
    Kay & Tay on Getting Cheated On, Divorced & Hiding Our 12-Year-Old from the Internet

    enJanuary 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Love and Relationships: Overcoming AdversityDespite past struggles with pregnancy, infidelity, and financial hardships, Kaye and Taye found love and success together through resilience, communication, and the ability to overcome adversity.

      Love and relationships can be complex and challenging, even for those in the public eye. Kaye and Taye, TikTok stars, opened up about their past experiences with pregnancy, infidelity, and financial struggles before their fame. Kaye got pregnant at 19 and had a 12-year-old daughter before meeting Taye, who also had a child from a previous marriage. They shared how their past experiences shaped their perspectives and how they chose to focus on creating memories together despite their financial struggles. Their story highlights the importance of resilience, communication, and the ability to overcome adversity in relationships. Despite the misconceptions and judgments from others, they have found love and success together.

    • The early struggles in a relationship shape our appreciation for successEarly financial challenges and hardships can make us more grateful for the growth and success that comes later in a relationship.

      The beginning of a relationship, no matter how difficult or financially challenging it may be, can shape and make us appreciate the growth and success that comes later. The speaker met his partner Kaye after a long deployment, and despite not remembering each other's names initially, they quickly formed an immediate connection. Their early days together were marked by financial struggles, but they looked back on their backpacking trip through Europe as a defining moment. The speaker acknowledges that he wouldn't be as appreciative of their accomplishments now if they hadn't experienced those early challenges. The couple's success on TikTok came from showcasing their authentic selves, with Kaye's humor and reactions being a major draw. They've faced disagreements in their marriage but believe that keeping the freshness and sweetness in their relationship is essential. Their journey serves as a reminder that the hardships we face early on can make the good times even sweeter.

    • Embracing disagreements in a healthy relationshipUnderstanding each other's personality types and learning to avoid triggers are essential for resolving conflicts in a healthy relationship. Vulnerability and emotional expression are key to a strong connection.

      Healthy disagreements and open communication are essential in any relationship. The speaker shares her experience of having disagreements with her partner, Taylor, but emphasizes that they are a sign of a healthy and growing relationship. She also mentions that understanding each other's personality types and learning to avoid triggers are key to resolving conflicts. The speaker also reflects on her past experiences, including a previous marriage and divorce, and how those experiences have shaped her current relationship with Taylor. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability and emotional expression in a relationship, and how those elements contribute to a strong and loving connection.

    • Investing in high-quality diapers leads to fewer blowouts and diaper rashHigh-quality diapers keep babies more comfortable and dry, reducing the occurrence of diaper rash and messy blowouts.

      Investing in high-quality diapers, like Huggies little movers, can lead to fewer blowouts and diaper rash, keeping babies more comfortable and dry for longer periods. Additionally, the speakers shared their personal experiences of starting relationships later in life, having both been hesitant due to past experiences but eventually giving in to the irresistible connection they shared. It took several months for their relationships to progress from friendship to something more serious. From my perspective, finding out that I would be a dad right away when starting a relationship was initially daunting, but the excitement and love for the new family dynamic ultimately outweighed any concerns.

    • Navigating the complexities of step-parentingStep-parenting can be scary and uncertain, but with time and effort, it can evolve into a deep and meaningful relationship.

      Becoming a step-parent involves fear and uncertainty, but can evolve into a deep and meaningful relationship over time. The speaker shares his experience of becoming a step-father, feeling initially scared and unsure, but eventually becoming an active and loving parent figure. He also discusses his past experiences with relationships and being deployed while his partner became pregnant, highlighting the challenges and complexities that come with such situations. It's important to note that mental health is a significant concern in the military, with higher suicide rates than in combat zones. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexities and emotional depth of family dynamics and relationships.

    • People's judgments can be based on incomplete or inaccurate informationPeople's assumptions can be misguided, highlighting the importance of considering the full context before making judgments.

      People's perceptions and judgments can be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. In this discussion, the speaker shared an experience where they met their partner after their partner's divorce, but the partner's sister publicly announced the end of the marriage before it was official. The speaker chose not to respond, but the incident highlighted the complexity of relationships and the importance of context. Both partners came from damaged pasts and were cautious about entering a new relationship. They eventually overcame their fears and built a strong connection based on trust and understanding. However, some people misunderstood their relationship and labeled it as fetish content due to their playful and affectionate interactions. This shows how people's assumptions can be misguided and how important it is to consider the full context before making judgments.

    • The Importance of Friendship and Trust in RelationshipsEffective communication, trust, and healthy boundaries are crucial for successful relationships. Red flags include controlling behavior and lack of autonomy.

      Having a strong and supportive friendship in a relationship can be an important factor in its success. The speaker in this discussion shares how her best friend and partner has been a significant source of help and companionship for her. However, she also acknowledges the challenges that come with long-distance relationships and the military lifestyle, which can increase the risk of infidelity. Despite this, she emphasizes the importance of communication and trust in a relationship. Regarding toxic relationships, the speaker doesn't have specific advice on detecting infidelity but shares her experience of experiencing control in her past relationship as a red flag. She was not allowed to have friends or access to money, which she now recognizes as unhealthy behavior. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of open communication, trust, and healthy boundaries in relationships. Additionally, the speaker promotes the use of Liquid IV hydration multiplier for hydration and wellness, especially for breastfeeding mothers. She shares her personal experience of using it daily and finding it helpful.

    • Experience of an Unhealthy RelationshipLeaving an unhealthy relationship, despite fear and difficulty, is crucial for personal growth and future happiness. It may take multiple attempts before it sticks.

      Unhealthy relationships, marked by jealousy, control, and constant checking, can be detrimental to one's happiness and wellbeing. The speaker shares her experience of being in such a relationship, where she was required to send constant updates and face intrusive behavior. She emphasizes that leaving such a situation, despite the fear and difficulty, is essential for personal growth and future happiness. The speaker also mentions that it takes multiple attempts to leave an abusive relationship before it sticks. She encourages those in similar situations to have faith that they will be happier in the long run. The speaker also discusses her decision to marry after a long-term relationship and living together, viewing it as a commitment and a logical next step.

    • Building a strong relationship before starting a familyFocusing on relationship stability and preparation can lead to a more successful family experience. Prioritize financial stability and open communication to prepare for a new addition.

      Focusing on building a strong relationship before starting a family can lead to a more stable and successful experience. The speaker shares her personal journey of prioritizing her relationship with her current partner before trying to have a second child. She emphasizes the importance of financial stability and open communication in preparing for a new addition to the family. The speaker also recounts the surprise and excitement of keeping her pregnancy a secret from her partner and involving her daughter in the reveal. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of prioritizing relationship building and preparation before starting a family.

    • Unexpected joy and love with a second childHaving a second child brings unexpected joy and love, despite initial concerns and age gaps. The heart expands to accommodate the new addition, and the bond with each child remains strong.

      Having a second child can bring unexpected joy and love, despite initial worries and concerns about an age gap or feeling that your heart may not be big enough. The speaker was surprised by her eldest child's happiness and relief that she didn't resent her for having another sibling. Additionally, the experience of having a second child brings new challenges and differences from the first, such as advancements in technology and baby gear. Despite these differences, the love for both children grows, and the heart truly expands to accommodate it. The speaker also shared some lighthearted moments about parenting, such as their children's quirks and habits. Overall, the experience of having a second child brings a unique set of challenges and joys, but the love and bond with each child remains strong.

    • Unexpectedly connecting over shared frustrations and experiencesThrough open and honest communication, individuals can build deeper connections by finding common ground in unexpected ways, despite discussing sensitive topics or sharing embarrassing stories.

      Both individuals in the conversation shared their experiences and found common ground in unexpected ways, leading to a deeper connection. The conversation touched upon various topics, including the importance of sugar-free children's vitamins, personal health issues, and past experiences. They discussed their frustration with hidden sugars in children's products and shared a special deal for Hiya's sugar-free children's vitamins. The conversation then shifted to personal health issues, with one person discussing their medication-assisted bowel movements and the other sharing an embarrassing story about hiding their bathroom trips from a significant other. Despite the TMI, they found humor in the situation and bonded over their shared experiences. Another topic that came up was the decision to move in together before marriage, which sparked curiosity about the experiences and challenges that came with it. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of open and honest communication in building strong connections.

    • People's experiences and circumstances shape their decisions about relationships and marriageUnderstanding and respecting individual experiences and choices is crucial in relationships and marriage, as people's decisions can be influenced by various factors including past experiences, cultural norms, and health challenges.

      People's experiences and circumstances can greatly influence their decisions regarding relationships and marriage. For instance, some may choose to wait due to past experiences or cultural norms, while others may marry sooner due to financial incentives. Additionally, some individuals may face health challenges, such as autoimmune conditions, which can significantly impact their lives and relationships. In the case discussed, the speakers had different experiences and reasons for getting married, and their decisions were shaped by their unique circumstances. The military's financial incentives played a role in some marriages, but not all, and the speakers emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting individual experiences and choices.

    • Navigating autoimmune disease and postpartumAutoimmune diseases and postpartum can create overlapping symptoms, making it difficult to distinguish between them. Limited medication options while breastfeeding add stress and worry for mothers.

      Having an autoimmune disease and going through postpartum can be a challenging experience. The speaker shares how her symptoms can feel similar to having a fever or a COVID-19 infection, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. She also mentions the added stress of breastfeeding and ensuring her baby is getting enough milk, which can be especially challenging when dealing with hormonal fluctuations postpartum. The speaker's rheumatologist warned her to expect worse flares than before, making the situation even more challenging. The speaker can only take limited medication while breastfeeding, leaving her feeling helpless and worried about her supply and her baby's health. The speaker reflects on the blur of her first postpartum experience 12 years ago and how different this experience has been, but also expresses empathy for those struggling with breastfeeding and the emotional and physical toll it can take.

    • Navigating Unexpected Changes: Meal Planning and Career ShiftsDiscovering Factor meal delivery services alleviates meal planning stress, while open communication clarifies misconceptions about career shifts and family life

      Life can bring unexpected changes, and it's essential to adapt and find solutions to simplify daily challenges. During a podcast episode, the hosts discussed their experiences with their newborn baby and the mental load of meal planning for their family. They expressed gratitude for Factor meal delivery services, which offer ready-to-eat meals with various options and no prep work, reducing meal planning stress. Another topic touched upon was their families' reactions to their sudden career change and the misconceptions people might have. They shared that their families have been supportive and proud of their content creation journey, despite some misconceptions, such as assuming they don't love their first daughter because they don't show her often on their content. The hosts clarified that their children have a choice to be part of their public life and that they respect their privacy. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of open communication, understanding, and finding practical solutions to make life easier during significant changes.

    • Putting children's needs firstStay focused on what's best for the child, ignore negative comments, and stay true to our values as parents.

      As parents, making decisions for our children based on their best interests should be our priority, even if it means facing criticism and misconceptions from others. In the discussion, it became clear that the decision to not post a child on social media does not reflect a lack of love or inclusion. However, it can lead to misunderstandings and negative comments from people who don't fully understand the situation. Despite this, it's essential to stay focused on what's best for the child and not let external pressures sway our decisions. The speakers shared their experiences of dealing with such situations and emphasized the importance of staying true to ourselves and our values as parents. They also highlighted the need to ignore the hateful comments and focus on the support and understanding of those close to us. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of putting our children's needs first and not being swayed by external opinions.

    • Assumptions can create unnecessary controversiesAssumptions can lead to misunderstandings and disrespect, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual choices and experiences.

      People's perceptions can be influenced by false assumptions, leading to unnecessary controversies. For instance, in the podcast discussion, the guests mentioned that some people assumed a young-looking woman with a 12-year-old child must be lying about her age, creating a controversy where none was necessary. Additionally, the guests emphasized that everyone has unique preferences and experiences, and it's essential to respect those differences. The podcast also highlighted the importance of sharing personal stories to help others who might be going through similar experiences. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of not jumping to conclusions and respecting individual choices and experiences.

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    Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of you. Contentment around the table; a blessing in your every day.

    Some people look for happiness in activities and projects. Others find it buried in work.

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    But nothing is better than what happens around the table.

    This Thanksgiving we stayed at home like most families.

    However, it gets me thinking about those who are unsettled and not happy or content with where they are.

    Life is too precious to let one day go by without appreciation for what you do have. Good starts here...around the table.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Good starts here!

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    3. Create new memories where you sit.

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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.