
    Podcast Summary

    • Mill's food recycler reduces home food waste and benefits the environmentMill's food recycler helps individuals cut their garbage in half while contributing to the environment by allowing food scraps to be returned to farms

      Mill's food recycler is a game-changer for reducing home food waste and making kitchen cleanup easier. This invention not only benefits individuals by cutting their garbage in half but also contributes to the environment by allowing food scraps to be returned to farms. Additionally, the Wiser Than Me team has launched their own merchandise line, including a tote bag, for fans to show their support for the show. The host shared a personal story about her love for desserts and the joy of providing memorable birthday cakes for her children, which further highlights the importance of nurturing and rituals in our lives.

    • Expressing Love and Joy through Baking and CookingIna Garten, a beloved cultural figure, expresses love and joy through baking and cooking, creating cherished traditions with high-quality ingredients and undivided attention.

      For Ina Garten, baking and cooking is an expression of love and joy. For over three decades, she has been creating delicious and aesthetically pleasing desserts for her family, using high-quality ingredients and her undivided attention. From an orange cake for Henry to a key lime pie for Charlie, these simple gestures have become cherished traditions in their lives. Ina's down-to-earth approach and genuine connection with her audience have made her a beloved cultural figure, known for her warmth and authenticity. Cooking, for her, goes beyond being just delicious and nutritious; it holds a deeper significance as a form of self-expression and connection with loved ones. At 76 years old, Ina embraces getting older and continues to share her culinary wisdom and love with the world.

    • Finding joy and comfort in agingAs we age, we can prioritize joy and comfort in our decisions, whether it's through career changes or daily meals.

      As we age, we gain the freedom to make decisions based on enjoyment and comfort. Jeffrey Epstein shared this sentiment when he decided to leave his position in the White House, encouraging himself to find something fun to do. This philosophy, reminiscent of his high school physics teacher's advice, "have fun at all costs," has been a guiding principle in his life. Julia Child, too, emphasized the importance of enjoying the food we eat. She shared her daily eating routine, which includes a comforting breakfast of toast and French butter, a mid-morning cup of tea, and a soup-focused lunch. For dinner, she prefers to go out or order from a restaurant to avoid the stress of cooking. Child's appreciation for food hasn't changed much over the years, but her knowledge and sophistication have expanded. She's discovered new ingredients like truffle butter and Sriracha, but her love for roast chicken and carrots remains. Overall, both Epstein and Child's stories remind us that as we age, we can prioritize joy and comfort in our decisions, whether it's in our careers or our daily meals.

    • Understanding Changing Tastes and Adding FlavorIdentify small flavor enhancers, appreciate taste bud changes, and find joy in gardening for added patience and appreciation in cooking

      People's food preferences and tastes can change over time, and they often seek simple, flavorful dishes at home. The speaker, who has experience running a specialty food store and gardening, emphasizes the importance of identifying and adding small yet significant flavor enhancers to dishes. Our taste buds may physically change, leading to dislikes or loves for certain ingredients like cilantro. The speaker shares their attachment to certain kitchen tools and finds joy in gardening, which teaches patience and appreciation for the evolution and growth of plants.

    • From flowers to food scraps: The cycle of lifeMill's food recycler reduces food waste, creating a virtuous cycle between kitchen and farms.

      The cycle of life, from the beauty of a flower to the creation of seed pods, is a reminder of the miracle and continuity of life. However, the issue of food waste is a significant problem, with half of our food being discarded and contributing negatively to our climate. A solution to this issue comes in the form of Mill, a company that offers a food recycler, turning food scraps into odorless, dry grounds, either for composting at home or for pickup and use on regenerative farms. This not only reduces the amount of garbage but also creates a virtuous cycle between the kitchen and the farms.

    • Science and Cooking: A Meticulous ApproachThe speaker applies a scientific process to cooking, making adjustments and taking notes until achieving desired texture and flavor, while also drawing inspiration and improvising.

      Science and cooking share a strong connection, and both require a meticulous and systematic approach. The speaker, who worked on nuclear policy at the White House, emphasized that if you enjoy science, cooking is another form of it. She tests recipes through a scientific process, making adjustments and taking notes until she achieves the desired texture and flavor. The speaker also shared that she draws inspiration from various sources and improvises to a certain extent. The speaker's brother-in-law, a scientist, appreciated her attention to detail in the kitchen. The speaker follows recipes precisely and measures ingredients carefully, believing that once the effort is put in, deviating from the recipe is unnecessary. The speaker also shared that growing up, her father loved to entertain, but her mother disliked it, leading her to take joy in cooking and hosting parties once she was married.

    • Personal experiences shape our interests and passionsExploring personal experiences and relationships can unlock hidden talents and passions, while adaptability and resourcefulness can help us navigate challenging situations.

      Personal experiences and relationships can significantly influence our interests and passions in life. For instance, the speaker didn't develop a love for cooking until she was encouraged by her husband to explore her potential and overcome her anxiety about entertaining. Despite her professional success as a cookbook author and TV personality, she still experiences anxiety when hosting dinner parties and prefers to cook alone. Additionally, the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness in challenging situations, as shown in the story of Narcisse and her ability to improvise during the depression era, highlights the resilience and creativity that can emerge from difficult circumstances.

    • Focusing on the process over perfection in cooking and lifeAppreciate the journey, save time with friends, and honor wise women in our lives. Quince offers affordable luxury and Airbnb provides income and memorable experiences.

      Focusing on the process rather than perfection is key to a successful and enjoyable cooking experience. Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa, shared her struggles with multitasking and the distractions of conversation while preparing a meal. She emphasized the importance of saving time with friends and not getting too anxious about every detail. Garten also highlighted the importance of appreciating the women in our lives and the impact they have on us. Maker's Mark, a sponsor of the show, offers a personalized labeling service for honoring wise women in our lives. The brand also donates to Vital Voices, an organization that invests in women leaders tackling global challenges. Quince, another show sponsor, provides luxury essentials at affordable prices, allowing everyone to have quality pieces in their wardrobe. By cutting out the middleman, Quince passes the savings on to consumers while maintaining ethical and responsible manufacturing practices. Airbnb hosting not only provides extra income but also offers an opportunity to share one's space and contribute to a memorable vacation experience for guests.

    • Embrace and transform what you haveStay true to yourself and make the most of your home or personal style, whether it's through hosting on Airbnb or staying confident in your own skin.

      No matter what you have, be it a home or a personal style, there's potential for transformation and value. For your home, consider hosting on Airbnb to turn it into a practical and even profitable venture. For your personal style, have confidence in who you are and stay true to it. Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa, shares her experience of sticking to her signature comfortable style despite criticism and internal doubts. Similarly, she values her marriage as a source of stability and freedom. Through her journey, she emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and making decisions based on instincts. Whether it's in hosting or personal style, Ina's advice is to embrace what you have and make the most of it.

    • From traditional roles to personal growth partnershipThrough mutual respect and understanding, a marriage can evolve into a partnership where both individuals pursue personal goals and make unconventional decisions, leading to personal growth.

      The speaker's marriage, which began in the traditional roles of the 1970s, evolved into a partnership where both individuals were encouraged to pursue their personal goals and desires. This shift was facilitated by their mutual respect and understanding of each other's needs. Another significant decision they made together was choosing not to have children, which was unconventional at the time but ultimately allowed them to focus on their individual careers and personal growth. The speaker's certainty in her choices, which she discovered while writing her memoir, gave her a newfound confidence in her identity and the consistency of her life's decisions.

    • Surround yourself with positive energy and eliminate toxic relationshipsRecognize and eliminate toxic relationships, prioritize authentic friendships, and make new intentional connections.

      As we age, it's important to surround ourselves with positive energy and eliminate toxic relationships. Passive aggressive people who manipulate situations to control others can be particularly damaging. It's crucial to recognize when a relationship is causing unhappiness and make the difficult decision to move on. As we get older, we realize that not all relationships last forever, and it's essential to prioritize our own happiness. When it comes to making new friends, it's important to be intentional and make an effort to meet new people. The entertainment industry can make it easier to meet new friends, but it's essential to remember that friendships should be authentic and not based on professional connections alone. Ultimately, as we age, it's essential to prioritize meaningful relationships and eliminate those that cause harm.

    • Misunderstandings and New ExperiencesMisunderstandings can lead to embarrassing moments, but new experiences are worth the risk. Stay active and curious as you age to embrace life-changing adventures.

      While trying new experiences and stepping out of comfort zones can lead to great memories and adventures, miscommunications and misunderstandings can also occur, especially when language barriers are involved. For instance, Ina shared an embarrassing story about going to a hairdresser in Paris and accidentally asking for her husband to say a vulgar phrase instead of a simple request for a curly hairstyle. This experience, along with her attempt to speak French with President Macron, illustrates how even a little misunderstanding can lead to unexpected outcomes. Moreover, Ina emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself as one ages, such as going for a walk twice a week. She also expressed her excitement for new adventures, like traveling to the Arctic and going on a safari, which she described as life-changing experiences. Overall, Ina's stories conveyed the importance of embracing new experiences, even if they come with potential challenges, and the value of staying active and curious as one grows older.

    • From Challenging Childhood to Successful Food EntrepreneurIna Garten's unconventional choices and unique experiences shaped her successful career as a food entrepreneur, reminding us that everyone's journey is unique.

      Ina Garten, also known as the Barefoot Contessa, transformed her challenging childhood experiences into a successful career as a food entrepreneur. Despite growing up without much joy or agency, she made the unconventional decision not to have children in the late 1960s and instead found fulfillment through nurturing the world through food. Additionally, while some people, like Ina, can't stand cilantro, others, including Garten's interviewer, can't get enough of it. Interestingly, there's a genetic reason why some people perceive the taste of cilantro as soap-like. Garten's story serves as a reminder that everyone's experiences and preferences are unique, and it's essential to be mindful of them.

    • Gene-related variation in cilantro taste perceptionAbout 4-14% of people can strongly taste soapy flavor in cilantro due to a specific gene. Listeners can try Osea's skincare line for self-care and receive a discount.

      A specific group of people, approximately 4-14% of the US population, possess a gene that allows them to strongly perceive the soapy flavor in cilantro leaves. This gene-related variation in olfactory perception was discussed on the Wiser Than Me podcast, and the host's earlier estimation of 12% was surprisingly accurate. The episode, sponsored by Maker's Mark, also highlighted the importance of gifting self-care items to mothers, such as Osea's seaweed-infused skincare line, which offers clean, vegan, cruelty-free, and climate-neutral certified products to hydrate and nourish the skin. Listeners can enjoy a 10% discount on their first order with the code "wiser@osiamalibu.com" and receive free samples and free shipping on orders over $60.

    Recent Episodes from Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus

    Julia Gets Wise with Julie Andrews

    Julia Gets Wise with Julie Andrews

    On the Season 2 finale of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits at the feet of 88-year-old Academy Award-winning icon Julie Andrews. Acclaimed for her enduring roles in “Mary Poppins” and “The Sound of Music,” Julie brings a depth of wisdom from a lifetime in the spotlight. The pair discuss the restorative feeling of being in nature, their favorite curse words, and Julie’s 60-year friendship with Carol Burnett. Plus, Julia and her 90-year-old mom, Judy, talk about a life-changing health scare in Judy’s past and how it helped her find her creative voice. 


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


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    Julia Gets Wise with Gloria Steinem

    Julia Gets Wise with Gloria Steinem

    In this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 90-year-old author and revolutionary Gloria Steinem. The two delve into Gloria's remarkable journey as a pioneering feminist and discuss joining the army of gray-haired women who will take over the world. Gloria also gives Julia THE most incredible advice for aging without shame. Plus, Julia’s mom, Judy, recounts her early ambitions in acting and her initial reservations about working outside the home.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Gloria Steinem @gloriasteinem on Instagram. 


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    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL.


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    Julia Gets Wise with Vera Wang

    Julia Gets Wise with Vera Wang

    This week on Wiser Than Me, Julia connects with 74-year-old fashion designer and visionary entrepreneur Vera Wang. Get ready for some serious insight. Vera shares wisdom on good sleep, redefining herself after marriage, and her perspective on aging in the fashion industry. Plus, Julia and her mom, Judy, delve into the influence of mothers' style on their children and reminisce about their all-time favorite outfits.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Vera Wang @verawang on Instagram.


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month.


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    Julia Gets Wise with Anne Lamott

    Julia Gets Wise with Anne Lamott

    This week on Wiser Than Me, Julia gets schooled by 70-year-old author and Sunday school teacher Anne Lamott (Bird by Bird). Julia finds solace in subtle signs from the universe and learns the importance of shutting the hell up when it comes to parenting adult children. Anne also shares wisdom on recovery, perfectionism, and falling in love at 65. Plus, Julia and her mom, Judy, explore the inevitable role reversal that comes with aging parents.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 


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    Julia Gets Wise with Debbie Allen

    Julia Gets Wise with Debbie Allen

    On this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 74-year-old Debbie Allen, the iconic talent known for her work as a choreographer, actor, producer, director, and founder of the Debbie Allen Dance Academy. Debbie shares wisdom on mentorship, tough love, and thriving after rejection. Additionally, Julia talks about the origins of the “Elaine dance” and discusses longevity with her mom, Judy – inspired by Debbie's own mother, who is 101 years old.


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    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month.


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/

    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith

    Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith

    On this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia connects with legendary 77-year-old musician, poet and author Patti Smith. Julia and Patti reflect on the importance of expressing gratitude daily, life-changing friendships, and saying goodbye to the people we love through art. Plus, Julia talks to her mom, Judy, about a misleading family truism that ends in a nice little nap. 


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Patti Smith @thisispattismith on Instagram.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.   


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL.


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    Julia Gets Wise with Billie Jean King

    Julia Gets Wise with Billie Jean King

    Today on Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 80-year-old tennis pro, activist, and LGBTQ+ icon Billie Jean King. Billie Jean delves into the nature of leadership, visualization, and her long journey towards self-acceptance. Inspired by the sports legend, Julia asks Billie Jean for advice about her niece’s college soccer career, as well as revealing the original spark that lit her own love of sports. Additionally, Julia’s mom, Judy, reflects on her generation's acceptance of societal norms and the transformative power of the feminist movement.


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    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month.


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/

    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

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    Julia Gets Wise with Ina Garten

    Julia Gets Wise with Ina Garten

    On this episode of Wiser Than Me, Julia gets enlightened by 76-year-old cook and author Ina Garten. From working on nuclear policy at the White House and operating her famous specialty food store Barefoot Contessa, to penning best-selling books and hosting hit TV shows – Ina has done it all. Her culinary influence goes beyond technique; it's about simplicity and connection. Ina shares how aging has changed her taste in food and how she deals with passive-aggressive people.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Ina Garten @inagarten on Instagram.


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


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    This episode is sponsored by Mill, the effortless, odorless way to stop food waste at home. It's good for your kitchen and it’s good for the planet. Check them out at www.mill.com/wiser


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/


    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Julia Gets Wise with Beverly Johnson

    Julia Gets Wise with Beverly Johnson

    This week on Wiser Than Me, Julia spends time with 71-year-old supermodel and trailblazer Beverly Johnson. Julia and Beverly dive into modeling in the 1970s, including what it was like for Beverly to find out she would be the first Black woman on the cover of American Vogue. Julia and Beverly discuss self confidence, and the two open up about their experiences with menopause. Plus, Julia follows up with her mom, Judy, about being in front of the camera.


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Beverly Johnson @iambeverlyjohnson on Instagram. 


    Find out more about other shows on our network @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize.


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.


    This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com/wiser for 10% off your first month. 


    COVERGIRL is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their Simply Ageless Skin Perfector Essence. Learn more at covergirl.com. Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL.


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/


    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Julia Gets Wise with Bonnie Raitt

    Julia Gets Wise with Bonnie Raitt

    Today on Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 74-year-old music legend and Grammy Award winner Bonnie Raitt. Bonnie talks to Julia about performing live, the experience of external vs. internal validation, and managing grief. Julia also gets Bonnie thinking about her songwriting in a whole new light. Crying, laughing, raging -- this episode has everything. Plus, Julia discusses the deep emotions tied to meeting your heroes with her 90-year-old mom, Judy. 


    Follow Wiser Than Me on Instagram and TikTok @wiserthanme and on Facebook at facebook.com/wiserthanmepodcast.


    Keep up with Bonnie Raitt @bonnieraittofficial on Instagram and TikTok and @officialbonnieraitt on Facebook. 


    Find out more about other shows on our network at @lemonadamedia on all social platforms.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Maker’s Mark is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Celebrate the wise women in your life by creating a custom, personalized label from artist Gayle Kabaker today at www.makersmark.com/personalize


    Hairstory is a proud sponsor of Wiser Than Me. Check out their hero product, New Wash, today at Hairstory.com and get 20% off with code WISER.  


    For exclusive discount codes and more information about our sponsors, visit https://lemonadamedia.com/sponsors/


    For additional resources, information, and a transcript of the episode, visit lemonadamedia.com.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Related Episodes

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    Have Joy Anyway with Robin Shear

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    Robin Shear is a keynote speaker, joy coach and new author of Messy Joy: How Joy Can Begin Before Your Difficulties End (which went to #1 on Amazon's New Releases in Christian Self-Help). Robin shares her personal journey of seeking ways to serve others in a series of helping occupations. As one career came to a close, she prayed about whether she had failed. The Lord showed her that joy had woven itself through all of her previous work and led her to become a joy coach.

    Shear reveals how we can apply joy to the most hopeless struggles. She differentiates between "fluffy" joy and true joy, noting the difference between joy and happiness. Joy transforms our approach to recovery. Integrating joy with our goals makes the journey possible.

    We discuss how love is integral to joy and vital to therapy.

    Robin describes joy as a lasting and crucial thing. She explains the compelling need to share true joy. Robin clarifies how her use of #feelgood is not encouraging selfishness, but becoming better able to bless others.

    Shear defines joy as a collective and communal feeling of goodness.

    Shear lists the following steps toward living with the power of joy:

    • Believe joy is possible 
    • Embrace yourself as deserving of joy without having to earn it. 
    • Identify what inspires and uplifts you
    • Seek and implement sources of joy, customized to your needs

    Shear notes that coaching and therapy help trace the origins of struggles with receiving joy.

    We discuss how to plug joy into daily life. Joy shapes how we live more than what we do.

    Robin defines the benefits and details of living with gratitude as a key to joy.

    Connect with Robin Shear on social media at joycoachrobin or on her website at https://joytotheworldcoaching.com/. For free questions related to her new release, Messy Joy, visit joytotheworldcoaching/messyjoyquestions.

    Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at https://www.tinayeager.com/upcycled/

    Inside Voice Podcast - Episode 58

    Inside Voice Podcast - Episode 58

    Are you enjoying your life? Not the life you want to live one day or the life you idolize on Instagram. You life. Do you enjoy it? And if you don't, why not? Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. We are called to enjoy our lives as we lean into who He created us to be and the gifts that He gave us. So do that... live your life, enjoy it. How? Well, it starts with you; loving yourself, caring for yourself, challenging yourself with new things. It starts with you buying in to y-o-u.

    649 Stay Hungry

    649 Stay Hungry

    When life begins to come at you from all angles, stay hungry.

    Stay hungry for YOU!!!

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact   

    Stay hungry for your dream.

    Stay hungry for the passion bubbling inside you.

    Stay hungry for what God has blest you with.

    Create an appetite for aspiration. Your aspiration will keep that hope beating. You must keep that HOPEBEAT alive, beating strongly.

    The hopebeat is what will keep you striving and reaching when times get tough. It's your life's blood.

    Stay hungry.

    Don't let disappointment come into your life and rob you of who you are, who you are created to be.

    It's the trickles of loneliness, self doubt, and fear that becomes the flood that washes away our hopebeat.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Stay hungry!

    1. Stay motivated.
    2. Stay teachable. Be willing to learn.
    3. Be flexible.
    4. Fuel your mind and body.
    5. Hang out with like-minded individuals.

    Stay hungry! Because once you go down the road and take detours and make turns where you become unteachable, fat (a know it all), lazy, tired, worn down, where do you think your hopebeat is now?

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


    Resurrect your hopebeat. Stay hungry!!! 

    Join in the conversation: Share with your family and friends. #hopebeat Send me a private email at kristianne@createyournow.com And you can have your family praying for you. Come in our private Facebook group Women of IMPACT.


    MINDSET: If you are ready to create impact, let's start with your STORIES, your WHY, your CHANGE. What do you need to move you forward so you can take that next step. BREAKTHROUGH! This is a FREE 20-minute call where you discuss a part of your story, discover your WHY and answer the questions "Is the gain worth the change?". We will break it down and focus on 3 fast action strategies that will springboard you. Let's do this together! You were created on purpose, for a purpose. Stand up, and be STRONG! Be the Woman of IMPACT God created in you! 


    If you would like to go deeper and explore this further, let's get on a DISCOVERY CALL. Go to createyournow.com. This is free for you and for those serious about working with me! You will walk away with one new action to move you closer to your goals. You are worth the time!!!


    Would love to hear what you are working on.

    Send your challenges and celebrations to yourbestselfie@createyournow.com


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3



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    Click here for APPLE Users  https://itunes.apple.com/app/id972909677





    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    7. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    8. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    9. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails,be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    The Magic of Motivational Speaker, Jason Wrobel

    The Magic of Motivational Speaker, Jason Wrobel

    On this episode of Awesome Vegans, I head to the home of chef, actor, TV host, motivational speaker and overall magical man, Jason Wrobel.  While we talk a lot about food on this episode, we also talk about finding one’s purpose, and how we all make our way to being our best selves and being of service to ourselves, others, our planet and animals.  With energy, and mental and emotional nourishment, Jason really gives of himself in this episode sharing tips for joy, wellness, clarity and presence. In the end, it is all about creating joy and reducing suffering. You just might want to listen to this podcast twice.

    For more information, visit ElysabethAlfano.com.