
    KYF #150: (Pt. 1) All I Really Need To Know I Learned In The Kitchen... {Kitchen Rules 1-5}

    enFebruary 26, 2016

    About this Episode

    We spend a lot of time in the kitchen, don't we? We pour our heart and soul into the foods we prepare to nourish ourselves and our families. Yet in the kitchen, so much more happens than what's on the surface. Sure, we make good food. Good and healing food. And.... we also make nurture relationships with our children and spouse... and friends. How we handle tasks, failures, and successes contributes to who we are as a person. Whether we grow into who God wants us to be... or whether we stagnate. Many of my life's lessons have come in the kitchen. And I know yours have, too. In this series, I'm sharing "kitchen rules" -- words to live by in the kitchen (and in the relationships, struggles, and successes that happen there). So we can grow stronger and better through our experiences there. Here are kitchen rules 1 to 5. Please share at show notes which rules spoke to you and why -- and also share if you like this series and want me to continue it! P.S. I was inspired to start this series by listening to another (unrelated) podcast in which the author shares "rules" for his field of business. I heard that and thought, why not? This will work for the kitchen, too! Because whatever field you're in, valuable lessons are there for the taking. Show notes, links, and video replay at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/150

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