
    Kanye wants Parler, smartwatch showdown, and the Vergecast Hotline returns

    enOctober 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Social Media Landscape Shifts with New Players and PivotsKanye West's potential acquisition of Parler and its pivot towards uncancelable cloud services are part of a larger trend of new players entering the social media landscape and offering uncensored hosting for contentious online businesses, challenging the dominance of mainstream platforms.

      The social media landscape is undergoing significant changes with new players entering the scene, led by Kanye West's potential acquisition of Parler. Parler, once known as a conservative-leaning social media app, is now pivoting towards providing uncancelable cloud services for other online businesses, as it struggles to gain mainstream popularity. This shift makes sense as other companies like Right Forge and Rumble are also offering similar services to fill the need for uncensored hosting and support for contentious online businesses. The success of these pivots remains to be seen, but it's clear that the social media world is becoming more complex and fragmented, with a growing number of players vying for market share.

    • The Market for Alternative Social Media Apps: Parler vs. Rumble vs. GetterDespite competition, Rumble and Getter have been more successful than Parler in attracting influencers and monetizing services, while the long-term success of conservative-focused social media platforms remains uncertain.

      The market for alternative social media apps, particularly those focused on free speech, has become increasingly saturated. Parler, one such app, has struggled to gain traction due to its late entry into the market and being effectively banned from major app stores following the January 6th riot. In contrast, apps like Rumble and Getter have been more successful in attracting influential figures and monetizing their services through exclusive deals and incentives for content creators. The success of these apps can be compared to the streaming wars between Spotify and Apple Music, but for conservative radio hosts or influencers. However, it's important to note that the market for conservative-focused social media is still a developing one, and the long-term success of these platforms remains to be seen.

    • Alternative social media platforms expanding globally and positioning themselves as free speech havensRumble and Parler are growing their user base by catering to conservative audiences and onboarding banned content creators. Their success depends on app store gatekeepers like Google and Apple.

      Alternative social media platforms, like Rumble and Parler, are gaining traction not just by catering to conservative audiences but also by expanding globally and positioning themselves as free speech havens. For instance, Rumble has onboarded content creators with large followings who were banned from other platforms, such as Andrew Tate. While these platforms may not yet have the same level of popularity or profitability as mainstream ones, they are gaining legitimacy and growing their user base. However, their success is heavily dependent on the good graces of app store gatekeepers like Google and Apple, which have significant control over their fate. The recent return of Truth Social to the Google Play Store and the ongoing struggles of Parler illustrate this dynamic. Despite the challenges, these platforms continue to attract high-profile users, such as Elon Musk and Kanye West, who are seeking to regain control over their online narratives.

    • Emergence of Alternative Social Media Platforms and Economic InitiativesThe success of alternative social media platforms and economic initiatives depends on their ability to attract a large user base and scale up, despite growing interest and investment from high-profile figures.

      The political and technological tensions between big tech and right-leaning individuals have led to the emergence of alternative social media platforms and economic initiatives. While these alternatives are gaining traction and investment, they are not yet major competitors to mainstream platforms. The success of these alternatives largely depends on their ability to attract a large user base and scale up. The recent interest from high-profile figures like Kanye West in these platforms has brought attention and potential growth, but the financial and user base realities are still far from rivaling mainstream platforms. The future of these alternatives remains uncertain, and their viability could be impacted by the actions of larger, established players like Elon Musk and Twitter.

    • Battle for cultural influence on social mediaHigh-profile figures and investors pushback against progressive dominance on social media, impacting market dominance and cultural relevancy. Midterm elections could impact regulation under Biden administration.

      The ongoing power struggle between major social media platforms, particularly those with conservative leanings like Parler and Rumble, and their progressive counterparts, is not just about market dominance but also about cultural influence and relevancy. With high-profile figures like Kanye West aligning with conservative voices and investors pouring money into these platforms, there's a clear pushback against the perceived progressive dominance of mainstream culture. The midterm elections add another layer of complexity, as the outcome could significantly impact how social media is regulated under the Biden administration. Depending on which party wins control, we could see more investigations into foreign-based entities or a push for greater data privacy frameworks. Ultimately, the battle for cultural influence on social media is heating up, and the stakes are high.

    • Factors to consider when choosing a smartwatchThe Apple Watch Series 8, Pixel Watch, and Galaxy Watch 5 are top contenders. Consider best assistant, compatibility, battery life, design, and advanced health features when making a decision. Personal preferences and specific needs ultimately determine the best smartwatch.

      When it comes to choosing a smartwatch, there are several key factors to consider. Constant Contact, a marketing platform, can help businesses grow by reaching new audiences and automating communication. As for smartwatches, the Apple Watch Series 8, Pixel Watch, and Galaxy Watch 5 are the top contenders. In our discussion, we evaluated several categories including best assistant, compatibility with other devices, battery life, design, and advanced health features. While opinions varied, the Pixel Watch stood out for its design and compact, elegant look. However, it's important to note that the best smartwatch for you ultimately depends on your personal preferences and specific needs.

    • Comparing strap options and customizability for smartwatchesThe Apple Watch and Samsung watches offer more strap choices and are easier to customize than the Pixel Watch, with the Samsung watch's standard pin size providing even more convenience for users.

      When it comes to wearability and customization options for smartwatches, both the Apple Watch and Samsung's latest offerings have their pros and cons. The speakers agreed that the Pixel Watch is a nice-looking device, but it falls short in terms of strap options and customizability. The Apple Watch and Samsung watches, on the other hand, offer a wider range of strap choices and are easier to find replacements for. However, the speakers noted that the Apple Watch's straps are overpriced and that third-party options are readily available. The Samsung watch, with its standard watch pin size, offers even more convenience as it can be paired with a vast array of straps available in the market. The speakers also mentioned that the Pixel Watch's proprietary mount and expensive straps are major drawbacks. Overall, while all three smartwatches are comfortable to wear, the ease of finding and swapping out straps gives an edge to the Apple Watch and Samsung watches over the Pixel Watch.

    • Smartwatch Preferences: Apple Watch vs SamsungFor fitness enthusiasts needing frequent band changes, Samsung's larger band ecosystem is an advantage. For day-to-day wearability and ease of use, the Apple Watch, especially with Siri, is preferred by some.

      When it comes to smartwatches, both Apple Watch and Samsung have their strengths. For those who frequently switch straps or engage in fitness activities requiring frequent band changes, Samsung's larger band ecosystem may be more appealing. However, for day-to-day wearability and ease of use, the Apple Watch, particularly Siri on the watch, is preferred by some. The user experience and reliability of virtual assistants, specifically Siri and Google Assistant, were debated, with some finding Siri more convenient for their specific use cases, while others found Google Assistant to be more reliable overall. The discussion also touched upon the difficulty of learning and using Samsung's proprietary band mechanism compared to Apple Watch's simple design. Ultimately, the choice between the two smartwatches depends on individual preferences and needs.

    • Apple Watch vs Google Assistant: A ComparisonApple Watch leads in smartwatch market due to better integration, larger app ecosystem, customizable watch faces, and improved battery life.

      Google Assistant outperforms Siri in terms of natural language understanding and ease of use for sending texts. However, when it comes to smartwatches, the Apple Watch takes the lead due to its larger app ecosystem, better integration with iPhones, and more customizable watch faces. Additionally, the Apple Watch has made significant strides in battery life, especially with newer models. While the Samsung and Google smartwatches have their merits, the Apple Watch excels in providing a more seamless and helpful experience, especially for those who use multiple apps and need to manage their work and personal life efficiently.

    • Choosing Between Apple Watch, Samsung Watch, and Google Pixel WatchConsider battery life and compatibility when choosing between Apple Watch, Samsung Watch, and Google Pixel Watch. Apple Watch offers best battery life for fitness and assistant features, but limited compatibility. Samsung Watch works best within Samsung ecosystem, while Google Pixel Watch offers most compatibility with Android phones.

      When it comes to choosing among the Apple Watch, Samsung Watch, and Google Pixel Watch, battery life and compatibility with other devices are important factors to consider. The Apple Watch offers the most reliable and consistent battery life, especially for users who prioritize fitness tracking and computer assistant features. However, it has limited compatibility outside of the Apple ecosystem. The Samsung and Google watches also have their strengths and weaknesses in terms of compatibility and smart features. The Samsung Watch works best within the Samsung ecosystem, while the Google Pixel Watch offers the most compatibility with different Android phones. Ultimately, the choice depends on your priorities and the devices you use regularly. If you're deeply invested in the Apple ecosystem, the Apple Watch may be the best choice. But if you prefer the flexibility of using different devices or ecosystems, the Samsung or Google Watch may be more suitable.

    • Leading smartwatches compared: Pixel Watch, Apple Watch, and FitbitThe Pixel Watch excels due to its compatibility with a larger Android ecosystem and flexible fitness tracking. Apple Watch pushes users to meet fitness goals but has limited interoperability. Fitbit offers a more holistic approach with forgiving fitness tracking.

      When it comes to smartwatches, the Pixel Watch takes the lead due to its compatibility with a larger Android ecosystem and more flexible fitness tracking features. The Apple Watch, on the other hand, has issues with its limited interoperability with other Apple devices and its relentless push for users to meet their fitness goals. Fitbit, with its more forgiving fitness tracking approach, comes in a close third, offering a more holistic and experienced approach to health and wellness. However, it's important to note that none of these smartwatches are perfect, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the user's specific needs and preferences. The discussion also touched on the topic of unlocking Macbooks with Apple Watches, but it seems that this feature works well for some users while others find it flaky and unreliable.

    • Apple Watch: The Top Choice for Fitness EnthusiastsApple Watch offers superior accuracy in tracking sleep and GPS, robust third-party app ecosystem, advanced health and wellness features, and a polished user experience, making it the top choice for fitness enthusiasts.

      When it comes to smartwatches for fitness enthusiasts, the Apple Watch stands out due to its superior accuracy in tracking data, particularly sleep and GPS, as well as its robust third-party app ecosystem. While Garmin and other rugged sports watches may offer more advanced features for hardcore athletes, the Apple Watch strikes a balance between fitness tracking and smart features for intermediate to advanced users. Additionally, the Apple Watch excels in health and wellness tracking, offering features such as fall detection and skin temperature sensing, which are not available or are less developed on other smartwatches. Overall, the Apple Watch offers a polished user experience and a strong ecosystem of fitness and health apps, making it the top choice for those seeking an accurate and feature-rich smartwatch.

    • Apple Watch vs Google Pixel Watch: A Comparison of Health Tracking FeaturesThe Apple Watch offers more advanced health tracking features and proactive notifications compared to the Google Pixel Watch, but the Pixel Watch has a strong design and potential for future software updates.

      The Apple Watch currently offers more advanced health tracking features and proactive notifications compared to the Google Pixel Watch. While the Pixel Watch shows promise as a first-generation device, it lacks certain features like heart rate alerts and hand washing timers that are standard on the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch also has a longer history of iterative improvements, making it a more comprehensive health tracking device. However, the Pixel Watch has its strengths, such as a strong design and potential for future software updates. The Samsung Galaxy Watch, despite having some unique features, was overshadowed by the advanced health tracking capabilities of both the Apple Watch and Pixel Watch. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference, phone compatibility, and specific feature requirements.

    • Google Pixel Watch 3 vs Fitbit Sense 2: A Battle of SmartwatchesGoogle Pixel Watch 3 offers better value with Google Maps and Google Wallet, while Fitbit Sense 2 has been nerfed with limited app options and choice of voice assistant.

      The Google Pixel Watch 3 has the potential to significantly improve upon its predecessor and potentially surpass competitors like the Samsung Watch and Apple Watch due to its brand new status. However, it's important to note that this potential depends on Google not abandoning the product. In the realm of technology, there's a current housing market-like standoff between buyers and sellers, with the Fitbit Sense 2 and Google Pixel Watch being two products caught in the middle. The Fitbit Sense 2, priced at $300, has had some features nerfed, such as the ability to have third-party apps and the choice between Google Assistant and Alexa. On the other hand, the Google Pixel Watch, priced $50 more, offers a better value with its smart features and the availability of Google Maps and Google Wallet. The decision between the two ultimately comes down to individual preferences and priorities.

    • The Disappearance of the Market for Traditional Car StereosCar stereo market stagnated due to lack of standardization in car dashboards, focusing on other ways to enhance car experience for kids instead.

      The lack of standardization in car dashboards has led to the disappearance of the market for traditional car stereos and stagnation in innovation. Neeliah Patel explained that in the 90s and early 2000s, car stereos thrived due to the standardized DIN slot in car dashboards, allowing for an arms race in cool features. However, as car dashboards and screens have become more varied in size and shape, there's no longer a standardized spot for a car stereo to go, making it a less viable market for innovation. Instead, there are attempts to integrate Android tablets into car systems, but the results are often disappointing. For parents like Gary in Canada, who are expecting their children to ask for iPhones due to peer pressure, it's important to note that the market for traditional car stereos has shifted and innovation may be slow in this area. Instead, focus on other ways to make the car experience more enjoyable for your child, such as fun and safe features or educational apps.

    • Managing Parental Controls on an iPhone without another iOS deviceUse Screen Time feature on the iPhone itself to manage content and privacy restrictions, as well as control which apps your child can use, including turning off iTunes and App Store purchases. For podcast apps, consider Castro for large podcast libraries and Pocket Casts for versatility and feature-richness.

      For managing parental controls on an iPhone when you don't own another iOS device, the best solution is to use the Screen Time feature on the device itself. You can set up a Screen Time passcode, which you would keep for yourself, to manage content and privacy restrictions, as well as control which built-in apps your child is allowed to use. This includes turning off iTunes and App Store purchases. Although this system can be messy and requires you to have the device itself to manage the settings, it's currently the most effective way to manage parental controls on an iPhone without owning another iOS device. Regarding the question about podcast apps, there is no one-size-fits-all answer as different apps cater to different listening habits. For instance, Castro is a great option for those who have a large number of podcasts but don't want to listen to all of them, as it allows users to separate their queue and their list of podcasts they're keeping tabs on. However, if you're looking for a more versatile and feature-rich podcast app, Pocket Casts is a strong contender, as it allows users to sync their listening progress across multiple devices. Ultimately, the best podcast app depends on your personal listening habits and preferences.

    • Podcast apps and chaptersWhile some apps offer advanced features like chapters, not all do. The Vergecast team wants to implement this feature, but the choice of podcast app depends on personal preference and desired features.

      While some podcast apps, like Pocket Casts, offer advanced features like timestamps as hyperlinks (similar to chapters), not all apps provide this functionality. The Vergecast team receives frequent inquiries about the availability of chapters in their podcast, and they express a strong desire to implement this feature. Pocket Casts is praised for its cross-platform functionality and numerous customization options, but some critics argue that apps like Overcast, which specialize in specific features like trimming silence, may be more suitable for certain listeners. Andrew, the sound engineer for The Vergecast, prefers listening to podcasts at their original speed and doesn't believe the need for trim silence features applies to their show. Ultimately, the choice of podcast app comes down to personal preference and desired features.

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    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    • Intro (00:00)
    • What Noise knows (00:29)
    • Beyond pricing (05:31)
    • Design and function (10:19)
    • Make in India (13:48)
    • Future — and outro (17:16)

    Photo credit: Noise

    Thoughts on Pixel 7, Pixel Watch, and Meta Quest Pro!

    Thoughts on Pixel 7, Pixel Watch, and Meta Quest Pro!
    The reviews are in! Marques, Andrew, and David all had the new Pixel phones and watches so they were able to each talk about their experiences with the products. After that, they get into the new Meta Quest Pro and talk about the metaverse and of course Among Us in VR. There's a lot to get into this week and of course, we have trivia questions! Hope you enjoy. Vox survey: www.vox.com/podsurvey Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Shop products mentioned: Google Pixel 7 at https://geni.us/mSSXkQf Google Pixel 7 Pro at https://geni.us/fQwcGw Google Pixel Watch w/ WiFi at https://geni.us/EHdG9KQ Google Pixel Watch w/ WiFi + LTE at https://geni.us/hXSRf0G Twitters: https://twitter.com/wvfrm https://twitter.com/mkbhd https://twitter.com/andymanganelli https://twitter.com/durvidimel https://twitter.com/adamlukas17 https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wvfrmpodcast/ Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Wearable Wonders: Navigating the Health Revolution with Smartwatches

    Wearable Wonders: Navigating the Health Revolution with Smartwatches

    Join us in this illuminating episode as we explore the booming world of smartwatches and wearables, with the insightful Dr. Greg Elliot. Discover how these cutting-edge devices are transforming the landscape of personal health monitoring. Dr. Elliot provides valuable insights into which health metrics are truly worth tracking and which might be better left behind. Tune in to stay ahead in the era of wearable wellness.

    This episode of Health & Fitness Redefined is brought to you by F^2 Consulting – Your Path to a Healthier Life and Financial Abundance! Are you ready to redefine your health and finances? Look no further. F^2 Consulting is here to guide you on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Founded by Anthony and Keith, two seasoned experts in finance and fitness, our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to achieve a harmonious balance between your physical vitality and financial prosperity.

    Explore Think Stocks, where Keith's financial expertise shines as he equips you with portfolio trackers to optimize your investments. Dive into Redefine Fitness, Anthony's realm, and access a fitness and nutrition app designed to sculpt your dream body and maintain peak performance. We are thrilled to offer listeners an exclusive 10% discount on all our services. Simply visit our new website, www.fitbodiesfatwallets.com , and embark on a journey of transformation today. With F^2 Consulting, health and wealth are within your reach.

    Hashtags: #SmartwatchRevolution #WearableHealthTech #HealthMetrics #PersonalHealthMonitoring #WearableWellness #DataDrivenHealth #HealthTechInsights #SmartwatchInnovation #TrackingHealth #WearableRevolution #WearableWisdom #HealthTechTrends

    Tags: smartwatches, wearables, health metrics, personal health monitoring, wearable wellness, data-driven health, health tech insights, smartwatch innovation, tracking health, wearable revolution, wearable wisdom, health tech trends, wearable technology, fitness tracking, health monitoring, health wearables, wellness tech, health data, health and technology, digital health, wearable devices, smartwatch trends, wearable health devices, fitness wearables, health and wellness.

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