
    Lead With Empathy | Marketing for the Now #6

    enJuly 18, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Challenges with Strong LeadershipEffective leadership requires maneuverability and a strong DNA structure, even in large organizations like Toyota with over 100,000 employees. Personal connections and Gary Vaynerchuk's leadership have been influential.

      Jack Hollis, the Group VP and GM of Toyota Motor North America, shares Gary Vaynerchuk's admiration for strong leadership, especially in the context of navigating challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and driving innovation in large organizations. Hollis emphasized the importance of maneuverability and DNA structure for effective leadership, highlighting the difficulties of making changes in large companies like Toyota with a global workforce of over 100,000 employees. He also acknowledged the significance of Gary's leadership and the impact of their personal connection, which began on a panel and grew into a strong professional and personal relationship. Throughout the conversation, Jack's experience and insights into leadership, particularly in the context of Toyota and the automotive industry, provided valuable insights for listeners.

    • Authentic leadership and strong relationshipsAuthentic leaders build trust through integrity and help others succeed. Empathetic relationships are essential for progress and positive impact.

      Authentic leadership and strong relationships are crucial in navigating challenges, whether in a corporate setting or in personal life. Authentic leaders are people of integrity who consistently live up to their words and values. They help others succeed and find value in their interactions. Relationships, built on empathy and putting others first, are essential for getting things done and creating a positive impact. Continuous learning and development are key to becoming a better leader and relationship builder. Pride can hinder growth, so it's essential to keep an open mind and put others' needs before your own.

    • The Power of Giving in RelationshipsGiving more than you take in relationships leads to mutual benefits and success. Provide encouragement, knowledge, and motivation to build strong relationships and help others succeed.

      Giving more than you take in relationships, whether personal or professional, leads to mutual benefits and ultimate success. Jack, the speaker in this discussion, emphasizes the importance of this principle, which he calls "5149," where one gives 51 points and takes 49. He believes that when you give more than you take, you not only fulfill yourself but also gain the leverage and trust of the other person. Jack also shared his experience of helping his dealers during the challenging times by providing them with encouragement, knowledge, and motivation to stay profitable and provide the best guest experience. By leaning into his strengths and giving himself away, Jack was able to build strong relationships and help his dealers succeed. Overall, this discussion highlights the power of giving and selflessness in building successful relationships and leading effectively.

    • Navigating challenges through adaptability and innovationStay agile, focus on the present, and find opportunities in the current situation instead of dwelling on the past or future uncertainties.

      Adaptability and innovation are key to navigating challenges, especially for businesses. Erica Nardini, the CEO of Barstool Sports, shared how her company pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic by going back to its roots and using limited resources to create content and provide an escape for people. She emphasized the importance of staying present and focusing on the current situation rather than dwelling on the past or future uncertainties. Barstool Sports saw significant growth during this time, including their biggest months in commerce ever, by adapting to the new environment and finding new ways to monetize their content. Entrepreneurs and executives can learn from this approach by staying agile, focusing on the present, and looking for opportunities in the current situation instead of dwelling on what was lost or what might come next.

    • Consumer behavior shift towards online shopping and unique items during pandemicPandemic led to increased online shopping for unique, limited-edition items like sports betting and collectibles. Commoditized products may be negatively impacted, while nostalgia and collection will become more popular.

      The pandemic has led to a shift in consumer behavior towards online shopping and a desire for unique, limited-edition items. This trend is particularly noticeable in areas like sports betting and collectibles. The speaker, who is the CEO of Barstool Sports, discussed how they have been building their sports betting brand, Barstool Sportsbook, with Penn National and focusing on creating an unconventional and authentic user experience. The speaker also shared their personal observation of increased online shopping during the pandemic, particularly for items like air plants and sports cards. They believe that commoditized products will be the most negatively impacted coming out of the pandemic, and that nostalgia and collection will become more popular. The speaker also reflected on how the pandemic has caused stress and exposed underlying issues, but ultimately, it may lead to long-term positive changes. The speaker and the CEO of Barstool share a common obsession with nostalgia and the emotional connection it provides.

    • Understanding and catering to consumer demandsNavigate corporate world with unconventional founders and businesses, adapt to consumer trends, and prioritize community for success.

      Despite the challenges of navigating the corporate world with unconventional founders and businesses, such as Barstool Sports, it's essential to understand and cater to consumer demands. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of community and creating micro-level support systems, as seen in the success of initiatives like The Run Club. Innovation and evolution are key, and those who are open-minded and willing to adapt will thrive. Jabari Hearn, VP of Brand at Lyft, emphasizes the importance of living a committed life, both personally and professionally, and working towards increasing diversity across media and marketing.

    • Leading with authenticity and action during challenging timesStay focused on helping others and staying true to the mission, even during hardships. Avoid grand statements without meaningful actions and prioritize genuine efforts towards making a positive impact.

      Authenticity and action are key when it comes to leadership, especially during challenging times. Gary B. from Lyft shared his personal experiences of dealing with the impact of COVID-19 and social unrest on both a personal and professional level. He emphasized the importance of focusing on helping others and staying true to the mission of the company, even during hardships. Furthermore, Gary expressed his concerns about leaders making grand statements without following through with meaningful actions. He advised organizations to avoid focusing on vanity metrics and instead prioritize genuine efforts towards making a positive impact. Ultimately, Gary's perspective highlights the importance of staying grounded, remaining committed to the mission, and leading with authenticity and action.

    • From intern to leader: Making the most of opportunitiesSeize opportunities, work hard, make a good impression, focus on current role, be gracious to allies and mentors

      Every role, no matter how small, presents an opportunity for growth and progress. The speaker shared how they started in advertising as an intern and eventually rose to leadership positions, all because they worked hard and made a good impression. They also emphasized the importance of allies and mentors who took a chance on them, even when they were the only person of color in the room. The speaker's unique background, including being born in a communist country and being traded for resources, further highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and making the most of them. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to focus on their current role and making the most of it, rather than worrying about the next step. They also emphasized the importance of being gracious and recognizing the role that allies and mentors play in one's career success.

    • Focusing on human connection and mentorship for diversity and inclusionEmphasize human connection and mentorship to build strong, inclusive communities in organizations, prioritize senior leadership support, and adopt structured approaches to diversity and inclusion initiatives.

      During these challenging times, it's essential to focus on human connection and mentorship to foster diversity, inclusion, and growth within organizations. The speakers shared their experiences of adapting to new behaviors, such as being more present and empathetic in virtual environments. They emphasized the importance of mentoring and being mentored by senior leaders to create a supportive and inclusive culture. Jabari also highlighted the need to focus on those at the top of the organizational pyramid and the potential benefits of structured approaches to diversity and inclusion initiatives. By prioritizing human connection and mentorship, organizations can build strong, inclusive communities that thrive in uncertain times.

    • Discovering the Value of Nextdoor in Building CommunityNextdoor enables offline connections and fosters community through sharing resources, engaging with local businesses, and building relationships in specific geographic areas, contributing to the vitality of neighborhoods in an increasingly digital world.

      Nextdoor is a unique social media platform designed to connect individuals and communities within specific geographic areas. Founded in response to the growing disconnection between neighbors in a digital age, Nextdoor aims to enable offline connections and foster a sense of community. Miriam Banakarom, the head of marketing for Nextdoor, shared her personal experience of discovering the platform and the value she gained from it, particularly in her new neighborhood in New York City. Through Nextdoor, individuals can build relationships, share resources, and engage with local businesses, public agencies, and nonprofits, creating a vibrant ecosystem that contributes to the vitality of their neighborhoods. Miriam emphasized the importance of physical connection and the role of Nextdoor in enabling that in an increasingly digital world. Her personal connection to the platform and its mission underscores the potential for meaningful, real-life relationships and community building through technology.

    • Connecting neighbors and fostering communityNextdoor facilitates local connections, offering practical benefits and social engagement, making it a unique social media platform for small businesses to reach customers and foster community support.

      Nextdoor's unique value proposition lies in its ability to connect neighbors in a meaningful way, creating a neighborhood ecosystem that goes beyond just friendship. This proximity-based social media platform offers both practical benefits, such as finding local services or support, and social connections. For small businesses, Nextdoor provides an instant distribution channel to reach their local customers, fostering community engagement and support. During COVID-19, the platform has adapted by enabling GoFundMe campaigns, takeout menus, and local business postings. Additionally, the recent launch of "Sell for Good" allows users to sell unwanted items and donate the proceeds to local nonprofits. Through these features, Nextdoor facilitates neighborhood revitalization and fosters a sense of community that is particularly important during times of crisis. Overall, the platform's focus on local connections and practical benefits sets it apart from other social media platforms.

    • Pivoting quickly to meet needs and finding joy in authenticityDuring uncertain times, prioritize agility, creativity, and personal time. Authenticity and vulnerability foster deeper connections.

      Organizations and individuals can be more agile and responsive when faced with real needs. This was evident during the pandemic when companies pivoted quickly to meet the needs of their customers. However, it's important to also make space for creativity and personal time in the midst of the chaos. Working from home has presented new challenges, and it's essential to find ways to decompress and share things that bring joy. Authenticity and vulnerability have become more valued in this new format, allowing people to connect on a deeper level. In a new role, it's essential to observe, learn, and adapt, and not be afraid to show vulnerability. The pandemic has forced us all to be more open and honest, and it's important to embrace the messiness of life. Overall, it's crucial to stay focused on solving needs and making meaningful connections.

    • Managing Oreo's global and US business: Balancing short-term realities with long-term brand successWorking on Oreo, a beloved brand, requires balancing immediate sales with long-term brand growth, and adapting to e-commerce trends through innovation and flexibility.

      Working on an iconic brand like Oreo, both on a global and local level, provides unique perspectives and rewards. The speaker shared their experience of transitioning from managing Oreo's global business to leading it in the US market. They highlighted the importance of balancing short-term commercial realities with long-term brand success and the joy of working on a brand that brings genuine happiness to people. Additionally, the speaker discussed the significant growth of e-commerce sales for Oreo during the pandemic and the importance of adapting to meet the needs of e-commerce shoppers through innovation and flexibility.

    • Consumer behavior shifts during pandemicPeople buy more online, stream more content, discover new products/services, face challenges with work-life balance, and embrace vulnerability in remote work.

      The pandemic has led to a significant shift in consumer behavior, particularly in areas like e-commerce and media consumption. People are buying more online, especially groceries and clothing, and are streaming more content at home. For some, this change has brought unexpected joys, like discovering new products or services, while for others, it has presented challenges, such as managing the blurred lines between work and home life. As a leader, embracing vulnerability and creating an open environment have become crucial in maintaining team connection during this time of remote work. Overall, the pandemic has accelerated trends that were already underway, and it will be interesting to see how these changes continue to shape our daily lives post-pandemic.

    • Leading through empathy and creating open environmentsEmpathize with team members during challenging times, check in regularly, and provide resources to help those struggling. Invite external guests and encourage networking opportunities for new team members.

      During challenging times, it's essential for leaders to show empathy and create an open environment where team members can share their experiences and seek support. Even if things are going well for some, not everyone is experiencing the same situation. Leaders should make an effort to check in with their team members regularly and provide resources to help those who may be struggling. Additionally, joining a new organization during a pandemic presents unique challenges, such as the absence of spontaneous, unplanned interactions. To mitigate this, leaders can invite external guests to team meetings and encourage networking opportunities outside of the team. Nick Tran, the new global head of marketing at TikTok, shared his experience of joining the company during the pandemic and the unexpected benefits and challenges that came with it.

    • TikTok's Commitment to Making a Positive ImpactTikTok's leadership prioritized empathy and action during the pandemic and BLM protests, supporting causes and collaborating with creators to raise funds for charities.

      TikTok is more than just a marketing platform; it's a company deeply committed to making a positive impact on the world. During the pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests, TikTok's leadership prioritized empathy and action over business concerns. They supported various causes, including COVID relief efforts and UNICEF, and were open to collaborating with creators to raise funds for charities. Despite being a China-owned company in a politically charged environment, the speaker was not daunted by the potential negative attention and instead focused on the company's global mission of empathy and passion. For those aspiring to succeed in marketing or entrepreneurship, the speaker's success can be attributed to a combination of hard work, ambition, and the right opportunities. The speaker's advice for those watching is to stay focused on their goals and be open to new opportunities, even if they come with challenges.

    • The Shape of a First-Generation Immigrant's Career JourneyDetermination, adaptability, and believing in oneself are crucial for success. Embracing unexpected passions and opportunities, entering a company at the right time, and having trusting, empowering leaders are also key factors.

      The experiences of being a first-generation immigrant and having to hustle to keep up with established Americans have shaped the speaker's perspective on life and career. He values the freedom to innovate and the support of leaders who embrace his unique contributions. Another key takeaway is the importance of entering a company at the right time and having leaders who trust and empower you. The speaker's success at Hulu can be attributed to these factors, as well as his ability to understand and influence culture. During the pandemic, the speaker has been surprised by his obsession with buying sports cards on eBay, but sees it as a reminder to embrace unexpected passions and opportunities. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of determination, adaptability, and the power of believing in oneself.

    • Embracing unconventional ideas can lead to valuable investmentsStay open-minded, trust experts, and consider new trends for potential opportunities. Network and experiment to stay ahead of the curve.

      Staying open-minded and trusting the expertise of others can lead to valuable investments and opportunities. This was exemplified in a conversation between two individuals, where one presented the idea of investing in sports cards, which initially seemed unconventional but ultimately proved to be profitable. This story underscores the importance of not dismissing seemingly out-of-the-box ideas and instead, considering the source and doing some research before making a judgment. The speed of innovation, as shown by the rise of TikTok, also plays a role in staying ahead of the curve and embracing new trends. It's important to have a network of trusted individuals who have their pulse on various aspects of culture and to be willing to experiment and lean in when a potential opportunity arises.

    • A unique and inspiring community for creative expression and joyDiscover a platform where creativity thrives, innovation abounds, and joy is the norm. Engage in meaningful conversations with a diverse lineup of guests and register for the next episode with ease.

      The discussed platform is not just a business, but a community where people can express themselves creatively and bring joy to others. The company is constantly innovating and improving, creating a positive and uplifting environment that stands out from other platforms. The speakers on the marketing podcast expressed their appreciation for the serendipitous lineup of guests and the engaging conversations. The community is impacting culture at scale and creating a "nice happy corner of the Internet." The platform is a place to have fun and feel good, with upcoming topics including dating, shopping, entertainment, travel, news, and fake news, featuring brands like Hinge, Airbnb, Levi's, Uber, and the News Literacy Project, as well as Stephanie McMahon from WWE. To register for the next episode, listeners can simply click the registration link provided as they're signing off, making the process seamless and convenient. Overall, the platform and podcast represent a unique and inspiring space where people can connect, learn, and be entertained.

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    Connect with Tom: 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasvozzo/

    Tom's Book - The Homeboy Way

    Homeboy Industries

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/homeboy-industries/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/HomeboyInd

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homeboyindustries/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HomeboyIndustries


    Connect with Susan Morgan Bailey
    Email: Susan.Bailey@marshmma.com 
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/