
    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges faced by independent political candidatesDespite successes and significant funds, independent political candidates may face lack of party support, making campaigns more challenging

      Larry Elder, a conservative political commentator and radio host, has had an impressive career, including a Hollywood Walk of Fame star and multiple runs for political office in California. Despite his successes, he faced challenges and criticism, particularly during his run for governor in 2021. Despite being the top vote-getter among replacement candidates and raising significant funds in a short time, he was not endorsed or supported by the national or state Republican party. This lack of support may have been due to his status as an outsider to the party establishment. Elder's experiences highlight the challenges of running as an independent candidate and the importance of party support in political campaigns.

    • California Recall Election: Close Call for DemocratsDespite being a late entry and outspent, Larry Elder came close to defeating Gavin Newsom in the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election. The election became a mono-topic focus on COVID-19, with Elder falsely labeled as anti-vaccine, allowing Democrats to mobilize their base and win.

      The 2021 California gubernatorial recall election was a significant political event, and Larry Elder, the leading Republican contender, came close to defeating Democratic incumbent Gavin Newsom despite being a grassroots candidate who entered the race late. Elder was outspent by a large margin but managed to garner over 4.9 million votes, with 38% in favor of the recall. The election became a mono-topic focus on COVID-19, with Elder being falsely labeled as anti-vaccine due to his opposition to mandates. The Democrats successfully turned it into a "stop the Republican takeover" campaign, leveraging the fear element and using Trump's image to mobilize their base. In contrast, in the 2003 recall election, the Democrat lieutenant governor ran as a replacement candidate, splitting the votes and allowing Arnold Schwarzenegger to win. If the same situation had occurred in 2021, the outcome might have been different. Ultimately, Elder's decision to get vaccinated became a topic of controversy, but he remains firm in his stance on the issue.

    • California's high cost of living and political climate driving residents awayCalifornia's high housing prices, political climate, and job-killing bills are causing a mass exodus of the middle class, with many moving to more affordable states and taking their voting habits with them.

      The high cost of living, particularly the astronomical housing prices, and the political climate in California are driving many residents away. A 71-year-old California native shared his personal experience of getting vaccinated despite having comorbidities, which he believes he would have survived COVID without. He also discussed the homelessness issue and the state's single-party Democratic government, which has passed job-killing and freedom-sapping bills, leading to the exodus of the middle class. The average house price in California is 175% above the national average, making it nearly impossible for many to afford. The history of Colorado, Phoenix, and Austin shows similar trends, with these states turning from red to purple and then blue as Californians move in and bring their voting habits with them. The indoctrination of young people in California to view Republicans negatively is a significant factor in this trend.

    • People are leaving high-tax 'blue' states for 'red' statesRepublicans and conservatives are moving from high-tax, heavily regulated states to states with lower costs, fewer regulations, and greater opportunities. Dissatisfaction with education and teachers unions, desire for personal freedom, and economic prosperity are driving factors.

      There is a significant trend of people, particularly Republicans and conservatives, leaving high-tax, heavily regulated "blue" states to move to "red" states with lower costs of living, fewer regulations, and greater economic opportunities. This exodus is driven by various factors, including dissatisfaction with the quality of education and the power of teachers unions, as well as a desire for more personal freedom and economic prosperity. The speakers also noted the hypocrisy of some government employees, such as teachers, who advocate for public schools but send their own children to private schools. The COVID-19 pandemic provided a stark illustration of this trend, as high-tax states experienced massive revenue losses while low-tax states gained significant economic benefits. Despite these issues, it remains to be seen how quickly and under what circumstances "blue" states like California might experience a significant shift in political alignment.

    • The Complexity of Political AffiliationsPeople vote based on a combination of charisma, policy disagreements, and deep-rooted beliefs.

      The discourse around political affiliations and the reasons behind them is complex and multifaceted. The discussion touched upon various topics, including crime in certain areas, indoctrination, charisma, and policy. It was suggested that people often vote based on their perception of what is in their best interest and the charisma of the candidate, rather than solely on policy disagreements. The case of Joe Biden was brought up as an example of a charismatic and influential figure who has managed to garner support despite controversy surrounding certain policies and actions. However, it was also acknowledged that there are deep-rooted beliefs and biases that influence people's political choices. Ultimately, it seems that both personality and policy play a role in shaping people's voting decisions.

    • Economic Challenges and Political DivideThe cost of living has risen significantly, causing hardship for many. The causes are complex, including the aftermath of COVID-19 and political policies. The political climate has added to the sense of unease, with concerns over election integrity and perceived double standards in justice.

      The current economic situation has led to significant increases in the cost of goods and services, leaving many people worse off than they were three years ago. The causes of this are complex, with some attributing it to the aftermath of COVID-19 and others to the policies of the current administration. The political climate has also contributed to a divide between the two major parties, with some feeling that one side is being held to a different standard of justice. Despite these challenges, there is a growing sense of concern and pessimism about the future, particularly in regards to the state of the economy and the political climate. The lack of outrage or action from certain quarters over issues like election integrity and alleged double standards in the application of justice has added to the sense of unease. The situation is complex and multifaceted, but one thing is clear: many people are feeling the pinch and are looking for answers.

    • 2020 Presidential Election: Base Manipulation and Independent AppealCandidates must pivot to the center and appeal to a broader electorate to secure victory in the 2020 presidential election. Trump may consider nominating a female running mate, while the Democratic Party's commitment to diversity could lead to a black female vice president nomination.

      The upcoming presidential election could hinge on how each candidate maneuvers their party's base and appeals to independent voters. The speaker expresses confidence in Donald Trump's ability to secure the Republican nomination and believes that Joe Biden, despite his age and controversies, will also likely be the Democratic nominee. The key to victory, according to the speaker, lies in each candidate's ability to pivot to the center and appeal to a broader electorate. The speaker suggests that Trump may consider nominating a female running mate, such as Kim Reynolds, Kristi Noem, or Carrie Lake, to help broaden his appeal. The Democratic Party's strong commitment to diversity and representation could make the potential nomination of a black female vice president a significant factor in the election. Ultimately, the success of both candidates will depend on their ability to connect with voters and navigate the complex political landscape.

    • Political Landscape and Social IssuesCautious pessimism about political landscape, addressing fatherlessness, urgency for social change, and commitment to equality and justice.

      The political landscape is filled with potential surprises and manipulations, as evidenced by past events and ongoing speculations. The left and right parties are preparing for the upcoming election, with concerns about possible interventions and underhanded tactics. The speaker expresses cautious pessimism about the current situation, but remains committed to addressing key issues, particularly the epidemic of fatherlessness and its impact on communities. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic about the potential for positive change and the importance of engaging in meaningful discussions and solutions. The CDC statistic of a young black man being 13 times more likely to be murdered than a white male in the same age group underscores the urgency of addressing social issues and working towards equality and justice for all.

    • Racial disparities in preventable deaths for young malesYoung black males face a higher risk of homicide, while young white males are more likely to die in accidents. Factors beyond fatherlessness contribute to these disparities.

      While preventable deaths vary significantly between young black and white males in America, the leading cause for young black males under 19 is homicide, often committed by another young black male. On the other hand, accidents are the leading cause of preventable deaths for young white males in the same age group. This disparity can't be solely attributed to fatherlessness, as some argue. The conversation then shifted to the speaker's personal experience with his own fatherlessness and its impact on his life. His father, who never knew his biological father, faced discrimination and hardships in the Jim Crow South during the Great Depression. Despite these challenges, his father served in the marines and eventually moved to California, where he met and married the speaker's mother. The speaker's conversation with his father led him to a deeper understanding of his father's experiences and the impact of systemic discrimination on his life.

    • The power of hard work and dedicationHard work and dedication, regardless of the task, can lead to personal growth and success. Our actions and attitude towards life can significantly impact our experiences.

      Hard work and dedication, no matter how difficult or menial the task, can lead to personal growth and success. The story of the father in the text, who worked multiple jobs and went to night school to better himself and provide for his family, demonstrates this principle. Despite the long hours and hardships, he instilled in his son the importance of hard work and resilience. The father's advice to his son, "You cannot control the outcome, but you are 100% in control of the effort," is a powerful reminder that our actions and attitude towards life can significantly impact our experiences. Additionally, the text emphasizes the importance of communication, understanding, and respect in relationships, as demonstrated by the father and son's eventual close bond and the parents' ability to argue passionately without demeaning each other.

    • Personal experiences shape political viewsIndividuals' political beliefs are influenced by personal experiences and values, sometimes leading to seemingly contradictory positions within the same party.

      Personal experiences and values shape individuals' political views and allegiances, even when they lead to seemingly contradictory positions. The speaker's mother, a Kennedy-type Democrat who became a Republican, and Robert Kennedy Junior's criticisms of the Democratic party illustrate this concept. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having children and passing on wisdom and joy to future generations, but acknowledges that not everyone may feel the same way. Lastly, the speaker shares his experience of being excluded from a presidential debate despite meeting all the criteria, highlighting the complexity and sometimes unfair nature of political processes.

    • Republican Debate Controversy: Elder's Exclusion and Calls for UnityLarry Elder believes the RNC unfairly applied debate criteria, plans to file a complaint, and remains focused on uniting Republicans against Biden, despite his exclusion from debates and criticisms of Christie and others.

      The Republican primary debates have become a contentious issue, with Larry Elder feeling excluded despite meeting the polling and donor requirements. Elder believes the RNC unfairly applied the criteria, potentially giving an in-kind contribution worth over $100 million to the eight candidates on stage. Elder plans to file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission and aims to participate in the upcoming debates. Despite this, Elder remains focused on the goal of ensuring Biden does not get re-elected, believing Republicans should unite against common issues rather than attacking each other. Elder also expressed admiration for Chris Christie, the only candidate he feels could potentially make a better president than Biden, but criticized Christie and others for their hostility towards Donald Trump. Elder himself chose not to participate in debates during his gubernatorial campaign, believing it would only benefit Gavin Newsom with ammunition for attacks. Elder's stance on the debates and his calls for unity among Republicans highlight the complexity and tension within the Republican Party as they prepare for the 2022 elections.

    • Republican Primary: Vivek Ramaswamy Borrowed Line from Larry Elder without AttributionDespite Vivek Ramaswamy borrowing a line from Larry Elder without attribution, Elder acknowledged its importance and continued to focus on issues like fatherlessness and homelessness in his campaign.

      During a discussion about the Republican primary race, it was revealed that Vivek Ramaswamy had borrowed a line from Larry Elder about the issue of fatherlessness without giving attribution. Elder acknowledged that while he was disappointed by this, he understood the importance of raising the issue. Ramaswamy has been criticized for other issues, including accusations of being "bought and paid for" due to his wealth and lack of political experience. Elder also discussed his thoughts on other candidates, including RFK, who he sees as a more rational Democrat but still part of the party that has locked out potential contenders like himself from the nomination process. Elder is continuing to campaign, focusing on issues like homelessness, fatherlessness, and challenging the narrative of systemic racism.

    • The false narrative of systemic racism in law enforcement leading to violent protestsDespite rare instances of police violence against unarmed black individuals, a false narrative persists, fueled by misinformation and amplified by media and political agendas, leading to violent protests and inequality in our communities.

      The perception of systemic racism in law enforcement leading to the Ferguson and George Floyd effects has resulted in a significant increase in violence and destruction, with the May 2020 Black Lives Matter protests being the deadliest in American history. Despite the misconception that police are indiscriminately killing unarmed black men, data shows that it is actually rare for the police to kill anyone, let alone an unarmed black person. Furthermore, most homicides are intraracial. However, a false narrative persists, fueled by misunderstandings and misinformation. The media and political agendas play a role in amplifying certain stories over others, creating a skewed perception of reality. It's crucial to acknowledge the infrequency of these incidents and address the root causes of violence and inequality in our communities.

    • Beyond the Democratic and Republican DividePolitical parties could differentiate themselves by focusing on new ideas and appealing to new audiences, rather than competing against each other.

      The political discourse in America is often framed as a battle between the Democratic and Republican parties. However, according to the speaker, the real divide goes beyond this, with the left promoting a perception of America as a country riddled with racism, sexism, and homophobia, while those on the other side believe in hard work, accountability, and personal responsibility. The speaker argues that both parties are missing an opportunity to differentiate themselves by focusing on creating new ideas instead of competing against each other. Using the example of Yellowtail wine, the speaker suggests that instead of directly competing against each other, political parties could focus on appealing to new audiences and offering unique solutions. The speaker believes that by doing so, they could attract more voters and make a significant impact.

    • Growing Government and Entitlement ProgramsDespite political challenges, it's crucial for candidates to effectively communicate their plans for reducing government size and entitlement programs while also having a compelling personality to win elections.

      The size of the government continues to grow, and entitlement programs are the main drivers of the budget. Republicans, including some presidential candidates, have proposed reducing the size of government, but the political climate makes it difficult to implement significant reforms without an amendment to the constitution. The American people need to be educated about the importance of such reforms for the long-term sustainability of these programs. The last two elections have shown that an anti-establishment message resonates with voters, and candidates like Trump and DeSantis have successfully used this approach. However, it's not just about having an anti-establishment message; charisma and a unique personality also play a crucial role in winning elections. Ross Perot, who ran a similar campaign to Trump but lacked personality, only received 19-20% of the votes. Therefore, it's essential for candidates to effectively communicate their policies and why they are better than their opponents while also having a compelling personality.

    • The Unique Impact of Trump's Persona and Marketing Skills on the GOPTrump's unconventional persona and marketing abilities have left a lasting impact on the Republican Party, making it difficult for other candidates to replicate his level of support.

      The unique persona and marketing skills of Donald Trump have left a significant shadow in the Republican Party, making it challenging for other candidates like Ron DeSantis to gain the same level of support. Despite DeSantis' impressive resume and accomplishments, particularly in handling COVID-19 and standing against wokeism, Trump's grip on the party remains strong. Trump's unexpected rise from being a reality TV star to a one-term president who maintained his influence over the GOP is unprecedented. The comparison to Billy Beane and the Moneyball story highlights how unexpected talent can be discovered and how factors beyond traditional metrics can impact success. In politics, the intangible qualities of a candidate's persona and marketing abilities can be just as important as their accomplishments.

    • Disruption of traditional politics by unconventional figuresMedia's entrenched perspective failed to recognize public sentiment shift towards unconventional politicians, emphasizing need for nuanced evaluation approach

      The political landscape and the way we select candidates have been disrupted by unconventional figures like Donald Trump. The traditional methods of analyzing candidates based on certain categories may not be effective anymore. The speaker shared his experience of encountering strong support for Trump among regular people during the 2016 campaign, which went against the mainstream media narrative. He emphasized that the media, including themselves, have been so entrenched in the political world that they failed to recognize the shift in public sentiment. The speaker suggested using a more nuanced approach, like the one depicted in the movie "Moneyball," to evaluate candidates based on a wider range of factors. He concluded by noting that the unexpected success of Trump and Joe Biden's late surge in the 2020 race demonstrate the unpredictability of politics.

    • Challenging outdated assumptions in leadership evaluationEvaluating potential leaders based on outdated assumptions and biases can limit success. Adapt to new trends and consider a mix of skills and qualities.

      The way we evaluate potential leaders or successful individuals can be influenced by outdated assumptions and biases. In baseball, scouts once believed that older players with traditional skills were the best choices, but a new perspective challenged this notion. Similarly, in politics, a non-establishment candidate's lack of a strong online persona and charisma might be overlooked, but these qualities can be crucial in gaining public support. Trump's unique combination of f you money, name recognition, and an unconventional personality proved this point. A successful candidate or individual needs a mix of skills and qualities, not just one or two. It's essential to consider the ever-evolving landscape and adapt to new trends.

    • Trump's Unconventional Approach to PoliticsTrump brought unexpected issues to the forefront, handled scandals unconventionally, and survived despite numerous allegations, changing the political landscape

      Donald Trump's presidency was marked by his ability to bring unexpected issues to the forefront and his resilience in the face of scandals. Trump's focus on border security and low regulations were assumed for a Republican, but he also introduced shocking topics like the border wall and rapists. The economy and healthcare were assumed to be the main issues, but Trump's unique approach made people reconsider. Trump's handling of scandals, such as his comments about John McCain, was also unconventional, as he never apologized directly but moved on instead. Despite the numerous allegations against him, Trump's approach worked for him, and he survived scandals that would have ended other politicians' careers. When trying to understand Trump's appeal, it's essential to acknowledge his unique qualities and the impact of his unconventional approach on the political landscape.

    • Obama's romantic past questioned due to focus on careerDespite speculation about Obama's past relationships, some believe his devotion to politics may have kept him from significant romantic connections. Critics also feel he played the race card excessively and failed to improve race relations, leaving some to question his true motivations.

      During a discussion about past presidents and their relationships, the question arose as to why there were no women from President Obama's past mentioned. The speaker suggested that Obama may have been too devout or focused on his political career to have a significant romantic past. However, the speaker also expressed disappointment with Obama's presidency, feeling that he had played the race card excessively and failed to live up to the expectations of improving race relations in America. The speaker believed that Obama ran for office before fully understanding the complexities of the role and played on the emotions of black voters to secure their support. In the end, the speaker questioned whether Obama's actions and beliefs were driven by his own motivations or external influences.

    • Media bias and hypocrisy in covering past scandalsSpeakers argued that uneven media coverage of past scandals and allegations against political figures, specifically Barack Obama, could have influenced electoral outcomes. The discussion touched on media bias, hypocrisy, and the role of reparations in shaping public discourse.

      The discussion revolved around the perception that certain media figures are bringing up past scandals or allegations against political figures, specifically Barack Obama, to expose what they believe is media bias and hypocrisy. The speakers argued that if these stories had been covered more extensively during Obama's presidency, it could have impacted his electoral success. They also touched on the topic of reparations and the perceived silence of former President Obama on the issue. Despite the heated conversation, it's important to note that no definitive evidence was presented to support the claims made about Obama's personal life. Instead, the focus was on the potential implications of media coverage and the role it plays in shaping public opinion.

    • Media's Double Standards in Protecting Political FiguresMedia inconsistently covers allegations against left-leaning politicians, while giving extensive coverage to accusations against right-leaning figures, highlighting the need for greater transparency and accountability in reporting.

      There are significant double standards in media coverage when it comes to protecting certain public figures, particularly those on the political left. During a discussion, it was pointed out that there have been allegations against various high-profile Democrats, such as former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that have gone unaddressed by the media. For instance, rumors about Obama's sexuality and Clinton's alleged involvement in scandals have long circulated online but have rarely been addressed by the media or the figures themselves. In contrast, accusations against former President Donald Trump, like the birther movement, have been widely publicized and debated. This inconsistency in media coverage highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in reporting on political figures and their alleged misdeeds.

    • Hillary Clinton's Role in Birther ConspiracyContrary to popular belief, Hillary Clinton's campaign was the first to spread the birther conspiracy theory about Barack Obama's birthplace during the 2008 presidential campaign.

      The birther conspiracy theory about President Barack Obama's place of birth, which gained prominence during the 2008 presidential campaign, did not originate from the Republican Party as is commonly believed. Instead, it was Hillary Clinton's campaign that first spread the rumor during an interview on "60 Minutes" in 2008. This was confirmed by journalist John Heilemann in his book "Game Change." The interview in question saw Clinton denying any knowledge of who started the rumor when asked by interviewer Bob Schieffer. The conversation was part of a larger discussion on Morning Joe, where the hosts were reflecting on the ongoing controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's handling of emails during her tenure as Secretary of State. The clip of the interview was mentioned, and the hosts attempted to locate it for their audience. The hosts also discussed the role of Sydney Blumenthal, a close advisor to Hillary Clinton, in spreading the rumor. The revelation adds a new dimension to the birther controversy and highlights the political tactics used during high-stakes campaigns.

    • The Political Landscape: A Battle Between Top-Down Opposition and Grassroots SupportDespite ongoing controversies, Trump's base remains loyal, and his effectiveness in combating opposition and growing support among previously Democratic voter groups continue to shape the political landscape.

      The media and political landscape has become increasingly polarized since the 2016 election, with different sides holding strong and opposing views. Trump's presidency has been met with resistance from the media, Hollywood, and big tech, who have criticized him relentlessly. However, Trump's supporters argue that he has been effective in combating this opposition by telling the truth and standing his ground. They also point to his growing support among previously Democratic voter groups like Hispanics and Black Americans, who are feeling the economic pinch of inflation. Despite ongoing controversies, such as the birther issue, Trump's base remains loyal, and he continues to be a formidable force in politics. Ultimately, the battle between the top-down opposition and the grassroots support will continue to shape the political landscape in the coming years.

    • Political Landscape and Open DialogueDonna Brazile discusses her experience with receiving debate questions and engaging in conversations on The Breakfast Club to challenge assumptions and foster understanding, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and personal accountability.

      The political landscape is shaped by a complex web of interests, including media, Democratic Party, Big Tech, Hollywood, and academia, which often present Republicans in a negative light. Donna Brazile, a political commentator, shared her experience of receiving debate questions to help her win the nomination. She also discussed her appearance on The Breakfast Club, a popular black radio show, where she was criticized for her views on systemic racism. Brazile believes that while the host and his audience may not change their minds, engaging in conversations can lead others to reconsider their assumptions. She shared a personal story from her high school days, illustrating how her experience challenged the notion of systemic racism against black people. Overall, Brazile emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and personal accountability in breaking down stereotypes and fostering understanding.

    • Emphasizing personal responsibility and hard workIndividuals, particularly in the black community, should focus on self-improvement and effort rather than solely blaming systemic racism for their circumstances. Personal responsibility and hard work are keys to success.

      Individuals, specifically those in the black community, need to focus on improving themselves and their efforts rather than solely blaming systemic racism for their circumstances. Larry Elder, a conservative radio host, emphasized the importance of raising one's game and putting in the necessary time and effort, as shown in a graph comparing homework completion between different ethnicities. Elder also shared his influence on various successful individuals, including Stephen Miller, Candace Owens, and Ben Shapiro, who have credited him with inspiring them in their careers. Overall, Elder's message encourages personal responsibility and hard work as keys to success.

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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

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    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Donald Trump Found GUILTY in Hush Money Trial | EMERGENCY PODCAST | PBD Podcast | Ep. 417

    Donald Trump Found GUILTY in Hush Money Trial | EMERGENCY PODCAST | PBD Podcast | Ep. 417

    Patrick Bet-David, Tom Ellsworth, Vincent Oshana, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump being found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the New York Hush Money trail. THE VAULT CONFERENCE FEAT. PATRICK BET-DAVID & DWAYNE "THE ROCK" JOHNSON:


    • Want your shot to win dinner with Patrick Bet-David? Win "The Minnect League Championship": https://bit.ly/4aMAar8



    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    Patrick Bet-David sits down with Billy Carson, founder of 4BiddenKnowledge!

    Billy Carson is an American entrepreneur, best known as the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, where he investigates ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and conspiracy theories, making him a prominent figure in the exploration of the unknown.


    • Buy Billy Carson's Latest Book: "Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets" - https://bit.ly/3Vv3xrV

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump's 'No Tax On Tips' campaign promise, the city of Los Angeles removing traffic signs that 'target' the gay community, Marc Cuban and Bill Ackman fighting on social media, and Sandy Hook families suing Alex Jones' for his social media accounts!

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth and Adam Sosnick cover Kevin Spacey's revealing interview with Piers Morgan, Elon Musk taking on Apple's new AI, Hunter Biden being a convicted felon, and Joe Biden's weird interview that's causing the internet to speculate he's wearing a mask!


    • VT Father's Day Collection: Purchase a Valuetainment wallet and get a FREE Future Looks Bright hat: https://bit.ly/3RpZQCI

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 13, 2024

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch, a public interest group dedicated to investigating and prosecuting government corruption. Fitton's commitment to transparency and accountability in government has made him a respected figure in the conservative movement. Fitton and Judicial Watch have been involved in high-profile cases including a FOIA request for Clinton tapes, advising Trump on retaining presidential records, seeking the release of the Tennessee Covenant school killer manifesto, and a lawsuit over an FBI memo on the protection of legacy tokens. —— Purchase tickets to The Vault Conference 2024 featuring Patrick Bet-David & Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: https://bit.ly/3X1JBzm Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2 Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4 Connect with Ricardo Aguilar on Minnect: https://bit.ly/4c7rxrY Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R Purchase Patrick's new book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD Register to win a Valuetainment Boss Set (valued at over $350): https://bit.ly/41PrSLW Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! Get PBD's Intro Song "Sweet Victory" by R-Mean: https://bit.ly/3T6HPdY SUBSCRIBE TO: @VALUETAINMENT @vtsoscast @ValuetainmentComedy @bizdocpodcast @theunusualsuspectspodcast Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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