
    JRE MMA Show #99 with Francis Ngannou

    en-usFebruary 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • From Cameroon to UFC champion: Ngannou's linguistic and experiential journeyDespite linguistic and experiential challenges, Ngannou's determination and hard work led him from Cameroon to UFC heavyweight champion in less than a decade.

      Francis Ngannou's journey to becoming a UFC heavyweight champion was filled with challenges, both linguistic and experiential. Growing up in Cameroon, he spoke a dialect from his village, French, and was learning English. When he first came to America, he struggled to understand the English spoken in the UFC. However, he was determined to improve and learn, and now feels comfortable speaking English. His first title fight was a learning experience, as he had only previously had quick knockout victories and had never gone the distance. He was disappointed to lose, but saw it as an opportunity to gain valuable experience. Ngannou started training in martial arts just eight years ago, and became a UFC fighter less than five years later. His journey from curiosity to championship contender was a long and challenging one, but his determination and hard work paid off.

    • From boxing to MMA, overcoming obstaclesDetermination and perseverance led a Cameroonian fighter to overcome discrimination and learn a new sport, securing a UFC contract

      Determination and perseverance can lead to opportunities and success, even when facing numerous challenges. The speaker, who came from Cameroon to France with the dream of becoming a fighter, had to navigate the complexities of the boxing business and deal with discrimination due to his accent. He eventually transitioned to MMA and secured a UFC contract, but only after overcoming numerous obstacles and learning the rules of a new sport on the fly. His story highlights the importance of staying focused on goals, adapting to new situations, and never giving up.

    • Pursuing dreams against all oddsDespite limited resources and skepticism, following your desires and taking action towards your dreams is crucial for personal growth and success.

      No matter how insignificant your resources may seem, or how impossible your dreams may appear to others, taking action towards what you love and believe in is essential. The speaker in this conversation shares his personal story of leaving his country and pursuing a dream in boxing despite the odds and skepticism from those around him. He emphasizes the importance of following your desires and not letting fear or doubt hold you back. Even if you fail, you still have the right to try and learn from the experience. The speaker's inspirational journey serves as a reminder that it's never too late to start and that determination and passion can lead to remarkable achievements.

    • Never too late to pursue dreams despite obstaclesDetermination and clear vision can lead to great success, even when faced with obstacles and doubters.

      No matter how late or impossible it may seem, it's never too late to pursue your dreams. The speaker's own experience of achieving success despite facing numerous obstacles and naysayers demonstrates this. Growing up, he was often told that he couldn't follow his own path and that he should stick to traditional careers. But his determination and stubbornness allowed him to overcome these obstacles and ultimately find success. The speaker's early experiences with a violent father also played a role in shaping his determination to not follow in his father's footsteps and to instead create a better life for himself. Overall, the key takeaway is that having a clear vision of what you want and the determination to pursue it, despite obstacles and doubters, can lead to great success.

    • Personal growth through adversityBelief in dreams and hard work can help overcome adversity and lead to personal growth and success

      Determination and hard work, even in the face of adversity, can lead to significant personal growth and strength. The interviewee's story illustrates this through his experiences growing up in Cameroon, working in a sand mine from a young age, and pursuing his dream of becoming a professional athlete despite not having access to a gym. These challenges helped him develop discipline, resilience, and a strong work ethic, shaping him into the person he is today. Despite the hardships, his unwavering belief in his dream fueled his perseverance and ultimately contributed to his success.

    • Using adversity as motivationAdversity can fuel determination and instill a strong work ethic. Use setbacks as opportunities for growth.

      Adversity can be a powerful motivator. The speaker shares how being underestimated by others fueled their determination to prove them wrong. They describe the challenging circumstances they faced, including a long commute to school and working in sand mines over weekends and holidays. Despite these hardships, they refused to give up and continued to work hard. This experience instilled in them a strong work ethic and a resilient mindset. The speaker's story highlights the importance of staying focused on personal goals and using setbacks as opportunities for growth.

    • Reflecting on Childhood and ProgressRevisiting past brings joy and motivation, having goals and believing in oneself leads to success.

      Revisiting the past can provide a profound sense of fulfillment and motivation. The speaker shares how going back to his childhood home brings him joy and reminds him of how far he's come in life. He finds inspiration in seeing the progress of those around him who also have dreams and aspirations. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of having goals and believing in oneself, as success is seen as a attainable outcome over time. Through his foundation, the speaker aims to inspire and motivate young people to believe in their dreams and work towards achieving them.

    • Belief in dreams despite adversityBelieving in dreams and oneself can help overcome adversity and achieve success, regardless of background or circumstances.

      No matter where you come from or what obstacles you face, if you have a dream and believe in it, you can make it come true. The speaker's journey from Cameroon to Paris was filled with challenges, but his unwavering belief in his dream kept him going. He left his home country with only enough savings to keep his little sister safe, knowing that the journey would be dangerous. He couldn't tell anyone where he was going or why, as the risks were too great. But he held on to his dream and eventually made it to Paris, where he built a gym for kids to give them the opportunities he never had. The speaker's message is clear: everyone has the potential to succeed, no matter the circumstances. Belief in oneself and one's dreams is the key to overcoming adversity and achieving great things.

    • Motivation from Fear and DesireFear and desire can drive us to make difficult decisions and take action to improve our circumstances, even in the face of significant obstacles.

      Fear and the desire to break free from a difficult situation can be powerful motivators for making difficult decisions. The speaker shares a personal story of feeling trapped in a toxic relationship and being forced to leave her country to ensure a better future for herself and potential children. Along the way, she encountered numerous challenges, including border crossings where she had to hide and protect her money from thieves and rapists. Despite these hardships, she persisted, knowing that survival was essential. This experience underscores the importance of taking action to improve one's circumstances, even when faced with significant obstacles.

    • Immigrants face numerous challenges crossing the desertImmigrants risk vehicle breakdowns, extreme temperatures, and limited water, forming a community of shared struggle, and face further identity and cultural challenges upon arrival.

      Crossing the desert as part of an immigrant journey involves immense risks, including the possibility of vehicle breakdowns, extreme temperatures, and limited access to water. These challenges require travelers to endure a grueling journey with no guarantee of success. The experience also involves a sense of community and shared struggle, as individuals help each other in the face of adversity. Upon reaching their destination, immigrants face further challenges, such as changing their identity and adapting to a new culture. Despite these difficulties, the journey is undertaken out of necessity and hope for a better future.

    • Journey from Africa to Europe: Challenges and RewardsThe journey from Africa to Europe is a long, unpredictable and risky process, requiring adaptability, resilience and strategic navigation. Despite the dangers and uncertainty, those who make it through are left with a profound sense of accomplishment and a deep understanding of their own strength.

      Making the journey from Africa to Europe involves numerous challenges and risks, requiring adaptability, resilience, and strategic navigation. Travelers face numerous obstacles, including changing currencies, obtaining false documents, and dealing with harsh immigration policies. The journey is long and unpredictable, with each step presenting new challenges. Despite the dangers and uncertainty, those who make it through are left with a profound sense of accomplishment and a deep understanding of their own strength and determination. The experience is unlike anything one could imagine, and it's a journey that leaves a lasting impact on those who survive it. The journey from Africa to Europe is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to take the risk, the reward can be great.

    • Morocco-Europe Border: Guarded and Challenging Journey for ImmigrantsMorocco's European border is heavily guarded, resulting in a dangerous and arduous journey for immigrants seeking a better life in Europe

      The border between Morocco and Europe is heavily guarded, with Morocco receiving significant funding from the European Union to protect it. People attempting to immigrate often face harsh conditions, including long journeys, dangerous terrain, and the risk of being caught and sent back. The security measures are extensive, with advanced technology and personnel on both sides. The journey is not only physically challenging but also mentally and emotionally taxing. Despite the risks, many continue to try due to the desire for a better life in Europe.

    • Infiltrating a Military Base: Planning and ExecutionThorough planning, execution, and adaptability are crucial for successful infiltration into a secured area.

      Successful infiltration into a secured area requires thorough planning, stealth, and quick action. The speaker shares his experience of attempting to infiltrate a military base, highlighting the importance of identifying and exploiting weaknesses in the security perimeter. He explains how they studied the patrol patterns, timings, and communication methods to plan their attack. However, they faced challenges such as advanced technology, like motion detectors and helicopter surveillance, which required them to remain silent and hidden for extended periods. Despite the risks and setbacks, they persisted, learning from their mistakes and adapting their strategies. The key takeaway is that infiltration requires a high degree of preparation, execution, and adaptability. Failure to plan thoroughly or execute flawlessly can result in detection and failure.

    • The Power of Perseverance: Crossing BordersDetermination to reach a goal, despite challenges and dangers, leads to success. Resilience and unwavering commitment pay off in the face of adversity.

      The speaker's determination to reach a desired goal, despite the challenges and dangers, is a powerful force. He risked his life multiple times to cross a border, encountering obstacles such as military presence and harsh desert conditions. Despite the hardships, he refused to give up and continued to try until he succeeded. Even when faced with the possibility of capture and imprisonment, he chose to take his chances in the desert rather than surrender to his circumstances. His resilience and unwavering commitment to his goal ultimately led him to reach Morocco, demonstrating the power of perseverance in the face of adversity.

    • The Power of Perseverance and TrustDetermination and knowledge can help navigate challenging situations. Perseverance, adaptability, resilience, and trust are essential for success.

      Even with limited resources, determination and knowledge can help one navigate through challenging situations. The speaker shares his experience of attempting to cross the ocean from Morocco to Cameroon using a small inflatable boat. He describes the risks involved, including being detected by border patrol and facing rough waters. Despite these challenges, he persisted and eventually succeeded, highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptability. Additionally, he notes the significance of trust and community, as he was only able to make the journey after being trusted as a captain by a group of Senegalese people. Overall, this story underscores the power of perseverance and the importance of having faith in one's abilities.

    • Staying Calm and Acting Fast in Challenging SituationsPerseverance, quick thinking, communication, community, and adaptability are crucial for survival in challenging situations.

      Perseverance and quick thinking are essential for survival in challenging situations. The speaker's experience of riding out giant waves in the ocean highlights the importance of staying calm and acting fast when faced with danger. However, even with determination and success, unforeseen obstacles can still arise, requiring adaptability and resourcefulness. The speaker's story also emphasizes the importance of communication and community, as calling for help from the Red Cross ultimately led to their rescue. Despite the hardships and setbacks, the speaker's resilience allowed him to keep going, ultimately surviving the journey. This event took place in December 2012, and the speaker had been on the trip since April 3rd of that year.

    • The Power of Perseverance: One Man's Journey to MoroccoVanda's determination and resilience helped him overcome numerous setbacks and harsh conditions to reach Morocco, earning him the nickname 'Vandom' and inspiring the local community.

      Determination and resilience can help one overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. The speaker, Vanda, shares his experience of repeatedly trying to reach Morocco, facing numerous setbacks and harsh conditions. Despite these difficulties, he promised himself that he would not give up and would make it through the next time. When he finally succeeded, he was hailed as a hero by the local community, earning the nickname "Vandom." Vanda's story illustrates the power of perseverance and the importance of staying focused on one's goals, even in the face of adversity. It also highlights the harsh realities that migrants face in their journeys and the risks they take in pursuit of a better life.

    • The Power of Determination and Leadership in Overcoming ChallengesIn desperate situations, strong leadership and determination can help guide a team to survival, even when faced with insurmountable challenges

      Even in the most desperate situations, having a strong sense of determination and leadership can help guide a team to survival. The speaker in this story found himself and his crew stranded in the ocean without paddles. They were faced with the challenge of paddling to Europe using only their hands. Despite their initial despair, the speaker took charge and motivated his team to keep going. He directed their efforts and encouraged them to keep paddling, even when they were exhausted. Their determination paid off when they were eventually rescued, but not before they had to deceive their rescuers about their number to ensure the safety of the missing crew members. This story illustrates the power of leadership and determination in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    • Man's determination and perseverance led him to safetyDespite harsh conditions and setbacks, man remained focused on goal and refused to be discouraged, eventually reaching safety through friend's help and selling possessions.

      Determination and perseverance were key factors for this man's survival during multiple harrowing experiences of being smuggled across the Mediterranean Sea. He learned valuable skills and knowledge from each attempt, using them to improve his chances of making it to safety. Despite facing harsh conditions and setbacks, he remained focused on his goal and refused to be discouraged. Eventually, with the help of a friend and the sale of his possessions, he was able to make it to a safer place. Through it all, he found motivation in remembering why he was risking everything to leave his previous situation behind.

    • Surviving difficult circumstancesQuick thinking, adaptability, and resilience are essential for survival. Carry essential items, stay alert, and keep moving to avoid detection.

      Survival in difficult circumstances requires quick thinking, adaptability, and resilience. The speaker describes the importance of having essential items like blankets and plastic sheets for protection, and the need to be constantly on the move to avoid detection. The fear of being caught or surrounded drives the urge to keep moving and find safety, even if it means enduring pain and discomfort. The speaker's determination to escape and reach a better life led him to take risks and make difficult decisions, ultimately leading to his success in reaching Europe. However, the journey was not easy, as he faced numerous challenges such as sickness and the need to constantly check the weather and sea conditions before making the journey. Despite these challenges, his focus on survival and his determination to keep moving forward allowed him to overcome obstacles and ultimately reach his goal.

    • Trust and resourcefulness were essential for survival during a Mediterranean Sea journeyTrust earned through valuable services and information led to food, money, and captaincy. Reading weather and being resourceful helped navigate the sea. Teamwork and following rules ensured safety.

      Trust and resourcefulness were key to the speaker's survival during his journey across the Mediterranean Sea. Despite being in a desperate situation with no money or food, he was able to earn trust from others and provide valuable information and services in exchange. This not only helped him secure food and money but also earned him the role of captain among his group. The speaker's ability to read the weather and sea conditions, as well as his resourcefulness in finding ways to pay for information and services, were essential to their successful journey. Additionally, the importance of working together as a group and following established rules to avoid attracting unwanted attention from authorities was crucial to their safety. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of trust, resourcefulness, and teamwork in overcoming adversity.

    • Leading the way through challengesEffective leadership requires determination, adaptability, and the ability to motivate others to overcome adversity.

      When faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, it's essential to take charge and find solutions. In the given discussion, the speaker encountered such a challenge while leading a group of people trying to navigate a difficult terrain. He noticed that they were moving too slowly and decided to take matters into his own hands by carrying the boat and leading the way. Despite the obstacles, they eventually reached their destination, but the problem then became finding a safe place to put the boat. The speaker had to motivate and scare his group into following him to ensure they all made it safely. This experience emphasizes the importance of leadership, determination, and adaptability in overcoming adversity.

    • Effective Decision Making in Dangerous SituationsStay informed of weather conditions and potential dangers to make effective decisions in dangerous situations. Call for help when necessary and ensure proper assistance is provided.

      Having accurate and timely information is crucial for making effective decisions, especially in dangerous situations. The speaker in this conversation, a captain of a boat carrying refugees, emphasized the importance of knowing the weather conditions and being aware of potential dangers. He made decisions based on this information, such as timing their journey to avoid rain and calling for help when necessary. The helicopter sighting was a critical moment, and the captain made the decision to call the Red Cross rather than alerting locals, ensuring they received the proper assistance. The experience was a harrowing journey, but the captain's ability to stay calm and focused on gathering and using information effectively ultimately led to their survival.

    • The Asylum Seeking Process: Challenges and UncertaintiesAsylum seekers face numerous challenges during their journey, from being rescued at sea to potential detention and uncertainty about their future, with their identity and background playing a significant role in their outcome.

      The journey of seeking asylum involves various stages, each with its own challenges. After being rescued at sea by the Red Cross, asylum seekers are brought to Europe and handed over to the police. The country they are from determines their fate – some may be deported, while others may be granted asylum. During this process, asylum seekers are detained in centers that aim to break them down mentally. These centers can feel like harsh prisons, with no clear future or release date. Despite the difficulties, asylum seekers are eventually released, but they must decide whether to stay or return to their home country. Throughout this journey, the truth of their identity and background becomes a crucial factor in their outcome.

    • Starting his boxing journey in FranceOvercame visa challenges to start boxing in France, found community and support, and eventually reached his goal of becoming a boxer in the US

      The speaker's journey to pursue his dream of boxing in the US involved overcoming numerous obstacles, including complex visa requirements to enter countries like England and France. Despite these challenges, he remained determined and adaptable, eventually finding opportunities in France that helped him progress towards his ultimate goal. The first time he stepped into a gym in Paris was a pivotal moment, as it marked the beginning of his journey in a new country and a new chapter in his pursuit of boxing. The experience was initially disappointing, but he eventually found a sense of community and support that helped him stay focused on his dream. Ultimately, his perseverance and determination paid off, as he was able to make it to the US and achieve his goal of becoming a boxer.

    • Believing in oneself leads to opportunitiesDespite hardships, staying determined and believing in your dreams can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

      Believing in oneself and having a strong sense of determination can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes. The speaker shares his experience of being homeless and desperately seeking a place to train for MMA, despite not having the means to afford it. He approached a boxing gym and, despite his difficult circumstances, was met with compassion and understanding from the trainer. Through his persistence and belief in his dream, he was given the opportunity to train and eventually became a part of the gym community. This experience not only gave him a sense of purpose but also instilled a newfound caution and respect for the importance of having something to lose.

    • Discovering MMA as a Financial OpportunityBeing open to new opportunities and taking small steps can lead to significant personal growth and financial gain in MMA.

      Starting in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) could provide financial help more quickly than boxing, especially for someone in a difficult situation. The speaker, who had limited experience with MMA, was introduced to it by a trainer who saw potential in him. Despite initial reluctance, the speaker was eventually drawn to the community and camaraderie of MMA training. The trainer offered him a fight for money, but was subtle in his approach, allowing the speaker to make his own decision. The speaker was eventually offered a chance to volunteer at a local organization that provided meals to the homeless, which gave him a sense of purpose and a routine during the day. This opportunity was located near an MMA gym, which he had not previously explored, but eventually began attending for both training and volunteer work. Overall, the speaker's experience shows that being open to new opportunities and taking small steps can lead to significant personal growth and financial gain.

    • Discovering a passion for MMA through unexpected experiencesBeing open to new experiences and the encouragement of others can lead to surprising and rewarding outcomes

      Sometimes trying new things can lead to unexpected and exciting opportunities. The speaker initially went to a gym next door to train during a closure at his original gym, but ended up discovering a passion for MMA through the encouragement of a friend. Despite initially just wanting to try boxing, the speaker was eventually convinced to give MMA a chance and even ended up competing in a tournament and winning. The support and encouragement of his friend played a significant role in his journey into MMA, and now he is preparing to fight for the heavyweight title for the second time. This experience shows that being open to new experiences and the encouragement of others can lead to surprising and rewarding outcomes.

    • Learning a winning move from Christian PumbuDespite facing challenges, trusting in abilities led to first UFC victory with a submission

      The interviewee's first submission win in MMA was taught to her by Christian Pumbu, a former light heavyweight Belatochamp, during her training camp before her UFC debut. This experience was significant because Pumbu's guidance helped her execute a shoulder lock submission, which was a legit move in MMA, and resulted in her first victory in the UFC. Despite facing challenges in her preparation for the fight due to a lack of a proper training camp and coaching, she was able to trust in her abilities and land a successful submission against a decorated striker. This experience demonstrated her resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • Leaving for Paris, missing a chance to work with teamInterviewee discussed the weight limit confusion in UFC's heavyweight division and emphasized the importance of staying calm during fights.

      The interviewee had to leave for Paris to attend to personal matters, missing an opportunity to work with their team in America. They also discussed their training regimen and weight management in the UFC's heavyweight division, expressing confusion about the weight limit. The interviewee reflected on past fights, specifically mentioning a lack of focus and rushing in one instance. They emphasized the importance of staying calm and taking their time in the ring. Despite some setbacks, they are preparing for their next fight with a leaner physique. The weight limit in heavyweight division and the importance of staying calm during fights were the key takeaways from the conversation.

    • Francis Ngannou's Journey to UFC Success: Resilience, Hard Work, and Team SupportDespite facing tough opponents, Ngannou remained focused and improved his skills, especially in wrestling. His unwavering team support was crucial to his success, and they continue to play a vital role in his preparation for upcoming fights.

      Francis Ngannou's success in the UFC is a result of his resilience, hard work, and the support of his team. Despite facing tough opponents like Curtis Blades, Cain Velasquez, and Junior dos Santos, Ngannou remained calm and focused, and continued to improve his skills, particularly in wrestling. He values the relationships he builds with his coaches and training partners over the physical location of the gym. Ngannou's determination to become a champion was tested by long waits for title shots, but he stayed committed to training and eventually earned another opportunity. The key difference between Ngannou then and Ngannou now is his team and their unwavering support. With only six weeks until his next fight, Ngannou and his team have been preparing relentlessly to ensure victory.

    • From Cameroon to France: Francis Ngannou's Journey and WarningsSuccess stories can inspire, but be aware of potential risks and challenges. Francis Ngannou's journey from Cameroon to France highlights the importance of staying home and avoiding dangerous journeys to pursue dreams.

      While following in the footsteps of successful individuals can be inspiring, it's important to consider the potential risks and challenges involved. Francis Ngannou, a heavyweight champion mixed martial artist, shared his personal journey from Cameroon to France and the challenges he faced along the way. He emphasized the importance of staying home and avoiding the dangerous journey many aspiring individuals take to reach Europe. Ngannou's message is a reminder that while dreams and aspirations are important, they must be pursued with caution and awareness of the potential risks. He also highlighted his commitment to helping those who have attempted the dangerous journey and encouraging them to stay home instead. The interview also touched on Ngannou's upcoming title fight on March 27th, which he expressed excitement for. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying informed, staying safe, and pursuing dreams in a responsible and informed manner.

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    He is an author, speaker and leader in areas such as pharmacy law, cultural competency, health disparities, bioethics and disability law. 


    During our conversation Tommy goes deep into his experience others with disabilities and inspires the masses every day! 


    Tommy uses humor and grace to move through his life.  He truly believes the impossible is possible and is living proof of it.  


    Tommy’s Book Recommendations


    Normal People by Sally Rooney

    Leadership in Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin


    To learn more about Tommy visit The Manchester University website. 


    Follow him on Twitter: @WTSPharmDJD


    Connect with Tommy on LinkedIn.


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    00:11:02 Overcoming challenges through determination.

    00:16:12 Knowledge is power. 

    00:24:33 Find and prioritize your values. 

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    0:00:00 - Opening

    0:06:09 - Rob Jones: A strong path to recovery.

    1:02:117 - "I Can't" VS "I Won't", and the 31 Marathons.

    1:45:48 - Proofing the Lane for others.

    1:50:51 - Closing Thoughts and take-aways.

    2:10:02 - Support: JockoStore stuff, Super Krill Oil and Joint Warfare and Discipline Pre-Mission, THE MUSTER 005 in DC. Origin Brand Apparel and Jocko Gi, with Jocko White Tea,  Onnit Fitness stuff, and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), Way of The Warrior Kid 2: Marc's Mission, The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, and Jocko Soap.

    2:42:33 - Closing Gratitude.




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    220: Over, Under, Around, and Through Obstacles

    220: Over, Under, Around, and Through Obstacles


    Want some inspiration and practical tips for surmounting obstacles in your life? You’ll get both from Jill Tietjen, who shares stories about the adversity faced by several of the 50 women featured in her latest book, Over, Under, Around, and Through: How Hall of Famers Surmount Obstacles

    Jill is an author, international speaker, and an electrical engineer. After more than 45 years in the electric utility industry, her professional focus is now on women’s advocacy, worldwide. She speaks internationally on the accomplishments of women, nominates women for awards, and continues to write books, with 12 published to date. 

    Her first 2 books about women were bestsellers and award-winners: Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America and Hollywood: Her Story, An Illustrated History of Women and the Movies.  

    Jill has been inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame, the Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame, and the National Academy of Construction.   

    You’ll discover: 

    • How Jill got the idea to write this book
    • The wide range of obstacles faced by the 50 women featured in the book
    • The 10 common characteristics they shared
    • Key take-aways readers have reported
    • Tips for surmounting the obstacles in your life

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