
    JRE MMA Show #95 with Brendan Schaub

    en-usMay 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Speakers remain optimistic about pandemic situation despite challengesSpeakers believe pandemic situation is not as dire as initially thought, have tested negative for COVID-19, criticize rigid guidelines, and emphasize focusing on facts rather than fear.

      Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, such as strict guidelines and mandatory testing, the speakers in this conversation remain optimistic and believe that the situation is not as dire as initially thought. They emphasized that they and their colleagues have tested negative for COVID-19 and that the death rate is significantly lower than previously estimated. They also criticized the rigidity of certain guidelines and expressed a desire for more individual freedom in deciding whether to wear masks or not. Elon Musk's appearance on the podcast and his sharing of statistics further reinforced their perspective. Overall, the speakers conveyed a sense of resilience and a belief that people should focus on the facts rather than fear.

    • Staying Informed and Prepared: Rattlesnakes and COVID-19Stay informed about potential dangers, take necessary precautions, and seek help when needed to overcome challenges. Staying in shape and aware of surroundings can help mitigate the effects of injuries and diseases like rattlesnake bites and COVID-19.

      Life presents various challenges, some of which can be as terrifying as a rattlesnake bite or as debilitating as a severe illness like COVID-19. However, it's essential to stay informed, take necessary precautions, and seek help when needed. The speaker shares his experiences with both rattlesnakes and COVID-19, emphasizing the importance of staying in shape and being aware of one's surroundings. He also discusses the advancements in medical technology that can help mitigate the effects of injuries and diseases. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • The Future of Prosthetics and Ethical DilemmasThe future of advanced technology in prosthetics raises ethical concerns, as some may prefer artificial limbs for superior functionality, while UFC fights showcase intense battles between fighters with distinct styles.

      The future of advanced technology, particularly in prosthetics, has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and even transform individuals into superheroes. However, there's a concern that people might opt for artificial limbs over their natural ones due to superior functionality and performance, leading to ethical dilemmas. Additionally, personal conflicts and rivalries in the UFC community, as shown in the discussion, add an element of drama and intrigue to the sport. The upcoming fight between Tony Ferguson and Justin Gaethje is expected to be a challenging one due to their distinct fighting styles and approaches. Ferguson, known for his ability to withstand hits, will face a different kind of opponent in Gaethje, who is reckless and takes big chances. The unpredictability and intensity of their fight make it an entertaining prospect for fans.

    • UFC Fight Between Ferguson and Chandler: A Thrilling EncounterFerguson's diverse skill set and exceptional cardio make him a strong favorite against Chandler's dangerous submissions and low stance in their upcoming UFC fight.

      The upcoming UFC fight between Tony Ferguson and Michael Chandler promises to be a thrilling and potentially brutal encounter. Ferguson, known for his wild fighting style and exceptional cardio, has left many opponents with battered faces. His wrestling skills and submission abilities are also formidable. Chandler, on the other hand, comes in with a low stance, which could put Ferguson in his "Snap City" with his darces and anacondas. The outcome of the fight is uncertain, but Ferguson's experience and diverse skill set make him a strong favorite. The UFC card featuring this fight is stacked with other exciting matches and is one of the most anticipated in the history of the sport.

    • Possible UFC Fights with Exciting MatchupsNegotiations for potential UFC fights between Conor McGregor and Jorge Masvidal, or Nick Diaz and Masvidal are ongoing. Colby Covington may need to win against Leon Edwards for a Masvidal rematch. Masvidal and McGregor have a history, making their potential fight noteworthy. The location for these fights, Fight Island, is still unknown.

      There are potential exciting matchups in the UFC world, with possible fights between Conor McGregor and Kamaru Usman, or Nick Diaz and Jorge Masvidal. Masvidal is currently a big star in the UFC, but McGregor is still considered the top dog. Negotiations for these fights are ongoing, and Colby Covington, who recently fought Masvidal, may need to win against Leon Edwards before a rematch is considered. Masvidal and McGregor have a history, and a fight between them could be particularly noteworthy. The location for these potential fights, Fight Island, is still unknown.

    • UFC's Welterweight Division: A Stack of Talented FightersThe UFC's Welterweight Division is filled with top-tier fighters like Leon Edwards, Colby Covington, Tyron Woodley, Stephen Thompson, Gilbert Burns, Damian Maia, Michael Chiesa, Jeff Neal, and Robbie Lawler, making it a must-watch for MMA fans.

      The UFC's Welterweight division is stacked with talented fighters, and Leon Edwards and Colby Covington are among those vying for a title shot. Edwards is looking for a high-profile opponent like Woodley or Covington to secure his place in the title picture. Other notable fighters in the division include Wonder Boy, Gilbert Burns, Damian Maia, Michael Chiesa, Jeff Neal, and Robbie Lawler. The competition is fierce, and the title can't be defended that many times in a year, leading some to suggest opening up the weight classes every 10 pounds to give more fighters a chance to shine. The division is so stacked that it's becoming increasingly difficult for fighters to reach the top. Fans are excited about potential matchups like Edwards vs. Covington, Wonder Boy vs. Edwards, and Robbie Lawler vs. Jeff Neal. The UFC's 170-pound division is a must-watch for MMA fans.

    • Francis Ngannou's Formidable Opponent Status in UFC's Heavyweight DivisionDespite concerns over his injury and training, Francis Ngannou's impressive skills and size make him a top contender for the UFC heavyweight title. The upcoming Ngannou vs. Gane fight will determine the interim champion, while DC may not face the winner.

      Francis Ngannou's impressive fighting skills and size make him a formidable opponent in the UFC's heavyweight division. However, his eye injury and difficulty securing a full training camp raise concerns about his readiness for upcoming fights. The interim heavyweight title is likely to be given to the winner of the upcoming Francis Ngannou vs. Ciryl Gane fight. DC, who wants the real belt, is unlikely to fight the interim champion. Rosenstruik is also a formidable striker, but Francis's power and size set him apart. The knockout of Alistair Overeem in their first fight is considered one of the worst in UFC history due to the force of the left hook that Francis landed.

    • Unexpected challenges for fighters in and out of the ringFormidable fighters like Ngannou can be knocked out, gyms closed due to pandemic, but fighters remain determined and adaptive

      Even the toughest fighters in the sport can be humbled and face unexpected challenges, both inside and outside the ring. Francis Ngannou, a formidable opponent, was knocked out in a surprising turn of events, leaving spectators wondering if there were lingering effects from previous battles. Meanwhile, the ongoing pandemic has brought new challenges to training and competition, with gyms closed and enforcement of social distancing measures. Jeremy Stevens and Calvin Caters are expected to have an explosive match, but the outcome is uncertain. In the midst of these uncertainties, fighters are finding creative ways to train and adapt, with some even taking risks to continue their preparation. Despite the obstacles, the determination and resilience of these athletes shines through.

    • Impact of Fear and Paranoia During a CrisisStay informed, be prepared, and maintain a balance between fear and reason during a crisis. Wearing masks on trails might be unnecessary but being prepared for emergencies is important. Media can perpetuate fear, so seek out positive statistics to counteract it. Be aware of potential dangers, like Asian hornets, but don't let fear control your actions.

      During a time of crisis, it's important to consider the impact of fear and paranoia on our actions and interactions with others. The speaker in this conversation expressed frustration towards people wearing masks while biking on trails, believing it to be unnecessary and even detrimental to building connections. However, he also shared a story about a friend who got injured and no one came to help due to everyone wearing masks, highlighting the importance of being prepared and willing to help in emergencies. Furthermore, the conversation touched on the media's role in perpetuating fear and the speaker's attempt to counteract it by sharing positive statistics. The conversation also included a discussion about the dangers of certain insects, such as Asian hornets, and the speaker's reaction to their painful stings. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of staying informed, being prepared, and maintaining a balance between fear and reason.

    • Komodo dragon attack survivors share their experienceDespite the risks, humans are fascinated by animal attacks and can find adventure in encountering dangerous creatures with respect and caution.

      Komodo dragons are dangerous animals with powerful bites and venom that can leave victims immobilized for several minutes. Two men in a documentary were attacked by a Komodo dragon and struggled to free themselves. They tried using soap and even considered shooting it, but eventually managed to escape. The encounter left the men shaken, and one of them expressed his fascination with the show, leading to an invitation for him to appear in a future season. The conversation also touched on other animals and their bites, with some expressing a desire to interact with them despite the risks. One person shared his experiences with coyotes and snakes, emphasizing that these animals generally avoid human contact. The conversation also touched on the strange allure of watching animal attack shows and the potential for celebrities to appear on them. Overall, the discussion highlighted the power and unpredictability of nature, as well as the human fascination with the extreme. It also showed how even dangerous animals can be approached with a sense of curiosity and adventure, albeit with caution and respect.

    • Fear and Apprehension: Wild Animals and the PandemicThe speaker expresses fear towards wild animals and uncertainty during the pandemic, sharing stories of encounters and looking forward to performing at comedy clubs with safety protocols.

      The speaker expresses fear and apprehension towards wild animals, particularly bobcats and coyotes, and also towards people's reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. He shares stories of encounters with these animals and people, expressing frustration and humor. Regarding the current situation, he is looking forward to performing at comedy clubs, which are starting to reopen, but acknowledges that they will not be operating at full capacity and that customers will need to follow safety protocols. The speaker also mentions his past experiences with performing in Florida and expresses some uncertainty about the situation there. Overall, the conversation touches on the themes of fear, uncertainty, and anticipation in the context of wildlife encounters and the ongoing pandemic.

    • Navigating Pandemic Life: Frustrations and AdaptationsPeople express frustration with inconsistent safety measures and government restrictions during the pandemic, while also finding moments of enjoyment and reflection.

      While some establishments are implementing safety measures like hand sanitizer stations and regular disinfection, the decision to enforce mask-wearing is not universal. The speaker expresses frustration with the pace of reopening and the impact of government restrictions on their personal and professional life. The ongoing pandemic has led to a mix of feelings, from enjoying the forced break to missing performing and writing new material. Some find the political situation more relevant than ever, criticizing what they see as condescending restrictions and expressing dissatisfaction with certain political figures. Overall, the discussion reflects a complex response to the ongoing pandemic, encompassing frustration, adaptation, and reflection.

    • Limited power of governors and contrasting desire for controlGovernors have limited power to mandate good behavior or prevent all risks, but they can provide guidelines and let individuals make decisions, considering mental health, personal freedom, potential overreactions, and long-term implications.

      The current situation highlights the limited power of governors and the contrasting desire for control. While they cannot mandate good behavior or prevent all risks, they can provide guidelines and let individuals make decisions. This discussion also touches on the importance of considering mental health and personal freedom, as well as the potential for overreaction and fear. It's important to remember that many everyday activities involve risks, and while some are contagious, others are a personal choice. The challenge lies in finding a balance between safety and personal freedoms. Additionally, the long-term implications of these measures and potential overreactions, such as social distancing for the flu, are worth considering.

    • Adapting to New Training Protocols in Jujitsu and UFC during the PandemicJujitsu practitioners adapt to new training methods, UFC faces challenges in hosting events safely, increased demand for entertainment amidst economic impact, and the importance of mental health during the pandemic.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes to various aspects of life, including sports and entertainment. Jujitsu practitioners, for instance, have had to adapt to new training protocols to minimize exposure and risk. The UFC, like many other industries, is facing challenges in hosting events while ensuring safety measures are in place. Meanwhile, the economic impact of the pandemic is leading to increased demand for forms of entertainment, despite the ongoing health concerns. The situation has also highlighted the importance of mental health, with reports of increased suicide, depression, and domestic violence. Ultimately, the next few months are expected to bring about further changes as the world continues to navigate this unprecedented crisis.

    • Navigating Challenging Times for Working MothersLeaders must provide clear info, media report responsibly, press secretaries prepare, and all prioritize society's well-being.

      The current situation, with the closure of schools and the need for childcare, is particularly challenging for working mothers, especially single mothers. The political climate, with its ideological battles and combative exchanges between politicians and the media, only adds to the stress and chaos. During these times, it's crucial for leaders to provide clear and accurate information, and for the media to report responsibly. The preparedness and readiness of press secretaries, like the one mentioned, can help mitigate misunderstandings and keep the focus on essential issues. However, it's also important for leaders to maintain composure and not get bogged down in unnecessary conflicts, as they have important responsibilities to their constituents. In essence, the current situation calls for clear communication, preparation, and a focus on the well-being of all members of society.

    • Politician's unexpected response leaves journalist speechlessPreparation and quick thinking are crucial in high-pressure interviews. Unpredictability is a common factor in politics, and journalists must fact-check information to maintain credibility.

      During a political interview, a journalist was caught off guard by a politician's unexpected and confident response, leading to a viral moment. The journalist had asked a seemingly innocuous question, but the politician turned the tables and left him speechless. The incident highlights the importance of preparation and quick thinking in high-pressure situations. The politician's bold move sparked debate online, with some praising her for her wit and others criticizing the journalist for his perceived lack of professionalism. The incident also raised questions about the role of the media in shaping public perception of events and the importance of fact-checking information. Ultimately, the incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictability of politics and the need for journalists to be prepared for anything.

    • Skepticism towards annual COVID-19 vaccinations and the nature of antibodiesThe speaker challenges the need for annual COVID-19 vaccinations and questions the assumption that antibodies guarantee complete immunity, citing the discovery of latent antibodies and the evolving nature of the virus.

      The coronavirus situation is evolving rapidly, and there are ongoing debates about the effectiveness and necessity of vaccinations, the nature of antibodies, and the potential seasonality of the virus. The speaker expresses skepticism about the need for annual vaccinations and the idea that people with antibodies are completely immune. They also mention the discovery of latent antibodies in some individuals, which may not indicate a new infection. The speaker expresses frustration with the fear and uncertainty surrounding the virus, comparing it to past health crises like polio. They believe that the quarantine measures were effective in protecting vulnerable populations and preserving hospital capacity, and now that things are improving, it's time to resume normal activities while continuing to prioritize the health and safety of the elderly and at-risk individuals.

    • Discovering New Shows Amidst UncertaintyDuring uncertain times, people seek comfort and escape through entertainment, particularly TV shows and movies. Favorites include 'Ozark' and 'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel', while 'Black Mirror' is on hiatus. Humor and being entertained are appreciated, even if some titles lack creativity.

      People are turning to entertainment, particularly TV shows and movies, as a means of escape during uncertain times. The discussion revolves around the shows "Ozark" and "Black Mirror," with the former being highly praised and the latter on hiatus due to production challenges caused by COVID-19. The group also shares their recommendations, including "Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and various Adam Sandler movies. They express their appreciation for humor and being entertained, with some titles being criticized for their lack of creativity but still enjoyed for their entertainment value. The anticipation for new seasons and releases is evident, as people search for ways to fill their time and cope with the current situation.

    • Manson's Connection to the CIA's LSD ExperimentsThe book 'Helter Skelter' reveals Manson's possible involvement in CIA's LSD experiments during his prison time, shedding new light on his relationship to the counterculture movement.

      The book "Helter Skelter" by Vincent Bugliosi, which became a New York Times bestseller after being discussed on a podcast, is a well-researched and intricately detailed work that explores the relationship between Charles Manson and the CIA's LSD experiments. Manson, who is often labeled as a serial killer despite never personally killing anyone, was reportedly given LSD and taught tactics by the CIA during his time in prison. This discovery, made by the podcast host's neighbor and author Tom O'Neill, sheds new light on the infamous figure and the time period, which saw the rise of the hippie movement and widespread use of LSD. The book, which took Bugliosi 20 years to write, is a fascinating exploration of this period and the connections between Manson, the CIA, and the counterculture movement.

    • Comparing COVID-19 to historical pandemics and Elon Musk's viewsThe speaker discussed the current COVID-19 pandemic in relation to historical pandemics like the Hong Kong flu and Woodstock. Elon Musk's stance on liberties was also debated. Excitement and concerns were expressed about Neuralink, a brain-computer interface, and its potential societal implications.

      The discussion touched upon various topics including the COVID-19 pandemic, historical pandemics, infringements on liberties, Elon Musk's views, and Neuralink. The speaker expressed surprise at the current pandemic, drawing comparisons to the Hong Kong flu and Woodstock. There was a debate about the origin of COVID-19 and Elon Musk's stance on liberties. The conversation then shifted to Neuralink, a brain-computer interface being developed by Musk's company, which aims to help people with injuries and neurological conditions. The speaker expressed excitement about the potential of Neuralink but also expressed concerns about becoming "aliens" and losing the ability to communicate through language. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the rapid advancements in technology and their potential implications on society.

    • Neural Links: A Divide Between Haves and Have NotsNeural links, a potential future technology, could create significant social and economic disparities due to accessibility and potential risks, but Elon Musk, its developer, envisions immense productivity and accomplishment.

      The implementation of neural links in the future could create a vast divide between the "haves" and the "have nots," leading to significant social and economic disparities. Elon Musk, who is developing this technology, believes it will bring immense productivity and accomplishment, but there are concerns about accessibility and potential risks. Musk himself has expressed a desire to simplify his life by getting rid of possessions, and he values the opportunity to express himself freely. Despite his eccentricities and controversial statements, Musk is seen as a visionary and a master of innovation. The conversation between the speaker and Musk also touched upon Musk's love for Tesla and SpaceX, his sense of humor, and the speaker's appreciation for their interactions.

    • Exploring the Freedom of Personal Appearance ChoicesPersonal appearance choices like shaving one's head bring freedom and low maintenance lifestyle, but come with responsibilities like sunscreen application and safety awareness. Confidence can lead to new hobbies, physical fitness, and resilience during challenges.

      Personal appearance choices, such as shaving one's head, can bring about a sense of freedom and low maintenance lifestyle. However, there are still responsibilities, like applying sunscreen and being aware of potential dangers, that come with the territory. Confidence and false sense of invincibility can be present in all ages, and it's important to instill safety awareness in children. Another takeaway is the discovery of new hobbies, like mountain biking, during the quarantine, which can lead to physical fitness and enjoyment. Lastly, the resilience and determination to overcome challenges, like fixing a flat tire, can be a rewarding experience.

    • Thick Boy Bike Club and Community Building During QuarantineThe speaker's passion for biking led him to create a community, the 'thick boy bike club,' which brought people together during quarantine. He plans to meet up with members in different cities post-pandemic.

      The speaker's passion for biking has led him to create a community, the "thick boy bike club," which has brought people together during the quarantine. He plans to meet up with members in different cities at their top trails once things return to normal. The speaker also expressed his concerns about the homeless problem in Venice, California, and is considering moving to areas with better air quality and less homelessness, such as Palisades Malibu or Woodland Hills. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic about the future and the potential for a return to normalcy, expressing frustration with the idea of another lockdown. He also highlighted the benefits of living in California, including great weather, restaurants, and comedy clubs.

    • Political Decisions and Economic ConsequencesPolitical decisions based on affiliation can harm economically and morally. Ethical leadership and following rules are crucial.

      The political decision to shut down certain areas based on their political affiliation can have severe economic consequences and be perceived as gross and disgusting. The speakers express their disapproval of such actions and suggest the need for a large, objective, and ethical group of people to make decisions for the greater good. They also discuss the idea of creating a residency in a place like Los Angeles to reduce travel and the potential benefits of moving to states like Nevada or Texas for tax reasons. Ultimately, they emphasize the importance of ethical leadership and following established rules.

    • Exploring the Unexpected in Urban Life and Wild EncountersEmbrace the unpredictability of life, face challenges with courage, and be open to new experiences, even if they involve potential dangers or unexpected encounters with animals in urban settings.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the rapid pace of societal change, specifically in relation to urban living and the potential dangers of certain animals. He also shares anecdotes about his obsession with biking and encounters with various creatures. Despite the seemingly disparate topics, the speaker's overall message is that life can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous, but also full of excitement and adventure. He emphasizes the importance of facing challenges head-on and not being afraid to take risks. Additionally, he mentions the upcoming first gathering of the boys bike club and his excitement for future adventures.

    • Unrealistic Expectations in SocietySociety often sets unattainable standards, leading to criticism and unhealthy comparisons, emphasizing the importance of embracing individuality and challenging societal norms.

      Society places unrealistic expectations on individuals, whether it's a five-year-old wanting a Lamborghini or adults judging others based on their weight or physical appearance. The discussion touched upon various topics, from a five-year-old's imaginative theft to the controversy surrounding Adele's weight loss and the lack of support for plus-sized men. The conversation also included criticism of Hollywood for creating unrealistic scenarios, such as fighting two days in a row or superheroes with unattainable abilities. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing individuality and challenging societal norms.

    • MMA Fighters Overcoming Challenges and CriticismSome fighters, like John Jones, excel at bouncing back from criticism and negative press, while others, such as Dominic Cruz and Steve Bay, face physical and age-related challenges. Regardless, all MMA athletes demonstrate resilience and determination in their careers.

      Some people, like John Jones, are able to handle negative press and criticism with ease, while others are devastated by it. Jones' ability to bounce back from negative situations is a testament to his resilience and risk-taking nature. In the world of MMA, Dominic Cruz is known for his tough fights and impressive movement, but his age and recent surgeries make his future in the sport uncertain. Meanwhile, there are ongoing discussions about Steve Bay's potential retirement due to eye injuries, and concerns about rushing him back into the cage before he's ready. Overall, the MMA world is filled with risk-takers and tough competitors, each dealing with their own unique challenges and pressures.

    • Understanding the Complexity of MMA Betting and AnalysisDespite the complexity of MMA betting and analysis, it's crucial to have a deep understanding of the sport and respect its unique challenges.

      MMA betting and analysis can be complex and nuanced, with different game plans and individual performances impacting the outcome. The odds can be influenced by previous fights, but they don't always accurately reflect the current situation. Some outsiders, like Stephen A. Smith, may not fully understand the intricacies of the sport and may face backlash for their hot takes. However, even hardcore fans can have differing opinions, especially when it comes to controversial topics like holding fights during a pandemic. Ultimately, it's important to approach MMA analysis with a deep understanding of the sport and a respect for its unique challenges.

    • COVID-19 testing: From past to presentRapid antibody tests offer insights into current infections, mass testing is viable, negative results don't guarantee safety, and authenticity drives viewership.

      The importance of COVID-19 testing has evolved, with rapid antibody tests providing insights into current infections, while earlier tests focused on identifying past infections. The availability and quick turnaround time of these tests have made mass testing a viable option. However, testing negative does not necessarily mean one is not at risk, as many people are asymptomatic carriers. The public's perspective and understanding of the virus have changed as more information becomes available, revealing that it's not as deadly as initially thought for most people. The success of independent media personalities, like the speaker, shows that meritocracy and authenticity can lead to massive viewership, despite potential conflicts or rivalries.

    • UFC Fight: Paige VanZant vs Austin Vanderford and MorePaige VanZant's husband, Austin Vanderford, made a successful UFC debut with a submission win. Vinny Magalhaes fought with a broken shin bone but lost to Craig Jones. The fight received mixed reactions for its intensity and ethics.

      The UFC fight between Paige VanZant and Austin Vanderford was highly anticipated and impressive, with both fighters showcasing their skills in submission defense and explosive moves. Paige's husband, Austin, made a strong debut with a submission victory over a formidable opponent, Boogie Man. The underdog Vinny Magalhaes refused to tap despite suffering a broken shin bone, but ultimately lost to Craig Jones, one of the best grapplers on the planet. The fight took place on UFC Fight Pass and received mixed reactions, with some critics praising the intensity and others questioning the ethics of competing with an injury. Overall, the fight demonstrated the dedication and resilience of the fighters, as well as the excitement and unpredictability of MMA.

    • UFC Fights: Smith vs Vettori and Dober vs HernandezSpeakers discuss upcoming UFC fights, including Smith vs Vettori and Dober vs Hernandez, expressing excitement and praising underlooked talent Dober.

      The speakers were discussing the upcoming UFC fights and expressing excitement about some of the matchups. They mentioned specific fights they were looking forward to, such as Anthony Smith versus Marvin Vettori and Drew Dober against Alexander Hernandez. They also commented on Anthony Smith's difficulty finding submission matches and praised Drew Dober as an underlooked talent. The speakers also mentioned that they hoped the Ultimate Fighter would continue and that there were two cards coming up, one on Thursday and one on Saturday. Overall, they were expressing enthusiasm for the upcoming UFC events.

    • Discussing the effects of alcohol on behavior and Jerry Seinfeld's comedy specialAlcohol can alter behavior dramatically, and online criticism, though harsh, can serve as motivation for personal growth

      Alcohol can significantly change a person's behavior, turning them into a different version of themselves, as described in the conversation regarding "drunk Eddie." The group also discussed potential moves, including a possible relocation to Utah, and shared their opinions on Jerry Seinfeld's recent comedy special. Despite the hate and criticism, Seinfeld's demographic, primarily 18 to 36-year-old males, is known for being particularly vocal online. The group acknowledged the importance of staying focused on the positive and using challenges as fuel for improvement.

    • Anticipation and excitement for the return of live comedyComedians look forward to performing again, audience appreciation may increase, and individual freedoms are valued

      The return of live comedy performances after a long hiatus due to the pandemic will likely result in clunky and stale performances from comedians, but the audience's appreciation for the art form may increase. Comedians, including Tim Dillon, are eagerly anticipating the first day back and plan to give all their earnings to the waitstaff who have been negatively impacted by the shutdown. The conversation also touched on the desire for more protests against government restrictions and the belief that people are growing increasingly frustrated with the prolonged lockdowns. The group discussed the importance of individual freedoms and the ability to make personal choices regarding safety measures. Overall, the conversation highlighted the anticipation and excitement for the return of live comedy and the hope for a new appreciation for the art form.

    • Fear of being labeled a snitch hinders crime reporting during pandemicThe pandemic led to a decrease in crime reporting due to fear of being labeled a snitch, raising concerns for public safety. Political controversies, hypocrisy, and the ongoing drug trade were also discussed.

      The fear of being labeled as a snitch during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant reduction in crime reporting, causing concern for public safety. The speaker also touched on various topics, including the release of prisoners, the controversy surrounding certain political figures, and the hypocrisy in public opinion regarding sexual allegations against public figures. The speaker expressed disappointment in the political landscape and the apparent lack of strong leadership options. Additionally, there was a mention of Kim Jong Un's supposed faked death and the ongoing drug trade of famous rappers like 6ix9ine. The overall sentiment was one of frustration and disillusionment with the current state of affairs.

    • Authenticity, Social Media, and Personal Responsibility in the Time of COVID-19Be authentic, face challenges head-on, and take personal responsibility for health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Criticize virtue signaling and promote healthy lifestyles through public health campaigns.

      During a conversation about Mark Cuban's potential presidency and the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the speakers touched upon various topics including the importance of being authentic, the impact of social media, and the need for personal responsibility in health matters. They criticized some public figures for virtue signaling and emphasized the importance of facing challenges head-on rather than hiding or shaming others. They also discussed the lack of public health campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles and the challenges of dealing with diversity and anxiety. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of staying informed and being resilient in the face of adversity.

    • Impact of COVID-19 on Military Recruitment: Uncertainty and MisunderstandingsCOVID-19's impact on military recruitment is uncertain, with conflicting reports and evolving knowledge about the virus leading to confusion. Early missteps and misunderstandings added to the uncertainty, causing unintended consequences.

      There has been much confusion and uncertainty regarding the impact of COVID-19 on military recruitment, with reports suggesting that survivors may be permanently disqualified. However, the validity of this information is questionable, as standards and knowledge about the virus continue to evolve. Additionally, during the early stages of the pandemic, there were missteps and misunderstandings about the nature and transmission of the virus, leading to unintended consequences. For instance, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's decision to return COVID-positive individuals to nursing homes resulted in a tragic loss of life. Overall, the pandemic has presented numerous challenges and uncertainties, with ongoing debates about the best ways to mitigate its impact while balancing individual freedoms and public health concerns.

    • Staying Informed About Real DangersBe aware of risks from venomous animals, stay informed, and take practical steps to minimize risks, such as staying alert and keeping pets on a leash.

      While the media may sensationalize stories to get clicks, it's important to remember that risks like encounters with venomous animals, such as hornets or rattlesnakes, do pose real dangers to people. For instance, hornets can be aggressive and deadly, while rattlesnakes are a common danger in certain areas. It's essential to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions, such as staying alert and avoiding areas where these animals are known to reside. Additionally, people should be responsible for their pets and keep them on a leash in potentially dangerous situations. While it's understandable to be scared or concerned about these risks, it's important to maintain a sense of perspective and remember that fear-mongering is a common tactic used by the media to generate clicks. Instead, focus on staying informed and taking practical steps to minimize risks.

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    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    45 - Learning how to Optimize Your Health & Production as a Working Professional w/ Dr. Callum Cowan M.D. at PHENOM

    45 - Learning how to Optimize Your Health & Production as a Working Professional w/ Dr. Callum Cowan M.D. at PHENOM

    Hello, 2Babe Listeners! 

    It's that time of the year where we reflect on the amounts of paperwork we have already done and look towards capping off the year full steam ahead. 

    Do you think you have it in you?

    This week we got the opportunity to talk to a successful Canadian business owner in Dr. Callum Cowan M.D., owner at PHENOM HPM in Burlington Ontario. A high-performance medicine clinic which focuses' on research-backed solutions to improve individuals health and have them working a full strength all the time for their careers. 

    Throughout this podcast Dr. Cowan explains the need for working professionals to keep track of their health, and what areas people with high stress should look into to reduce burnouts. Through the use of a phenom-styled method (also can be called the Phenom Method) Dr. Cowan's goal is to have his clients optimizing all that their body can do, in a fun and healthy way. - All backed by medical results unique to the individual.

    To learn more, download our free podcast and share with your co-workers. 


    Fell free to check out his website here: http://www.phenomhpm.com/

    "Dr. Cowan and his team service individuals and corporations which include NHL Players, MMA Fighters, Boxers, Business Executives, World Champions, and anyone in need to improve production level." 

    Episode 11

    Episode 11
    In this episode, Rob and Ryan talk about classic console gaming, Indiana Jones Reboot, iPhone 5c blows up, Dying Light Special Edition, Ronda Rousey in UFC 184, and Leonard Nimoy (R.I.P.). They also give a PSA against drinking and driving and pose a new Totally Random Question of the Week (TRQOTW). Shout-outs: @MightyDuck_ and @RedHarbingerPC