance. The issue becomes contentious due to differing framings and lack of transparency regarding how taxes are allocated. Countries with universal healthcare systems, funded through taxes, often have citizens who tangibly see the benefits, leading to a different perspective on taxes. However, challenges like immigration and border control arise when implementing such systems. It's essential to have open and honest conversations about these complex issues to make informed decisions.

    • A Fair and Humane Process for ImmigrationThe debate around immigration enforcement requires a fair and humane process, acknowledging the need for a system while avoiding divisive labels and oversimplification.

      The debate around immigration enforcement is complex and contentious. While some advocate for open borders, others believe in enforcement and a humane process for immigration. The use of criminal versus civil punishment is a key distinction. The speaker acknowledges that there is a need for a process to get into the country, but it should be fair and humane. The issue of immigration has become a hot button topic, with labels like "racist" and "Nazi" being thrown around. However, it's important to note that not all Democrats support open borders, and many prioritize issues like healthcare. The speaker also points out that Trump's rhetoric around immigration has contributed to the divisiveness on the issue. The speaker's position is that there should be a fair and humane process for immigration, but the current state of the debate is often oversimplified and emotionally charged.

    • The financial incentives of keeping marijuana illegalThe prison industrial complex benefits financially from having a large prison population, creating a system that treats people as income-generating batteries. Marijuana legalization could provide alternative employment opportunities.

      The prison industrial complex, including prison guards unions, has a vested interest in keeping marijuana illegal due to the financial benefits of having a large prison population. This system treats human beings as if they are organic batteries generating income. If marijuana were legalized or decriminalized, many people could find alternative sources of employment. However, some argue that marijuana can be a gateway drug, leading to negative consequences such as schizophrenia for some individuals. The tide is turning towards marijuana legalization, with a majority of Americans in favor, but concerns about potential negative effects persist. Ultimately, it's important to consider the complexities and nuances of this issue, including the potential benefits and risks, as well as the systemic forces at play.

    • Personal feelings towards the 2020 presidential electionThe speaker expresses indifference towards the candidates, observes betting markets, believes Democratic Party missed opportunity with Bernie Sanders, and expresses concerns about mail-in ballot counting in Pennsylvania

      The outcome of the 2020 presidential election is causing strong emotions and reactions from various individuals. The speaker expresses his personal feelings of indifference towards both candidates and shares his observations of the betting markets. He believes that the Democratic Party missed an opportunity to nominate Bernie Sanders in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. He suggests that they may learn the wrong lesson from the election results and instead focus on nominating more establishment or right-wing candidates. The speaker also shares his concerns about the counting of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and its potential impact on the election outcome. Overall, the conversation highlights the intense emotions and uncertainty surrounding the election results.

    • 2020 Election Results: Wait for All Votes to be CountedThe outcome of the 2020 election is still uncertain as many mail-in votes remain to be counted. It's crucial to wait for all votes to be tallied before making definitive statements about the results.

      The 2020 election results are still unfolding, with a significant number of mail-in votes yet to be counted. Despite some initial predictions, the outcome is still uncertain in several key battleground states. It's important to wait for all the votes to be counted before making definitive statements about the election results. Additionally, there have been discussions about the potential impact of the Supreme Court composition on various political issues. Some individuals have made predictions about the election outcome and the future of American politics, but the situation remains fluid and uncertain.

    • Predictions of Trump leading in some states vs Biden in othersDespite initial Trump leads in certain states, the situation remains fluid and it's crucial to stay informed as results in key battleground states like Michigan and Wisconsin favor Biden.

      Despite the chaos and unrest in certain cities like San Francisco, there are still states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, which are predicted to lean towards President Trump in the ongoing election. The election results in these states may initially show Trump leading due to the way votes are being counted, but it's important to note that there are places where the opposite is true, such as Michigan and Wisconsin, where Biden is currently leading. The speaker, who has a background in political science and has been following politics closely since the Iraq War, emphasizes that the situation is fluid and encourages staying informed. The speaker also mentions the recent election results in Alabama, where a Democratic Senator Doug Jones was unseated by a Republican Tommy Tuberville.

    • Riding out uncertainty with resilience and self-relianceStay focused, don't let external opinions sway you, practice critical thinking and fact-checking, and maintain a positive attitude during uncertain times.

      Resilience and self-reliance are crucial during times of uncertainty. The speaker shares his experience of waking up to unexpected financial responsibilities and riding out the 2008 financial crisis. He emphasizes the importance of staying focused and not being swayed by external opinions, especially during political elections. The media's bias and attempts to influence public opinion were also discussed, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate the power of staying true to oneself and maintaining a positive attitude even in challenging circumstances.

    • Presidential Election Discourse: Shift in Perception and Key IssuesDiscussion covered potential 2nd term for Trump, NJ marijuana legalization, NY corruption, East Coast accents, Pennsylvania's role, and election tensions

      The ongoing presidential election discourse has seen a significant shift in perception regarding the possibility of a second term for Donald Trump. This contrasts with the coverage during the 2016 election by younger voices. The conversation also touched upon the legalization of marijuana in New Jersey and the influence of corruption in New York politics, particularly regarding the alcohol lobby. The discussion revealed a shared East Coast accent between the participants and emphasized the importance of Pennsylvania in determining the election outcome. While there are concerns about potential violence following the election, the consensus is that a landslide victory for either candidate would help minimize tensions.

    • Media and politicians often misplace blame for protests and riotsWhile right-wing militias have been blamed for causing damage during protests, left-wing groups like Antifa have also been responsible. The media and politicians often focus on one side of the issue and divert attention away from their own actions.

      While there have been political protests and riots over the past six months, the blame is often misplaced. The idea of right-wing militias causing significant damage is a common narrative, but the facts don't always support it. Instead, there are instances of left-wing groups, such as Antifa, causing destruction and chaos. However, it's important to note that these groups are not acting independently, but are often funded and organized. The media often focuses on one side of the issue, and politicians like Trump have been known to divert attention away from their own actions and blame the left. It's crucial to recognize that all sides, including wealthy individuals and organizations, influence politics and can contribute to the deterioration of our democracy.

    • Accusations of voter bribing during 2012 electionsDespite accusations of voter bribing during the 2012 elections, no solid evidence was found. Glenn Beck's network, The Blaze, faced financial struggles and was rumored to be bought by Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire.

      During the 2012 presidential elections, there were accusations made by Fox News and some Republicans that Democrats were bribing voters with cigarettes, alcohol, and other items to vote for Obama. Glenn Beck was particularly vocal about this, but the validity of these claims was never proven. Beck later started his own network, The Blaze, which was successful for a while but eventually went belly up. Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire is rumored to have bought The Blaze, but the exact details are unclear. Shapiro is known for his conservative views and has a large following. The discussion also touched on the mail-in voting situation during the 2020 elections and Trump's possible declaration of victory before all votes were counted. The speaker expressed a sense of resignation towards Trump's potential re-election and the challenges of following political news every day.

    • Many Americans were struggling financially despite a strong economyBefore COVID-19, the economy showed signs of strength, but many Americans were still living paycheck to paycheck due to policies like tax cuts and deregulation, which led to a boom-bust cycle. Future economic relief may be necessary to prevent another downturn.

      Despite the economic indicators pointing to a strong economy during the Trump administration before COVID-19, a large portion of the population was still living paycheck to paycheck. The low unemployment rate and high stock market were a result of the 2017 tax cut bill and deregulation, leading to a boom-bust cycle. If Trump wins again, immediate stimulus and relief for people would be necessary to prevent another economic downturn. However, with a potentially Democratic-controlled Congress, executive orders may be the best option for implementing policies. Regardless of who wins in 2024, the political landscape is expected to continue shifting, with the potential for more centrist or progressive leadership.

    • Trump's Better Performance with Hispanic Voters Than African-American VotersDespite social media hype, Trump's outreach efforts to Hispanic voters may give him an edge in the 2020 US Presidential election.

      During a discussion about the 2020 US Presidential election results, it was mentioned that Donald Trump has performed better with Hispanic voters than African-American voters based on early data. The speaker also shared that Trump has made efforts to reach out to these communities, such as photo ops with rappers like Lil Wayne and 50 Cent. Despite the hysteria on social media, the speaker believes that Trump has a good chance of winning the election. Additionally, the speaker shared some insights from an unidentified source about the ongoing election process.

    • 2020 Presidential Election Results UncertainTrump leads in some states, Biden in others; Latino and suburban white voters impactful; Dems to keep House; uncertainty may lead to chaos or premature declarations

      The 2020 presidential election results remain uncertain with key battleground states like Florida and Pennsylvania still undecided. The conversation revealed that President Trump is currently leading in some states like Florida and North Carolina, but former Vice President Joe Biden is ahead in others like Pennsylvania and Arizona. The discussion also touched upon the potential impact of Latino voters and the role of suburban white voters in the Sunbelt region. Additionally, it was mentioned that the Democrats are projected to retain control of the House of Representatives. The uncertainty surrounding the election outcome has led to speculation about potential chaos in the streets and the possibility of candidates making statements declaring victory. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of closely monitoring the election results as they continue to come in.

    • The 2020 U.S. election defied expectations and the role of social media in shaping public opinion was a significant topic of discussion.Despite initial polling data, the 2020 U.S. election was a close race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Social media, particularly Twitter, played a significant role in shaping public discourse, and concerns about censorship persisted.

      The 2020 U.S. presidential election defied expectations, and the role of social media and its potential censorship in shaping public opinion was a significant topic of discussion. Despite initial beliefs that Joe Biden was set to win, the election results showed a close race between him and Donald Trump. Anthony Kumi's observation four years ago that movies don't always end with the expected outcome resonated, as the election didn't follow the polling data. The conversation also touched upon the impact of social media, particularly Twitter, in shaping public discourse and the potential for censorship. Critics argued that censorship on social media platforms was not limited to one political side, but rather targeted those who spoke against the establishment. The Twitter and New York Post controversy was highlighted as a particularly egregious example of censorship, with no evidence of factual inaccuracies in the information being presented. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of considering multiple perspectives and the potential influence of social media on public opinion.

    • Acknowledging peace deals but questioning their authenticityThe speaker praised some foreign policy achievements but raised doubts about their legitimacy due to the lack of conflict between parties. They acknowledged the figure's success with North Korea and discussed the shifting stances of Democrats and Republicans on international issues.

      The discussion revolved around the foreign policy achievements of a particular political figure. The speaker acknowledged some peace deals but found them questionable due to the absence of actual conflict between the involved parties. The speaker gave credit to the figure for his approach towards North Korea, acknowledging that he managed to get talks going where others failed. The conversation also touched upon the seemingly reversed positions of Democrats and Republicans on certain international issues and the unpredictable nature of some world leaders. The speaker also shared some speculations about potential reasons behind certain public actions, such as the rumors about Kim Jong-un's death and Trump's contracting COVID-19. The conversation ended with a brief update on the ongoing U.S. election.

    • The outcome of the 2020 Presidential election depends on Pennsylvania's resultsTrump leads in Pennsylvania by around 44%, but Biden needs to close a 6-point gap with millions of votes still to be counted, especially in industries significant to the state like steel, fracking, and coal mining.

      The outcome of the 2020 Presidential election hinges heavily on the results in Pennsylvania. Trump currently holds a lead of around 44 percent, or approximately 400,000 votes, over Biden. The state is significant due to its high concentration of industries like steel, fracking, and coal mining, which are important to voters there. Biden's past statements on banning fracking, which he later clarified to be only on federal lands, have been a major point of contention. The election result in Pennsylvania could determine the overall outcome, as Biden needs to make up a significant gap of over 6 points with around 6.2 million votes still to be counted. The process could take several days due to the high volume of mail-in ballots. The uncertainty surrounding the election result in Pennsylvania has led to speculation and concerns about the democratic process.

    • 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: Key Battleground States Still in DisputeThe outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election remains uncertain with several key battleground states still counting mail-in ballots. Trump's path to victory includes winning Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and possibly North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona. Biden could still secure the presidency with a win in Pennsylvania.

      The 2020 U.S. Presidential election is unprecedentedly close and uncertain, with several key battleground states still in dispute. The conversation referenced Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia as states where mail-in ballots are still being counted, and the outcome could significantly shift depending on their results. Trump's path to victory includes winning Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and possibly North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona. However, if Biden wins Pennsylvania, he could still secure the presidency even without this state. The conversation also touched on the concerns regarding the security and uniformity of the electoral process across different states. The potential for legal challenges and potential unrest if the outcome remains uncertain was also discussed.

    • Contingent Election: House Decides President, Senate Decides Vice PresidentThe 2020 US Presidential election could result in a contingent election, where the House of Representatives determines the President and the Senate decides the Vice President.

      The 2020 US Presidential election results could be uncertain, potentially leading to a contingent election where the House of Representatives determines the President and the Senate determines the Vice President. The discussion also highlighted the importance of closely monitoring the counting of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and the potential for legal challenges to the election process due to COVID-19 related absentee voting. The speakers expressed concerns about the potential for violence and chaos surrounding the election results, and the possibility of one candidate outperforming the polls once again. The contingent election process, which dates back to the US Constitution, is a complex procedure that could result in a Democrat and Republican holding the top and bottom offices, respectively.

    • Counting mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania takes timeThe process of counting mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania after the 2020 election is expected to take several days due to the large volume of votes. Despite challenges and uncertainties, more people voted than ever before.

      The process of counting mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania after the 2020 election is expected to take several days due to the large volume of votes and the law that didn't allow officials to begin canvassing until polls closed on election night. The discussion also touched on the blame game that ensued after the 2016 election, with some expressing skepticism about the seriousness of the election process and others emphasizing the importance of voting. Additionally, there were mentions of COVID-19, riots, and comedians Tim Dillon and Kyle Kalinsky. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, it was acknowledged that more people voted than ever before.

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. Less than 1% of my listeners support me, please if you love my work, spare a few coins. Are you listening and enjoying my podcasts? Then please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or more of the following options -

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    About this conversation: Ash is a Londoner. He isn't a doctor, scientist, immunologist, virologist or expert. But early on he realised something was seriously wrong with the Covid narrative. Ash has common sense and the ability to critically think while many millions didn't or couldn't. Ash started to share his doubts and frustrations on Instagram which suddenly reached 60K followers. Soon he found his account cancelled. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and listening to Ash over the years and it was nice to meet him in person and just chat about the crazy last few years. I hope you enjoy it! Links - Instagram ⁠Exposing Convid IG

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

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    Uncertain Times Ahead

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    This is popular and difficult subject to discuss. Join us as we discuss the looming period of strife and uncertainty facing the country.

    We discuss things adding to the stress and overall temperature in the nation and what people can do to build resiliency in their lives before what ever is in store for us comes to fruition.

    Question, comment or topic suggestion? Email me here: chicken.guy@thewifiproject.org


    Thank you for listening.

    Tx Joe

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    Suspend your disbelief…or else.




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    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.




    Q&A Link: https://rumble.com/v32iclu-your-questions-answered-bret-and-heather-184th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html


    Mentioned in this episode:


    You Go Girl: https://open.substack.com/pub/naturalselections/p/you-go-girl


    The Deep State Theory, Explained: https://www.thoughtco.com/deep-state-definition-4142030

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