
    Laurence Fox: Is the Right Going Woke?

    enMarch 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Having open and respectful conversations about sensitive issuesListening, empathizing, and engaging in respectful dialogue are crucial for creating a more inclusive and understanding world. Political action may be necessary, but grassroots activism and cultural shifts often bring about the most significant changes.

      Having open and respectful conversations about sensitive issues, even if they challenge traditional norms, is essential for raising awareness and understanding. Laurence Fox, a guest on Trigonometry, shared his experience of his child expressing the need for consent, leading him to reflect on the importance of empathy and love in fostering meaningful dialogue. Fox also discussed his transition from acting to politics and the importance of having a cultural impact, despite the potential backlash. He emphasized that while political action may be necessary, the most significant changes often come from grassroots activism and cultural shifts. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of listening, empathizing, and engaging in respectful dialogue to create a more inclusive and understanding world.

    • Police response to meme raises concerns about impartialityHeavy-handed police response to a meme led to arrests, raising questions about impartiality and the need for open dialogue and peaceful activism.

      The Hampshire Police's heavy-handed response to a meme criticizing the pride flag and the ensuing arrests of individuals involved in the situation raised concerns about the impartiality of the police force and the potential for a politicized law enforcement. The incident, which involved the removal of the chief constable, highlighted the need for open dialogue and debate, rather than escalation and arrests. The conversation around the role of smaller right-wing parties in the UK and their potential for unity and rebellion was also discussed, but it was suggested that a more effective approach to change might be through peaceful means and grassroots activism.

    • Concerns over woke ideologies in private schools and educationSpeaker advocates for conservatives to stand firm on traditional values, questioning unnecessary education content and ideologies, and creating a project to challenge the issue.

      There is a concern about the current state of politics and education, particularly in private schools, where there is a perceived emphasis on woke ideologies at the expense of traditional values and effective education. The speaker believes that putting pressure on conservatives to be more conservative is a more effective way to create change, rather than supporting smaller parties that might bring a Labour government into power. They also share a personal experience of their child being taught consent in a way that was confusing and unnecessary at a young age, leading them to question the content of education classes and PSHE. This experience sparked a desire to challenge the ideology being infused into the curriculum and create a cultural project called "Bad Education" to address these concerns. The speaker believes that these issues start in the upper middle class and are driven by guilt, and wonders about the ratio of young trans children in inner city schools versus posh, woke schools. Overall, the speaker is advocating for a return to traditional values in politics and education, and a focus on effective teaching rather than divisive ideologies.

    • Communicating effectively and standing up for beliefsEffective communication and standing up for beliefs are essential, but approaches can vary. Confidence in expressing opinions is crucial, while respectful dialogue leads to productive conversations.

      Effective communication and standing up for one's beliefs are crucial in raising awareness for important issues. However, the approach to doing so can vary. Some prefer a more confrontational style, while others opt for a more thoughtful and articulate approach. Both methods have their merits, and a broad church of resistance with free expression is necessary to combat dispersion of ideas. Confidence in expressing opinions is essential for children, but it's important to remember that everyone has the right to their beliefs, and respectful dialogue can lead to productive conversations. Laurence's experience with facing criticism and anxiety shows that finding what works best for oneself is essential in navigating difficult conversations and standing firm in one's convictions.

    • The importance of expressing deeply held beliefs respectfullyExpress deeply held beliefs respectfully to avoid mischaracterization and division, and encourage respectful dialogue instead.

      Holding firm on deeply held beliefs is important, but the way those beliefs are expressed can have consequences. The speaker acknowledges that there's a debate to be had about how to hold the line, but warns against giving ground on issues that matter deeply. He uses his own experiences with public reaction to his views as an example. The speaker also notes that cultural shifts, such as the increasing presence of Antifa and debates around issues like abortion, can be unsettling. He believes that expressing beliefs in a way that makes them easy for others to mischaracterize as hateful can provide ammunition to those who seek to divide. Despite being labeled a hate figure by some, the speaker remains committed to speaking openly about a range of issues and finds support from unexpected sources. Ultimately, he encourages respectful dialogue and understanding, even in the face of adversity.

    • The Volatility of Twitter: Provocative Language and Human ConnectionTwitter's volatile nature can lead to intense debates, inflammatory language, and abuse, but also offers opportunities for human connection and important discussions.

      Social media, particularly Twitter, can be a volatile platform where inflammatory language and intense debates can attract large audiences and sustained assaults. Users like Laurence Fox deliberately use provocative language to generate interest and hold strong positions, but this can also lead to a lack of human connection and an increase in abuse. Fox acknowledges the impact of such abuse on his feelings and the need to remember that everyone, including himself, is a human being deserving of respect. Despite the challenges, he values the opportunity Twitter provides to connect with a wider audience and engage in important discussions.

    • The importance of expressing ourselves and engaging in meaningful conversationsEffective communication requires respecting individuals and engaging in thoughtful, face-to-face conversations, not just text-based interactions. Absorb information from diverse sources and avoid reducing people to their online personas.

      Effective communication and understanding require more than just text-based interactions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of allowing individuals their freedom to express themselves, even if they don't align with our beliefs. He also highlights the need to engage in meaningful conversations and not reduce people to their online personas. The speaker admires the warmth, openness, and playfulness of individuals like Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman, who absorb a vast amount of information and have discussions with those holding different opinions. He believes that these qualities are essential for genuine connection and growth, and that Twitter, with its text-based nature, often fails to represent the full complexity of individuals. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a constructive approach to communication, focusing on respecting individuals and engaging in thoughtful, face-to-face conversations.

    • Expressing oneself on social media and engaging in discourseSocial media allows individuals to express themselves and engage in discourse, challenging dominant narratives or counterbalancing mainstream media perspectives. However, it's important to remember that everyone is on their own unique journey and to promote open and respectful conversations for understanding different perspectives.

      Social media platforms like Twitter can serve as personal stages where individuals express themselves and engage in discourse, often acting out roles or defending personal beliefs. For some, this can be a way to challenge dominant narratives or counterbalance mainstream media perspectives. However, it's important to remember that everyone is on their own unique journey and constantly trying to understand their goals and values. The ongoing societal discussions on various issues can sometimes lead to pressure to conform to certain opinions or language, which can create borders and purity in the discourse. Ultimately, open and respectful conversations are essential for understanding different perspectives and navigating these complex issues.

    • Cultural borders and power dynamicsThe porous cultural borders of the UK allow harmful ideologies to infiltrate society, potentially impacting mental health and debatable issues like mental health, abortion, and sexual politics. It's crucial to acknowledge and address complex power dynamics.

      The cultural border of the UK is becoming increasingly porous, allowing ideologies that prioritize power and control to infiltrate various aspects of society. This was evident in discussions about transgender rights, but it's not limited to that issue. The next battleground may be mental health, where the potential harm of restricting free speech could have severe consequences for individuals' mental wellbeing. The speaker also mentioned gray areas, such as abortion and sexual politics, that are open for debate. While acknowledging his own privilege as a white, educated man, he emphasized that it's not the only form of privilege and that the conversation should extend beyond skin color. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing the complex power dynamics at play in societal issues.

    • Understanding and Empathizing with Different OpinionsFocus on finding love and understanding for those with different opinions to create a more inclusive and equitable society

      Recognizing privilege is important, but the focus should be on what we can do to make a positive impact for those less privileged. Privilege comes in various forms, including socioeconomic and genetic, and it's a complex issue that requires constructive solutions rather than accusations and counter-accusations. It's essential to try and understand and empathize with those who hold different opinions, even if it's challenging. The ultimate goal should be to find common ground and work towards creating a more equitable society. As the Bible says, "love your enemies," and by doing so, we can listen and engage in meaningful dialogue. It's crucial to avoid getting caught up in the cycle of retaliation and instead focus on finding love and understanding for those on the other side. This will ultimately lead to more productive conversations and progress towards a more inclusive and equitable world.

    • Protecting Free Expression in a Cultural WarEmbrace open debates and diverse viewpoints to strengthen democracy, concern for Ofcom's role in free speech, and addressing younger generation's support for suppression of free expression.

      There is a cultural war ongoing, and it's essential to protect free expression as a foundation of democracy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having open debates and representing various viewpoints. The Ofcom situation with GB News and Mark Steyn was discussed, and the speaker believes that Ofcom isn't the enemy, but having the other side of the argument is crucial. The speaker also shares concerns about the younger generation's support for socialism and the suppression of free expression. The speaker's approach to these issues, although controversial, aims to bring attention to these cultural problems and encourage open discussions.

    • Overreliance on data in broadcasting can lead to misinformationBroadcasters should focus on essential information and trust reliable sources to avoid misinformation and misunderstanding of complex issues

      The overreliance on data and lack of data literacy in broadcasting can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding of complex issues. Mark Stone's misreading of data is an example of this problem, which is prevalent among commentators who jump from topic to topic without a deep understanding of each subject. The circular nature of this approach is a shame, as it hinders meaningful discussions and informed opinions. Instead, it's crucial to adopt a simplified, instinct-driven approach, focusing on essential information and trusting reliable sources. The excess deaths data during the pandemic is an example of such essential information that merits further investigation. Ultimately, the lack of conversation around this data raises questions about the motivations behind the declaration of a pandemic and the importance of critical thinking and intellectual rigor in broadcasting.

    • Underestimating COVID-19 severity leads to unexpected consequencesStay informed, use art as a tool for change, and promote open dialogue in the entertainment industry to challenge cultural norms and expose absurdity.

      Underestimating the severity of a situation, especially one as unprecedented as the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to unexpected consequences. This was the case for Lawrence, who dismissed warnings about the virus before it became a global issue. Another key point from the discussion is the role of art in challenging cultural norms and exposing the absurdity of monoculturism and "cultural Marxism." Lawrence believes that artists should use their platforms to mock and ridicule these issues rather than aligning with them. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of censorship in show business and the fear among actors and directors of expressing their true opinions due to potential backlash. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying informed, using art as a tool for change, and the need for open dialogue in the entertainment industry.

    • A debate on cancel culture and free speechThe importance of empathy, compassion, and protecting individual rights in the face of cancel culture and opposing viewpoints.

      The ongoing cultural debate surrounding free speech and cancel culture was the focus of a conversation between two individuals, Ben and Lawrence. Stephen Fry, a well-known figure, made a joke during a speech that offended some people, leading to calls for his cancellation. However, the Men's Cricket Club (MCC) reportedly pushed back against the controversy. Ben and Lawrence have differing opinions on cancel culture, with Ben expressing concern about the potential for the left and right to adopt similar purity spirals. They both agree that individuals should have the right to choose their words and think for themselves, while acknowledging the validity of opposing viewpoints. Ultimately, the conversation emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, and protecting the rights of all individuals, even those with opposing viewpoints. The speakers encourage understanding and love for others, even when it may be difficult, and the value of resisting external pressure to conform to specific ideologies.

    • The tactics of wokeness can be concerningWokeness promotes inclusivity but its tactics can be disingenuous, intellectually corrupt, and lead to a cycle of revenge and intolerance. Strive for open and respectful dialogue instead.

      While there are valuable aspects to the ideology of wokeness, such as inclusivity and making the world a better place, it's the tactics used to promote it that are concerning. These tactics can be disingenuous and intellectually corrupt, and they use extreme measures to silence opposing viewpoints. The fear is that these tactics, which have become more prevalent, could lead to a dangerous cycle of revenge and intolerance. Instead, we should strive for open and respectful dialogue, recognizing that all people, regardless of their beliefs, are valuable and deserving of respect. Ultimately, it's important to remember that we are all fundamentally simple creatures, capable of growth and improvement, and that love and forgiveness should be at the core of our interactions with others.

    • Shifting Cultural Landscape and the Future of FilmThe cultural landscape is polarizing, leading to a potential vacuum for apolitical art. However, technology makes film production more accessible, leading to an increase in independent films.

      The cultural landscape is shifting towards more politically charged art, with the mainstream trending left and emerging right-wing productions. This polarization may lead to a vacuum for apolitical art. However, advancements in technology are making film production more accessible, leading to an increase in independent films. Despite the potential demise of Hollywood as we know it, art cannot be suppressed. The future may see a rise in independent filmmaking and a shift away from the Hollywood bubble. Ultimately, the importance of diverse perspectives and honest conversations in art remains paramount.

    • Leaders and Corporations Use Different Strategies to Appeal to Audiences and Maintain PowerPolitical and business leaders employ distinct tactics to win public favor and consolidate power, with Putin exploiting anti-elite sentiment and Disney continuing socially conscious content for financial backing from China. Long-term perspectives and contextual understanding are crucial in interpreting their actions.

      Political and business leaders, like Vladimir Putin and corporations such as Disney, use various strategies to appeal to their audiences and maintain power. Putin, for instance, exploits anti-elite sentiment in the West by attacking "wokeness" and culture to gain support. Disney, despite losing billions, continues to produce socially conscious content due to financial backing from China. These leaders' long-term perspectives and ability to consolidate power give them an advantage over democratic leaders with short-term thinking. This discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding context in interpreting complex issues, such as geopolitics and cultural production.

    • Leadership in Times of Crisis: Trade-offs and ComplexitiesDuring crises, strong leadership is vital, but it comes with trade-offs. Historical examples show that democratic systems may shift to dictatorships, and internal struggles often precede external conflicts. The shield and sword approaches to conflict resolution are crucial to consider.

      During times of crisis, strong leadership can offer significant advantages. Thomas Sowell once said, "There are no solutions, only trade-offs." In historical contexts, such as wars, countries have often shifted away from democratic systems and appointed dictators to lead them through challenging situations. Moreover, it's essential to recognize that conflict doesn't always need to be pursued actively. Instead, it may come to us, and we must be prepared to face internal struggles before addressing external ones. Additionally, the concept of defense versus attack, or the shield versus the sword, is crucial in understanding the importance of both approaches. Ultimately, it's essential to navigate these complexities and consider the various perspectives on leadership and conflict resolution.

    • Join our membership program for exclusive content and perksListeners can support creators and enhance their listening experience by joining the membership program for additional benefits, including ad-free listening and early access to episodes.

      To access exclusive episodes or join our membership program, listeners can simply click the membership link in the podcast description or find the link on their preferred podcast listening app. This membership offers additional benefits, such as ad-free listening, early access to episodes, and other perks. By joining, listeners not only support the creators of the podcast but also enhance their overall listening experience. It's a win-win situation for both the listeners and the creators. So, if you're an avid listener and want to enjoy more content and perks, consider becoming a member today.

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    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”

    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”
    Ben Shapiro is an American political commentator, columnist, author, attorney and businessman. He is editor emeritus for The Daily Wire, a media company he co-founded, and the host of The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show. He is the author of 16 books. Find Ben on X: https://x.com/benshapiro Find Ben on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BenShapiro  Check out the Daily Wire: https://dailywire.com/ APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Watch the Munk Debate: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream: https://bit.ly/munk_debate. Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 29, 2024

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    - Employee experience begins with the hiring process, orientation, and onboarding.
    - Intentionally leading with empathy will help you lead your team the way they want to be led.
    - Communicate in a way the informs withour overwhelming.
    - Understanding the different generations in the workplace will help you lead them better.
    - Create welcoming and inclusive environments will help attract and retain top talent.


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    Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations to IGNITE THEIR SERVICE using his common sense approach to Customer engagement.  Tony has spoken to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to unlock their amazing capacity for excellence.


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    S2E11 [全英文特輯] How to cultivate kindness in children through education? ft. Afrikindness

    S2E11 [全英文特輯] How to cultivate kindness in children through education? ft. Afrikindness
    (此集為全英文訪談 This episode was hosted in English) 哈囉!我們最近與 Afrikindness 的創始人進行了一次精彩的對話,這是一家總部位於英國的非營利組織,致力於通過教育培養兒童的善良。在我們的採訪中,我們了解了 Afrikindness 在幫助孩子培養同理心、同情心和了解尊重他人方面所做的努力。 通過教導善良的重要性,來讓孩子們能充滿正向能量並更具有社會責任。如果你有興趣了解更多關於善良教育的重要性,以及如何參與支持,請務必收聽我們最新的一集的節目。 讓我們一起傳播善意! Hey, friends! We recently had an amazing conversation with the founder of Afrikindness, a UK-based non-profit organization that is dedicated to cultivating kindness in children through education. During our interview, we learned about the incredible work that Afrikindness is doing to help children develop empathy, compassion, and respect for others. By teaching kindness through education, they're creating a generation of socially responsible individuals who prioritize kindness above all else. If you're interested in learning more about the importance of kindness education and how you can get involved in supporting this amazing cause, be sure to tune in to our latest podcast episode. Let's spread kindness together! 受訪團體:Afrikindness Facebook/ Instagram: @afrikindness Website: https://afrikindness.org/ 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/0b0f6n Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    The Sunday Read: ‘The Safe Space That Became a Viral Nightmare’

    The Sunday Read: ‘The Safe Space That Became a Viral Nightmare’

    In September 2021, a group of female minority students at Arizona State University confronted two white male students who were studying in the library’s multicultural center.

    The women were upset with what they saw as blatant antagonism: One of the men sported a “Didn’t Vote for Biden” shirt, the other had a “Police Lives Matter” laptop sticker. The women felt they had chosen the multicultural center in order to rile them. A heated row between both parties erupted, a video of which quickly went viral, threatening to upend the lives of all involved.

    For The New York Times, Sarah Viren, a journalist and essayist, explored the incident in the context of “the widening gyre of the culture wars.” The row at Arizona State was, she explained, “a symbolic fight,” one that raised questions of “wokeism” and “free speech,” the perils of viral videos, and the purpose of “safe spaces.”

    “It was a brief drama that was also a metaphor,” Ms. Viren wrote. “But watching and rewatching that drama unfold from my computer, I kept asking myself: a metaphor for what?”

    This story was written by Sarah Viren and recorded by Audm. To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android.