
    JRE MMA Show #14 with Matt Brown

    en-usFebruary 07, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • MMA Fighter Matt Brown on the Challenges of Combat and RedemptionMMA fighter Matt Brown emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and testing one's inner spirit in combat, rather than just focusing on winning. He discusses his upcoming fight against Carlos Condit and the significance of redemption and focusing on game plans in the ring.

      MMA fighter Matt Brown discusses his approach to fighting and returning to the octagon after a year-long hiatus. He reflects on the unique challenges of different fighting styles and the importance of staying true to oneself in the sport. Brown shares his philosophy that combat is about testing oneself and expressing one's inner spirit, rather than just winning at all costs. He also discusses his upcoming fight against Carlos Condit and his thoughts on Condit's performance in his last fight. Brown emphasizes the significance of redemption and the importance of staying focused on one's game plan in the ring. Ultimately, he highlights the diversity and complexity of MMA and the various ways fighters approach the sport.

    • Personal struggles shape mindset in martial artsExtreme experiences and past struggles can fuel intense focus and determination in martial arts and combat sports.

      Extreme experiences and anger in one's past can significantly shape a person's mindset and drive, particularly in the context of martial arts and combat sports. Both interviewees shared stories of hitting rock bottom, whether through drug overdoses or long-term anger, and how they found positive outlets for their emotions through martial arts and heavy metal music. The intensity of these experiences may contribute to a heightened focus and determination in the cage or ring. Additionally, growing up in limiting environments and feeling misunderstood or unsupported can fuel a desire to prove oneself and succeed against all odds.

    • A naive introduction to meth leads to addiction and destructionMeth's intense but short-lived euphoria can lead to addiction, causing destructive consequences in one's life, including fighting, insomnia, and inability to focus.

      The speaker's introduction to drugs, specifically meth, led him down a dangerous path of addiction. He was naive and didn't realize the consequences of his actions, leading him to try different drugs and even live with a drug-addicted partner. His addiction to meth was so strong that he couldn't stop thinking about it, even while in jail. The euphoria of meth was intense but short-lived, leaving him wanting more and unable to sleep. He would often run to escape his feelings and even fight people. His first introduction to martial arts came during this time, but he fought before he received formal training. The speaker's experiences highlight the dangerous and addictive nature of meth and the destructive impact it can have on one's life.

    • Unexpected fight leads to newfound confidenceFacing adversity and refusing to back down can lead to newfound confidence and unexpected passions.

      The speaker discovered his toughness and determination during an unexpected fight experience. He initially went to watch a friend fight, but ended up facing the champion himself. Despite being outmatched and taking heavy punches, he refused to back down and eventually won the fight. This experience gave him a newfound confidence and led him to pursue further training in martial arts. The encounter with San Shao, a hybrid martial art of kickboxing and wrestling, was confusing but intriguing. Ultimately, the speaker came to appreciate the unique challenges and skills it offered. This unexpected turn of events not only helped him realize his inner strength but also sparked his passion for martial arts training.

    • Discovering one's 'why' in lifeDefine your identity and purpose through adversity, find inspiration in others, take the first step with a 'fuck it' attitude, and distinguish between skills and art to express yourself

      Finding one's "why" in life can make the journey towards achieving goals clearer and easier, even when the path seems uncertain. The speaker shares his personal experience of overcoming adversity through mixed martial arts, starting from a traumatic encounter that led him to question his identity and purpose. He then met fighters who inspired him to define himself as a fighter and pursue the sport despite having no prior training. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a "fuck it" attitude to take the first step, but also recognizing the need to learn and improve. He also distinguishes between martial skills and martial arts, viewing fighting as an expression of one's capabilities and identity as a human being.

    • Mastering the mental and physical aspects of combatElite fighters distinguish themselves by mastering both the physical techniques and mental fortitude required for combat.

      While martial arts and skills training are essential components of being a fighter, they are not the same as expressing one's art in a combat scenario. The distinction between training and art lies in the former's focus on technique and the latter's emphasis on mental and emotional intensity. Matt Brown's career is an excellent example of this, as he demonstrated both impressive skills and a fierce mental fortitude in his fights. This obsession with mastering both aspects of combat, both the physical and mental, sets elite fighters apart from their competitors. Brown's dedication to both aspects of martial arts is evident in his extensive training regimen and his focus on sports psychology. Ultimately, a fighter's art is not just about physical prowess but also the mental fortitude to push through even the most intense moments in the octagon.

    • Maximizing Mind Performance through Daily Practices and Mental ExercisesDaily practices like meditation, visualization, and accountability, as well as mental exercises during physically challenging tasks, can enhance mental performance and lead to mental clarity and peak performance.

      Our minds have immense potential that we are not fully utilizing, and continuous improvement is essential. The mind functions through different quadrants, and utilizing specific portions for various tasks. Our minds, like our bodies, perform based on what we ask of them. Neglecting mental stimulation can lead to weakness and atrophy. Practicing daily, such as meditation, visualization, and accountability, can enhance mental performance. High performers consistently use these methods. One unique example is the use of mental exercises during physically challenging tasks, like maintaining a posture after a grueling workout. Sensory deprivation tanks can also be used for meditation and relaxation, allowing us to focus on our breath and release thoughts. Ultimately, striving for a "no mind" state, where we can let go of all thoughts, is a personal goal for mental clarity and peak performance.

    • Mastering one thing: A mindset for success in various domainsThe mindset of mastering one thing can lead to success in any discipline, as shown by individuals like Josh Waitzkin in chess and martial arts.

      The mindset of mastering one thing can be applied to anything, as highlighted in the books "The Book of Five Rings" and "The Art of Learning" by Josh Waitzkin. These books emphasize the importance of understanding the way things work and applying that knowledge to achieve greatness. The chess prodigy Josh Waitzkin, who is a black belt under Marcelo Garcia, exemplifies this mentality. His ability to learn and teach complex concepts has inspired many, including those in the martial arts community, where Jiu-Jitsu practitioners like Guy Ritchie and Maynard James Keenan demonstrate that mastery of the art is not limited by age or physical abilities. These individuals' dedication to their craft challenges the perception of Jiu-Jitsu as a simple physical activity and showcases the intellectual and emotional depth of the practice.

    • Professional fighters face numerous injuries and setbacksDespite the physical demands and risks, professional fighters remain dedicated and resilient, continuing to train and compete despite injuries and long recovery periods.

      Being a professional fighter involves enduring numerous injuries and setbacks, some requiring extensive surgeries and long recovery periods. Mark Coleman and Chris Wyben shared their experiences of having hip replacements and thumb ligament injuries respectively, which significantly impacted their training and fighting abilities. The discussion also touched upon other fighters who faced similar challenges, such as Jacques Arrays' elbow surgery revealing damaged bone and cartilage. The physical demands of the sport lead to these injuries, and although some may argue about the use of performance-enhancing drugs, the rules strictly prohibit their use, making adherence essential. The resilience and determination of these athletes to continue despite the obstacles are a testament to their dedication and passion for the sport.

    • Balancing fairness and due process in sports dopingThe debate on performance-enhancing substances in sports continues, with opinions split on fairness of lifetime bans and need for stricter regulations vs individual circumstances and due process.

      The use of performance-enhancing substances in sports, such as steroids, remains a contentious issue with varying opinions on the fairness of lifetime bans for first-offenses. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of contaminated supplements and unintentional use leading to positive tests. Some believe that stricter regulations and harsher penalties would deter athletes from taking risks, while others argue that unintended consequences could result in unfair punishments for innocent individuals. Ultimately, the debate revolves around balancing the need for a level playing field with the importance of due process and individual circumstances.

    • Discussing the Rarity and Potential Risks of Achieving Exceptional Physical Fitness at an Older Age and the Use of Performance-Enhancing DrugsAchieving exceptional physical fitness at an older age is rare and the use of performance-enhancing drugs can lead to hormonal imbalances, mental health issues, and long-term damage to tendons, ligaments, and bones.

      While it's impressive to see individuals who have achieved exceptional physical fitness at an older age, it's important to remember that such a level of muscular development is extremely rare. The discussion also touched upon the potential consequences of using performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids. These substances can lead to significant hormonal imbalances and mental health issues upon discontinuation. The body's muscle memory, especially when trained at a young age, can make it easier to regain muscle mass after a period of not using steroids. However, the long-term effects on tendons, ligaments, and bones can be detrimental. The case of Johnny Hendrix was brought up as an example of a fighter who, despite his impressive performance, may have used performance-enhancing drugs. The discussion also mentioned the documentary "Icarus" which highlights the prevalence of doping in Russian sports.

    • Russia's State-Sponsored Doping Program in Sochi OlympicsThe documentary 'Icarus' uncovers Russia's government-backed doping scheme, where athletes were given PEDs to win gold medals, raising ethical concerns about international competitions.

      The documentary "Icarus" on Netflix exposes Russia's state-sponsored doping program in the Sochi Olympics, where athletes were given performance-enhancing drugs to win gold medals for the glory of the country. This scandal involved various sports and resulted in a record number of gold medals for Russia. The documentary also reveals how the Russian government, from Putin down, supported this doping program. It's a fascinating and intense look into the world of competitive sports and the lengths some countries will go to secure victories. The documentary makes viewers question the integrity of international competitions and wonder about the true motivations behind athletic achievements. It's a must-watch for sports fans and anyone interested in the ethics of competition.

    • Challenges in Creating High-Profile UFC FightsThe UFC can create a structured system to build audiences for pay-per-view events through smaller fights featuring unique fighters like Muay Thai's Sanchez.

      The UFC is facing challenges in creating high-profile fights due to the large roster of fighters, leading to fewer major events. Fans, like the speaker, appreciate both the big events and smaller, less-watched fights. A potential solution could be a more structured system where smaller fights build an audience for pay-per-view events. The speaker admires Sanchez, a Muay Thai fighter, for his unique style and dedication to training. He believes Sanchez's ability to keep his feet moving and adapt traditional techniques to a more dynamic method sets him apart. The speaker is inspired by Sanchez and other great Muay Thai fighters and aims to learn from them.

    • The dedication and unique training style of Muay Thai fightersMuay Thai's raw and traditional aspects, intense commitment, and deep respect for tradition make it a captivating and authentic combat sport.

      The dedication and training style of Muay Thai fighters, especially those in Thailand, is inspiring and unique. They train relentlessly, saving their energy for fights, and prioritize their focus on improvement over appearances. One notable figure, Dorian Price, embodies this mindset, living and training in Thailand like a local and bringing the authentic Thai style back to his students. Despite the lack of mainstream popularity and marketing compared to other combat sports, the raw and traditional aspects of Muay Thai have a strong appeal for many fans, even if it may not attract the casual American audience in the same way as other combat sports. Ultimately, the deep respect for tradition and the intense commitment to mastering the art of Muay Thai make it a truly captivating and authentic combat sport.

    • Pivotal moment in UFC's success and challenges for Muay ThaiThe UFC's early success was due to a groundbreaking fight, but Muay Thai faces challenges like oversaturation and disrespectful commentary, requiring more promotion and respect for its athletes.

      The UFC's early success can be attributed to a few pivotal moments, particularly a groundbreaking fight between two exhausted fighters that captivated a large audience and helped establish MMA as a popular sport. However, recreating that "lightning in a bottle" moment has proven challenging, and Muay Thai, despite being a compelling combat sport, has yet to experience a similar breakthrough. The oversaturation of reality TV shows and the prevalence of insulting commentary in MMA are also hindrances to its growth. Ultimately, a greater emphasis on promoting Muay Thai and respecting its athletes could help bring it the recognition it deserves.

    • MMA is more than just a sportRespect MMA fighters for their intensity and personal experience, avoid mocking or belittling them, and understand the complexities of the sport.

      MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is more than just a sport; it's a highly intense and personal experience where fighters put their health on the line. Mocking or belittling them based on their performance is disrespectful and should be avoided. People who haven't experienced the physicality and intensity of MMA firsthand shouldn't judge fighters or comment on their careers. The complexities of MMA require a deep understanding and respect. Additionally, having personally trained with elite athletes in MMA, the speaker emphasizes the unique challenges and unparalleled experience that comes with the sport.

    • Witnessing the Intense World of Cuban WrestlingThe speaker experienced the unique culture of Cuban wrestling, encountering both harsh training conditions and illegal activities, but was amazed by the athletes' dedication and genetics.

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience in Cuba, witnessing the intense world of wrestling where fighters live and train. Conditions vary greatly between levels, with some having access to basic necessities like running water and air conditioning, while others must fight for their food and train in harsh conditions. The speaker also encountered illegal activities, such as cockfights, in the midst of this unique culture. Despite the challenges, the athletes' dedication and genetics are remarkable. The speaker's visit provided a fascinating glimpse into a different world, reminiscent of the past, with stories of individual struggles and triumphs.

    • Cuban athletes' determination despite hardshipsCuban athletes endure basic training conditions and personal sacrifices to excel in their sports, inspiring dedication and resilience.

      The athletes in Cuba, despite living in challenging conditions with limited resources, demonstrate an unyielding work ethic and determination to succeed. For instance, Mihan Lopez, a bronze medalist, was rewarded with internet access due to his Olympic achievements. Training facilities were basic, with wrestling mats made from sand and water. The boxing team, Cuba's national sport, pushed their athletes to the limit, with grueling workouts starting at 5 AM. Despite the hardships, these athletes remain dedicated to their craft, often living in dormitories and dedicating their entire lives to training. The speaker's experience in Cuba was eye-opening and made him appreciate the comforts of his own life. He hopes to visit Thailand, another renowned destination for training, but finds it difficult to leave his family due to the high cost of travel.

    • Moving from Mountains to Sea for Business ExpansionThe Muscle Farm is relocating to expand beyond bodybuilders, become a lifestyle brand, and be closer to athletes and the CEO's residence. Training at altitude vs sea level discussed, with pros and cons.

      The Muscle Farm, a fitness company, is relocating its headquarters from Denver, Colorado to Burbank, California. The reason for this move is to expand their business beyond the bodybuilder crowd and transform into a lifestyle brand. The CEO's residence and the attraction of more athletes are contributing factors to this decision. The speaker, who previously lived in Colorado and has experience training at high altitude, discusses the pros and cons of training at altitude versus sea level. The main con being lower max capacity, but the pro being increased red blood cell count and lung capacity. The speaker also shares his experience with traffic in California and compares it to Denver, where he found the proximity to the mountains and all four seasons appealing.

    • Challenges for pregnant women at high altitudesLiving at high altitudes can increase health risks for pregnant women, including premature birth and low birth weight. Hunting can help manage wildlife populations and ensure the survival of both animals and humans.

      Living at high altitudes can pose unique challenges, particularly for pregnant women, who may experience increased health risks such as premature birth and low birth weight. The speaker shared his personal experience of living at high altitudes near Boulder, Colorado, and discussed the challenges women face in adapting to such environments. He also contrasted the attitudes towards hunting and wildlife conservation in California, where mountain lions are protected but factory farming continues, leading to a population explosion and potential conflicts between humans and wildlife. The speaker expressed his belief that hunting can help manage wildlife populations and ensure the survival of both animals and humans. He also shared his appreciation for the natural world and the importance of recognizing the realities of living in harmony with wildlife.

    • The disconnect between people and their food in modern societyExperiencing the process of raising and killing animals can deepen our appreciation and compassion for food, but modern conveniences can make it easier to avoid uncomfortable feelings.

      There's a significant disconnect between people and their food in modern society, particularly in America. Many people never witness the process of raising, killing, and preparing animals for consumption. This disconnect can lead to feelings of unease or guilt when eating meat. However, those who have experienced the entire process, from raising the animal to consuming it, often develop a deeper appreciation and compassion for the animal. The convenience of modern life, such as being able to buy pre-packaged meat at the grocery store, can make it easier to avoid these uncomfortable feelings. However, some argue that this convenience comes at the cost of a deeper understanding and connection to the food we eat. The speaker shares personal experiences of raising and killing animals, and reflects on the intelligence and compassion of pigs and other livestock. They also acknowledge the cultural bias towards certain animals and the societal norms that have developed around meat consumption. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that visiting other places and experiencing different ways of life can provide valuable perspective and help bridge the gap between people and their food.

    • Exploring different cultures and societiesTraveling broadens our horizons and offers valuable insights, from adapting to new environments to understanding unique perspectives. Personal experiences in Thailand, Japan, and the Middle East shaped the speaker's coaching style and empathy.

      Traveling to different countries exposes us to unique cultures and perspectives, offering valuable insights into our own lives. The speaker shares his experiences in Thailand and Japan, highlighting the stark contrasts between their orderly and disciplined societies and the chaos of the Middle East. He also discusses the challenges of adapting to new environments, such as weight cuts and finding the right food. Additionally, the speaker talks about his personal experimentation with the ketogenic diet, which led him to make significant changes in his metabolism and athletic performance. Overall, these experiences have shaped the speaker's perspective and made him a better coach by allowing him to empathize with the challenges his clients face.

    • Ketogenic Diet and PerformanceA balanced approach to nutrition, incorporating carbohydrates strategically, can lead to optimal performance, tailored to individual needs and goals.

      While a ketogenic diet can offer numerous benefits such as improved brain function and injury recovery for athletes, it may not be the best choice for optimizing performance during high-intensity training. The speaker shared his personal experience of experiencing a decrease in performance-related metrics when following a strict ketogenic diet. However, he found that by incorporating carbohydrates strategically, particularly before training sessions, he was able to enhance his performance. The speaker also mentioned the importance of considering individual needs and focusing on performance rather than solely on blood ketone levels. Additionally, the use of exogenous ketones in combination with carbohydrates can provide additional benefits. Overall, the key takeaway is that a balanced approach to nutrition, tailored to individual needs and goals, can lead to optimal performance.

    • Athletes benefit from high-fat, low-carb diets like keto or carnivore dietSome athletes report improved performance and recovery from high-fat, low-carb diets, but they can be challenging to follow and not suitable for everyone. Natural remedies like garlic and chaga root may also boost the immune system.

      Some athletes, including professional cyclists and combat sports athletes, have reported benefits from using a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet like the keto diet or a carnivore diet. These diets can help athletes burn fat instead of carbohydrates during training and may improve performance and recovery. Some athletes, like TJ Dillashaw, have used these diets to prepare for weight classes or to address metabolic changes. However, these diets may not be suitable for everyone and can be challenging to follow. Some people report feeling better when consuming vegetables and other plant-based foods. Additionally, some natural remedies like garlic and chaga root are believed to have health benefits, including boosting the immune system.

    • Personal experiences with supplements and treatments may varyIndividual results from supplements and treatments can differ, requiring persistence to find what works best

      Anecdotal experiences with supplements or treatments don't always lead to definitive results. The speaker shared his experience with a supposedly immune-boosting supplement, which he didn't feel made a difference for him. He also discussed his back injury and how he received an epidural steroid injection to prepare for a fight, but it didn't work the first time and required a second injection. He later found relief through a combination of physical therapy and working with a conditioning coach. The speaker also mentioned starting a side business, Immortal Combat Equipment, which began with creating wheelbarrows based on a request from Louie Simmons. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of individual experiences and the need for persistence in finding effective solutions for health issues.

    • Creating Functional Fitness Equipment for MMA: Hammers and WheelbarrowsPassionate entrepreneur designs functional fitness equipment for MMA, focusing on hammers and wheelbarrows for optimal training. Versatile tools build dynamic strength, explosiveness, core strength, shoulder strength, and grip strength.

      The individual in the discussion is passionate about creating functional fitness equipment, specifically focusing on hammers and wheelbarrows, designed for optimal training for MMA. He emphasizes the importance of having the right tool for the job and the versatility of these equipment pieces for building dynamic strength, explosiveness, core strength, shoulder strength, and grip strength. He started this venture out of admiration for legendary boxers who used hammers for training and believes that these tools are essential for MMA athletes. He plans to expand his line with grip balls, belt squats, and even a budget-friendly treadmill. He values creating accessible and affordable options for athletes, as opposed to expensive commercial equipment. He also shares his enthusiasm for continuously developing and improving his designs.

    • Working out with unconventional equipmentFind equipment that suits individual needs and preferences for effective workouts, and constantly change routines to address weaknesses using techniques like the West Side Conjugate System.

      Even when your body is exhausted, with the right techniques, you can keep going. This concept was discussed in relation to working out with unconventional equipment like tires and hammers. The speaker shared his experience of using a large tire for workouts and the challenges of obtaining one. He also mentioned the versatility of such equipment, allowing for various exercises targeting different muscle groups. The speaker emphasized the importance of finding equipment that suits individual needs and preferences. Additionally, they discussed the West Side Conjugate System, which emphasizes the importance of constantly changing workouts to address various weaknesses.

    • Three elements of physical preparation for martial artsEffective martial arts training requires a combination of general, specific, and personalized physical preparation. Build overall strength and endurance, practice martial arts techniques, and address individual weaknesses.

      Effective physical preparation for martial arts involves a combination of three elements: General Physical Preparation (GPP), Specific Physical Preparation (SPP), and personalized training (RSPP). GPP focuses on building up overall strength, endurance, and capacity. SPP is specific to martial arts techniques and involves practicing movements with resistance or replication. RSPP is personalized training that addresses individual weaknesses, such as neck and back strength. The speaker emphasizes the importance of neck and back training, using tools like the Iron Neck, and dynamic exercises that engage multiple muscle groups. He also cautions against excessive use of social media, particularly Instagram, due to the potential for negative influences and distractions. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of a well-rounded physical preparation routine that addresses both general and specific needs, and is tailored to individual strengths and weaknesses.

    • Adopting a savage mindset for growth and resilienceIntense focus and determination towards new experiences and information can lead to greater resilience and growth, as explored in 'Antifragile' and emphasized in 'Super Training'.

      Embracing a "savage" mindset, which involves approaching new information and experiences with intense focus and determination, can lead to greater resilience and growth. This concept is explored in the book "Antifragile" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, which argues that fragility and stress can actually lead to strength and improvement. The author uses various examples, including muscle growth and economic systems, to illustrate this idea. Additionally, the speaker mentions the challenging book "Super Training" by Mel Chesnutt and Yuri Verkhoshansky, which also emphasizes the importance of scientific knowledge and dedication in achieving optimal performance. Overall, the speaker encourages readers to adopt a savage mindset and inspire others to do the same, as this can lead to personal growth and a positive impact on the world.

    • The Importance of Giving in LifeGiving to others enhances personal growth and fulfillment, leading to a shift from a 'famine mentality' to an 'abundance mentality'.

      The meaning of life may be found in giving to others. According to the speaker, this is a natural process seen in nature, where everything exists to give. Humans, however, have become too analytical and focused on themselves, leading them to overlook the importance of giving. The speaker believes that helping others not only benefits those receiving the help but also enhances the giver's own experience. He encourages a shift from a "famine mentality" to an "abundance mentality," where generosity and selflessness lead to personal growth and fulfillment. The speaker also highlights the importance of performance and inspiration in giving, emphasizing that one's best efforts can have a profound impact on others.

    • Rediscovering Purpose with Diego SanchezFormer UFC fighter found renewed motivation and overcame fear of retirement by focusing on personal growth, seizing opportunities, and staying loyal to one system.

      After experiencing a series of challenging fights and setbacks, former UFC fighter Diego Sanchez helped him rediscover his "why" and find clarity in his career. Initially, he was uncertain about retirement and questioned his purpose, but through the Diego Sanchez camp, he refocused on his own mind and found renewed motivation. Additionally, he overcame his fear of retirement by seizing opportunities, such as working with Muscle Farms, and found fulfillment in building a fight team and contributing to the program. Despite the internal struggles and pressure, he learned to stay loyal to one system and not constantly chase the unicorn that doesn't exist. Ultimately, he realized that the value of his career goes beyond performance and is about truly performing at his best and making a positive impact.

    • Finding motivation and clarity in why we do somethingEven in a successful career, remembering the reason behind our actions can help us stay committed and focused.

      Even after a long and successful career, finding motivation and clarity in why one does something can be just as important as focusing on the how. The interviewee shared his experience of being reinvigorated after a camp with Diego Sanchez, realizing he had lost sight of the reason behind his fighting career. He emphasized the difficulty and pressure of the sport, but also the importance of staying committed and not giving oneself an out. The conversation touched on various topics, including the challenges of different sports and the intrigue of personalities like Mel Gibson and Alex Jones. Ultimately, the interviewee reflected on the importance of remembering the why in the midst of the constant hows.

    • Alex Jones: A Figure in Spreading Conspiracy TheoriesAlex Jones, known for promoting conspiracy theories, gained prominence during WTO protests, believes in government manipulation and deceit, sees technology as a truth-revealer, but acknowledges the challenge of distinguishing lies from political rhetoric.

      Alex Jones, a well-known figure in conspiracy theories, has been a consistent figure in spreading such theories for decades. He gained prominence after the WTO protests in the late 1990s, where government agents were identified as instigators of violence, leading to the shutdown of the protest. Jones' claims about government manipulation and deceit are not new, and he believes that many significant historical events, such as the assassination of JFK, involve government conspiracies. He also believes that technology, particularly the ability to detect lies, will ultimately expose the truth and benefit those who tell it. However, he acknowledges the challenge of distinguishing lies from the gray area of political rhetoric. Jones' persistence in uncovering and sharing controversial information, whether true or not, has made him a polarizing figure.

    • Detecting Lies and Developing a Universal Language: The Future of CommunicationTechnology may soon allow us to detect lies and develop a universal language through wearable chips or implants, potentially revolutionizing communication but raising ethical concerns.

      Technology is advancing rapidly, and it's likely that in the future, we will have the ability to detect lies and develop a universal language. This could change the way we communicate and interact with each other. The speaker believes that this technology is not far off, and it could potentially be in the form of wearable chips or implants. The implications of such technology are vast, and it could lead to new ways of communicating and understanding each other. However, some people may view this as a threat, drawing parallels to religious beliefs about a "mark of the beast." Despite these concerns, the speaker remains optimistic about the potential benefits of this technology and the possibilities it could open up for universal communication. The speaker also mentions the potential for developing telekinetic communication as a future step.

    • Connecting with nature's raw beautyReconnecting with nature in quiet, remote settings can lead to a new appreciation for the universe's vastness and inspire profound thoughts about our place in it.

      Experiencing nature in its rawest form, away from city lights and distractions, can provide a profound and awe-inspiring perspective on the universe. The speaker shares his personal experience of witnessing the stars in Wyoming and Hawaii, emphasizing the importance of getting away from urban environments to reconnect with nature and gain a new appreciation for the vastness of the cosmos. He also touches upon the concept of a multiverse, suggesting that our universe might be just one of many, and that our minds may not fully grasp the reality of such concepts. Overall, the discussion highlights the transformative power of connecting with nature and the mysteries of the universe.

    • Exploring the Universe: Making the Abstract TangibleWitnessing cosmic phenomena and human achievements can help make abstract concepts of the universe more relatable and inspiring.

      Our understanding of the universe and its vastness can be overwhelming, and some people may find it difficult to grasp concepts that seem abstract or beyond our everyday experiences. For instance, the number of stars in the universe or Pluto's unusual orbit around the sun can be hard to comprehend. However, witnessing these phenomena firsthand, like observing a star orbiting a star during an eclipse, can make these concepts more tangible and awe-inspiring. Additionally, people's actions, like Elon Musk launching a Tesla into space, can challenge our perceptions and push the boundaries of what's possible. Ultimately, it's important to remain curious and open-minded, even when faced with seemingly impossible or irrational ideas.

    • Unexpected quiet intensity at Jiu Jitsu gymThe instructor's focused practice session, despite his controversial online presence, provided valuable learning and improvement opportunities through intense drills.

      The speaker had expected a verbose experience during a visit to a Jiu Jitsu gym, but instead found a focused practice session with minimal talking. The speaker was surprised by the intensity of the drills and the wrestling-style nature of the practice. The Jiu Jitsu instructor, known for his controversial beliefs and online presence, designed the practice this way to maximize learning and improvement. The speaker also expressed concern about the distraction of delving into controversial online content, but appreciated the instructor's expertise and the value of the training session. The instructor, Matt Brown, is set to fight Carlos Condit on April 14th and can be followed on Instagram under the handle "I Am The Immortal."

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    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    EP 413: Green Beret Nick Lavery - The Warrior's Warrior Makes a Stand
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    Nick Lavery website
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    If you like what you hear, we'd be grateful for a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Happy listening!
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    #54 Rémi Lancou : récup = éducation, hypertrophie, screening pattern de mouvement

    #54 Rémi Lancou : récup = éducation, hypertrophie, screening pattern de mouvement

    🆕Aujourd’hui je discute avec Rémi Lancou aka Rémi Physio. Rémi est kiné et préparateur physique. Il s’occupe de l’équipe nationale d’Algérie en football et de nombreux combattants pro en MMA avec le NRFight Club.

    Il a suivi de nombreuses formations dont les formations EXOS et a lancé sa propre formation: Physio Sport Consulting.


    👉Dans cet épisode on parle donc de récupération/éducation, d’hypertrophie, de screening des pattern de mouvement, mais aussi de récidives et de routine en prophylaxie.

    🙌Je compte sur vous pour mettre 5 étoiles à cet épisode sur Apple podcast, Spotify et sur Know Minut !

    🎯De la même manière je vous encourage à partager cet épisode avec vos collègues pour le débriefer entre vous!

    Bonne écoute à tous!