
    JRE MMA Show #130 with Will Harris

    en-usSeptember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • MMA Fighters: Emotional, Psychological, and Physical ChallengesMMA fighters face immense emotional, psychological, and physical challenges, risking injury and loss of sponsors, but continue to push through for the love of the sport.

      MMA fighters are some of the most compelling athletes due to the emotional and psychological challenges they face, as well as the physical risks involved in their sport. Joe Rogan's documentaries and films have shined a light on these aspects, humanizing fighters and showcasing the struggles they go through to compete at the highest level. Despite the risks and pressures, fighters continue to push through and face the consequences, including injury and loss of sponsors, as a part of the sport. The stakes are high, and every fight could be a fighter's last.

    • The unexpected deaths of cultural icons leave a profound impactUnexpected deaths of influential figures remind us of life's fragility and the impact individuals can have on their communities

      The unexpected and shocking deaths of cultural icons, such as Biggie Smalls and Mike Tyson, can leave a profound impact on people, causing disbelief and a sense of loss. Biggie, who was only 24 when he was killed, was known for his exceptional rapping skills and had already achieved significant success in the music industry. His death was believed to be a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and getting into a confrontation with a notorious figure from Los Angeles. The impact of his death was felt deeply, with many people expressing their grief publicly. Similarly, when Mike Tyson was knocked out in a surprising upset, people had a hard time accepting it due to his dominant reputation in the boxing world. These moments serve as reminders of the fragility of life and the powerful influence that individuals can have on their communities.

    • The Fear of Violence and Robbery Disproportionately Affects Black Individuals in AmericaThe fear of violence and robbery, particularly in cities like Los Angeles, disproportionately affects Black individuals due to societal biases and the flaunting of wealth. Social media can also reveal personal information and put targets on individuals' backs.

      The fear of violence and robbery, often associated with wealth and success, disproportionately affects Black individuals in America, particularly in cities like Los Angeles. This was highlighted in a conversation about the recent murder of rapper PNB Rock, who was killed for his jewelry in a robbery. The speaker emphasized that this issue isn't unique to rappers, as anyone who flaunts wealth in certain neighborhoods risks becoming a target. The conversation also touched on the danger of social media, which can reveal personal information and put targets on individuals' backs. The speaker expressed concern for his own friend, who had amassed a following and success in LA but was encouraged to leave due to the risks involved. The conversation ended with a discussion of a new law in Illinois that eliminates cash bail for many dangerous crimes, raising concerns about the potential consequences for individuals in high-risk situations.

    • Bail reform and eviction laws in IllinoisDangerous criminals are released due to bail reform while eviction laws protect non-paying tenants, leading to an imbalance in justice

      The criminal justice system in Illinois, with its current bail reform law, is allowing dangerous individuals to remain free despite committing serious crimes. This has led to an increase in violent crime and a lack of consequences for offenders. Meanwhile, in the civil realm, renters in Illinois are protected by laws that make it difficult for landlords to evict tenants, even if they fail to pay rent. One man shared his personal experience of subletting his apartment and being left with unexpected financial responsibility when the subtenant stopped paying rent for several months. These issues highlight the importance of ensuring that justice is served fairly and efficiently in both criminal and civil matters.

    • Government Policies and Personal ExperiencesThe speaker discussed concerns over disincentives to work with universal basic income, skepticism towards an alleged IRS job ad requiring lethal force, and the importance of proper business structures for accessing government assistance.

      The discussion touched on various topics including personal experiences with eviction buyouts in California, the concept of universal basic income, and the controversy surrounding an alleged IRS job ad requiring lethal force. The speaker shared their thoughts on universal basic income, expressing concerns about potential disincentives to work and the varying costs of living across different regions. They also shared their skepticism towards the authenticity of an IRS job ad that circulated online, which allegedly required applicants to be willing to use deadly force. The speaker also shared their personal experiences with government assistance and the importance of having proper business structures to take advantage of opportunities like PPP loans. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and controversies surrounding government policies aimed at providing financial support to individuals and enforcing tax laws.

    • IRS Focused on Serving Taxpayers, but Concerns RaisedThe IRS aims to help taxpayers, but long hours, constant availability, and perceived use of force have raised concerns, leading some to consider living abroad for a better balance of individual freedoms and government role.

      The IRS, despite some controversial language on a since-removed webpage, is primarily focused on serving and protecting taxpayers, even those with smaller incomes. However, the demands for long hours, constant availability, and even the suggestion of using force, raised concerns and fears among the public. The speaker's personal experiences and observations of safety and opportunities in other parts of the world, like the UAE, have led him to consider leaving the US for an extended period. This raises questions about the balance between individual freedoms and the role of government, as well as the potential benefits and challenges of living in different parts of the world.

    • Abu Dhabi's Role in MMA Fights and Upcoming MatchesFans can look forward to exciting MMA matches in Abu Dhabi, such as Makaev vs. Oliveira. Leon Edwards and Islam Makaev are favored, with Makaev's determination and mindset giving him an edge. Oliveira's transformation after having a child adds intrigue to the fight.

      Abu Dhabi is becoming a global hub for MMA fights, and fans should be excited for upcoming matches like Makaev vs. Oliveira. The speaker, a storyteller, shares his bias towards certain fighters, expressing his support for Leon Edwards and Islam Makaev. He believes Makaev will win against Oliveira based on his observations of their training and mindset. The speaker also highlights Oliveira's transformation after having a child and becoming more determined in his fights. The anticipation for these fights is heightened by the fact that many fighters are training together in Abu Dhabi and investing their own resources into their careers. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting the fighters' beliefs and accepting the outcome of the fights, regardless of the result.

    • Charles Oliveira vs Islam Makhachev: A Clash of Grappling SkillsThe upcoming Oliveira vs Makhachev fight showcases an intriguing matchup of grappling abilities, with Oliveira's submission expertise versus Makhachev's wrestling skills. Weight cutting challenges were also discussed, with the importance of a weight cut specialist emphasized to ensure fighters are at their best.

      The upcoming fight between Charles Oliveira and Islam Makhachev is highly anticipated due to the uncertainty surrounding their grappling skills. Oliveira has never faced a grappler like Makhachev, while Makhachev has never encountered someone as skilled in submissions as Oliveira. The discussion also touched on the challenges of weight cutting in MMA and the potential impact it can have on fighters' performances. Henry Cejudo's recent experience of missing weight significantly was brought up as an example. The consensus was that a legitimate weight cut specialist should be involved in the process to ensure a fighter is in optimal condition for the fight. Additionally, some suggested the elimination of weight cutting altogether and having fighters compete in their natural weight classes.

    • The Complexities of a Mixed Martial Artist's CareerWrestling and grappling skills are crucial in MMA, but prime years and octagon damage impact every fighter's career uniquely.

      The career of a mixed martial artist is a complex and dynamic journey, shaped by various factors including physical and mental challenges, the level of competition, and the impact of specific fights. The discussion around Tony Ferguson's retirement and his comparison to Khabib Nurmagomedov highlights the importance of wrestling and dominant grappling skills in today's MMA, as well as the limitations of a fighter's prime years and the effects of taking damage in the octagon. Fans and analysts may debate the merits of different fighting styles and the greatness of individual fighters, but ultimately, each athlete's career is unique and shaped by their own experiences and choices.

    • Fighters prioritize health and recovery between fightsSuccessful fighters prioritize their health and take time off to recover after fights, understanding the long-term consequences of rushing back. Some fighters, like Kayla Harrison, face uncertainty in their future in the sport, while others find financial success outside of it.

      Fighters prioritize their health and recovery between fights, as they understand the potential long-term consequences of rushing back into the octagon. Rashad Evans and others have shared stories about the importance of taking time off after a knockout to allow injuries to heal properly. Kayla Harrison, a successful MMA fighter, is currently a free agent and her future in the sport is uncertain. The PFL uses drug testing, but the specifics are unknown. Larissa Pacheco, Harrison's potential opponent, is a Brazilian striker known for her power and size, and it remains to be seen if the 145-pound weight class is a good fit for her. Other fighters, like Sean O'Malley, Eric Anders, and Eddie Alvarez, have found financial success outside of fighting and are able to reinvest their earnings.

    • Women's power in combat sports and the importance of self-awarenessOlympic Judo medalist Kayla Harrison's strength and skills challenge stereotypes in combat sports. Despite this, women's representation and depth in UFC's featherweight division is lacking. The conversation highlighted the significance of self-awareness and safety in potentially dangerous situations.

      Kayla Harrison, an Olympic Judo medalist, is a formidable figure with impressive strength and fighting skills. Her ability to knock out men in various competitions showcases the power and capability of women in combat sports. However, there's a lack of representation and depth in women's combat sports, particularly in the UFC's featherweight division. The discussion also touched upon the idea of sympathy and support in relationships when one encounters physical altercations. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-awareness and safety in potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, there was a brief mention of the risks and allure of expensive watches, leading to a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of flaunting wealth.

    • The value of authentic human connectionFocus on forming meaningful relationships in real life, be mindful of online interactions, and avoid unhealthy distractions.

      Authentic human connection is valuable and hard to find in today's world of endless options and digital distractions. The speaker shared his personal experience of meeting his wife and realizing he didn't need to entertain anyone else due to her kindness, intelligence, and lack of evil. He expressed concern about the negative impact of dating apps and social media on forming meaningful relationships, as they provide too many options and encourage unhealthy interactions with people who aren't physically present. He also warned against engaging in online arguments and reading comments, as they can be harmful and a waste of time. The speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on real-life connections and being mindful of the company we keep, both online and offline.

    • Impact of Vaccines on Fertility and PregnancyDespite concerns, vaccines are safe and effective for pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant. Personal beliefs and experiences may influence the decision to seek out unvaccinated partners, but it's crucial to consider the potential risks and benefits for overall health and well-being.

      There are concerns regarding the impact of vaccines on fertility and pregnancy, leading some individuals to seek out unvaccinated partners. These fears stem from reported cases of women experiencing fertility issues, menstrual irregularities, and miscarriages after receiving the vaccine. The effectiveness of the vaccine wanes over time, necessitating boosters to maintain protection. Despite these concerns, the scientific consensus supports the safety and efficacy of vaccines for pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant. The speaker's fixation on unvaccinated partners may be driven by personal beliefs or experiences, but it's essential to consider the potential risks and benefits of vaccination for overall health and well-being. Additionally, the speaker's analogy of lions and their behavior served as a metaphor for their dating experiences, highlighting the thrill of new relationships and the dominance of older, more experienced partners. The speaker also acknowledged their potential addiction to new relationships and the influence of social media on their behavior. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of making informed decisions about health and relationships while acknowledging the complexity of personal beliefs and experiences.

    • Relying on dating apps for connections and relationships can lead to addiction and dissatisfactionFocus on building real, meaningful relationships in your life instead of relying on dating apps for fleeting connections and validation.

      Relying on dating apps for connections and relationships can lead to addiction and dissatisfaction. The speaker shared his personal experience of observing the loneliness and longing for companionship among men, some of whom were decades away from having children. He noted that men in relationships, whether good or bad, often look for new connections and excitement, leading to a cycle of chasing the next "new thing." The speaker emphasized that true connections and partnerships are formed in real life, through developing a deep attraction to a person's personality, mind, and looks. He acknowledged that it can be a challenge to find such connections, especially in today's world of successful people using apps. However, he advised that it's worth the effort to get off the apps and focus on building real relationships, as every meaningful connection he's had in his life was not formed on an app. The speaker also acknowledged that apps can lead to physical connections, but warned of the potential for wasting time and causing harm to both parties. Overall, the speaker's message was to encourage men to prioritize building real, meaningful relationships in their lives rather than relying on dating apps for fleeting connections and validation.

    • The abundance of dating options can hinder meaningful relationshipsBeing authentic and present in each interaction is key to forming meaningful relationships, despite the abundance of options in modern dating.

      Having an abundance of options in dating can lead to devaluing potential partners and hindering the formation of meaningful relationships. The speaker shares his experience of using dating apps and being inundated with matches, which can make one feel good about themselves but ultimately hinder the ability to connect deeply with someone. He also discusses the challenges of finding a partner who is not also playing the same dating game and the importance of being upfront about intentions and past relationships. The speaker acknowledges the complexity of balancing the desire for fun and the pursuit of a meaningful relationship. Ultimately, he reflects on the importance of being authentic and present in each interaction, rather than being caught up in the abundance of options.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Dating AppsBeing authentic and transparent on dating apps is crucial, as past experiences and public personas can impact potential matches. Success depends on various factors, and even attractive and successful individuals can struggle to find matches. Approach dating apps with a thoughtful and disciplined mindset.

      The dating landscape has changed significantly, allowing more people to have access to potential partners than ever before through the use of dating apps. However, success on these apps is not guaranteed and can depend on various factors such as profile quality and personal compatibility. The speaker's experience shows that even attractive and successful individuals can struggle to find matches on these apps, and that people's lives and priorities can evolve over time, raising questions about the future and the potential consequences of relying on dating apps indefinitely. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being authentic and transparent on these platforms, as past experiences and public personas can impact potential matches. Ultimately, while dating apps offer new opportunities for connection, they also come with challenges and potential drawbacks, and it's essential to approach them with a thoughtful and disciplined mindset.

    • Navigating the complexities of dating apps and real life encountersDating apps can lead to unexpected encounters and communication is key to understanding and respecting each other's values and preferences.

      Navigating the world of dating apps can be overwhelming and lead to unexpected encounters. The speaker shares an experience of matching with the same woman on multiple apps and the challenge of meeting people in real life while dealing with their app usage. The conversation also touches upon the importance of respecting each other's values and preferences, even if they don't align. The speaker's personal story highlights the trial and error nature of dating and the importance of being true to oneself. Ultimately, the conversation emphasizes the importance of communication, understanding, and flexibility in relationships.

    • Morrissey's Vegan Crew vs. Healthy Meat and Advanced Ancient CivilizationsMorrissey prioritizes a vegan crew, but healthy meat and plants' sentience are debated. Ancient civilizations, like Egypt, may have been more advanced than assumed, as shown by architectural marvels like the Great Pyramid.

      Morrissey, the musician, insists on a vegan crew, but the real issue is not meat itself, but processed foods. Meat, particularly grass-fed, can be part of a healthy diet. Plants also exhibit signs of sentience and communication. The next stage of human evolution may involve the merging of biology and technology. However, natural disasters like asteroid impacts could disrupt this trajectory. Ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt, may have been more advanced than we currently understand, as evidenced by their architectural feats like the Great Pyramid of Giza. This pyramid, built around 2,500 BC, remains a mystery due to its massive size, precise alignment, and the origin of its stones.

    • New technologies and discoveries challenge our understanding of historyRecent use of advanced technologies like LIDAR has revealed evidence of ancient civilizations and challenged previous assumptions about history, broadening our perspective.

      Our understanding of history can be significantly altered when new technologies and discoveries come to light. For instance, the Amazon rainforest was once believed to be an untouched natural wonder, but recent use of LIDAR technology revealed evidence of ancient cities and agriculture. Similarly, the disappearance of civilizations like the Mayans and Native Americans was initially attributed to violence from European invaders, but it's now recognized that diseases played a major role in their decline. These discoveries challenge our previous assumptions and broaden our perspective on history. Additionally, the encounter between Europeans and indigenous peoples brought devastating consequences, with the Europeans bringing diseases that led to the deaths of millions.

    • The Intimacy and Emotion of MMA StorytellingMMA's raw emotions and unique access to fighters' souls make it a captivating and passionate subject for storytelling.

      The world of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is unique in its ability to elicit raw emotions and intense storytelling, unlike other sports. Mel Gibson's involvement in creating authentic content surrounding this sport is noteworthy, despite his controversial past. The trust and relationships built between filmmakers and fighters are crucial, as the consequences of losing in MMA are far more severe than in other sports. This intimacy results in powerful and engaging content that cannot be replicated in other athletic realms. The access to these fighters' souls and their passion for fighting sets MMA apart, making it an intriguing and passionate subject for storytelling.

    • Staying true to oneself and achieving goalsSuccess in a career requires a combination of personality, consistency, discipline, and showmanship. Staying true to oneself and focusing on goals can lead to long-term success, while an entertaining personality and captivating performances can quickly gain popularity.

      Personality and consistency in performance play significant roles in building a successful career and capturing the hearts of fans. Khabib Nurmagomedov's ability to dominate the UFC division and retire on his own terms, despite criticism from some fans, showcases the importance of staying true to oneself and achieving goals. Connor McGregor, on the other hand, gained popularity through his entertaining personality and captivating performances, even amidst controversies. Both fighters demonstrate unique approaches to success, with Khabib focusing on discipline and consistency, and Connor on charisma and showmanship. Ultimately, it's the combination of these elements that makes a fighter stand out and leaves a lasting impact on the sport and its fans.

    • Finding motivation and purpose in fighting and relationshipsSuccessful fighters continue despite loss, driven by family or personal goals. Older women may be attracted to men with purpose, and focusing on fundamentals can enhance performance in boxing.

      Even the most successful and exciting fighters in the UFC, like Michael Chandler, face the reality of eventual loss. However, their purpose and motivation, such as family or personal goals, can drive them to continue fighting. For some individuals, finding a meaningful connection, like through a podcast or coffee dates, can lead to discovering a potential partner. Age and life experience can also play a role in attraction, with older women often being more attracted to men who take care of themselves and have a clear sense of purpose. Deontay Wilder's experience with ayahuasca, a psychedelic plant used for spiritual purposes, highlights the importance of focusing on movement, footwork, and defense in boxing, rather than solely relying on one's natural power. Ultimately, the journey of a fighter is unique, and finding motivation and purpose can help them overcome challenges and continue to excel in their chosen field.

    • Mental and emotional preparation enhances performanceIn high-pressure situations, mental and emotional preparation can significantly improve technical proficiency and overall performance.

      Focusing solely on technique may not be enough to achieve success, especially in high-pressure situations. Instead, mental and emotional preparation, such as finding inner peace and happiness, can significantly enhance technical proficiency and overall performance. This was observed in the boxing match between Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury, where Wilder's improved mental state led to a more dominant performance. Similarly, Rashad Evans' recommendation to pursue introspection was seen as a potential means to find personal growth without losing drive or motivation. However, the speaker also acknowledged the challenges and potential dangers associated with certain paths, such as the rap industry, and the psychological impact of societal pressures and materialism on individuals, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    • From basketball to filmmaking: Pursuing passions late in lifeLate commitment to passions can lead to success and positive impact, regardless of age. Stay true to your vision and use experiences to create opportunities for growth and change.

      Passion and perseverance, even if pursued late in life, can lead to success and making a positive impact on others. The speaker shares his journey from basketball to filmmaking, acknowledging that he didn't truly commit to film until his 30s. He aspires to create opportunities for underrepresented groups and tell stories that positively represent their culture. He also discusses the trap of materialism and the desire to move abroad for opportunities rather than wealth. Additionally, he touches on the potential to make traditional sports like baseball more entertaining and popular, similar to cricket. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's vision and using one's experiences to create opportunities for growth and positive change.

    • Understanding the appeal of different sportsBaseball's complexity and slow pace hinder its global popularity, while soccer's accessibility and excitement struggle to capture American interest. Intensity and raw emotion in MMA contrast with baseball's calm and strategic nature, highlighting each sport's unique appeal.

      While baseball is deeply ingrained in American culture, it faces challenges in gaining popularity in other parts of the world due to its complexity and slow pace. On the other hand, soccer, which is more accessible and exciting, struggles to capture the American audience's interest. The speakers' experiences with soccer and mixed martial arts (MMA) highlight the differences in the appeal of various sports. For instance, the intensity and raw emotion of MMA contrast sharply with the calm and strategic nature of baseball. The speakers' admiration for athletes like Gordon Ryan and Adesanya, who excel in their respective sports, underscores the unique appeal of each sport. Ultimately, while sports like baseball and soccer may have different fan bases and appeal to diverse audiences, they all offer unique experiences and showcase the remarkable athleticism and determination of the athletes who compete in them.

    • Balancing Intensity and Self-Preservation in Combat SportsTo excel in combat sports like MMA, push yourself during training but also prioritize long-term health by recognizing when it's time to step back. Surround yourself with supportive friends and maintain hobbies outside the sport for balance.

      Training in combat sports, such as MMA, requires a balance between intense sparring and self-preservation. While it's important to push each other and learn from each other, it's equally important to recognize when it's time to walk away from the sport for the sake of long-term health and well-being. Surrounding oneself with honest and supportive friends who can provide valuable feedback and perspective is crucial. Additionally, having hobbies and interests outside of the sport can provide a sense of purpose and balance. It's essential to remember that while being a fighter may be a significant part of one's identity, it's not the only aspect of who they are.

    • Stem cell therapy aids athletes in healing and recoveryStem cell therapy, through hyperbaric chamber treatments and IV injections, can significantly aid athletes in healing from injuries and enhancing performance.

      Stem cell therapy, particularly in countries where the procedures allow for replication and larger doses, can significantly aid in healing and recovery, especially for athletes dealing with injuries. The speaker shares personal experiences of friends who have undergone stem cell treatments in places like Tijuana and Colombia, resulting in improved conditions for their neck and knee injuries, respectively. The therapy involves hyperbaric chamber treatments and IV stem cell injections, which accelerate healing and enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing injuries before they worsen and shares a cautionary tale about the impact of poor oral health and Diet Coke consumption, which led to a costly gum restoration procedure. Overall, stem cell therapy emerges as a promising solution for athletes seeking to recover from injuries and maintain optimal performance.

    • Strained Relationship Between HBO and UFC Limits Access to UFC EventsDespite a strained relationship, the speaker expresses disappointment in HBO's inability to film UFC events, particularly on weight cutting, a significant issue in the sport. He also shares his excitement for upcoming fights and believes Aljo, a proven champion, has big fights ahead.

      The relationship between HBO and the UFC has become strained, making it difficult for HBO to gain access to film UFC events, including a potential piece on weight cutting which is a significant issue in the sport. The speaker expresses his disappointment in this situation, as he believes greater exposure for the UFC is beneficial for both parties. The speaker also shares his dislike for weight cutting and believes it's a major problem in the sport, akin to steroid use. He also expresses excitement for upcoming fights in the UFC and believes Aljo, as a proven champion, has big fights ahead of him.

    • Stories of Fighters Overcoming InjuriesMMA fighters display incredible resilience, pushing through injuries and setbacks to achieve success in their careers.

      The world of mixed martial arts is filled with compelling stories of comebacks and unfathomable wins despite serious injuries. John was a prime example, who fought through a displaced neck disc to become a world champion. Tony, another legendary figure, faced unexpected setbacks like tripping on wires and injuring his knee, which prevented him from achieving an unprecedented undefeated run. Fighters like Kamal and Canelo continue to push through their pain and injuries, demonstrating the grit and determination that defines this sport. Despite the risks and challenges, they continue to captivate audiences and inspire fans with their unyielding spirit.

    • The value of a person isn't defined by wealth or possessionsDespite record-breaking viewership and wealth in cricket, the speaker was more interested in the unique stories and experiences of fighters, emphasizing that anyone can create compelling content with the right passion and determination.

      Wealth and material possessions don't define a person's value or success. The speaker was surprised by the extravagant displays of wealth in the Middle East but was most impressed by a fighter who didn't care about it. The cricket World Cup had record-breaking viewership numbers, surpassing the Super Bowl, and the biggest cricket player had more followers than LeBron James. However, the speaker was more interested in telling stories about fighters and their unique experiences, rather than just their wealth or fame. He emphasized that given one day, he could create compelling content about any fighter, including John Jones, who was known for his high IQ and formidable skills. The speaker's passion for storytelling and his determination to understand the minds of fighters drove him to pursue these projects.

    • Embracing Adversity and Making a Legendary StoryGreat athletes overcome adversity, embrace their wild nature, and share their personal stories to leave a lasting legacy

      The greatest athletes, like Jon Jones, possess an uncanny ability to overcome adversity and defy expectations. The speaker, who had a conversation with Jones during a difficult time, acknowledged his wild nature and urged him to embrace it, reminding him that it's the extraordinary actions that make legends. Jones' attempts to compare himself to other greats, like Khabib, are unnecessary, and the speaker encourages him to focus on his unique story and let it unfold. The power of storytelling and documenting personal experiences is emphasized, as it allows the audience to connect with athletes on a deeper level and understand their journeys outside the ring. The speaker's most successful content comes from telling stories about fighters as people, rather than focusing on trash talk or comparisons. The impact of these stories can last for years, making it essential for athletes to trust the storyteller and share their personal experiences. Jones, being younger than some of his peers in the heavyweight division, still has ample time to make his mark and leave a lasting legacy.

    • The importance of rest and matchups in MMATaking time off from intense training and focusing on mental fortitude can lead to improved feelings and performances for fighters. Matchups and weight cuts also play significant roles in determining a fighter's success.

      The rigors of training and the physical toll it takes on a fighter can lead to improved feelings and performances later in their career, even if it means not going through the intense training camps. For instance, DC's current sense of well-being might be attributed to his absence from grueling training camps due to his past injuries. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the significance of matchups and the potential impact of weight cuts on a fighter's performance. For example, it was suggested that if Hamzaa could compete at 170 pounds without the additional weight cut, he could potentially dominate opponents like Leon Edwards. The conversation also emphasized the importance of mental fortitude and the ability to adapt under pressure, as exemplified by Leon Edwards' resilience in the face of adversity. Overall, the discussion showcased the complexities and nuances of mixed martial arts and the various factors that contribute to a fighter's success.

    • Exploring the unique stories and talents of MMA fightersFrom uncanny reading abilities to quick rises to fame, MMA offers endless intrigue with its talented fighters and dynamic backstage dynamics.

      The world of MMA is full of fascinating stories and talented individuals. From Khabib's uncanny ability to read fights and fighters, to Marlon Vera's quick rise to fame and discipline, each fighter brings something unique to the table. The clicky nature of MMA teams and the backstage dynamics add to the intrigue, making it an exciting and dynamic world to explore. Whether it's the undeniable power of a fighter like Marlon Vera or the discipline and dedication of a training partner like Colby Covington, there's always something new to discover in the world of MMA.

    • Building Relationships in High-Pressure Environments: The Power of Authenticity and VulnerabilityBeing open and honest, even in tough situations, builds trust and deepens relationships. Athletes like Cam Newton and Kobe Bryant have shown vulnerability and resilience, earning respect and fan loyalty. Taking time to recover and focusing on self-improvement can lead to long-term success.

      Trust and authenticity are crucial in building relationships, especially in high-pressure environments like sports. The speakers in this conversation emphasized the importance of being open and honest, even when facing adversity or criticism. They shared stories of athletes who have shown vulnerability and resilience, and how this has deepened their connections with fans and peers. For example, Camaro's candidness about his injuries and Kobe Bryant's reputation for sharing information honestly have earned them respect and trust. Additionally, taking time to recover and focusing on being the best version of oneself can lead to success in the long run. The speakers also highlighted the impact of stars like Canelo and Tyson Fury, who have shown resilience and adaptability in their careers, despite facing challenges and setbacks. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and resilience in building strong relationships and achieving success.

    • Boxers and MMA fighters make adjustments to training camps after lossesBoxers and MMA fighters adapt their training regimens after defeats to enhance their skills and address weaknesses, showcasing the importance of continuous improvement in the sport.

      Boxers, like Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury, make adjustments to their training camps after losses to improve their performance in specific areas. This practice is common in MMA as well. Joshua's decision to fight Fury instead of Wilder, and Fury's potential return to his original camp, are examples of such adjustments. The quality of training and focus on addressing weaknesses are essential factors in these decisions. The success stories of fighters like Trevor Whitman, who makes superior gloves, illustrate the importance of having access to world-class training in all aspects of the sport. Despite the challenges and setbacks, the fight game continues to inspire comeback stories and innovations.

    • MMA and the Business ChallengesThe MMA industry faces various challenges including weight cutting, doping, pressure to perform, and Dana White's influence, while social media offers new opportunities for content creators.

      The world of MMA and the business behind it involves numerous challenges, from weight cutting and performance-enhancing substances to the pressure to perform and the desire for success. The speaker shares his personal experiences and observations, expressing his concerns about the weight cutting issue and the impact of Dana White's presence on the sport. He also touches upon the topic of doping and the evolving nature of the industry, as well as the role of social media in creating new opportunities for content creators. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and intricacies of the MMA world and the business dynamics that shape it.

    • Personal brand and creative freedomBuilding a personal brand requires sacrifices, but authentic content attracts future collaborations. Be patient and selective to create impactful work.

      Creative freedom and building a personal brand are essential for creating impactful content, even if it means sacrificing revenue at times. The interviewee shares his experience of having to make such choices while working independently, compared to working for a company where content might be censored. He emphasizes the importance of branching out on one's own and building a legacy of authentic content to attract future collaborations. The interviewee also highlights the importance of being patient and selective in choosing projects that align with one's vision and values. He also expresses excitement about upcoming fights and the unpredictability of the sport.

    • Exploring the intensity and passion of MMAMMA demands physical and mental preparation, showcases elite skill and determination, and maintains fan engagement through various platforms.

      The world of mixed martial arts is intense and unpredictable, with elite fighters constantly striving to outmaneuver each other in the ring. The human body is vulnerable, and the sport demands a high level of physical and mental preparation. Despite the uncertainties and the risks, the passion and dedication of the fighters and their teams shines through, making for exciting and unforgettable moments. Whether it's through social media or dedicated YouTube channels, fans remain deeply engaged with the sport and the fighters, appreciating their skill and determination. Ultimately, the MMA community continues to thrive, with each event bringing new challenges and opportunities for growth.

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    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    Episode #50 with Dan Garner

    Episode #50 with Dan Garner

    Episode #50 is finally here!  What a milestone! What a privilege and an honour to be joined AGAIN by Canadian Strength Coach and Nutritionist, Dan Garner! Hardcore followers of this show will remember Dan Garner's first appearance as a guest back on episode #19 of the Fight Strength Podcast!

    This time around, we had the opportunity to get Dan in the studio in-person during his Australian Seminar tour.  Unfortunately due to that pesky little thing called timezone difference, we were not able to sync availabilty between Phil Daru in Florida with the boys in Melbourne, Australia.  So to make up for Phil's absence, Macgregor enlisted the help of our old friend, Dan Howard, to round out the interview.

    Some of the topics covered in this incredibly entertaining and informative episode are:

    * Dan's background and career achievements (including coaching Michael Bisping to the UFC Middleweight Championship, coaching Ronda Rousey as well as many others)

    * Common myths which need busting, i.e: "should fighters drop carbs during camp to cut weight?"

    * Energy balance and weight loss for fighters

    * Using Carbs to help with weight cutting

    * Pre/Intra/Post workout nutrition for fighters

    * Hydration and electrolyte balance

    * Meal frequency for fighters

    * Testosterone replacement therapy for older trainees

    * Getting the basics right, i.e: "tried and proven always beats new and improved"

    ** Please remember to subscribe to this podcast so that you get notified as soon as we put out more new content **


    Check out the Fight Strength Podcast on YouTube!!!  Watch the video recording of this episode on Phil Daru's YouTube Channel!

    Follow the show, Phil, and Mac on social media at:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong

    Facebook: Phil Daru & The Unknown Strength

    & Dan Garner - Strength Coach & Nutritionist

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @unknownstrength

    & @dangarnernutrition

    & @fightscienceinstitute

    & @coach_dan_howard


    Online:  www.darustrong.com




    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil and Mac to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast


    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Outro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Episode #35 with Dr. Andreo Spina

    Episode #35 with Dr. Andreo Spina

    On this week's episode of the Fight Strength Podcast, Phil Daru and Jason Burgos got the chance to chat with Dr. Andreo Spina. Dr. Spina is the creator of very unique functional range release system, the functional range conditioning mobility development system and the Kinstretch method of movement.

    The hosts asked Spina about how he developed this system, its purposes, how it came to be used by many professional sports organizations like the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Rangers and many more questions. 

    Follow the show, Phil, and Jason on social media at:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 27 MMA Year in Review

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 27 MMA Year in Review

    On the final edition of the Fight Strength Podcast for 2017, episode 27 is a full on MMA year in review. 

    Phil Daru and Jason Burgos covered some key story lines in the sport this year (i.e., the loss of luster in the UFC titles, and Bellator"s continued rise), gave their fighter of the year picks, and looked at some important narratives to follow in 2018. Plus, Jason listed his 10 best fighters in 2017.

    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 28 with Mike Brown

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 28 with Mike Brown

    Fight Strength Podcast is back with episode 28. This week Phil Daru and Jason Burgos had the pleasure of talking with the 2017 MMAJunkie coach of the year, and American Top Team trainer, Mike Brown.

    The guys chatted with the one time WEC featherweight champion on several topics related to his work coaching for ATT. Including formulating camps for a fighter, how fighters end up working with him, the difference in training for combat athletes in the last 15-plus years, and much more.

    There were some technical difficulties with Skype during the interview. We apologize for the sound issues at times during it.

    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    FSP Overtime 9: Covington/RDA, Win Bonuses, Ben Askren and More

    FSP Overtime 9: Covington/RDA, Win Bonuses, Ben Askren and More

    This week Phil Daru and Jason Burgos are back with an all-new FSP Overtime. This week the guys chat on Colby Covington versus Rafeal Dos Anjos in another interim title fight, Joe Rogan's thoughts on getting rid of win bonuses, Ben Askren's chances in the UFC, Frankie Edgar's return and more.

    You can follow Phil and Jason at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat 

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear