
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Intensity: Harnessing Obsessive Traits for GreatnessIntense and obsessive individuals can excel in their fields by channeling their energy into perfecting techniques and embracing their intense nature, but it is crucial to find a balance to avoid negative consequences.

      Having intense and obsessive characteristics can be harnessed in a positive way to achieve greatness. Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan discuss how individuals, like Zach Esposito and Mike Tyson, who exhibit obsessive traits can use that energy to excel in their respective fields. Whether it's channeling that energy into perfecting techniques or tapping into the "monster" within, these individuals achieve success by allowing their intense nature to drive them. However, it's important to note that while this intensity can lead to greatness, it can also have detrimental effects if not properly managed. The key is finding a balance between embracing the intensity and controlling it to avoid negative consequences.

    • Survival Instincts Unleashed: Tyson's Bite and Cormier's Press Fight ReactionWhen faced with a perceived threat, individuals may tap into their primal instincts, resorting to extreme measures to protect themselves and assert dominance.

      When faced with a threatening situation, individuals like Mike Tyson may resort to primal instincts to survive. This was evident in Tyson's infamous bite on Evander Holyfield's ear during their fight. Tyson's behavior stemmed from a place of feeling threatened and having to prove his dominance. Similarly, in a personal anecdote, Daniel Cormier recounts his experience in a press fight with Jon Jones where he felt the urge to bite as a reaction to being in a lower position. This highlights the instinctual nature of survival and the lengths people may go to protect themselves when faced with a perceived threat.

    • Escaping from the back: A crucial skill in MMAImmediate action and constant motion are crucial in avoiding being pinned or submitted in MMA. Waiting too long to address the situation can lead to defeat.

      In MMA, getting off your back is crucial to avoid being pinned or submitted. Daniel Cormier shares his experience of never getting pinned in his wrestling career by constantly working to escape from his back. This lesson applies to fighters who sometimes accept positions too easily when they get tired, leaving them vulnerable to submissions. The importance of immediate action and constant motion is emphasized, as waiting too long to address the situation can lead to defeat. The conversation highlights the evolving skill level in MMA, with fighters becoming faster, stronger, and more advanced. Chuck Liddell's fearlessness and power are praised, as he knew that if he hit his opponents, they would go down.

    • The Power of Functional Training and the Impact of Performance-Enhancing Substances on AthletesFunctional training was crucial for successful athletes in the past who achieved remarkable results without today's strict drug testing regulations, highlighting the importance of hard work and technique.

      Functional training, a combination of hard physical work and technique, played a pivotal role in the success of pioneers in their respective sports. These athletes, like the fighters at Lion's Den gym, understood the importance of functional training and pushed their bodies to the limit. They achieved remarkable results without the stringent drug testing regulations in place today. The conversation also touches on the controversial topic of performance-enhancing substances, with Daniel Cormier sharing his experience of fighting guys on steroids early in his career. The discussion sheds light on the impact of testing regulations and the perception of certain fighters as "unrivaled" in their toughness.

    • The Importance of Skills, Strategy, and Adaptability in Professional FightingUnderstanding fighting techniques, strategic maneuvers, and developing usable muscle are crucial for success in professional fighting. Jon Jones' ability to manipulate positions, manage distance, and use effective clinching techniques made him a difficult opponent to deal with.

      Daniel Cormier highlights the importance of understanding fighting techniques and strategic maneuvers. He explains how Jon Jones' ability to manipulate positions and manage distance made him a difficult opponent to deal with. Cormier emphasizes the significance of developing usable muscle, rather than simply focusing on size, as Jones' heavy lifting and extra weight seemed to impact his recovery and performance. Additionally, Cormier mentions the effectiveness of Jones' clinching technique, where he leans on his opponents against the octagon, causing fatigue. Overall, Cormier's insights shed light on the importance of skill, strategy, and adaptability in the world of professional fighting.

    • Pereira's Devastating Kickboxing Skills and Powerful StrikesPereira's exceptional fighting skills, especially his devastating leg kicks, make him a formidable and challenging opponent for anyone who steps into the ring with him.

      Pereira is an exceptional fighter with incredible power and skill. Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan are amazed by his abilities, particularly in kickboxing. Pereira has proven himself as a formidable opponent, knocking out top competitors like Izzy. His striking technique, especially his leg kicks, is devastating and often leaves his opponents with significant injuries. Cormier emphasizes the physical toll these fights take on fighters, with many of them requiring assistance after the match due to their battered legs. Overall, Pereira's style is difficult to replicate in training, making him a challenging opponent for anyone who steps into the ring with him.

    • The dangers and challenges of weight cutting in combat sports.The current weight cutting process in combat sports needs improvement to ensure fighter safety and fairness, but finding a solution that addresses these concerns is a complex task.

      Weight cutting in combat sports is a dangerous practice that can have significant impacts on a fighter's performance and health. The conversation between Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan highlights the challenges and risks associated with cutting weight. From wrestlers repeatedly taking down opponents who haven't fully developed their wrestling skills to fighters struggling to make weight and then looking depleted and vulnerable in the octagon, it's clear that the current weight cutting process leaves much to be desired. While the idea of eliminating weight classes or creating more options is proposed, Cormier raises concerns about potentially diluting the quality of champions. Ultimately, finding a safe and fair solution to weight cutting remains a difficult task in combat sports.

    • The Risks and Challenges of Extreme Weight Cutting in Combat SportsExtreme weight cutting in combat sports is highly risky and can lead to severe dehydration, sleep deprivation, and health issues. The ban on intravenous hydration has left athletes with limited options for efficient rehydration.

      Weight cutting in combat sports, like MMA, can be extremely risky and potentially dangerous. Athletes often go to great lengths to cut significant amounts of weight in a short period of time, which can lead to severe dehydration and sleep deprivation. This can pose serious health risks and even result in athletes not being able to make weight for their fights. Additionally, the process of rehydrating after weight cutting can be challenging and uncomfortable, causing stomach issues and delayed recovery. The use of intravenous (IV) hydration was previously allowed but has since been banned, leaving athletes with fewer options for efficient rehydration. Overall, the dangers of extreme weight cutting in combat sports should not be underestimated.

    • IV Use in Sports, Healing Substances, and Alternative Recovery MethodsConcerns about IV use in sports and the potential for masking performance-enhancing drugs can be addressed through pre-IV testing. Healing substances like BPC 157 and peptides can aid in injury recovery. Taking care of one's back is crucial for optimal training and performance. Alternative methods, like Diamond Dallas Page's yoga program, can offer potential benefits for athlete recovery.

      There are concerns about the use of IVs in sports and the potential for masking performance-enhancing drugs. There is a suggestion to implement pre-IV testing to ensure fair usage. The discussion also delves into the use of substances like BPC 157 and peptides to aid in healing and injury recovery, especially for athletes constantly dealing with injuries. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of taking care of one's back, as fighting with back issues can be detrimental to training and performance. The mention of Diamond Dallas Page's yoga program as a means of rejuvenation and flexibility showcases the potential benefits of alternative methods for athlete recovery.

    • The Complex Nature of Decision-Making in Professional FightingFighters must carefully consider the immediate physical vulnerability and potential long-term benefits when deciding how to handle fouls and injuries in the octagon.

      Fighters face difficult decisions when dealing with fouls and injuries in the octagon. Anthony Smith had a chance to secure victory and a lucrative rematch by staying down after an illegal knee strike. Similarly, Aljamain Sterling's career took off after he made the decision to take advantage of a foul and secure a championship. However, these choices aren't easy and can come with potential risks and criticism. It raises the question of what the right answer is when faced with a foul or concussion. Ultimately, fighters must weigh the immediate physical vulnerability against the potential long-term benefits, demonstrating the complex nature of decision-making in the world of professional fighting.

    • Comparing the Levels of Danger in Boxing and MMA: A Debate on Head TraumaThe debate between Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan reveals the contrasting approaches of boxing and MMA in handling head injuries, showcasing the unique risks and recovery times in each sport.

      Boxing and MMA have different levels of danger when it comes to head trauma. Daniel Cormier argues that boxing is more brutal due to the 10-second count, which allows fighters to continue even when concussed. In MMA, if a fighter is knocked down, the match is usually over as the opponent immediately jumps on them. Cormier believes this prevents further damage compared to boxing, where fighters can be hit repeatedly after getting up. However, Joe Rogan disagrees and points out cases like Tyson Fury's incredible recovery in a boxing match. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the unique risks and recovery times in each sport, showcasing the contrasting approaches to head injuries and the impact on fighter safety.

    • Consequences of Ill-Advised ActionsResponsible choices and avoiding harmful behaviors are essential for personal well-being and safety, as highlighted by the conversation between Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier.

      Some people make extremely poor decisions driven by drugs or a lack of rational thinking. The conversation between Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier highlighted various instances where individuals engaged in criminal activities that ultimately led to their downfall. From the man who attempted to rob a gun store with two pistols and got gunned down instantly, to the wrestling dude on crack who broke into Anthony Smith's house and ended up beaten by Smith himself, these examples showcase the consequences of ill-advised actions. This serves as a reminder that making responsible choices and avoiding harmful behaviors is crucial for personal well-being and safety.

    • The awe-inspiring power and predatory behaviors of animals in the natural world.Nature's beauty and brutality are intertwined, showcasing the raw instincts and survival strategies of majestic creatures.

      Nature can be both fascinating and brutal. The conversation between Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier highlights the awe-inspiring power of animals like lions and eagles, who effortlessly hunt and take down their prey. It's a reminder of the raw instincts and survival strategies that exist in the animal kingdom. From lions patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike to eagles swooping down and snatching sloths, their killing techniques are both efficient and ruthless. This glimpse into the natural world serves as a reminder that even the most majestic creatures can exhibit predatory behaviors. Nature's beauty and brutality are intertwined, offering a captivating and sometimes terrifying glimpse into the circle of life.

    • The Dominance of Russian Wrestlers in Combat Sports: A Conversation with Joe Rogan and Daniel CormierRussian wrestlers, like Hajimurad Gatsalov, possess exceptional skill and toughness, making them formidable opponents in combat sports like MMA. Their success reflects the dedication and work ethic required to excel in wrestling.

      The conversation between Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier highlights the dominance of Russian athletes in combat sports, particularly in wrestling and MMA. Cormier emphasizes the exceptional skill and toughness of Russian wrestlers like Hajimurad Gatsalov, who consistently defeated top American competitors. They discuss how athletes like Gatsalov, if they had transitioned to MMA, would have been formidable opponents for anyone, including Jon Jones. This conversation underscores the impact of Russian wrestling talent in the world of fighting. It also sheds light on the immense dedication and work ethic required to excel in wrestling, as Cormier describes the grueling training sessions and indomitable spirit of Gatsalov.

    • Training in Dagestan: Unmatched Intensity and Discipline for Building Skills and ToughnessTraining in Dagestan, under the guidance of top fighters, offers a unique opportunity to develop physical strength, technique, mental toughness, and fearlessness, while competition helps overcome fear and builds confidence. A vision for a stronger and more resilient nation.

      Training in Dagestan, Russia, under the guidance of fighters like Khabib Nurmagomedov, can take one's skills to a whole new level. Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier discuss how they sent a group of young kids there to train in various martial arts, including wrestling, sambo, and gymnastics. The intensity and discipline of the training in Dagestan is unmatched. It not only builds physical strength and technique but also mental toughness and fearlessness. Cormier emphasizes the importance of competition and having some sort of fight in one's life, as it helps overcome fear and builds confidence. They even speculate about the benefits of mandatory combat sports participation in the country, envisioning a stronger and more resilient nation as a result.

    • Empowering individuals and combating bullying through combat sports in schools.Teaching combat skills in schools builds strength and confidence, fosters a safe environment, and enables individuals to protect themselves and others.

      Promoting combat sports like wrestling, jujitsu, and boxing in schools can help combat bullying and empower individuals to defend themselves. Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier discuss the importance of teaching young boys and girls how to physically defend themselves through these sports. They argue that learning combat skills not only builds strength and confidence but also fosters an environment where individuals are less likely to accept injustice and bullying. Moreover, having these skills allows people to navigate the world with a sense of security and the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones if necessary. Ultimately, incorporating combat sports into education can have a positive impact on individuals' lives and create a safer society.

    • Recognizing the Capacity for Violence in OthersBe cautious and aware of the potential dangers around us, avoiding confrontation and provocation, while striving to create a positive impact on others.

      There are individuals in the world who are capable of extreme violence and harm. The conversation between Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan highlights the dangers of underestimating the capacity for violence in others. They discuss instances where seemingly average people engage in brutal acts, such as a head kick outside of a bar. They emphasize the importance of avoiding confrontation and not provoking others, as it can have severe consequences. While bad people exist, they acknowledge that a person's upbringing and environment play a significant role in shaping them. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to be cautious and aware of the potential dangers around us and strive to create a positive impact on others.

    • The dark and twisted world of serial killers and the allure of their crimes.The conversation explores the chilling minds of serial killers, the fascination surrounding their actions, and the importance of understanding and addressing mental illness in relation to their behavior.

      There are dark and disturbing aspects of human behavior that can be both fascinating and horrifying. The conversation between Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan touches on the twisted minds of serial killers, their ability to manipulate and deceive, and the shocking acts they commit. It highlights the dangerous allure that some individuals, particularly women, feel towards these criminals, as evidenced by the popularity of serial killer shows. Furthermore, the discussion raises questions about the nature of mental illness and its role in contributing to such deviant behavior. Ultimately, it reminds us of the complexity of the human psyche and the need for continued efforts to understand and address these troubling issues within society.

    • The elusive nature of active serial killers and the challenges in tracking them.While active serial killers may be difficult to catch, being vigilant and trusting your instincts can help in preventing dangerous connections and ensuring personal safety.

      Active serial killers are hard to catch because they often leave no evidence or patterns, making them difficult to track. Even with the advancements in technology such as DNA, videos, and tracking devices, serial killers can still evade capture if they choose their victims randomly and without any connection. However, it is not impossible to catch them as witnesses and unexpected circumstances can lead to their apprehension. It is important to be vigilant and trust your instincts when it comes to new friendships, as there are still good people out there without ulterior motives.

    • The Importance of Good FriendshipsBuilding and maintaining good friendships is essential for a fulfilling life. Actively being a good friend and surrounding ourselves with positive people can bring immense joy and support.

      Making and maintaining good friendships is a crucial aspect of life. Although it may become challenging as we grow older and reach certain levels of success, there are still genuine and nice people out there to befriend. It's important to actively make an effort to be a good friend, considering others' interests and being there for them in difficult times. Good friends bring immense joy and support, and not having strong friendships can be a lonely experience. Surrounding ourselves with cool and positive people can greatly enhance our lives. So, let's value and nurture our friendships to truly enjoy the best moments together.

    • Overcoming Physical Disadvantages: Colby Covington's Road to Success in the UFCSuccess in sports is not limited to natural attributes, but is also dependent on determination, skill, hard work, dedication, and the ability to utilize one's strengths effectively.

      Colby Covington has achieved remarkable success in the UFC despite not possessing the physical advantages of size, speed, or strength. He has proven that determination and skill can outweigh natural attributes. As a 2-time NCAA All American and UFC interim champion, Covington's accomplishments speak to his ability to consistently win fights at the highest level. Despite facing opponents with more physical advantages, Covington has fought for the UFC belt multiple times and continues to be a formidable competitor. His story serves as an inspiring example that success is not solely dependent on natural talent, but also on hard work, dedication, and the ability to leverage one's strengths effectively.

    • Appreciation for Achievements and Genuine Happiness for OthersRecognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of others not only inspires us to work harder and push ourselves, but also highlights the significance of genuine happiness for the achievements of people in both sports and life.

      In short, one big takeaway from this conversation is the appreciation for individuals who accomplish great things, both athletically and in life. Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan emphasize the importance of recognizing and feeling genuinely happy for others when they achieve their goals, as accomplishing great things is not easy. Whether it's witnessing a fellow athlete's success or seeing someone overcome challenges and achieve personal milestones, the ability to genuinely feel good for others is amazing. This appreciation serves as an inspiration to work harder and push oneself to new heights. The difficulties and demanding nature of preparing for a championship level MMA fight further highlight the significance of celebrating the accomplishments of others.

    • The Resilience and Determination of Championship Martial ArtsChampionship martial arts requires both physical and mental strength, as fighters like Kamara demonstrate their ability to overcome obstacles and constantly push themselves to be the best.

      Championship martial arts requires incredible resilience and determination. Despite facing physical challenges like knee issues and even fighting with only one eye, fighters like Kamara have shown remarkable ability to push through and perform at the highest level. This highlights the intense physical toll that the sport takes on athletes, but also the mental strength and dedication required to overcome such obstacles. It is evident that successful fighters, like Mike and Shaiben, possess an unwavering commitment to their craft, constantly pushing themselves to be the best they can be. These stories serve as a reminder that the world of professional fighting demands remarkable fortitude and determination.

    • Uncovering the Excitement and Complexity of Combat SportsThe world of combat sports is full of surprises and complex strategies, where even the most skilled fighters can experience unexpected victories or defeats, keeping fans on the edge of their seats.

      The world of combat sports is full of surprises and unpredictable outcomes. Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier's conversation highlights the excitement and complexity of the sport. From discussing devastating strikes and effective takedown defense to analyzing fighters' strengths and weaknesses, they shed light on the strategies and physical attributes that can make or break a fighter. They also express disappointment about missed opportunities for epic matchups and the potential impact of crossover ventures like boxing. Ultimately, their discussion underscores the ever-evolving nature of combat sports, where even the most skilled fighters can experience unexpected victories or defeats, keeping fans on the edge of their seats.

    • The Importance of Diversifying Fighting Styles and TechniquesIn combat sports, diversifying fighting styles and techniques is crucial as unexpected moves can catch opponents off guard, highlighting the need for fighters to adapt and constantly evolve their skills.

      Fighters like Tyson Fury and Chris Weidman possess hidden skills that can be game-changers in their matches. While discussing Francis Ngannou's fight against Tyson Fury, Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan speculate on Fury's ability to throw elbows, which is typically seen in MMA and Muay Thai fights. They analyze footage and conclude that Fury's elbow strike was intentional and well-executed. This sheds light on the importance of diversifying fighting styles and techniques, as unexpected moves can catch opponents off guard. It also emphasizes the need for fighters to adapt and learn from their mistakes, as shown by Weidman's downfall after attempting a risky spinning kick. Ultimately, it highlights the dynamic nature of combat sports and the significance of constantly evolving skills.

    • Shifting dynamics in the UFC light heavyweight divisionThe conversation highlights the changing landscape of the division, with the belt being passed around and the potential for new long-reigning champions, while acknowledging the challenge of facing fighters with exceptional grappling skills and the power of Paheita's left hook.

      In short, one big takeaway from the conversation between Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan is that the light heavyweight division in the UFC has seen a shift in power dynamics. Cormier reflects on his own time as the champion, where he primarily focused on the top five contenders in his weight class. However, since his reign ended, the belt has been passed around to various fighters. They discuss the potential for new long-reigning champions like Pineda, Jamal Hill, or even Bo Nickel, but also highlight the challenge they may face against fighters with exceptional grappling skills. They also acknowledge the extraordinary power of Paheita's left hook, emphasizing that no one hits harder in the division. Overall, the conversation reveals the ever-changing landscape of the light heavyweight division and the unpredictability of championship reigns.

    • Timing, Preparation, and Risks in Elite FightingProper timing, preparation, and recovery are essential for elite fighters to improve skills, performance, and overall health, highlighting the importance of balanced decisions and prioritizing long-term well-being.

      Timing and preparation are crucial factors when it comes to fighting at the highest level. Joe Rogan and Daniel Cormier discuss the risks of taking fights on short notice or without proper training. They highlight the importance of having a full camp to improve skills, cardio, and overall performance. Additionally, they express concern about fighters who rush into fights after being knocked out, emphasizing the need for sufficient time to recover and allow the brain to heal. The conversation also raises questions about the expectations placed on elite fighters and the pressure to continue fighting despite potential physical and mental risks.

    • Aaron Rodgers' Remarkable Recovery: A Testament to Modern Science and Healing PotentialRodgers' quick return from an Achilles injury highlights the potential of advanced medical interventions, such as peptides, in aiding healing and recovery in sports.

      Aaron Rodgers' recovery from his Achilles injury is truly remarkable. Despite tearing his Achilles, Rodgers returned to the field just 7 weeks later and was cleared for football activities at 11 weeks. This feat is especially impressive considering his age of 40. There seems to be a lot of modern science and possibly the use of peptides involved in his rapid recovery. This raises the argument for the use of peptides in the UFC and other athletic endeavors to aid in healing and recovery. Rodgers' comeback serves as an inspiration and a testament to the potential of advanced medical interventions in sports.

    • The Importance of Practice and Adaptability in Elite SportsAccuracy and skill in sports require intense practice and dedication, highlighting the physical toll and size differences, while also noting the potential barriers and unique characteristics of high-caliber athletes in different sports.

      Accuracy and skill in sports like football and MMA require intense practice and dedication. Daniel Cormier describes the precision of throwing targets and catching footballs, highlighting the size difference between NFL footballs and the hands of athletes. He emphasizes the physical toll that catching a football can have on fingers. Cormier and Joe Rogan discuss the potential for high-caliber football players transitioning to MMA, with Cormier noting that the allure of football's big money often prevents this. They also touch on the unique personality and intensity of fighters like Herschel Walker. Ultimately, this conversation underscores the importance of practice, adaptability, and the mental and physical demands of elite performance in sports.

    • The UFC's Dominance and Fighter BenefitsThe UFC's dominance in the fighting world makes it difficult for other promotions to compete, but fighters are benefiting from increased monetary rewards.

      The UFC has established such a dominant position in the fighting world that it's difficult for any other promotion, like Bellator, to compete with them. Even with the merger of Bellator and the PFL, it still feels like a distant second to the UFC. The UFC has become the NFL of fighting, and no matter how talented the fighters are in other promotions, they won't feel as important unless they're fighting in the UFC's octagon. However, the positive aspect of this is that fighters are starting to make more money, with million-dollar contracts becoming more common. So, while the UFC remains the top promotion, fighters are benefiting from the increased monetary rewards.

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    If you’ve ever heard the phrase, if you want something done, give it to a busy person. Well, Isaac is that busy person who people come to get things done. And he gets them done. Isaac is one of the original Pathfinders. That is, he was a member of one of my earliest groups of Reveal Your Path and he continues his growth through my Reveal Your Path Pro inner circle.

    I want to explore Isaac’s mindset and methodology for getting so much done in the same 24 hours as you and I have.

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode-- as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode-- at JimHarshawJr.com/Action/.

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    About Your Host Jim Harshaw

    My name is Jim Harshaw. And I know where you’re at. You’re working hard and qualified for what you do but you aren’t getting what you want. You have plans on getting to the C-suite or launching a business but ultimate success seems as far away today as ever. You’re at the right place because you can get there from here.

    And I can help.

    Who I Am

    I’m a speaker, coach, and former Division I All-American wrestler that helps motivated former athletes to reach their full potential by getting clarity on what they really want and taking aggressive action to lead their ideal life not just despite their prior failures but because of them.

    I’m a husband and father of four. And I’m a serial entrepreneur. I’ve launched multiple successful businesses as well as the obligatory failed one. I’ve been the executive director of a non-profit and have raised millions of dollars. I’ve worked in sales. I’ve even been a Division I head coach. While I was born in a blue-collar home I have spent my life surrounded by Olympians, CEO’s and millionaires.

    Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

    I’ve been lucky.

    I’ve learned the habits of successful people and guess what. You’re just like them. I know because I know your type. You’re programmed for hard work, which is a prerequisite for success, but you’ve never been shown how to use what you know to create the life you want with the tools you have.

    I will show you how.

    Why You Are Here

    You've worked hard to achieve greatness. You’ve set goals and maybe even set records. You’ve definitely failed and you’ve at some point found yourself questioning if you were on the right track.

    You need to understand this: You are far more prepared to succeed than those who’ve not tried, competed, struggled and overcome like you have. That’s the value of your education as someone who aims high. You are prepared to be as successful as your wildest dreams will allow.

    Here I will teach you, with the help of brilliant minds that have been shaped by failure, struggle, and adversity, to be who you want to be. I sense that you want this because you have read this far.

    To take the next step today, click here.


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    Am Wochenende steht ein mega Event an. Unser Hackman wird UFC 251 auf DAZN kommentieren und diskutiert in dieser Episode mit Alexander Kage über die Card. Drei Titelkämpfe werden auf Fight Island stattfinden. Somit gibt es jede Menge Gesprächsstoff in Hackmans MMA Show. Außerdem unterhalten sich die beiden Kampfsport-Cracks über Kampfsport zur Corona Zeit, UFC Stars auf Social Media und die Gehälter der Kämpfer. Sebastian widmet diese Folge dem verstorbenen Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov.  

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