
    JRE MMA Show #36 with Brendan Schaub & Bryan Callen

    en-usJuly 25, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • A debate on Leonardo da Vinci's sexuality and the Mona Lisa, as well as the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing tooth decay.The group discussed theories about Leonardo da Vinci's sexuality and the Mona Lisa, debated the benefits of fluoride, and emphasized the importance of consulting reliable sources for accurate information.

      The conversation between Jamie and Callan touched on various topics, including the sexuality of Leonardo da Vinci, the Mona Lisa, and the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing tooth decay. Callan suggested that the Mona Lisa might be a self-portrait of Da Vinci in drag, leading Jamie to question the validity of this theory. The discussion then shifted to the topic of fluoride in water, with Callan expressing skepticism towards its benefits and Jamie advocating for its use based on scientific research. The group debated the merits of different sources of information, including Dan Brown's book "The Da Vinci Code" and articles from Dr. McCullough's website. Ultimately, they agreed that it was important to consult reliable sources, such as the American Dental Association, for accurate information on the topic.

    • Discerning reliable sources and fact-checkingBe critical of information, seek out reliable sources, and fact-check to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness.

      While Google may not always provide definitive answers, it's important to be discerning and seek out reliable sources of information, such as peer-reviewed papers and reputable journalists. The discussion also touched on the importance of trusting experts in their fields and being aware of the limitations of information available in different time periods. For example, it was noted that while Tom Cruise's teeth may look fake by today's standards, they were considered normal in the past when dental technology was less advanced. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking to ensure accurate and trustworthy information.

    • Tom Cruise's commitment to his craftTom Cruise, at 56, continues to impress with his dedication and unmatched commitment to performing his own stunts in action movies

      Tom Cruise, despite his off-center teeth and unconventional methods, continues to impress in the action movie industry. At 56 years old, he still performs his own stunts, even if it means breaking an ankle or slamming into concrete. His dedication and passion for his craft have earned him a reputation as a legit actor, despite any personal beliefs or controversies that may surround him. Whether it's jumping from building to building or hanging out of helicopters, Cruise's commitment to his roles is unmatched. And while some may discredit him, his talent and skill speak for themselves.

    • Tom Cruise's Impressive Acting Career and DedicationTom Cruise's talent and dedication to his craft led to impressive performances in 'Edge of Tomorrow' and 'OJ Simpson: American Crime Story', despite negative perceptions. His impactful reading session left a lasting impression.

      Tom Cruise is a talented actor who has delivered great performances in films like "Edge of Tomorrow" (originally titled "Die Repeat Tomorrow") and "OJ Simpson: American Crime Story." Despite some negative perceptions due to his association with Scientology, his acting abilities are undeniable. During a reading session, the speaker was deeply impressed by Cruise's dedication, professionalism, and charisma. The misnamed and initially underperforming "Edge of Tomorrow" eventually gained recognition as a fantastic science fiction movie. The speaker's experience with Cruise left a lasting impression, and though they never became friends, the actor's impact was significant.

    • Unconventional sources of purpose and directionExploring unconventional sources can provide individuals with valuable insights and a clear purpose, but it's crucial to critically examine and separate the nonsense from the valuable.

      Having a clear purpose and direction, even if it comes from unconventional sources, can help individuals maximize their performance and stay focused. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, is an example of someone who took an inventor's approach to understanding the human mind and developed practices that work for some people. The uniformity and structure of belief systems like Christianity or Scientology can be beneficial for individuals and groups, providing a sense of direction and unity. However, it's essential to critically examine the practices and beliefs within these systems and separate the nonsense from the valuable insights. People like Leah Remini, who grew up in Scientology, can be drawn into such systems as children and later question their involvement when they gain a broader perspective. Ultimately, it's not about judging others' beliefs but rather recognizing the importance of having a purpose and a structure that works for us as individuals.

    • Susceptibility to Influence and Misinformation Before the InternetIn the pre-internet era, people were more susceptible to influence and misinformation due to limited access to information. Now, with the internet, we have the ability to fact-check and educate ourselves, but it's crucial to be discerning and critical of sources.

      Before the internet era, people were more susceptible to influence and misinformation due to the lack of easy access to information. The speaker shares his personal experience of coming across Dianetics, a controversial organization, through late-night infomercials in the early 1990s. He explains that without the ability to research or fact-check, people were often left to trust what they saw on television or in print. The speaker also reflects on how he and others were naive to certain realities, such as the use of performance-enhancing drugs in Hollywood, due to the limited information available to them. Now, with the internet, people have the ability to educate themselves and form their own opinions, but it's important to be discerning and critical of sources.

    • Stories of broken feet from reckless activitiesBe cautious and aware of potential hazards, and prioritize safety by having proper equipment and knowledge before engaging in physical activities to avoid serious injuries.

      Taking unnecessary risks, like jumping off cliffs or hiking without proper footwear, can lead to serious injuries and complications. The discussion revolved around two instances where individuals suffered from broken feet after falling or jumping from significant heights. The first person, Shane Miles, had his feet mutilated by Native Americans in a book he read, forcing him to crawl back to town. The second person, whose name was not mentioned, jumped from an 11-foot cliff wearing inappropriate shoes and sustained injuries. Both incidents highlight the importance of being cautious and aware of potential hazards. The second person's story also emphasizes the significance of having proper equipment and being knowledgeable about the terrain before engaging in physical activities. Injuries, such as broken bones or blisters, can have severe consequences and impact one's daily life. It is essential to prioritize safety and consider the potential risks before participating in any activity.

    • Taking Risks in Comedy: An Experience and a LessonComedy involves taking risks and pushing boundaries, even if it leads to embarrassment initially. Chicago's unique character inspires comedy and improvisation, despite its challenges like rats.

      Comedy involves taking risks and pushing boundaries, even if it means performing in front of an audience that might not appreciate the content. The speaker shared an experience where he made a controversial joke during a live show, causing embarrassment but ultimately leading to a successful performance. The discussion also touched upon the impressive achievements of Comedy Dynamics, a production company that has produced over 270 comedy specials, and the unique character of Chicago as a city that inspires comedy and improvisation. Despite the presence of rats, which Chicago is infamous for, the speaker expressed admiration for the city and its rich history in comedy.

    • Discovering Drugged Tigers at a Thai SanctuaryVisitors were disturbed to find drugged tigers at a sanctuary, with bears hunted illegally for their gallbladders. Ethical treatment of animals is crucial.

      During a visit to a tiger sanctuary in Thailand, the speakers were disturbed to discover that many of the tigers appeared to be drugged. They were shocked to find that tourists were allowed to touch and take pictures with the animals, even the large, older ones who were lethargic and unresponsive. The speakers believed that the tigers were being drugged to make them more docile for tourists. They also learned that bear gallbladders are highly valued in some Asian cultures for their supposed medicinal properties, leading to the illegal hunting and trading of bears. The speakers were dismayed by the situation and left feeling depressed and disturbed by the experience. It's important to be aware of the potential cruelty and exploitation behind tourist attractions and to advocate for ethical treatment of animals.

    • Observing elephants in the wild reveals their gentle natureElephants, once captive, live freely in the wild, displaying gentle behaviors and social structures, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts.

      Bio, a traditional medicine compound, has various uses including in birth control and medicine. During a visit to an elephant rehabilitation center, the awe-inspiring experience of observing these gentle giants up close revealed their wild yet tame nature. These elephants, once captive in zoos and circuses, live in a dense forest with no fences, roaming freely and eating whatever they want. Despite their immense size and strength, they are surprisingly gentle and accepting of human interaction. Their incredible memories and social behaviors, such as mourning their deceased, add to their majesty. The experience also highlighted the importance of conservation efforts, as seven elephants have been successfully reintroduced into the wild from this facility.

    • Balancing conservation and human welfare in elephant habitatsIn Africa, finding a balance between protecting elephants and ensuring human welfare is complex, with high costs for relocating or tranquilizing elephants and the debate over culling older elephants for revenue and herd management.

      While elephants are beloved and endangered animals, their impact on local communities and resources can be significant, particularly in areas with large elephant populations. Africa, being the largest continent in the world, has vast areas where elephants coexist with humans, and finding a balance between conservation and human welfare is a complex issue. The cost of relocating or tranquilizing elephants to prevent crop damage and human casualties is high, and the real challenge lies in securing the necessary funds. The loss of older elephants, who hold valuable knowledge and teach younger ones essential behaviors, can have detrimental effects on entire herds. The debate around culling older elephants to protect younger ones and the revenue generated from hunting permits remains a contentious issue. Ultimately, finding a peaceful coexistence between humans and elephants requires continued research, collaboration, and investment.

    • Preserving Endangered Species: RhinosRhino conservation is vital to prevent extinction, but complex issues like poaching and poverty require nuanced solutions. Cultural differences can also pose challenges.

      Conservation efforts are crucial for preserving endangered species like rhinos, as their habitats have been significantly impacted by human activities and their numbers are dangerously low. The idea of letting nature take its course may seem counter-intuitive, but the reality is that many animals have gone extinct throughout human history due to habitat loss and human activities. Rhino horn poaching is a complex issue, with poachers often driven by extreme poverty and hunger. Some hunters in Africa have reportedly taken matters into their own hands and shoot at poachers, adding another layer of complexity to the issue. It's important to remember that the situation in Africa is complex, and solutions require a nuanced understanding of the underlying causes. Additionally, cultural differences, such as China's unique sense of personal space, can present challenges when navigating international travel.

    • Population density and its impact on the individualPopulation density can lead to a loss of individual value and make daily life more challenging. Economic benefits exist, but accurate population estimation is difficult, especially for undocumented individuals.

      Population density and the resulting congestion can lead to a loss of individual value and make navigating daily life more challenging. The speaker's experiences in crowded places like Australia and Orange County illustrate this, and he also discusses the potential implications of large populations in terms of end-of-the-world scenarios and immigration. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of accurately estimating population numbers, especially when considering undocumented individuals. Despite these challenges, the speaker acknowledges the economic contributions of large populations and the potential for improvement in areas like Mexico City.

    • Fear and misunderstanding can lead to exclusion of talented individualsFear and assumptions based on race, religion, or nationality can prevent us from recognizing potential contributions of others, leading to unnecessary conflict and exclusion.

      Fear and misunderstanding can lead to unnecessary conflict and the exclusion of talented individuals. The discussion highlights the experiences of refugees from Syria and the challenges they face when trying to enter new countries. It's important to remember that assumptions based on race, religion, or nationality can be harmful and prevent us from recognizing the commonalities and potential contributions of others. The fear of terrorism and radicalization has led to the exclusion of Syrians, despite their cosmopolitan and entrepreneurial backgrounds. This fear is not unlike the stereotypes that have been used to marginalize other groups, such as Mexicans being associated with crime or Italians with the mafia. It's crucial to separate individuals from their perceived groups and focus on their unique qualities and merits. Additionally, the discussion touches on the dangers of escalating rhetoric and conflict, which only serves to create more division and aggression. Instead, we should aim to communicate effectively and find common ground on important issues.

    • The importance of civility in problem-solvingCivility is essential for productive problem-solving and reducing conflict. Engaging in respectful dialogue and understanding different perspectives can lead to common ground and prevent dangerous situations.

      The current state of problem-solving in society, particularly in political discourse, is causing unnecessary conflict and aggression. The speaker expresses concern over the ease with which people resort to punishment, destruction, and hatred instead of trying to understand different perspectives and find common ground. They argue that this lack of civility and inability to listen to opposing views can lead to dangerous situations, including civil unrest and even violence. The speaker also highlights the role of social media in amplifying these conflicts and making it easier for people to find and join extremist groups. Ultimately, they believe that a return to civility and a willingness to engage in respectful dialogue is crucial for moving forward and resolving issues in a productive way.

    • Focus on accessible communication and empathyEmpathy and avoiding negative biases are crucial for effective communication and understanding. Present ideas accessibly and avoid labeling or insulting others to foster respectful conversations.

      Effective communication and understanding require empathy and avoiding negative biases. Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson emphasizes the importance of presenting ideas accessibly, rather than attacking the emotional connections of those who disagree. He also warns against labeling and insulting others, as it can create resentment and reinforce negative biases. The numbers of positive versus negative comments can be overwhelming, but focusing on the negative can be exhausting and counterproductive. Instead, it's essential to remember that most people are not inherently bad and to give them the benefit of the doubt. By recognizing the humanity and validity of others' perspectives, we can foster more productive and respectful conversations.

    • The Road Life of Touring ComediansTouring comedians face exhaustion from constant travel and performing, but also find unique experiences and opportunities to connect with audiences. Taking breaks for rest and reflection is essential.

      Both the speaker and Count are performers who have spent years on the road doing stand-up comedy and now need a break to focus on other projects. The speaker has recently experienced the end of a 12-year stretch on the road and is feeling the urge to get back to performing, while Count is taking a break to shoot his show. The road life can be exhausting with its constant travel, hotels, and restaurants, but it also provides opportunities to create new material and connect with audiences. The speaker expresses a longing for the road and the unique experiences it brings, but also acknowledges the need for rest and reflection. The conversation also touches on the importance of performing in various cities and the challenges of being away from home routines. Ultimately, the speaker and Count's experiences highlight the unique challenges and rewards of being a touring comedian.

    • Maintaining Spine and Neck Health Prevents InjuriesNeglecting spine and neck health can lead to recurring injuries and more significant problems. Focus on strengthening these areas through exercises, equipment like the 'iron neck', and practices like yoga.

      Maintaining the health and strength of the spine and neck is crucial for preventing injuries. The speaker shared his personal experience of recurring injuries and how he cured his lower back issues through specific exercises focused on spine and core strengthening. He emphasized that neglecting these areas can lead to more significant problems when other parts of the body are subjected to heavy loads. Additionally, he introduced the concept of using equipment like the "iron neck" to strengthen and give a full range of motion to the neck, which is often overlooked. The importance of yoga for back and spine health was also mentioned. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of prioritizing the health and strength of often neglected areas to prevent injuries and maintain overall well-being.

    • WWE's Big Brother: UFC's Loyal Fan BaseWWE's Big Brother attracts fans who pay for UFC talent, Fox leverages WWE's popularity, UFC needs to focus on quality fights to build a loyal fan base.

      Despite the low ratings and controversy surrounding Big Brother, the show still has a dedicated fan base that tunes in and engages with it. This fan base is willing to pay for access to up-and-coming talent through platforms like FightPass and the Contender Series. Fox, as a network, recognizes this and is leveraging the popularity of WWE to attract viewers and control the narrative. The volume of fights in the UFC, while popular with contestants, can be overwhelming for viewers and may deter some from tuning in consistently. To make UFC fights more appealing and special, it's essential to focus on quality over quantity and build a loyal fan base that values the content being produced.

    • UFC's success from constant talent cycleThe UFC's success relies on new talent replacing declining stars, creating demand and large viewership

      The UFC's success lies in its ability to continuously produce high-level competition and generate superstars, even if not every fight is a blockbuster. This cycle of new talent emerging and established stars dominating creates a constant demand and ensures a large viewership. The UFC's history shows that even when a fighter's popularity wanes, another will rise to take their place. The top fighters, such as Conor McGregor, Brock Lesnar, Nate Diaz, and Amanda Nunes, have consistently drawn massive pay-per-view numbers, with some fights reaching over a million buys. The UFC's success is built on this ever-evolving roster of elite fighters, and the anticipation of their next big matchup.

    • UFC: Unpredictable Fights and ChallengesMike Perry showed a controlled approach, Colby Covington lost his title, Brian Ortega chose a different opponent, and injury risks are a constant concern in the UFC.

      The UFC world is full of unexpected twists and turns, as seen in the recent discussions about potential fights between various fighters. For instance, Mike Perry's aggressive fighting style and power have been on display, but his last fight against Paul Felder showed a more polished and controlled approach. Colby Covington, on the other hand, was stripped of his title due to a medical issue, leaving the interim belt vacant. Brian Ortega, who had been offered a title fight, instead opted for a different opponent. These developments highlight the unpredictability of the UFC and the unique challenges each fighter faces in their careers. Additionally, the risks of injury, especially to the arms, are a constant concern for fighters due to the intense striking involved in the sport.

    • Interim Titles in Combat Sports: Disrespect or Necessity?Interim titles can be seen as disrespectful or a necessary step to fill a gap in combat sports. The decision depends on the circumstances and the UFC's goals.

      Interim titles in combat sports can be seen as disrespectful or a corporate decision to fill a gap, especially when the current champion is expected to return soon. This was the case with Colby Covington and Kamaru Usman in the UFC welterweight division. Covington felt disrespected when offered an interim title while he was recovering from nasal surgery, as he believed he should get the next title shot against the eventual winner of Usman's fight. Usman, on the other hand, wanted to fight for the interim title to solidify his position as the number one contender. The conversation also touched upon Max Holloway's situation, where his body may have shut down due to the short notice and extreme weight cut for a potential title fight against Khabib Nurmagomedov. Ultimately, the decision to grant an interim title depends on the circumstances and the UFC's goals.

    • Matching Fights for MMA Fighters: A Strategic ProcessCreating compelling fights for fans while providing opportunities for advancement involves careful consideration of ranking, scheduling, fighter readiness, and fan appeal for hundreds of MMA fighters.

      The process of matching fights for mixed martial arts fighters at a high level involves careful consideration and strategic planning, as there are many factors to consider and a limited number of opportunities for bouts. The ranking system plays a significant role in determining who fights whom, but there are also considerations such as scheduling, fighter readiness, and fan appeal. The task is not an easy one, as there are hundreds of fighters to manage and a need to ensure fair and exciting matchups. Ultimately, the goal is to create compelling fights for fans while also providing opportunities for fighters to advance in their careers.

    • Finding a Worthy Opponent for Cyborg in UFC: A Complex ChallengeCyborg's dominance in UFC leaves few viable opponents, each with unique challenges, emphasizing the importance of a strong roster and new talent development.

      Cyborg, a prominent UFC fighter, is currently facing a challenging situation in finding a worthy opponent for her next fight. Her preferred opponent, Holly Holm, has already defeated her once, and Cyborg is reluctant to face her again. Megan Anderson, another potential opponent, was suggested, but her size and strength advantage over Cyborg have been exposed in their previous fight. Amanda Nunes is a possible alternative, but she poses a significant threat to Cyborg due to her aggressive fighting style. The UFC is looking for a suitable opponent for Cyborg, but it may take some time to find one. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that each potential opponent brings unique challenges to the table, and Cyborg's dominance in the UFC has left few viable options. The search for a worthy opponent highlights the importance of maintaining a strong roster of fighters and continuously developing new talent in the UFC.

    • The Role of Visionary Leaders in MMADan Lambert's passion and investment created a world-class MMA training facility, enabling champions like Amanda Nunez and Cris Cyborg to thrive.

      Both Amanda Nunez and Cris "Cyborg" Justino are exceptional female fighters in the MMA world, each with unique strengths. While Amanda is known for her smart strategy and slick fighting style, Cyborg's size and power make her a formidable opponent. Dan Lambert, the founder of American Top Team, has played a significant role in the development of many high-level MMA fighters, including these two champions. Despite the financial risks and challenges he faced, Lambert's passion and investment led to the creation of one of the best MMA training facilities in the world. Ultimately, the success of these fighters and the growth of the sport can be attributed to the dedication and vision of individuals like Lambert.

    • Cuban Cigars: Skilled Labor and Unique Growing ConditionsCuban cigars are handcrafted using tobacco grown in unique conditions in the Vuelta Abajo region, contributing to their desirable qualities. The process involves skilled labor and attention to detail.

      The production of high-quality cigars, specifically in the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, involves skilled labor and unique growing conditions that contribute to their desirable qualities. The soil and climate play a significant role in the tobacco's development, and the craftsmanship of rolling the cigars by hand adds to their value. The process is a hard labor and involves attention to detail, with each cigar being rolled individually. Despite the high value of these cigars, there are concerns about the use of pesticides in their production, but the specifics of this practice are unclear and require further investigation. Overall, the cigar industry in Cuba is known for its artisanal approach and dedication to producing top-quality products.

    • People's complex relationship with luxury items and harmful substancesDiscussed the risks of contaminated money, luxury items like rhino horn tea, and the health debates between traditional cigarettes and vaping. Personal experiences shared with celebrities' smoking habits and addiction potential.

      Money can be contaminated with harmful substances, such as cocaine and rhino horn powder, and some people may seek out luxury items, like rhino horn tea, despite the potential harm caused to animals. Another topic discussed was the debate over the health implications of smoking traditional cigarettes versus vaping. The speaker shared personal experiences with celebrities and their smoking habits, including Chappelle and Charlie Murphy. The conversation also touched on the topic of addiction and the potential dangers of nicotine. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex relationship people have with luxury items and substances, and the potential consequences, both for individuals and for animals, of seeking out these items.

    • Personal Growth Through Psychedelics: Balancing Respect and PrivacySpeaker values respect and privacy during psychedelic experiences, preferring solo use in a controlled environment like a float tank to promote introspection and personal growth.

      The speaker is exploring psychedelics, specifically LSD, for personal growth, but has had negative experiences in group settings due to disrespectful behavior. He prefers using a float tank for meditation and introspection, but has encountered inconsiderate individuals who have disrupted the peaceful environment. The speaker values respect and privacy during these experiences and is committed to letting go of his ego. Additionally, the speaker expressed admiration for Daniel Cormier, a mixed martial artist, and expressed interest in seeing him fight Jon Jones.

    • Control of the narrative in MMAAdaptability and clear communication are essential in MMA for success. Control of the narrative can impact outcomes, from unexpected injuries to age and readiness to compete, and the role of coaches and officials is crucial in shaping the fight.

      Control of the narrative is crucial in MMA, as shown in the discussion about Ken Shemrock's unexpected removal from UFC 227 due to injury. The conversation also touched on the age of fighters and their readiness to compete, as well as the importance of weigh-ins and the potential for controversy. Ultimately, the ability to adapt and respond to unexpected situations is a key factor in success in the sport. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the impact of coaches and officials in shaping the outcome of fights and the importance of clear communication and accountability.

    • Debate on Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Injuries in a Boxing MatchBoth fighters displayed remarkable resilience and skill, but inconsistent training due to injuries made it difficult to determine a clear winner. The debate also touched on the controversy surrounding Darren Till missing weight and competing for the title.

      During a heated boxing match, Tim, in a moment of rage, hit his opponent with a punch while holding his cuffed glove. This unsportsmanlike conduct was a topic of debate among the discussion, with some believing it was a significant factor in the outcome of the fight. Tim was known for his exceptional athleticism and fighting skills, but his tendency to get injured often hindered his progress. Despite his young age, Whitaker was a formidable opponent, showcasing impressive kicks and combinations. The debate continued on the number of rounds won and the impact of injuries on their performances. Ultimately, it was agreed that both fighters displayed remarkable resilience and skill, but the inconsistency in their training due to injuries made it challenging to determine a clear winner. The discussion also touched on the controversy surrounding Darren Till missing weight and still competing for the title.

    • Weight Cutting in MMA: Health and FairnessStricter weight cutting regulations, such as monitoring, hydration tests, and title moves, promote fighters' health and fair competition in MMA.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of weight cutting in mixed martial arts (MMA) and its impact on athletes' health and fairness in competition. The speaker expresses concern over fighters not making weight and still being allowed to fight for the title, but acknowledges the financial and fan perspective against stripping champions of their titles. The proposed solution is for promotions like 1FC to monitor weight cuts closely, establish hydration tests, and move championships up a weight class instead of stripping titles. Rich Franklin, a former MMA fighter and current commentator, shares his experiences with weight cutting and the importance of finding the right weight for athletes. The implementation of stricter weight cutting regulations, such as those at 1FC, is seen as a step towards ensuring fighters' health and competitive fairness.

    • Anderson Silva's Journey to UFC Stardom: Absorbing Punches and Turning the TideAnderson Silva's unique ability to absorb punches and turn fights around, along with his calm demeanor and impressive striking techniques, set him apart as a legendary UFC fighter.

      Anderson Silva was an exceptional fighter who showcased his unique skills and unyielding determination in various fighting leagues, particularly in England, before making a significant impact in the UFC. Silva's ability to absorb punches and turn the tide of a fight, as seen in his fight against Jorge Rivera, set him apart from other fighters. His calm demeanor and impressive striking techniques, such as his flying knee against Damien Mayan, left a lasting impression on those who watched him. Despite facing challenges and uncertainty, Silva continued to push boundaries and deliver electrifying performances in the octagon.

    • Anderson Silva's Transition Off TRTAnderson Silva's fighting style and demeanor changed after transitioning off TRT, but his respect for opponents and sportsmanship remained.

      Anderson Silva's fighting style and demeanor in the cage significantly changed when he was no longer under TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy). Silva, who was once considered a master of the sport, looked noticeably different in his later fights. His body was in good shape but not at the same level as when he was on TRT. During his fights, he was more cautious and seemed to be searching for openings, which led to fan frustration. However, Silva's signature front kick to the face remained a formidable weapon, as seen in his knockout of Vitor Belfort. Despite the criticism, Silva's respect for his opponents and sportsmanship remained evident, even in his final fights.

    • Respect and admiration for Liddell and OrtizMMA legends Liddell and Ortiz are respected for their great guy personas and top-notch fighting skills, with changing media landscapes offering a more nuanced understanding of their personalities.

      Despite the complexities surrounding potential fights between legendary MMA figures like Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz, the respect and admiration for these athletes as individuals remains high. Both Liddell and Ortiz are considered great guys and top-notch fighters who have had impressive careers. The discussion also touched on the evolving perception of these fighters based on changing media landscapes and the impact of podcasts in providing a more nuanced understanding of personalities beyond their fighting personas. The uncertainty surrounding Liddell's medical condition and potential fight with Ortiz adds intrigue to the situation, but ultimately, the focus remains on the respect and admiration for these two MMA legends.

    • Missing opportunities for bigger exposure through interviews and podcastsConor McGregor could have grown even bigger if he had pursued more interviews and podcasts earlier in his career, potentially securing high-profile guests and expanding his reach.

      While Conor McGregor has achieved great success in the UFC, he could have potentially grown even bigger if he had done more interviews or podcasts earlier in his career. The speaker believes that McGregor's personality and charisma would have shone through, and he might have been able to secure high-profile guests like Obama or Trump. However, there were likely strict rules in place for such interviews, and McGregor didn't pursue them aggressively. The speaker also expresses his belief that Trump would have been more open to an unscripted podcast interview due to his confidence and lack of concern for being outmaneuvered. The speaker also touches on the insanity of the presidency and the pressure that comes with the role. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that McGregor, like Trump, should focus on enjoying life and living it to the fullest.

    • Comparing a Successful DJ's Life to Trump's StrugglesDespite Trump's wealth and past political power, his controversies and negative image overshadow his successes, while a successful DJ enjoys his wealth and travels freely.

      The discussion revolves around two contrasting figures: a successful DJ living his best life versus former President Trump, who seems to be aging poorly and embroiled in controversies. The DJ, who is enjoying his wealth and travels, is compared favorably to Trump, who is seen as increasingly negative and divisive. The conversation also touches upon Trump's ongoing feud with CNN, his banning of a pool reporter, and allegations of infidelity. The tone of the conversation is lighthearted and critical, with the speakers expressing their opinions openly. The speakers also mention R. Kelly's new song and the controversy surrounding it, with some questioning the validity of the allegations against him. Overall, the conversation highlights the stark differences between the two public figures and the ongoing controversies surrounding them.

    • Secret marriage of a 15-year-old girl revealedThe entertainment industry can present complex legal issues, such as age of consent laws, which vary from country to country.

      During a conversation, it was revealed that Kelly secretly married a 15-year-old girl 22 years ago, which is illegal in many places including the United States. The age of consent varies, and at that time, it might not have been illegal everywhere. The discussion also touched upon the complexity of such situations when the law differs from one country to another. Despite the controversy, the speaker congratulated Brian Callant on his special and encouraged him to edit, rush, and shop it around. They also discussed upcoming shows and festivals. Overall, the conversation revolved around the complexities of the entertainment industry, the age of consent, and the importance of following the law.

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    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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