
    JRE MMA Show #35 with Israel Adesanya

    en-usJuly 10, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • From kickboxing to UFC: The value of dedication and patienceDedication, patience, and a strategic approach can lead to success in professional fighting. Seek guidance from experienced mentors and focus on mastering various techniques before making the transition to the top level.

      Dedication and patience pay off in the world of professional fighting. The speaker, who had a successful debut in the UFC after building up hype through kickboxing and MMA, emphasized the importance of taking one's time to gain experience and master various techniques before making the transition to the top level. He also highlighted the significance of having a strong support system and mentor, like his coach Eugene Barriman, who helped guide him throughout his career. The speaker's success story is a reminder that hard work, persistence, and a strategic approach can lead to great achievements in the sport.

    • New Zealand and Australia's Impressive Kickboxing SceneNew Zealand and Australia's trainers and fighters are pushing martial arts to the highest level, with hidden talents set to make an impact in MMA

      New Zealand and Australia have produced an impressive number of high-level kickboxers, and the martial arts scene in these countries is rich in talent. This was acknowledged when a New Zealander helped train John Jones for a fight in America and discovered that the stand-up skills in America were not on par with those in New Zealand. The obsession and dedication of trainers like Adam Johnson and the presence of top fighters like Dan Hooker and Brad Riddell have raised the level of martial arts in New Zealand, pushing everyone to compete at the highest level. The world will soon discover the hidden talents in these countries when fighters like Riddell make their move to MMA.

    • Discovering the appeal of MMAThe speaker found MMA more appealing due to its versatility and the opportunity to showcase a range of skills, while acknowledging the importance of specialization and a solid foundation in various martial arts.

      The speaker discovered a personal preference for MMA over kickboxing due to his desire to avoid feeling vulnerable and the opportunity to showcase a diverse range of skills as a mixed martial artist. The history and roots of kickboxing were intriguing to him, but he appreciated the added challenge and excitement of competing in a discipline that required proficiency in both striking and grappling. The speaker also noted the importance of specializing in a particular area while maintaining a solid foundation in other aspects of combat sports. Overall, his experiences and observations emphasized the value of versatility and adaptability in martial arts training.

    • The Size of the UFC Cage MattersThe size of the UFC cage can impact a fight's outcome, but mental and physical preparation are crucial for success in MMA.

      The size of the UFC cage can impact the outcome of a fight, particularly when the fighters involved are significantly larger than average. The speaker expresses his admiration for the size of the cage, but acknowledges that it can be a disadvantage in certain situations, such as when the fighters are evenly matched in striking skills. He also discusses the psychological impact of a brutal fight on a fighter's performance in subsequent matches. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting in martial arts late and finding success in MMA despite being a small and unathletic child. He emphasizes that any child with the right training and determination can become a successful fighter. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of mental and physical preparation, as well as the unique challenges and rewards of a career in MMA.

    • Finding the right trainer and fighting styleEvery fighter is unique, finding a coach who understands and supports your individual style is crucial for success in combat sports.

      Finding the right trainer and fighting style is crucial for success in combat sports. The speaker shares his experience of transitioning from one trainer to another, who had different approaches to teaching Muay Thai. While the first trainer wanted him to fight in a specific style, the second trainer recognized his unique abilities and encouraged him to express himself. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having low hands in kickboxing, citing examples of successful fighters like Roy Jones Jr. who kept their hands down. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that every fighter is unique, and it's essential to find a coach who understands and supports your individual style.

    • Learning from opponents outside the UFCGaining experience from diverse opponents enhances skills and prepares fighters for the UFC's unique challenges

      Experience outside the UFC can be valuable before entering the Octagon. Floyd Mayweather's mastery of defense and head movement, as seen in the discussion, highlights the importance of learning from opponents outside the UFC. Fighters like Conor McGregor and Paulo Costa, who have shown aggressive styles, can present unique challenges. Uriah Hall, who was mentioned as a contrast to the technical fight between the speakers, had potential but faced difficulties against relentless opponents. Kenny Florian's advice on gaining experience before joining the UFC resonates with this idea. Rushing into high-pressure situations without sufficient preparation can lead to mistakes and underestimation of opponents. The path to success in the UFC often involves learning from various opponents and refining skills before stepping into the Octagon.

    • Underestimating opponents can lead to dangerous consequencesStay objective, versatile, and prepared in martial arts training to avoid being caught off guard in real-life situations

      Underestimating an opponent based on their appearance or lack of experience in a particular martial art can lead to devastating consequences. The speaker shares his experience of recognizing the potential danger of being overconfident in a ground fight, drawing parallels to high-level kickboxers who could easily outmaneuver and defeat him. He emphasizes the importance of objectivity and versatility in martial arts training, as 80% of street fights end up on the ground, and most people are not well-versed in ground fighting techniques. The speaker's personal motivation to become well-rounded in martial arts stems from a desire to avoid being caught off guard in real-life situations. He also highlights the inspiration he gained from watching Anderson Silva's masterful use of various fighting styles and impeccable timing in the UFC. Overall, the key takeaway is to always be prepared and respect the potential threat an opponent may pose, regardless of their apparent skill level or background.

    • MMA Legends: Silva, Weidman, Fedor, and Mighty MouseAnderson Silva's exceptional striking skills, heart, and resilience, Chris Weidman's knockout victory, Silva and Fedor's comparison as GOAT, and Mighty Mouse's current championship and debate on GOAT status.

      Anderson Silva, a former UFC champion, was a formidable striker with exceptional heart and resilience. Witnessing his fights in Pride and the UFC, Silva displayed remarkable agility, precision, and the ability to take and dish out heavy shots. Chris Weidman, one of his notable opponents, was able to knock him out, but Silva continued to impress with his heart and determination. Silva and Fedor Emelianenko are often compared as the greatest of all time in MMA, with Silva's ability to adapt his style in fights being a notable strength. Mighty Mouse, the current champion, is also a contender for the title of GOAT, but his lack of significant challenges in his division is a point of contention. Overall, the discussion highlights the unique skills and abilities of these MMA legends, showcasing the physical and mental demands of the sport.

    • Unexpected power and mastery of techniques by Stipe MiocicMiocic's quick knockout of Cormier showed his unexpected power and mastery of techniques, reminding us of his impressive early MMA career and the importance of understanding opponents' tendencies.

      The MMA fight between Daniel Cormier and Stipe Miocic was expected to go the distance, but Miocic's unexpected knockout of Cormier showcased his unexpected power and mastery of techniques. Miocic, a two-time world champion in two divisions and current champion, surprised many with his quick victory. The fight brought back memories of Miocic's early MMA career and his impressive knockouts. John Anik, the commentator, was a standout figure in the fight, embodying the dedication and hard work required to excel in MMA as both a fighter and commentator. The fight also highlighted the importance of understanding an opponent's tendencies and capitalizing on them, as John Jones did against Cormier. Miocic's victory was a testament to his strength, agility, and adaptability in the ring. The discussion also touched upon the deceptive nature of appearances, as Miocic's size belied his impressive fighting abilities. Overall, the fight was a reminder of the unpredictability and excitement of MMA.

    • Learning Effective Martial Arts TechniquesContinuous learning and refinement from experienced instructors and fighters is crucial for mastering martial arts techniques, including powerful leg kicks.

      Effective martial arts techniques require proper instruction and execution. The speaker shares his experience of learning a powerful spinning back kick from David, a New Zealander martial artist, and how it led to a knockout in a fight. He also highlights the importance of watching and learning from experienced fighters and instructors like Rick Rufus, Lawrence Kenshin, and Robin Black. The speaker emphasizes that mastering various techniques and understanding the importance of leg kicks are crucial elements of becoming an accomplished striker. He also shares his vulnerability when first experiencing a strong leg kick and the impact it had on his perspective of fighting. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of continuous learning and refinement in martial arts.

    • Overcoming a Formidable Opponent's PowerDedication and resilience are crucial for high-level fighting, but facing powerful opponents can result in severe injuries. A strong support system and determination are essential to overcome challenges and continue competing.

      Fighting at the highest level requires immense dedication and physical resilience. The interviewee shared his experience of facing Pedro Hizzo, a formidable opponent who left him with severely damaged legs after just one round. For weeks after the fight, he struggled to walk due to the swelling and pain. Pedro's striking power was legendary, and even heavyweights like Rico Rodriguez and Tim Sylvia felt its impact. The use of performance-enhancing drugs was rampant during that era, making it challenging for clean athletes to compete on an even playing field. Despite the challenges, the interviewee emphasized the importance of having a strong support system and the determination to keep pushing forward.

    • Ensuring fair competition in UFC through Jeff NovitskyJeff Novitsky's role in preventing cheating in UFC is appreciated by athletes. Controversy over rankings and identifying skilled fighters was discussed.

      The UFC's Vice President of Athlete Health and Performance, Jeff Novitsky, plays a crucial role in ensuring fair competition in the sport. Novitsky's presence is appreciated by athletes who value a clean sport, as they know he's there to prevent cheating. The speaker shared his personal experience of quitting a job he hated to pursue a career in MMA and finally making it to the UFC. He also discussed the controversy surrounding Paul Felder not getting a shot at Khabib due to rankings, questioning the credibility of those who make the rankings and suggesting that the focus should be on identifying skilled fighters rather than relying solely on rankings.

    • UFC's complexities: judging and weight classesFighters face challenges with UFC's judging system and numerous weight classes, including potential financial implications and excessive weight cutting.

      The complexities of the UFC, particularly in the areas of judging and weight classes, can be a significant challenge for fighters. Israel Adesanya shared his personal experience of the stress and frustration of relying on judges' decisions and the financial implications it can have. He also highlighted the issue of the numerous weight classes and the large disparities between them. Adesanya mentioned that some fighters have to cut excessive amounts of weight, and he himself has had challenges with weight cutting in the past. He also mentioned using a weight-cutting system and trusting his team to help him through the process. Overall, the UFC's intricacies, such as judging and weight classes, can present significant challenges for fighters and require careful planning and trust in the system and their teams.

    • Weight cutting in professional sports: A complex processProfessional athletes face mental and physical challenges during weight cutting for fights, using specific foods and techniques to fuel their bodies and adapt to opponents.

      Weight cutting in professional sports is a complex process involving careful management of food intake, hydration, and training. The interviewee shares his personal experience of cutting weight for a fight, describing the mental and physical challenges involved. He also discusses the use of specific foods, like pineapple and elk, to help manage weight and fuel the body. The interviewee emphasizes the importance of technical training in martial arts, but also the value of creativity and self-expression in developing a unique fighting style. He likens watching a skilled fighter to experiencing art, and shares an example of using a change-up tactic to catch an opponent off guard. Overall, the conversation highlights the physical and mental demands of competitive sports, as well as the importance of adaptability and innovation in achieving success.

    • Use deception and strong basics for successful fighting techniquesEffective fighting involves using unexpected moves and a solid foundation of basics, observing opponent's body language, and focusing on technique to minimize risks and maximize victories

      Deception and establishing a solid foundation are key elements in successful fighting techniques. The use of change-up pitches or unexpected moves can throw off opponents and create an advantage. However, it's important to have a strong foundation of basics, such as jabs and footwork, to set the pace and increase the chances of landing those unexpected moves. Observing an opponent's body language and energy levels can also provide valuable insights into their readiness to engage. Ultimately, fighting correctly by focusing on technique and avoiding unnecessary risks can lead to effective and efficient victories.

    • Calculated Risks in FightingSuccess comes from calculated risks, but there's always a chance of failure. Stay true to oneself and learn from both victories and defeats.

      Taking calculated risks in fighting, or any competitive field, can lead to success, but there is always a risk of failure. The speaker shares his experience of taking risks in the ring, calculating his moves, and sometimes experiencing unexpected outcomes due to factors like sweat or the opponent's strength. He also discusses his loss in a kickboxing fight and how he was affected by online criticism, leading him to deviate from his usual fighting style. Ultimately, he emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and learning from both victories and defeats.

    • UFC: A Premier Destination for Fighters in MMAThe UFC provides opportunities for fighters to succeed and gain recognition, despite uncertainty in some divisions, and notable fighters continue to impress in the octagon.

      The UFC is a well-run organization that offers opportunities for fighters to make a living and gain recognition in the world of MMA. One fighter, who has had success in both kickboxing and MMA, expressed admiration for the UFC and its ability to manage the sport effectively. However, there seems to be some uncertainty in the welterweight division following a controversial decision in a recent title fight. One fighter, who is known for his impressive size and power, is considering a move up to the heavyweight division. Another notable fighter, who is known for his knockout power, has struggled to make weight in the past but continues to impress in the octagon. Overall, the UFC continues to be a premier destination for fighters looking to make a name for themselves in the world of MMA.

    • Age doesn't limit a fighter's potentialDedication, resilience, and training experiences shape a fighter's journey, allowing them to perform effectively even in their older years.

      The effectiveness of a fighter, even at an advanced age, can be attributed to their training, determination, and natural abilities. Chuck, a fighter discussed in the conversation, showcased his skills in a workout video despite being 49 years old. His sparring partner, Young Jamie, shared the video, and though Chuck didn't look like his old self, there was potential for improvement. Chuck's training history was also highlighted, including his experiences at the Jets Center in Van Nuys, where he trained alongside gang members and renowned fighters like Blinky Rodriguez. Blinky Rodriguez, a famous kickboxer, was known for his powerful punches and left hook knockout of Johnny Vterio. These experiences and encounters shaped Chuck's fighting career and likely contributed to his enduring skills as a fighter. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of dedication, resilience, and the impact of training and experiences on a fighter's journey.

    • The Importance of Proper Care and Commitment for AthletesAthletes need dedication, expert guidance, strength training, flexibility, rest, and proper care to perform at their best. Injuries and setbacks are common, but listening to professionals and prioritizing health can lead to long-term success.

      Dedication and proper care are essential for athletes, especially those with a history of injuries. The speaker shares his personal journey from Boston to LA, joining various gyms and facing challenges like damaged facilities and injuries. He emphasizes the importance of listening to experts and taking care of one's health to perform at the highest level. The speaker mentions Tito Ortiz as an example of an athlete who has undergone numerous surgeries but still manages to compete. He also discusses the importance of strength and conditioning, flexibility, and rest in an athlete's routine. The speaker's coach schedules his workouts, and they adjust based on the camp and the athlete's needs. The speaker also mentions the importance of stretching and flexibility, especially after intense workouts. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of commitment, proper care, and expert guidance in achieving and maintaining athletic success.

    • Listening to your body during yoga practiceRespect your body's limits in yoga, take breaks if needed, and remember that each practice can be unique to you.

      Adapting to your body's limits during yoga practice is crucial for an enjoyable and effective experience. The speaker shares their experience of attending a Bikram yoga class for the first time and acknowledges the importance of listening to one's body, even if it means taking breaks or sitting down. They also discuss Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga, and the controversy surrounding his attempts to copyright the sequences of yoga poses. The speaker argues that while Bikram may not have originated the sequences, his particular order of yoga poses is effective and can be found in yoga classes worldwide. They also share some colorful anecdotes about Bikram, but ultimately emphasize the importance of respecting the practice and adapting it to one's own abilities.

    • The power of muscle memory in dance and martial artsRediscovering dance after a long break reveals the benefits of muscle memory for retaining and executing moves. Both dance and martial arts require focus, control, and dedication to master, and respecting traditions and continuous learning are essential.

      The connection between physical training and muscle memory can lead to improved performance and ease in various disciplines, such as dance and martial arts. The speaker shares his personal experience of rediscovering dance after a long hiatus and the benefits of muscle memory in retaining and executing moves. He also mentions the influence of music and cultural trends on the development of dance styles. Despite the apparent difference between dance and martial arts, both require focus, control, and dedication to master. The speaker acknowledges the importance of respecting the roots and traditions of these practices and the value of continuous learning.

    • Possible Nick Diaz vs. Nate Diaz UFC ShowdownUFC may miss out on a big pay-per-view event with potential star power of Nick Diaz returning to fight his brother Nate Diaz.

      Nick Diaz, a UFC legend, may make a comeback for a highly anticipated fight against his brother Nate Diaz, despite not fighting since 2016. Fans believe that with their star power and the potential for a big pay-per-view event, the UFC is missing out on a valuable asset by not encouraging a fight between the two. Nick Diaz is known for his exciting fighting style and impressive performances, particularly against Frank Shamrock. Fans appreciate his wise approach to conserving energy in the ring and his ability to make fights thrilling without exhausting himself.

    • Discussing the importance of mental fortitude and going the distance in MMAFighters value mental toughness and the ability to perform under pressure, even if it means a longer, more grueling fight. Costa's intimidating style and determination proved this, despite his reach disadvantage.

      Some fighters prefer to put on a longer, more grueling performance in the octagon, even if it means not finishing their opponents as quickly as expected. This was evident in a recent discussion between two MMA fighters, where one expressed his satisfaction with going the full five rounds and feeling fresh at the end. He had trained specifically for a five-round fight and felt he had the stamina to go longer if needed. Another interesting point from the conversation was the mention of Paula Costa, a fighter known for his aggressive style and short arms. Despite his disadvantage in reach, Costa was able to intimidate his opponents and even leave a lasting impression on a legendary fighter and manager, Walid Ishmael. Ishmael, who fought in the UFC back in the 1990s, was known for his crushing top game and constant pressure. He once choked out a prominent Gracie fighter in front of a large audience, demonstrating the power and impact of a fighter's mindset and determination. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of mental fortitude and the ability to adapt and perform under pressure in MMA. It also showcased the rich history and legacy of the sport, with references to legendary fighters and their impact on the sport.

    • Underestimating Adesanya's Jab Costs TavaresAdesanya's jab proved devastating, exposing holes in Tavares' game and setting up follow-up moves. Mastering basics, adaptability, and continuous improvement are crucial in MMA.

      Costa Tavares underestimated Israel Adesanya's jab and its potential aftermath. Adesanya described the holes in Paula's game and how he was able to exploit them with his jab, setting up various follow-up moves. He also emphasized the importance of adaptability and creativity in fighting, as well as the individualized training approach of his coach, Eugene Bareman. Adesanya acknowledged the emergence of new wave MMA fighters displaying advanced skills and techniques, comparing them to artistic geniuses like Loma Chinko and Pernell Whitaker. Overall, Adesanya's discussion highlighted the significance of mastering the basics, being adaptable, and continuously seeking to improve and innovate in the sport of MMA.

    • Brian Ortega's Impressive Ground Game and Submission SkillsOrtega's mastery of ground game and submission skills sets him apart in UFC, inspiring the speaker to improve his own training.

      Brian Ortega's unique ground game and submission skills set him apart in the UFC. His ability to trap opponents' hands and finish fights with solid techniques, like the darce choke and guillotine, demonstrates a high level of mastery. Ortega's determination and confidence in his abilities are also noteworthy, as he doesn't hesitate when he believes he has a submission locked in. Additionally, his body type and fighting style resonate with the speaker, who is inspired by Ortega's techniques and aims to incorporate them into his own training. The speaker was disappointed when Max Holloway had to withdraw from their scheduled fight but appreciated Bisping's call-out, recognizing the importance of facing top opponents. Overall, Ortega's impressive ground game and submission skills make him a formidable opponent and a source of inspiration for the speaker.

    • Learning from lossesLosses can teach valuable lessons, helping us stay true to ourselves, focus, and appreciate each experience.

      Experiences, even those that involve loss or adversity, can provide valuable lessons. In the context of the discussion, a fighter recounted his experience of being knocked out by a formidable opponent, Ortega. Although initially upset, he came to understand that he should stay true to himself and not let others' opinions affect him. He also recognized the importance of staying focused and not taking opponents lightly. The fighter's career before the loss was marked by an undefeated record, but the loss taught him to appreciate each fight and learn from it. Ultimately, the experience made him a better fighter and person.

    • Appreciating the present moment and successTake time to enjoy accomplishments, have supportive people, follow passions, and be objective about abilities and goals.

      It's important to appreciate the present moment and the accomplishments we've made, rather than constantly focusing on what's next. The speaker, who is a fighter, shared his experience of feeling the pressure to keep moving forward after a successful fight, but eventually learned to take time to enjoy his success. He also emphasized the importance of having supportive people around who can keep us grounded and help us stay accountable. The speaker also mentioned the importance of following your passions and not seeing work as a burden, but rather as a fulfilling pursuit. Another key point is the importance of being objective about one's abilities and goals, and not letting fear or self-doubt hold us back. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding balance between striving for growth and enjoying the present moment.

    • The Importance of Support and Training Environment in Combat SportsHaving honest training partners, skilled coaches, and a supportive team are crucial for personal growth in combat sports. Adapting to different styles and challenges, traveling to train, and maintaining balance are also essential for continuous improvement.

      Having a strong support system and the right training environment are crucial for personal growth and development, especially in the context of combat sports. This includes having honest and assessing training partners, skilled coaches, and a supportive team. The ability to adapt and adjust to different styles and challenges is also essential. Traveling to train in different gyms and experiencing various training environments can broaden one's perspective and improve skills. Balance is key, and it's essential to identify and address any negative emotions or motivations. The vibe and attitude towards training can vary from place to place, and it's essential to find what works best for an individual. Overall, the journey of self-improvement and growth is ongoing, and it's essential to stay honest with oneself and keep learning.

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