
    Podcast Summary

    • Transitioning from Fighter to Promoter: The Challenges and Lessons Learned in the Boxing IndustrySurround yourself with knowledgeable individuals, be aware of your rights, and stay informed about the business side of boxing to navigate the challenges and succeed as a promoter.

      Transitioning from being a fighter to being a promoter is not an easy task. It requires careful grooming and learning the business side of boxing. Bernard Hopkins, who successfully made this transition, emphasized the importance of surrounding oneself with knowledgeable people who can provide the right information. He also spoke about the difficulties in the boxing industry, with a lack of regulation and frequent rule-breaking. Hopkins shared his own experiences with bad contracts and being mistreated by promoters, which pushed him to fight back and speak out. He highlighted the need for fighters to be aware of their rights and the business aspects of the sport. Overall, his journey serves as a lesson in perseverance and the importance of being informed in the boxing industry.

    • Embracing Uniqueness and Pursuing PassionBe proud of your differences, stay true to yourself, and follow your passions despite obstacles and societal expectations.

      Bernard Hopkins recognizes and embraces his uniqueness. He acknowledges that he is different from others, and he takes pride in it. Hopkins believes that his differences have shaped him into the person he is today. He also emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and not conforming to societal expectations. Hopkins found his passion for boxing early on, and despite facing challenges and setbacks, he remained committed to his path. Through boxing, he gained a broader perspective of the world and realized that there is much more to life than his neighborhood. Hopkins' story teaches us the value of self-awareness, embracing our uniqueness, and pursuing our passions without succumbing to external pressures.

    • The Power of Discipline and PerseveranceWith discipline, perseverance, and a strong support system, it is possible to overcome challenges, shape your own destiny, and defy expectations.

      Bernard Hopkins emphasizes the importance of discipline and perseverance in overcoming challenges. Despite his troubled past and time spent in prison, Hopkins stayed committed to his goals and continued honing his boxing skills. He acknowledges the impact of his mother's unwavering support, even during his darkest moments. Hopkins believes that as long as you have breath in your body, it's never really over and you have the power to shape your own destiny. He encourages others to defy expectations and not let anyone dictate their limits. Hopkins also highlights the significance of having a support system and being surrounded by people who understand and uplift you.

    • Challenging Preconceptions: A Surprising Perspective on PrisonThe importance of keeping an open mind and questioning societal narratives to gain a deeper understanding of others and make the most of every experience.

      Prison was not a horrible experience for Bernard Hopkins. Contrary to the portrayal on TV, he found that he had more friends in prison than in his own neighborhood. This realization highlights the importance of perspective and challenging preconceived notions. It shows that our assumptions about certain situations may not always align with the reality. Hopkins' ability to see beyond the negative stereotypes allowed him to make the most of his time in prison and build connections with others. This mindset of openness and willingness to challenge societal narratives can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of others. Ultimately, it reminds us to approach every experience with an open mind and question our preconceptions.

    • Bernard Hopkins: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving SuccessWith the right mindset, perseverance, and self-belief, one can overcome any obstacle and achieve success. Bernard Hopkins's resilience and refusal to conform to expectations exemplify the power of determination and staying true to oneself.

      Bernard Hopkins's mindset and resilience were crucial to his success in the boxing world. Despite facing numerous challenges and critics throughout his career, he remained focused on his goals and had unwavering confidence in himself. Hopkins recognized the importance of survival and adaptability in the face of adversity, learning to thrive in difficult situations. His ability to withstand physical and mental pressures resulted in him becoming a world-class boxer well into his fifties. Furthermore, Hopkins's refusal to conform to the expectations of promoters and his willingness to speak his mind showcased his determination to stand up for what he believed in. Overall, his story serves as a reminder that with the right mindset, perseverance, and self-belief, one can overcome any obstacle and achieve success.

    • The Importance of Regulation and Fairness in BoxingBernard Hopkins calls for better regulation, fair contracts, and transparency in the boxing industry to protect fighters and create a more balanced system. Managers should receive a maximum of 15% of earnings, with additional percentages possible for career development investments.

      The boxing industry needs better regulation and structure. Bernard Hopkins highlights the lack of checks and balances in the sport, which leaves fighters at a disadvantage. He emphasizes the need for a fair and standardized contract for fighters, specifically addressing the role of managers and advisers. Hopkins suggests that managers should receive no more than 15% of a fighter's earnings, with the possibility of additional percentages if they have invested in the fighter's career development. Additionally, Hopkins points out the changing dynamics in boxing, with new promotions and a shift in power. Overall, his message emphasizes the importance of protecting fighters and creating a more balanced and transparent system in the business of boxing.

    • Unmasking the Corrupt Side of BoxingBoxers' lives and careers are at risk due to favoritism and corruption in boxing. It is crucial to have unbiased judges and to speak out against these issues to protect the integrity of the sport.

      Boxing is a business riddled with favoritism and potential corruption. Bernard Hopkins and Joe Rogan discuss how the sport has evolved from being controlled by crime figures to now being influenced by promoters and financial interests. They highlight examples of questionable decisions in fights and suggest that the outcome may be manipulated for financial gain. Hopkins emphasizes the need for qualified judges who are not influenced by external factors, as the livelihoods of fighters and their families are at stake. He also points out the importance of speaking out against these issues, even if it means risking one's position or financial security. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the underlying complexities and potential flaws within the boxing industry.

    • The keys to Bernard Hopkins' successful boxing careerDiscipline, protection, adaptability, mental strength, patience, self-belief, and determination are crucial for a successful and lengthy boxing career.

      Bernard Hopkins attributes his successful and lengthy boxing career to a combination of factors. He believes that his discipline, both in the ring and in his lifestyle outside of it, played a crucial role. Hopkins emphasizes the importance of protecting oneself at all times and minimizing wear and tear on the body. He also highlights the significance of constantly reinventing oneself and learning from different boxing styles. Additionally, Hopkins mentions the mental aspect of the sport, disarming opponents and instilling doubt in their minds. His ability to turn up the intensity after a slow start and finish strong demonstrates his patience and understanding of his own capabilities. Lastly, Hopkins mentions the belief in oneself and the determination to be great as key differentiators between successful and unsuccessful fighters.

    • Finding Success Through Lifestyle and DisciplineBy prioritizing focus, avoiding distractions, and taking care of our physical and mental well-being, we can pursue a path that goes beyond our circumstances and achieve success.

      Lifestyle and discipline play a crucial role in achieving success. Bernard Hopkins grew up witnessing the negative impact of a harmful lifestyle, as both his parents passed away at a young age due to their choices. This influenced him to strive for a different path and pursue a life beyond what his neighborhood had to offer. Hopkins recognized the importance of staying focused and avoiding distractions, even when surrounded by partying and temptation. He understood that taking care of his physical and mental well-being was key to his success in the boxing ring. The experience he gained in the penitentiary further reinforced his determination and taught him valuable lessons about what he truly wanted in life.

    • Being Prepared and Constantly Improving for SuccessTo succeed, always be prepared, learn from past experiences, continuously evolve, and be adaptable in utilizing different strategies and techniques.

      Bernard Hopkins emphasizes the importance of being prepared and constantly improving in order to succeed. He shares a personal story of initially getting beaten in the gym when he was unprepared and relying on his ego. However, he learned from this experience and made a commitment to always enter any situation fully repaired and prepared. Hopkins also encourages fighters to study and learn from the past, not only from their own era but also going further back. By combining past knowledge with their own unique style and continuously evolving, fighters can become more powerful and difficult to defeat. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of adaptability and being able to utilize different weapons in the arsenal to overcome challenges in the ring.

    • Bernard Hopkins: The Strategic Boxing ChampionHopkins's strategic approach to boxing and unwavering belief in himself led to an impressive career, with numerous title defenses and a demand for respect.

      Bernard Hopkins never wanted to be caught off guard in his boxing career. He strategically learned how to box in different styles, making it difficult for opponents to find a strategy to beat him. While some may have been successful, Hopkins never apologized for his actions or doubted his abilities. He understood the importance of respect and made sure he was recognized as the champion throughout the promotional tour for his fight with Tito Trinidad. Hopkins refused to play second fiddle and demanded respect for his 11 title defenses. He stood firm in his beliefs, showing that he would not back down or apologize for his actions.

    • Leveraging Emotions: Bernard Hopkins' Psychological Tactics in BoxingBernard Hopkins strategically used psychological tactics, such as instigating a riot, to disrupt his opponent's focus and leverage their emotions for his advantage in the boxing ring.

      Bernard Hopkins strategically used psychological tactics to gain an advantage over his opponent, Tito Trinidad. By instigating a riot through snatching and throwing down the flag during their press conference, Hopkins aimed to evoke anger and frustration in Trinidad, causing him to train and fight with pure emotion rather than a strategic game plan. Hopkins understood the power of emotions in sports and leveraged it to his advantage. He wanted Trinidad to constantly think about him and his actions, disrupting his focus and preparation. Hopkins recognized that an angry opponent would be more prone to making mistakes and would be easier to outwit using his intellectual approach.

    • Defense, lifestyle, and critical thinking: Bernard Hopkins' keys to success in boxingFocus on defense, live a healthy lifestyle, and stay vigilant to achieve success in boxing. Avoid falling into media traps and be aware of your surroundings to avoid exploitation.

      Bernard Hopkins emphasizes the importance of defense and lifestyle in his successful boxing career. He believes that a good defense leads to a strong offense, and he has been able to earn everything he achieved through hard work and dedication. Hopkins rejects the idea of diets and instead focuses on living a healthy lifestyle, eating to live rather than to die. He understands the value of rest and self-care, especially when competing in different time zones. Hopkins also highlights the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and not falling into the trap of believing everything that is fed to you through media. He encourages critical thinking and staying vigilant in the boxing business to avoid being taken advantage of.

    • Bernard Hopkins: Discipline, Nutrition, and Unconventional TrainingBernard Hopkins' success in boxing was attributed to his disciplined lifestyle, organic eating, and careful attention to his body, emphasizing the importance of self-care and discipline in achieving goals.

      Bernard Hopkins attributes his long and successful boxing career to his disciplined lifestyle and careful attention to his body. He stresses the importance of eating organic, avoiding bad food and sugar, and reading labels. Hopkins believes in taking care of his body and ensuring that he gets enough sleep, exercise, and nutrients. He also mentions the significance of keeping muscle at an older age and the role unconventional training methods played in his success. Hopkins not only learned from his trainer Mackie Shorstone but also passed on this knowledge to young fighters. Overall, his commitment to self-care and discipline played a vital role in his achievements in the ring.

    • Mental discipline and defensive responsibility in boxingStrategic thinking, defensive responsibility, consistency, and dedication are crucial for success in boxing and any other endeavor.

      Bernard Hopkins emphasizes the importance of mental discipline and defensive responsibility in boxing. He believes that having a strategic mindset and being defensively responsible not only leads to success in the ring but also ensures longevity in the sport. Hopkins attributes his ability to avoid beatings throughout his career to his discipline, even in the heat of battle, and his commitment to maintaining a tucked chin and defensive stance. He credits his training in prison for instilling these habits in him. Hopkins also highlights the significance of consistency and dedication, stating that knowing what needs to be done is not enough, but consistently putting it into practice is crucial for success in any endeavor.

    • Defying Age and Doubt: Bernard Hopkins' Inspiring Journey in BoxingAge should never limit one's potential for success, and it is important to advocate for safety measures in your field to prevent unnecessary risks.

      Bernard Hopkins defied the expectations and criticisms that come with age in the boxing world. While many fighters see a decline in their performance in their mid-30s, Hopkins continued to excel well into his 50s. He didn't listen to the doubts and negativity surrounding his ability to compete at a world-class level, proving that age is just a number. Hopkins's determination and resilience shows that success is possible no matter what obstacles or limitations others may impose. He also highlighted the importance of advocating for safety measures in the sport, as his terrifying fall through the ropes demonstrated the risks that fighters face. Hopkins's story serves as an inspiration to never let others' opinions discourage you and to always push for safer practices in your field.

    • The Resilience and Determination of Bernard HopkinsBernard Hopkins's inspiring story reminds us to never give up, defy expectations, and fight for what we believe in. He continues to make an impact and prove he's a force to be reckoned with.

      Bernard Hopkins's career is a testament to resilience and determination. Despite facing setbacks and challenges, Hopkins never gave up and always strived for greatness. From losing his first and last fights as a pro to constantly defying expectations and proving his critics wrong, his story is a motivational one of never giving up. Hopkins embodies the spirit of legendary athletes like Muhammad Ali and Jim Brown, who stood up for what they believed in and fought for their legacies. As he enters a new chapter in his life, Hopkins is determined to make a lasting impact, both inside and outside of the ring, and his warning to his opponents is clear - he's still a force to be reckoned with.

    • Resilience and Determination: Bernard Hopkins' Journey to Boxing GreatnessPerseverance, strategic thinking, and navigating political landscapes are crucial in achieving success in the sport of boxing.

      Bernard Hopkins emphasizes the resilience and determination required in his boxing career. Despite facing challenges such as fighting in high altitude and politically biased promotion, Hopkins fought his way back up and became a champion in America. He highlights the political confusion in boxing with numerous belts and the current focus on becoming undisputed. Hopkins also reveals the strategic approach he took when facing adversity, using emotions as fuel for intellect. Furthermore, he discusses an incident where he and his team were allegedly abandoned by promoters, showcasing the importance of documentation and strategic planning. Overall, Hopkins demonstrates the value of perseverance, strategic thinking, and the need to navigate political landscapes in the sport of boxing.

    • Inside the Dirty Secrets of the Boxing IndustryBernard Hopkins reveals the control of promoters, the rivalry between Golden Boy and PBC, and the importance of creativity and adaptability in boxing's evolving landscape.

      The boxing industry is filled with dirty and manipulative business practices. Bernard Hopkins explains how promoters control the tickets, the show, and even the seating arrangements. He also discusses the rivalry between Golden Boy and PBC, as well as the changing landscape of boxing with the departure of networks like HBO. Hopkins believes that the future of boxing lies in streaming platforms and emphasizes the need for creativity and adaptability in this evolving industry. He also criticizes fighters who prioritize money over their career longevity and warns against the dangers of ignorance and manipulation. Overall, Hopkins paints a complex picture of the boxing world, highlighting both its flaws and opportunities for growth.

    • The Role of Power and Strategy in BoxingPower and strategy are crucial in boxing; while knockout power can turn the tide of a fight, strategic traps help fighters like Tank Davis catch opponents off guard. Fans crave the best matchups.

      Power is a dominant factor in boxing. Fighters like Tank Davis and Tyson Fury possess tremendous knockout power that can change the course of a fight, even if they are losing in the earlier rounds. Power rules everything and can create danger for opponents at any moment. On the other hand, strategic traps and illusions play a significant role in fighters like Tank Davis' style. They allow him to set up opportunities to strike and catch his opponents off guard. Additionally, the discussion highlights the importance of making the best fights happen, as fans want to see the best fighters competing against each other.

    • Balancing Money and Legacy in BoxingFighters should prioritize facing tough opponents and taking risks, even if it means potentially losing, in order to establish a lasting legacy in boxing and make the best fights possible.

      There is a concern about the current generation of fighters prioritizing money and avoiding losses over building a lasting legacy in the sport. Bernard Hopkins expresses his frustration with this mindset, stating that many fighters today don't want to take risks and only want to fight opponents they can easily defeat. Hopkins believes that fighters should be willing to face the best opponents, even if it means potentially losing, in order to solidify their place in boxing history. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the passing of time in the sport, urging fighters to take advantage of the current moment and make the best fights possible. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for fighters to balance financial gain with the desire for greatness and a lasting legacy in boxing.

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    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

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    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It.