
    Podcast Summary

    • A romantic sunrise cruise ends in tragedyLove can't shield us from life's unexpected twists and turns, even in the most loving relationships

      Love, even in its deepest and most enduring forms, can be shattered unexpectedly. On a fateful morning in February 2018, Laurie Eisenberg and her husband Larry, who were deeply in love and well-respected members of their community, went out on Lake Coeur d'Alene for a romantic sunrise cruise. However, their day took a tragic turn when Larry fell overboard and couldn't be found. Laurie was left stranded and in shock, and despite a massive search effort, Larry's body was never found in the frigid waters. The couple, who had been married for 14 years and had eight children, 15 grandchildren, and a great-grandchild, left behind a loving and close-knit family. The investigation into Larry's disappearance uncovered some unusual circumstances, leaving many questions unanswered. Love, it seems, can't protect us from the unknown currents of life, even in the most idyllic of circumstances.

    • A romantic sunrise cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene ends in tragedyThe apparent perfection of a couple's life can hide underlying complexities and conflicts, leading to unexpected outcomes.

      The seemingly ordinary life of Larry and Laurie Eisenberg took an unexpected and tragic turn when they went out for a romantic sunrise cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene. Larry's sudden death left his family in shock and grief. Years earlier, their marriage had also ended unexpectedly, leading to a confrontation between Larry and his children. The couple had built seemingly perfect lives before these events, with Larry teaching his children values of hard work and honesty. But beneath the surface, their relationship was not as it seemed. The cold waters of the lake, which held Larry's body, were as mysterious and unpredictable as the human heart.

    • Love and respect in later life partnershipsEven with past indiscretions, love and respect can lead to a deeply fulfilling partnership in later life, filled with shared experiences, growth, and mutual support.

      Love and respect can overcome past indiscretions and lead to a deeply fulfilling partnership. Laurie and Larry, who had both been married before, found happiness together in their later years. They built a beautiful life in Cougar Gulch, filled with travel, gardening, and shared experiences. Larry instilled in Laurie the importance of financial discipline, which she passed on. Tragically, Larry passed away in a boating accident, and Laurie shared the details of that day with investigators. She recalled that Larry's hand had slipped off the dashboard, causing the ignition to malfunction and leading to the accident. Despite her past infidelities, Laurie had come to deeply respect and love Larry, and his loss left her with profound sadness.

    • Lori's unexpected arrestDespite grieving the loss of her husband, Lori was arrested for grand theft and 40 counts of forgery, unrelated to the drowning incident at the lake.

      The events following the tragic drowning incident in the lake were filled with unexpected twists and turns for Lori, including her own arrest. While she was still grieving the loss of her husband, she was arrested and charged with grand theft and 40 counts of forgery, unrelated to the incident at the lake. The arrest came as a shock to Lori's family and added to their confusion and disappointment. The reasons behind the arrest were rooted in Lori and Larry's meticulous preparations for their annual camping trip, which involved organizing and stocking up on supplies in the weeks leading up to the trip. The investigation into the theft and forgery charges took place while Lori was still trying to come to terms with the loss of her husband, making it an even more challenging time for her and her family.

    • The Consequences of Betrayal in LeadershipTransparency and accountability are crucial in leadership roles to prevent betrayal and its severe consequences. Thorough investigations and effective communication are essential to minimize damage.

      Trust can be easily broken and the consequences can be severe. In the text, Lori, the executive director of the North Idaho Housing Coalition, had been stealing from the organization for years without detection. When the financial irregularities were discovered, she was put on administrative leave, but she and her husband, Larry, went on a road trip before she could be officially fired. The trip turned out to be a pivotal moment in their lives as Lori confessed to Larry about her actions, and they returned to Florida. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in leadership positions, and the ripple effects of betrayal on individuals and families. It also underscores the need for thorough investigations and communication in such situations to minimize the damage and protect all parties involved.

    • Ambition and deceit: A blurred lineDishonest actions, no matter how well-planned, can have devastating consequences for individuals and their families.

      The line between ambition and deceit can be blurred, leading to unexpected consequences. Lori Eisenberg, a housing nonprofit leader, had goals like seeing a rocket and riding in a fan boat before starting a new list. However, her life took an unexpected turn when she was accused of embezzlement, leaving her partner Larry in shock. The scheme was sophisticated, with Lori creating fake companies and invoices to steal money from the state and federal governments. The money was not used for vacations with Larry, but instead, some of it was given to her daughters, implicating them in the scheme. The genesis of Lori's scheme can be traced back to her differing attitude about money compared to her partner Larry. Despite her justification that the coalition was nothing before her, the consequences were far-reaching and damaging to her family.

    • Regret of Trusting the Wrong PersonTrusting the wrong person can lead to significant financial losses and even involve loved ones in criminal activities. Always do your due diligence before trusting someone.

      Trusting the wrong person can lead to significant financial losses and even involve loved ones in criminal activities. The speaker's regret of giving up her dream job to work for a friend who turned out to be a fraudster cost her dearly. The friend, Lori, stole close to $1,000,000 and paid the speaker a portion of it for a no-show job. The speaker's mother's anxiety and fear of being framed led her to pack up the house and leave town. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of due diligence and the potential far-reaching consequences of trusting the wrong person.

    • Larry Eisenberg's body discovery leaves unanswered questionsThe discovery of Larry Eisenberg's body did not provide clear answers about his disappearance, leaving suspicion and questions about Laurie's involvement.

      The discovery of Larry Eisenberg's body did not provide clear answers in the case of his disappearance. Laurie's reaction was shut down, and an autopsy revealed no water in his lungs, suggesting he died before entering the water. Despite her reputation taking a hit due to federal fraud and theft allegations, there was no concrete evidence to contradict her story. Laurie's past quirky behavior, including stealing materials from a previous job, raised questions about her motives, but her actions remained unexplained. Suspicion continued to grow, but facts were what mattered in the investigation.

    • A Mother's Deceitful DisappearanceManipulation and deceit can put others in financial and emotional burden, and may lead to serious consequences.

      Manipulation and deceit can have serious consequences. Laurie Eisenberg staged a disappearance, leaving her daughter Chrislyn in a state of uncertainty and financial burden. Chrislyn, who was already dealing with the responsibilities of motherhood, was manipulated by her mother into believing she was no longer responsible for her bail. However, when Laurie failed to appear in court, the responsibility and financial burden fell on Chrislyn. The scales fell from Chrislyn's eyes when she realized she had been manipulated once again. Laurie's disappearance also put her former boss, Carrie Thoreson, in a precarious position, as she could be blamed for Laurie's troubles. The search for Laurie fell on Chris Skinner, the bail bondsman, and his team of recovery agents. Laurie's cleverness on the lam made the search challenging, but they eventually discovered her location through the ping of her phone. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of manipulation and deceit.

    • Lori's Surprising Confession and Deceitful BehaviorLori turned herself in but her confession didn't provide new info. She lied about her whereabouts and grandchild's illness, making the investigation stall.

      The search for Lori Eisenberg led the investigators to unexpected places, including the involvement of Dog the Bounty Hunter and a surprise confession from Lori herself. Just as the team was preparing to hire Dog, they received a call that Lori had turned herself in. However, her confession didn't provide much new information about Larry's death, and the investigation seemed to stall. Brad Maskell, who was in charge of the investigation, was surprised by Lori and her husband's decision to go out on the lake in freezing temperatures. It was later discovered that Lori had been lying about various things, including her whereabouts and the illness of her grandchild. As the investigation continued, it became clear that Lori had been deceitful and had a lot to hide. Despite the efforts of the investigators, the case of Larry's death remained unsolved.

    • Suspicious Circumstances Surrounding a Rockets LaunchLori's search for water depth information and Larry's Benadryl overdose raised suspicions that Lori may have intentionally poisoned him to hide her embezzlement.

      Lori and Laurie's trip to Florida to watch a rocket launch was not as innocent as it seemed. Detective Maskill discovered that Lori had been searching for specific information about drownings and water depths in the Florida area before the trip. Additionally, Larry had taken a large overdose of Benadryl, which caused a delirium and left him in a defenseless state. On the same day Larry went missing, Lori was fired for embezzlement. If Larry had discovered her deceit, he likely would have left her. These circumstances led the detective to suspect that Lori may have intentionally poisoned Larry with the Benadryl to keep him from finding out about her embezzlement.

    • Laurie's Alleged Poisoning of LarryLaurie was charged with second-degree murder for allegedly poisoning Larry with Benadryl, but evidence of his voice at the lake and inconsistent findings from the medical examiner raised questions.

      Detective Maskol believed Laurie had given Larry a drink laced with Benadryl, which caused him to go overboard and drown. The detective found evidence of the Benadryl in a bottle of Naked Juice discovered in Laurie's purse after the boat launch. Larry's friends and family confirmed it was his voice in a photo taken at the lake, proving he was alive when they arrived. The detective hypothesized that Larry consumed the drugged drink and, in a delirious state, either accidentally knocked the kill switch out or had a struggle with Laurie, causing her to injure herself. The boat ended up dead in the water, and Laurie used the trolling motor to escape. However, when Larry fell into the lake, he washed up on shore instead of sinking, thwarting her plan. The medical examiner determined that Diphenhydramine toxicity caused Larry's death, but the lack of water in his lungs suggested a possible "dry drowning." Two years after Larry's death, Laurie was charged with second-degree murder.

    • Emotional Sentencing Hearing for Lori Eisenberg's Husband's MurderLori Eisenberg pleaded guilty but maintained innocence, leading to a heated sentencing hearing where her family demanded justice for her deceased husband.

      Lori Eisenberg, who was on trial for murdering her husband Larry, unexpectedly pleaded guilty but retained the right to maintain her innocence through an Alford plea. This decision led to a sentencing hearing where her family, including her former employers, stepchildren, and some of her own daughters, gathered to express their feelings and demand justice for Larry. The scene was emotional and intense, with some family members confronting Lori directly. Despite the lack of accountability and remorse shown by Lori, the families present made it clear that they loved and missed Larry deeply. The outcome was a sobering reminder of the consequences of deceit and betrayal within families.

    • A tragic accident leads to a web of deceitDeceit and denial can cause long-term damage, and the importance of truth and honesty in relationships cannot be overstated.

      The actions of Laurie and her family led to the tragic death of Larry Eisenberg, and the aftermath left a shattered family and a legacy of deceit. Laurie, who had been searching for a way to take her own life, accidentally caused Larry's death by putting Benadryl in a drink intended for herself. After his death, she manipulated the situation to avoid accountability, leading to a lengthy prison sentence. Her daughters and sisters were also involved in the theft of Larry's funds, but received lighter sentences. The family's dishonesty and denial have caused long-term damage, and the memory of Larry lives on through his children and grandchildren, who remember him as the honest man he was, rather than the painful final moments of his life. The case serves as a reminder of the consequences of deceit and the importance of truth and honesty in relationships.

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    Listen to “Murder in the Hollywood Hills” here:https://link.chtbl.com/mithh_social

    Listen to Keith’s interview with Terry Hall available to Dateline Premium subscribers: https://dateline.supportingcast.fm/listen/dateline-nbc-premium/after-the-verdict-death-in-the-hollywood-hills

    Listen to the episode about the murder of Crystal Taylor mentioned by Susan Leibowitz:https://link.chtbl.com/dl_onemoment

    Hear from the forensic sketch artist who worked on the Kristi Johnson and Crystal Taylor cases: https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/video/how-forensic-artists-aid-investigations-1077038147665

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    Listen to Keith’s original podcast on this story, “Murder in the Hollywood Hills” here: https://link.chtbl.com/mithh_social

    Resources: National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-4673 or online.rainn.org

    Listen to Andrea Canning and Keith Morrison as they go behind the scenes of the making of this episode in ‘Talking Dateline’:https://link.chtbl.com/tdl_thegirlwiththehibiscustattoo

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    Listen to the full episode of “The Road Trip” here: https://link.chtbl.com/dl_theroadtrip

    Watch the full episode on Peacock. It’s S28 E29.

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    Big thanks to this episode's advertisers!
    Hecla Mining Company and Mad Bomber Brewing.

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    Time Index:
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    Don't forget to visit the various news websites and read the full stories talked about in the podcast! You can also check out content on each property's  App, available for download now on your mobile device!

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