
    Kansas just SUED Pfizer over COVID Vaccine Safety Claims. What’s next!? - Stay Free 389

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Russell Brand's Show Critique of BidenRussell Brand's daily show critiques Biden's coherence and questions the effectiveness of the current political system, encouraging listeners to stay informed and unite against globalist corporatists.

      Russell Brand's daily live show, available on various podcast platforms, provides insightful discussions on current news and topics, featuring interviews with notable figures. However, Brand also shares concerns about global events, including potential wars and the manipulation of systems meant to serve the public. He encourages listeners to stay informed and united against globalist corporatists. In a recent episode, Brand critiqued President Biden's coherence and questioned the effectiveness of the current political system. The show aims to galvanize and unify communities against the backdrop of perceived deceit and manipulation.

    • Political LandscapeDecisions in politics can have unforeseen consequences, such as the rise of populism from the financial crisis and potential conflict between nations

      The political landscape is complex and unpredictable, with consequences to actions that may not always be immediately apparent. For instance, the decision to bail out banks during the financial crisis led to the rise of both left-wing and right-wing populism. Meanwhile, global tensions continue to escalate, with NATO mobilizing half a million troops on the border with Russia, potentially leading to a larger conflict. Additionally, celebrities like Justin Timberlake can still capture public attention, even amidst serious global issues. It's important for individuals to consider the bigger picture and prioritize important matters, while also recognizing the potential impact of seemingly minor events.

    • Justin Timberlake's arrestThe proximity of Justin Timberlake's location to key institutions in Sag Harbor raised questions about his arrest, while global events and individual rights were topics of discussion in the speaker's commentary.

      The convenience of Justin Timberlake's location, being near the police station, courthouse, and fire department in Sag Harbor, New York, raised questions about his arrest and potential motivations behind it. Additionally, the NATO alliance's recent decision to coordinate weapons transfers to Ukraine, which could potentially prevent a future American president from curtailing military aid, sparked discussions about the role of global institutions in politics and the potential opposition to their goals. The media's focus on Justin Timberlake's arrest and the public's reaction to it highlighted the power of information and consensus in a small town. The speaker expressed concern about the implications of diplomatic settlements in the context of ongoing wars and the potential infringement on individual rights, such as the refusal of chemical tests during a DUI stop. The speaker also mentioned the Pfizer admission about their jabs causing miscarriages and encouraged viewers to investigate further. Justin Timberlake's next court date and upcoming performance in Poland added to the intrigue surrounding his situation.

    • Military draft, war spendingThe U.S. government's large military draft under NDAA and trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending raise concerns about priorities, with potential impact on millions and the possibility of a larger war, along with calls for addressing global corporatism and imperialistic actions.

      The U.S. government is planning a large military draft under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which could potentially conscript millions of young Americans for a bigger war. This draft comes amidst trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending, raising concerns about the priority given to war and national borders. Additionally, there's a call for addressing invasive global corporate forces and stopping imperialistic actions abroad. A solution for debt relief is also presented through Zero Debt USA. This draft, along with half a million NATO troops on high readiness, and the potential application to undocumented immigrants, could signal the precipice of a larger war. It's a critical time to consider reevaluating our priorities and addressing global and domestic political issues, including the influence of global corporatism and the role of institutions such as the media and judiciary.

    • Corporate prioritization of profits over safetyDespite facing crises and public scrutiny, corporations often avoid significant consequences, prioritizing profits over safety, and influence political processes through lobbying and donations.

      Corporations like Boeing, despite facing public scrutiny and even fatal crises, often avoid significant consequences and continue prioritizing profits over safety. The recent hearing in the Senate was criticized for being more of a PR exercise than a genuine trial, and concerns were raised about the influence of lobbyists and corporate donations. The history of similar cases, such as GM and Pfizer, shows that such calculations of cost versus human life are not uncommon. The public is invited to share their thoughts on this issue and consider the implications for figures like Fauci, Zuckerberg, and other powerful individuals or corporations.

    • Corporations and Regulatory BodiesIgnoring production standards and facing minimal accountability during Senate hearings raises concerns about objective decision-making in the relationship between corporations and regulatory bodies. Transparency and accountability are crucial for ensuring justice over corporate interests.

      The relationship between corporations and state institutions can raise concerns for objective decision-making, especially when it comes to regulatory bodies. The Boeing case serves as an example, where the company ignored production standards and faced minimal accountability during a Senate hearing. Similar questions can be raised about the objectivity of hearings surrounding Pfizer and other corporations. The government's role in maintaining the status quo and prioritizing corporate interests over justice was also discussed. The case of Pfizer marketing its vaccine as safe for pregnant women despite evidence of miscarriages highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in corporate practices.

    • Pfizer's ethical concernsPfizer's handling of its COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic raised ethical concerns due to evidence linking it to risks for pregnant women, downplaying myocarditis and pericarditis risks, misrepresenting vaccine effectiveness against variants and transmission, censorship attempts, and opting out of government funding, suggesting a broader agenda beyond public health.

      Pfizer's handling of its COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic raises serious ethical concerns. Despite evidence linking the vaccine to miscarriages, heart conditions, and infertility in animals, Pfizer continued to promote it for pregnant women. They also downplayed the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, and misrepresented the vaccine's effectiveness against variants and its ability to stop transmission. Pfizer's censorship attempts and decision to opt out of government funding further fueled distrust in the company. These actions, coupled with the wider context of the pandemic response, which included censorship, shaming of vaccine hesitancy, and the creation of categories of misinformation, suggest a broader agenda that goes beyond public health. The pandemic period may have been an attempt to test the limits of centralized authority and control, and the coming years may see a further push towards a globalist, corporatist new world order.

    • Crisis manipulationDuring crises, entities may manipulate information for their benefit, and it's crucial to stay informed and hold them accountable through legal actions and open communication.

      During times of crisis or hysteria, certain entities may exploit the situation and manipulate information for their benefit. This was observed during the pandemic, where governments, media, and corporations potentially acted nefariously. Now, as we look towards the future, it's crucial to remember these tactics and stay informed. Legal actions, such as the one against Pfizer in Kansas, can help hold these entities accountable for their actions. The pharmaceutical industry, in particular, has a history of questionable practices and should be approached with skepticism. It's essential to communicate openly about what we observe and learn from past experiences to prevent similar situations from arising again.

    • Corporate crisis managementDuring crises, corporations may prioritize self-interest over public safety, but critical thinking, open dialogue, and new alliances can lead to positive change.

      During times of crisis, corporations may prioritize their own interests over public safety, and the suppression of evidence and open discussion can perpetuate fear and division. However, there is hope in the form of critical thinking, open dialogue, and a willingness to form new alliances and look at things differently. It's essential to stay informed, engage in meaningful conversations, and work towards positive change. Remember, the next crisis may not be a pandemic, but it will likely bring its own unique challenges. Stay curious, stay informed, and stay engaged.

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    BREAKING: 5 States SUING Pfizer Over Vaccine Deaths & Tucker EXPLODES on Vaccine Makers - SF 395

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰.

    Lots of vaccine news. Pfizer is now being sued in 5 US States for spreading vaccine disinformation, doctors are seeing increased heart attacks in young people, and Tucker Carlson goes off about how we cannot sue vaccine manufacturers. Also, we discuss the upcoming US debates and the recent UK debates. It’s all kicking off! Remember to subscribe!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    REVEALED: Shocking US Secret About 9/11 & Alex Jones Forced to SHUT DOWN InfoWars - Stay Free 394

    Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit https://taxnetworkusa.com/brand and find your path to financial peace of mind.

    Order your Contagion Kit today at http://www.twc.health/BRAND use code BRAND for 10% off + FREE SHIPPING.

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Alex Jones has been forced to shut down Info Wars, five new US states are suing Pfizer over ‘vaccine misinformation’, the US unveiled new documents revealing Saudi Arabia’s potential connection to 9/11, and doctors are seeing increased heart attacks amongst younger people, I wonder why? Tune in for all this more! Remember to subscribe.

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    BREAKING: JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE, what does it really mean? With Neil Oliver - Stay Free 393

    Discover a new era of personal care, visit http://CHARLIS.beauty/Brand and use code “BRAND” for 20% off

    Visit http://herbdoc.com/brand for 25% off the product for Russell Brand viewers only!

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Julian Assange has been released! Coincidentally close to the elections too, Neil Oliver is on the podcast to join in on the conversation, Biden and Pfizer tried to censor X on the vax, and Douglas McGregor gives his thoughts on Ukranian conscription. Tune in for all this more! Remember to subscribe.

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    THEY’RE PLOTTING SOMETHING HUGE! Putin and Kim Jong Un meet - Stay Free 392

    THEY’RE PLOTTING SOMETHING HUGE! Putin and Kim Jong Un meet - Stay Free 392

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    Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at https://1775coffee.com/BRAND

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    What’s been going on in the world? Putin has met with Kim Jong Un and signed a mutually military assistant pact. Should we be concerned? In other news Crimea has been attacked by US rockets used by Ukraine killing 5 Russian beach goers, AOC goes absolutely mental in a rally, and Andrew Cuomo & Bill Maher have an interesting discussion about the Trump trial. All that and more to come! Remember to subscribe!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    “Something BIG is about to happen” - EXCLUSIVE Alex Jones Interview on INFOWARS shut down - 391

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Join us for an explosive episode featuring Alex Jones, the outspoken host of InfoWars and a relentless critic of the deep state. Jones delves into allegations that the FBI and CIA are conspiring to shut down his show, he discusses the reasons behind the current push to censor him, the likely situation of a full-scale thermo-nuclear war with Russia, and the targeting of those who dare to criticize powerful entities. We also explore the intriguing possibility of the deep state communicating with aliens. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion!

    Get your copy of his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Awakening-Defeating-Globalists-Renaissance/dp/B0CL1B31N5/

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    EXPOSED: Pentagon Ran Anti-Vax Campaign In Asia While CENSORING YOU! You Won’t F*cking Believe This!

    EXPOSED: Pentagon Ran Anti-Vax Campaign In Asia While CENSORING YOU! You Won’t F*cking Believe This!

    #1 prayer app in the world https://hallow.com/brand

    Visit http://herbdoc.com/brand for 25% off the product for Russell Brand viewers only!

    On today’s episode, I’ll be discussing the crazy unveiled story of how the US Pentagon was spreading disinformation to discredit the chinese COVID vaccine globally as uncovered by an investigative report published by Reuters. We’ll also be discussing how the legacy media falsely claimed Joe Biden at G7 was digitally altered, Candace Owens talking about Kanye West’s MK Ultra handler, black voters in Atlanta on Trump, and Rachel Maddow on Trump ‘pulling The View’. Watch the show for more!

    Kansas just SUED Pfizer over COVID Vaccine Safety Claims. What’s next!? - Stay Free 389

    Kansas just SUED Pfizer over COVID Vaccine Safety Claims. What’s next!? - Stay Free 389

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    Order your Contagion Kit today at http://www.twc.health/BRAND use code BRAND for 10% off + FREE SHIPPING.

    On today’s episode, I’ll be discussing Kansas suing Pfizer due to allegedly ‘misleading the public’ on vaccine safety, 500,000 NATO Troops are on High Readiness for War With Russia, Vaccine companies paid $79 billion in criminal penalties, Justin Timberlake has been done for drink driving, Biden malfunctions and Steve Bannon will be serving time with violent criminals and ‘sex offenders’. But what’s really going on behind all of this? Watch the show for more!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    WOW! CNN trying to SHUT DOWN Tucker Carlson’s Tour - Stay Free 388

    Visit http://www.CHARLIS.beauty/Brand and use code “BRAND” for 20% off

    Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at https://1775coffee.com/BRAND

    On today’s show - CNN wants to shut down Tucker’s tour for '‘dangerous and hateful rhetoric’, the state of Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID claims, Trump makes a visit to ‘the hood’, and do we need to start worrying about bird flu? What’s really happening here? All this and more to come!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    BREAKING: Putin’s Peace Deal REJECTED By NATO! - Stay Free 387

    BREAKING: Putin’s Peace Deal REJECTED By NATO! - Stay Free 387

    Call Tax Network USA 1(800)245-6000 or visit https://taxnetworkusa.com/brand

    Visit http://www.Brickhouserussell.com and use promo code BRAND for 15% off AND free shipping.

    First, we dive into the heated decision behind NATO's rejection of Putin’s peace deal and uncover the conditions Russia demanded. Then, don’t miss our exclusive interview with Rumble’s CEO and founder, Chris Pavlovski. Discover the startling truth about YouTube's manipulation of information, the real reasons behind the media’s assault on Rumble, and the platform’s bold vision for the future. Join us for this and much more!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    Biden MALFUNCTIONS At G7 Summit - Replacement Imminent?!

    Biden MALFUNCTIONS At G7 Summit - Replacement Imminent?!

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    As Joe Biden completely malfunctions at the G7 Summit, does this further demonstrate how implausible it is that he actually runs the United States? And as his administration commit financial aid to Ukraine for the next ten years, is this even more reason to know who exactly DOES run the country?