
    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from others and stepping out of comfort zonesOvercoming setbacks requires mental preparation and openness to new ideas, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones. Learning from successful individuals can help reignite passion and drive.

      Overcoming setbacks and finding passion in one's craft requires a willingness to step out of comfort zones and learn from others. Cody Garbrandt discussed his comeback from a losing streak in MMA, attributing his success to moving out of his comfort zone and training with Henry Cejudo, who has a unique and obsessive approach to winning. Garbrandt acknowledged the importance of mental preparation, admitting that he had lost touch with his passion and drive during his skid. By immersing himself in Cejudo's training methods and learning from his experiences, Garbrandt was able to rediscover his love for the sport and ultimately secure a KO victory. This experience highlights the importance of being open to new ideas and approaches, even when they challenge one's preconceived notions or comfort zones.

    • The importance of defense in combat sportsFocusing on defense sets up effective offense and leads to a longer, more successful career in combat sports

      Having a strong defensive game is crucial for success in combat sports. This was emphasized by a boxer in the discussion, who shared how his trainer helped him understand the importance of defense in getting him home safely to his family. This concept was also reinforced in Jiu Jitsu, where the most important thing is to be defensively sound and always safe in every position. Many fighters focus too much on offense, but a solid defense sets up effective offense and vice versa. Training in uncomfortable positions and constantly working on defensive techniques can help fighters feel more comfortable and prepared for the real fight. Ultimately, having a strong defensive game can lead to a longer and more successful career in combat sports.

    • The power of persistence and adaptabilityEven when faced with adversity and setbacks, continuing to learn and adjust can lead to success. Trust the process and stay focused on your goals.

      Even in the face of adversity and setbacks, persistence and adaptability can lead to success. The fighter in this story faced numerous challenges, including physical injuries and emotional struggles, but he refused to give up and instead continued to learn and adjust his strategy. This ultimately paid off when he was able to land a knockout punch using a new technique he had practiced. The experience also taught him the importance of listening to his coach and trusting the process, even when it seemed counterintuitive. Overall, this story illustrates the power of resilience and the importance of staying focused on one's goals, even in the face of obstacles.

    • Visualization and mindset helped interviewee become a state champion wrestlerVisualizing goals and repeating them can help achieve success in sports, but it's also important to prioritize health and listen to your body.

      Visualization and a strong mindset played a crucial role in the interviewee's wrestling career, even before they knew about the law of attraction. The interviewee shares how they practiced visualization from a young age, writing down their goals and repeating them to themselves, which helped them achieve their dream of becoming a state champion. However, during a severe injury, they had to take a break from their career and undergo back surgery. They also discuss the importance of training the body and mind, as well as the potential dangers of ignoring health issues while pushing oneself too hard. The interview also touches on the advancements in regenerative medicine and the potential of using stem cells for injuries.

    • Leaving Comfort Zone for Personal GrowthVisualize goals, find mentors, and embrace new experiences to leave comfort zone and achieve personal growth.

      Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and facing challenges are essential for personal growth and achieving goals. The speaker shares his experience of visualizing becoming a state champion and world champion, and how he had to leave his comfort zone to train with new partners and earn their respect. He emphasizes the importance of having mentors and coaches who challenge and push you to be your best. The speaker also mentions the impact of Mark Henry, who recognized his potential and became a valuable mentor and friend. Change and new experiences can be daunting, but they can lead to growth and success.

    • Improving defense and adapting to opponentsEffective combat sports training requires a balance of offensive and defensive skills, with a focus on adapting to different opponents and situations. Working with skilled coaches can help identify weaknesses and improve techniques, leading to success in competition.

      Effective training for combat sports requires a focus on both offensive and defensive skills, as well as an ability to adapt to different opponents and situations. The speaker, a martial artist, shared his experience working with a coach named Mark, who helped him improve his defense and timing through repetition and breaking down techniques. The coach, Chris, was described as a formidable opponent and a master of grappling. The speaker acknowledged that his speed and offensive abilities were strengths, but that he lacked focus on defense and needed to work on fakes and eye faints to improve. The coach's guidance helped the speaker become a world champion, but he also acknowledged that his mental state played a role in some losses. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of a well-rounded training regimen and the value of working with skilled coaches to address individual weaknesses.

    • Continuous improvement is key to successStay focused on small improvements, visualize goals, balance life, and stay motivated to avoid comfort zones and fend off competition.

      Success requires a continuous focus on improvement, even when you've achieved great milestones. The speaker shared how he didn't fully capitalize on his world championship title because he wasn't doing the "slight edge things" that made a difference. He also emphasized the importance of visualization, setting goals, and balancing various aspects of life to avoid falling into comfort zones. The mental aspect of fighting and life in general was highlighted, as was the need to stay hungry and motivated to fend off competition. The speaker also shared his personal growth journey and the importance of prioritizing goals and maintaining a disciplined approach to personal development.

    • The Challenges Faced by FightersFighters endure mental and physical struggles, including disconnected feelings during fights, financial risks, and physical tolls. Self-control, growth, and proper medical care are crucial for success.

      Fighters face numerous challenges both inside and outside the ring, and their mental and physical health are crucial to their success. The speaker shares his personal experiences of feeling disconnected during fights, the impact of bad decisions on their pay, and the struggle with injuries and illnesses. He emphasizes the importance of self-control and growth, as well as the harsh realities of the profession, such as the financial risks and the physical toll it takes. Despite these challenges, the fighter remains dedicated to his craft and continues to push himself to perform at the highest level. The conversation also highlights the importance of proper medical care and attention to early signs of injuries or illnesses, which can significantly impact a fighter's training and career.

    • MMA Fighters Face Physical ChallengesMMA fighters encounter various setbacks like wrong antibiotics, which impact training and performance. Awareness of body's limitations, adjustments to training and diet, and mental focus are crucial for success.

      Even small setbacks, like being on the wrong antibiotics for an infection, can significantly impact a fighter's training and performance. The use of IV antibiotics for an extended period can negatively affect endurance and cardiovascular health. Despite these challenges, some fighters, like Marino, continue to push through and give impressive performances in the octagon. It's essential for fighters to be aware of their body's limitations and adjust their training and diet accordingly. The mental aspect of fighting is also crucial, as staying focused and confident can help overcome physical challenges. Overall, the sport of MMA requires a high level of dedication, resilience, and adaptability.

    • A fighter's resilience: Marino's journey through challengesFighters face numerous challenges, both in and out of the ring, and maintaining a strong immune system is crucial for overcoming them.

      Marino is a tough and gritty fighter who leads by example, both in and out of the ring. Despite facing numerous challenges, including a savage opponent, a demanding day job, and a debilitating kidney infection, he persevered and continued to fight. Unfortunately, during his recovery from the kidney infection, he contracted COVID-19, which took a toll on his already weakened immune system. Despite testing negative multiple times, he continued to test positive, even as his symptoms began to improve. This experience highlights the unpredictable nature of fighting and the importance of maintaining a strong immune system.

    • Bouncing Back from Health ChallengesDespite the challenges of long-term health issues, determination and the right support system can help individuals recover and perform at a high level.

      The recovery process from COVID-19 and other health issues can be lengthy and challenging, but with determination and the right support system, it's possible to bounce back and perform at a high level. The speaker shared his experience of dealing with COVID-19, kidney infections, and vertigo, which left him feeling compromised and unable to fight for a long period. However, he refused to give up and worked hard with his team to get back in shape, even while dealing with the ongoing effects of his illnesses. It's inspiring to see his resilience and commitment to his craft, despite the many obstacles he faced. Additionally, the use of alternative treatments like stem cell injections may provide additional benefits for those dealing with long-term health issues.

    • Listening to your body is crucial for health and well-beingElite athletes can overlook their health despite feeling strong, leading to severe health issues like blood clots. Regular check-ups and listening to your body are essential.

      Pushing through challenges and being tough is essential for achieving goals, but it's important to know when to take a step back and listen to your body. The speaker, an elite athlete, shares his experience of pushing himself too hard during training camp despite having COVID-19, which led to a torn vein and three blood clots. He emphasizes the importance of being aware of the silent killers like blood clots and getting regular check-ups. The athlete's business partner, who specializes in medical devices for COVID and blood clots, warned him about the possibility of having a blood clot. The athlete's experience serves as a reminder to prioritize health and well-being, even when feeling strong and in great shape.

    • MMA Fighters Prioritize Strength, Conditioning, and WrestlingMMA success requires a balance of strength, conditioning, and wrestling skills. Regular health checks and mental preparation are crucial for optimal performance.

      MMA fighters, like the speaker, prioritize both strength and conditioning, as well as wrestling skills, for optimal performance in the octagon. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing one's body and taking care of it through regular blood panels and training adjustments. Mark Henry, the speaker's coach, emphasizes the importance of wrestling and pushes the speaker to maintain his wrestling skills despite focusing on striking and jiu-jitsu. The speaker also mentions the grueling nature of MMA training and the importance of mental preparation and pushing past physical limits to avoid being outmatched by an opponent due to poor conditioning. The speaker draws inspiration from quotes like "Fatigue makes cowards of us all" and personal experiences to motivate himself to endure the rigors of MMA training.

    • Building mental and physical confidence through cardio training in combat sportsCardio training in activities like cycling, running, and swimming builds mental and physical confidence for high-performance in combat sports. Utilize smart training methods like belt squats and reverse hypers to avoid injuries and maintain good posture.

      Developing world-class cardio through activities like cycling, running, and swimming plays a crucial role in building the mental and physical confidence needed for high-performance in sports like MMA. This solitude and self-push during training can lead to a sense of self-defeat and confidence-building when facing an opponent. However, it's essential to be smart about training methods to avoid injuries, especially those related to the back. Utilizing equipment like belt squats and reverse hypers, which focus on hip and core strength, can help maintain good posture and prevent back issues. Overall, the combination of cardio training, mental fortitude, and smart training methods is key to achieving peak performance in combat sports.

    • Maintaining back health during trainingIncorporate reverse hyper exercise, yoga, cupping, dry needling, stretching, and proper hydration into training regimens for optimal performance and back health.

      Proper body support during training is crucial for maintaining a healthy back and promoting effective decompression. The reverse hyper exercise, specifically, is a game-changer for many fighters, as it allows them to fully relax their back and alleviate tension. Additionally, incorporating practices like yoga, cupping, dry needling, and stretching into training regimens can significantly improve overall performance and recovery. Stretching, despite being essential, is often overlooked by fighters due to its perceived difficulty and lack of immediate gratification compared to more aggressive training methods. Proper hydration is also vital for optimal performance and recovery. Fighters like Nate Diaz prioritize these practices to ensure they're in top shape for their fights.

    • Using technology to optimize athletic performanceThe Whoop strap is a wearable device that tracks heart rate variability and sleep patterns to help athletes adjust their training schedules based on real data, improving performance and reducing injury risk.

      The use of technology, specifically wearable devices like the Whoop strap, can significantly enhance an athlete's understanding of their body and aid in optimizing training and recovery. The speaker in this conversation shared how he uses the Whoop strap to monitor his heart rate variability (HRV) and sleep patterns, allowing him to adjust his training schedule based on real data rather than intuition. He also discussed the importance of wearing the device in the correct position during different types of training to ensure accurate readings. The UFC's implementation of punch tracking technology was also mentioned as a potential tool for athletes to gain insight into their performance. Overall, the use of technology in sports training and performance optimization is a growing trend, and the Whoop strap is an example of a valuable tool for athletes looking to maximize their potential and improve their training regimens.

    • Trevor Whitman's Onyx gloves offer superior hand positioning and protection for MMA fightersTrevor Whitman's Onyx gloves have a natural curve design that encourages a closed hand, providing better striking power and hand protection, especially for knuckles. Their design could potentially reduce eye pokes in fights, making them a top choice for UFC.

      Trevor Whitman's Onyx gloves, specifically his MMA gloves, are superior in design compared to other brands. The hand positioning and protection they offer make them a top choice for fighters. The gloves' natural curve position encourages a closed hand, which is beneficial for striking. Additionally, the Onyx gloves offer better hand protection, especially for the knuckles. The discussion also touched on the issue of eye pokes in fights and how the curved design of the Onyx gloves could potentially reduce the occurrence of eye pokes. Overall, the interviewee strongly endorses Trevor Whitman's gloves and believes that UFC should consider using them.

    • Effects of COVID-19 and antibiotics on athletesCOVID-19 and antibiotic use can weaken immune systems of athletes, leading to prolonged recovery and complications.

      The effects of COVID-19 and antibiotic use on athletes can be debilitating, and recovery can be a long and challenging process. The speaker, an athlete himself, shared his experience of contracting COVID-19 and the complications that followed due to a previous kidney infection and antibiotic treatment. He also mentioned the cases of other athletes, including Maynard Keenan from Tool, who contracted COVID-19 a second time. The speaker emphasized the importance of a strong immune system for athletes and the impact of training and antibiotics on it. He also expressed his eagerness to get back in the ring and fight Jose Otto, despite the challenges he faced.

    • Focused on career progression, open to facing various opponentsFighter values challenges, confident in abilities, admires opponents, respects training methods, determined to continue fighting

      The fighter is focused on his career progression and is open to facing different opponents, whether it's Figueroa or Aldo. He values the challenge each opponent brings and is confident in his abilities to prepare for their unique styles. The fighter also expresses admiration for Moreno's performance in his recent fight and believes he could outmatch him in a striker vs. striker battle. Additionally, the fighter discusses the challenges of cutting weight and the importance of maintaining a healthy body. He also shares his respect for Cavaco's training methods and the efficiency of training from home. Overall, the fighter is determined to continue fighting and making a name for himself in the division.

    • New Faces in MMA: PFL and BellatorPFL and Bellator are adding top fighters like Rory McDonald, Showtime Pettis, and Lance Palmer, creating buzz and excitement for upcoming matches including Ousman vs Gilbert Burns.

      The MMA scene is heating up with new additions to prominent organizations like PFL and Bellator. Lance Palmer, a PFL back-to-back champ, is preparing for the featherweight tournament while also coaching Henry Cejudo. PFL is expanding its roster with notable fighters like Rory McDonald and Showtime Pettis. Bellator, too, is attracting attention with fights like Musasi versus Douglas Limo and the Russian champ who beat Bader. Despite some reservations about the names of these organizations, fans are excited for the upcoming fights and the caliber of talent they bring. For instance, Ousman vs Gilbert Burns is a highly anticipated match, with both fighters having impressive records and unique strengths. Ultimately, the MMA scene is seeing a surge of energy and competition, making for exciting times for fans and fighters alike.

    • Competition intensifies the desire to winTraining is important, but the competition itself brings unique challenges and the pressure to win can lead to performance-enhancing drug use, raising concerns for fair competition in sports.

      While training is essential for success in competitive sports, the actual competition itself brings out unique challenges and intensifies the desire to win. The speaker, who had previously trained with TJ Dillashaw, acknowledged the importance of knowing one's advantages but emphasized that they were not friends during fights. Both athletes aimed to be the best and push each other to elevate their performance. However, the consequences of performance-enhancing drug use can lead to significant scrutiny and damage to one's legacy. The speaker expressed concerns about TJ Dillashaw's return to competition after a two-year ban for using EPO, as any perceived drop-off in performance could lead to accusations of continued use. The speaker also shared their own experiences with drug testing, expressing doubts about the effectiveness of current testing protocols and suggesting potential loopholes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intense pressure to perform at the highest level and the complexities of maintaining fair competition in professional sports.

    • Different penalties for similar offensesAthlete's career trajectory and personal circumstances can impact the severity of their punishment for using performance-enhancing substances.

      While some athletes may face harsh penalties for performance-enhancing substance use, others may receive seemingly lenient sentences. For instance, TJ was given a two-year ban for using EPO, which requires injection, while Chad Mendez, who used a peptide cream for psoriasis, received a three-year ban. Chad's career was thriving outside of the fighting world, with his own meals company, Peak Refuel, which offers high-quality, freeze-dried meals for outdoor enthusiasts. Chad's dedication to his athletic pursuits and love for the outdoors led him to start a guide service, taking clients on hunting and fishing adventures. Despite his success, Chad missed the camaraderie of training and competing, and his Instagram is filled with adventures and interactions with fans. Chad's story shows that while the consequences of performance-enhancing substance use can be severe, there is life after a ban, and success can be found in unexpected places.

    • UFC Fighter Clay Guida's Resilience and Adventurous SpiritClay Guida's unwavering attitude and strong will allow him to push through tough opponents and dangerous adventures, making him a beloved figure in the gym and a long-lasting UFC fighter.

      Clay Guida, a UFC fighter, is known for his resilience, determination, and adventurous spirit. He's a thrill-seeker who pushes himself both in and out of the octagon. Whether it's facing tough opponents, going on dangerous fishing trips, or working on crab boats, Clay's unwavering attitude and strong will keep him going. His positive energy and unique playlist make him a beloved figure in the gym, and his longevity in the UFC is a testament to his dedication and adaptability. Clay's story is a reminder that having a strong mindset and a love for adventure can lead to great experiences and achievements.

    • Finding joy beyond fightingTo maintain mental and emotional well-being, it's crucial for fighters to find enjoyment and balance outside of their primary focus on fighting. This can include traveling, hobbies, and taking breaks.

      Finding enjoyment and balance outside of one's primary focus, such as fighting, is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Chris, a fighter, shared his experience of living in an RV and traveling for fights, which allowed him to enjoy life beyond training. However, he realized the importance of taking breaks and enjoying the time between camps. Stress and anxiety are common in combat sports, and it's essential to appreciate the wins and the journey. Additionally, coaches and trainers have varying approaches and philosophies, and finding the right one is essential for growth. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between dedication and enjoyment, and not to neglect hobbies or personal time.

    • Respect for Frankie Edgar and Comparison of Fighting StylesThe speaker admired Frankie Edgar's skills and ground game, but valued his own feinting technique. Surprised by Sterling's victory, he remained focused on title contention and emphasized the significance of comprehensive training.

      The speaker had a deep respect for Frankie Edgar, whom he sparred with frequently, and believed they shared similar fighting styles. However, Frankie was more focused on combos, while the speaker tended to feint. The speaker was impressed by Frankie's ground game and believed he was ready for a title fight, but was surprised when Aljamain Sterling defeated him. The speaker also discussed the excitement surrounding the 135-pound division and his own readiness for a title shot. He emphasized the importance of both outside training and in-camp preparation for optimal performance.

    • Adapting to different fighting styles in MMAMastering multiple fighting styles and adapting to opponents' techniques can give you a significant advantage in MMA by leaving opponents blinded and powerless.

      Adaptability and mastering various fighting styles are crucial in mixed martial arts (MMA). The low calf kick, once an underestimated technique, has now become a game-changer due to its effectiveness and lack of counterplay. Fighters who can switch stances and attack from different angles can leave their opponents blinded and powerless. Moreover, training with your non-dominant hand or fighting style can significantly improve your dominant one by making you more aware and focused on the finer details. The ability to adapt and master multiple styles is a significant advantage in MMA, as opponents can come from various backgrounds and fighting styles.

    • Understanding Opponent's Hand DominanceEffective fighting strategy includes adjusting to an opponent's hand dominance and focusing on inside shots for maximum impact. Training through movement and endurance drills can also improve skills and reduce injury risk.

      Effective fighting strategy involves understanding an opponent's hand dominance and adjusting accordingly. The speaker mentioned how he trusts his right hand and throws most of his knockout shots from the inside. He also noted that Dustin Poirier, who is also right-handed, switched to an orthodox stance and used his right hand to deliver powerful blows when he needed to hurt his opponent. The speaker's coach, Mark, also pointed out that all of the speaker's knockouts came from inside shots. Max Holloway, another successful fighter, trains primarily through movement and endurance drills rather than sparring with full contact. The importance of technical light sparring was emphasized as a way to develop skills and timing without risking injury.

    • Learning from sparring sessions and experiencing a 'fistfight'Sparring sessions are vital for improvement and gaining real-life fighting experience is essential to understand the sport.

      Experience and technical skills are crucial in the world of fighting. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from sparring sessions and understanding what one can improve upon. He also shares his perspective on the value of having a wrestling background and the need for fighters to experience a "fistfight" to truly understand the sport. Furthermore, the speaker discusses his career goals and the importance of staying busy and focused on improvement. He also mentions the impact of COVID-19 on his career and expresses his excitement for the future and continued growth in the sport.

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    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

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    Episode 14: UFC 247 Jones vs Reyes Preview - Jake Paul vs Gib Recap - Usman vs Masvidal Announced - Joanna Coronavirus meme

    Pig skin bouncing off turf vs. human heads bouncing off the canvas? Our fans said, “No thank you good sir, I’m an adult.” We took a poll last week and it was no surprise when asked if our listeners would rather watch the Super Bowl or a UFC event, 78% of them chose the latter. After giving our thoughts on that, we preview UFC 247, discuss whether or not it’s even fun watching a Jon Jones or Valentina Shevchenko fight at this point and try to figure out between Dominick Reyes and Katlyn Chookagian, who actually stands a better chance of winning? We give our "Slip Picks" for UFC 247, recap Jake Paul vs. Gib (against our better judgement) and decide which part of that monstrosity was the least annoying. At Super Bowl media day, Kamaru Usman tries to bate Jorge Masvidal into serving him the three piece with the soda, Joanna Jedrzejczyk posts memes about the virus of the corona, and Pat Sabatini literally got his arm ripped out of his goddamn shoulda! Gervonta Davis gets arrested for domestic battery, Jacob Rosales wears serial killer themed shorts at LFA81 and twitter suspended our account for trying to prevent a possible suicide. Why you might ask? Press play and let us tell ya!

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    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

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