
    JRE MMA Show #140 with Gillian Robertson

    en-usMay 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Substances on Drug Tests in MMAConsumption of marijuana oil, ketamine, and other substances can affect drug test results for MMA fighters, with varying clearance times depending on method of use. CBD, a natural alternative, may offer pain relief and inflammation reduction.

      The use of certain substances like marijuana oil or ketamine can have significant impacts on an individual's ability to pass drug tests, and the required time for the substance to clear from the system varies depending on the method of consumption. The speaker shares personal experiences of testing positive for marijuana use due to oil consumption and encountering individuals using extreme substances like ketamine at unexpected places. CBD, a natural alternative, was discussed as a potential solution for inflammation and pain relief, especially for fighters. The speaker also emphasized the unique challenges and extreme emotions experienced in the world of fighting, making the use of such substances even more notable.

    • Ronda Rousey's Journey in UFC: Overcoming Challenges and AdversityRonda Rousey, despite facing adversity and underestimation, remains a respected figure in UFC with her tenacity, determination, unique personality, and charisma. She continues to adapt and master Jiu Jitsu, overcoming new challenges and staying committed to competing at the highest level.

      Despite facing challenges and adversity, including being booed and underestimated due to her striking focus and late grappling development, Ronda Rousey remains a formidable and respected figure in the UFC world. Her tenacity and determination, coupled with her unique personality and charisma, have earned her a devoted fanbase and a successful career. The evolution of the sport, particularly the growing importance of leg locks, has presented new challenges, but Rousey's resilience and adaptability continue to shine through. The subjectivity of refereeing and the ever-evolving nature of Jiu Jitsu keep her on her toes, but she remains committed to mastering the art and continuing to compete at the highest level.

    • Understanding Opponents: A Key to Successful FightingAnalyzing opponents' strengths and weaknesses through past fights can give you an edge in future matches. Mastering choking techniques is crucial in mixed martial arts.

      Effective communication is crucial during a fight, and knowing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses can give you an edge. The speaker shares stories of facing an opponent known for his powerful elbows, the "Travis Brown," and how watching past fights helps motivate and prepare for future ones. The availability of fight videos online makes it an exciting time for fans of high-level kickboxing, submission grappling, and other combat sports. The speaker also discusses the importance of mastering the art of choking in mixed martial arts, sharing an example of a particularly successful chokehold during a match. Throughout the conversation, the speaker expresses a deep appreciation for the sport and the opportunities it provides for constant learning and improvement.

    • Mastering a martial arts technique takes dedication and persistenceAchieving high-level proficiency in any skill involves dedicated practice and patience, even small details can make a big difference.

      Mastering a martial arts technique, such as a chokehold, requires extensive practice and patience. The speaker describes how she has worked on her chokehold for years, drilling it repeatedly and refining her pressure and feel for it. She also credits her instructor, Dean Thomas, for devising the method and inspiring her to focus on it. The speaker's experience illustrates that achieving high-level proficiency in any skill involves dedication and persistence, and that even small details, like the progression of pressure in a chokehold, can make a significant difference in the outcome. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of having a strong foundation in various aspects of martial arts, as the speaker's top pressure and control of her opponent's legs have been crucial to her success in MMA.

    • Pierre's grappling strategy: Taking an opponent's back for exhaustion and controlUFC fighter Pierre prioritizes taking an opponent's back for control and exhaustion, focusing on a chokehold first and hooks for extra control. He developed this strategy with his coach, Dean.

      UFC fighter "Pierre" prioritizes taking an opponent's back in a grappling match due to the exhaustion and control it provides. He focuses on securing a chokehold first and then, if necessary, obtaining hooks for additional control. This strategy was developed with the guidance of his coach, Dean. Pierre finds the social aspects of being in the public eye as a fighter to be challenging, similar to how he was as a socially awkward child. He discovered his passion for martial arts later in life, starting with kickboxing at the age of 16, through a chance encounter with one of Dean's pro fighters. The unique grip and head position Pierre uses for his chokehold allows him to secure the submission before opponents are ready to defend it, making it his primary concern.

    • Jiu-Jitsu: The Art of Subduing Larger OpponentsJiu-Jitsu is a martial art that enables smaller individuals to control and submit larger, stronger opponents through precise techniques, eliminating the guessing element present in striking arts.

      The power of Jiu-Jitsu lies in its ability to allow a smaller, less physically imposing person to effectively control and submit a larger, stronger opponent. This was a revelation for the speaker, who became obsessed with the martial art after discovering its intricacies and the tiny details that make a significant difference in a fight. Jiu-Jitsu eliminates the guessing element present in striking arts, allowing for more precise control and submission techniques. The speaker was fascinated by this concept, which is unique to Jiu-Jitsu and can lead to surprising outcomes, as demonstrated by examples of seemingly unassuming fighters who can deliver devastating performances.

    • The Ultimate Fighter: More Than Just a Fighting CompetitionThe Ultimate Fighter is an intense reality TV show that tests contestants' athletic skills, media savvy, and ability to handle boredom and drama, preparing them for a career as a professional fighter.

      The experience of being on a reality TV show like The Ultimate Fighter can be both exhilarating and challenging, particularly for those who are socially awkward or inexperienced with media attention. The show is not just about athletic competition, but also about creating entertaining content for viewers. Contestants are often left bored and restless during downtime at the house, leading to creative ways to pass the time. Despite the initial nerves and unfamiliarity, many fighters find that the experience helps them grow and prepare for their fighting prime. The show's producers carefully cast contestants for their skills and potential for drama, but do not encourage bickering or altercations. Overall, the Ultimate Fighter is a unique and intense experience that pushes contestants out of their comfort zones and sets them on a path towards becoming professional fighters.

    • The Path to MMA Success: Dedication, Training, and Game PlanningTo excel in MMA, dedicate yourself, plan for opponents, drill techniques daily, and view training as a full-time job. Mental and emotional engagement are also essential, debunking the brutish stereotype.

      Dedication and consistent training are key to success in martial arts, particularly MMA. The speaker emphasizes the importance of game planning for opponents, drilling techniques daily, and treating training like a full-time job. They also highlight the misconception that MMA fighters are just brutes and discuss how mental and emotional engagement are crucial aspects of the sport. The speaker shares their personal journey of discovering martial arts and how it has transformed them, and expresses their ambition to become a champion by continuing to train and improve.

    • McKenzie's impressive performance against Angela HillMcKenzie showcased her resilience, Jiu Jitsu skills, and improved striking ability in a masterclass MMA performance against Angela Hill.

      McKenzie's performance against Angela Hill showcased her impressive resilience, technical Jiu Jitsu skills, and aggressive striking ability. McKenzie's high-level Jiu Jitsu was on full display as she refused to give up an armbar despite numerous attempts by Angela Hill. Her guard game is also noteworthy, making it difficult for opponents to take her down. McKenzie's striking has improved significantly, and she's now a threat on her feet as well. Her confidence in her abilities allows her to throw powerful strikes without fear of being taken down. Overall, McKenzie's performance was a masterclass in MMA, showcasing her ability to control the pace of the fight and capitalize on her opponent's mistakes. This approach is a departure from her earlier days when she relied more on her Jiu Jitsu skills to win fights. The demands of MMA, with its combination of striking and grappling, require a different approach, and McKenzie has adapted well. The grueling nature of MMA, with its constant exchanges and transitions, requires a high level of cardio and mental toughness, making each fight a battle to see who can outlast their opponent.

    • Observing and adapting in MMA for effective takedownsEffective takedowns in MMA require observing the situation and adapting, rather than exhausting both fighters. Innovative fighters like Dean are pushing boundaries, but specialists still dominate in certain areas.

      In MMA, finding the right opportunity for a takedown instead of grinding it out can be more effective than trying to force it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of observing and adapting to the situation, rather than exhausting both fighters. He also highlights the excitement of the current MMA scene, where young fighters have access to a wealth of champions and martial arts styles to learn from. The speaker expresses his admiration for innovators like Dean who are pushing the boundaries of MMA as a sport. However, he also acknowledges the importance of specialists in certain areas, such as striking. The question remains whether a complete MMA fighter who can stand with a world champion kickboxer exists or if specialists will continue to dominate in their respective areas. The speaker expresses awe at the evolution of fighters like Robert Whitaker and the intensity of fighters like Bahada, who possess both striking and grappling skills.

    • Balance between specialization and versatility in martial artsSuccess in martial arts requires a balance between mastering specific skills and being versatile to handle various techniques. Fighters should consider their strengths and goals to determine the best approach.

      Becoming a successful martial artist, whether in MMA or a specific discipline like wrestling or kickboxing, requires a balance between specialization and versatility. Cedric Dune Bay, a highly skilled kickboxer, demonstrates the importance of having an extra level of fitness and technique to outmaneuver opponents. However, the ability to handle grappling and takedowns is crucial in MMA, making it essential for fighters to be well-rounded. The debate between being a specialist or a fully rounded mixed martial artist depends on individual strengths and goals. Starting from the beginning, learning multiple disciplines can be advantageous, but focusing on specific skills can also be effective as long as the fighter continues to learn and adapt. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between what one excels at and what is necessary to succeed in the sport.

    • The Impact of Age on Mastering Martial Arts, Especially StrikingStarting young in Martial Arts, particularly striking, can lead to greater expertise and success due to the development of necessary skills. However, even the best fighters can make mistakes, and a single lapse in judgment can result in unexpected outcomes.

      The age at which one specializes in Martial Arts, particularly striking, can significantly impact their mastery and success in the sport. Those who start young often reach a higher level of expertise due to the timing of developing the necessary skills. Striking, for some, may require more athleticism and quick decision-making abilities, making it harder for those who don't pick it up early. Valentina Shevchenko, a renowned MMA fighter, is an excellent example of someone who mastered striking at a young age. Her constant movement, perfect technique, and ability to remain rarely out of position are hallmarks of her fighting style. However, even the best fighters can make mistakes, and a single lapse in judgment can lead to unexpected outcomes. Spinning back kicks, in particular, have resulted in the loss of two world titles. While it's impossible to know for certain if a fighter truly believes they will win no matter what, their mindset and preparation can play a significant role in their performance. Chris Weidman and Valentina Shevchenko are just two examples of fighters who lost titles due to a missed spinning back kick. These moments serve as reminders of the importance of focus, adaptability, and capitalizing on opportunities in the world of MMA.

    • MMA: One Misstep Can Change a CareerIn MMA, even the most dominant fighters can be defeated, highlighting the importance of consistent training and mental preparation.

      In MMA, a single missed technique or moment of vulnerability can drastically alter the course of a fighter's career. Luke Rockhold's victory over Chris Weidman, despite Weidman's incredible toughness, serves as a prime example. Rockhold, who was training with elite fighters like DC and Khabib, managed to secure the win with top pressure and relentless elbows. However, Weidman's tenacity kept him in the fight, making it a difficult watch for many. The discussion also touched upon the importance of mental preparation and the learning experience that comes with competing at the highest level. Careers can change in an instant, and even the most dominant fighters can be knocked out or submitted. Consistent training is crucial for success, as even small improvements can make a significant difference.

    • From socially awkward kid to successful MMA fighter: The power of dedication and passionDedication and passion towards a goal can lead to remarkable achievements, even for those starting from humble beginnings. Training is a crucial part of life, testing focus and ideas.

      Unwavering dedication and passion towards a goal can lead to remarkable achievements, even for those who start from humble beginnings. The speaker, who rose from being a socially awkward kid to a successful MMA fighter, emphasizes the importance of both discipline and enthusiasm in mastering a craft. He shares his belief that training is a significant part of his life, and the ultimate testing ground for focus and ideas. The speaker also expresses his puzzlement over those who lack the same level of commitment and instead seek other hobbies or distractions. He concludes by expressing his admiration for his fellow trainers and their infectious energy, emphasizing that the chaos seen on social media belies the technical abilities and hard work behind the scenes.

    • The Blurring Lines of Privacy in the Digital AgeIndividuals must navigate how they present themselves online, as privacy may soon be obsolete due to advanced technology. Some fighters use OnlyFans for business, but it raises questions about commitment and privacy.

      Technology and social media are increasingly blurring the lines of privacy, and individuals must decide how they want to present themselves online. The discussion touched upon the topic of fighters using OnlyFans, with some arguing that it's a smart business move, while others believe it takes away from their commitment to fighting. Additionally, the conversation delved into the idea that privacy may soon be a thing of the past, as technology becomes more advanced and interconnected. The speaker shared personal experiences of targeted advertisements based on his internet searches and how specific they had become. The conversation ended with a reflection on iconic car chase scenes from movies and the advancements in technology that have made such scenes possible. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the intersection of technology, entertainment, and personal life, and the potential implications for privacy and individual choice.

    • MMA vs Traditional Jiu Jitsu: A Changing LandscapeMMA requires unique skills beyond traditional Jiu Jitsu, with striking strategy and glove use impacting technique application. Adaptation and continuous learning are crucial in evolving sports like MMA.

      The worlds of traditional Jiu Jitsu and MMA are increasingly diverging, with MMA requiring a unique skill set that goes beyond traditional grappling techniques. The speaker, who is a fighter, shares his experiences and observations, noting how the strategy of striking and the use of gloves in MMA significantly impact the application of Jiu Jitsu techniques. He also highlights the importance of adapting to the specific demands of MMA and the impressive progress of young fighters in the sport. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in martial arts, particularly in the context of evolving sports like MMA.

    • Reflecting on Memorable Fights and Upcoming Opportunities in MMAThe speaker is eager for his UFC career, admires specific fights, and values the skill and determination of fighters despite gruesome outcomes.

      The speaker is confident and prepared for upcoming opportunities in his UFC career. He's impressed by certain upcoming fights, specifically Benil Dariush versus Charles Oliveira, and Paul Craig's elite triangle choke. The speaker also shares his experiences and reactions to some of the most memorable and gruesome fights he's witnessed, including leg breaks and knockouts. These fights have left a lasting impression on him, and he appreciates the skill and determination of the fighters involved. Overall, the speaker expresses excitement for the future of MMA and his own role in it.

    • Fighters' extreme measures to make weightFighters in lower weight classes sacrifice health and energy to gain size advantage, impacting their performance and long-term career.

      Fighters, especially those in lower weight classes, go through extreme measures to make weight for their fights, often sacrificing their health and energy. Edson Barroza, for instance, is known for his impressive switch kicks and brutal knees, but the physical toll of cutting weight is evident in his struggles to make the 45 kg limit. The size advantage gained from weight cutting can significantly impact the early stages of a fight, making it crucial for smaller fighters to be technically skilled and durable. However, the long-term effects of weight cutting on a fighter's career and susceptibility to injuries are still debated. Overall, the dedication and determination of fighters to make weight and perform at their best is a testament to their mental and physical strength.

    • Learning from early challenges in MMAEarly tough fights in MMA can provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth, even if they result in defeats.

      Taking on tough challenges early in an MMA fighter's career, even if they seem overmatched, can lead to valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth. The speaker shares his own experiences of fighting more experienced opponents early on and how it helped him progress in his career. He emphasizes the importance of seizing every opportunity to showcase abilities and build a foundation for future success, even if it means facing defeats along the way. The speaker also highlights the unique aspects of training and competing in Florida, a hotspot for MMA, where fighters are used to dealing with unpredictable weather and wildlife.

    • Living with Dangerous Wildlife in the EvergladesResidents of the Everglades find fascination and appeal in living with large predators like alligators and pythons, acknowledging their power and longevity while recognizing the risks and challenges of their environment.

      Living in areas with diverse and potentially dangerous wildlife, such as the Everglades in Florida, requires a unique perspective and acceptance of the natural world. The ecosystem is filled with large predators like alligators and pythons, which have eaten nearly all the mammals, leaving only snakes and alligators. These creatures, despite their size and predatory nature, have become a part of the daily life for residents. The speakers in the conversation express fascination with these animals, acknowledging their power and longevity. However, they also recognize the risks and challenges of living in such an environment. Despite the dangers, the speakers find beauty and appeal in the natural world, emphasizing the importance of coexisting with these creatures.

    • Florida as a symbol of freedom and resilience during the pandemicThe Jiu Jitsu community in Florida continued training and UFC fights were held there, symbolizing the state's spirit of openness and adaptability during the pandemic, providing a much-needed boost to fighters and audiences alike.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, Florida emerged as a bastion of freedom and resilience, with many people moving there for its openness and lack of strict lockdown measures. This was particularly evident in the Jiu Jitsu community, where training continued despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The UFC's decision to hold fights in Florida, despite criticism and concerns, proved to be successful, and the energy and excitement of live audiences returned stronger than ever. For many fighters, the presence of a crowd made all the difference, adding to the pressure and excitement of competition. Florida's unique spirit and determination during this time underscored its significance as a symbol of freedom and adaptability in America.

    • Apex fights: Fighters and fans appreciate the unique experienceFighters enjoy clear instructions and focus on opponents, while fans benefit from clearer hearing and a relaxed atmosphere. Fighter Dan Ige emphasizes the importance of comprehensive MMA training for optimal performance.

      Fighting in the Apex without an audience creates a unique experience for both fighters and fans. Fighters appreciate the clarity of instructions from their corners and the ability to focus solely on their opponent. For fans, the absence of crowd noise allows for clearer hearing of the fighters' trash talk and the overall atmosphere feels more relaxed. Fighter Dan Ige shares his perspective on the experience, mentioning the calmness of the environment and the importance of being prepared for any situation in the cage. He also discusses his training regimen, which focuses on MMA rounds instead of separate strength and conditioning sessions. Ige believes that the intensity of MMA training provides sufficient cardio and technical abilities for optimal performance. Overall, the Apex experience offers a different, yet compelling aspect to mixed martial arts.

    • Balancing strength and technique in martial arts trainingEffective martial arts training requires a balance of strength conditioning and technical skill development through drills and sparring. Set goals, push the pace, and build reactions to succeed.

      Effective martial arts training involves a balance of strength conditioning through skill drills, such as wrestling and takedowns, and both hard and technical sparring. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting goals, pushing the pace, and building reactions through various training methods. While hard sparring builds confidence and readiness for competition, too much of it can lead to unnecessary damage and hinder longevity. Technical sparring, on the other hand, builds reaction time and thinking skills without causing the same level of damage. Ultimately, the key to success in martial arts is dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and improve every day. Examples like Max Holloway illustrate the power of consistent effort and the importance of showing up and grinding it out in training.

    • The impact of unexpected experiences and encouragement on one's journeyUnexpected experiences and encouragement can lead to significant life changes. Stay open to new opportunities and be grateful for the support of others.

      Unexpected experiences and the encouragement of others can significantly impact and change the course of one's life. The speaker, an MMA fighter, shared her journey from being a novice in kickboxing to a professional fighter in the UFC. She started with no prior sports background or martial arts experience, but fell in love with the environment and the grind of it all. A simple encouragement from a soccer mom after her first class kept her coming back. The timing of her entry into the UFC aligned with Rhonda Rousey's debut, and she was able to make it into the organization just as the 125-pound division was opening up. The speaker expressed that everything seemed to line up perfectly, leading her to wonder if there was a divine plan at play. This story highlights the importance of staying open to new experiences and the power of encouragement from others.

    • Jillian Gibbs' Duality as a FighterProfessional cage fighter Jillian Gibbs transforms into a focused, tunnel-visioned fighter in the ring, blocking out distractions and showing a unique aspect of her identity. Fans may overlook the dedication and intensity required to excel in the sport.

      Jillian "Savage" Gibbs, a professional cage fighter, experiences a profound transformation when she steps into the ring. Despite her friendly and normal demeanor outside of the cage, she becomes a completely different person during fights, with a focused and tunnel-visioned mindset. The cheers and distractions of the crowd are blocked out, leaving only her and her opponent in the surreal moment of the fight. This duality of her personality is a unique aspect of her identity as a fighter, and one that many people may not be able to understand without experiencing it firsthand. The consequences and challenges of her profession are often overlooked by casual fans, who may not fully appreciate the dedication and intensity required to excel in the sport of cage fighting.

    • Fighter jet G-forces can cause blackouts and disorientationFighter jet pilots face potential harm from blackouts during extreme G-forces, and former fighters bring valuable insights to UFC commentary.

      Experiencing extreme G-forces in a fighter jet can lead to blackouts and disorientation, potentially causing harm. The Blue Angels pilots, who don't use G-suits, face this risk regularly. These blackouts can be caused by the body's inability to pump enough blood to the brain, leading to visual hallucinations and loss of consciousness. The experience of blacking out during high G-forces is described as a strange and intense feeling. While some people may find the idea of being choked out appealing, the potential dangers of head trauma and full knockouts on hard surfaces should not be underestimated. Aspiring commentators, like the speaker, can bring valuable insights to the sport by sharing their experiences and analyzing fights. The UFC often uses former fighters for commentary, providing unique and insightful perspectives for fans.

    • The rewards of staying dedicated to a passion or goalDedication and focus during difficult times can lead to personal growth, opportunities, and fulfillment.

      Staying dedicated and focused on a passion or goal, even during difficult times, can lead to great rewards. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of showing up and putting in the effort, even when it's challenging or unappealing. They also mentioned the importance of trusting in the process and having a positive attitude. The speaker's own experiences in Jiu Jitsu and commentating have shown them that hard work and persistence can lead to personal growth and opportunities. They also noted the excitement and energy that comes from being a part of something meaningful and competitive, such as a world title UFC fight. Overall, the message is that staying committed to a passion or goal, even when it's tough, can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Historical martial arts training and its potential health implicationsTraditional martial arts training like Machiwara can lead to calluses and stronger knuckles but may increase risk of arthritis and health issues with age. Consider risks and benefits before intense training.

      Traditional martial arts training, such as Machiwara and practicing punches on hard surfaces, can lead to the development of calluses and strengthened knuckles. This training method has been used historically by various martial artists, including karate practitioners and Tag winners, to enhance their fighting abilities. While this training may have benefits, it could potentially lead to arthritis and other health issues as one ages. It's essential to consider the potential risks and benefits before engaging in such intense training regimens. Additionally, the speaker encourages following him on social media, @Savage\_UFC, for more insights into martial arts and combat sports.

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