
    JRE MMA Show #111 with John Danaher

    en-usMay 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing Grappling with Submission-Based Matches and Athlete PayFlow Grappling is transforming grappling by focusing on submission-based matches for improved athlete pay and exposure, inspiring legends like Marcelo Garcia and Helio Gracie with their impressive submission victories.

      Flow Grappling is revolutionizing the sport of grappling by paying athletes for matches and streaming them online, providing improved athlete pay and exposure, and focusing on submission-based matches for more entertaining spectacles. This approach, inspired by the success of the UFC in mixed martial arts, is making grappling more palatable and impressive to new audiences. Athletes like Marcelo Garcia and Helio Gracie, who went the extra distance to fight for submissions despite the ruleset not demanding it, are legends in the sport, highlighting the appeal of submission as the most definitive and impressive form of victory in grappling.

    • Jiu Jitsu: Control to SubmissionA culture that values control to submission fosters better competition and more exciting matches, while rules can be gamed. No-time-limit submission matches are ideal but impractical for television.

      The ideal of Jiu Jitsu lies not in minimalistic approaches or rules, but in a training culture that encourages control to submission. Rules can be gamed, but a culture that values the higher ideal of Jiu Jitsu can foster better competition and more exciting matches. Some rule sets, like EBI's, have attempted to force athletes into certain situations, but even these have run into issues with athletes gaming the system. Ultimately, a no-time-limit submission match is the most definitive result, but it's not practical for television. The solution lies in the training culture and gyms that produce the athletes, and ideally, a culture that values control to submission above all else.

    • Length and structure of martial arts matches impact intensityTraditional martial arts matches have varying time limits, allowing athletes to either go all-out or pace themselves, with some extreme matches lasting over an hour

      The length and structure of a martial arts match can significantly impact its pacing and intensity. Traditional matches may have time limits for preliminary bouts, but no time limit for the main event, allowing athletes to either go all-out or pace themselves over a longer duration. An extreme example is the one-and-a-half hour match between Gordon and Keenan Cornelius. While this approach could be challenging for beginners, it adds to the rich history and excitement of martial arts competitions. However, it's essential to respect the authenticity of martial arts history and not alter it for the sake of entertainment.

    • Maintaining authenticity in fighter's recordsAuthenticity of a fighter's record is crucial. Altered opponents or overlooked events can tarnish their reputation and legacy.

      The authenticity of a fighter's record and accomplishments is crucial in mixed martial arts. A change in an opponent or a questionable event can lead to a loss of credibility and raise doubts about other aspects of their career. For instance, a fighter's gold medal win was tainted when the opponent was changed and the disqualification was overlooked. This incident, although a walkthrough victory, now casts a shadow on the fighter's achievements. The importance of maintaining truthfulness in martial arts records cannot be overstated, as it affects the perception of a fighter's skills and legacy.

    • Focusing too much on one skill set can lead to the diminishment of earlier skills and create problems in a fight.Mixed martial arts require a well-rounded skill set, and focusing too much on one area can lead to the loss of earlier abilities and difficulty adapting to opponents' strengths.

      In mixed martial arts, focusing too much on one skill set can lead to the diminishment of earlier skills and create problems in a fight. Israel Adesanya's rapid rise to the UFC title came with a focus on striking, but this came at the cost of his grappling abilities. Marvin Vitori, Adesanya's opponent in a rematch, is a well-rounded fighter with a strong grappling background, making their first fight particularly challenging for Adesanya. The idea that Adesanya was dominating the standing striking clues us into the fact that the majority of his training has been in this area. However, skills are perishable, and as one focuses on one thing, earlier skills can quickly fade. This double effect of skills diminishing and opponents' skills rising can cause significant problems in a fight. It's fascinating to see different athletes' approaches to mixed martial arts, as some have a more grappling-heavy style, while others focus on striking. The ability to tailor one's skill set to an opponent is crucial in mixed martial arts, and those with a more fixed skill set may struggle to adapt.

    • Referees play a crucial role in MMA matchesReferees with grappling understanding ensure honest fight assessments and less interference. Fighters should focus on performance, not crowd reactions. Coaches must adapt training to help athletes excel in grappling and striking abilities.

      The role of referees in mixed martial arts (MMA) matches is crucial, as their intervention can significantly impact the outcome and the audience's perception. Referees with a grappling understanding are essential to allow the fighters to demonstrate their skills effectively and safely. The less interference from referees, the more honest the assessment of the fight. It's important for fighters to focus on their performance and not be swayed by the crowd's reactions. While some may find cage fights boring, history shows that anything can happen at any moment, and exciting finishes can occur even when pressed against the cage. Ultimately, athletes should aim to entertain the crowd with their skills and style, rather than succumbing to the pressure of booing spectators. When training athletes for MMA, coaches must adapt their approach to help them excel in various aspects of the sport. For example, when transitioning from jujitsu to MMA, athletes must learn to not only get the fight to the ground but also hold their opponents down while executing submissions. Escaping from bottom positions in jujitsu is common, but in MMA, fighters must be prepared to defend against their opponents' attempts to stand up. These challenges require a versatile skill set and a strong focus on both grappling and striking abilities.

    • Historical weaknesses in Juditsu: leg locks, takedowns, and top positionJuditsu needs to address its historical weaknesses in leg locks, takedowns, and top position to remain competitive in martial arts, as athletes turn to other arts for these skills.

      Juditsu, a martial art focused on control leading to submission, has historically had three major deficiencies: leg locks, takeddowns, and the ability to impose top position once gained. While progress has been made in addressing the first issue, there is still work to be done in overcoming the remaining weaknesses. The lack of focus on these areas has resulted in Juditsu athletes being unprepared when facing opponents who prioritize standing up rather than playing guard. This has led to a shrinking presence of Juditsu in mixed martial arts, as athletes turn to other arts like wrestling to fill in the gaps. The origins of the heel hook, a commonly used leg lock, are unclear, but it's believed that it may have roots in catch wrestling. Despite some evidence suggesting that the technique was known in the past, there is a lack of definitive information on its origins and when it was first used on a large scale in competition. It's important for Juditsu to continue evolving and addressing these deficiencies to remain a competitive force in the world of martial arts.

    • The history of triangle choke and Kimura in martial artsThe triangle choke, originating in Japan, came to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the 1970s, while the Kimura, named after an American wrestler, was already part of the Gracie family's repertoire. Both techniques have a rich history and have evolved through cultural exchange.

      The history of martial arts, specifically the triangle choke and the Kimura, involves a complex interplay of cultural exchange and evolution. The triangle choke, which originated in Japan around 1910, was not part of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu until the 1970s due to the fact that the teacher who introduced it to Brazil, Maeda, had left Japan before its invention. On the other hand, the Kimura, a double wristlock with a long history, is named after an American wrestler who trained with Helio Gracie. The use of names like "Kimura" instead of their original Japanese counterparts is a practical consideration, as the longer names can be confusing in a loud competition setting. The recent history of martial arts, particularly Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, has seen an explosion of innovation and technique development, making it an exciting time to be a martial artist.

    • Measuring progress in combat sports like boxingDespite some exceptions, contemporary boxers generally surpass their predecessors due to advancements in training methods and techniques. However, the exceptional talent of boxers like Muhammad Ali, Marvin Hagler, and Roberto Duran challenges this notion.

      While progress in combat sports like boxing has been significant, there are arguments to be made that some athletes from earlier generations could have held their own against contemporary champions. Boxers like Muhammad Ali, Marvin Hagler, and Roberto Duran are cited as examples of exceptional talent that may have thrived in any era. However, it's important to note that measuring combat sports' progression is challenging due to the subjective nature of the sport. Nonetheless, the speakers agree that there are exceptions to the general rule that more recent generations tend to surpass their predecessors in combat sports. Boxing, in particular, is highlighted as a sport where the progress may not be as spectacular as in other combat sports or martial arts. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the importance of various training methods and the role of hard work and discipline in shaping great boxers. The absence of modern training techniques like padwork in the past is also pointed out as a fascinating aspect of boxing history.

    • From extensive sparring to pad work in boxing trainingBoxing training has changed from heavy sparring to pad work and other drills, like hitting the speed bag, with reasons unclear but possibly influenced by cultural factors and media.

      The evolution of boxing training has seen a significant shift from extensive sparring and heavy bag work to pad work and other drills, like hitting the speed bag. The reasons for this change are not definitively known, but it's possible that the use of pads predates Western boxing. The effectiveness of these training methods, such as hitting the speed bag, in preparing fighters for actual fights is debatable, as there is little resemblance between the movements. Despite this, these training methods have become institutionalized in boxing culture. Old movies and media, like Rocky, may have inspired more people to start boxing than technically perfect demonstrations of boxing technique. The impact of figures like Bruce Lee on martial arts and Taekwondo, specifically, cannot be understated. Personal experiences, like hearing the sound of a Taekwondo class while walking up the stairs, can be a powerful motivator for starting a martial arts journey.

    • Discovering Taekwondo through a powerful demonstrationEncounters and moments can have a profound impact on our lives, leading us down unexpected paths and shaping our passions

      The way we're introduced to a martial art and the values instilled in us by our instructors can greatly impact our fascination and dedication to the practice. The speaker's obsession with Taekwondo was ignited when he witnessed an instructor's immense power during a demonstration. This emphasis on power resonated with him and ultimately shaped his martial arts journey. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that our lives can be drastically altered by seemingly insignificant moments and encounters. The serendipitous discovery of this Taekwondo class at the right time led the speaker down an entirely different path, steering him away from baseball and towards a lifelong passion for martial arts.

    • Finishing a fight: the game-changer in martial artsTechnical skills and mental fortitude are crucial for finishing a fight effectively. Great fighters like John and Canelo Alvarez demonstrate this rare trait.

      Having the ability to finish a fight is a game-changer in martial arts. John, a mentor, demonstrated this skill perfectly when he faced a formidable Korean opponent. Despite getting hit repeatedly, he remained calm and waited for the right moment to strike, leaving his adversary crumbling to the ground. This ability to finish a fight not only requires technical skills but also mental fortitude. It's a rare and valuable trait, as seen in fighters like Canelo Alvarez, who possess both devastating power and impressive defensive abilities. As a coach, the goal is to push athletes towards this ideal, helping them develop both the ability to escape from tough situations and the power to finish fights effectively.

    • Embrace the core principles of martial arts: defending and finishingSuccessful martial artists and teams focus on submissions and ending fights, setting them apart from competitors and leaving a lasting impression.

      The most successful martial artists and teams are those who fully embrace the core principles of their craft – the ability to defend and finish. These individuals and groups stand out from their competitors by focusing on submissions and ending fights rather than relying on points or stalling tactics. This approach not only sets them apart but also leaves a lasting impression on fans and history. To build a brand and achieve long-term success, it takes a unique and dedicated individual like John Donner, who is fully committed to making their athletes the best in the world. Such a person requires an unusual level of obsession and dedication, making it challenging to replicate their success.

    • Finding balance in martial arts between competition and cooperationMartial arts promote social cohesion by allowing individuals to compete physically and defend themselves within socially acceptable structures, requiring discipline, hard work, and mastery of technique and strategy.

      Martial arts hold an innate appeal to humans due to our competitive nature and ancestral history, but it's essential to practice it in a socially acceptable way. Martial arts provide individuals with the ability to compete physically and defend themselves, while keeping violence within socially acceptable structures. This balance between cooperation and competition is crucial for a functioning society, as it allows people to acknowledge the reality of a competitive world without degenerating into a violent culture. Martial arts offer high-level problem solving with dire physical consequences, requiring discipline, hard work, and the mastery of technique and strategy. Ultimately, the greatest virtue of martial arts for society is its ability to find a balance between humanity's competitive nature and the need for social cohesion.

    • Mastering problem-solving and decision-making in martial artsElite martial artists excel through well-established systems that enable quick decision-making and problem-solving, giving them an edge over opponents.

      Martial arts, specifically Jiu-Jitsu, are about reaching human potential through problem-solving and decision-making. Elite athletes are exceptional human beings with intense mindsets who have mastered these skills. The key to success lies in having well-established systems in place to reduce decision-making time and increase problem-solving speed. These systems allow athletes to make decisions subconsciously while their opponents struggle with conscious thought. The application of these systems has transformed Jiu-Jitsu by creating well-rounded athletes who can perform effectively in disadvantageous positions. The importance of successful replication of these systems is crucial for growing the sport of Jiu-Jitsu.

    • A good coach's goal is to help everyone improve, not just the naturally talentedMeasuring a training program's success by the progress of the weakest performers and its universality, rather than just the success of a few exceptional individuals, is a more reliable indicator of a good coach and program.

      Exceptional individuals cannot be solely attributed to their natural abilities or gifts. A good coach's goal should be to make everyone in the room improve, not just the naturally talented ones. The success of a training program should be measured by the progress of the weakest performers and its universality, not just the success of a few outstanding individuals. A good coach should be able to help anyone, regardless of their age, body type, or training time, to achieve notable progress in their chosen field. A coach's ability to replicate the success of exceptional individuals on a smaller scale is a more reliable indicator of a good training program than the success of the exceptional individuals themselves. Physical freaks can help push the limits of techniques, but they are not the only important factor in a successful training program.

    • The challenge of facing an opponent's skills and attributesImprove both skills and attributes for optimal performance. Don't neglect mental attributes like problem-solving and decision-making speed.

      In martial arts, the clash between an opponent's skills and attributes is the great challenge. Skills can be improved through training, but attributes, such as physical strength and mental abilities, are more deeply ingrained. A person with superior attributes, even if they have lesser skills, can still pose a formidable opponent. It's essential to recognize and develop both skills and attributes for optimal performance. Additionally, mental attributes, such as problem-solving ability and decision-making speed, are often overlooked but can have significant impacts on an athlete's success. Ultimately, a well-rounded martial artist strives to improve both their skills and attributes.

    • Developing world-class athletes is a complex processOnly a select few coaches have managed to produce world-class champions despite decades of work and hundreds or thousands of athletes to train.

      Producing a world-class athlete is a complex process that requires a coach to develop a variety of skills and attributes in an athlete, many of which can conflict with each other. The ultimate goal is to help the athlete cross the finish line first, but the journey to get there is complicated and fraught with challenges. Few coaches have managed to produce truly great champions, even after decades of work. Customato, a coach who started in the 1940s and worked until the 1980s, is an example of this. In his nearly 40-year career, he produced only three world-class champions: Jose Torres, Floyd Patterson, and Mike Tyson. With hundreds, if not thousands, of athletes to work with, the numbers are small. Creating an athlete who excels in all areas requires a deep understanding of the athlete's unique strengths and weaknesses, as well as the ability to impart the necessary skills and attributes. It's a challenging and rewarding journey, but one that only a select few are able to accomplish.

    • The journey to becoming a combat sports champion is filled with challenges and unpredictabilityBecoming a combat sports champion requires overcoming numerous obstacles and defying the odds

      Becoming a champion in combat sports is a rare and delicate process, filled with countless challenges and obstacles. The journey to the top is arduous and unpredictable, with many factors beyond one's control that could potentially derail progress. The scarcity of the factors required to reach the pinnacle of combat sports makes the achievements of champions all the more magical and memorable. For instance, the dominance of Mike Tyson in the heavyweight division during the late 1980s was a shocking turn of events after a lull in the division's talent. Despite the challenges, the pursuit of combat sports championships is what makes the sport so intriguing and exciting.

    • The Evolution of Martial Arts: From Boxing to MMAThe best fighter in the world is no longer a boxer, as MMA has emerged as the dominant martial art, requiring a diverse skill set and adaptability to various situations.

      The martial arts landscape has significantly evolved, and the best fighter in the world is no longer confined to being a boxer. The discussion highlighted the shift in focus from boxing to mixed martial arts (MMA), where fighters possess a diverse skill set, including striking and grappling. The example of Francis Ngannou and Tyson Fury's potential fight underscores this point, as there is no debate about the outcome if they were to face off in an MMA setting. Moreover, the conversation revealed that boxers have struggled against kickboxers, particularly when it comes to leg kicks. While some notable exceptions exist, such as Shannon Briggs against Tom Erickson, the difference in skills and techniques between boxing and kickboxing becomes apparent at the elite level. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the importance of attributes like speed, power, and the ability to close the distance quickly in MMA. Fighters like Mirko Crocop and Merkel had these attributes and were successful in both kickboxing and MMA, whereas technique-based fighters like Peter Arts struggled in MMA due to the lack of clinch control and the inability to defend against takedowns. In conclusion, the martial arts world has evolved, and the best fighter in the world is no longer limited to being a boxer. MMA has emerged as the dominant martial art, and fighters who possess a diverse skill set and can adapt to various situations are the most successful.

    • Focus on leg flexibility and strength in Jiu-Jitsu trainingIncorporating leg training into Jiu-Jitsu practice early on can help beginners progress more quickly and develop a well-rounded skill set.

      Effective Jiu-Jitsu training involves focusing on leg flexibility and strength, in addition to arm training. B.J. Penn, a notable Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, was known for his exceptional leg skills, which helped him learn the art quickly and become a formidable opponent. Most people naturally rely on their arms for problem-solving, but our legs are stronger and more enduring. By incorporating leg training into Jiu-Jitsu practice early on, beginners can progress more quickly and develop a well-rounded skill set. Athletes with strong upper bodies may initially find this frustrating, but overcoming this challenge can lead to significant improvements. Dexterous and flexible leg movements are crucial for effective Jiu-Jitsu, and can be found in unexpected places, such as breakdancing. Ultimately, the goal is to create situations where your lower body wrestles against your opponent's upper body, allowing you to overcome size differences and become a formidable Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

    • Using lower body strength against opponents' upper bodyFocus on lower body strength, find personal fitness programs, and master technique for Jiu Jitsu progress

      In Jiu Jitsu, focusing on the lower body's strength and using it against opponents' upper body can lead to significant progress. Technique is key, and athletes should find their own fitness programs based on personal preference and body type. While there is no definitive study on the best method for gaining strength for Jiu Jitsu, a comprehensive approach that includes physical training, flexibility, and technique could potentially give athletes an edge. The difference between winners and losers is often small, and mastering various aspects of the sport, including physical training and technique, can make a significant impact.

    • Technique vs. Flexibility in MMAImproving techniques can lead to greater sports performance gains than focusing on flexibility.

      Focusing on improving technique can lead to more significant sports performance gains in a shorter time frame than investing in attributes like flexibility. The speaker uses the example of George St. Pierre and BJ Penn to illustrate this point. Despite BJ Penn's exceptional flexibility, George was able to pass his guard multiple times in their second fight by using effective techniques to limit BJ's mobility. While it's tempting to focus on enhancing our own physical attributes, the speaker argues that shutting down our opponents' attributes can yield even greater results.

    • Focusing on opponent's weaknesses instead of own strengthsEffective martial arts training involves investing time and energy in techniques that disrupt opponent's attributes, enhancing flexibility and allowing for new techniques without additional effort or time.

      Investing time and energy in techniques that help shut down an opponent's attributes, rather than focusing on changing one's own physical attributes, can be more effective in martial arts training. This approach doesn't require additional energy or time and allows for the development of new techniques based on the newfound flexibility. However, it's essential to consider the individual's skill level and competition schedule. For advanced athletes like Gordon, it might not be worth the investment to completely restructure their game, especially when they have upcoming competitions. In Gordon's case, his extreme nausea and stomach pain, which began after taking antibiotics, have significantly affected his training and personality. Despite numerous tests and treatments, the cause remains unclear, and the issue appears to be worsening over time. It's frustrating to watch someone you care about struggle with such a debilitating condition, especially at a young age.

    • Gordon Ryan's health issues and their impact on Jiu JitsuGordon Ryan's resilience and dedication to Jiu Jitsu, even amidst health challenges, could significantly impact the sport as a coach.

      Despite the unpredictability of health issues, Gordon Ryan's resilience and dedication to Jiu Jitsu, even in the face of adversity, has the potential to significantly impact the sport as a coach. For a month before a major fight, Ryan experienced a period of improvement, only to relapse without explanation. His quiet perseverance and refusal to use his condition as an excuse inspired those around him. However, in recent months, his training has been affected, and the possibility of a successful medical intervention or time being the healing factor are the only known solutions. If Ryan is unable to compete again, his vast knowledge and influence could make him an exceptional coach. His accomplishments at a young age surpass what the speaker achieved in a similar timeframe, and his continued growth would make him an invaluable asset to the sport.

    • The athlete's unique qualities and adaptive approach to trainingEffective training combines inherent abilities, discipline, and adaptive, persistent approach for extraordinary success.

      Successful athletes like Gordon Ryan bring unique qualities to the table that no coach can replicate. Persistence alone is not enough for greatness; it must be adaptive and intelligent. Discipline, both physical and mental, is crucial, but it goes beyond just showing up and following routines. It's about staying engaged, assessing progress, and making adjustments. The most effective training happens in informal, human relationships, where camaraderie fosters growth and learning. Ultimately, it's the combination of the athlete's inherent abilities and their adaptive, persistent approach to training that leads to extraordinary success.

    • Maintaining a positive and informal learning environmentCreating a welcoming atmosphere through humor and group discussions can improve classroom dynamics and reduce negative social interactions. Prioritize this even in high-pressure environments for optimal learning experience.

      Creating a positive and informal learning environment is crucial for long-term development and cohesion in a classroom setting. Negative social interactions can lead to students leaving, but keeping things human and informal through jokes, teasing, and group discussions can help address issues and improve overall group dynamics. Additionally, maintaining good hygiene is essential in reducing the occurrence of skin infections like staff, which can be more person-to-person than mat-to-person. Instructors should prioritize creating a welcoming and informal atmosphere, even in high-pressure or competitive environments, to ensure the best possible learning experience for students.

    • Maintaining gym cleanliness: Balancing health and harmMaintain gym cleanliness to prevent infections, but avoid over-reliance on harsh agents to prevent super strains. Consider a healthy lifestyle and injuries as factors to reduce infection risk.

      Maintaining cleanliness in a gym setting is crucial to prevent infections, especially when dealing with large numbers of visitors. However, over-reliance on harsh cleaning agents can lead to the development of super strains of bacteria. The use of anecdotal evidence, such as defense soap or acidophilus, should be approached with caution. A healthier lifestyle, including sunshine and swimming in the ocean, can also help reduce the likelihood of skin infections. It's a delicate balance between maintaining cleanliness and not overdoing it to the point of harming the natural bacteria in the body. Additionally, injuries, such as hip replacements, can leave individuals vulnerable to infections and should be taken seriously.

    • Overcoming Adversity through Determination and FocusDetermination and focus can help individuals overcome multiple joint replacements and continue to find joy in teaching and mentoring others.

      Despite the challenges and complications of undergoing multiple joint replacements, the individual's determination and focus on teaching and mentoring others remains unwavering. The conversation revealed that even with a hip and a knee replacement on the same leg, the person continues to find joy in coaching and teaching martial arts, rather than focusing on their own physical limitations. The discussion also highlighted the inspiring story of a friend who has undergone numerous surgeries, including multiple knee replacements and shoulder surgeries, yet continues to train and maintain an active lifestyle. The person's attitude towards life, "I'm here for a good time," serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and staying motivated, even in the face of adversity.

    • Living in New York: Challenges and OpportunitiesNew York City's challenges offer unique experiences and opportunities for skill development and cultural exposure, requiring enough money for freedom and a fixed location for skill development, while still enjoying diverse nightlife and meeting people globally.

      New York City, despite its challenges like pollution and high living costs, offers unique experiences and opportunities for skill development and cultural exposure that are hard to find elsewhere. The speaker, who came to New York for education and ended up living there for decades, emphasized the importance of having enough money for freedom and the benefits of a fixed location for skill development, while still being able to enjoy the diverse nightlife and meet people from around the world. He also shared his personal experience of living frugally and teaching privately to make ends meet, while still maintaining a fulfilling lifestyle. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the value of living in a vibrant, diverse city like New York, even with its challenges.

    • Joe Rogan's Love for Cars and TexasJoe Rogan, an avid car enthusiast, advocates for moving to Texas due to its car culture and his personal fascination with electric cars, particularly Teslas, which he finds more convenient and advanced than traditional muscle cars.

      The speaker, Joe Rogan, is trying to convince his friend, Gordon Ryan, to move to Texas due to their shared love for cars and Texas's car culture. The speaker describes his own experience with cars, from learning to drive in a slow Morris Minor in New Zealand to his current fascination with electric cars, specifically Teslas. He expresses his admiration for the technology and convenience of electric cars, which surpasses his love for traditional muscle cars. Despite the occasional power outages in Texas, the speaker believes the benefits of living there and owning a Tesla outweigh the drawbacks. Furthermore, he discusses the modernization of classic cars, such as his 69 Nova, which has a custom chassis, modern transmission, and advanced suspension technology, making it a combination of old and new.

    • The Tesla Roadster pushes automotive boundaries with electric power and advanced technologyThe Tesla Roadster sets new standards for performance and technology in the automotive industry, with electric power, jet propulsion, and over 1,000 horsepower, offering advantages like improved weight distribution and stability, while the shift towards autonomous vehicles raises concerns about the future of driving experience.

      The automotive industry is evolving at an unprecedented rate, with electric vehicles like the Tesla Roadster pushing the boundaries of performance and technology. While classic muscle cars, like the Chevy Nova, had impressive horsepower for their time, they lacked in areas like handling and braking. The Tesla Roadster, on the other hand, boasts a jet propulsion system, four-wheel drive, and over 1,000 horsepower, enabling it to go from 0 to 60 in just 1.1 seconds. Moreover, electric vehicles offer advantages like improved weight distribution and stability. However, the shift towards autonomous vehicles raises concerns about the future of driving and the potential loss of the fundamental experience of being behind the wheel. With advancements in technology, the automotive landscape is changing, and it's essential to stay informed and adapt to these changes.

    • Transforming Commute into Productive TimeElectric vehicles offer fast acceleration, easy parking, and innovative designs, turning commuting hours into opportunities for learning and personal growth, while the rise of electric cars is expected to make traditional gasoline engines obsolete.

      The commute, once seen as a waste of time, can be transformed into a productive and enjoyable experience through the use of educational content and advanced technology in electric vehicles. The loss of driving as a skill is offset by the gain of hours previously spent commuting, which can now be used for learning and personal growth. The rise of electric cars with impressive features like fast acceleration, easy parking, and innovative designs from companies like Tesla and Porsche, is revolutionizing the automobile industry. This shift towards electric vehicles is likely to make traditional gasoline engines obsolete within the next 50 years.

    • The Future of Electric Vehicles: Faster Charging, Longer Ranges, and Swappable BatteriesElectric vehicles are revolutionizing transportation with impressive speeds, long ranges, and potential for swappable batteries, but concerns about battery resources and sustainability remain.

      The automotive industry is undergoing significant changes, with electric vehicles (EVs) like the Porsche Plaid and Mercedes EQS leading the way. These cars offer impressive speed and efficiency, with some models reaching zero to 60 in as little as 1.9 seconds and boasting a range of up to 500 miles. Tesla has set the standard for charging infrastructure with their Supercharger system, but other companies are catching up. The future of EVs may involve swapping out depleting batteries for fresh ones at charging stations, similar to pit stops. However, the availability and sustainability of resources like lithium for batteries remain concerns. Exciting developments in aluminum-based battery technology may offer a solution, as aluminum is common and could lead to faster charging and increased range. Overall, the shift to electric vehicles and new technologies represents significant changes for humanity, impacting everything from transportation to currency.

    • Discussing Neuralink and battery technology advancementsNeuralink could enhance cognitive function and eliminate spoken language, while aluminum-graphene batteries offer longer life, faster charging, and reduced environmental impact. These advancements may create new disparities and ethical dilemmas.

      We are on the brink of groundbreaking technological advancements in various fields, from energy to neurotechnology, which will significantly impact our lives. Neil deGrasse Tyson's discussion with Elon Musk about Neuralink highlights the potential for brain interfaces to enhance cognitive function and even eliminate the need for spoken language. On the other hand, advancements in battery technology, such as aluminum-graphene batteries, promise longer battery life, faster charging times, and reduced environmental impact. These innovations will revolutionize industries and potentially create new disparities between those who can afford these technologies and those who cannot. The integration of humans with technology is becoming increasingly inevitable, raising questions about the ethical implications and potential consequences of creating "superhumans" through genetic engineering and advanced neurotechnology.

    • The Future of Communication: Wireless Thought-to-Thought and Universal LanguagesElon Musk's prediction of wireless, thought-to-thought communication could lead to a universal global language, but raises questions about individuality and diversity. History shows universal languages have been attempted before, but never fully adopted. Disruptive technologies, like this, are difficult to reverse and bring significant changes.

      Technology is constantly evolving and has the potential to drastically change the way we communicate and understand each other. Elon Musk's prediction of wireless, thought-to-thought communication is an example of this. This technology could lead to a universal global language, making communication between people of different backgrounds easier. However, it also raises questions about the importance of individuality and diversity in human communication. The history of universal languages, such as Latin and Esperanto, shows that they have been attempted before but never fully adopted. It remains to be seen how this new technology will impact humanity, but it is certain that it will bring about significant changes. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the idea that people adapt and find ways to succeed with their unique attributes and deficits. This was illustrated through the example of Marcelo Garcia and Roger Gracie in MMA, who have different styles and approaches to the sport. The entertainment value of observing the diverse ways people navigate through life was also highlighted. The conversation also mentioned the idea that once a disruptive technology is released, it's difficult to reverse its impact. This was compared to the metaphor of Pandora's Box. The discussion ended with a preview of an upcoming grappling event featuring elite athletes, and the excitement and anticipation surrounding the potential outcomes of their matches.

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    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott

    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott
    Joe sits down with David “Tank” Abbott, a retired professional mixed martial artist, former pro wrestler, and pioneer in the world of combat sports. www.ufc.com/athlete/tank-abbott Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe
    Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live YouTube show "Kill Tony." https://tonyhinchcliffe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Dominyka Obelenyte was born in Lithuania, emigrated to the United States at a very young age, and became a 4 time Pan-Am and World Championship gold medalist.  

    In this interview we talk technique, injury recovery, mindset, effective training, the use and misuse of 'loyalty' in the BJJ world, mental resilience and more.  I think you'll really like this one.

    Follow Dominyka on Instagram @domdabomburmom/

    Also, check out the brand new Open Guard System that I just released in DVD and streaming format at https://www.grapplearts.com/openguard



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    266 - ADCC and IBJJF World Champion Yuri Simoes on Switching to MMA

    Yuri Simoes is a two time ADCC World Championship, a two-time IBJJF black belt Absolute No-Gi World Champion, and a two-time Pan American Champion.

    In our chat we go deep into developing the motivation required to train at such a high level, the importance of self defense, how he took down a Olympic Judo champion in competition, and much more.

    I hope you enjoy it!

    00:44: Growing up in Brazil
    03:07: Training self defense
    05:38: On making BJJ your way of life
    10:08: Judo and BJJ cross training
    14:40: Yuri's match against Travis Stevens
    17:30: On making the switch to no gi grappling
    20:42: On coming to North America and training with Caio Terra
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    31:06: New jiu-jitsu vs traditional jiu-jitsu
    36:25: On switching from no gi to MMA
    38:04: What made Yuri so stubborn?
    42:25: Dealing with major injuries
    49:50: Biggest adjustments in switching from jiu-jitsu to MMA
    51:33: What's a typical week of MMA training?
    59:59: Good days and bad days of training
    1:02:56: Signing to fight with One FC
    1:04:58: Where to follow Yuri

    If you get the chance, check out my Grapplearts BJJ Master App.  There's a TON of free high level content in that app, giving you the opportunity to learn BJJ on your phone.

    Download the Grapplearts BJJ Master App for free at https://www.grapplearts.com/masterapp


    Stephan Kesting


    320 - OK, So You've Been Vaccinated, Can You Return to Training?

    320 - OK, So You've Been Vaccinated, Can You Return to Training?

    Today I talk with Dr Nicholas Tyau, a BJJ Black Belt and internal medicine specialist who was working in NYC hospitals during Covid Ground Zero in 2020.  We discuss the 5 key factors you need to consider after you've been vaccinated but before you decide to return to normal training, including...

    1) Local hospital and ICU occupancy rates
    2) Test positivity rates in your community
    3) Vaccination rates within your community and your training group
    4) Your tolerance for taking short term and long term risk
    5) Your tolerance for, and the consequences of, potentially making others sick, especially the people you live with.

    Please check out my previous episode (ep 285) with Dr Tyau here:  https://www.grapplearts.com/doctor-covid-ground-zero/

    Also episode 302 with epidemiologists Kathrine Wallace and Madeline Lewis: https://www.grapplearts.com/covid-myths-debunked-with-epidemiologists-kathrine-wallace-and-madeline-lewis/

    And my series of discussions with Dr Chris Moriarty on guidelines for operating a BJJ school safely during the Covid-19 pandemic: https://www.grapplearts.com/openingupbjj

    Thank you, and take care of each other,

    Stephan Kesting


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    Have a question for our experts? Leave a comment on this episode, or reach out to us directly!


    From your iOS device, iMessage us at TalkingCars@icloud.com to send a photo, video, or text directly to the Talking Cars team!


    We love to feature our viewers on the show, so submit video questions at https://www.consumerreports.org/cars-talking-cars/


    Subscribe to Talking Cars on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Jr8wJRJyN9v8T6LC1fQQ6






    00:00 - Introduction

    00:48 - 2022 BMW iX First Impressions

    18:42 - Question: Are EVs really greener than gas powered vehicles?





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