
    Kam Patterson

    enApril 05, 2024
    What unique stage persona does Cam Patterson have?
    How has the N-word influenced Cam's comedy career?
    What are Cam Patterson's thoughts on Gucci and his fashion choices?
    What lessons did the speaker learn from criticism in sports?
    How does the speaker manage honesty in multiple relationships?

    Podcast Summary

    • Cam Patterson's Comedy Journey and ExperiencesCam Patterson shares his unique comedy style, rapid career growth, encounters with the N-word, and love for Gucci, expressing comfort and authenticity in his performances.

      During this conversation, Cam Patterson discussed his experiences in the comedy world, including his unique stage persona and his rapid career growth. He also shared stories about his encounters with the N-word and how it has impacted his comedy. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of the word, Cam expressed comfort with it, seeing it as a tool to connect with audiences and add excitement to his performances. Additionally, he talked about his love for Gucci and his decision to stick with slides as his signature look. Cam also shared his background, moving from Orlando to Austin after meeting Uncle Laser and starting his comedy career in Texas. Overall, the conversation highlighted Cam's confidence, authenticity, and dedication to his craft.

    • Embracing Opportunities Leads to Personal GrowthInitially hesitant about an opportunity, the speaker found success and personal growth by embracing it. Family support and determination played a crucial role in overcoming challenges and finding his path.

      Opportunities may initially seem daunting or unfamiliar, but they can lead to unexpected benefits and experiences. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of hesitating to accept an offer due to initial reservations, but ultimately found success and personal growth by embracing it. He also discusses the importance of family support and the influence of his upbringing on his perspective. Despite facing challenges and hardships, such as growing up in a challenging environment and trying to sell drugs before discovering stand-up comedy, he remained determined and eventually found his path. The conversation also touches on the topic of age and the impact of history on individuals and communities.

    • From struggling drug dealer to successful individualAcknowledging past mistakes, focusing on future, learning from experiences, and hard work lead to success.

      Despite having a past as a struggling and ineffective drug dealer, the individual has managed to turn his life around and find success through hard work and determination. He acknowledges the mistakes of his past and the terrifying experiences that came with it, but is focused on moving forward and building a better future. He has learned from his experiences and is now inspired by his large family background to have a family of his own, despite his young age. The importance of hard work and avoiding distractions, such as drugs and alcohol, is emphasized as key factors in achieving success.

    • The importance of strong support systems for young comediansHaving a supportive family and community can provide emotional security, protect against harm, offer a sense of belonging, and foster opportunities for growth in the challenging world of comedy.

      Having strong support systems, especially family, is crucial for young comedians navigating the industry. The presence of a father figure, who genuinely knows and cares for the comedian, can provide emotional security, protect against potential harm, and offer a sense of belonging. This bond can help the comedian stay grounded and focused amidst the challenges and loneliness of the road. Additionally, being part of a supportive community, such as the one fostered by Joe Rogan, can offer opportunities for growth and collaboration among peers, both established and emerging. It's essential for young comedians to take their time and be deliberate in their career goals, while also remaining cautious of potential exploitation. Ultimately, having a strong support system can make all the difference in the challenging world of comedy.

    • Judging People Based on Appearances is DeceivingStay true to oneself and don't judge others based on appearances. Focus on personal growth and ignore negative comments.

      Appearances can be deceiving and it's important to stay true to oneself. The speaker shares a story about a friend, Tony, who looked like a trustworthy and above-board person but had a criminal record. This experience taught the speaker that people should not judge others based on appearances and should remain authentic to who they are. The speaker also mentions how comedy helped him change and stay humble, and how he learned to ignore negative comments and focus on his own growth. The conversation also touches on the origin of the phrase "drink the Kool Aid," which the speaker clarifies and asserts that it's a part of black culture. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of authenticity, staying focused on personal growth, and being aware of the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

    • Meeting Martin Lawrence: Lessons from a Comedy LegendReflect on experiences, strive for growth, and stay grounded despite success and adversity.

      Even the most successful and legendary individuals face challenges and setbacks, and these experiences can help us grow and improve. The speaker shared his experience of meeting Martin Lawrence, a comedy legend, and how he saw that even someone at the top of their game still encounters difficulties. The speaker also emphasized the importance of reflecting on our experiences and striving for continuous improvement, even during moments of success. Additionally, the speaker discussed the extravagant purchases they've made, with a reminder that wealth and material possessions don't necessarily equate to happiness or fulfillment. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of staying grounded and focused on personal growth, even in the face of success and adversity.

    • Navigating Multiple Relationships with Honesty and BalanceBe honest with all your partners and avoid deceit to maintain healthy relationships. Helix Sleep offers comfortable mattresses with a current discount, and Squarespace is a great platform for entrepreneurs to create websites.

      Having multiple relationships can be navigated with honesty and balance. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges that he has multiple partners, but he ensures clear communication with each of them and doesn't deceive any of them. He also acknowledges that not all relationships can coexist peacefully and that some may challenge each other. He advises against deceit and emphasizes the importance of honesty in managing multiple relationships. The speaker also shares his experience with Helix Sleep mattresses, expressing his satisfaction with their comfort and fiberglass-free composition. He encourages listeners to take advantage of Helix Sleep's current offer of 20% off all mattress orders and 2 free pillows by visiting helixsleep.com/whiskey. Furthermore, the speaker expresses his appreciation for Squarespace, an all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs, and encourages listeners to try it out for creating and launching their websites. He also mentions his fondness for Tinder and the complexities of relationships, acknowledging that they can be mysterious and unpredictable.

    • Love and Reality vs IdealsIdeas and reality can differ greatly, emphasizing the importance of staying grounded in reality and persisting through challenges to achieve growth.

      The difference between ideas and reality can be vastly different. A young man believed he was in love with someone far away, but when he finally met them, it didn't live up to his expectations. This highlights the importance of keeping things grounded in reality and not getting lost in idealized notions. Additionally, the comedian in the conversation shared his experiences of starting small with one-night shows and gradually building up to longer performances, emphasizing the value of persistence and earning an audience. The origin of the phrase "it's a cakewalk" was also discussed, revealing its historical roots in mocking white slave owners' poor dancing abilities. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of love, reality, and the importance of staying grounded in the present while striving for growth.

    • The Power of Experiences and TechnologyLife's experiences, whether positive or negative, shape us in unexpected ways. Technology, such as TikTok, can bring communities closer and broaden horizons through learning and entertainment.

      Life's experiences, whether good or bad, shape us in unexpected ways. The conversation touched upon various topics, from the ease of performing in unfamiliar places to the impact of technology on culture and learning. The speakers also shared their personal struggles and how they overcame them. One intriguing perspective was the idea that the difficulties faced during slavery may have influenced the dance abilities and aging process of those affected. This thought-provoking notion was linked to the concept of karma. The conversation then shifted to TikTok, with its unique ability to bring communities closer and broaden horizons through learning and entertainment. Despite criticisms, TikTok has proven to be a powerful tool for growth and discovery. Personal stories were shared about overcoming challenges, including failing grades and aggressive coaches. The speakers emphasized the importance of perseverance and adapting to new situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of experiences, both good and bad, in shaping our lives and the role that technology can play in bridging gaps and broadening our horizons.

    • The pressure to perform can lead to intense emotions and consequencesExperiencing criticism can leave lasting impacts, but it's important to learn from mistakes and move on.

      The pressure to perform in high-stakes situations, whether it's in sports or any other arena, can lead to intense emotions and consequences. In the discussed scenario, the speaker experienced the harsh criticism of his coach after making a mistake during a basketball game. This incident left a lasting impact on him, causing feelings of embarrassment and anger. The coach's bullying behavior further intensified the situation, leaving the speaker with a deep desire for revenge. Despite the negative experience, the speaker learned to move on and understand that everyone makes mistakes. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of whiskey and golf clubs, with the speaker expressing his admiration for Rabbit Hole Distillery's Kentucky Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys and PXG's advanced golf club technology. Both the whiskey and golf clubs represent high-quality, innovative products that offer unique experiences.

    • Speaker's love for basketball despite challengesSpeaker's passion for basketball endured despite injuries and fear, highlighting the game's ability to bring joy and camaraderie.

      Despite the speaker's past experiences with basketball and even a severe concussion, his passion for the game remained strong. He shared stories of his ability to dunk and play competitively, even in his older years. However, a traumatic experience during high school left him fearful of getting back up after falls, leading him to quit playing. He also mentioned a friend, Adam Wray, who was known for his aggressive and competitive nature, often instigating fights during games. Despite the risks and challenges, the speaker's love for basketball and the camaraderie it brought remained a significant part of his life.

    • Unexpected opportunities from passion and determinationPassion and determination can lead to unforeseen chances. Support friends and cherish team camaraderie.

      Passion and determination can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared a story about being ejected from a football game and unexpectedly being put in as a running back. He had always dreamed of being a running back as a kid and was thrilled when given the chance. He mentioned his admiration for Barry Sanders and how he inspired awe in people much like comedians do. The speaker also shared how he discovered the comedian's talent and helped bring them onto a show. Outside of comedy, the speaker mentioned playing video games as a hobby. The conversation also touched on the importance of supporting each other and the camaraderie that comes with being part of a team, especially during the formative years. The conversation ended with a reminder that jealousy can be present but should be kept in check as one watches the growth of friends.

    • The speaker found stronger comedians in Austin and felt he could grow as a performer.The speaker sought a challenge in Austin's comedy scene and found inspiration from hip hop artists like Kendrick Lamar to take risks and push boundaries.

      The speaker's experience in the comedy scene in Orlando led him to feel stagnant and in need of a challenge. He found that challenge in Austin, where he encountered stronger comedians and felt he could grow as a performer. The speaker also mentioned his love for cinema and hip hop, and his admiration for rappers like Kendrick Lamar who aren't afraid to take risks and challenge each other in their music. The conversation also touched on the history of hip hop and the potential for a return to more lyrical and competitive verses. Additionally, the speaker shared a story about Diddy, speculating that he may have owned a house in LA as a front for drug operations and joking about the possibility of Diddy attempting to evade prosecution by seeking diplomatic immunity.

    • Challenging authority in the internet ageIndividuals can use the internet to challenge authority and share information, potentially leading to virality and meme culture. Belief in invulnerability can lead to reckless actions.

      The power and reach of governments and authorities can be intimidating, as they have the capability to physically remove individuals from their environment or even shoot them down. However, the internet age has given individuals a platform to challenge authority figures and share information, leading to potential virality and meme culture. The discussion also touched upon the concept of individuals reaching a point where they no longer feel the need to hide their actions, as they believe they have gotten away with it for so long. This was exemplified through stories of Diddy's alleged naked basketball games and Usher's interview about attending such events. The conversation ended with a reminder that talent and hard work can lead to success and the importance of supporting and uplifting fellow artists.

    • Persisting through the early days of comedyDedication, repetition, and constructive criticism are key to improving comedy skills. Stay true to your art and remain committed to your goals for eventual success.

      The journey to success in comedy, or any creative pursuit, requires persistence and dedication. The speaker recalls his early days of working on jokes with a friend in a simple living room setting, with just a couch and a mic stand. They honed their craft through repetition and constructive criticism, striving to make their material "retarded" enough to appeal to their audience. The ultimate goal was to make a living doing comedy, a feat that took time and hard work. The speaker also reflects on the importance of staying true to one's art and not getting distracted by material wealth. He shares his desire for twins and his unconventional idea of having one woman raise his child while he focuses on his career. Through it all, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying committed to one's goals and trusting that success will come with time and effort.

    • The Significance of a Name and Earning Credits in ComedyA name holds importance and earning credits is significant in comedy. Artists like Cam Patterson prefer being introduced by their names, focusing on the comedy's impact rather than extensive credits.

      During the conversation, the importance of a name and the significance of earning one's credits were discussed. Kendra's name was decided upon, with potential alternatives being Kamika, King, and Kingston. The names Cash and Crispy were also suggested. The conversation also touched upon the upcoming tour dates of a comedian named Cam Patterson, with performances in San Diego, Vegas, Springfield, Richmond Heights, Tacoma, and San Francisco. Cam expressed his preference for simply being introduced as "Cam Patterson, a great comic," rather than listing out extensive credits. The conversation highlighted the shift in value placed on credits in the comedy industry, with the emphasis now being on the comedy itself speaking for the artist.

    • Importance of making an impact and being knownSpeakers emphasized the importance of leaving a lasting impression and sharing personal messages to inspire positivity and self-expression.

      During their conversation, the speaker expressed the importance of making an impact and being known, even if it means being unconventional. They also shared the tradition of ending their episodes with a personal message or phrase for the audience. This tradition allows individuals to share a word or phrase that resonates with them, encouraging positivity and personal expression. The speaker's unique style and humor added to the overall impact of the conversation. Additionally, there were various references to whiskey and ginger, but the significance of these references was not clear without additional context.

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    34: Whose Meeting is it Anyway? The Power of Improv at Work: Erin Talks with Kate G Duffy

    34: Whose Meeting is it Anyway? The Power of Improv at Work: Erin Talks with Kate G Duffy
    A meeting of two storytellers. This week Erin Hatzikostas sits down with Kate G. Duffy for an interview that stretches from Pole to Pole. And by that, we mean boardroom to Saturday Night Live. They talk improvising, how it works and when it works best. What it's like giving presentations, or keynote speeches, and how you can connect with the room. How does improvisation add to authenticity? How is it rooted in great listening? Are we addicted to the wrong things at work? And what would you do with far too many nesting bowls?  Listen in for advice on Dialogue vs Debate. Improvisation vs Planning. Comedy vs...well, comedy wins this round. Especially with stories from messing with Steve Carell and a run-in with a pretend Billy Idol.  Follow and learn more about Kate: Business Improv: businessimprov.com Instagram: dufffah Twitter: dufffah Email: Blog: theparentingofparents.com/blog If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration! Here are some options... Check out the b BRILLIANT career coaching program @   b Cause Podcast Facebook group @ We share even more crazy stuff here (you probably thought that was impossible).  Take our simple, fun and insightful "What Kind of Dog Are You At Work?" by going to  We have so much fun stuff going on...we wouldn't want you to miss out - join the authenticity movement and our community by adding your email just about anywhere @  Check out our blog for more of our no-BS career advice @ We have fun and inspiring t-shirts @ DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsuitable for younger audiences.  Tweetable Comments: "I was so focussed on what I needed to do that I almost didn't notice who was in the room." "We help leaders to be more present, be more adaptable, and to say "no" with grace." "One of the best presentations I ever saw was just a series of questions." "Data is important, it's just not memorable." "So often we are not listening to people, we're waiting for them to be done so we can say our own thing. So it's very important to listen." "Dialogue is a good discussion, debate is coming in and trying to win the conversation." "You've gotta know your shit." "Our number one goal in every meeting should just simply be connection." "When I started improvising I became a better friend and family member, because I was listening to people, without an agenda." "We are just a bunch of matter walking around with vibrational frequencies, and by raising that frequency it brings out the better ideas in others." "For me, it's about taking the first big energetic step into whatever I'm doing, even if I don't feel it." "People ask me how I manage my nerves, and I put it down to simply making a good connection." "It's really hard to be a great listener these days, there are so many things to distract us." "We are distracted by our own internal monologue all of the time." "I've been in situations, where questions get weaponized."  "Floating boats...float  - Idioms are not your thing."

    #103 - COMEDY AND RECOVERY - Eddie Willcox - 20161104

    #103 - COMEDY AND RECOVERY - Eddie Willcox - 20161104

    Stand-up Comedian Eddie Willcox on the Curve the Cube Podcast

    An up-and-coming stand-up comedian, Eddie Willcox, is as genuine a guy as he is funny. This podcast came about practically overnight, as Eddie's energy was too infectious to wait!! You'll hear him share how and why he has recently reignited his zest for life and passion for comedy. Eddie leaves no stone unturned, gets very honest, and leaves me wanting to have him around all the time. And, after you hear him open up, make sure you're the next in line at his next show!! (I'll try to keep you as updated as possible on his schedule through social media!)

    You'll hear me call it episode 102 in the intro and outro because I had to unexpectedly bump my release schedule back by a week. (The actual episode 102 explains why.) So, I am so excited to FINALLY bring you this amazing episode with Eddie!!

    Follow Eddie on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

    This episode of Curve the Cube is sponsored by the Pizza Girls—West Palm Beach’s Top Spot for Authentic NY Pizza—from episode #17!!! They are located right in the heart of downtown, by the fountains where Clematis meets Flagler. Go in and have a slice! Or, order from them online, and they will give you 10% off of your first order. Don’t forget to follow them on social media and to keep an eye out for their food truck for delicious “Slices & Ices”!!

    New Pizza Girls Location!
    Garden Square Shoppes (PGA & Military Trail)
    The new location opening in the fall will include a craft beer and wine bar; so stay tuned to their website and social media for updates!

    Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    Music Beds courtesy of DJ John Hitta!!!
    DJ John Hitta

    To stay up on the latest with my guests, follow Curve the Cube on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | SnapChat (@CurveTheCube) | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube

    Copyright Flint Stone Media, LLC 2016.

    Jack Whitehall's Emotional Confession About His Dad, His Biggest Fear & His New Life!

    Jack Whitehall's Emotional Confession About His Dad, His Biggest Fear & His New Life!
    n this new episode Steven sits down with the British comedian, actor, writer and presenter, Jack Whitehall. Jack is a three time winner of the ‘King of Comedy’ at the ‘British Comedy Awards’. He began his television career as a presenter for ‘Big Brother's Big Mouth’ in 2008, before appearing on panel shows such as ‘8 Out of 10 Cats’, ‘Would I Lie To You’ and ‘Mock The Week’. He co-wrote and starred in the TV shows, ‘Fresh Meat’ and ‘Bad Education’, making his film debut with ‘The Bad Education Movie’. He appears with his father, Michael Whitehall, in the Netflix comedy documentary series, ‘Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father’. The two have also written a book together, ‘Him & Me’. Jack is starring in the new film ‘Robots’ available now in theatres and on demand. In this conversation Jack and Steven discuss topics, such as: How comedy is an escape for Jack Using comedy as a way to hide his anxieties His fears that his success can leave him at any moment How he struggles with achieving a work life balance His relationship with his father and aims for fatherhood Jack is currently touring the UK with his 2023 live show, ‘Settle Down’, tickets and tour dates are available here: https://bit.ly/3BTdeqF Follow: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ompM6Z Twitter: https://bit.ly/3IFnc2C Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    120: From Marketing Exec to Stand-Up Comedian with Heather Tolley-Bauer

    120: From Marketing Exec to Stand-Up Comedian with Heather Tolley-Bauer
    We all know what it is. That thing that we say, "If I ever win the lotto, I'll do (it) for a living." But what if your dream career, or even your hobby, can not only be the thing you do for your "real" career, but something you could use to make people laugh, impact lives, and leave a legacy? That's exactly what Heather Tolley-Bauer did. After relocating for her husband's career, she decided to try some new things. Her first new thing she turned into her career. Now she's a Momedian, helping women and couples laugh more, stress less, and so much more. Erin kicks off asking about "First Half Heather" - what was Heather's story for the first part of her life? She gives us the crash course: married, un-married, worked in corporate, got re-married, built a career in public relations and communications at a large bank, then she moved south with her husband, became a stay-at-home mom (or as she jokes, a stay-at-home alcoholic). But she wasn't happy about her new stay-at-home status, so took the next logical step: comedy. Heather tells of her first step into the world of comedy, and how she went from there to running her own comedy production company, Hyphen Up. She talks about te difficulties of getting started in comedy, how it's a young person's game, and mostly a young MANS game. But, as a savvy businesswoman, Heather created a show to hook her audience, and now it's a sell-out show.  A year into her newfound comedy glory, Heather was diagnosed with cancer. So, after the diagnosis, she really considered what she wanted her legacy to be, and she decided it involved comedy. Erin then asks Heather to discuss what it's like to raise awareness for cancer, what messages she wants to bring through her comedy, and her experience interacting and building relationships with audiences. They talk about empowering women through comedy; helping mothers realize they are better moms than they think, helping women to feel validated, and how it's fine for women to say no. Next, we find out why Heather has a vendetta against Influencers. They discuss the power of social media, and therefore the dangers, but also the possibilities, especially when you navigate it in an authentic way.  Website: hyphenup.com IG: @hyphen_up LinkedIn: HeatherTollyBauer If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration! Here are some options... Follow Nicole on LinkedIn:   Follow Erin on LinkedIn:   Check out the b BRILLIANT career coaching program @   b Cause Podcast Facebook group @   We even share more crazy stuff here (you probably thought that was impossible). Get your own copy of Erin's book by searching "You Do You Ish" in amazon or going to   Take our simple, fun and insightful "What Kind of Dog Are You At Work?" by going to   We have so much fun stuff going on...we wouldn't want you to miss out - join the authenticity movement and our community by adding your email just about anywhere @   Check out our blog for more of our no-BS career advice @   We have fun and inspiring t-shirts @ DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsustainable for younger audiences.  Tweetable Comments: "You sound so serious...that won't last long." "For the first time in my life I was a stay-at-home mom, and I was really pissed off about it." "I want people to embrace the part of their lives that makes up their story." "I can't play the young person game, I'm not a young person. But what I am is a really savvy businesswoman." "I was diagnosed with stage one colon cancer and that changed the trajectory of my entire life." "I was a total MILF. You know, a mommy interested in living past fifty." "I can love out of the spotlight and be fine; it's not my oxygen." "I understand what my purpose is, and it's not a Netflix special. It's making as many moms and women and couples laugh as I possibly can." "I am the first to admit I am not for everyone...and I don't lose any sleep over that."

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