
    JRE MMA Show #20 with Yves Edwards

    en-usMarch 29, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal fashion preferences and social stigmasEveryone has the right to express their personal style, but some trends can come with social stigmas. It's up to the individual to decide if they're comfortable embracing those trends.

      Personal style and preferences are subjective, but some trends, like wearing a fanny pack or ripped up pants, can be divisive. The speaker in this conversation expresses his disapproval of certain fashion choices, but acknowledges that everyone has the right to express themselves as they see fit. He also mentions his own preference for practical and comfortable clothing. The conversation also touches on the idea that some fashion trends, like wearing a fanny pack, may have social stigmas attached to them, but ultimately, it's up to the individual to decide if they feel comfortable embracing those trends despite any potential backlash.

    • MMA Fighter Eve Edwards Reflects on Her Past Experiences in the SportMMA fighter Eve Edwards discusses her training with Mickey Gall and Jeff Osborne, the evolution of the sport, and her desire for larger fighting spaces. She emphasizes the importance of good partners and mentors, and the value of learning from past experiences to adapt to new challenges.

      MMA fighter Eve Edwards reflects on her past experiences in the sport, sharing stories about training with fellow fighters Mickey Gall and Jeff Osborne, and reminiscing about some of her earliest fights. The conversations reveal the evolution of the sport, the importance of having a good training partner and mentor, and the impact of experience on one's perspective. Edwards also expresses her desire to see MMA fights take place in larger spaces like football fields, believing it would eliminate certain advantages of the cage and force fighters to adapt new techniques. Overall, the discussion highlights the rich history and continuous evolution of MMA, as well as the importance of learning from past experiences and adapting to new challenges.

    • Rules about elbow strikes in MMA due to safety concernsDebate over safety vs entertainment in MMA continues with rules on elbow strikes, some argue for changes like allowing downward elbows and adopting Pride rules

      The rules in mixed martial arts (MMA) regarding elbow strikes, specifically the prohibition of downward elbows, are a result of safety concerns. These rules were put in place due to the potential for serious injury or even death, as demonstrated by the athletic commission's concern over the power of elbow strikes used in breaking boards. However, some argue that the use of gloves and hand wraps in MMA is an unrealistic restriction, as it doesn't provide any additional advantages for striking, unlike protective gear for other body parts. The absence of gloves and hand wraps could potentially minimize but not eliminate injuries. From an entertainment perspective, some prefer the current rules, while others advocate for changes such as allowing downward elbows and adopting Pride rules that judge the entire fight. Ultimately, the debate revolves around balancing safety and entertainment in MMA.

    • Improving the Scoring System in MMAThe current MMA scoring system requires updates, including more judges and reevaluating criteria to ensure fairness. Potential biases from coaches and lack of expertise among judges can impact decisions.

      The current scoring system and the judges in MMA need improvement. More judges, ideally former fighters or martial arts experts, should be implemented for greater diversity and a better understanding of the sport. The scoring criteria should also be reevaluated, as some moves, like immediate stand-ups after takedowns, are not currently accounted for fairly. Coaches, like Greg Jackson, may influence judges with their biased encouragement, potentially swaying their decisions. Overall, there are numerous qualified candidates available, and the lack of experienced judges is a preventable issue. The unpredictability of upcoming fights, such as Tony vs. Khabib, highlights the importance of having knowledgeable judges to make fair and accurate decisions.

    • Tony Ferguson's Scrambling vs Khabib Nurmagomedov's WrestlingTony Ferguson's endurance and scrambling make him a tough opponent, but his vulnerability to wrestling and submissions, especially from elite wrestlers like Khabib Nurmagomedov, could be his downfall.

      Tony Ferguson's relentless scrambling ability and endurance make him a formidable opponent in the UFC lightweight division. However, his vulnerability to wrestling and submission techniques, especially from elite wrestlers like Khabib Nurmagomedov, could be his downfall. The compromised condition of his opponents, such as Kevin Lee in their fight, may influence Tony's strategy, but facing a fully prepared opponent could change the outcome. Khabib's exceptional wrestling skills and ability to control the pace of the fight make him the best wrestler in the game. The Dagestani wrestling style, which Khabib embodies, focuses on standard techniques executed at a higher level than most opponents, making it a significant challenge for fighters like Tony Ferguson.

    • Khabib Nurmagomedov's Wrestling Skills and ConditioningKhabib Nurmagomedov's wrestling skills and conditioning make him a dominant force in MMA, but his performance against Michael Johnson raised concerns about dehydration's impact. Potential opponents include Gregor Gillespie or Tony Ferguson.

      Khabib Nurmagomedov, a high-level wrestler and four-time American national champion, is a formidable force in MMA. His wrestling style, which involves being on top and grinding opponents, is particularly effective against those who can't match his conditioning and grappling skills. However, his performance against Michael Johnson raised questions about his ability to handle dehydration and the impact it might have on his fights. The intriguing match-up for Khabib would be against a wrestler like Gregor Gillespie or even against Tony Ferguson, who is known for his unpredictability and creativity in the octagon. Ultimately, Khabib's dominance in the sport is a testament to his exceptional wrestling skills and unyielding conditioning.

    • Discussion on outdated rules in MMA, specifically 12 to 6 elbowsOutdated rules in MMA, like 12 to 6 elbows, can have a ripple effect on the game. Innovation through glove design, such as covered fingertips or curved gloves, can improve safety and enhance grappling.

      The rules and regulations in various sports, including MMA, are subject to change, and while some changes may seem insignificant, they can have a ripple effect on the game as a whole. For instance, the discussion revolves around the allowance of 12 to 6 elbows in MMA, a rule that our speaker feels is outdated and detrimental to the sport. He suggests the implementation of gloves with covered fingertips to mitigate the impact of elbows and improve grappling. The speaker also mentions the evolution of gloves in MMA, with Bellator's curved gloves as an example of a more effective design. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of continuous improvement and innovation in sports, with small changes potentially leading to significant enhancements.

    • UFC Fighter's Calf Swelling Leads to Medical DisputeClear communication and trust between athletes and medical professionals is crucial, especially when dealing with potential risks and benefits of various treatment options.

      During a UFC fight between Dustin Poirier and Jim Miller, both fighters suffered from severe calf swelling after numerous leg kicks. However, when Poirier went to the hospital for treatment, doctors wanted to perform a surgery to relieve the pressure and prevent potential nerve damage. Poirier and his team were hesitant, as they believed the swelling was not a serious concern. The situation escalated with multiple doctors pushing for the surgery, even suggesting a large incision and needle tests. Poirier's fear of needles further complicated matters. The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and trust between medical professionals and athletes, as well as the need for a thorough understanding of the potential risks and benefits of various treatment options.

    • Encountering Unscrupulous Doctors and Unnecessary SurgeriesBe cautious of doctors who push for unnecessary surgeries or prescribe strong painkillers, potentially for financial gain. Always prioritize your health and seek a second opinion if you're unsure.

      There are unscrupulous doctors who perform unnecessary surgeries for financial gain. These doctors may even perform surgeries on healthy patients or those with minor injuries, and they may use strong painkillers to convince patients to undergo procedures immediately. The patient in this discussion had a close encounter with such a doctor, who wanted to perform a surgery on a shin injury despite the patient's objections. The patient was skeptical and wondered if the doctor was motivated by financial gain rather than the patient's health. The patient also shared an experience where they were prescribed a powerful painkiller, Tylenol, which provided significant relief from pain. The patient also recalled an old remedy for fighting off a cold using Theraflu and NyQuil. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of being vigilant when it comes to medical procedures and being aware of potential scams or unnecessary treatments.

    • Sleeping on a problem leads to solutionsSleeping improves healing and decision-making. Cold medicine that helps us sleep can be beneficial in allowing us to rest and recover. Sleeping on a problem can lead to new perspectives and solutions upon waking up.

      Getting a good night's sleep when sick can significantly improve the healing process and help us make better decisions. Cold medicine, particularly those that help us sleep, can be beneficial in allowing us to rest and recover. The speaker shares a personal experience of learning car mechanics by sleeping on a problem and finding the solution upon waking up. The idea is that when we sleep, we enter a different state of consciousness, and returning from it can bring new perspectives and solutions to challenges. The speaker also mentions the importance of relaxation and reducing stress in the healing process.

    • Starting the day with a clear mind and small victoriesMaintaining a clear mind and focusing on small daily victories, like morning workouts, can significantly improve your daily life and overall perspective.

      Maintaining a clear mind and focusing on small victories can significantly improve your daily life and overall perspective. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a clean slate in terms of tasks and the benefits of morning workouts for mental and physical well-being. He suggests that people often get bogged down by the momentum of daily tasks and stresses, but by starting the day with a clear mind and a small victory, like a morning workout, the rest of the day can be approached with a more positive and productive attitude. The 10-year test is also mentioned as a helpful way to evaluate the importance of stressors and challenges in life. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of prioritizing mental and physical health, and the role that small daily habits can play in achieving a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    • Old school MMA training: intense workouts and strategic fuelingIntense conditioning workouts and strategic fueling can help athletes perform at their best by pushing their limits and providing necessary fuel

      Intense conditioning workouts, such as those involving air bike machines or hydraulic presses, can be challenging and draining, even if they don't appear to be heavy or hard. Old school strength and conditioning methods used by early MMA camps, like American Top Team, pushed fighters to their limits by combining intense workouts with strategic fueling to help them quickly regain weight after weight cuts. While the science behind these methods may be confusing, the principle is clear: pushing the body to its limits and then providing it with the necessary fuel can help athletes perform at their best.

    • The Evolution of MMA: From Early Days to Modern LandscapeThe early days of MMA saw impressive conditioning and less defined weight classes, leading to brutal fights. Modern UFC has a more defined weight class structure but fewer opportunities for epic wars.

      The world of mixed martial arts has undergone significant changes over the years, particularly in terms of weight classes and athlete conditioning. During the early days, fighters like Frank Shamrock and Tito Ortiz showcased impressive conditioning that set new standards. However, weight classes were less defined, and fighters often had to make drastic weight cuts or fight in other organizations due to the absence of certain weight classes in the UFC. One notable example is the 55-pound division, which was absent from the UFC for an extended period. Fighters like Josh Thomson and Gilbert Melendez made a name for themselves in other organizations during this time. Melendez, in particular, had some epic battles in Strikeforce, showcasing his tenacity and refusal to back down. However, the physical toll of these wars took a significant toll on fighters. Melendez's fights, in particular, were brutal, and it's unclear if we would see the same level of performance from him in the UFC. The modern UFC landscape is vastly different, with more frequent events and a more defined weight class structure. While this has its advantages, it also means that fighters face fewer opportunities for the type of epic, back-and-forth wars that defined the sport in its early days.

    • The Choice Between Technical Fighting and All-Out War in MMAFighters choose between technical skill and all-out war in MMA based on personal preference. Both approaches have their place and require dedication to the craft.

      Some fighters, like Diego and Gilbert, are known for their willingness to engage in brutal, epic fights, even when it hurts. These fighters, who are often considered to have "blood and guts," are remembered for their tenacity and their refusal to back down, even when they're taking heavy damage. For others, like the speaker, the goal is to outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents, avoiding unnecessary damage. Max Holloway is an example of a fighter who was able to combine technical skill with the willingness to engage in a war of punches when necessary. Ultimately, the choice between technical fighting and all-out war is a personal one, and both approaches have their place in the sport of mixed martial arts. Regardless of the approach, what matters most is the commitment and dedication to the craft, as exemplified by Diego's work with a fan with Down syndrome.

    • The Power of Indomitable Spirit in MMAFighters who can push through adversity and maintain a positive attitude during competition are the ones who truly shine in MMA.

      While some fighters may excel in training and impress with their skills in the gym, the mental fortitude required to perform at the highest level in the octagon can be a significant challenge for some. The stakes are much higher in a fight, and the fear of exposure and vulnerability can prevent fighters from giving their all. The attitude and mindset a fighter brings into competition can have a snowball effect, shaping their experiences and outcomes. Those who can push through adversity, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, are the ones who truly shine. Examples like Darren Elkins and Kat Zingano demonstrate the power of indomitable spirit and the rewarding victory cries that come from persevering through hell.

    • Our experiences shape who we areUnderstanding our experiences and focusing on positivity can lead to personal growth and a fulfilling life.

      Our experiences, starting from birth, shape our perspectives and attitudes. Babies cry because every sensation is new to them, and as we grow up, we receive various influences that make us who we are. Some people may adopt a negative attitude, but it's essential to recognize these moments as opportunities for growth. Surrounding ourselves with positive influences and focusing on improvement can help us overcome challenges and hustle towards our goals. Negative attitudes, like "I can't catch a break," can be detrimental and should be avoided. Ultimately, understanding ourselves and being mindful of our thoughts can lead to a more fulfilling life.

    • The value of experiences over material possessionsExperiences offer deeper meaning than material possessions, but it's crucial to appreciate them in moderation and consider context before jumping to conclusions.

      While entertainment and material possessions can provide momentary enjoyment, they may not offer the same depth and meaning as experiences that challenge us and make us think. The ease of access to mass media and consumer culture can lead to a lack of moderation and appreciation for these things. Additionally, it's important to be cautious about assumptions and jumping to conclusions based on limited information. In the case discussed, the conversation between two individuals was misunderstood and led to unnecessary controversy. It's essential to consider the context and motivations behind people's actions before making judgments.

    • The Confederate flag's historical burdenThe Confederate flag, rooted in the fight for slavery, remains a divisive symbol despite romanticized notions of the South. Understanding history helps us navigate its impact on societal perceptions.

      The Confederate flag, which is still present in many parts of the United States, carries a significant historical burden related to the fight for slavery. This was a revelation for the speaker, who grew up in the Bahamas and didn't learn about the Confederate flag or the history of slavery in the US until much later in life. The speaker argues that despite the romanticized notions of the South, the Confederate flag cannot be separated from its historical roots and represents an outdated and divisive symbol. The speaker also shares an interesting historical fact about a hookworm epidemic in the South, which may have contributed to negative stereotypes about Southerners and their perceived intelligence. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding history and the potential impact of symbols on societal perceptions.

    • The impact of footwear on physical abilitiesReducing padding between feet and ground can improve balance and overall physical performance

      The way we interact with our environment, including the shoes we wear, can significantly impact our physical abilities. The speaker argues that running or hiking barefoot or with minimal shoes can help strengthen the feet and improve balance, as opposed to wearing shoes with excessive padding that can weaken the muscles. This idea connects to the discussion about how our DNA can adapt to different environments, and how someone raised in a strong environment might not be as agile, but could still adapt and learn to thrive in a different environment. Ultimately, the speaker believes that reducing the amount of padding between our feet and the ground can lead to better overall physical performance and connection to the environment.

    • Francis Ngannou's Power and Speed Make Him a Formidable Opponent, But Injury-Prone CareerDespite possessing incredible power and speed, Francis Ngannou's injury-prone career may be due to his reluctance to engage in groundwork and the high volume of top-level fighters training together at his gym.

      Francis Ngannou, a heavyweight boxer from Ghana, possesses an extraordinary combination of power and speed, making him a formidable opponent. However, his reluctance to engage in groundwork and the high volume of top-level fighters training together at his gym may contribute to his injury-prone career. Despite these challenges, Ngannou's power and tenacity have earned him the title of having the highest registered punch in UFC history. The intense training environment at his gym, AKA, while producing world-class fighters, also increases the likelihood of injuries due to the high number of quality fighters training in close proximity.

    • Controversies in UFC: Judging Decisions and Fighter HealthSpeakers discussed the intense training environment in MMA gyms and the importance of mental strength, but also raised concerns about inconsistent judging decisions and their impact on fighters' careers and morale.

      The intense training environment in mixed martial arts gyms can produce highly competitive and tenacious fighters, but the subjectivity of judging in UFC matches can lead to controversy and frustration. The speakers shared stories of hard-hitting sparring sessions and the importance of mental strength, but also expressed concerns about inconsistent judging decisions. They believe that the judges are the biggest problem in UFC, leading to confusion and disagreements about the outcome of fights. Despite these challenges, they continue to work in the industry, including for UFC's Fox coverage, and have strong opinions about specific fights and fighters. For instance, they don't think Frankie Edgar should have taken his upcoming fight so soon after his last loss. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding the sport of mixed martial arts.

    • Learning from past experiencesFighters like Cub Swanson and Artego continue to improve and adapt based on past defeats and lessons learned, while opponents like Frankie Edgar and Luke Rockhold pose unique challenges requiring adjustments.

      Experience and learning from past fights are crucial factors in the success and longevity of a fighter's career. Cub Swanson, despite being older and having faced Frankie Edgar multiple times, continues to be motivated and make adjustments based on his past experiences. Meanwhile, opponents like Artego and Tiago Santos also learn valuable lessons from their defeats and come back stronger. Additionally, the physical and mental challenges posed by opponents like Luke Rockhold and the unique body types they possess make for intriguing matchups and require fighters to adapt and improve. Overall, the MMA world is full of exciting and unpredictable fights, and the ability to learn and grow from past experiences is a key factor in a fighter's success.

    • The importance of competition and merit-based performance for personal growthCompetition and merit-based performance foster personal growth and progress, with capitalism as a system that encourages and rewards hard work and individual freedom. Recognition for high achievers is important, and inequality of outcomes is inevitable when true freedom exists.

      The speaker believes that competition and merit-based performance are essential for personal growth and progress, and that these principles are represented in the wrestling world he described. He sees capitalism as a system that encourages and rewards hard work and competition, but also acknowledges the need for social programs like education and healthcare. The speaker argues that people who have never competed or accomplished much may not understand the value of merit-based performance and may advocate for equal outcomes regardless of effort or achievement. He emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and the inevitability of inequality of outcomes when true freedom exists. The speaker also believes that there should be recognition for those who compete and perform at a high level, and not everyone should receive the same rewards. Overall, the speaker values competition, merit, and individual freedom, and sees these principles as crucial for personal growth and progress.

    • Balancing capitalism and socialism for societal benefitsEffective revenue sharing and investment in underprivileged areas can create a more equitable and prosperous community, recognizing the interconnectedness of our society and redistributing resources effectively.

      A balanced approach, incorporating elements of both capitalism and socialism, can lead to positive outcomes in various aspects of society. Using the examples of Major League Baseball and community development, the speaker emphasizes the importance of revenue sharing and investment in underprivileged areas to level the playing field. The discussion also touched upon the need for equal access to essential services like education and law enforcement, regardless of a community's socioeconomic status. The speaker's main point is that by recognizing the interconnectedness of our society and redistributing resources effectively, we can create a more equitable and prosperous community for everyone.

    • US Military vs Education FundingThe US spends significantly more on the military than education, with suggestions for investing $700 billion annually for the next decade in education. However, concerns over quality and cost persist, with estimates for making college tuition-free ranging from $62.6 billion to over a trillion dollars.

      The discussion highlights the significant funding allocated to the military compared to education in the US budget. The speakers express shock over the amount of money spent on education, suggesting a potential investment of $700 billion per year for the next 10 years. However, they also acknowledge the current education budget, which is around $70 billion, and discuss the increasing global population, implying the need for more resources to accommodate it. The speakers also touch upon the idea of making college education free and the importance of a well-educated society, but express concerns about the quality of education and the presence of ineffective teachers. The conversation also touches upon the gun control debate, with no clear consensus on the solution. The speakers also discuss the cost of making college tuition-free, with estimates ranging from $62.6 billion to potentially over a trillion dollars.

    • Challenges of Free Online EducationDespite distractions and lack of credentials, self-motivation and resources can lead to deep understanding and even replace traditional learning. Future may prioritize competence over degrees.

      While free online education offers immense opportunities for learning, it comes with its own set of challenges. The ease of access to a vast amount of information can lead to distractions and lack of discipline. The absence of credentialing is another concern, making it difficult to prove one's knowledge and skills to potential employers. However, with the right guidance, self-motivation, and access to resources, it's possible to acquire a deep understanding of various subjects and even replace traditional classroom learning. The future may hold less emphasis on degrees and more on demonstrating competence through tests and certifications. Ultimately, the key lies in striking a balance between self-directed learning and structured education.

    • Learning practical skills is essential for future careersPractical experience and skills are crucial for success in future careers, as technology and industries evolve. Dedication and discipline in mastering a craft can lead to enjoyment and improvement.

      While general education is important, the practical application and experience in specific fields can be more valuable in the real world. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn skills that are applicable to one's future career, as technology and industries constantly evolve. They also highlight the importance of discipline and dedication in mastering a craft, even if it's initially uncomfortable or unenjoyable. For instance, in the context of sports, the speaker shares their personal experience of initially disliking getting hit during boxing training but eventually growing to enjoy it and improving through consistent practice. Similarly, in technology or other fields, having a deep understanding and experience can be crucial, as the knowledge gained in school may become outdated quickly. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

    • Discovering new aspects of martial artsEmbrace new experiences in martial arts, even if initially uncomfortable, for personal growth and potential mastery.

      People often develop a deeper appreciation for martial arts after experiencing different aspects of it. The speaker shares his personal journey of disliking wrestling but later growing to enjoy it and even excel in it. He also mentions how individuals who specialize in one area may feel uncomfortable venturing into unfamiliar territory, such as a striker trying grappling or a grappler trying striking. The speaker also highlights the humbling experience of being a beginner in a new martial art and the importance of continuous improvement. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and the growth that comes from learning new skills.

    • Debating the outcome of a disqualification in MMAOpinions vary on disqualifications in MMA, with some believing it's a valid strategy and others seeing it as a loss for the offender. A rematch can provide closure. Unpredictability in fighter performance and weight cuts add to the sport's complexity.

      The rules and outcomes in mixed martial arts fights can be subjective and controversial. During a discussion about a specific fight, it was debated whether a disqualification was warranted due to illegal knees. While some felt it should have been a loss for the offending fighter, others believed it was a valid strategy in the heat of the moment. Regardless, the consensus was that a rematch would be an intriguing solution. Additionally, the unpredictability of fighters and their weight cuts was highlighted, as Michael Johnson's performance in a previous fight was brought up as an example. Overall, the conversation underscored the complexity and nuance of MMA and the importance of understanding the context and intent behind the actions in the ring.

    • Importance of Proper Rehydration After a Quick FightFailure to properly rehydrate after a quick fight can lead to uncertainty and potential consequences, emphasizing the importance of understanding the impact of a knockout.

      The speaker, who was a mixed martial arts fighter, shared an experience from his early career where he didn't fully understand the importance of proper rehydration after a quick fight. He recounted a brief encounter with an opponent, during which he was choked out in under 20 seconds. The speaker expressed uncertainty about whether he was fully conscious during the fight or not. He also mentioned that he didn't have access to advanced rehydration methods back then, and that he felt fine before the fight. The conversation then shifted to discussing some notable fights from the fighter's past, including Vitor Belfort's debut in the UFC. The speaker expressed admiration for the younger Belfort and wished he could have been in the UFC at the same time. The conversation also touched on some potential fixes in UFC fights and Belfort's transformation throughout his career. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of proper rehydration and the potential consequences of not fully understanding the impact of a quick knockout.

    • The Wild West Era of MMA: Fights filled with grit and determinationThe early days of MMA were marked by raw talent, lack of regulations, and fighters' determination to prove themselves in the cage

      The early days of MMA were filled with raw talent, determination, and a lack of regulations. Fighters like Vitor Belfort, who had no known weaknesses and looked like a lion in the cage, faced off against each other in the Wild West era of MMA. Stories of Vitor's fights against Randy Couture, Bosch Ruten, and Hermes Franca showcase the excitement and uncertainty of the sport during this time. Despite the lack of fame or fortune, fighters like the speaker were motivated by the opportunity to prove themselves and be a part of the emerging sport. These moments, filled with grit and determination, are what make the early days of MMA so memorable.

    • Determination leads to opportunitiesStaying determined and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected successes in life. Building relationships and trying new techniques can open doors to new experiences.

      Determination and persistence can lead to opportunities. The speaker shares his experience of feeling left out of a tournament and being angry about it. Instead of giving up, he used the opportunity to build a relationship with Dana White and eventually landed a job as a commentator. The speaker also recalls other memorable moments from his fighting career, such as his first fight in Vegas after 9-11 and the rumors of fighting celebrities. Throughout the conversation, the speaker expresses his passion for fighting and his willingness to try new techniques, even if they seem unconventional. Overall, the speaker's story illustrates the importance of staying determined and seizing opportunities when they arise.

    • The Brutal Past of MMA: Controversial Moments and Unsavory CharactersMark Kerr's brutal chin attack on Dan Bobish and Wilson Govea's lack of dedication contrasted with John Jones' dominant presence despite scandals

      The world of mixed martial arts has seen its fair share of controversial moments and unsavory characters. One such instance involved Mark Kerr, who infamously crushed Dan Bobish's eye socket with his chin during a fight. This incident serves as a reminder of the more brutal aspects of the sport's past. Another topic discussed was the difference between those who excel inside and outside the octagon. For instance, Wilson Govea, a talented fighter, failed to reach his full potential due to a lack of dedication to training. Contrastingly, John Jones, despite facing numerous challenges and scandals, has continued to be a dominant force in the sport. However, Jones' reputation was weakened during a California State Athletic Commission hearing, where he joked about his manager forging documents and failed to provide a clear source for a positive drug test. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and controversies surrounding the world of mixed martial arts.

    • MMA Career and Diversity in Sports BroadcastingThe importance of merit in sports broadcasting, regardless of race, and the need to focus on quality work.

      The discussion revolved around the potential career path of a hypothetical MMA fighter named John, and the implications of race in sports broadcasting. John could have been a heavyweight champion, but his career took a different turn. The conversation also touched upon the UFC panel and the accusation of checking off boxes for diversity. However, the real issue for the speaker was the implication that they were only in their positions due to their skin color and not based on merit. The speaker strongly rejected this notion, emphasizing their expertise and understanding of the sport. The discussion also touched upon the importance of having diverse voices in sports broadcasting, but it's essential to focus on the quality of the work rather than the race of the individual.

    • Concerns of discrimination in hiring processClear communication and understanding are crucial in addressing sensitive issues. Experience and qualifications should be the focus in the hiring process.

      The conversation revolved around the issue of race in the context of a job opportunity. The speaker expressed concern over allegations of discrimination, but clarified that his issue was not with the race of those involved, but rather the insinuation that certain individuals were not qualified for the job. The speaker also shared an experience where he had intervened in a situation involving a friend, and was later misrepresented in a conversation. The conversation also touched upon the importance of experience and qualifications in the hiring process, and the importance of providing viable alternatives to criticism. The speaker emphasized that there is no clear alternative to the current team, and that the traditional formula for broadcasting teams includes a color commentator and a play-by-play commentator, with the latter typically having more experience. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of clear communication and understanding in addressing sensitive issues.

    • The power of authentic passion and engagement in sports interviewsEffective sports interviews require genuine excitement, curiosity, and personal connection between interviewer and athlete. Be fully present and invested in the process to capture emotional moments and provide insightful questions.

      Authentic passion and engagement make for the best interviews in sports. The speaker shares his admiration for interviewers who not only possess knowledge of the sport but also demonstrate genuine excitement and curiosity. He recalls instances where he was impressed by interviewers who could connect with athletes on a personal level, ask insightful questions, and even make them laugh. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being fully present and invested in the interview process, rather than phoning it in or treating it as a mere job. He also highlights the value of capturing the moments of intense emotion and excitement that often occur during a fight or competition. Overall, the speaker's perspective underscores the importance of authenticity and enthusiasm in sports journalism.

    • Reflections of a Former Fighter on Missing CompetitionAging former MMA fighters miss the thrill of competition, value their experience, but acknowledge physical limitations, and admire younger fighters' abilities.

      The excitement and challenge of competition, especially in MMA, is something that former fighter deeply misses. He values the experience and knowledge gained throughout his career but recognizes the physical limitations that come with aging. He still trains and spars, but the recovery time is longer. He reflects on missed opportunities, such as fighting Gomi or Joe Riggs, and expresses admiration for younger fighters. The balance between experience and youth is a constant theme, with older fighters having more knowledge but younger ones having the physical abilities. Despite the challenges, he still enjoys watching and participating in martial arts.

    • Exploring Creative Passions for Mental StimulationEngaging in creative outlets like acting, stunt work, cognitive games, and writing can help keep the mind active and improve mental well-being.

      This individual is actively pursuing various creative outlets to keep his mind engaged and stimulated, particularly in the areas of acting and stunt work. He shares his experiences of working with notable figures such as Denzel Washington and Kevin Pollack, and how these encounters have motivated him to continue exploring these passions. Additionally, he mentions his use of cognitive games and writing to help manage his thoughts and keep his brain active. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of staying engaged in creative pursuits and the potential benefits it can have on mental well-being.

    • Conor McGregor shares his excitement and challenges in trying actingDespite success in fighting, McGregor acknowledges acting as a new challenge and emphasizes the importance of trying new things.

      New challenges, no matter how seemingly simple, can still be difficult and require dedication and effort. Conor McGregor, a professional fighter, expressed his excitement about trying acting and asked for advice. He acknowledged that even though he has experience with high-pressure situations, acting is still a challenge. McGregor also mentioned his show on Pluto TV, where they interview fighters and make it fun. Pluto TV is a free streaming platform with over a hundred channels. They have a fight channel and McGregor's show, The Thugjitsu Master and Squid Show. The conversation also touched on a past situation involving a friend, where McGregor felt caught in the middle of a controversial statement. He acknowledged that his friend said something insensitive and didn't make sense. Overall, McGregor emphasized the importance of trying new things and embracing the challenges that come with them.

    • Understanding and Acknowledging Misunderstandings and ApologiesMisunderstandings and apologies are common in relationships. Acknowledging mistakes and moving past them with respect and empathy is crucial for maintaining positive relationships. Qualifications and expertise are important when discussing sensitive topics like mental health.

      Assumptions should not be made lightly, and respect for others' feelings and experiences is crucial. The conversation revolved around misunderstandings and apologies, with a focus on the importance of acknowledging mistakes and moving past them. The speaker also emphasized the need for qualifications and expertise when discussing sensitive topics like mental health. The discussion also touched upon the importance of recognizing and appreciating each other's strengths and accomplishments. Despite some disagreements and misunderstandings, the speakers maintained a respectful and positive tone towards each other. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication, respect, and empathy in building and maintaining relationships.

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    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    Episode #35 with Dr. Andreo Spina

    Episode #35 with Dr. Andreo Spina

    On this week's episode of the Fight Strength Podcast, Phil Daru and Jason Burgos got the chance to chat with Dr. Andreo Spina. Dr. Spina is the creator of very unique functional range release system, the functional range conditioning mobility development system and the Kinstretch method of movement.

    The hosts asked Spina about how he developed this system, its purposes, how it came to be used by many professional sports organizations like the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Rangers and many more questions. 

    Follow the show, Phil, and Jason on social media at:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Episode #37 "Ask Daru"

    Episode #37 "Ask Daru"

    On episode 37 of the show, Phil Daru and Jason Burgos go back to an oldie but a good theme. An all "Ask Daru" episode. 

    Topics in listener questions include proper sauna use, three-day workout programs, the importance of sleep for athletes, aerobics in training, lifting strategies and journalism in the MMA business. 

    Follow the show, Phil, and Jason on social media at:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 27 MMA Year in Review

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 27 MMA Year in Review

    On the final edition of the Fight Strength Podcast for 2017, episode 27 is a full on MMA year in review. 

    Phil Daru and Jason Burgos covered some key story lines in the sport this year (i.e., the loss of luster in the UFC titles, and Bellator"s continued rise), gave their fighter of the year picks, and looked at some important narratives to follow in 2018. Plus, Jason listed his 10 best fighters in 2017.

    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 28 with Mike Brown

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 28 with Mike Brown

    Fight Strength Podcast is back with episode 28. This week Phil Daru and Jason Burgos had the pleasure of talking with the 2017 MMAJunkie coach of the year, and American Top Team trainer, Mike Brown.

    The guys chatted with the one time WEC featherweight champion on several topics related to his work coaching for ATT. Including formulating camps for a fighter, how fighters end up working with him, the difference in training for combat athletes in the last 15-plus years, and much more.

    There were some technical difficulties with Skype during the interview. We apologize for the sound issues at times during it.

    You can follow Phil and Jason on social media at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear

    Also a big thank you to Steve Peacock for lending his talented voice to the shows intro music. 

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 30 with Joe DeFranco

    Fight Strength Podcast: Episode 30 with Joe DeFranco

    On the thirtieth episode of the show Phil Daru and Jason Burgos had the pleasure of having on a true superstar in the strength and conditioning industry. The legendary Joe Defranco!

    The guys talked with DeFranco about how his career started, his early influences, his theories and ideologies in strength training, working with MMA fighters, and tips for trainers of any level on how to grow a brand and business in the industry. It is an episode filled with tons of info and thoughts from a true all-time great in his field. 

    You can follow Phil and Jason at the below addresses:

    Twitter: @DaruStrong & @CheapSeatsChat

    Facebook: Phil Bam Bam Daru & Jason Burgos

    Instagram: @DaruStrong & @JerichoVendetta

    And please follow the shows social media pages, and send us questions for Phil to answer:

    Facebook: Fight Strength Podcast

    Twitter: @FightStrength_

    Intro Music:

    J1 - Floridian Fighting Bear