
    Know Your Food with Wardee

    Wardee, wife and mom of 3, author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fermenting Foods", and lead teacher and founder of TraditionalCookingSchool.com, dishes up heathy, delicious, and easy family cooking with traditional methods, like sourdough and old-fashioned pickling. For links, show notes, and more, go to: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/podcast
    enWardee Harmon92 Episodes

    Episodes (92)

    KYF #173: Top 5 Essential Oil Resources

    KYF #173: Top 5 Essential Oil Resources
    Want to learn more about essential oils? Using them safely and confidently? Knowing whether to use topically, internally, with or without a carrier? Watch, listen, or read to learn my top 5 essential oil resources! For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/173

    KYF #170: Top 12 Reasons You *Might* Be a Traditional Foodie...

    KYF #170: Top 12 Reasons You *Might* Be a Traditional Foodie...
    You might be a Traditional Foodie if you find yourself doing any of these 12 things! Thanks to our members who contributed these! Listen or read to find out if you're a Traditional Foodie! For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/170

    KYF # 169: 6 Lessons Learned From 2+ Years Of Pressure Cooking

    KYF # 169: 6 Lessons Learned From 2+ Years Of Pressure Cooking
    I've been pressure cooking for more than 2 years. And guess what? Pressure cooking is easy... but not as easy as everyone says. Watch, listen, or read today's podcast because I'm sharing the things no one else tells you about pressure cooking. For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/169

    KYF #168: How To Get Back Into Healthy Eating After Vacation

    KYF #168: How To Get Back Into Healthy Eating After Vacation
    Ah... vacations. Love 'em! And hate 'em, because it's so hard to get back into healthy eating when you get home, right? Watch, listen, or read for my 5 tips to show you how to get back on track with healthy eating after vacation. Visit the show notes for links, video replay, and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/168

    KYF #166: The Easy Way to Garden — Done In 7 Hours Over 4 Days

    KYF #166: The Easy Way to Garden — Done In 7 Hours Over 4 Days
    Our garden was super easy to get in this year, taking just 7 hours over the course of 4 days. Now all we have to do is water, occasionally weed, and of course... eat the harvest (my favorite part)! Watch, listen, or read how we did it here. And share: anything you do that makes gardening easier? For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/166

    KYF #165: The Gut-Healing GAPS Diet Made Simple

    KYF #165: The Gut-Healing GAPS Diet Made Simple
    You've heard that the GAPS diet can really help you and your family with gut healing. But, you've also heard that GAPS is overwhelming. Well, GAPS *can* be that way. Or not! Here's how to make GAPS simple, so you can actually do it and heal with it. For links, video replay, and transcript, visit the show notes at: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/165

    KYF #164: "The Cave" Homemade Cheese Cave & Fermenting Chamber

    KYF #164: "The Cave" Homemade Cheese Cave & Fermenting Chamber
    Karen and her family are home fermenters living in a modern world where houses don't have cellars or cheese caves. And now they are bringing us The Cave: a chamber that can heat, cool, humidify, and circulate air for making cheeses, dry curing meats, and fermenting almost anything. For links and complete transcript, visit the show notes: For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/164

    KYF #163: Tips and Tricks For Homemade Ice Cream

    KYF #163: Tips and Tricks For Homemade Ice Cream
    “I hate the heat. When it gets above 65° F, I get cranky,” says my friend Jessica. No doubt about it. When summer hits, a big ole’ need to stay cool tops the list of dietary concerns! If you or your kiddos, like Jessica, get cranky in the heat and need to eat cold foods a lot during the summer to keep your cool… then you’ll find lots of reasons to make your own, like: you can work around allergies, you can save money over buying it, and you’ll create healthier homemade ice cream (and other frozen desserts). Get the book here: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/splendidscoop. Or get the show notes, links, and video here: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/163

    KYF #162: Overcoming Sugar Addiction

    KYF #162: Overcoming Sugar Addiction
    Today, most people eat between a quarter to a half pound of sugar each day. Yet, sugar makes us fat, suppresses the immune system, contributes to tooth decay, upsets hormonal balance, and so much MORE! That's why I'm sharing these 5 ways to help you in overcoming sugar addiction. For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/162

    KYF #161: 6 Ways To Banish Stress And Find More Joy In Your Kitchen And Your Life

    KYF #161: 6 Ways To Banish Stress And Find More Joy In Your Kitchen And Your Life
    Stress… I don’t think we take it seriously enough -- especially the profound effects it can have on you and your family and your health. Although I could talk about stress in our life, I want to focus this podcast on how to address stress in the kitchen -- 6 ways to banish it and find more joy there. For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/161

    KYF #159: Top 5 Healthy Real Foods You Should Be Eating

    KYF #159: Top 5 Healthy Real Foods You Should Be Eating
    Traditional or Paleo or Real Food? AIP, SCD, GAPS?? With all the labels and styles of healthy diets, it's no wonder we're a bit befuddled. There's an easy answer, and it requires no label, no "diet". It's just plain and simple common sense -- focus on healthy, nutrient-dense foods! In my opinion, there are 5 healthy, nutrient-dense foods everyone should be eating. For video replay, links, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/159

    KYF #158: 10 Reasons Real Women Should Lift Weights

    KYF #158: 10 Reasons Real Women Should Lift Weights
    I know what you're thinking... "Weight lifting is only for men!" Right? No, it's not. Lifting weights is especially awesome for women -- it helps us look good, feel good, and do good for our families and husbands. Here are 10 reasons real women should lift weights. For links, video replay, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/158

    KYF #157: 7 Traditional Cooking Mistakes You Might Be Making

    KYF #157: 7 Traditional Cooking Mistakes You Might Be Making
    Think you've about had it with picky eaters or being overwhelmed... and want to throw in the towel? Think traditional cooking just isn't worth it? I beg to differ! If you're completely fed up or just having trouble, the fix is usually something very simple. Instead of giving entirely... take a look at these 7 common traditional cooking mistakes. They're so easy to overcome and I'll show you how! Visit the show notes for links, video replay, and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/157

    KYF #155: 7 Sourdough Mistakes You Might Be Making

    KYF #155: 7 Sourdough Mistakes You Might Be Making
    If you're experiencing challenges with sourdough, the cause is usually something very simple you can tweak or change. So instead of throwing in the towel and giving up forever... Instead of sourdough being a struggle and a drain... Take a look at these 7 common sourdough mistakes. And if you're making any of them, stop. Just stop. For links, video recording, and more, visit the show notes at: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/155

    KYF #156: 7 Fermenting Mistakes You Might Be Making

    KYF #156: 7 Fermenting Mistakes You Might Be Making
    7 Fermenting Mistakes You Might Be Making | Had trouble fermenting? It can be a challenge to feel like you've got the hang of it. If you're having trouble, the fix is usually something very simple you can tweak or change. Are you making any of these 7 common fermenting mistakes? If so, take a step back, then start again using these simple suggestions. For links, video replay, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/156

    KYF #154: 8 Reasons To Love Pressure Cooking

    KYF #154: 8 Reasons To Love Pressure Cooking
    Why in the world is everyone so hot about pressure cooking? Okay, yes... with pressure cooking, the food gets hotter than boiling inside due to built-up pressure. But what's the big deal with that? From being healthy to tenderizing food like nothing else to being so fast... here are 8 reasons to LOVE pressure cooking.For links, video, and more, visit the show notes at http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/154