
    THEY’RE PLOTTING SOMETHING HUGE! Putin and Kim Jong Un meet - Stay Free 392

    enJune 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Russell Brand PodcastThe Russell Brand Podcast offers daily live shows with unique perspectives on current news, interviews, and discussions that challenge assumptions and encourage critical thinking, available on various platforms and with exclusive content on Locals.

      The Rumble with Russell Brand podcast provides listeners with daily live shows where they discuss and critique current news stories, interview notable guests, and offer unique perspectives that are often overlooked by mainstream media. The podcast covers a range of topics, from politics and world events to personal growth and spirituality. By tuning in, listeners can stay informed and engaged in meaningful conversations that challenge assumptions and encourage critical thinking. The podcast is available on various platforms, and live shows can be accessed by visiting rumble.com/RussellBrand. Additionally, the "Awakened Wonder Chest" on Locals offers exclusive content and perks for fans.

    • Speaker's opposition to perceived oppressionThe speaker expresses frustration over business deals and government interference, advocating for free speech and decentralization as means of resistance.

      The speaker shares a story about stealing a hat during a holiday and expresses frustration over a business deal related to a song. He also discusses his opposition to the government and his support for free speech and decentralization. The speaker also mentions his disdain for Brian Stelter and criticizes him for spreading misinformation. Additionally, the speaker promotes Rumble and their new coffee venture, emphasizing the importance of free speech and ethically sourced products. The overall message is one of resistance against perceived oppression and a call for individual freedom and community independence.

    • Media power struggleTraditional media is losing its grip on information dissemination due to the rise of authentic, unfiltered content from independent platforms, but the danger of manipulated videos or 'cheap fakes' can mislead people and erode trust

      We're witnessing a power struggle between traditional media and independent platforms, with the latter gaining popularity due to their ability to provide authentic, unfiltered content. Brian Stelter's central message in the clip was a warning about the dangers of manipulated videos, or "cheap fakes," which can mislead people and undermine trust in information sources. The legacy media's concern is that people are no longer reliant on them for information, leading to a lack of nuance and understanding of complex issues. Meanwhile, figures like Donald Trump are using alternative platforms to bypass traditional media and connect directly with their supporters. The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia serves as an example of the complexity of reporting on global events and the need for diverse perspectives. Ultimately, the ability to create and share authentic content is becoming a powerful tool in the hands of individuals and independent platforms, challenging the dominance of traditional media.

    • Russia, North Korea, China allianceRussia's alliance with North Korea and China challenges the dominance of a unipolar world, potentially forming an anti-democratic, anti-Western international alliance.

      The geopolitical landscape is shifting, with Russia forging closer relationships with countries like North Korea and China, potentially challenging the dominance of a unipolar world. This comes as some countries, like the UK and the US, lean towards isolationism and focusing on domestic issues. Russia's visit to North Korea and the signing of a mutual defense treaty is seen as a significant boost for North Korea's isolated regime and a step towards building an anti-democratic, anti-Western international alliance. The motivations behind these political moves are complex and multifaceted, with power and control at the core. It's important to remember that the line between good and evil does not run between nations, but through every human heart.

    • Geopolitical tensions, democracy erosionGeopolitical tensions between world powers like North Korea, Russia, and the US are escalating, potentially leading to global conflict. Diplomacy and understanding other nations' intentions are crucial, as is addressing concerns over democracy erosion and tech manipulation.

      The complex geopolitical situation between various world powers, particularly North Korea, Russia, and the United States, is becoming increasingly volatile and could potentially lead to global conflict. The use of soft power and military power together, as seen in the potential treaty between North Korea and Russia, highlights the importance of diplomacy and the potential consequences of underestimating other nations' intentions. Furthermore, the erosion of democracy and the manipulation of narratives by big tech and powerful elites are significant concerns that undermine the legitimacy of current political systems. The ongoing crisis in Ukraine, with its suspended elections and foreign interference, is a prime example of these issues. Ultimately, the need for peace and diplomacy is more important than ever, and the potential consequences of a global conflict could be catastrophic for ordinary people. The ongoing debt cycle for many individuals and the potential for financial freedom through American financing is a separate but important issue that was also discussed.

    • Media biasMedia can present a one-sided view of global events, disregarding complex historical context and respect for self-governance. Seek diverse sources to understand different perspectives.

      The media, specifically The Guardian, can be biased and propagate a one-sided view of global events. The discussion highlighted The Guardian's negative portrayal of ordinary people and their confidence in Putin's responsibility for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, disregarding complex historical context. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding different perspectives and respecting others' right to self-governance, even if it goes against one's own beliefs. The speaker also criticized the media for presenting opinions as facts and encouraged viewers to seek out diverse sources of information. Additionally, the speaker shared historical examples of US involvement in conflicts and regime changes, arguing that the US has also acted unilaterally and illegally in the past.

    • Institutional Distrust, PopulismThe rise of populist figures like Nigel Farage highlights deep distrust towards institutions and authorities in Europe, requiring institutions to adapt to this changing climate. Controversial figures like Farage, whose views on immigration and border control resonate with many, are often dismissed by the legacy media but their predictions have proven accurate.

      We are living in a time of deep distrust towards institutions and authorities, particularly in Europe where the rise of populist figures like Nigel Farage is seen as a threat to the established order. People are increasingly questioning the virtues and principles behind the systems we have in place, and institutions will need to adjust to this changing climate. Nigel Farage, who is often compared to Donald Trump, has been a vocal critic of institutions like the media and the BBC, and his views on issues like immigration and border control resonate with many people. His predictions about geopolitical events, such as the war in Ukraine, have often been dismissed in the past but are now being recognized as accurate. The legacy media's handling of controversial figures like Farage and their attempts to discredit him echo the propaganda tactics used in the past. It's a complex and evolving situation, but one thing is clear: the status quo is no longer acceptable to many people, and radical change is on the horizon.

    • Russia-West tensions, UkraineInstead of escalating tensions with Russia through military actions in Ukraine, the West should focus on addressing real threats like Islamic extremism and collaborating with unusual alliances for significant change.

      The actions of the West towards Russia, particularly in Ukraine, have led to increased tensions and potential for conflict. The speaker suggests that instead of provoking Putin and engaging in military exercises in Ukraine, the West should focus on helping countries dealing with real threats, such as Islamic extremism. The speaker also acknowledges that unusual alliances may be necessary to bring about significant change. The conversation also touches on the desire for control of one's country and borders among people across the political spectrum. The speaker expresses concern about the reliability, transparency, and accountability of institutions and the potential for their collapse. The conversation also covers various topics such as religion, the Trump trial, and cyber attacks.

    • Politically motivated casesThe belief that some legal cases against high-profile political figures are politically motivated can erode trust in the justice system and hinder legitimate campaigns.

      The speaker believes the Attorney General's case against Donald Trump in New York, specifically the hush money trial, was politically motivated and unnecessary. He argues that if Trump were not a prominent political figure, the case would not have been brought. This belief in biased justice erodes trust in the system and hinders legitimate campaigns. The speaker also mentions the collapsing establishment and the unraveling of narratives in real time. Overall, the speaker expresses concern about the state of the justice system and its impact on political discourse.

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    Order your Contagion Kit today at http://www.twc.health/BRAND use code BRAND for 10% off + FREE SHIPPING.

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    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    Visit http://herbdoc.com/brand for 25% off the product for Russell Brand viewers only!

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Julian Assange has been released! Coincidentally close to the elections too, Neil Oliver is on the podcast to join in on the conversation, Biden and Pfizer tried to censor X on the vax, and Douglas McGregor gives his thoughts on Ukranian conscription. Tune in for all this more! Remember to subscribe.

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

    THEY’RE PLOTTING SOMETHING HUGE! Putin and Kim Jong Un meet - Stay Free 392

    THEY’RE PLOTTING SOMETHING HUGE! Putin and Kim Jong Un meet - Stay Free 392

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    Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at https://1775coffee.com/BRAND

    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    What’s been going on in the world? Putin has met with Kim Jong Un and signed a mutually military assistant pact. Should we be concerned? In other news Crimea has been attacked by US rockets used by Ukraine killing 5 Russian beach goers, AOC goes absolutely mental in a rally, and Andrew Cuomo & Bill Maher have an interesting discussion about the Trump trial. All that and more to come! Remember to subscribe!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰

    Join us for an explosive episode featuring Alex Jones, the outspoken host of InfoWars and a relentless critic of the deep state. Jones delves into allegations that the FBI and CIA are conspiring to shut down his show, he discusses the reasons behind the current push to censor him, the likely situation of a full-scale thermo-nuclear war with Russia, and the targeting of those who dare to criticize powerful entities. We also explore the intriguing possibility of the deep state communicating with aliens. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion!

    Get your copy of his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Awakening-Defeating-Globalists-Renaissance/dp/B0CL1B31N5/

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    On today’s episode, I’ll be discussing the crazy unveiled story of how the US Pentagon was spreading disinformation to discredit the chinese COVID vaccine globally as uncovered by an investigative report published by Reuters. We’ll also be discussing how the legacy media falsely claimed Joe Biden at G7 was digitally altered, Candace Owens talking about Kanye West’s MK Ultra handler, black voters in Atlanta on Trump, and Rachel Maddow on Trump ‘pulling The View’. Watch the show for more!

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    Order your Contagion Kit today at http://www.twc.health/BRAND use code BRAND for 10% off + FREE SHIPPING.

    On today’s episode, I’ll be discussing Kansas suing Pfizer due to allegedly ‘misleading the public’ on vaccine safety, 500,000 NATO Troops are on High Readiness for War With Russia, Vaccine companies paid $79 billion in criminal penalties, Justin Timberlake has been done for drink driving, Biden malfunctions and Steve Bannon will be serving time with violent criminals and ‘sex offenders’. But what’s really going on behind all of this? Watch the show for more!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    Visit http://www.CHARLIS.beauty/Brand and use code “BRAND” for 20% off

    Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at https://1775coffee.com/BRAND

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    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    First, we dive into the heated decision behind NATO's rejection of Putin’s peace deal and uncover the conditions Russia demanded. Then, don’t miss our exclusive interview with Rumble’s CEO and founder, Chris Pavlovski. Discover the startling truth about YouTube's manipulation of information, the real reasons behind the media’s assault on Rumble, and the platform’s bold vision for the future. Join us for this and much more!

    Check out social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand

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    As Joe Biden completely malfunctions at the G7 Summit, does this further demonstrate how implausible it is that he actually runs the United States? And as his administration commit financial aid to Ukraine for the next ten years, is this even more reason to know who exactly DOES run the country?